The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 17, 1904, Image 1

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When You Get a Check
yon are sore to regard the sender with
respect. That is exactly how people
will regard you if yoc pay by check.
There is nothing that insures a man's
standing like a bank account.
The First National Bank
will aid you to attain this standing. It
will open an account with you upon a
first deposit. After that your feeling
of self-respect and imtortance will lead
you to increase it. It in handy and safe.
Time Table.
St. Joseph,
Kansas City,
St. Louis and all
points Bast and
Salt Lake City,
San Fran Cisco
and all points
No. 22 IWwdkhi-. daily xrpt Humlay. 7:25 a. in
No. 32 Arcomuiodutioti, daily n-t
tiatunlay 40 p. m
tumnh AlilllVK.
No. 21 I'aNaenirT.'lailyexrppt Sunday. 8.r.0 p. iu
No. 31 ArnuuiiKHiation, daily except
Hundity 1:80 p. ir
No. 12, Oiicaxo Hcial 4J" n. m.
No. 4, Atlantic Exiirves 4:10 m. in.
No. 8. Columtm Local Iv i:ITi a. m.
No. 102, Kant Mail !' i. in.
No. tf. Eastern Kxiinfi 2:2"! p. in.
No. 2,Ovtrland Limited 535 p. in.
No 5, Pacific Kxprcn
No ll.lVtlo. Hnial
No. 101, Vwl Mail...
No. 1, Owrland Liiuitrtl
No. 3, California Kxpn
No. 7, Otltimlui Im'jiI
No. 2d, Freight
No. A3, linswrer
No. l, Mixixl
... .. p n.
...12.1(1 a. in.
...12:10 p in
... '? p. Ill
... USCi p. in.
... ;to a. in.
... 7:10 p. m
7:15 a. iu.
...12:50 p in.
... 7:00 p. in.
Mistd ...
No. 09, I'aHHeujier..
No. 73, Mixed
:10p. in.
t::i0a. in.
Arrivo in.
b.-OO p. ui.
No. "0, PacwinKiT
No. 74, Mixd ..................
Norfolk php-wiikit trains run daily.
No trains uu Albion ami Spalding Lnincli
Columbus Iocal daily except Sunday.
V. 11. Hemiah. Acent.
Kepr.eutatiie JosNV.ltKNPK
Oorfc loiiNtiinF
Sheritl t'liuu.KsJ.t'uiuiii
BuperinU'udaul L. II I tewv
Assessor loiiN.l.ti w.l.KV
Jud 'Oils l:TTKUMS
Trwi-uivr 1iuk A. Ilnio.u
Clerk. f Dihtrict Court ( M. IJihtkntiiku
'oronT E. II. Mm.
Survojor It. 1. Kossitku
Dirt. 1 J ousMJoktz. Chairman
lliat.2 1'K-IKIl
lKrt.3 Mmiikw DiiTiiifil
lliitt.4 ElllSK Kikiinvn
lit..r. I:iidoi.I'h C. Mri i.rii
Dirt 6-7 U'tlis lln.K. i:..l.
U. S. Sksatoun Charles 11. Dietrich, 1. II.
Mrmiikh ik, 3d Disthict, J. J.
(oernor. Johti II. Mickey: Scretar' Stale,
tieortni W.Mnih; Auditor, I liarliM II. Wexton;
'lreaiurr. P. Mortenson; Attorney (Seuenil.
Frank X. Pmut; Supernitemlent I'ulilir ln-lnic-tion.
William K. Fowler; Coumiitiotitr Pulilic
Land. UeorKa 1. Fidlmcr.
teck. J. It. Iteetler.
Skn tor W. A. Way.
UKi'BiwrjrTTivit2tTU Distuipt -J.W.ltendcr
Flovt ltm'Byt.NTTivK K. K. Fellers.
'01UE(JATI0SAL-S.illiath hcIiiniI. 9:43 h.
in. Preachinn. II a. in. and S p. m. J utiior En
deavor, 3AW p. in. Senior Endeavor, 7:00
p. m. Prater ineetiuc Thursilay, SAW p. in
Ladiea Auxiliary, tiit Wednesday in each month
at 3W p. m. . A. Musuo. Pa-t4r.
PHESBVTEIUAN-SaWjath ScIhhiI. 9:13 a.m.
Serniou, 11(0 a. m. Senior Endeavor, 7.-00 p. in.
Evniui; wenuon, W p. in. Prajer meetini: and
tudy of the SabtMth tchonl lesion, ) p. m.
WX.TKH N. HIJiKV. l'.L-tr.
METHODIST Preacliinp. II a. m. ami 8 i. in.
Suuday school. 12:00. in. Junior U-acue, Sa) p.
in. Epworth Le4ne, 70 p. in. Prajerineetinc,
Thursday. S W p. m. Ladia Aid Society every
otle:r We4ineday at 2) p. in.
. A. Lrr D. D.. Pastor.
OEUMAN KEFOKMED-SunJay School, "jto
.ui. PreachitK. 10-30 :u m. Endeavor. 7 M p.
in. Ltdiea iiuild, fii-t Tliiimlay inich uiontli.
2 JO p. ui. It:v. Nirx HKKU. Pat4r.
BAPTIST Sundir School. I0AW a. m. Sermon
il0 a. m. Junior 15. Y. P. U.,34Mp.m. St
Bion. ts:00 p. ui. i'rayr uivtiiur. 7) p. 111.
Kkv. K. J. Ulmkr, P:ttor.
UIUCE EPISCOPAL lw celebration. SAW
a. m. SumKy SchxI. 10M a. in. Preaching, EeuiiiKsrvice. SaM p. in. St. An
drews Brother, second Tuesday of each month.
Daoctiters tif th Kinn. second Tu.l:iy of each
maotli. Ladies Guild, second We.luesday of
each month. Kkv. W. A. C ish. Ktor.
Sunday School. 2 p. in. Ladies Society m.t't.-.
oaa Thursday in each month.
Kkv. H. MiESM-KU, Pastor.
services, uuuw and sermon at H, f and lOiin
o'clock. Sunday school and benediction at 3
o'clock. The o'clock mass is given in Polish
and the s o'clock mass alternately in German and
English. Week day mass etery morning at
o'clock. Fridays at 3:45 'clock. station and
benediction. Confessions beard from 4 to t
o'clock Saturday ami from 7 to 9 on Sunday
BKXnins. Confessions also Sunday morning be
fore & oVlock mass.
FathkbTueobvld Kai.ashj.. Priest.
IQgMeeU in Odd Fellows hall, second and
fearta Wednesday of each month. Mrs. Maad
DaMoU, aoble grand; Mrs. Fairchild, secretary.
THUbNELDA No. 12. O. D. H. S. meets ttie
agcoad aad fonrth Monday of eich month in K.
ef p. sail. Alois Maier, president and J. H.
jessaass, acretaiT.
v.otA. No. an. xeet secoBi ami rourtn
Zl iu K. of P. LalL Louis Held. V. C
tfWYMDENTAL LODGE, No. a. K.of P.-Meef
Zw Wedaeaday in K. P. halL J. M. Curtis. C
T P. J. awusarej. aecrcuuy.
WILD Ex lAfuut wo. . . m. v. r. aieei
---yTamir-r Odd Fellow halt J. E. Paul,
OVAL HIOBLANDKBS. No. 144.-Met first
-wTr.jZZ swath. Odd Fellows halt Carl
r. c., Peter Lscasinger, secretary.
g22'aB4 third Monday is Odd Fellow.
wiflissjs Feiichild, C. P.. J. M. Curtis,
Qaestlea er Vetiaj; Bead Still Opea
to Argmmeat- No Action Uatil
Committee Reports.
The streets of Columbus nre still in
ilarkness and are likely to remain so
for several weeks. The city council
are determined not to act hastily and
will take no definite action toward
bonding the city until from careful
investigation they feel that their
course will ha based npon a sound
foundation. At the special meeting
of the council last Friday night, an
ordinance passed the second reading,
calliug for the submission of the ques
tion of bonding the city. It was be
lieved by the council at the time and
by those who signed tho petitions
asking for the submission of the ques
tion, that after tho question of city
ownership should be decided, it would
be left for the council and the citi
zens to determine whether gas or elec
tricity should bo used for lighting
purposes. But attorney Cornelius ad
vises the council that if they want to
establish a gas plant instead of elec
tricity, they will have to use a special
form of ietitiou, spocifying that tho
signers thereof favor the submission
of the question of establishing a gas
plant to a voto of tho people.
In view of tho difforenco of opinion
existing ns to the relativo merits of
gas and electricity, tho council there
fore decided toupiointa committee to
investigate tho two systems and to
table the ordiunuce already before
them until after this committee re
Iiorts. Councilman Cialley, Greisen
and Gray constitute this commmittee
and they will begin their work soon
and push it as fast as is comiatiblo
with thoroughness. They will visit
cities of about the si.o of Columbus
that operate their own plauts aud make
a personal inspection of plants and
conditions in general. One member
of this committee gave it as his
opinion that a gas plant of sufficient
capacity to tiotu light aud heat Co
lumbus would cost from &:o,00O to
f 10,000. If this view is correct, the
city ownorship of a gas plant may be
entirely out of tho quesiton. At all
events, no action whatever can be
taken nutil after the committee's re
port. Meanwhile, Columbus citizens
should bo doing some thinking aud
investigating for themselves in order
to be able to act promptly aud wise
ly when tho time comes for action.
All are agreed that wo want tho cheap
est aud bost .system attainable. If the
committee can ascertain what system
fulfills these requirements, it will
not tako the people long to do the test.
Saaday Blaze.
A small fire in Jones' bakery lost
Sunday afternoon gavo the firo boys
uu opportunity to do some quick and
effective work. The blaze started
from a gasolino stove in the kitchen
of tho bakery shop. Mr. Jones picked
the stove up and carried it to the door,
but it was blazing so fiercely that he
could not get it out of the door, but
finally was compelled to drop it in a
shed which adjoins the building and
in which flour and othor materials
are kept.. Tho fire department re
sponded quickly to the alarm and the
blazo was extinguished after consid
erable damage had been done to the
roof of tho kitchen and tho furnitnre
and stock of material". The loss has
not ycP been ascertained, bat it is
covered by insurance. Mrs. Jones
had been sick in bed and had just got
up n few minutes beforo the fire start
ed. The stovo exploded after it was
carried out into the shed. Mrs. Jones
said that Jho fire department got on
the ground in a temarkably short time
after the alarm was given, and that
their work was very effective in ex
tinguishing the firo.
Real Estate Transfers.
Becher, Ilockenberger aud Cham
bers, real estate agents, report the fol
lowing real estate transfers filed for
record in the office of the county clerk
during the week ending Aug. 13, 1104 :
P. E. & M. V. R. R. Co. to C & K.
Vf. Ry Co., roadbed of F. E. & M.
V. R. R. Co.,qcd, fl.00; A. L. Henry
to Wm. H. Benham. It I in blk "C",
Becher's subdivision of O. L. No. S to
Columbus, Neb., wd. $2200. 00. ; C. J.
Wagner to W. E. Cole s2 sw 30-18-2
W. qcd, f 1.00; D. Thomas et al to J.
Greisen, sw 31-19-2 W, 2o se 30-19-3,
Sll.tiOl; Alice Lawless to Francis
Behan. s2 se 29-18-1 W, wd, fJSOO;
Dan Ilolloran to Cath. Finch, Us C
and 7b bl 2, Hope and. Lindsay, S250.
Boone County Fair.
We are in receipt of the 20th annual
premium list of the Boone County Fair
to bo held at Albion. September 27 to
30, inclusive. There are no better
grounds in tho state, supplied with an
abundance of good water.
The track has been put in A 1 con
dition. Horsemen are invited to
come and comitate for the liberal parse
The exhibit of thorough bred stock
wjll be second only to the state fair.
The reputation of this fair is state
Ample provision for entertainment.
Yon are invited to attend.
Through the Journal we wish to
announce to the public that we have
recently appointed Mr. R. W. Saley,
manager of the Auditorium Music Co. ,
as distributing agent for this sectioa
for the Melville Clark pianos and
Apollo piaao players.
St Melville Clark Piaao Co.
New Awte,
Howard Clark pulled into Colum
bus Saturday night at eight o'clock
with a new "Oidsmobile." Mr. and
Mrs. Clarke left here last week for a
few weeks ontiug at Lake Okoboji,
and Howard's friends have been hav
ing visions of him basking in the cool
waters of tho lake in a bathing suit.
But the truth is that the alluring ad
vertising of certain antomobile manu
facturers had been haunting Howard's
mind for months and Mrs. Clark was
able to keep him wi th her at the lake
only two days. He hastened to Omaha
last Tuesday and remained there until
Saturday, practicing with his new
machine until he could tnrn right
angles, going at thirty miles an hour.
Then he came home, and since his
return has brought happiness to his
friends by taking them out to demon
strate to them tho spiritual advan
tagos of looking at the crops from a
fast-moving automobiiile that sends
thrills up and down your spine as you
turn corners with only two wheels
on the ground. The new machino is
run by a ten horse power gasolino en
gine, has two seats, can make thirty
miles an hour on good roads and is
comparatively noiseless in operation.
And by the way, Howard is an artist
as chaffeur. He handles his machine
like a veteran and he knows how to
meet and pass farm teams to give
them the least possible fright. This
fact will bo appreciated by Flatto
county farmers who have a horror of
meeting the average uutoinobilist on
tho road.
Papiln Recital.
The music pupils of Mrs. C. .1. Gur
low gave a recital last Wednesday after
noon at Mrs. Garlow's home. Re
frehsments were served, and the fol
lowing program was rendered:
fiano: Esther Fricko, "My Mamma's
Waltz." Streabbog;
Mabel Penscbel. "Soldiers' March,'.'
Schumann ;
Pearl Faulk, "First Waltz," from
Matbew's Studies ;
Lillian Weldiu "In the Country. J
Elsie Berger, "Adieu to tho Piano."
Beethoven ;
Nannie Frazell, "Meditation,"
Morrison ;
Bertha Ohapin, "Pilgrim::' March,"
Nevia ;
Mercedes Lisco, "In the Gondola "
Bendal ;
Edna Beardsley, "Second Mazurka,"
Godard ;
Gweudolyn Garlow, "Song in the
Heart," ' Renard ;
Voice : A If red Penschel,' For You. ' '
Gwendolyn Garlow, "There, Littlo
Girl. Don't Cry," Norris.
The Ckaataisa Pacer.
"Dan Patch," the world's prem
ium pacer, who will go against time
at the Nebraska State Fair on Tues
day, August 30th, was led into his
special car at Savage, Minnesota, on
July 30th, to be shipped to Indian
apolis, where he will make his firsi
public appearance this year on August
"Cobweb," the runner, who is to
set the pace for the champion in his
record-breaking exhibits, also got
aboard the same car and will accom
pany Dan on his long tonr.
The special car which has just been
fitted up for Dan Patch is a handsome
affair and is due to prove quito an
attraction. It is painted in immacu
late white, has gold and aluminum
trimmings and the furnishings include
all the comforts that can be provided
for a horse. On either side of the car
are life-size paintings of the champ
ion. These are in gilt frames and are
protected from the ravages of the
weather by heavy plate glass. Inside
are also sleeping apartments for Care
taker Plummer and his assistants.
Farewell Party.
Forty-eight friends and neighbors
of Mr. and Mrs. Wrin gathered at
their home lost Saturday evening, to
enjoy a social visit with and extend
wishes for future prosperity aud
happiness to Mr. and Mrs. Wrin in
their future home. The gathering
was a complete surprise to the host
and hostess. A most pleasant evening
was enjoyed by all. present Mr. and
Mrs. Wrin were early settlers in this
community, their store and residence
being among the first erected in our
thriving village. During a period of
eighteen years in business here they
have made a host of friends and few
if any, enemies. They have been hon
orable and courteous in business and
kind and hospitable socially, and they
with their sons John and Will, will
be greatly missed in the community.
Columbus has gained and we have
lost excellent citizens. Farnam Echo.
District Court.
Four cases were filed with the clerk
of the district court last week. Chas.
M. Taylor and John R. Luteluschen
sues Mrs. J .R. Kinnan of Polk coun
ty on a contract for cattle bought by
them but which it is alleged she re
fuses to deliver. The amount of the
claim is 9500.
Albert and Hobart sue J6n H. Ker
senbrcok on notes amounting to about
$400. given by him for legal services
H. S. Elliott sues Wm. L. Oock and
Anna Cook for money due him on a
certain mortgage oa town lots on
which he asks foreclosure. The mort
gage is for $300.
Abraham Pslmateer prays for the
paritioa of the large Palmateer estate
near Creston. There are thirteen co
defeadaats in the suit, which is, of
course, friendly.
Read the Journal. Get all the news.
E4 Weaver Iafticts Fear Weaais
Otte Kaampf with Packet
Ycsrerday evening at about 8:30
an altercation arose between, Ed
Weaver, assistant cook at the Hoase
restaurant, and Otto Kupmf who is
employed in Kersenbrock & Burke's
meat mnrket. Accounts differ as to
the exact circumstances under which
the affair started. One account,
which came from the friends of Kumpf,
had it that tho two had some words
in front of the restaurant which sooa
ended, and that Weaver then with
drew and suddenly returned and at
tacked Kumpf with a pocket knife,
without warning. It is certain that
the knifo was used pretty effctively,
for atfer tho men wero separated
Kumpf had four wounds made by the
weapon, one in the abdomen, two in
the back ami ono in the arm. The
wounds were dressed by Dr. Martyn
and were prononnced not serious.
By-standers were of tho opinion that
if tho knife had not been a small one
with short blades, the result would
havo beou a fatality.
After tho men wero separated,
Weaver went to his home and was
arrested there a little lator. His pre
liminary hearing was postponed by
Justice Curtis nntil Saturday morning.
Weaver came to Columbus about
a year ago from Tennessee, and has
been employed in tho Home restaurant
for somo time. His mother married
n Mr. Hilliard and resides near Platte
J. M. Gondriug appeared as counsel
for Weaver in Justice court. Weaver's
side of the story has not yet been
Camp Badweiser.
'Camp Budweiser, Under the
Anheuserhu8ch", was the banner that
floated over a camp in tho John
Schultz grove ten miles west of Co
lumbus, last Saturday and Sunday.
Tho camp had nothing to do with, the
opening of Mr. Hockeuberger's cam
paign, nor did it have any other sig
nificance, so we are infomed, except
the perpetration of a practi cal joke
in which the "men folks" and
a prisoner with a paint brush acted
the part of the heavy villain and their
wives were the innocent victims.
Messrs. and Mesdames. O. J. Carrig,
J. F. Carrig, Louis Lachnit, Frank
Kelly and Mr. H. C. Lachnit composed
the party. They all had a merry time
aud no one suffered materially but
Jerry Carrig who has been seen clan
destinely visiting Columbus drug
stores and asking in n whisper for
"something that will knock jiggers'.
There aro other maps, bnt the
Journal's are the best.
Look at Friedhof's announcement
on page 4 of this pajwr.
Is Your Face Growing
is your forehead getting higher ami higher? Is the bald spot on yoor crown
k'rowinir lannr and larger? Does your acalp itch and is it covered with acaly
dandrutT ? la your hair dry and harsh and does it drop out ?
"ZYMOLE" lfllR T0NI6
pcalp. It stops the disagreeable itching at once and gives the hair a healthy
glotM. A delightful and pleasant preparation to one. Men should keep a hot
t lo at their barber shop. f0 cents.
6haS. II. DaGk :
Aluminum Horse Shoes.
In the ltussian army aluminum
horse shoes are said to have been
tried with good results. A few horses
in the Finland Dragoons were first
chosen, and shod with one aluminum
shoe and three iron shoes each. The
experiments showed that the alumi
num shoes preserved the foot better
than the iron ones.
Useful Thirst Quencher.
To thirst and cure feverish
ness. apple tea is a notable sick
drink. It is maae 7y slicing up raw
apples into a jug. filling up the jug
with boiling water, as in tea-making,
then sweeten to taste. When cold,
this apple tea will be found pleasingly
tart and refreshing.
Most Popular Christian Names.
William, Mary, John, Elizabeth.
Thomas, George. Sarah, James,
Charles', Henry, Alice, Ann, Joseph,
Jane, Ellen, Emily, Annie, Frederick,
Margaret, Emma. Robert. Arthur, Al
fred, Edward. These, in the order
given, are the most popular Christian
Immense Duck Egg.
A duck, which is the property of
Mr. T. Lane of Chesterton, England,
has just laid an extraordinary egg
It weighed 104 ounces, was 4
inches in length, and 8 inches In cir
cumference. The whole of the con
tents filled a half-pint measure.
Will Marry Sweethearts' Mother.
The sweetheart of s. man at Colmar,
Prussia, died some time ago. He was
accepted subsequently by her sister,
who died, however, two days before
the wedding day. In a few weeks he
will wed the mother of his two for
mer sweethearts.
WGardea Suggestion;
X good! way to plant pole beans is
with sweet corn, says Country Life
in America. Plant the beans in the
same bill with the corn (after the
corn is up)f and the beans clamber
all over the cornstalks after the ears
are harvested. It saves the bother
and expense of poles, and we think
cornstalks look better than bean
Mr. Henry Gass. jr. aad Miss
Sophia Kaaftaaa, both of this city,
Were Baarried Taesday of last week
at the home of Mrs. Pauline Weber
in Colorado Springs, OoL The re
tarn of the bride aad groom hut Fri
day was the first iatimatioa that Oo
iambas people had of the wedding
of two of oar townspeople. Miss
Emaia Hoppaa. was the oaly Colusa
bms'gaest present at the eereeaoay
which was performed by Bey. Fink
biaer, the ucllsh Lafheraa minister
at Colorado 'iSprings. 'Miss Kaufman
had been-'viftiag .at the home of her
aant, Mrs. jsber, for some weeks,
and Mr. Gass left for the West a few
days ago without informing anyone
bat his immediate relatives hereof
the object of the trip. Mr. aad Mrs.
Gass have taken for their home the
residence of August Men at 9th aad
Washiagtoa streets. They were ac
companied home by Miss Hoppea aad
by Mrs. Weber, who will be heir guest
for a time. The bride is a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kaufman, aad
has lived in Columbus for the past
four years. Mr. Gass is well
known by all Columbus people, hav
ing lived here all his ilf e aad is one of
our most popular and successful young
business men.
Celaathms vs Platte Center.
The ball game Sunday between Co
lumbus and Platte Center resulted in
a'deciftive victory for the local team,
in a: score of 7 to 2. Columbus made
9 hits sad Platte Center 7. The bat
tery for the home boys was Dolanaad
Jpaes, and their work was a delight
to the local fans. Dolan striking ont
17 men. The home team is at last on
a solid footing and promises to show
Columbus some real ball-playing for
tho remainder of the season. Jack
CorbetV, who has been playing with
the Omaha league team, has retired
from, the league and will be behind
the bat for the Columbus team. The
team has been otherwise strengthened
and has been assured of the support
of the business men of the city, and
they fay there will be a game every
Sunday daring the rest of the season.
Harry Lohr was elected manager of
the team Monday night. We have a
good team and they should be support
ed by those who believe in the nation
al game. There will be another game
next Sunday.
Birthday Sara-rise.
Last Thursday was the 60th birth
day anniversary of Gus. Beoher, and
he was treated to a surprise by his
relatives. Hi two sisters. 'Mesdames
Kutaaxane Speioe and Mary Bremer,
dropped inoahimforsupper.and after
supper tho rest of the party appeared,
to the complete surprise of Mr. Bech-
er. They were Jamisons speice. mrs.
Geo. Fairchild and daughter Mary,
Misses Letta Speice, Lottie Hockea
berger, Julia MiUer, and Katharine
and Harriet Speice of Kingfisher.
Okl. ; and Messrs. Gus Speice, J. G.
Becher, Henry Hockenbcrger aad Irve
Speice. The time was passed in so
cial entertainment and congratula
tions to Mr. Becher on the occasion.
ia a scientific nretmrntion that nourish
es the notn of the hair and tones an the
Druggist : Columbus
Sea Robin's Peculiarities.
The sea robin, so called because it
uas magnificent crimson fins as big as
bird's wings just behind his head,
is a fish with a voice. He utters a
deep, loud "quawk" when he is caught
and repeats it every time he is
Sleeping Disease.
It has been noticed by the Congo
expedition dispatched by the Liver
pool School of Tropical Medicine to
study sleeping sickness, that in a
large percentage of cases actual sleep
is not a marked feature of the dis
ease. Thief Loses Novel Wager.
Having wagered $40 that he would
steal five medals from a policeman's
chest, a young man in Paris secured
two, says the Petit Parisien. but was
caught at the third attempt and will
be prosecuted.
Evil of Sugar Gluttony.
Prof. Ooston says that future scien
tists will place the evils of sugar glut
tony on a pedestal as conspicuous as
the drink question, as causing a de
terioration of individuals and races.
Most Expensive Fur.
The most expensive fur is that of
the black fox at Kamschatka, tht a':in
of which, when 'dressed, becomes a
very attractive blue. A single skin is
worth as much as $1,000.
Ruin Threatens Campanile.
A telegram from Ravenna says the
campanile of that town is threatened
with the same fate as the campanile
of St Mark's, Venice.
Reflection of Wise Meditation.
Congeniality, a sense of humor, and
endless patience these are the three
"mustbe'a" of wedded happiness.
Bktt Light, for Neuralgia.
Neuralgia Is said to be successfully
treated in Italy by the use of Mae
Call at the Journal oBoe aad carry
away a $3 wall chart FRO.
Firms eff
This Kin Make Cities Oat
"Abtsand Oalto have one of the
finest aad cleanest stocks ia the coun
try." This remark was a part of a
conversation between two travelling
men in Columbus last week.'
A Journal reporter went to the large
ware rooms of Abts and Calto on west
Thirteenth street to find ont why
strangers should he hauling bouquets
of this kind to a Columbus firm.
A very brief visit sufficed to make
the reason clear.
Mr. Calto, the office manager of the
firm, conducted us from the light,
cool basement of the building which
is kept as clean as.the kitchen floor of
the most particular housewife to the
.third floor, packed with merchandise
hoisted there by means of an elevator
that has a capacity of 4,000 pounds.
Everything in groceries and provis
ions, from cigars to tea and coffee is
to be found in this building, arranged
in the most systematic order.
Oigars.200.000 of them ;80,000 pounds
of sugar ; jellies and syrups in carload
lots from the Davenport Glucose Su
gar Refining company; carloads of
cider vinegar from Leavenworth,
Kansas, that stands the test of the pure
food law of the state ; hundreds of
boxes of canned corn and tomatoes,
that should be canned in Columbus,
and will be when we get the power
canal ; those are a few of the articles
that help to make up the $40000 stock
that is kept constantly on hand by
this firm to be distributed to the town
along the railroads tributary to Co
lumbus. Mr. Abts is kept constantly on the
road, selling goods. He goes as far
west as Grand Island; south to Wahoo
and Stewart; northwest to Spalding
and Albion; and north to Norfolk,
making all of his territory every three
weeks and a part of it every two
The adaptability of Columbus as a
center for jobbers is weU illustrated
by the success of the firm of Abu &
Calto. Mr Calto says that the nea
tness on their books at the end of
each month this year is greatly in ex
cess of that of corresponding months
of all previous years.
The business of Abts & Oalto is not
oonrlued to outside towns. They en
joy a large business from the local
retail merchants. And the reputation
that Columbus merchants have all
over the state for low prices may be
due in large measure to the presence
here of a first class jobbing house, that
saves freight for Columbus merchants
and forces the prices of competing
wholesalers down to the lowest point.
Columbus needs more jobbing houses
like the one of Abts & Calto and more
factories to increase the production of
Old Maids at the Bargain Counter.
Salesgirls in department stores ex
perience much amusement in putting
spinsters through the "third degree"
when the old girls endeavor to dodge
the issue of whether the name is Mrs.
or plain Miss. Of course, long ex
perience with customers serves to in
form saleswomen how to differentiate
between married members of the sex
and dyed-in-the-wool old maids, and
consequently when the time arrives
to book a spinster's address the load
ed complexion of the questions affords
delight to the girls behind the coun
ter. When milady instructs the goods
to be sent to "A." Smith, etc., the sell
er makes it a point to inquire if it Is
Mrs. or Miss the buyer said. The
spinster affects to misunderstand and
repeats "A. Smith." The saleswoman
is unrelenting and not until the old
girl snaps out a reluctant "Miss" after
three or four repetitions of the Inquiry
does the comedy end. Then as the
spinster departs the girls laugh. New
York Press.
Lucky Stones.
There i3 an old proverb which
states that "he who possesses a tur
quoise will never lack a friend." Cer
tainly from time immemorial the tur
quoise has never ceased to bo re
garded as a lucky stone.
Amulets are much in favor at the
present moment, and the wearers of
them are by no means only of the
feminine community. They are worn
in all manner of quaint designs. Each
precious stone is supposed to contain
some property peculiar to itself. It
seems hardly credible that people of
common sense should believe in such
things, but true it is that amulets are
at present much in vogue, and, apart
from their superstitions, they are one
of the daintest presents imaginable.
The emerald is credited with a host
of god influences, the crysollte is a
cure for insomnia. But the luckiest
amulet of all is that containing a tur
quoise, whether by reason of its "true
blue" color or not it is hard to say.
RepaVUeaa Ceaveatiea.
The adjourned meeting of the Platte
county Republican convention will be
held at the court house in Columbus,
Nebraska, August 25, 1101, at 2 o'
clock, p. m. for the puiposo of nom
inating candidates lor county attor
ney, representative and such other
business as may properly come before
the convention. A .G. Roife, Chair-
Disaelatiea Notice.
NOTICE: Notice is hereby given
that the partnership of Martyn.
Evans, Geer and Hansen is this day
dissolved by mutual consent, F. H.
Geer retiring. All accoaats due said
firm have been placed in the hands
of the Commercial National Bank for
collection and immediate settlement.
, Mrs. H. A. Clarke and son Howard
will return next Saturday from Lake
Mrs. C. J. Garlow aad daughter.
Miss Ethel, left today for several days
visit with friends at Schuyler.
The ladies of the Coaregwtioaal
church will serve ice cream on the
church lawn one week from tonight.
W. L. Ghenoweth, nmnager of the
Gray dry goods department, went to
Chicago yesterday to purchase fall
Mrs. A. O. Coon, who has been pay
ing n visit to her daughter. Mrs. Ray
SLA m. .
"wo, reiurneu yesterday te her home
in BufwelL
Mrs. U. J. Scott and daughter, Miss
Myrtle,' left Friday for a short visit
with friends ami relatives at Lincoln
and Harvard.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
Anton EJrivoIiek died yesterday after
noon, aged two days. It was buried
from the Catholic cemetery this morn
Only one nnuriage license was issued
by Judge Ratterman last week. The
parties named ia this license are Ferd
inand Lachait, age 30, and Anna E.
Laag, age 22, both of Humphrey.
Frederick Hecker, aged 7C,died Sat
urday nignt at nine o'elock after an
illness of 19 weeks resulting from
paralysis. He was buried yesterday,
the funeral being held from the
German Reformed church. ' Mr.
Hecker leaves a wife and five children.
The Idle, a society of young people
who would rather do some other
things than work, held a session
Monday evening which had been twice
postponed. They met at half-past six
and journeyed to the home of T. W.
Adams where the evening was spent
in dancing.
Word has been received here that J.
A. Ritter was sentenced to four years
in the New York iienitentiary. It will
be recalled that Ritter was the nun
who was arrested on a charge of em
bezzlement aad forgery, while con
ducting a shining parlor in Columbus
under the name of Robinson.
Frank Kersenbrock has made him
self famous as a window decorator.
He has made a corn crib to advertise
"Dack's Corn Care". The crib is
about three feet long and two feet
high and is filled with shelled corn,
it rests on a stone foundation and is
perfectly built throughout. Every
body stops to look at it.
Mrs. R. L. Roesiter received a tele
gram yesterday announcing the death
of Mrs. Thos. Roesiter, who is well
known ia Columbus where she lived
for several years. Mrs. Rossiter had
been ill for two years. R. L. Rossiter
and Ed Rossiter left this morning
for Omaha to attend the funeral
which was to be held from Sacred
Heart Church.
It was W. T. Ernst who bought
the flock of Silver Spangled Hamburgs
of W. H. Swartsley last week ami not
Mr. Dodds as reported. The chickens
are beauties at any rate and will
look just as well in Mr. Ernst's yards
as they woald have where the Journ
al had them located. Here's hoping
they wiU win as many bine ribbons
for Mr. Ernst ns they did tor Mr.
Misses Dorothy Bpst. Fazel Millard
and Dora Babcock entertained last
evening in honor of Misses Elsie
Johnson of Omaha and Anna Linquist
of Chicago. About sixty guests were
present at the home of Miss Postl
where the party was held. The time
was passed in a conversational game
of popular old songs. Sherbet and
cake wore served, and punch was ser
ved on the porch. Mr. Howard Clarke
took all the guotss for rides ia his
Howard Clarke says that he will be
glad to take some time with any one
whose driving horses are afraid of an
automobile to get tbem accustomed to
the machine. A few minutes rightly
spent will "antomobile break" most
any horse. Call at the State Bank and
fix a date to meet Howard and break
your horses. Automobiles are becom
ing more common daily. You cannot
avoid meeting them always. Yon will
find few chauffeurs as generous ,as
Howard Clarke. Bettor take advan
tage of his offer. It may save 'yon
an expensive run away.
The pocket book of C. M. Gruenther
was found by Mrs. Knight near the
Methodist church. It was found on
the" same night that tt was lost but
Mrs. Knight says she did not look at
the contents and therefore did not dis
cover Mr. Gruentber's name on the
cover of the book. The book contain
ed private papers that had a value
greater than that of tne county war
rants to Mr. Gruenther and he says he
is glad to pay the reward. He thinks
the book dropped from his pocket
when he was driving along this street
with G. W. Phillips.
Dr. F.H. Geer announces his retire
ment from the firm of Martyn, Evans,
Geer and Hansen and from the practice
of medicine. The condition of Dr.
Geer's health compelled this action.
The doctor has -disposed of the most
of his property in Platte county and
will go to Los Angeles to live. Dr.
Geer has enjoyed n phenomenally
large practice not only in Columbus,
but throughout central Nebraska. Ia
fact it has been the incessant demand
for his services that has impaired his
health. The social as well as the
business circles of Columbus will
miss Dr. and afrs. Geer as thev are
among the most popular of Columbnsll
social set. The -doctor has earned n
reputation of which he may justly
feel proud.
your bills by cheek the prnpsr
way to do business, but when year cheek
is returned with the firm's endorsement
across the back of it, you've proof that
the bill is paid aad the Arm has the
Many persons think their business toe
small to have a bank aoeouat. If you
think this way, call aad see as. We
want all banking accounts, ku
TTmOM Italia
foluml)u Stat BaWk.
S A Yl
"aw mm m a
We own nnd control 10,000
acres ot the choicest land in
Thomas County Kansas,
jjj Here is what e claim for
5 this country:
S It is fine, smooth, well-sjrsseed
S prairie land; rich, deep black soil
3 on clay subsoil; an inexhaustible
S supply or pure water, aad the
5 must healthful climate in the state.
S Good neighbors aad good schooie.
The dairy will pay the Thomas
S county farmers $150,00a00 thm
2 season, i bey raise bumper
or ail sinus over 1.UUIIJUU0
s els of wheat tbie season,
S fields yielding 4V baskets net
5 Other crops in proportion.
S Thomas is the coaaty of fas
S cattle and hogs, fine horses and
mutes, and the thrifty hen that
S never gets sick in this country.
S Price, only $fi.00 to $15.00 per
5 acre, on terms to suit purchaser.
S Isn't this jnat what you have been
S looking for? We conrt invest!-
S Columbus, Nebr.
f4444l 1 1 II 1 1 1
in Farms
Parties desiring to sell or ex-
change their high-priced laadn in X
I latte and adjoining counties wall
do well to examine our lands ia
Sherman county. We also have
lands in Buffalo, Custer and other T
counties in central Nebraska.
races 510 per acre for rough
unimproved land to SsJ and $35 '
ior well improved valley lands.
frfrfrfrfrWfrfrfrW 1 1 11 1 1
Has just received
a new stock of
Fine Wall Paptr
We invite the pub
lic to look the line
over iiefore buying.
Rstirs' Staiiflttr Fin'sl. J
Hold in nil shades, ia ansqaaltd
by any (mints or 4hr stains.
A rpgifttered pharmacist will
cwnponnd all prescriptions.
4 'all on us.
If a Man is in Love,
If a Woman is in Love,
But if they intend to get married,
Notakt Public and TrrKwarnMa
Columbus, Nebraska
D. 8TIKE8.
Olive Bl
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