The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 10, 1904, Image 3

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    1ST -' c- i.
- "
The Ward of
A Rcmance of the
B? OTTILIE k. UUEMCHA.VrZ. arthw af The Thrall f Lief the Lucky.
rcpr-,sht, in. by A.
CHAPTER X! Continued.
Ir v,as5.'0r wh. orisn- die drag-
ging pace nnailv , a ha.r hrowing
himself upon a atone bench to hold his
head in his hands. "'We cannot arive
Iheni off. that needs no further proof.
And I do not aee how we can hold out
till the time that chance entires rhem
away. u-h-n but one meal stands be
tween us and starvation, and already
we are as weak as rabbits. Naught
can prorit us save craft."
I think I could manage if for you.
lord. They think me your unwilling
captive- you remember what the mes
senger said about freeing me? If I
should jo to Rothgar' bis voice
broke and his eyes sought his friend's
eyes as though they were wine-cups
from which he could drink courage
"if I should go to Rothgar. Ioni. I
conic aeciare myself scapeti. and he
UU1 e iiheiy to believe anv story I
told him.
S.-bert leaped up and caught the lad
by the shoulders, then hesitated,
weighing it in his mind, half fearing
to believe. "Bat are you sure that
your tongue will not trip you? Or
your face, poor mouse?"
The boy seemed to '.rather strength
from the caressing hands. a Thor
from the touch of his magic blr. "As
r rtin. f t!nl. I. . . t
aj uiau l iiiiiiv iif ! iini "A is nnn'
to ffli. th- rnilh I u-ill rn ,., i
. llLUl
that vou have rhuiiL'hr it rvHo-ronii .,.
ward him to starve your Danish cap-
Pulling the soft curls with a sug- digraced in his mind. Yet do not let
gestion of hit old Hghthardtedness, I that prevent your joy. my Bold One.
the Etheling Iaushed with him. "You If it is possible for me to take him
bantling! Who would have dr-amed aliv and bind him. your own hand
you to that dtr- artful? I would not ' -hall be the on, to strike Sebert Os
havp you suffer thir anuer Are yru waldswin his death-blow."
capable of so much feigning.'"
For an in:anf the boys v, were '
even audacious, and all the hollow- of the cheeks fould not hide a
flashing dimple "Oh, my dear lord. 1
am capable of . much more feigning
than you guess!" he answered, daring-
"Nay. have I nor been wont to call
you elf'" Sebert rturneil. Then his
voice deepened with fueling. "By the
soul or my fuihe-. Fr.dtjof. if you
bring me out of ihls cn;in' me ;nd
mine. I ueelan- with truth that there
will tie no reeompenee you can ask at
my hands which I ihail not be glad
to grant " H- paused m tne wonder
of itjeing the sparkle in the blue ees
flee away wnh a flrtmg light
The page Turie(S from him almost
with a sob. Prav you. promise me
We cannot drive them off;
nothing " he sa:d hatii If ever I
see you again, and you nave more to
give me than pity Nay i shail lose
my courage if I think of that pan.
Get me out quickly while the heart is
firm within me
-Certainly it would be best for you
to come to them while they are in
such a state of feasting that their
BKgr-ltm sr fif aRI Win Mil' t '
a a. m .' v ..-: ' mr ' twini 11 il I '.it .
good-humor is Keenest and lheir wits j keep their provisions in the house we
dullest." Sebert assented. ' burned. Did he lie.'"
It would -how no more than friend- ' -jo not know whether he lied or
ship u -aii. tna' you were sorry j no, - Ranuahn answered slowly; "but
to have me go." -he told him with . jt seems to me ire:r foolishness that
quivering lips-. "Are you -o eager in . you did not take tlie time into con
getung me off that you cannot say jou ( i.teration. At we end of the harvest.
will miss me?" j any Engli-h house would be fitted out
But the young Ioni only laughed ' for weeks of feasting. You came the
good-humoredly. "What a chi'd you night the larder as fullest, and they
are! Do you not know those things have only spent one meal a day since."
without my telling you" And as for Rothgar gor upon his feet and tow
missmg you. I am not likely to have ered ovrr her his Jonm-frame appear
tlme. The first chance you get. you j ing to swell with irritation. "Tell
will slip back to me if you do not. I ', shortlv what you think of their case,
will come after vou and flog you into can they '.asi one day more?"
the bargain, be there no forgetting!"
She could not laugh as she would
once have done instead she choked in
the cup and pushed it from her. A
passionate yearning came over her for
one such word, one hu.n look, as he
would give the dream-lady when she
should come. I latence. i liose wnose fluency -as not
"I wish I had not thought of it! I hampered by their feelings relieved
wish I had not told you!"' she sobbed . their minds, by cursing. And the few
into the soft mufiling. "Only to be , who were boldest turned and bearded
near you I thought heaven; and now the son of Lcdbrok himself.
the Fa:ss have cheated me even out , "How much longer must we endure
of that." J this"" "Think of the game we are
The Etheiing put his hand under the missing' "There is little need to re
Dent head to raise it that he might j mind me. My naked fiats cculd bat
hear what the ups were saying, and j ter the stones from their places "
she covered his palm, with kisses. "In a week more, it is possible that
Then slipping away. like the elf he j England may be won! ' "What do
had called her she glided through the ! you care for their wretched land.
narrow space of the half-onen door I
T. - t.
and was gone snhhing out into the
and was
How Fridtjcf Cheated the Jotun. ,
"I tmt nv -.wopl I :ru-.t mv stti.
But iro-m: I trust jy..-if at need.
the fair-haired cald sang exultingly to .
the Danishmen sprawled around the '
camp-fire. It was to no graceful love- j
ong that his harp lent its swelling j
chords, but to a stern chant of mighty
deeds, whose ringing notes sped 1
through the forest like the bearers of ,
war-arrows, knocking at the door of .
eacn sleeping echo until it awoke and
carried on the summons.
Echoes awoke as well in the breasts
of 'hose who listened. When the miu
strel laid aside his harp for his cup.
Snorri Scar-Cheek brought his fist
down in a mighty blow upon the earth.
"To hear such words and know one's
self doomed to wallow in mast!"
A dozen shaggy heads wagged surly
acquiescence. But from the figure
outstretched upon the splendid bear
skia a harsh voice sounded. "Now I
see that because you lie in mast you
tave a swine's wit." it said. "Do you
-.ant the thrall to stand forth and
prove for the hundredth time that
lheir bins must needs be as empty as
jour head?"
.Into the den the daughter of Prode
King Canute
Danish Conquest.
, caiic on her diiEcu t m'ssion. It was
h Soar-Cheek xio offered the nrst
welcome a j.aSjior "The hawk
ecap-, from ihe cage 'Veil done,
champion: Did you batter a way out
' with your mighty lists?" A core of
j hands were stretched fortn to draw
the boy into the cirri, a score of
horns were held for his refreshment.
Rotngar sat up on the great skin
with a gesture of come cordiality.
"Hail to you. Fndtjof Frodson ! '' he
said. "Your escape is a thins that
,' gladdens me. I did not like the
thought of starving ou. and I hope
your fatner will overlook the unfriend
liness of it."
Th Scar Check, who had been scan
ning her critically where she stood
before 'hem. drinking, gave a pitying
grunt. ay tne crookeu horn. bov. vou I
' must have had nauirht but ill luck
since the time of Scoerstan! No more
, meat is on you than a raven could
eat. ana me mgnt i was m rte Eng-
lisnman's hall, you had the appear
ance of having been under a !ash.
Your guardian spirit mast have gone
astray "
Though -he managed to keep her !
eyes upon her cup. Randalin could not
hinder a wave of burning color from i
over-running her face. Seeing it,
r . L. i . I i t-; . i ,, . t
nn njr n.!ii nil ms fi:nfi if; htt -li-m
fnr ildnu
. ...
"Vnn acr m a m:innprUu inr t,
ns Gudbrandsson. when you remind a
hi"h-r,niriteil vonth rh.-ir h hn h-n
The giris nervousn.s betrayed her
into a burst of hv-nencal laughter, but
b-r wits were quick enough, to turn
it to good arrounr. she said with
t rititjot s own petulance. our boon j
i iiKe we one Canute lias in store
for nie. I am likely to wait so long
for both that I shall have no teeth
left to chew theni with."
The abruptness with which silence
fell over the group was startling.
Snorn bent torward and plucked her
sternly b.ich a-s sh made a move to
ward the bread, a dozen voices ques
tioned her
"What do you mean by that?" . .
"Why will it rake long"" . . "Are
they not short in food?"
Knowing rhat she could not achieve ,
unconcern, she kept to her petulance,
jerking her cloak away from the hand
that ne eds no further prccf."
that detained it "Should I be apt to
blame him for starving me if he did
it because no better cheer was to be
had? Let me bv to the bread.'
Instead, the ring narrowed around
her and the chief himself put peremp
tory questions in his heavy voice.
"Has he food? What do you mean?
The thrall told us they are wont to
Fridtjof the Bold took refuge in sul
leaness. "They can last two weeks
a easily as one. How much longer
are you going to keep me from food?"
She was free after that to do any
think -he liked for their excitement (
was so great that they forgot her ex- j
chief" 'Chief, how much longer must
,- v. .... '
n-e lie here ' ,
When that question was finally oci.
. every man heaved a sigh of relief.
straightening in his place like a dog
"lsi prickias hls earSf and there
was a pa2.
A fell look came into the Jotun's
face as he gazed back at them; and
for a time it seemed that he would
either answer with his fist or not at
alL But at length he began to speak
in a voice as keen and hard as his
"You know mv temner and that T
must have my -xUl. Always I have
thought it shame that my kinsman's
odal should lie in English hands, and
uu 1 maue up my mine to put
an end to it You know that I am In
no way greedy for property. When I
obtain the victory, you shall have
every acre and every stick on it to
bum or plunder or keep, as best
pleases you." He interrupted himself
to bend forward, shading his eyes with
his hands. "If I am not much" mis
taken." he said in quite another voice.
"yonder is Brass Borgar at last! Yon
der, near those oak-trees."
In an instant they had all turned tD
scan the moon-lit open.. And now that
they were silent, the thud of hoofs be
came distinct. Shouting their we!
come, some hurried to heap fresh
T 1-...... -
j fuel on the fire, and some ran altar
j more ale-skins; while others rushed
J forward to meet the messenger and J
run beside his horse, riddling with
When the
man finally stood before
r said sternly. "It is time
him. Rothgar
you were here! Ten days have gone
! over your head since I sent you out. j
I You must do one of two things either I
tell great tidings or submit to sharp
The Brass One laughed as he saint- j
ed. "I should have been liable to
sharp steel had I, come sooner, chief. ,
Would you have taken it well if I .
had left without knowing how it went '
with the battle?" !
"Battlel" three-score mouths cried '
as with one voice. "Who were vie-'
The man laughed again. "Should I
come to you with a noisy voice and my
chin held high, if other than one .
thing had happened? Honor to the !
Thunderer, the Raven possessed the '
fleMr j
Such a clamor arose as though the
wolf-pack had tasted blood. Three
times, through the trumnet of hi
hands. Rothgar bawled a command for
ine Dattie: Where was ltV AaO
how long since? Yet. before any of
h how n it tvJrh mv mvii fn.
.nee. now ?oes it with my rojal ios-
TPr-hrnrhiJPs' An.? Iintr - h5a ti-i tnN
J carry sail, Odin's curse upon them!
Speak! How fares he?'
(To be continued.)
FARM YIELD $4,500,000,000.
Product. Not Including the Feeding of
.. uumiwi oy an upen.
George K. Holmes, chief of the di
vision of foreign markets, department
i ,- M 1. . -i
i ...... - . . ...
estimate ci we value or we rarm . '"" --j iUu0. .u -
i...... ... ... . , , .',i- nnmn.-n.) or- -vTiac Vvn Booth
I live stock in 1303. on the basis of the
! ., ,.....-. , .. -.;u.- vaiuauuu. piacca il at t,juv,-
in rarvin. ft-..ti., , f .
r ..." l,: .j
- ...: 1 :
nji uuuuuai cousumuuou. are cua-
,.,.l ., ; .: k..
. sionni ar rhd n,.rr. .mi irrtv.,finT,ai
j boundaries of this countrv. where of-
i .- ... ," ..
thPm and make a record of lheir
m;v;la ut lue uusioins lane accuuui ut
vaiuea ixau weigni 01 suca at ineci
1 1 it-. - X. rf .1
as are meaaured an(1 weighed in com -
m; nna Tt,0 vina .
j certained are not farm values, since pose, walk, every movement, is grace
! to the original farm value of the prod-1 fuL Mr. Choate, the United States
nets have been added numerous ( ambassador, is credited with the re
charges and profits which the prod-1 mark, after hearing her at the Royal
ucts must bear in the course of a dis-' Albert hall, where Lord Rosebery and
tnbution that is often intricate in its ' others were present: "I have heard
business iletails. but one other woman on our side of
"The exnort value of the exDorted the water with equal oratorical girts.
farm products of this countrv was
3S7S.479.451 in the fiscal year 1903.
During the preceding five years. 1S98-
1902. the annual average value was
S5C1.037.S15. and during the next pre-'
ceding five years. 1S93-1S37, it was
$616,074,047. During the last eleven
3-ears the highest value reached was
S9ol.62S.H31 in the year 1901, chiefly
due to cotton."
French Railway Grades Salaries af
Its Employes.
Solieintfio for rhe ruinnlaf inn of
- -- i-'i- "
France has frequently found expres- he form of a parallelogram. The
I -ion in public and private utterance." monument itself, which is aDout ten
j says the Railway Age. "but it has re-1 'eet high, tapers slightly as it rises.
I mained tor the Pans-Lyons-Meuiter-1 md its rugged simplicity is relieved
, ranean Railway Company to institute j jnly on the side bearing the inscrip
a system intended to promote larger ( jon. There is carved in relief a
iamiues. .Accoruing to wis pian oi- j "aurel wreatn. alter a uesiga ul u
fleers and employes are divided into Gaudens, as seen upon the Shaw me
three classes by incomes and subdl-1 inorial in Boston. Eeneath the
video according to the size of the ! wreath is this inscription:
tamilies. Employes getting wages oft
less than J400 a year are to receive ? -
an annual premium of J6 to $120. the '
lower sum for those having three i
children and the larger for those hav-.
ing nine, with intermediate sums for
proportionate numbers. In the second
class are those earning less than $460,
i for whom the premium is placed at
Sl. for a family of six. ranging up to
i S40 to the employe with nine children. '
I The mini class, drawing up to $520
i as salary, only enjoys the premium
' when the number of children has ,
reached eight, then having $20 added. ,
ami 350 should the number increase
to nine. This action is the first of its
kind to be taken by a corporation in
Europe, although the German states
nave adopted similar measures
, ,
creased wages to states employes. '
"Maarifsh" River.
The late Maxwell Sommerville of
ue ;--; ' --V-- ai,l,
nearlv rorty years of his life in On-'
: . ,
ental travel and Study.
V- ! iveic i f ff OQnnovIvinJfi ennnt
iui. ,., uu ii"c" '
to narrate the strange error that was
D it' C .T?n j-i it c-l c?nfi iirf mi ts&
"7.uwue Ui r-cm-u ""U4Cl "c
had known.
This explorer had made a journey ,
to kairwan and had drawn a map of
the country he had passed through.
The singular thing about this map
UU2 LUUL IUC UilUiC ,niii3U ty
peared so many times on it. A river '
would he the "Maarifsh River': a
mountain would be "Mount Maarifsh ':
a village, a lake, a valley each would
be called "Maarifsh."
When Prof. Sommerville saw the '
map he laughed.
"Don't you know.
he said to the
'maarifsh means in .
No. said the other. What does , - . . .. .. ,
gnost ot Garry an agonen, a fa
it mean? ' - " . .. . , ,.
"It means Don't know.' "
Dispatch. -Pittsbur?
been seen at Union Center, near Judge
Mosaics for Stanford University Parker's residence. The ghost has
Maurizio Camerino, an artist from made its appearance periodically ever
Venice, has begun work on several - since Garry died, first in 1S76 (Tildeni,
more elaborate mosaic designs on the(aoXt in i$$ (Cleveland) and again
enterior of the Stanford Memorial j ia 2392. Democrats look upon the
Cnurcn at atamora university, call-
J"",; n: :.V n 11
torma. The new mosaics will repre-
,..,.,. . . 1
j sent Dioucai scenes anu win oe piacea
over the entire side walls of the organ ' -'Garry's peculiar loping gait."
loft and the east and west transept f
wings. At present those walls are sur- A Had Humble Beginnings,
faced with smooth-faced stone, orna-t it fs interesting to recall how men
mented with artistically carved de-, cow of rominence labored in their
signs, but these wHl be hewn out and j ey days. Grover Cleveland when
the mosaic work substituted. When , tad worked in a country store, Sena
the proposed work is completed the tor Beveridge was a railroad laborer,
entile interior wall surface of the edi- Senator Fairbanks a carpenter, Judge
fice will be covered with mosaic. The aq b. Parker taught school. Gov.
work will require eight months for
To Preserve Ola Capitol.
A movement has been started at
Colorado Springs. Colo., to preserve
we cia territorial uapuui ouuuing, m ( Ag. Hjb Not Withered,
that city, which is now ocenpied by . jjev. William W. Howe, the vener
a Chinese laundry. The El Paso aWe Baptist clergyman of Cambridge.
County Historical Society is consider-1 mas celebrated his ninety-eighth
ing plans for keeping the old losjbirtkday on Wednesday last. Mr.
bunding intact and suitably marking , Howe, except for a severe cold, is in
the Structure. , mni heIrh anrf fc ramarkahlr hri.r
Turk Tax the Greeks.
The Porte bavins issued orders for
the collection of license taxes from
Greeks in the Turkish dominioas, it Is
feared at Athens that there will he
fresh trouble, especially at Smyraa.
Iriah Part Jam tary FuasV
The Irish pariiamentary fuad for
the year 1904 amounted to C,H,
j !
. V
The battle-ship Ohio was given her
, speed trial in Santa Barbara (Cal.)
channel Aug. 1. The course was up
the coast thirty-six miles to a stake-
hoat onnosite Point Cnncention. On
, rua Ohio more than made
the requirea SDeed. and as she swung
I .
araund the stakeboat at full spceu
was half a minute ahead of the time
required to make, eighteen knots.
On the run down the coast the ride
a,..i: , ., Rnt;fullv
, giLiun nrmj wci.t ..
Equipped by- Nature.
The Canadian contingent at the 5al-
.: -oo in f nmlnn was
' the "unconscious actress." whose
' nrr.o.,,11 .,mntin mnnnpr was the
" ....- . .-.-
astonishment of all who heard her
I sneak at the gathering named. Her
Une ,ro .r fnii :ini vibrant with
i nncfimn aT Vli an llnfMnTinn IS flaW-
i i"uu " "--' .- -
, loaa A cho annrfinphflS the ClimaX
of an aDDeal for converts her tace
becomes almost ghastly pale. With
k-..? niif.i .hQ crr?,t0 tn nnd fro
"m "i""" "- w..-
I upon the platform, now bending al-
ms-iiit- r h -rT. TinTtf CTTPpn T1T Lile
-" -" iiuw, uv- ,"-. a
' assembly with a compelling gesture
lik a vnnmr oueen of tragedy. Her
and that was Anna Dickinson." One
i dramatic critic says: "Even Coque-
, lia could not improve her in point oi
, facial expression.
i Granite Monument Reared in Memory
) of Ex-Speaker.
' a granite monument has been
arected in Evergreen cemetery, Port-
(land, Maine, over the grave of ex-
i Speaker Thomas Brackett Reed.
The monument is cut from white Hal-
lowell granite, and rests on a broad
k..j ,.-. t m.i imo m:itpr'nl In '
uwc jiuuc ui ii- . T
1SS9 1902. :
: His Record Is with the Faith- :
: Xul. the Brave and the True :
: of All Nations and All :
: Ages. :
0r Howard Surprised at Cordiality
Qf Hja Greeting.
, , . , TT , , , .... .u
1 ur. ieiana vj. nuwira, ueau ot tne
bureau of entomology in Washington.
s a native of Rockford, 111. Some
ood stories are told at his expense.
Dn one of his recent trins m western
, . u- . 5"i t,.
Pennsvlvania. which involved long
1 nd dusty field and forest tramping
n connection with the observations
' JFhich he was making, he dropped into
barber shop to get "brushed up."
. ... . . ,; .... ,. r,i-n ?
The tonsonal artist who attacked
nfK,am hnenerf to he an elderlv
x tr
rman. He accosted Dr.
warmIy addressin5 nim as
old man"
md expressing the greatest delight at
this accidental reunion of old friends.
0r HQward .j sarprise
cordialitv of the recepUon and
WQere Lad met ..You
remember me," aslced the bar-
ber in ill-concealed disgust, "when I
nn a shop right next to where you
were tending bar at the Philadelphia
centennial?" The doctor did not re
ail such an early entomological ex
perience, valuable as it might have
proved in his subsequent researches.
Democratic Ghost Appears.
Esopus chroniclers have another
f mTotonr ro anlvn Tr is cjiiit rfinf thp
iuuus uymucrat. ol mat. piace, wuu
?aid he would never have his hair cut
if Abraham Lincoln was elected, has
iZi we "ou umeu.
There seems to he no miet;on ahout
i Lnm seem- tu ue uo nueuou auuut
rairh's annenranre as a nr1 nmen
na identitv. as it is reoorted to have
odeii 0f New York delivered ice, Car-
dinal Gibbons was a clerk. Gov. Ker
riek of Ohio sawed wood and peddled
dinner bells and organs. Bishop Mer
rill learned the shoemaking trade.
He still keeps up a keen interest in
what is going- on thronghotit the
world and on many- matters of public
interest kas decided convictions.
Great Author Died in Debt.
, The estate of Manras Jokai, the
Hnmgarfaa author, who recently died,
ikdws Uabfiities to tte amoaat of $20,
000, with assets pacticalljr nil. ,
i and wind were against her, howeve:
and she lost a minute and a halt in
, . thirty-sir miles. Rear Admira?
wrltrt i it rxrl it f V r mtnrn
f ment's
..--"-- inn t.
"10' an .V?pt r3110- represent
' inS tae builders, were sanguine that
, tha nMn .,,, . ,.- . .
"- """ tvjuju. auun liiU ICUUliCt ,
an.a.i.? r-r r .u ,, .u u-
speed. Capt. Forsythe said the Ohic ,
?n ,.,. .v. . - . ..
a ill have another trial run, possibly.
n-ithtr, -t- . i .,
aithm a week or ten days, over the i
same course
VardrhJif. c-.i.. . ......
.. m,i,,,j viidry ot OUrxCSICS
of This Description.
A peculiar characteristic of the i
I VnmTorhtlr ! rh.. .-...-.-.i..ti - ...
. . . uu,wuaJij uiey
' solifnm if t- o-,-,. ,..-i j
j These 'favors are managed more or
i ess hv n,ann,ov -vr r 1 r.
Duval. In fact, many stories are told
-. .. . .v..-, mm. v-. i
, by guests of Frederick .in,! will,
. K. Vanderhiir hM ,i,fl TOo
niJC!nl rmin h-ifinff U;M Vnx.. w:
- w..., ., tiicn imca uaiii
lor them hv 1-ViqSt. n.yro Tkn .J5..
, tances. excent wherft sneoi:.t minsi
or cars were provided, were compara -
rf-oir- .nn-f. f- j .. ... X...,
. ....j v.t, iUi iuaLiiiiue, uy iu rreu -
erick Vanderbilt's place on the Hud-
Crtn 'lThl -n-n-r J T T -t .1
, -.. . iic.ijuu. iuu luuk isiauu
( country places are on other roads and
the Vanderbilts, except on some extia
.- ... l .. .
occasion, travel like ordinary mortals.
The first change in this system has
eea made this summer by Alfred I
VlT!taiVliIf tr-Ti- U..- Un.l II 1--, I
Zrr.J.TJ ""
....4o jami uuul, itii u iasL motor
tuai. ior tne accommodation ot his
guests from Wickford landing to his
country place outside Newport.
Patrick O'Brien Hurried From Bath to
Cast Vote in Parliament.
,, .. .. .
.uemoers oi parliament are called
upon most unexpectedly to attend a
umsion of the house. hen the bell
r.a uhtu mere is m-
variably gathering m haste to present
?riPTaSri mt?- Jr t 0PD -
sition. Patnclc OBnen. an Irish mem-
oer. was once caught m an uncomforf-
Sole lireilicamenf when :i f?iriTrn --nj
,, t TT . .
v-aneu. ne was enjoying a pining not
i,...t. ,.. .u . .i .,
i,diu oii. tue dressing room in tne nar-
ament building when the clanging
of the bell reached his ears. It was a
desperate situation, but Mr. O'Brien
was not dismayed. He put on some
hind of overcoat, walked boldly up to
rll ii rf Mricin Initio n n ,3 ,X:,I Mn. tl. - '
. ...uu JUUi uuu uiu uui anu,
tveu uis uearest inenu to suspect'
ihat, except for the overcoat, he was j
cressed with the same absence of the
superfluous as the first parents when !
they wandered happy and unclothed.
and probably unbathed, in the mean- j
dering paths of Eden. i
Man Frcm Village Thought He De- j
tectad a Palpable Exaggeration.
Henry Clews, the banker, who has
had an experience in Wall street ex
tending over thirty years, was riding
on a crowded Xew York elevated train '
a few weeks ago. Pie was accompa-
nied by a friend from up the state,
and the latter, not accustomed to be-1
ing jostled, remarked with a great i
deal of emphasis that it was terrible
the way people were packed into the
elevated cars. "This system," said
Mr. Clews, who has a penchant for
statistics, "carried 246..1S7.022 passen
gers from June 20. 1902, to June 30.
l'JOo.'' "I know they do a big busi-
ness," said the man trom the auiet i
village, "but they couldn't carry that
many people. You know this country
only has a population of 80,000,000." "
1 ' ,
Works of Untaught Sculntor '
Henry Merwm Shrady, who is to '
model the Grant memorial mnn.,
to be set up in Washington, is a on '
of Dr. Shrady of Xew York who m .
-. ..
:ng, painting or modeling til! he
has on his merits succeeded in sev-
t c: ., . I
di v-uiuyeiiuous ior we production
of heroic statues, in addition to the '
one above noted being a Grant monu- '
ment for Brooklyn and a statue of '
William the Silent " for Riverside
park, Xew York. t
potentate Mas Queer Whim.
CTff.ii -rt -
Jim Jiuuiimmeu ei fcraj. bev Of
Tunis, has just returned to his north
African domain after a visit to
France, iv here he was much of a curi- I
wo.tJ ,.i xo xx.. eum uiaiu, prom-
SlOn Ot jewels and gorgeous entOUr-
. Grant's 'ruWician during his ?Ur ' Irora sPaia in ia,J- amounted to 9. ! rhat Geat Britain annually requires , market for butter, cheese, pork, poul
jss. Young sin ilariv I 3"5-4',,J P',n(is anti in l9"" to -- ?"? UtSide col,ntries- " ; u a j try and eggs. When in the future that
ugh. never took a lesson in diw-. S PnIs- The quantity of man..- j afe statement u make that in - ,
fTJdVs,k3rhi?XleS4 Wa3 e11 1S replenished from a loose sack . Hucaoa Eay Company's posts, and or all in all.
faL,7l,i. , n""-ary. but opening into one end and fastened to scarcely a dollar-: worth of anything! s the country
rniinn Time nmn Tn Titr n mrw .nn .. . , . . . - - !
J, f UZ,- .W1 m a the oats do nct nm readil-v to the ( 1?s:j. twentv years ago. and now the , farming. In the industry, with a few
Z-J ; . JJ ? ,. o actresses, pan. the horse has but to shake his couatrv has a white population of over I vears of care and enterprise, he can
rJneTnte ?a rf" tDdS headtoset th-m 'E motion. This half a million, the immigration of 1302 , oon consider himself and his family
oJr JL!Lr C1Stnbute ? I particular expressman's horse has i oein? 125,264. 4'J per cent of the nam- , :n easy and comfortable circum
counteneit presentments among his , auickly learned how to manage his s Z' . hmn,!,r nvr hir s,nn
neiping tne snipwrecKec.
Emile Robin, the aged vice-president i
of the French Societv for Saving the
cv,iTiTT.0T-r..i T,..,. . , '
Shipwrecked, has not only done a
great deal for this association, but he
. .... . . !
niso assists similar societies m other ,
countries. At the recent meeting ot ,
the allied German society it was an-;
nounced that II. Robin had again sent '
a handsome sum-37,u0o-we interest '
on wmch was to be divided among old
mariners and widows and orphans.
Violinist's Great Fortune. ,
Herr Kubelik, we Bohemian violin-.
isc who lately received word that he
was the proud lather of twins, is said
to have made over iSOO.OOO in rho In c '
three years. With some of his great '
earnings from his violin he purchased
tri; ...T. .. i.!- -... -
iuiuu uuur:, u:oi uu UiXiiY; Oiace. in
, i-".-,
Assassin Toole His Cue.
It was perhaps a coincidence that '
on the very day of the lifting of the
ban on. the use of balloon torpedoes in
warfare dynamite should have been
employed "by an assassin in St. Pe
tersburg for the destruction of bums
Of Such Stuff Is Made the Amazing
American Soldier.
The- column was toiling along in ,
the sun up a hillside. The grass was
over the head of a man on horseback
and it was very hoc taVL near the
ground, where no breeze could come. .
The men were plodding along with
uuu--k ia lUe:r - uugu,. -
lowing we otners in ironu tiers aau
there a sick man was hanging back j
under his lead.
It was the sort of a trail where
j you are quite worn out. and you
make bets with yourself as to ;
j whether you will keep on going to
I ;he top of the hill, knowing very well
j .hat you cannot help it.
I t-.. i.T ? .!- i .. .. .
i ,
,un aurau uaiuc uunu uiiuuu Liie
stifling air.
The crash of a rifle vol-
ey followed, and then more
swiftly, steadily.
A shiver of life ran down the col
umn. "Hit 'em. ' said an old sergeant.
Heads lifted. The column closed.
, rbgre , " thought to -o
the walk changed to a half trot.
i """ rav" - -"
..n, ... ., r , ., ,rrp sfv
w ,o3ger:- a haspital attendant
, . r . , . . ....
. isked a private who had just ta'.Ien
mt under the sun anu v.-as resting in
,. , , ,. , . , .
tbe shade ot a bush.
.. ....... .
Hell! don t you hear them guns.
.. ., ...
was the "aanswerab answer. "G m
me my nne. ,ew orK aim.
The Microbe of Old Age.
In a lecture on "Old Age." deliv
2red in Paris recently by Dr. Mench
iiikoff. the speaker expressed the
i opinion that sensility was produced
I ? Certain pnSIO10glCai biatCb V UlLU
rh h.nH-pnr npriP nf mi-
, ause tne- ot-ULacent species ot mi
' " 'f,!,? Tf JfJZ
i create too rapu.Ij. Then in their turn
.hey become Injurious.
i tnese P; nounsn n we
' ,ar5e intestine, v.nicn mammals pos-
whereas in birds
it is almost
result was
,,, .,!,. i,i.j
. -"L-1-'. i-".nii
. 3 .pw n ae tIoclor;'
' Zht' Inlf thLrnrrr
eignteen. while the doctors parrot.
J 2 . l tDe aiMU
"It stands pro veil," says the doctor
' "".""" -" ,B uiata
and it should be possible to treat It
, like other maladies to cure it or pre
Vent It.
The hope
was expressed by Dr.
that a serum would
' -lenchnllHiff
be discovered to counterac:
I the "macrophages. ' and prolong, hi:-
: man life: meantime, he recommend
, ed the consumption of curdled miik
Story From Way Back.
Private" John Allen tells the fol
. lowing as .Hustrative of the partial
. ity of the southern darky for long
wenIsJ of whose meania:; ue ljt al)SO
lnte, i:;norant: "
-A ne?ro namei, Ejah Tho
,ivj Tupelo. Miss., recjntlv
, chancetl tQ meec a Md
1 "ined of feeling miserable. In fact,
TnQmaa. rriend feared fop ,us f
so .tuckere(I out- waa he.
. .
I Miat s ue matter wit vo
, qU'Vl u K-lljail
" 'Lije.' moaned the second darky
indicating the region where the pain
lay. Tse got sech awful pains in mah
back heah!'
" "In dat case," responded Elijah.
i solemnly. I knows what you oughter
dQ, Yfn ol..rhzer
o over ter Jack
.on Qev.
Dey says dat here's de flnest
over dere in do whole
"Touch" Was Guecr.
"Last week." said Job Hedges-
had the queerest touch' to whicii I
have ewn been subjected. A man.
evidently in the last stagta of con .
sumption, came into my omce and
" Vou know
mentioning a c!1
ent of mine who is in the undertaking
"I told him I did.
"Well.' he said, 'he is holuing am
insurance policy on my life for 510. i
It's a cinch that that policy will bt
payable in a week or ten days at the ,
1 mot. Meantime I need 310. If vou ,
1 will advance me -SI) I will give you
i a due bill against the policy. If you
I can t collect in ten days you can
i charge interest.' " New York Times i
World's Production of Cork.
According to a bulletin issued by
the Chamber of Commerce of Cad'z.
rb production ot cork -n apain is
'imated at 2S.I10.716 pounds. That
ot Portugal 22.315.10 1 pounds. AI-
cria an,i other cork producing coun-
tries' rocetfaer. about 20.22I.U4u
pounds, making the world's total an-
nuaI cor!c production 31.217.76') 1
PUB(is. lfae export ot ccrk in sheets
-.. L7
lectured corks tor bottle stoppm
P"rPSGS Irom P'"n i 13"2 amount
0i tr. 'n-!'ni;niiii T.-.ia.i or
.-.. .j...... ,,, ...,... .,....,-,,.
0"' Paetas- lhe figures for 1302 he
ins -1"S, 156,000. valued at 22.677 u
A New Nose Bag.
I .v wougnuui expressman nas ue
f linnrirTTil vnY-moT Y ,ln
.iseu a new Kinu ot tee.: uag. wnicn
r.-ill he -i re-r rei.r r.i bre ,n hnr I
weather. The bag consist.-, of a semi-
circular tin pan n:mg over the 1
horse's ncse so as to give him plenty ,
ot air and vet Holding enough oats 1
for a snrjsfn.rrnrv r-onrhtnl The nnn '
new nose-bag.
Tliero wad never .i day so misty and
That the blu- xaa not soraewh-r
above it;
There is nevr a mountain top ever av
That ome Utile .iowpr Jod not love it. ,
, ;
TherSark3 nevw a a,srat " 'ir"ury anl ,
"hat the tar were not somewiiTP !
Theh,5inn'iver a cloud ao heavy and'
xhat :t haa not a snvery "nin .
There is never a waiting time, weary and '
twHI not some time have an nd- '
SwhUt"U! P'irt f the 1aaam ,
The sunshine and shadow--, are blend-
lRS- ... .
Caascir-s Saturday Journal.
More Girls Than Soys.
cuueiuuuua "uuitu nic liicreasing
, -. .-,.. I
. .. .K, Tli KirT in Cnnln 3 1 T
Wales last year numbered 347 313
4S2.131 males and 463. io3 females
and the deaths oI4.450 266,C:,8 males
and 24S.112 females. Thus, though
there were more boys than girls born, i
the higher mortality among men more j
wan rescorea we oaiance, tne ranxs of
"superfluous crnen" being thus
strenthened by 1,73- recruits. i
...w , uu uiouij . rne norse s nee; neiow nis ia-.vs. r ....-. .. v..,..r. i.;,c. .
Three Divisions Affording Great Chances for
Settlement Ranching. Wheat-Growing
and Mixed Farming.
The old Romans used to say that
ml was divided into three parts;
.Gaal was divwed into three parts;
so is the Canadian North West. Gaul's
divisions were political; those of the
Western Canada prairies are created
by the unerring hand of nature.
The First Division.
: Chiefly because of the elevation of
i the countrjL the absence of large
! lakes and rivers, and the operations
of the "Chinook" or Pacific ocean
j winds, which readily cross the Rocky
ily cross
nr.Hnf'iine in niuhpni lhiirM
t .. . . . ........ . . .,i
.ve3tern p0rtlon a the Canadian prov-
, inces is reganled as somewhat arid.
' and less fertile than other portions of
; the country.
1 Although this has been a prevailing
idea in the past, it has been left for first plowing is called, is of course.
American settlers, who have invaded j an exceptional expenditure, as when la
this district within the past two or j is once done, it is done for all time,
three years, to prove that splendid This costs about IS.50 an acre. After
Ir.)il I7.MlA J -ar
f Ff f 5rUia Can be SrOWn n the
While there are no large lakes or
rivers m this whole country there are
, numerous fast running streams fed
the year round by melting snows in
tK . .. , . .
the mountains. lurnishing :in :ilmnd-
the mountains, furnishing an abund
ance of the coolest and purest water,
the best for beast as well as man.
Englishmen and Americans in the
.vestern territories are bringing in
their herds as fast as they can ami
j lea3ing or purchasing land in lots
trom "" w -" acres trom tne
. Dominion govern men r n iilm nf ihi
' growth of the industry will, however.
, he gathered from the fner rh:ir in 7S!'i
I there were but 41.471 head of cattle
! shinned and sold from the ranches
! These riimre mn m -;n !"! ?n inno
and to IriO.UuO in 19o:i. averaging 54)
, per head for the owners. But it takes
i a great many ranchers and a large
number of cattle to cover an area of
i .00,000,000 acres, the area available
! for ranching in the Canadian N'orth-
I west.
It is not at all necessary that large
, investments ahoul.l be made at the
, 3Utset. Many men commen,ed with
3mall capital and amall henL5 ami
have worked themselves into large
herds and great wealth. There is still
in the country plenty of room for
those who desire to go and do like
wise. The Second. Part.
The second part of the Canadian
prairies embraces the great wheat
growing belt of the country, which
is easily a half larger than any other
in the world. It includes about 150.
000,000 acres. Aa it is comparatively
' tree of broken land, large lakes and
I rivers, about 12.1.000,000 acres of it
an be brought under the plow. Plac-
ing a farmer on every halt section
C120 acres) it can comfortably locate
'00.000 farmers, or 4,000,000 of an
igricultural community. The terri
i torial government's reports show that
m 13)3 there were raised 16,620.143
bushels of spring wheat on 827.2:11
.teres, an average of 19.S6 bushels per
acre; oft 440 662 acres of oafs there
were grown 14.179 70.1 bushels, an av-
erage of 22.17 bushels per acre.
r ..i. -t .
531-arWliiSV .
a5sr &
-. i - - .
"v f . ft rT "
63,667 acres produced 1,711.209 bush-,
els of barley 21.6.1 to the acre,
and 22,121 acres produced 232.S.13 ,
bushels of flax seed. .).:: to the acre, j
.Vs but 1,283,131 acres, or a little bet- !
ter than one per cent of -the entire !
wheat growing area of the territories
w.aa "uucl V-"J1'- a '. """" "" I
I .. !.... .i ..I .
tUat x" Per cen.,, . ne e.n ,e country I
'-iUCl " " "- uk-',uvwjv
twelve or fifteen years the Canadian '
1 prairies will be supplying the entire
demands ot tne mower country
Throughout this entire belt there is
an enormous length of railway mile
age, branches are radiating in every
direction from the trunks until they t
scarcely leave a grain field more than i
six cr seven miles from a road, and 1
her are an required, for in the fall
a2(i eari7 winter the sight of the
.: '.- . ..... .
tors a tne railway depots makes the
ontire country Iook liIce one hive of
;ndustrv. In 1SS0 there were but few
,,-hire merrier in the entire nnnntrr I
.-.. .u ... i ...,. .'
nvnont .1.1 !!
fr-l mUXZmAum.rm. llU'.liVUUu m m K0' m mm m m V . m
Adding Insult to Injur.
The day had been appointed for the
ceremony which was to make one of
two, btit for some reason best known
to the tickle maid she had relin-
nuis'ned the glittering solitaire.
nh well " said the vocns man. In
the case. "I don't suppo'se fcould he
nanPy -arith a woman who dves her
hair, any way."
..Qir tjC fals'" she exclaimed in-
"is it?" he rejoined. "I thought it
as only dyed."
what He Took Comfort In.
. -. .. T , ,
iQe MtL- uau i" ""-
"There is one comiort, anyway, re
marked Noah, "there isn't any old salt
leiL to IfcMi Uic jc .j i
a worse
. .,
?.:. ..f.n.. Oim v
With a thankful sigh he proceeded
to unship his cargo.
You Know Her.
Patience Is she the kind of woman
wjjo knows it all?
Patrice No; but she's the kind of
womaa wilo tells it alL
- ' - R .i rinnnM'ui.
-J : 1 L-
I ?V I"
r f . i LkM . I
SAnctEi.!!. , L I i - - " I
D intfT-i
the representations of their country
men who preceded taenx in settle
ment. Large Quantity of Free Homestead
There is yet a large quantity at
government land for homesteadln in
this country, and as in everything
else, "the early bird catches the
worm." Those who come first are
rst served. When it is preferred to
purchase railway or other company
lands they can be got at from 15 per
acre up. This section cannot be
better closed than by showing prac
tically what is made by wheat grow
ing in this district. The average from
the first of operations is twenty bush
ete per acre. Breaking the prairie, as
the breaking, plowing and seeding,
harvesting, threshing and marketing
all expenses combined amount to
about .l."j per acre, that is if a man
'ikes everything done it will cose him
io.27t per acre. If he does the work
himself he is earning wages whlh
producing at that figure. Now. as the
average yield is twenty bushels, and
j the average price r0 cents J12 per -'
acre the difference betwen the re
sult and cost. h'.75, is the promt of
grain growing year in and year out.
in the great wheat belts of the Cana
dian prairie country. If a man has
a half section of land and puts half
of it. IriO acres, under wheat, which
is a very common occurrence, he
makes J1.0SO on wheat alone and
should make, if he is a capable farmer
l m , . . . .. ' . . .
w. dairy and other products, to keep
. ...... l .
himself and family the year round be-
The Third Division.
The third division of this great
country lies to the north of the wheat
belt; between it and what is known
as the forest country. As wheat grow
ing implies the raising of all ceroala
that can profitably be raised in the
country, the remaining branches of
&.?, ri
- -.
t--.-, j., cja
-r mm "7
mixed farming are dairying and the
taising of farm stock. It must noc
he supposed that dividing the prairies,
.n this way is saying that any one por
tion ot the country possesses better
oil than another, for such is not the
cast' all districts are equally fertile,
hut the topography and climatic influ
ences, etc.. differ, as well as the condi
tions for production. Ranching and
grain growing are carried on quite
successfully in this northern zone;
but it ut found tuuru protif hl.t to oum.
oine all the features of the industry.
An authority on the subject ha
stated that agriculture in any country
never reaches the maximum of de
velopment until the farmers engage at
east proportionately in dairying,
though the surroundings must always
uetermine the extent to which any
feature of the industry may be prose
cuted. Dairying.
In the territories creameries and
heese factories are to a arge extent
under government control, and as
Mich are working well. In Manitoba
they are largely a matter of private
1 enterprise, and from the reports from
that province they must be giving ab
solute satisfaction to the patrons and
promoters. If a settler's farm is not
.specially adapted to extensive crop
ping, or if seasons or other conditions
are against the proper development
of large crops, he has always plenty
of pasture and an abundance of native
bay foe winter feed. A small sum of
money buys a couple of cows, and he
can soon be in possession of a fine
nerd ot dairy cattle, and the came
may be said of swine and poultry.
The mining districts of British
Columbia, which consume- an im-
mense lot of dairy products, are cloHe
aC han(l an(i aiways afford a good
country is overstocked Great Britain
niTeru .it nnw a re:irfv market for
.wl t... , . ti...
the Canadian Northwest
for the man acquainted
nt umII'mit Tn. In'i ? 1 rT T 9 r rri n f
-. Ua
Confidence of Youth.
"Now that you are through college.'
remarked a inend of the youthful
graduate, "what next?"
"I shall study medicine, ' was the
grave reply.
"But isn't that profession already
overcrowded?" asked the friend.
"Possibly," answered the graduate.
I conscious of his superior taowledge.
"but I propose to tackle it just the
same, and those who are already in
the profession will have to take their
t -"""-'
Works Both Ways.
Mildred Congratulate me, dear.
Since we last met I have been happily
PrisciNa With all my heart. By
the way, I am also to be con'jratulat
ed. Since our last meeting I hav
been happily divorced.
No Jealousy There.
Jack. My sweetheart is the best
looking girl in the town.
Tom Quite likely. Jline lives in
the country Stray Stories.
v vc-rr J
" V r i ii m .
rjr jr.
. K
; it.' 'J f' .
f j.nnsvi)mVt
. l Z . -m
?.' J fiX CmmtmfUm