"B- , t ; Jl I-. ' Vr H- r R. t . K ? II- - " .r. stabubbxb Mat 11. 1870. Columbus f 0urtxal. Columbiu, Nebr. TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS TWICE. Entered at the Postoffice, Colambas, Nebr., M second rli mail matter. PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS BY ftlurims Jonnul Co., (INCORPORATED.) Teams of srascBrrzion: Om year, by am U,mminiM. Six T WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10.1904. nCBCT Z. AB2n. Xlitar. RENEWALS The date opposite year aaae on roar paper, or wrapper shows to what time your abacription ia paid. Thus Ja&OS ahowa that Mjaent haa been received np to Jan. L, IMC. rebOS to Feb. 1. 1WS and ao on. When payment ia made, the date, which answer aa receipt, will be changed accordingly. DISCOSTINUASCES-Beeponaible eabacrib ra will continue to receive thie journal until the publishers are notified by letter to discontinue, when all arreerxge muit be paid. If you do not wish the Journal continued for another year af ter the time paid for has expired, yon should previously notify cs to discontinue it. CHANGE IN ADDBESS-When ordering a chance ic the addreee. subscribers should be sure to give their old aa well as their new nddreae. Republican Ticket. MflTtOttriL. President THEODORE ROOSEVELT. Vice-President CHARLES W. FAIRBANKS. Presidential Electors F. A. BARTON, Pawnee. A. C. SMITH, Douglas. A. C. ABBOTT, Dodge. T. L. NORVAL, Seward. W. P. HALL, Phelps. M. A. BROWN, Buffalo. H. H. WILSON, Lancaster. J. C. ROBINSON, Donglas. National Committeeman CHAS. H. MORRILL, Lancaster. "Platte county will have to put up about an even ten thousand dollars more than we had to pay last year in state taxes. Republican legislatures and governors come high. Railroad rule in Nebraska is expensive. Mick ey is a good thing but powerful ex pensive. But why complain? Per haps the Gods foreordained that the farmers of Platte county should dig up more than their share of state taxes." Columbus Telegram. Expenses in Platte county for the last tico years have exceeded appropria tion by $10,000. Platte county will have to put up about an even ten thousand dollars more than we had to pay last year in county taxes in order to make good the deficit in the county treasury. Democratic county officers come hijjh. Democratic rule is a good thine but powerful expensive. But why complain? Perhaps the Gods foreor dained that the farmers of Platte county should dig np more than their .-hare of county taxes to buy oil for the Platte county democratic machine. board of swwaeat aad haa oosspletsd Itt lakers dm wall. The task of newsystesaof nTtut looaHtiss. classes Bad seHaa; to beat oust saost dimcnlt one, aad STATE. United States Senator ELMER J. BURKETT. Governor J. H. MICKEY. Lieutenant Governor E. G. McGILTON. Secretary of State A. GALUSIIA. Auditor E.M.SEARLE.JR Treasurer PETER MORTENSEN. Superintendent J. L. McBRIEN. Attorney General NORRIS BROWN. Land Commissioner H. M. EATON. GOttGttEMKMMIL. Congressman, Third District j. j. McCarthy. Both statements above contain elements of truth. Both contain ele ments of injustice and unfairness. Inferences from the Telegram's statement must be wrong. Inferences from the Journal's statement might be wrong. Democrats who detect unfairness in the second, must admit the unfairness in the first statement. The Journal will not go on record for such unfairness. We will explain both statements. Platte county has to pay a larger state tax under the new law, because under the old law the levy could not be made high enough to keep the state out of debt and at the same time provide for the growing state institutions. The new law was enacted for the very purpose of enabling Platte county and other counties to pay more taxes. We have in other issues of the Journal given figures, showing that the state debt increased as fast under fusion as under republican rule. Our county has gone behind $10,000 during the last two years, either because of the same defective revenue law that put the state behind, or be cause of the extravagance of Platte county commissioners. The last charge we will not make till we can prove it. Criticism of all public officers should be withheld until there is ground for it. At any rate the county levy has been made to the limit of the law by democrats the same as the state levy has been made to the limit bv republicans and both have failed to pay ex penses. The only difference is that the county tax is twice as large as the state tax, therefore the action of democratic county administrations bears twice as hard on the taxpayers as the action of republican state administrations. Taxpayers, do you want to transfer your county administration to the state house? Wky no saore abomt Coal OilJoha? Platte oosBty will go for Roosevelt. We are willing to admit that Mr. McKilUpia better looking than Mr. McCarthy, bmt that's all we will admit. The Nebraska ooagreasioaal delega tion will be solidly republican again afterthls election. It has been a good while coming, bat it haa come. We know our minds and we have kept of the same mind for a (-efficient length of time to give to oar policy coherence and sanity. Theodore Roosevelt. Referring to Jndge Parker, a Wy oming paper asks, "Will Nebraska, the home of Bryan, vote for the man whose canning has taken the party leadership from its favorite Well, we shoula say not. son: WhenOolambas lays a decent walk throagh the park, gets a clab organ isation, owns its own lighting plant, and begins to talk about paving the streets, it wiU be more like living in town. And these are all things that can and shoald be done at once. The ooanty board of snpervisors, as well as the city council of Oolnmbns, should bay all supplies and have all work done at the very lowest cost to taxpayers. The way to do this is to accept bids on everything and award contracts to the lowest responsible Udders. We do not nave to propose to "tarn the rascals oat," for we have shown in very deed that whenever by dili gent investigation a pablio official can he fonnd who has betrayed his tract he will be punished to the fall extent of the law without regard to whether he was appointed nnder a Keaablicaa or Democratic station. Theodore Roosevelt. The Schuyler papers seem to have it in for us. A few weeks ago the Qaill copied from somewhere atre saeadouE enlogy of P. E. McEillip and credited it to this paper. Now oaases the Free Lance aad reprints our article on the catting of Mr. MeKil lip's hair and credits it to the Fre- it Tribune. Such is life. Bat then. two Schuyler editors are so busy handing it to each other that they have not much time to keep track of other papers. Down in Kanass they have the lot tery fever. A convention to nomin ate a district jadge was deadlocked with three candidates. After three days of fruitless balloting the dele gates decided to settle the question by a raffle. Everything went off smooth ly; one of the candidates drew the lucky number and was declared the nominee of the convention. It is hard, ly necessary to say that the convention displaying such progressiveaess aad decision was a republican convention. Wednesday of next week the oppo sition parties hold their conventions, nasi to fuse or not to fuse will be the question. Unquestionably the rank aad He of the populist party desire to go it alone, but it is expected that L they will be coerced and brow- by their leaders until the old poils-gettiag. principle-ignoriag con- is renewed. However, Tons T. H. Tibbies and Saaator AUaa forma trio who will labor with aad endeavor to CITY OWNERSHIP. The committee instructed by the city council last Friday nicht to con sult the city attorney as to the legal aspect of the qaestion of voting bonds to establish an electric light plant will make a favorable report. City Attorney Cornelius finds that the law permits the city to vote bonds not to exceed 2 1-3 per cent of the city's assessed valuation for the purpose of establishing aa electric light plant. The assessed valuation of the city is ahoat 9800,000. Bonds for $15,000 may, therefore, be voted. The onlv question that remains is," Do the tax payers of Columbus want to own and operate their own lighting system?" It is for the taxpayers and not the newspapers ox uoinmbus to answer this question. The answer of some of the heaviest taxpayers are recorded in this issue of the Journal. Better service for less money ; di vidends in the pockets of every u6or of the service, rather than in the poc ket of aa individual owner; efficiency ot service instead of the least efficient service that the public will stand for and pay for these are some of the things to be gained by city owner ship. How much cheaper? Conservative basiaess men believe that home cap italists would snap up $15,000 worth of bonds at five per cent or less, mak ing the interest payable annually not to exceed $760. The employment of an electrician would cost not to ex ceed $750 a year. Those familiar with conditions here say that no additional help would he necessary, as the pres ent city engineers could handle the work. At a cost of 91600 a year, with a little additional for coal, the city could operate its own plant. The present cost to the city of less than twenty street lights is about $1700 a year. The city could, therefore, save money for Columbus taxpayers if it operated a plant simply to furnish street lights. And if enough lights were sold to individual users to pay the cost of the servioe. the saving to taxpayers would be $1700 a year, or enough to pay for the plant in lees than ten years. After that, this amount would be saved to the indi vidual users. What are the legal steps to city ownership? First, a petition to the city council, signed by ten taxpayers in each ward, requesting a special election to be called for the purpose of voting on the question of bonds. Second, the action of the council on this petition, calling the election after twenty days notice. Third.ra majority of the votes cast nt this election determines the ques tion of issuing bonds. What are other cities doing? Sew ard is one of the away Nebraska cities ia the same olass with Oolambns that successfully own and operate their own plants. At a cost of $11,000 Sew ard has a plant that furnishes lights to individual users at a rate below the present Columbus rate. Their plant is self-supporting, clearing about $50 th after providing for interest, aad a sinking fund. While everything seems to favor city ownership, the question should be thoroughly investigated. The Journal will give its space freely for views na both sides of the question. Whatever action is taken should -be guided purely by principles of econ omy and not by sentiment. If the city votes to own its own plant, the ma terial of the present plant should be bought if possible, to save a duplica tion of material aad as a matter of justice to the owner. gram brought np the oil question, in troduced a discharged official as sole witness and invented the title of "Coal OiPJohn." It was our happy privilege to lav before the public both sides of the coal oil episode.and since that time the euphonious title of Coal Oil John has been relegated to the dead stone. We wish now to ask the Telegram to say definitely and concretely for what reason and on what evidence it applies to the governor of this state such names as a railroad tool, oatspaw of corporations," and other appella tions of similar elegance and indef niteness. For the sake of brevity ia the argument, we would suggest that the governor be dubbed "Railroad John. " If this title should prove to be something of a boomerang, oar ooa temporary will escape the uncomfor table position of being the promulga tor thereof. If one man calls another n thief and a liar, the other certainly is entitled to ask for particulars. When a pub lic print accuses a public official of dishonesty, the public aa well as the official may with propriety demand n definite and straightforward state ment. It is so easy to deal in "glit tering generalities" on the stump and in editorial columns, and it so fre quently happens that the aoeuser damages nothing but his own reputa tion for sincerity and reliability. We pause for a reply. The state onnalimrioi aad it has d applying the when different interests wan another was a while of coarse the work of the hoard ia not flawless, it would be hard to elect another sat of bmb who would vary editor, every real very aMcehaat, every ia certain that he could have settled the railway taxatioasaanerU a half hoar, bat gather six of thaw together aad you will see how their opiaioas will differ aad how easily aay of them can be tangled when it comas to figuring on railway valuations. Summarised, the work of the law aad the board haa bean to raise the total valuation of the state from $186, 458.897..41 last yaw to 93M.7S1.S08.95. As it has fixed the state levy at 6 mills there will be n slight iaoreass ia rev ease. Now let us see who has been hit the hardest by that law passed by a "rail road legislature" and admiaistered by a board oomposedof naughty, saaa eating, blood-sacking, corporation serfs. Last year the property of all kinds in Nebraska, exolasive of the railroads was assessed at 9161,187.433.44; this year it is t248.6S8.46S. 80. The increase ia 54 1-4 per cent. Last year railroad property was assessed at 937.284.S16. This year the railroad properties are valaed at $46,082,853.75. The increase is 70 per cent. There is a mate but eloquent argu ment which answers all the slash that is being circulated about "redeemiag" the state. The state ia "redeemed, inannyoa, ana never was la mote safe hands than it is today. One might go farthor along this liae and show that a goodly part of that 54 per cent raise in farm aad per sonal property is presented by proper ty just brought to light, which of coarse would lower the proportion of increase on property formerly assess ed, and it might be shown, too, that if the ooanty boards exercise good judgment in ssaking the levies taxes on farm properties will be lowered on the whole, aad other facts aa interest ing and as pleasant to contemplate might be cited. But the all absorbiag qaestioa has been: "Who will get the worst of it?" aad the naswer stands there upon record absolutely refutiag the charges, slaaders aad insinuations ofssembers of the opposition party who desired the law to fail, prayed for it to fail, hampered the board in very possible way ia order to bring about n failure but bow are forced to shy away from the figures as the evil om flies before the sign of the cross. When discussing state politics with a fasioaist, just write dowa the fig ares "70" aad write railroads" opposite them; thea write down the figures "64" on a liae with the "the people aad see how suddenly your joint debate will terminate. Those figares and words represent the pro portion of increase for the two classes of property this year. Remember them and hold them up fo? the in spection of your popnlistie or demo cratic neighbors. A two hoars speech could not be more effective. Ex. One of tha latest copies of the daily DEMOCRACY'S PLIGHT. It was a mighty mean thing for Senator Fairbanks to call attention to the fact that Grandfather Davis will be 85 years old before the end of the term for which he has been nominated, aad that there is always the possibility that the vice-president amy be called upon to assume the office and strenu ous duties of president. The idea of a man ot 85 years filling the place of Roosevelt is a trifle " No doubt, in such a case, Senator Klkias, the son-in-law of the antique states man, would be de facto president, iml Elkins is a good republican. And this is only one of the absurd ities involved in democracy's present positions. Bryan and Hlil are two of the smoothest political manipulators in the business, but when they get to gether and fight and finally compro mise.tne remit is beautiful to behold. There is only one thing on earth that could please both Bryan and Hill, that is that Bryan and Hill might both be president. Since the constitution pro vides for only one president at a time, harmony between W. J. Bryan aad David B. Hill must lemala a dream and a deferred hope until such time as they are both dead, when doubt less they will meet again, possibly ia harmony. At present Hill undoubtedly support ing Parker, with no hope of his elec tion, having noimnated him merely to fortify himself in the control of the democratic organization Bryan sup ports Parker in one paragraph aad fights him by the column. Harmoay between Bryan and Hill is n beautiful dream. restore European he ahle to prevail aaaiat the ward hungry ate chasers who iaraaiahlyareforfnsiMMaaaessran or RAILROAD JOHN. The utter failure of the opposition to point out a sinnle mint in Governor Mickey's record which is opsa to attack, aotwithatanding the fact that repeated challenges have been made to them to do so. is about all than ia to mention in the argument oa th governorship contest. If Mick ey had left himself opea ia any re spsot, the democrats .would not have failed to call attention to the fact. As far as the Platte oauaty pram is ooa- m paper has bad tke nerve a waaaiai tha awvsraar. aad this lived. Th Tele- WORDS, WORDS, WORDS. The following may be charged to the Spalding Enterpise: ' ' President Roosevelt has been notified of his nomination for the great offloe which he is now filling, and haa ac cepted the same in n speech filled with high sounding words, a lama maioritv of which we have heard before." We are glad to note that the editor of the Enterprise was already ac quainted with more than half of the words used by the president. How ever, we can go him ooasiderably better. We have heard all of them before and can spell and pronounce all of them, for money. If our friend be lieves that political dootriae should be couched in strange and unheard of words, we would refer him to some of the sesquipedalian verbiage of oae Graver Cleveland on the subject of the communism of pelf, innocuous desuetude, and other such. The trusts consider Roosevelt a dangerous man because ha ia liable to do something that they doa't wast. All they have to do is to say that ho is dangerous aad every 7 by 9 aoliti dan ia the country ia oat telkiag tha same this. Doa't it make you weary? Scheyler Free Lance, (Pop ) Wesmaka is aUaaUfaaa. "I have read several published state ments," said a member of the Republican State Central Committee yesterday," and have heard it often said that the legisla ture will be close this year and the Republicans may fail to have a majority. 1 have been looking into the matter and have gathered together soma figures that ought to settle it. As a consequence I predict that the Republicans will have over lOOsaembereof the next legislature. "There are 133 members of the legisla ture. In the last legislature there were 105 Republicans and 28 Fustonists, a Republican majority of 77. Seveaty-eix of the Republican members had ssajori- ties of over 200 votes. Only 8 of the 28 Fusion members had majorities of over 200. Of the 29 Republicans elected by less than 200 majority each, the average msjority was 114, while 20 Fusionists were elected by an average majority of 60 each. The Republican majorities of the 29 that were elected by lens than 200 votes were ae follows: 3, 10, 41, 53, 55, 63, 70, 84. 90,99, 99, 107, 109, HO, 119, 120, 127, 141. 142, 142, 143, 144, 146, 156, 174, 180, 184, 198, 19a On the other hand, the majorities of the 20 Fusionists elected by Isas than 200 votes areas follows: 2, 6,11.14,15,20. 25, 29, 35, 44, 63, 55, 61, 73, 93, 111, 131, 140 and 138. "A glance at the figures reveals some peculiar facta. The Republicans had 95 members sleeted by majorities of over 100 votes, while the Fnakwiste elected only 12 members by over 100 majority. It ahowa also that there are in the Re publican column and that they are very much closer than the so-called elose Re publican districts. "It has been frequently stated that a few votes properly distributed would change the cosaplexioa of the legislature. The facts are. ae the figures show, that if every one of the 29 districts that the repuplieans carried by lees than 200 ma jority, were added to the 28fasioaieta, it would give them only 56 votes aad leave the republican 76, a ssajority ot 19. On the other band, it is also a fact that a change of less than 2,000 votes ia the state properly distributed would wipe out every fusion member of the leghua- tare. Of course the sixteen fusion dis tricts which elected their members of the legislature by saajoritisa of leas than 100 each, many will ao doubt go repub lican this year. The reoorde show that if all tha districta which th f unionist carried at the last election, either for the legislature, or for nnnsjaesmsa or on supreme judge last year, were to go f usionist at th next eleetiea aad Dang les county should go solidly for f assoa, th republioao would still have a good working majority of th legislature. It will be seen that nothing bat a laadslide can prevent th aext lsgislstar beiag republican, and nothing indicates that Jadge Parker will cane such a result ia as staunch a Roosevelt state aa Nebran-ka."-State Journal, July 81. the Frakfartcr Zeitang. om of tha leading newspapers of Germany, ooa taining some iaterestiBg aad iastruc tive matter on the commercial impor- to America, of tha W quote a few which are worthy of careful reading. "The fruits of the enterprise con sist in direct profits; they mast be looked for ia tha asiUtary-poUtical fields aad ia the promotioa of Amsrl oaa oommsTCS. la this lies the cen ter of gravity of the situation. Of what real advantage the sole con trol of th waterway ia times of war wiU be to the Uaited States will be sea oaly after a loag time. The ooa seqnsaoea for commercial navigation evideat. If looked at with yes they appear smalL What wiU th Panama Canal offer us? To the whole of eastern Asia and to Australia, inclusive of New Zealand, the way via the Saes Oaaal will re ssaia mach th nearer for Europe. From Hamburg to Hongkong, for in staaoe, the distance is via Sues 10,543 aaatloal miles, via Panama 14.933; to Melboune. via Sues 13,367, via Pan ama 13,198; to Yokohama, via Suez 13,631, via Panama 13,024. The Ans trailiaa Arobipelago plays too unim portant n role ro ht.va the reduction of distance to it coueldered in this con nection. For Europe, therefor, there remains a saving oaly ia tariff with the west coast of America. Of these ooantries Chile is the most Important, aad is hardly affected, so far m Europe is concerned, by the Pan amaCaaaL Hamburg received from Chile 933,300,000 worth of products and shipped 98.000,000 worth in return. This is between one-third and one-halt of the total commerce with the west era coast. Vessels ladea with saltpeter and guano will undoubtedly prefer the route around Gape Horn, which is not much longer, and for cargoes of seen little value will be preferable to that by way of the Panama Oaaal. which ia subject to heavy tolls. The exchange of goods with the countries to which the lessening of distance is the greatest, namely west era Mexico aad California, is of only saoderate importance. The saving of aaatieal miles betweea Hambarg and Saa Fraaoicoo aad all harbors on tha western coast north of Panama is 6.- A52; south of Panama the saviag con stantly doorcases. Between Hamburg aad Valparaiso it amonnta to oaly about 3,400 aaatioal miles. This saving is very mach larger for tha eastera porta of the United States, aamely, 9.631 aaatioal miles betweea New York aad Saa Francisco, so that New York on this route gains 3,889 aaatioal mile more thaa Hamburg. But this ia not all. The main fact is that this saviag is ao large oa the route from New York to eastera Asia aad Aastrailia that it changes the present disadvaatage of New York iato aa ad vantage. From Hamburg to Hoagkoag via 8aea, the distance is 10,543 aaati oal miles; from New York to Hoag koag, via Saez, it is 11,666 miles. Hambarg therefore has aa advantage of about 11,100 aaatioal miles. The Panama Oaaal will give nothing to Hamburg,' but a sayiag of 1,830 aaati oal miles to New York so that the distance will only be 9.835 nautical sails, 707 leas than from Hamburg. In routes to th saore northern parts of eastern Asm, as well as the eastern Aastralia, tha gala of New Yorkjgrows very materially. From Hamburg, via Saes, Melbourne th distance is 13,367 aaatioal mites; from New York about 13.600 u ViaPaaama, however, the distance from New York is only 10,437. so it wiU be about 2,000 aaatioal miles aearer to the Australian port thaa Hambarg. To Yokohama th distance from Hambarg is 25,331 aaatieal miles ; from Nsw York, via Saes. it is 13, 564 la round aumhers 1,000 aaatioal miles longer than from Hamburg. Throagh the Panama route Now York 3,739 aaatieal mile lath Japan Hamburg nothing. New York has therefore n distance of only 9,835 uaatical miles to Yokohama that is la round aambers.3,700 nautical miles lees thaa Hambarg. In shipping to Japan aad aortaera China, aad ia a lesser degree, to soathera Ohiaa and Aastralia, New York will have the advantage, oa account of shorter steamer trips, over Hamburg aad the Eaglish ports. If Earope has beea heretofore ia amoreadvaatageoas pos- itioa, North America will be the fav ored party when the Panama Oaaal isballt." FRIEDHOF&C2 Gents' Furnishing Goods vSale on Shirts for 3 days only. Thursday Friday and Saturday, August 11. 12 and 13. 1 tU t n "im HEP Note These Prices A snap iu soft Negligee shirt, collar attached in blue ami red stripes, sizes 12 to 17 inches, just the shirt for summer wear, worth 50c, ON SALE THREE DAYS We place on sale 25 dozen Men's nud Young Men's Shirts, fine woven madras, sizes 'Z to 17 inches. This shirt Marshall, Field & Co., Chicago, fold iu the early part ot" the H-asou lor $8.50 per dozen. On sale y above dates for only OJrC Men's unlaundried White Shirts, sizes 143 to 17. 50c VALUES DURING THIS SALE FOR f .! -HI f-r-r p )iv All our Men's and Young Men's Two-Piece Suits We"are cleaning up on Boy's Short Pants, at LESS THAN COST ! A good pair for 19c. cTD4ir utTo -e i .4.1 50c and 75e Pants now 39c. STRAU HATS, if you need one, cost not taken into consideration. We wish to close them out. 25c Row Tie lor 9c. 50c Four-in-hand Ties 25c. 250 airs Men's All-Wool Cassimere Pants. 85.00 pants now 83.00. 84.00 pants now S2.50. amTA few SUMMER VESTS left. Just half 83.50 pants now 82.00, and on down. former price. REMEMBER THE DATES Thursday, August 11. Friday, August 12. Saturday, August 13. REMNANT SALE DATES Thursday, August 11. Friday, August 12. Saturday, August 13. FRIEDHOF dc C2 In the fiscal year that has jest closed the excess of income over the ordinary expenditures was Bine mil lions of dollars. This does not take account of the fifty millions expend ed out of the accumulated surplus for the purchase of the Isthmian Canal. It is aa extraordiaary proof of the sound financial condition of the nation that instead of following; the nsnal coarse ia saoh matters aad throwiag the burden upon posterity by an issue of bonds, we were able to saake the payment outriaht aad yet after it to have ia the Treasary a surplus of one hundred and sixty-one millions. Moreover, we were able to pay this fifty millions of dollars oat of hand without causing the slightest distur bance to business conditions. Theo dore RooeevMt. Upon the principles which under lie this issue the convictions of half of oar number do not clash with those of the other half. So long as the Re publican party is in power the gold standard is settled, not as a matter of temporary political expediency, not because of shifting conditions in the nrodactioa of gold ia certaia miaiag centers, but in accordance with what we regard aa tha faadameatal princi ples of Bartons 1 morality and wis dom. Theodore Roosevelt. In all of thie we are saore fortunate than our opponents, who now appeal for conldeace oa the ground, which sosse express aad some seek to have coandeatially nndertstood, that if tri umphant they may be trusted to prove false to rexj principle which in the last eight years they have mid down as, vital, aad to leave undisturbed those very acts of the admiaistratioa aeoaaseof which they ask that the adamiaistrntion itself be driven from power. 8eemingly their present atti tude as to their past record is that some of them were mistaken and others insincere. Theodore Roosevelt. If tha result of the November elec ttoa depeaded apoa the people of Ne braska, Mr. Roosevelt would be elect ed alasost unaaissously, for he is a asaa saeh as the westera people de light to honor. Fall City Journal. COI.UMBIMES. P.J. B. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat, new 80 Wheat, old 82 Corn 38 Oats V bushl 26 Rye V bushel 45 Barley, 27 Hogs cwt 4 50 4 70 Fat steers cwt 4 00 4 50 Stock steers cwt 2 55 :i 55 Fat cows-V cwt 2 303 3 05 Potatoes- pk .30 Butter t? 9 12fjl M Eggs ? dozen 13j WOUD'S FAIS LOW 1ATXS. Teaa-Taaa. Lincoln, Nebr., (Oorrespoadeaoe.) The populist leaders who are oppos ed to fastoa-aad nearly all the "old guard' are iacladed ia that category are prepariag to organize a "Tom Tosn"clab to promote the interests of Teas Watsoa aad Tom Tibbies. A ssong these simon-pure populists there is but oae seatimeat with re gard to fusion and that is that if the democrats will kiadly aegleot to pat up aa electoral ticket ia the field in this state the popalists will be ready to treat with them oa state candidates. Otherwise "Paddle yoa own canoe" wiU be the slogan of the populists. a republican standpoint it little or ao difference what the of the two parties may de cide to do. The leaders may fuse bat the voters will not. A "reform ed who wm rapport Parker aad all that Parker steads for cannot poll the vote of either of the parties. The aa- daoityof a maa who will preach aati-moaopoly, free silver, honest it aad fair ballot before the of Nebraska aad at tha sasse sapors Parksr. corporation rale. the gold standard and Tammany ssay be admirable, bat his positioa does Botaapealto the voters of his state who for eight years have aattiedfar what they believed was right and It was nos Pnmeriam. Hillism or We who have beea intrusted with power as public servants during the past seven years of admiaistratioa and legislation now come before the people content to be judged by our re cord of achievessent. In the years that have gone by we have saade the deed sqaare with the word ; and if we are continued in power we shall un swervingly follow out the great liaes of pablio policy which tha Republican party has already laid dowa; a pablic policy to which we are giviag aad shall give, a united, and therefore an efficieat,sapport. Theodore Roose velt. Three years ago I became President because of the death of my lamented predecessor. I then stated that it was my purpose to carry oat his principles end policies for the honor and the in terest of the country. To the best of my ability I have kept the promise thus made. If next ' November my countrymen confirm at the polls the action of the convention you repre sent I shall, under Providence, con tinue to work with aa eye siagle to tha welfare of all oar people. Theo dore Roosevelt, We know what we mean when we speak of an honest and stable cur rency. We mean tha same thing from year to year. We do aot have to avoid a definite aad coaelastve i the asost important issue which recently beea before the people, aad which may at aay time ia theaear future be before them again. Theo dore Roosevelt. Edgar Howard iadieasss again that the read wiU be vary mei tha hills vary sssea for Urns A, flilnmb: if Howard wiU hiss,ef of the Parker oaadidacy are so iailstatcly associated with tha Jtstlsa is that he saaaatwia. With saeh a mall salt tha hustle wUl asgia with asset ease sariead with a real" W. Bryan, There is a good deal of talk about Mr. Bryan being a bolter. Jadge Par ker is the greatest of ail dessocratio bolters. He bolted the platform of the St. Lewie convention and is still standing ea aae saade for aim by the Belmoats.-Newman Grove Herald. Oar cat now takea a piano Ieaaoo eery day. Half the world ia plajiajc priaca oa tha salary of a paaper. asd tba other half ia plajing panper oa the iaooaw of a plumber. HaTea't yoa noticed how ranch more effective the arxnaMBt of even a street spicier U when it ia preaeatad ia grammatical English? If we fiad Chria O men t her' pocketbnok and the $10 reward ia still is sitrht, we shall certainly restore it to him. provided of coarse that it proves to contain no saore thaa he allege. To him who geta gar, retribution is general'y pretty swift. Last week we took occasion to make a few remarks on the subject of hoM-nps ia the form of wedding invitations. The- follow- ing morning we received a bid to the marriage feast of n maa whom we have not seen or heard from for twelve years. SIDE TALKS WITH TODSO THISOH. BcsraYoar harden is certainly a heavy one. yet yoa should not despair. Yoa wy yoa would like to appear yoosger, bat cannot let your hair nans down because it ia not home-made, and can not wear short dresses because of the size of your feet. Remember that we all have our crosses to bear. Ussetibtk The young maa waa certainly very rude to you. Yoa shoald tell him that yoa do not wish to see him again, and then giggle softly ao that there may be no misunderstanding. Kvkleka No, yoa do not have to play trump when yoa do not know what ia trump. It ia very evideat that when good old Rihop Potter opened hia Christian saloon in New York . w. a a be started someming. it wouia seem, generally t peaking, that the bishop has drawn unto him self the condemnation of those who talk and the approbation of those who keep still. We are mach grieved probably more than the bishop ia to see this storm of adverse criticism direct ed against this sane and good man. It i cot the bishop'a fault, and not altogether the fault of bis eritice; the fault he in our undeveloped civilization. In the Fatherland a pastor will lead his Bock of devout and honest men. women and children down to the wayside tavern after aervicea and each one will get outside of a large aad comfortable stein. In this country they go home severally and ash cold bottle oat of the ice-boxes in their respective house. lrohi- bitionista of course are unalterably oppoel to the Christian tavern, oat proninmonists are very intemperate ia their abstinence. Temper ate men very often want a drink that cheers. and they would rather go into a quiet, respect able place and get pare liquor than into the average saloon where they may get adulterated goods. Moat of the critic of Bishop Potter ad mit that the Christian saloon i a good thing for the pablic. bat aay it ia not a good thing for the Bishop. We are of the opinion that the Bishop ia plenty able to rustle for himself, and here 'a to him, blese hi old heart! When I come to the time when 1 have to belong To church, ia order to help ae along In my basiaess. I think I shall try and lire np To the doctrine I preach: if I need a email sap Of something- to wet my old whistle. Ill go To the town pamp and get it. en that 1 show That I mean what I aay. EVERY DAY The Union Pacific will sell Round Trip tickets to St. Louis and return at following low rates: FIFTEEN DAY TICKETS Every day to Nov. 30, good to return 15 days. 817.10. SIXTY DAY TICKETS Every day to Nov. 20, good to retnra 60 days. 919.00. SEASON TICKETS Every day to Nov. 15, good up to Dec. 15. $22.90. Inquire of W. H. Benham, Agent. SPECIAL TO DAVID CITY. On Sunday, Aug. 7th. the Burlingtoa will run a special train to David City for the Chautauqua, leaving Columbus, Nebr. at 9 a. m. Returning it will leave David City at 9.30 p. m. A round trip rate of $.75 haa been tuad for this occasion a favorable opportun ity for a delightfull trip. Ask the npent for further information W01XD S FADL ine Lmon Pacific in conectioa with the Wnlnch Line now runs through EIvtnc Lighted Sleepers to St. Loais and return. Passengers are landed at main entrance of Exposition at a conven ient hour in the morning, thus earing time and expense on arrival at St. Louis, and avoiding the great crowd at the big Union Station. Many hours quicker than any other rout. No change of cars Illustrated guide to the Fair free oa application to W. H. Bknh.inm. PROPOSED OON&TITtJTIONrU, AMENDMENT. A dlsrepatable newspaper calls the dessocratio eaadidate for vlce-presi-asat. "Hank". Snasse oa sack Ir rsvereaos to the aged! Waaoo Wasp. Where are yoa at. Mr. McKillip. oa taaSaasasOity or St. Loalsplatforss? Tne people nave a right to know. Leigh World. Bat now when I feel that I need a small sap To keep my great liunblea from doing me I go to the pine where the etnC may he had And walk ia the treat deer aad get it, begad. Ia the old saahinnsd way. Try the Koa-Mlcotlne. A scientific arodaeUea of Oiaara, Sold nnder the Uaited States aad the Baglteh aateass. Try one of these. aU0-5t CHARLES H. DACkT. The following projvol amendment to. ami convention for the refUioa of. thelVntitntioa of the State of Nehra. ae hereinafter et f.irth. in full. i atmit!el to the elector of the tat of Urakv to N ou,t uiin .it the cwaenl eW i.n to ! held 1u.U). November s. A. D. tSaTK Kiix No. H4.) A Bill for a Joint Koolation recommen.lin,c to the ehvtore of th- t-Ute to vote at th nxt election of nn-mlvt. of trie Legislature for or aeaict i cneut on to rie, amend and chance the ( atitation of the Stat of Nebraska in accordance with Section 2. Article 13. of t&e Contttction of the St.Me of Nehranka. it J.VoJwiJ by . Ij?u7u;urr of the St.tle of -Wf.nul'M I. ThM it i deemed neceary to call a con vention to rerie. amend aad change th Coa- Muuiina 01 ine siai 01 aeoraeaa. 2. That theUctor are recommended to v. J at thw n.'xt election of member of the Legis lator for or Kjcxint convention to ri. amend and change the Constitution of th Stat of Nehrka. 1. Tht at such next election of members of th lviltur m the ballot tf rch elector voting at nch election. hlt ! printed or writ ten in snch manner thAt tN elector can indicat hi ptvfereiice nciW tlto lw the word: FOK calling a convention to rerise, amend and -linre the tYtntitntion of th Stat of Tlsbtai ha. and "AOAlXST calling a convention to re , amend and change th Constitution of the Stat of Nebraska': and if a majority voting at said election shall rote for a convention, th lewislatnr shall, at its nest session, pro id by law for calling the same. I, Jev W. Marsh. Secretar of Stat of th Stat of Nebraska, do hereby certify that th foregoing proposed amendment to th Constitu tion of the Stat of Nebraska, and providing f or a Convention for th revision of asid iYu;tnt ;. of the Stat ot Nebraska, fa a tree aad correct cor j ot tit original enrolled tall passed hy th-Tweaty-eignth session of the Legislature of the State of Nebraska, as it appear from said origi nal bill, on file in my oSW, and that said pro posed aBMddment and revision of the Concilia tion of the Stat of Nebraska is submitted to Uu oneliSed voter of th State of Nebraska, for thr adoption or rejection, at th general elec tion to be held xi laadar. the Sth day of No te testimony whereof. I hereunto set mj hand aad aflxd th (treat Seal of the Stat of Ne braska. IV at Uncoln thie 3th day of July, ia the year of oor l,ord One Thousand Nine Hundred aad tVnr, .4 th ladeoen Jen e of the Uaited State the One Hundred and Twenty -Niat aad of this State the Thirty-SSghta. ,aT tMUU) JarV,of'3Uto. I .- '.,X rVr.i. , . .. . cCsraratfMaT: