The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 10, 1904, Image 5

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1 111 1 nun iiiiiimini iiiiiiiimu
Hulst's Cash Store
Columbus Journal.
ZSTAil advertisements in the local
columns are charged at the rate of 20
cents a line each issue. Heavy face type
double price.
While they last
Come Quic K
They will go fast
at this price :
On all Summer
Wash Goods
All Shirt Waists
iil$r$ Casb Store, j
i ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 in i ii in urn
Ml CanningVeeds
ikkron Jars one-half jpillou i complete per Joz 0c
Masmi Jars quart, . complete per duz tlQc
ifason Jars pints 'complete1 ptr Joz ooc
Mason Jars, stone quart (complete) per doz S1.00
Weir Jars, stone quart t complete) per iloz 31.05
Weir Jars, stone, pint complete) per iloz $1.00
Mason Caps bet grade. 'loc
Rubber Rings lor jars, pure gum. wide dang, per doz 10c
Sealing Wax per stick -lc
Pure Refined Paranne per lb loc
Plain Jelly Tumblers, tin cup per doz 25c
Table Tumbler for Jelly per doz 30c
3-lb Tin Cans, our own make, heavy tin, per doz 60c
Jar Wrenches, that will hold, each 15c
JTVe carry a full and complete line of Stone Ware from 1
pint size to 20 gallons.
For Pickling
We know you want PURE VINEGAR
and PURE SPICES, not the adulterated
kind. Ours are as pure as money can buy.
Crawford Pure Cider Vinegar,
SPICKS AND SEEDS of all kinds as pars as
nature grows them.
Dr. Prices Flaked Celery Food,
Two Packages for 25c.
We hinted a short time iso to lay in a little stock of this floor.
The price la now 10 cents kig her and $LQ0 wheat does not suggest
wmr lower prices.
Dr. Paul, dentist.
Dr. Vallier, Osteopath, Barber block.
Prof. Sike, teacher music, Barber bldg.
Dr. SL Tv 2f cJlahan, dentist, over
poatoSce. tf
3f iss 3able Beard was a Chautauqua
risitor Sunday at David City.
Dr. Chaa. H. Platz, homeopathic phy
aician and surgeon, postoffice building.
Do not fail to see oar 8-foot galvan
ized steel mill for $32.00. A. Duseell i
Son. tf
Miss Greeorins and Miss Snjder
Tiaited the David City Chautauqua
Go to Or. R. Preib for painting nH
paper hanging. First door norh of
Pollock's drag store. rf
The familea of Dr. Xauman, J. Galley
Henry Hoockenberger and J. C. Frey-
dig are at McPherson'a lake this week.
Cleaning, repairing and dyeing of
ladies and Gentlemen's clothing at
R. S. Palmer's. Over Commercial
National Bank. tf.
Mrs. C. C. Gray and daughter Ger-
aldine returned Saturday from an ex
tended visit at Mendota, UL, and the
St. Louis exposition.
Miss Elizabeth Sheehan will go to
Burwell Saturday, where she will be
instructor in Primary Methods in the
Garfield county teachers' institute.
Mr. Clarence Young of Genoa vis
ited his friend Otto Kumpf Tuesday
and Thursday on his way to and from
Norfolk where he attended the tourn
ament. Rev. Dr. Jennings, presiding elder
of the Omaha district, M. . church,
visited Rev. Luce on Monday. Dr.
Jennings was at one time pastor of the
St. Edward church.
Mr. and Mrs. E. U. By lies by visited
Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Burns, the par
ents of Mrs. Uyllesby, from Thursdav
until Sunday. They went from here
to their home in Fairbury.
For the latest and best in art photo
graphy call at McAllister's stndio. Wt
do the latest in sepia and platinum
effects. We have the aristocrat and all
the new designs in mouldings. Cp stairs,
Olive street. tf
Miss Margarite Grifiths leaves to
day for a visit of three or four weeks
at her home in St. Joe, Mo. She will
also visit the Sc. Louis exposition be
fore returning to Columbus.
Non-Nicotine Cigars. Its equal un
known. No tobacco heart. Does
not affect the nerves. A pleasant and
satisfactory smoke.
jul20-5c CHARLES H. DACK.
Mrs. Mabelle Elbish will sneak
morning and evening in the Methodist
church next Sunday, and will also ad
dress the young people at 7:00 o'clock
before evening service. Ail are' in
vited to hear this" interesting and cul
tured ladv.
SELL OUT and locate over here in
Polk county where you can raise
winter wheat to perfection. Price of
land comparatively low yet, but con
stantly going up. Get a move on you
and call on us or write for bargains.
King & Bittane, Agents, Osceola, Neb.
Bert Galley and Sam Gass will start
next Saturday on a three weeks trip
in the east. Their itinerary includes
Niagara Falls. Buffalo, Albany. New
York City, Boston. Ealtimore and
Washington. They have arranged to
stop long enough in each place to see
the things of historical interest.
Two local teams, the"Sourwine"and
"the Sweets "played ball Sunday atfer
noon at new ball park. The score was
16 to a in favor of the Sweets. Batter
ies were, 4 ' Sourwines, " Dolan and
Kumpf. "Sweets", Corbett. Lohr,
Jones. Another game will be played
next Sunday in Columbus between
"Pure Wines", a newly organized
team and Platte Center.
J. H. Rodehorst, breeder of cherry
red Duroc Jersey hogs, recently pur
chased the herd boar of Ed Maher.
He has three sows that raised 25 pigs
this spring. Who can beat this rec
ord? Mr. Rodehorst I believes that
blood counts in more ways than one.
He says he gets more pigs from pure
bred stock and that they require less
food for given gain than scrubs re
quire. The love of a Russian prince for a
serf forms the focal point of a story
of intrigue, strife, and heroism, told
in dramatic form in the Russo-Siber-ian
melo-drama, FOR HER SAKE,
which comes to North's opera house
Monday night, August 21). It is said
to be one of the strongest Siberian
plays of recent years, and the comedy
element is said to be especially novel
and consistent. There are scenes in
peasant's huts, in a magnincent ap
pointed ball room, in the interior ot a
Siberian mine, and other character
istic features. The scenery is said co
be elaborate and exact as to detaiL
The Columbus fire company was
represented at the Norfolk tourna
ment by only two men, B. J. Galley
and Fred Urich. B. J. Galley, who
acted as judge in the events of one
day, says that not so many firemen
were present as usual, nut that the
attendance from outside was unusual
ly large, and that the urogram was in
teresting. York won the state cham
pionship, made the 200 yards run, lay
ing hose 150 feet and making the ne
cessary couplings in 32 and two-fifths
seconds. Stanton was close second.
And in the free-for-all, Stanton beat
York, winning in 32 and one-fifth
seconds. J. J. Johnson, well known in
Columbus, now manager of the Fre
mont Steam Laundry, acted with Bert
Galley as judge. The toarnament was
a sacoeas financially, netting a profit
of 600. This is a good place to call
attention to the meeting'? of the Ne
braska Volunteer Firemen's Associa
tion which will be held in Columbus
the third week of next January. Mr.
Galley ia i hair of the oosamittee
ob ooastitntioa and rales of this
Dr. Neumann,
Alvxn RFooL
Dr. L. C. Toes, Homeopathic
cian. Columbus, Neb.
Miad Anna Kumpf attended the
Chautauqua at David City Senday.
Drs. Martyn. Evans, Geer, TTanoan &
Martyn Jr., office three doors north of
Friedhofs store.
Ladies skirts and suits rl famed aad
pressed as Palmer's . Over Comaur
cial National Bank. tf.
Mies Gertrade and Mr. Leo Ottia of
Detroit were guests of the ahrrttja
family a few days last week.
Mrs. L. Weinburger left forMadisoa
last Saturday night for a few dart vis
it with Mr. Weinburger' s parenta
Try the Non-Nicotine Cigar. The
Smoker's Friend. Only 5c.
jul20-ot CHARLES H. DACK.
Rev. Lohr held services in Beaiak
chapel last Sunday and expects to
preach there every two weeks here-?
The gold standard is all right, bat
it isn't as good for housewives as
GOLD DOST flour, made by the Co
lumbus Roller Mills. tf
The Christian Endeavor society of
the Presbyterian church will not meet
this month. They will take a vaca
tion through August.
Ladies, if yon wane to use a flour
guaranteed to make the choicest pies
and cakes, use WAY PU, made by the
Columbus Roller Mills. tf
The communion of the Lord's sup
per will be celebrated at the Presbyter
ian church next Sunday morning Op
portunity will be given to enter the
church membership. Usual services
in the evening.
Rev. F. M. SisRon, presiding elder
of the Norfolk district of the Metho
dist church, whose life has been dee
paired of, is at present improving.
Mr. Sisson lives in Norfolk and is
well known in Columbus.
W. F. Dodd, one of the "Farmers
specialists, "bought W. H. Swartsley's
flock of Silver Spangled Hamburg
chickens, a few days ago. Mr. Dodds
also breeds shorthorn cattle, Shrop
shire sheep and Toulouse geese.
Call at McAllisters studio and see oar
samples. We have something fine in
enlarged portrait work in sepia, water
color and pastels. We guarantee our
work and give you a fine portrait at
reasonable prices. Up stairs, Olive
street. tf
The last circular of the department
of Agriculture announces for free dis
tribution co farmers, a bulletin on
butchering, curing and keeping meat
on the tarm. farmers interested
should write to the U. S. Department
of Agriculture. Ask for Farmer's
Bulletin, number 1S3.
The Western Seed and Irrigation
company, represented here by Mr.
Fennimore, has 5170 acres in seeds, in
Nebraska and Colorado. Mr. Fenni
more says that prospects for a bountiful
crop were never better. One forty
acre field ef hubbard squash, three
miles from Columbus, is worthy of
special mention.
Among the interesting things in the
"Many Years Ago" items this week,
it is recorded that "Gussie Speice
was perfect in attendance and con
duct, during the school week ending
October 21, 1S70. It is also recorded
that "Major North went to Butler
countv yesterday to attend the trial
of the Indians". Platte county had
192. inhabitants and Douglas county
;,'.) out-side of Omaha, which had
about lo. 000.
The title of
Hffth Opra Hiine
bWbWbWBW NefbBsavSy MHkI
Jss. Pttfrie sri liw OmITs
Masbtvb PnoDucnos or
Tli Sam's finalist Skmss
1 Miiimiiiiiiiinmmitnniiiiiiiiniiiimiini
(From flies of the Journal Novem
er 3, 1370.)
Horace Greely favors the removal of
the capital to New York.
Major North went to Batler comnty
yesterday to attend the trial of the
Presented by a company of uniform
excellence mounted with a scenic equip
ment of rare magnificence and beauty.
Eastern Potentate Orator
Suite of MM Stiver.
One's "ghts tarn to the Arh"
Nights when mention le mads of a
bedroom suite In solid silver, bat sack
is the character of an orter Jast place
at Shefleld. England. The name of
the customer is so far secret, and
the only information was can be ob
tained is taat the IiibIiiiiMssib have
come from the far east, aa4 that the
qaestion of price is only a ansae
alteration. The design are ef
tal character and of a
description. The suite, which to
solid silver thronghoet.
stead, a dressing table, a
three foot-baths and
cans. The bedstead to of
ornate character. EMh d
pillars will be i Ill bj
felly modeled female leers
three feet In height. The staalasast of
the room and other daeoaafJoaa will
also be of sterling silver.
the play, FOB HEEL
SAKE, stamps the piece as one of the
sort throbbing with "heart interest."
and there are said to be situations in
it little short of terrific. Such a one
is the dogging scene in which the
serf girl Olga. the young woman with
whom the hero of the story. Prince
Valdemar, is in love, figures as the
victim. The author, it appears, has
taken zcod care to relieve such scenes
ao this with others of a comedy flavor.
The play will be seen here at North's
opera house Monday night, August 39.
Columbus already has a state wide
reputation as a city of beautiful houses.
And Columbus citizens are evidently
bent on keeping that reputation good.
Four new houses costing from $300 to
$5000 are in process of construction
besides a number of smaller anas. M.
EL White's house, the building which
is in charge of Jas. Peanall, will be
completed in about six weeks. The
interior of this house will be finished
up in cak3 and maples, no expense be
ing spared to make it strictly modern
and up-to-date. J. N. Heater is
building a fine home on thirteenth
street, presonally superintending the
work so that no possible provision for
comfort and convenience will be over
looked. Mr. Heater is pushing things
and expects to have his new home ready
for occupancy in September. H. Mar
cock has just completed a neat and
commodious residence also on thir
teenth street and J. C. Freydig has
commenced the building of a modern
home on seventeenth and L street that
will cost about $3000 when completed.
What Might Done for the Uplifting
of the World.
"Give ate the money." ears a receat
speculative philosopher, "that has
been spent in war and I will purchase
every foot of land on the globe. I
will cloche every man woman and
child In an attire of which kings and
queens woald be proud. I will beild
school hoases on every hillside and
in every valley over the whole earth;
I will bafld an academy in every town
and endow it a college in every state
and fill it with able professors; I will
crown every hill with a place of wor
ship consecrated to the promulgatloa
of peace; I will support in every pul
pit an able teacher of righteousness,
so that on every Sabbath morning the
chime on one bill shall answer to the
chime on another around the earth's
wide drcamference, and the voice of
prayer and the song of praise shoeJd
ascend like a universal holocaust to
"How to make bread" is a little
book that every bread maker ought to
own. and can own. The Northern
western Yeast Company is sending it
free to any house-wife who writes for
This book tells some facts about the
art of making bread that are new
even to the most experienced. It says,
and proves it, that the secret is in
the yeast. It shows that pure vege
table yeast, like Yeast Foam, which is
made of the finest malt, hops, corn,
etc. , brings out the nutty flavor and
nutritious qualities of the wheat in a
new way, and makes sweet, whole
some bread that keeps fresh and good
as long as the batch lasts.
Yest Foam is sold by all grocers at
five cents a package, and is having
a wide and increasing sale. More and
more the best honsekeeDers are learn
ing the virtues of a yeaat that can be
keept on hand all the year round, that
turns one never fi!if good bread
which keeps their families health, aad
makes them eat, and eat and eat,
Send to Northwestern Yeaat Com
pany of Chicago, T1ng for their ia-
terMtin Imk "Hnw taatk
Dr. Gietzen, dentist.
Superstitious Negroes Fled Until it
Was Removed.
Deputy Constable Frank Fenn of
Houston. Tex went the other after
noon to execute a writ of forcible ejec
tion gainst a negro woman. He
took wtth him two negroes who were
to carry away the furniture. Feaa
was absent a few minutes and when
he returned his negroes were not to
be seen. He got a glimpse of them
about two blocks away movmc at a
very swift gait.
Thinking that perhaps the men had
stolen something, he took after them
When stopped the negroes said that
they would not work in that house,
that it was hoodooed. Being urged
they told him they would return if he
would go into a certain corner of the
house and remove the hcodoo, which
ho would find tied up In a bag hang
ing from the ceiling.
The onlcer found the bag. It con
tained bones tied up with kinky wool
and hairpins. The woman said she
could cast a spell over her enemies
with it, because the bones were those
of a black cat, while the wool was
that shaved from the bead of a negro
born on Friday, the thirteenth day
of the month.
The negroes would not return to
work until the officer had taken the
bag of bones about a block away from
the house, and even then they had
misgivings as to whether or not it
would be safe to touch anything In the
To iTerywiisre aad Back. The Box
lingtom'a low Summer Bate.
The Burlington offers excursion rates
in every direction so low that there is
co excuse for staying at home. Below
is some of them.
St. Louis and back: Three kinds of
daily rates besides the special low rate
coach excursions on Tuesday and Tnors
day during August and September.
Chicago and back: Daily low rates
either direct or via St Louis, with stop
overs at St. Leuis, Kanaaaa City, and
Louisville Ky., and back, $L25,
August 12 to 15.
Boston and back the only chance of
the season for a low rate visit to w
England. S35L95, August 11 to 13 long '
World's Fair stopovers at St. Louis on
through tickets.
Colorado, Utah and Black Hills resorts
there and back practically half rates
all summer.
To California San Francisco, and
back. August 15 to September 10, only
$45.00. The only chance in 1904 to get
this low rate.
To Portland, Paget Sound and back,
August 15 to IS, one fare for the round
To Michigan. Minnesota, Wisconsin
and the Great Lake region, the ideal
summer country daily low rates to take
yon away from home.
On the first and third Tuesdays of
each mouth very low round trip rates to
hundred of points in the northwest,
west sad southwest.
Write or call, describe your trip; let
me advise yon the least oast.
L.F. BacToa.
Ticket Agent
Yesterday the editor called as CoL
Joha Rickiy's old stand. We believe
this is the oldest store west of Omaha.
There is enough energy in him and
his boys to do the work of a score or
ore of ordinary men.
Those who have bought land in
Polk county will be interested to
know that a county organization has
been effected aad tnat county officers
for the transaction of legal business
will be ready shortly. We laarn also
that a vat is to be taken on bridging
the south channel of the Platte to con
nect with the Columbus free bridge
across that stream.
The following are the names of
those pupils in the city schools, who
have been perfect in attendance and
conduct during the week ending Oc
tober 31: Josephine Bremer, Sarah
Bice, Phebe Senical, Mary Weaver,
Anna Bremer, Elenora Bremer, Hugh
Compton, Eva Coffey, Johnny Coffey,
Louise Hudson, Anna Keiley, Eddie
Kelley, Mary A. Ludwig, Mary Mull
en, Mary Marmoy, Sarah Marmoy,
Mary Mathews, George Mathews,
Samnwl Rickly, Albert Rickly, Bertie
Reegon, Freddie Speice, Gussie Speice.
Jennie Weaver, Valentine Weaver,
Susan Wake.
The town council met tost evening
and appoined Charles Brindley street
Handy & ThnmmeL civil engineers,
have given to publishers an account of
the bridges being built along the
Platte river, in which they give Co
lumbus credit for starting the enter
prise. We quote the following from
the article: "The pioneer bridge at
Columbus was begun August, 15 and
will be open for travel about Novem
ber. Cost when complete. 120. 000.
This structrne is an arch-beam truss
of do feet spans, Jt in number, or a
total length of l,71ti feet. Piers of
Norway pine piling, square, driven
from IS to H feet in 'the sand, with
solid oak ice-breakers capped with
railroad iron, and will sustain a load
of sixty tons without over strain.
Grand Island, has just begun build
ing, plane are being completed for the
Fremont structure, North Platte made
contract a few days ago, subject to
certain conditions relative to bonds.
to build across the river identical to
that of the Columbus bridge. In all
of these Wells, & French Co. . of Chic
ago have the contract for the con
struction and L. M. Beebe& Bros., of
Columbus the sub-contract.
Following is the correct copy of the
census at Platte and near-by councies:
Platte, 1,925; Maidson, 1.168; Polk,
873; Colfax, 1,430; Douglas, outside of
Omaha, 3,889; Omaha city, 16,147.
(From files of Journal November 9,
M. Post has established a cigar
afrCwOaT'Oax TtlX 3lir.Ct.
The new fence around the Clothier
House adds greatly to the appearance
of the property and will prove a good
Hon. Guy C. Barnum, accompanied
by his son George, started to Omaha
the first of the week with a large
drove of cattle. The C P. charges
930 a car to Omaha.
J. G. Higgins has purchased of Dr.
Stillman two acres of land south of
Mr. Hummer's ten acre lot. and he
intends erecting a residence there.
It has been said repeatedly that the
Platte could not be bridged ; that the
force of the ice in the spring was too
great for any bridge to withstand ; that
the quicksand would slip way with the
foundation, but Platre county men
have not been afraid to undertake the
task, and were the first to risk it, and
now the bridge has been reared and is
a grand success. We all feel proud of
it and wish to celebrate in a suitable
A reader sends in an interesting de
scription of a prairie fire which raged
in Butler county. Over 150C0 tons of
hay were consumed. Fallowing is
the closing paragraph of the letter:
"I reached the Platte valley an Wed
nesday and found some twenty men
near in consultation as to the best
method to be adopted to secure some
thousand tons of hay which was
scattered over five or six sections of
land. The dark column of smoke just
visible over the blunts warned them
to take immediate action. "They
chose Mr. Will son to act as leader,
who at once took charge of the men
assembled. There then commenced
a race against wind and fire, which
resulted in the men coming out just
one minute ahead, with the loss of
two stacks of hay containing some
ten tana. This wild, rushing fire was
a fearfully grand sight."
Henry Ragatz & Go.
Everything in the line of Groceries
and Queensware. It it isnt right we
will make it right or GIVE BACK
YOUR MONET. Our invariable aim
is to please every customer and we
will not allow any customer, large
or small, to be dissatisfied with the
service we give. PROMPT DELI
VERT is one thing on which we
pride ourselves. COURTEOUS and
FAIR TREATMENT is another.
Here is some special stock:
We have every kind of Fresh Fruit
and Vegetable in their season, and in
Are you putting up Fruit?
Get your FRUIT JARS here.
I Looat out1 line of Lamp$ and (JlaWtfe.
I Cleanest, Biggest, Prompt- j
est Store in Columbus, j
Correct Wear
For Summer
Dr. W. H. Slater, Veterinarian,
office in Deck's Drug Stare.
$2.35 To Lincoln and Return.
On account of the Epworth League
Assembly the Burlington, will sell tic
keta to Lincoln and return at L35 on
August 2 to II, inclusive.
An educational, interesting and amus
ing program is offered, to which the
following will contribute:
Dr. Frank Bristol. Governor La
Folette of Wisconsin, Dr. John Meoritte
Driver, Dr. Byron W. King, Dr. N. B. C.
Mason, Boea Crane, Gail Langhlin
Wilber F. Grafts. Samuel Dickie, C. S.
Palmer Lotus Glee Club, Mrs. Minnie
Marshall Smith, Dr. Tovokichi ljenaga
of the University of Chicago. Prof. L.
D. Eichhorn, and the Origional Slay ton
Jubilee Singers.
Write for phamphlet "Souvenir Tal
ent", which will tell you about it.
L. W. Wakeley.
Gen. Pass. Agent. Omaha.
L'iaBsHr tsl
m T sWssF kJ Am
E-tifl ii'; -,
sHawV IssassP
Clotiittn, Ca
The choosing of cor
rect summer wearing
apparel is not always
an easy matter. You
will be considerably
aided in your choice
if you come here and
look at the
Correct in Price, Style
and Durability.
We also carry a com
plete line ot Dry Goods
and Clothing, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, Carpets,
Lace Curtains, Win
dow Shades, etc. Call
and get our prices.
tar aMertf Pi
505 Eleventh St. COLUMBUS
111 II Mill I II III
i A Few Specials For This Week !
Mason Fruit Jars
i Special Prices This Week
pap. Adress Sydney
jCreston, Xebr.
a aula St. Bar-
Tisit the Old Folks.
One fare plus 32 for the round trip to
a great many points in Ohio, Indiana
and Kentucky. Tickets on sale Septem
ber 6, 13, 20, 27 and October 1L Final
liaut thirty days. See me for full par
tiealars or write to L. W. Wakeley, Gen
eral Paaasagar Agent, Omaha.
L. F. RacroB, Ticket Agent.
PINTS .... 45c Doz.
QUARTS .... 50c Doz.
We also carry a complete stock of Jar Tops. 1
ituuuwa ouu acOUUg WaX.
Our Telephone Number in 37.
"ElPVATlth StTPAt HnlnrnKn. rl -1
1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 H 1 1 1 II II II Ml ,f