The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 10, 1904, Image 2

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Tie Colmlis Joinul
News in Brief
The czar of Russia, with 90,000,000
acres, is the biggest landowner in the
Secretary of War Taft will speak at
the St. Louis exposition on Manila
day, August tl3.
Sir George Richard Dibbs, former
premier of New South Wales, is dead.
He was born in 1834.
Dr. Orlando Brown, formerly a brig
adier general in the United States
army, is dead here, aged 77 years.
Green McCurtain was re-elected
governor of the Choctaw nation, de
feating T. W. Hunter. This is the
last tribal election.
Matt Storm, well known throughout
the United States as a horse trainer
and owner of thoroughbreds, is dead
at Sen Francisco, aged 50 years.
Secretary Morton has issued a spe
cial order to the navy commendatory
of the service to the country of the
laie Hear Admiral Henry C. Taylor.
The fly-wheel of a 70-horsepower en
gine in the plant of a tinfoil company
ai 'Su Iouis hurst while running at
full speed and instantly killed Frank
In revenge for having been prose
cuted on a charge of breaking a win
dow. Ignatz Kita. in Chicago, shot and
killed John Solarik and wife in their
saloon at 57 Rawson street.
Despite official denials, Madrid
uwspater.s insist that a marriage has
been arranged between the Infanta
Maria Teresa, sister of King Alfonso,
and Prince Ferdinand of Bavaria.
Sol Temple the Oklahoma outlaw,
who shot and almost killed Police Ser
geant William Gibson last May. was
given a sentence of ten years in prison
at St Joseph. Mo., for the crime.
The populist national committee has
decided to have the formal ratificaa
tion of their party candidates for pres
ident anil vice president at Cooper
Union. New York city, on August 18.
Dr. William Frye, a physician, re
ported to the Kansas City police that
burglars had entered his home and
stolen $.r.o. They turned on the gas
in an effort to asphyxiate the family.
An invitation was forwarded today
by western democratic leaders to ex
President Grover Cleveland to take
the stump for Judge Parker in Illinois
in the coming presidential campaign.
There is a society in England which
has as one of its chief objects to strip
the modern stage of its elalmrate scen
ery and to return to the days when the
play was the thing, and not its setting.
General Davis, governor of the Pan
ama canal zone, has left Panama, hav
ing been called home on account of
the iliuess of his wife, who has been
spending the summer in the Adiron
dacks. According to a message received
from Harbin. General Kuropatkin has
ordered the removal from that place
of all useless civilians in order to pio
vide the greatest iossible accommoda
tion for the winter quarters of the
Russian army.
E. M. Johnson, president of the de
funct Fidelity Savings association or
Denver, and John L. Jones, secretary,
arrested on a charge of having made
false statements, were released on
bonds. The grand jury is investigat
ing the failure.
Col. Clarence R. Edwards of the In
sular department, who has arrived
from Washington announces that Pres
ident Roosevelt will uwnably visit the
World's fair in October. Colonel Ed
wards sas that the president is anx
ious to see the exposition, and the de
tails of the trip will soon be com
pleted. Thirteen life iusurance companies
in Great Britain refuse to accept risks
on unvaccinated persons.
A special from Digby, N. S.. says
that a sailboat containing eight or
ten American tourists capsized and
sank off Smith's Cove, near Digby, and
that all on board were drowned.
Judge M. L. F. Smyser of Wooster.
Pa., was nominated for congress by
republicans of the Seventeenth dis
trict. The Mexican government will soon
pay to the Kansas City. Mexican &
Orient railway the sum of $700,000
subsidy, due on the first 100 kilome
ters of line constructed from Topolo
banipo to El Fuerte.
The Erie railroad has adopted a hos
pital ear, which is equipped to render
medical aid whenever needed along
the road at a moment's notice. A
doctor and attendants are constantly
in charge.
The, controversy over the sinking of
the British steamer Knight Command
er is not expected, either in British
governmental or Russian diplomatic
circles, to reach an acute stage, both
governments having adopted a con
ciliatory attitude.
A Joliet man has invented a process
for making steel beer kegs, using old
Seventy-five thousand dollars for a
thimble seems something of an ex
travagance, but this was the cost of
one presented to the Queen of Siam
by her husband.
At Ponca City. O. T.. Clarence Ir
win killed his mother-in-law. Mrs. John
James, and immediately committed
suicide. The cause of the tragedy was
Mrs. James refusal to allow Irwin to
see his wife, with whom he bad pre
viously quarreled.
Successful experiments have been
made in the treatment of neuralgia
and hysteria with radium at the Sal
petriere hospital, in Paris.
The most valuable sword in Britain
is one that was presented to Lord
Wolseley. The hilt is set with brill
iants, and it is valued at $10,000.
Lieut. W. E. Safford. recently of the
navy, but now of the department of
agriculture, has about 200 books from
the library of the late Robert Louis
Stevenson. Among them is the Bible
which belonged to Stevenson's father.
He bought the books in Samoa.
A hurry call for 2,000,000 feet of
lumber, mostly cypress, and 40,000
pieces of tiling was received by Sec
retary Murphy of the Panama Canal
commission from the isthmus. The
lumber is to be used in repairing old
aad. constructing new buildings and
piling for canal construction.
By an explosion in the Oliver Dyna
mite company plant, at Laurel Run,
Pa, James Doaglass was killed aad
two girls were iajared by lying glass.
There were 1.C00 pounds of dynamite
in the one boildlag which was demolished.
Packers Say They Have Plenty of
Men, While Donnelly Declares There
Are Not Enough to Break the Strike j
Aid from the Labor Federation.
CHICAGO. All the labor unions
Chicaeo have indorsed the stock
strike. After listening to the strikers'
side of the controversy, which was
presented to them by Michael J. Don
nellv nresident of the striking butch
ers' union, the Chicago Federation of
Labor, which is composed of every la
bor union in Chicago and has a mem
bership of nearly ::o0,000, adopted res
olutions pledging the moral and finan
cial support of the federated body as
long as the strike continues.
Each member of the central body
will lie assessed a small sum per
week and the whole amount will be
turned over to the striking unions to
help In the support of the strikers
and their families during the struggle
with the packers. The exact amount
each member is to be assessed was
left in the hands of a committee with
orders to report results tomorrow.
While the officials of the Federation
of Labor were unable Sunday night to
give an exact estimate of the amount
of money the strikers would secure
from this source. It was stated that
the total sum would be well up In the
thousands each week.
After a fight which has lasted for
nearly four weeks, a settlement of the
stock yards strike seems to be as re
mote as at any time since the strug
gle for supremacy began. Neither side
to the conflict, during all this time,
has shown any signs of weakening.
The packers, while claiming that
they will soon have their affairs in
normal condition again, so successful
have they been in securing non-union
men, still admit that so far they have
been able to get but 550 of their old
employes back, and the majority of
their employes are unskilled workers.
In the last statement given out by the
packers it was said that not half as
many men were at work as before the
strike began.
Those men have been"trought to
Chicago from all parts of the country,
the majority of them having never
seen a meat packing plant before com
ing here. With these men the pack
ers have succeeded in accomplishing
a great deal of work, but according to
the strikers, every animal that has
been slaughtered since the strike was
called has been at a financial loss to
the packers, as in the majority of
cases a lack of unskilled workmen has
made it impossible to operate the by
products departments, and this source
of revenue, which, under normal con
ditions, is a clear profit to the pack
ers, has been allowed to waste.
Iast week the packers" were fig
strikers wheu work was resumed Mon
strikers when wor kwas resumed Mon
( . . ::.orning. hut there is nothing to
night that would indicate that the
men were even considering such a
step, nor that they had any idea of
surrendering Monday or at any fu
ture time. According to Michael J.
Donnelly, president of the butchers
union, the organization which precipi
tated the strike, the strikers are in a
better position today than they were
on July 12, the day the orginal strike
was called.
Sustained Great Losses, According to
Russian Reports.
ST. PETERSBURG. A telegram
from Che Foo, dated August 7. says
that according to Chinese information
a fierce battle was fought on the land
side of Port Arthur AugU6t 1st. The
Japanese are reported to have been
repulsed with great loss, the killed
alone being estimated at 10,000, while
the Russians lost about 1.000.
The telegram says- that Lieutenant
General Stocssel was personally in
command, and that the conduct of the
Russian troops was splendid.
Lieutenant General Stoessel, com
manding the Russian military forces
at Port Arthur, in an undated dis
patch to the emperor, says:
"I am happy to report that the
troops repulsed all the Japanese at
tacks of July 26, 27 and 28, with enor
mous losses.
"The garrison's enthusiasm was ex
traordinary. The fleet assisted in the
defense by bombarding the Japanese
"Our losses during the three days
were about 1,500 men and forty offl.
cers killed or wounded.
"According to statements of Chinese
and prisoners, the Japanese lost as
many as 10.000.
"Their losses swere so great that
the enemy has not hae time to remove
the dead and wounded."
Fierce Jaoanese Fire.
LIAO YANG Detailed reports ar
riving at headcuarters show that the
right wing of the Japanese army had
the hardest fighting during the battle
of last Sunday, a sensational feat
ure occurred at Chobaide pass, ten
miles from the Motien pass. A brig
ade constituting a center column rac
ed with two Russian regiments for
the possession of the summit com
manding the Russian flank. The Jap
anese fired as they ascended, dislodg
ing the Russians from the rocks and
killing or wounding 1,000.
Secretary Wilson in Hills.
HOT SPRINGS, S. D. Secretary
wilson of the department of agricul
ture and party were guests at the Ho
tel Evans, this city. Saturday. In ad
dition to the secretary the party con
sisted of Senator Kittridge. Repre
sentative Martin and Captain Seth
Bullock. Secretary Wilson will soend
the next three days in inspecting and
studying the Black Hills forest
He serve and its relation to mining.
left this evening for Deadwood.
secretary expects to return to Wash
ington in a week.
Taken to See Roosevelt.
ST. LOUIS In response to a tele
gram received Saturday from Colonel
Edwards, chief of the bureau of insu
lar affairs, saying that President
Roosevelt would be pleased to re
ceive some of the head people of the
Filipino tribes at the Louisiana Pur
chase exposition, Fred Lewis, mana
ger of the Mono village, and Dr. T.
K. Hunt, in charge of the Igorrote
village on the Philippine reservation,
left Sunday sight for Washington
with eight natives of the Philippine
Japanese Shell Ends the Life of Rus
sian General Near Liao Yang.
MUKDEN. It is reported that Lieu
tenant General Count Keller has been
killed east of Liao Tang.
LONDON. A dispatch to a news
agency from SL Petersburg conflrms
the report of the death of General
Keller, saying he was killed by a frag
ment of a Japanese shell at the time
be was opposing the Japanese advance
along the railway near Hal Cheng.
Lieutenant General Count Keller, at
the opening of the war, was in com
mand of the Second Siberian Army di
vision. He was 54 years old, and re
signed the governorship of Ekateri
nostaff in order to go to the front.
General Keller took part In the three
campaigns of the Russo-Turkish war.
In 1887 he commanded the Imperial
Rifle regiment and later was director
of the corps of imperial pages, by
which Keller came in contact with
the members of the imperial family,
with whom he was in great favor. Gen
eral Killer was considered to be the
possessor of cool judgment and to be
a fine strategist. Though a strict dis
ciplinarian. Keeller was a kind and
careful officer and popular with his
men. He wore a short gray beard,
had keen blue eyes and dressed in
Vladivostok Squadron Returns to Port
and Tells of Action.
VLADIVOSTOK. The Vladivostok
cruiser division returned to port at
4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The
cruisers were in perfect condition.
They captured, during their cruise, the
steamer Arabia and destroyed some
schooners, a small Japanese steamer,
one German steamer and one British
steamer. The last-mentioned two
were carrying contraband material,
and had nearly reached their destina
tion Yokohama but were almost
without coal, and it was therefore im
possible to send them to Vladivostok.
The cruisers steamed up and down
in front of the Japanese capital, but
saw nothing of the enemy's warships.
Although the Russian vessels had only
three doors through which to get home
the straits of Corea, La Perouse
strait and Tsugarn strait which ap
parently could easily have been barred
by Vice Admiral Kamimura's vessels,
bad luck pursued the Japanese admi
ral, and the Russian cruisers had no
difficulty in eluding him.
Outlines Western Campaign Will
Have Thirty Advisers.
WASHINGTON Republican Na
tional Chairman Cortelyou arrived
Thursday from Chicago. He called
on President Roosevelt for an hour.
The conference related largely to de
tails of the opening of the campaign
headquarters in Chicago and the po
litical situation in western states.
Chairman Cortelyou declined to be
interviewed for publication regarding
the campaign or any of his recent ob
servations. He expressed pleasure
that the national executive commit
tee, the personnel of which he an
nounced two days ago in Cttcago, had
met with such general approval.
Mr. Cortelyou will not announce,
perhaps for several days yet, the
composition of his campaign advisory
committee. That committee wtll con
sist of prominent republicans from
various parts of the country. Its
number is not limited and It may
include thirty members.
Postoffice Department Issues Order
Requiring Them. '
WASHINGTON. The postoffice de
partment has issued a general order
directing that every railway postal
clerk shall give a $1,000 bond to the
United States for the "faithful dis
charge of all duties and trusts im
posed upon them by law and the rules
and regulations of the department.
Each clerk shall pay the premium
chargeable to himself. Bonds will be
filed with the second assistant post
master general.
This order affects approximately 10,
000 employes, embracing all the rail
way postal clerks, except those who
are assigned to clervcal duties in
which they do not have access to reg
istered mail.
Populists Accept Offer of Democrats
to Divide Offices.
TOPEKA. Kan. After midnight
this morning the populist state con
vention, which had spent the night
discussing the proposal to fuse with
the democrats in the state campaign,
decided to accept the democratic offer
of a division of the ticket. The mid-dle-qf-the-road
faction of the popu
lists at once announced dissent, with
drew from the hall, organized another
convention and adjourned until 10 a.
m.. when it is expected they will nom
inate a straight ticket. The fusion
forces nominated David M. Dale for
governor. i tg
Nebraskans Drowned in Colorado.
BOULDER, Colo. Mrs. Una Cham
bers of York, Neb., and Mary Renkes,
the 12-year-old daughter of Charles
Renkes of this city, were drowned in
Boulder creek. They were part of a
camping party in Bummer gulch, six
miles from here. Without any warn
ing, a wall of water, caused by a cloud
burst, came rushing down the gulch,
carrying the tent and the Inmates into
the creek. Mrs. Chambers and Mary
Renkes were carrie dinto the stream
by the torrent of water and drowned.
The bodies were recovered.
Bill Aimed at tne Trusts.
OTTAWA. Ont. A bill aimed at
American trusts, and particularly
American Tobacco concerns, will be
introduced in parliament by the min
ister of internal revenue, L. P. Bro
deur. Mr. Brodeur presented a reso
lution favoring the cancellation of ex
cise licenses held by manufacturers
who sell goods subject to the condi
tion that the purchaser shall not sell
or deal in goods of like kind pro
duced by any other manufacturer or
dealer. The resolution was unani
mously adopted.
Suffer from the Drouth.
BUTTE. Mont. Advices received
through the state the past week de
pict a serious state of affairs on the
big ranges in eastern and northern
Montana, and it is said unless heavy
rain is soon forthcoming considerable
loss of stock will ensue. So bad have
the conditions become that the state
humane officers have interfered and
compelled stockmen to drive herds
into localities far removed where some
grass and water remain, though even
then the supply is scanty. The oat
look is very glowing.
Stockmen's Interest Transferred to
Management of the Agricultural De
partment No Action Taken with
Reference to Butchers' Strike.
DENVER, Colo. The western stock
growers, who .have been conferring
here for three days with the special
land commission appointed by Presi
dent Roosevelt, finally adjourned
without taking any action with refer
ence to the strike at the packing house
A resolution was adopted with prac
tical unanimity urging on congress
"the necessity of the transfer, at the
earliest possible date of the manage
ment of the forest reserves to the de
partment of agriculture, where not
only the forests, but all the interests
involved, may be properly studied and
Discussion of the resolutions con
cerning grazing lands was animated,
but finally adopted as follows:
"Whereas, After full discussion, the
tact has developed that conditions over
the vast area included in the grazing
districts of the west are so varied and
conflcting that much time must of
necessity be consumed in the classifi
cation of the public grazing area, as
well as the determination of range
customs and usages in different dis
tricts; and,
"Whereas, The past creation of for
est reserves has often been ill-advised
and far-reaching and the administra
tion thereof as concerns the grazing
interests has been faulty, even to in
justice, and believing that the depart
ment of the Interior is not fully equip
ped to study and handle the forest
reserve question; and.
"Whereas, Feeling that the present
grazing system has been built up
through a term of many years, con
suming the life work of the western
pioneers and of the younger genera
tion, entailing untold hardships and
even sacrifice of life, and believing
that such sturdy efforts entitle the
great majority of the present occu
pants of the range to no uncertain
voice in the initiation of any legisla
tion that may affect their interest;
therefore, be it
"Resolved, That we favor the pass
age of a law which will authtorize
the secretary of agriculture to thor
oughly classify the vacant lands of
the United States and determine the
condition at present governing the use
of the grazing areas and to ascertain
those sections of the range, and if
there be any to which a lease system
can be satisfactorily applied, be it fur
ther "Resolved, That the power to cre
ate and administer forest reserves
shall be vested in the department of
agriculture, which is especially or
ganized and equipped for this purpose;
and he it further
"Resolved, That we favor govern
ment control of and jurisdiction over
all public grazing areas by or through
the department of agriculture; local
questions being decided on local
grounds and under regulations made
to meet local conditions; that the
range rights of present users of the
grazing areas as determined by pri
ority of occupancy and present use
shall be carefully safeguarded, and
that no sudden or stringent upheaval
of existing conditions which would
cause commercial distress shall be
made; on the other hand, such legisla
tion must be gradual in its effect and
leases granted only where locally sat
isfactory as determined by the prober
Republican Candidate for Vice Presi
dent Notified of Nomination.
banks, senior United States senator
from Indiana was on Wednesday for
vice president of the United States
vice president of the United Sttates
by the republican national convention.
The notification address was made
by Eiihu Root, ex-secretary of war,
who was temporary chairman of the
convention. The exercises were held
on the wide veranda of Senator Fair
banks' beautiful home in the presence
of members of the notification com
mittee, consisting of one member
from each state and territory, the
governor and other state officers of
Indiana, the republican candidates for
state office, the Indiana republican
congressional delegation, Indiana del
egates and alternates to the national
convention, the state central commit
tee and the Republican Editorial as
sociation. All these had been special
ly invited. On the lawn surrounding
three sides of the residence and ex
tending far on all sides beneath the
great forest trees were several thou
sand friends, neighbors and political
supporters of the senior senator.
NEW YORK. A naval board is in
vestigating reports that certain petty
officers on the receiving ship Han
cock, stationed at the Brooklyn navy
yard, have been selling ratings or pro
motions to sailors for cash. The re
ports were started by bluejackets who
talked freely of the matter ashore.
When the commissioned officers on
the ship and in the yard heard of
these reports they reported to the
navy department, and a board was de
tailed to investigate the rumors.
A new bluejacket recently appeared
on the Hancock. It was said that he
had been transferred from the Wash
ington navy yard. On the Hancock, It
is alleged, he had a talk with a petty
officer about bis rating and paid 25
for an advancement.
CARACAS, Venezuela A cable
Reyes Says There is No Revelutien.
gram received here from Bogota, dat
ed August 4, and signed by General
Rafael Reyes, says that the rumors
that a revolution has broken out or
is contemplated are false.
Roosevelt Sends an Inspector.
CHICAGO. Inspector Carroll, the
special representative of the United
States department of commerce and
labor, who obtained the evidence for
the government on which an injunc
tion was issued about two years ago
by Judge Peter S. Grosscup of the fed
eral district court, enjoining the
larger packing companies from com
bining In making the prices, either as
buyers of live stock or sellers of meat.
was in the stock yards here this af
ternoon investigating condition.
As to the Latest Assault on Russian
CHE FOO. The steamer Wuchow,
which has jusf arrived here from New
Chwang, brings further details of the
latest Japanese assault on Port Ar
thur. When nearing Che Foo the Wu
chow came upon .a junk carrying
seven men, four women and a boy,
who left Port Arthur yesterday. They
reported that the fighting north of
the city of Port Arthur occurred at
Wolf Hill, and was sanguinary, re
sulting in the repulse of the Japanese
This hill is situated near the railroad,
and eight trains were kept busy bring
ing the wounded soldiers into the city.
The wounded men from east forts
reached Port Arthur in all kinds of
vehicles, many, however, coming
afoot, dragging shattered limbs.
The Russians declaring
that the fortress will never fall, but
they expect that scarcely a building
will be left in the city, where there
now is scarcely a whole pane of glass.
The Wuchow confirms the state
ment that the fighting abated during
the night of July 28. but had not com
pletely subsided when the refugees
The Russian fleet, from its anchor
age, shelled the advancing Japanese,
after returning from what seems to
have been a reconnoitering maneuver
The Chinese arriving here tonight
say that the Japanese actually cap
tured two lightly grrisoned forts on
the east shore, but abandoned them
when their comradAJ were repulsed
from the other positions. The Rus
sians, however, Insist that this is un
true. The forts at Port Arthur bristle
with guns, including many of 8-inch
caliber, but the naval artillerymen
are alleged to have inflicted the heav
iest loss on the Japanese.
The present unusual exodus from
Port Arthur is due to the granting of
permission to leave the besieged city,
which heretofore the Russian officials
have withheld. In most instances the
refugees are people of the better class
who are compelled to pay exorbitant
prices for junks, which are scarce.
The Japanese, while repulsed, have
by 'no means been beaten, and a re
newal of the fighting was expected
when the junk departed yesterday
from Port Arthur.
A second junk which left at the
same time, carrying the officials of
the Danish East Asiatic company and
their families, has not yet arrived at
Che Foo.
Russian Are Driven Back All Along
the Line.
WASHINGTON The Japanese le
gation has received the following ca
blegram from the foreign office at
"General Kuroki reports that at day
break of July 31 our army commenc
ed operations for attacking the ene
my, occupying Yushulintzu (four
miles west of Hsihoyen and Yangtsu
ling, six miles west of Motien Ling),
both places situated about twenty-five
miles from Liao Yang.
The enemy at Ynshlintzu consisted
of two divisions, with corresponding
artillery. The attacking operations
were carried out as prearranged, and
by sunset we defeated both wings of
the enemy, but owing to their large
force and strong positions we were
unable to dislodge them entirely. At
daybreak of August 1 we resumed
the attack and succeeded in expelling
the enemy at noonind pursued them
four miles in the westward direction.
The enemy fled toward Apping.
"The enemy at Yanktsuling consist
ed of two and a half, divisions, with
four batteries of artillery. The at
tacking operations there also pro
gressed satisfactorily, and by sunset
we carried the enemy's principal posi
tions, but a portion of them offered
the stoutest resistance, and we bad
to bivouac the night in battle forma
tion. "At daybreak we resumed the at
tack, and at 81 a. m. all heights fell
into our hands. The enemy fled to
ward Tanghoyen. The casualties are
under investigation. We captured
some field guns, but the details are
still unknown.
"In this enagagement the attacking
forces were at a disadvantage, first
ly on account of the steepness of the
ground, and, secondly, on account of
the lack of suitable position for our
artillery, while the heat was over 100
degrees Fahrenheit."
Russian Newspapers Freely Discuss
the Reform.
tion of M. Souverin, editor of the No
voe Vremya, regarding the establish
ment of a responsible cabinet is cre
ating much popular comment Great
significance attaches to the freedom
with which the newspapers are dis
cussing the matter.
The cry has been taken up by the
reactionary Prince Mestchersky, edi
tor of the Grazhdanin, who argues
that a cabinet has become necessary.
M. Souverin returns to the charge in
a signed article, pointing out the evils
of the present system and saying that
the rivalry between the ministries is
causing chaos in the public service,
each pulling its own way, secure from
criticism under the cloak of personal
" Coal for Vladivostok.
CARDIFF. A newspaper says that
within the last few days Russia has
made contracts for nearly 200,000 tons
of Welsh coal, which is suppoosed to
be for the Vladivostok region.
Wheat Makes Sharp Advance.
CHICAGO. Under the Influence of
a buying furore which had been grow
ing for some days, prices for wheat
made sharp advances here Tuesday,
September at one time being 2c.
above Saturday's closing quotations.
The excitement was based largely on
alarming reports of rust damage to
the spring wheat crop in the north
west. In addition to pessimistic do
mestic advices, the condition of much
of the continental crop-was said to be
bad as a result of drouth. September
option opened with a gain of 'c
Vielate Letter Laws.
BOSTON. John Marshall Barry
.and Francis C. Webster, officers of an
organization known as the North
American Trust, were arrested on
Thursday by United States officers on
a charge of conspiring to defraud the
public They are also accused of con
ducting a business m violation of the
anti-lottery laws. The concern hae
branch ofices m a number of cities.
In June Massachusetts officers insti
tuted proceedings against the con
!cera. and. the supreme court appoint
,ed Bertea P. Gray as receiver.
Japanese Resume Operations on Mon
dayThermometer Registers High,
and the Soldiers Suffered Greatly
from Heat Exhaustion
TOKIO. General Kurok! has ad
ministered a severe defeat to the Rus
sian forces which defended the Rus
sian east flank at Liao Yang, winning
separate actions at Yushulikza and
Yangtse pass. These two places are
twenty-six miles apart, but the two ac
tions were fought at the same time.
The Russians held strong positions.
The thermometer registered over 110
degrees Fahrenheit, and the soldiers
suffered cruelly from heat exhaustion.
At Yushulikza the Russians, had
two divisions of infantry and some
V A iA
'Wjjs r ro r- ' y&fUHY aw and
-IVr ,f w Ey' ' jsufc - our maatcouiaes
Jl " WkSuIMI zw"' soon. ,
vpj m www 9 wy vvjavaw sw s . iaaiAi MmMamlM
jriSm 2ojuuj X pBto ammmatm
V- ip-E 7 Vk. I20JVL15.
f I, y j
Since the Japanese occupation o f Tatchekiao, Hai-Cheng is the most
southerly point which Gen. Kouropa tkin holds in strong- force. It is a
large Chinese city, surrour.deii by ol d (.tone walls, wl.ich, of course, are
useless for protective purposes unde r the conditions of modern warfare.
If the Russian army makes a firm s tand here, it will be compelled to de
pend en its earthworks and puns on -the neighboring hills. The map
show the roads which lead to Tatch ekiao and Siuyen. Along the former
Gen. Oku's army is advancing, and a leng the latter the Takushan ar.tiy,
supposed to be commanded by Gen. N odru,. both armies being in close
artillery, and they resisted the Japa
nese assaults vigorously.
Both attacks were begun at dawn
on Sunday. July "1. At Yushulikza
the Japanese carried the Russian left
wings, but on account of the strength
of the Russian position they were un
able then to press the attack. The
two armies rested Sunday night, fac
ing each other.
At dawn on Momiay the Japanese
resumed the attack, and by noon they
had dislodged the enemy and driven, snow in the hills, with the conse
them four miles to Daoboling. ' quences that great deluges resulted.
At Yangtse ppss. also, the Japa-jand these had cost I he government
nese were successful. Their aitilleryj amj people countless thousands in
opened on the enemy, and the infan-'the destruction of property.
try moved forward from Makumeza. The arternoon SPS,um of the con
The attack on this place was made at , fcrence of 8tockmen and federal land
1 o'clock on Sunday, ami by nightfall t comniission was devoted to discus
the Japanese were in possession of a ' , crazinc on eovernment lands
majority of the Russian position,s al-iam, te necessity for the enactment
though the enemy had resisted with' f ,aws rcsuiatinR ur governing tho
determination. The Japanese forces
and another assault was made on Mon
and another assault was mad on Mon
day at dawn. By 8 o'clock Monday
morning Yangtse pass and the -surrounding
heights had been captured.
General Knroki explains the slow-
ness of these actions bv saving that
the difficult topography of the battle! barth of the National Live Stock as
fields made it impossible to secure sociation. discussing the report that
good artillerv positions, and that the) the western cattlemen now in con
great heat fatigued his troops. , ference in Denver with government
The Russians' force at Yangtse pass , officials would attempt to break the
was estimated at two and one-half di-, Chicago butchers' sfrike, is quoted as
visions and four batteries of arUHery. ' saying: "We have troubles of our
t,. ami- -..., trwi inU-nr) Taiur- own. and while we would like to see
1UU CUC1UJ .! !.. i.v - c I
General Kuroki reports the capture
of some field guns, but the number is
not given. The Japanese casualties
are being Investigated.
Japs Occupy Ta Tche Kiao.
from General Kuropatkin was receiv
ed Wednesday confirming the occupa
tion of Ta Tche Kiao by the Japanese
July 25 and adding that a Japanese
division had moved on Ha: Cheng.
Stockmen May Intervene.
DENVER. The News says that a
movement to intervene in the great
nackers' strike in the east will result
from a meeting of live stock men from . eral of Finland, has been sent to St.
all parts of the west which begins Petersburg. Prof. Gemmerus of the
here. Stock growers from practically j University of Finland has been exiled
every state west of the Missouri river to Russia, being the fourth professor
will be in Denver, and because of a j from this institution to be exiled since
'lack of demand for their cattle, they the murder of General Bobrikoff. Noth
will start a campaign as the indenend- J ing is known here of Legla, the al
ent party to ecure an immediate set-1 leged name of the assassin of Min
tlement of the strike. The stockmen ister Von Plebve. though rumors are
have been called to meet federal offi
cials and to discuss grazing.
Russia is More Lenient to Jews.
ST. PETERSBURG As evidence
of the increasing leniency for the
Jews, the exclusion of Jews from the
ranks of barristers, followed since
1889, is becoming less rigorous, and
it is considered probable that a corn-
plete removal of the disabilities will '
result. The present restrictions have
manv drawbacks. The Jews, unable
to become barristers, monopolize the I
posts of lawyers' office assistants and
are gradually attracting most of the
business to themselves, employing
barristers to represent them in court, i
Another Rush for Land.
DEVIL'S LAKE. N. D. Nearly
1,000 persons arrived Thursday to
await the beginning of registration for
the reservation opening. Among the
first to arrive are ::50 Iowa men, most
of whom registered in the Rosebud
opening, but failed to draw a farm.
The first big rush is expected on Sat
urday, when a special excursion train
will arrive from the east. Arrange
ments have been perfected to make
the same rates for the visitors to the
lake as to Grand1 Forks and this no
'doubt will swell the crowds.
Secretary Wilson Vists Them te Find)
DENVER. Colo. Secretary James
Wilson of the department of agricul
ture and Dr. E. Salmon, chief of the
bureau cf snimal industry, arrived in
Denver Thursday and met with the
special land commission and the rep
resentatives of the National Live
Stock association for a discussion of
the grazing land and torest reserve
At the first session Secretary Wil
son made an address. There were
200 delegates present.
In his address Secretary Wilson
said hi had come to Denver as the
representative of the president to
learn what was agitating the cattle
men, and declared it to be the point
of both his department and the ad
ministration to bring about more cor
dial and pleasant relations between
the official goveruirent and the stock
growers of the country.
Mr. Wilson puke of some of th
LTnj::ms his department has had to
de-1 with: of questions pertaining to
he breeding of horses, of the need
of water, the rights cr stockmen and
the necessity of forest reseres. He
pointed out that the building of great
levees along the Mississippi at New
Orleans was the outgrowth of the
wiping out of the forests in the coun
try higher up. The destruction of
the trees, he said, had removed the
only means for holding hack the I
A committee on resolutions was ap
pointed, among the members being
Mortimer Levering. Indiana; C. E.
Adams. Nebraska, and Murdo Mc
Kenzie. Texas.
In an interview President Hagen-
the strike settled, there is notning
for us to do in the matter.'
Former Governor Is Dead.
tison. who was twice democratic gov
ernor of Pennsylvania and twice
comptroller of Philadelphia, died early
today at his home in Overbrook. a
suburb of this city. Pneumonia, com
plicated with weakness of the heart.
was the cause of death. He was d '
years old.
Finlanders Sent Into Exile.
father of Eugene Schumann, the assas-
sin of General Bobrikoff. governor gen-
afloat that he was here three weeks
Wheat Starts for Ceiling.
SAN FRANCISCO Wheat in this
market reached the highest price of
the season Monday for both spot and
futures. Under heavy transactions,
part of which to cover shorts, the De
cember ootion rose to $1.4::. Cash
vales were auvanceu . ..uures ana
No. 1 spring wheat is now quoted at
$1.40 and choice at $1.UK$L42K.
while milling grades are strong at
$1.4.-; to $1.37 ler cental. The wheat
yield for California this year, it is
estimated, will not exceed five hundred
thousand tons.
Packers Ask for Protection.
CHICAGO. 111. The packers asked
and were given police protection for
three of their distributing plants,
which were surrounded by union pick
ets who turned back all the retail
butchers with wagons after suppieri
of meat.
European Squadron at Sea.
TRIESTE, Austria The American
battleship and European squadrons
under the respective commands ot
Rear Admiral Baker and Rear Admiral
jwall sailed Sunday for Flume.
The Defiance Starch Co. will give
25 ladies a rouad-trp ticket to the SL
Louis exposition to five ladies In
each of the following states: Illinois.
Iowa. Nebraska, Kansas and Missou
ri who will send in the largest number
of trade marks cut from a 10-cent, 18
ounce package of Defiance cold water
laundry starch. This means from your
own home, anywhere In the above
named states. These trade marks must
be mailed to and received by the De
fiance Starch Co.. Omaha, Neb., before
September 1st, 1904. October and No
vember will be the best months to
visit the exposition. Remember that
Defiance is the only starch put up 16
oz. (a full pound) .to the package.
You get one-third more starch for the
same money than of any other kind,
and Defiance never sticks to the Iron.
The tickets to the exposition will be
sent by registered mall September 5th.
Starch for sale by all dealers.
Never play a trick on a bookmaker.
Play a winner: that's better.
This Will Interest Mothers.
Mother Gray Sweet Powders for Chil
dren, used by Mother Gray,' a nurse in
Children's Home, Now York, Cure Fever
ishness. Bad Stomach, Teething Disorders,
move and regulate the bow els aud destroy
Worms. Sold by all Drujfgist-, -v. Sample
FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, LeRoy.N. Y.
Never play hat-pin selections. You
may get stuck some.
Immensity of North Forests.
The northern belt of forests is per
haps greater in extent than all thv
other timber belts and reserves of
i Canada combined. It extends from
i the eastern coast of Labrador north of
the fiftieth parallel In a northwesterly
direction to Alaska, a distance of some
3.000 miles, with an average width ot
I perhaps 500 miles.
ird Killed by Golf Ball.
As a member of an English goll
club drove, a wagtail was observed
flying across the line of tire. Th
golf ball was seen to hit the bird at
:t distance of about forty paces froa;
the striker. The wagtail fell at once
to earth, and was found to be not only
stone dead, but absolutely decapi
tated. Brides Who Stay at Home.
According to old and established
custom in Japan, the eldest child,
whether male or female, must, uudet
all circumstances, abide at and in
herit the home. By this means a con
tinuous succession is assured, and the
estates cannot pass into the hands o
strangers. ,
Still More Evidence.
Bay City, III.. August S (Special).
Mr. K. F. Henley of this city adds his
evidence to that published almost
daily that a sure cure for Rheuma
tism is now before the Americau peo
ple and that that cure is Dodd's Kid
ney Pills. Mr. Henley had Acute
Rheumatism, lie has used Dodd's
Kidney Pills. He says of the result:
"After suffering for sixteen years
with Rheumatism and using numer
ous medicines for Rheumatism and
more medicines prescribed by doc
tors. I at last tried Dodd's Kidney
Pills with the result that I got more
bent fit from them than all the others
put together.
"Dodd's Kidney Pills were the only
tbing to give me relief, and I recom
mend them to all suffering from
Acute Rheumatism."
Rheumatism is caused by Uric Acid
in the blood. Healthy kidneys take
all the Uric Acid out of the blood.
Dodd's Kidney Pills make healthy kid
neys. To Make Palms Thrive.
A few pieces of hoof-parings which
horseshoers pare off the hoof before
shoeing horses will make palms
thrive luxuriantly. Simply poke the
parings well down in the soil at an
time of the year. Horseshoers give
away the parings tor the asking.
Damage Done by Beetles.
In 187:: in Germany l.r.oo.OOO trees
are said to have been destroyed In
the Hartz forest alone by two small
species of beetles. The larvae bur
row beneath the bark and thus cause
the Injury to the growing trees.
Suicides Find the Way.
Vienna has a new prison so arrang)
ed that suicide or escape by its prist
oners was considered Impossible. One
of its first inmates, a boy. hanged
himself by means of his trousers oa
the edge of the heating apparatus.
Joy in One's Work.
Joy in one's work is the consum
mate tool, without which the work
may be done, indeed, but without
which the work will always be doae
slowly, clumsily and without its fia
est perfection. Phillips Brooks.
If Bitten by Mad Dog.
If a person is bitten by a supposed
ly mad dog let him call a physician,
and in the- meantime apply lemon
juice to the wound. This is the ad
vice of Dr. Lagorio of the Pasteur in
But Still in the Fashion.
It is an ever new and interesting
story to hear how one can be entirely
made over by change of food.
"For two years I was troubled with
what my physician said was the old
fashioned dyspepsia.
"There was nothing I could eat but
20 or 30 minutes later I would be spit
ting my food up in quantities until I
would be very faint and weak. This
went out from day to day until I wag
terribly wasted away and without any
prospect of being helped.
"One day I was advised by an old
lady to try Grape-Nuts and cream
leaving off all fatty food. I had no
confidence that Grape-Nuts would do
all she said tor me as I had tried so
many things without any help. But
it was so simple I thought I would
give it a trial she insisted so.
"Well I ate some for breakfast and
pretty soon the lady called to see her
'patient' as she called me and asked
if I had tried her advice.
"'Glad you did child, do yon feel
some better?'
"'No.' I said, 'I do not know as I
do, the only difference I can see is I
have no sour stomach and come to
think of it I haven't spit up your four
teaspoons of Grape-Nuts yet.'
"Nor did I ever have any trouble
with Grape-Nuts then or any other
time for this food always stays down
and ay stomach digests it perfectly:'
I soon got strong and well again and
bless that old lady every time I see
"Once an invalid of 98 pounds I now
weigh 125 pounds aad feel strong and
well and it is due entirely and only to
having found the proper food In
Grape-Nuts." Name given my Postum
Co.. Battle Creek, Mich.
Get the little hook. "The Road f
WellviUe" In each pkg.
i ',
- -