The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 03, 1904, Image 2

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The estate of the late William C.
Whitney of New York is estimated a
Rear Admiral Philip H. Cooper, commander-in-chief
of the Asiatic station,
will be retired on August 4.
Western members of the republican
executive committee are -soon to con
l;r in Chicago with Chairman Cortel-
The congressional merchant marine
commission completed its work In Se
attle and departed for Tacoma last
Alliert F. Dawson, private secretary
for United Stat Senator Allison, has
been nominated for congress by re
publicans of the Second Iowa district.
William PreBton Harrison, brother
of Mayor Harrison, is named as. a co
respondent in a counter suit for di
vorce brought by Andrew P. Carter in
New York.
A court at Naples which has been
judging a contested will case has de
cided that the pope is capable of in
heriting in Itals which hitherto had
been disputed.
One man was killed and another
paint ully injured by the explosion of a
nltr-galion siphon which they were
testing in a New York soda water ap
paratus factory.
Capt. Gross, an instructor of the
German army balloon corps, has left
Berlin for St. Louis, where he will ob
serve the dirigible balloon contests in
behalf of the war office.
Tolstoi, in acknowledging the re
ceipt of a copy of Herbert Spencer's
autobiography, confessed that he did
not like the English philosopher be
cause he had little heart.
t Ik reported that the general
Height offices of the Chicago &. East
ern Illinois railroad are to be removed
to St. touts at an early date, and that
other departments will follow.
Erie earnings for the fiscal year
tided June 'M are figured at $12,130.
::yu. which would allow a 4 per cent,
dividend on the first preferred stock
ami leave a balance of $2,743,306.
William E. Curtis declares that the
extension of the United States ship
ping laws to the Philippines Imperils
the coasting trade because of the ab
sence or sufficient American ships.
Until the advent of the Americans
no systematic efforts ever had been
made to vaccinate Filipinos. The is
lands now are declared to be prac
tically free from plague as a result.
Major Kirk patritk of the Third regi
ment. Chin National Guard, has been
acnui:icd !. court martial of the
charge of dit-obc'icnce of orders,
trrowirg ort of ile Springfield riots in
The first annual reunion of the
United Spanish War Veterans will le
held in St. touis instead of Indianapo
lis on account of the failure lo u i
stop-over privileges from the rail
loads. The will of Mrs. Mary F. Scanlan of
St. Louis, disposing of an estate val
ued at $1,000,000. has leen filed for
probate. The bulk of the property is
divided among the children and grand
children. Two r'oung women of Rochester.
Intl.. have declared their intention to
walk to the World's fair on a wager.
They are to leave heme without a pen
ny and earn their expenses by working
along the
A letter from Elihu Root declining
a nomination for governor is consid
eted at a conference of republican
leaders in New York and other candi
dates were discussed, but no conclu
sion was reached.
Eight large sticks of dynamite and
two dozen percussion caps were found
under the Santa Fe station at El Paso.
Tex. The explosives were so arranged
that it is thought any heavy jar would
have set them oft.
Judge Lneombe, In New York, has
dismissed tne indictment against John
A. Benson of California, who was
charges with conspiracy to defraud the
United States in the acquisition of
school lands in Oregon and California.
Lee Shutiert. the New York theat
rical Manager, is held by the authori
ties at ux la Chapelle. Germany, for
hiving Military plans in his posses
sion, but which he claims are photo
graphic plates for use in a new play.
Secretary Hay. after a hard struggle
to learn the Russian language, has
finally given it up. He says he has
a most profound respect for anyone
who has ever succeeded in acquaint
ing himself with this linquial abnor
mity. An ingenious method employed in
the Philippines to secure an adequate
gas supply is to slowly feed cocoanut
oil, a native product, into strong cast
iron retorts, after the latter are
brought to a red heat in furnaces. This
produces a very high quality or illu
minating gas. free from smoke and
Prof. O. F. Cook, win: discovered the
Guatemalan ants, said to be an enemy
to the cotton boll weevil, has arrived
in Washington with several colonies
of the ants. A report of the experi
ments with the ants has been made to
Secretary of Agriculture Wilson.
The question of a reduction to 21
cents for night admission that has
been agitated since the opening of the
St. Louis exposition, has been finally
disposed of by the board of directors
voting almost unanimously against the
According to news from Fez. the
suitan is a big army outside
Fes. The imi?iial tent has already
been pitched outside the walls of Fez.
which is take;: to indicate that the
sultan will personally lead his forces
against the preiender. who is active in
the districts of Taza and Uida.
Gen. Isaac Kahn. special ambassa
Cor of the Shah of Persia to Me:o.
has been appointed Persian minister
to Austria. Persia has appointed a
nephew of General Kahn as minister
to the United States and Mexico. He
w:!i arrive late :n the autumn.
From January i to July 26 77.825.S66
Japanese yen have been received at
the San Francisco mint and converted
into money for the Philippine islands.
The aggregate amount in American
money is f::v?l 2.933. For twentty-six
days of Jute alcne the amount is $4,
495,135. Isaac W. Barnvm. a nephew of the
great f-howmar, and inventor of the
hemming attachment for sewing ma
chines, cut of vrhich he made millions,
died, in abject poverty la a cellar In
Brooklyn: ?-here he bad lately lived on
tne charity cf former friends.
News in Brief
Assassin Makes Attack Upon Officer
on Busy Thoroughfare of City
Coachman Also Killed and the
Horses Fatally Wounded.
ST. PETERSBURG. Minister of
the Interior von Plehve was assassin
ated while driving to the Warsaw sta
tion to visit the Petcrhof.
A bomb was thrown under the min
ister's carriage, completely shattering
it. M. von Plehve was terribly man
gled. The crime was committed at 10
The coachman was killed, and the
wounded and maddened horses dashed
wildly away with the front wheels of
the carriage, the only portion of the
vehicle remaining intact. Immediate
ly there ensued a scene of the wildest
confusion. Police and gendarmes hur-
ried up from every direction and vast
crowds gathered about the spot where
the mangled body of the minister lay
welttering in his blood.
The Associated Press correspondent
was at the scene of the tragedy within
five minutes after it occurred. M. von
Plehve's shockingly mangled lody was
lying in the middle of the road. It had
been partially covered with a police
r". :--. inercoat. with the left arm.
the Inine of which was broken off.
projecting. A policeman came up and
raised the overcoat in order to rear
range it. revealing for an instant the
strong features of the dead minister,
whose bead was battered almost be
yond recognition.
The roadway was strewn for 100
yards with the wreckage of the car
riage, and pieces of the red lining of
the minister's official overcoat. A few
yards from M. .on Plehve's body lay
a shapeless heap of the coachman's re
mains. M. von Plehve was said to be on his
way to visit the emperor. The trag
edy occurred on the Zalakonski pros
pect, a broad thoroughfare leading up
to the Warsaw depot, where the road
turns sharply to the left toward the
Baltic railroad station. The exact
spot at which the outrage occurred is
just before the bridge spanning the
circular canal, on the other side of
which both stations are situated.
The bomb thrower must have known
perfectly well that Minister von
Plehve would pass the spot, for the
minister makes his report to the em
peror every Thursday.
The infernal machine was thrown
with deadly accuracy, and the assassin
was favored by the fact that the traffic
here is always of the heaviest, owing
to the crossing of lines of surface cars
and the continuous stream of heavy
trucks. M. von Plehve was always
apprehensive of attempts upon his
life, and used to drive as rapidly as
possible. The coachman, however,
was compelled to go slow at this
The assassin, in laying his plans,
evidently foresaw this circumstance,
and while the minister's coachman
slowed down, threw the bomb. The
explosion was terrific, and practically
annihilated the woodwork of the car
riage. The horses tore oft, dragging
the axle and the front wheels. The
animals, though infuriated by the
wounds they had sustained, had not
galloped far before they fell, with
pools of blood under them.
It is reported that six men are im
plicated and that five of them fled
into a little hotel adjoining the scene
of the assassination, and only one,
who was wounded, having been cap
tured. The hotel was surrounded by
the police and all its inmates were
The wounded man. who is said to
be a Jew. was taken to the Alexan
der hospital, so dazed as to be unable
to speak. His condition was account
ed for by the fact that he took poison
immediately after throwing the bomb.
American Among the Injured.
SAN SEBASTIAN. Spain Fourteen
persons were injured here on Sunday
in the panic at the fight between a
tiger and a bull, including Countess
Podras Liza Ritury. Deputy Uruqui
Jo. the Marquis Pidal. vice president
at the senate and former Spanish am
bassador at the Vatican, and an
American whose name is given as
Liverstone of New York. It is said
that the American will put in a claim
for damages. The managers of the
fight are severely blamed for what
Swindling Woman is Caught.
PITTSBURG An attempt to swin
dle Mrs. Roosevelt wife of the presi
dent, out of $50 is being investigated
by the Pittsburg charity department.
The young woman who tried to secure
the money on the groaad that she
needed it pay for a surgical operation
on a child will not, it is said, be pros
ecuted, as that is not Mrs. Roosevelt's
wish. Because of the respectability
of the young woman's family her
same is withheld. She wrote two let
ters to Mrs. Roosevelt, enlisting sym
pathy and financial aid.
Russian Boats at Pert Arthur Sent ta
CHEE FOO 8 p. m. Russian refu
gees who have arrived here report
that the Lieutenant Burkuoff and
two other Russian torpedo boat de
stroyers were torpedoed and totally
destroyed by the Japanese on the
night of July 25.
TOKIO In a daring night attack
against a Russian force estimated at
five divisions. wKh 100 guns. General
Oku succeeded in driving the enemy
from their strong line of defence
south of Ta Tche Kiao.
Advancing on Sunday, General Oka
found, a superior force confronting
him and that a heavy artillery Are
from the enemy was checking hla
men. He thereupon decided to hold
the positions he then held and to at
tempt a night surprise. This was suc
cessful, the Japanese troops hustling
the Russians into retreat to Ta Hche
Kiao. The Japanese had only 800 cas
ualties. No estimates of the Russian
losses are given.
The Takushan army did not partic
ipate in the fight, it being located to
the east of Ta Tche Kiao. Moving
to the northwest, this Takushan force
fought and won a separate action on
Friday. July 22, at Panling, losing
thirty-one men.
On Sunday morning at 9 o'clock the
Japanese right had reached a bluff a
little less than two miles from Tai
ping mountain. At 5 o'clock in the
afternoon the Russian batteries post
ed in various positions on the high
ground opened with vigor, shelling
the advancing Japanese line. The
strength of the Russian gradually de
veloped during the day. The ftussian
fire prevented a general advance and
determined General Oku to decrde to
adwait the advent of darkness to de
liver a night assault.
Suddenly, at 10 o'clock Sunday
night, the entire Japanese rignt was
hurled against the first Russian po
sition cast and west of Taiping moun
tain and easily captured it. At mid
night the second position was at
tacked and by dawn the Japanese oc
cupied the eminence to .the east of
Shanchiatun. The Russians were in
retreat toward Ta Tche Kiao. At 7
o'clock Monday morning the Japanese
seized Chenyshishan without resist
ance and pursued the Russian force
toward Ta Tche Kiao.
Conference Between State Board and
Packers Results in Nothing.
CHICAGO "We had an agreement
with Mr. Donnelly's organization and
the allied trades which they failed to
live up to, and under the circum
stances we do not care to make any
further agreements with them."
This is the statement which was
signed by the representatives of the
packers and handed to the members
of the state board of arbitration Wed
nesday night at the end of a confer
ence between the two bodies, held at
the request of the state board in an
endeavor to bring about another meet
ing for the settlement of the butch
ers strike between the packers and
the strikers.
The packers received the state
board courteously and listened to its
arguments for a peaceable adjustment
of the difficulty. The announcement
that the packers were opposed to any
further peace negotiations with the
strikers was handed to the board by
Arthur Meeker and Thomas Conner,
both of Armour & Co., who represent
ed the packers.
Found the Town Afire.
TOKIO The Russians abandoned
Ta Tche Kiao at noon on Monday,
July 25. retiring before the advancing
army under General Oku. They ap
plied the torch to Ta Tche Kiao and
the surrounding towns and when the
Japanese arrived they found the
flames still raging. The Japanese
pursuit extended beyond Ta Tche
Kiao and the Japanese left wing occu
pied Yin Kow. The positions held by
the Russians Sunday night south of
Ta Tche Kiao consisted of nine miles
of trenches and fortifications.
Demands Will Le Moderate.
WASHINGTON The state depart
ment has addressed itself to the Rus
sian government through Spencer
Eddy, the American charge at Et. Pe
tersburg, on the charge or the seizure
of the cargo of the Arabia by the
Vladivostok squadron. The Hamburg
American company undoubtedly will
appeal to the German government to
secure the release of its ship and com
pensation for the delay in her cruise
and other Items of loss. Tt is deemed
highly desirable to take conservative
action and avoid irritation.
Prize Money to Be Paid.
WASHINGTON After a legal bat
tle of several weeks. Admiral Dewey
and his men who fought the battle of
Manila are to receive their prize mon
ey on account of the capture of the
Don Juan de Austria and other Span
ish property. Justice Gould signed
an order confirming the report of the
auditor in the case. The amount of
the property captured finally was fix
ed at $1,657,355, a sum considerably
in excess of what the government
claimed to be due. One-half of the
amount will be paid to the captors.
Impressive and Impcs'ng Services
Notable Characters of Russia Stand
with Bowed Heads About the Flow
ered and Caparisoned Bier.
Plehve, the minister of the interior,
who was assassinated Thursday morn
ing last, was buried Sunday, and in
every city of this vast empire church
bells were tolled and masses and
prayers said for the repose of the soul
of the murdered minister.
The services here, which were ac
cording to the rites of the orthodox
church, were of an impressive and im
posing character. At 11 o'clock high
mass was said In the stately chapel
adjoining the ministry of the interior.
Emperor Nicholas and the dowager
empress stood with the broken-hearted
widow and the children at a great
mound of flowers on which rested the
casket. To the right, on gold-embroidered
cushions, before a mass of
wreaths banked to the celling, were
ranged the decorations which had been
won by the statesman during his not
able career.
To the left were the metropolitan
of St. Petersburg and the officiating
bishops and priests in their gold-emblazoned
vestments. A screen of flow
ers concealed the famous imperial
boys' choir.
Among those present were other
members of the imperial family, the
foreign representatives. including
Spencer Eddy, charge d'affaires of the
American embassy; ministers of the
empire, generals, admirals, nobles,
governors of distant provinces, like
those of Astrakhan and Irkutsk; in
fact, all high officialdom, not even
omitting Genghis Khan, a lineral de
scendant of Napoleon, of Ahia, who is
now a major general in the Russian
The entire assemblage was in full
uniform, and on the arm of each one
present was a badge of mourning. All
hell lighted tapers throughout the ser
vice, and the air was heavy with the
perfume of flowers and incense from
the censers.
At the most solemn moment, when
all knelt and many were affected by
tears, the widow was overcome and
fainted. The emperor came to her as
sistance, antl she was carried out by
gentle hands. The emperor was vis
iuly moved, and upon the conclusion
of the mass he followed the casket,
which was taken upon the shoulders
of ministers and borne down the
broad marble stairway to the street.
The funeral procession was formed
and the body was placed in a great
white open hearse, drawn by six coal
black horses, which were blanketed
from their ears to their tails in som
ber trappings. A black-garbed groom
stood at each bridle, and in advance
went sixteen similarly clad lantern
bearers. Behind the hearse walked
the members of the minister's family,
and then came a long and distin
guished body of mourners, it being the
Russian custom to follow the dead to
the grave on foott.
The emperor himself walked a short
distance, but as the Novodevicky
monastery, where the burial took
place, was over five miles away, and
because of the condition of the em
press, his majesty soon entered his
carriage and returned to the Peterhof
At the end of the procession came
four white chariots filled with the
floral offerings. The cortege proceed
ed slowly through the avenues and
streets, preceded by a squad of mount
ed police, and passed within sight of
theplace where the tragedy occurred.
Strikers and Packers Preparing for
Another Week of Struggle.
CHICAGO Both the packers and
the strikers spent Sunday in strength
ening any weak spots that could be
found in their defenses, preparatory
to terms. Notwithstanding that it
was Sunday all the plants were oper
ated uring the forenon in order to
get rid of the live stock that had been
left over from last week. The re
mainder of the day was spent by the
employers in installing new men in
the strikers' places and arranging
many of the small details which had
been overlooked last week during the
heat of the conflict.
Over one thousand new men were
added to those at work in the various
plants. Among the arrivals were
many skilled laborers, something the
packers have been sadly in need of
ever since the strike started. The
employers have experienced little dif
ficulty in procuring all the unskilled
men necessary to operate the plants
to their full capacity, but there has
been a decided scarcity of skilled
workmen and for this reason the by
products of all animals killed have
been let go to waste.
Successor to Van Plehve.
ST. PETERSBURG The far-reaching
character of the machinery of the
ministry of the interior and the urgent
necessity for dealing with many pend
ing matters of importance render it
imperative that the emperor select, a
successor to M. Von Plehve immedi
ately and it is considered certain that
he will do so in a few days. Influ
ences hostile to M. Witte, In spite of
his acknowledged great ability and the
general belief that he is the man for
the position seem to render his ap
pointment increasingly impossible.
Finlanders Sent Into Exile.
father of Eugene Schumann, the assin
of General Bobrikolf. governor gen
eral of Finland, has been sent to St.
Petersburg. Prof. Gemmerus of the
University of Finland has been exiled
to Russia, being the fourth professor
from this institution to be exiled since
the murder of General Bobrikoff. Noth
ing is known here of Legla, the al
leged name or the assassin o Min
ister Von Plehve. though rumors are
afloat that he was here three weeks
Japs Occupy Ta Tche Kiao.
from General Kuropatkin was receiv
ed Wednesday confirming the occupa
tion of Ta Tche Kiao by the Japanese
July 25 and adding tba a Japanese
division had moved on Ha! Cheng.
Coal for Vladivostok.
CARDIFF. A newspaper says that
within the last few days Kussla has
made contracts for nearly 20.000 tons
of Welsh coal, which is supnoosed to
he for the Vladivostok region.
National Committee Calls. Upe the
Republican Nominee.
.OYSTER BAT, N. Y. President
Roosevelt was mottled formally on
Wednesday of his nomination for the
presidency by' the national republican
convention. The ceremony took place
at hla country home at Sagamore Hill,
three miles from this village. In ac
cordance with the "president's wish,
the ceremony was made as simple as
The formal notification of the action
of the convention was made on behalf
of a committee " representing every
state and territory ' In the United
States by Joseph G. Cannon, speaker
of the house of representatives.
The day opened "with ideal weather
and arrangements for the ceremony
were completed early. The wide ver
anda of the house at Sagamore Hill,
extending almost entirely around the
house, was decorated with. American
flags hung from pillar to pillar.
In addition, many houses in the
neighborhood of the Roosevelt home
and- in Oyster Bay were draped with
the national colors. . Across the
main street of the village there hung
a large Roosevelt and Fairbanks ban
ner. Only three of the members of
the committee weie absent Included
among the invited guests were men
prominent In all walks of life. Those
present numbered about 125.
Speaker Cannon delivered, the
speech of notification, to which the
president responded at considerable
length. v
Packing House Mechanics at South
Omaha Join the Strikers,
SOUTH OMAHA In response to
orders received from Chicago all the
members of the allied trades employ
ed at the packing houses In South
Omaha walked out at noon Tuesday.
By this walkout the ranks of the
strikers were increased by between
1,000 and 1,100 men, making nearly
6,000 in all. These craftsmen quit
work: Steamfitters, firemen, engi
neers, machinists, car repairers, box
factory workers, electricians, carpen
ters and coopers.
Orders for the walkout were re
ceived by President George Sterrett
late Monday night and the word was
passed around among the men at the
plants. When the night force of men
quit Tuesday morning they took their
working clothes with them. The day
shift men did the same when they
quit at noon. Good order prevailed
daring the walkout, the men leaving
the plants quitely. Many went di
rectly to their homes, while others
drifted towards labor headquartres to
hear the latest news.
In speaking of the mcehanical
workers' walkout General Manager
Murphy said: "We are glad the mat
ter is settled. For a time the men
kept telling us they would not go out
and led us to believe they were sat
isfied to remain while negotiations for
the new wage scale were pending.
Now that these men have gone out
we know just exactly where we are.
As I have stated before, we are fully
prepared to fill the places of the men
who went out. and smoke will con
tinue to pour from the Cndahy
The Assassination of Von Plehve Was
Matured Long Ago.
ST. PETERSBURG. The police
have not yet established the identity
of the assassin of M. von Plehve or of
his accomplices, though it has been as
certained that the former is little Rus
sian, which accounts for his notice
able accent. The accomplice is a
It has developed that the police for
some time past have been aware that
a plot was maturing against the czar,
and bad advised one of the ministers
that a party of fifteen anarchists had
arrived in St. Petersburg. Several ar
rests were actually made several days
before the assassination.
The bomb which the accomplice
dropped In the canal after the assas
sination was recovered by the police.
It is of foreign make, though it is be
lieved to have been loaded in St. Pe
tersburg. It is small and melon
shaped, and is believed to be fully as
powerful as the one that killed von
Vladivostock Squadron Seen to East
ward of Kazusa Bay.
TOKIO The Russian Vladivostok
squadron was seen to the eastward of
Kazusa province at 2 o'clock Monday
afternoon. It was seen steaming to
the east. Kazusa province Is on the
east side of Tokio bay.
The British steamer Chinan has ar
rived at Yokohama with the crew of
the British steamer Knight Command
er, that was sunk by Russia's Vladi
vostok squadron off Izu. The Knight
Commander's cargo was a general one.
Its European passengers were detain
ed by the Russians and its crew of
twenty-one was transferred to the Chi
nan, which also reports that the Rus
sians sunk two Japanese schooners.
Packers Get Better Service.
CHICAGO. As a matter for protec
tion of office employes and non-union
workers, who, instead of taking up
their abode in the barracks provided
by the packers, desire to go home at
night and come to the stock yards In
the morning, the packers have ar
ranged with the Lake Shore & Michi
gan Southern railroad for a large in
creased number of trains to the stock
yards. The new schedule provides for
trains running directly to the various
packing houses inside the yards, thus
avoiding the pickets.
White Mob Kills a Negro.
KANSAS CITY. A special to the
Times from Austin, Tex., says: John
W. Larrimore, a negro school teacher
and republican politician of state
prominence, was taken from his home
at Lockport, thirty miles south of
here, by a mob of eight white men and
shot and killed. Mrs. Larrimore shot
at the members of the mob with a pis
tol, and she says she wounded one of
them. No arrests have been made.
Larrimore Is said to have made an of
fensive remark which caused the at
t"k or him.
Fleet Off Yokohama.
TOKIO It Is believed that the
Vladivostok squadron is off Yoko
hama. The steamer Korea, which has
safely arrived at Yokohama, evidently
passed close to the Russian vessels.
Japs Enter New Chwang.
TIEN TSIN Lloyd' agent at New
Chwang wires that fifty Japanese
cavalrymen have entered New
Chwang. The French nactis lying
from all the Russian baikliags. The
town is quiet.
Associated Press Dispatches and
Other Reliable Sources Deny the
Rumors A General Assault, How
ever, Seems to Have Been Begun.
LONDON. A Shanghai corrtpsond
ent, in a cabregram. says: "Various
telegrams received here frcm Che Foo
announce that the Japanese have cap
tured Port Arthur. This report is re
garded as confirmed by news just re
ceived from Wei Hai Wei that the
British fleet returns there. It is also
stated that the Japanese casualties
numbered 11.000."
CHE FOO. Refugees who have just
arrived from Port Arthur confirm pre
vious reports that a general assault
has been begun by the Japanese on
that fortress, and they declare that
the Russians are sanguine that Jap
anese could not succeed in capturing
the place, even though they had twice
as many troops. The Russians, ac
cording to the refugees story re still
hoping for succor from General Kou
ropattkin. They are unwilling to be
lieve the reports of his defeat at Ta
Tche Kiao. The refugees further con
firm the reports that the Russian fleet
is in a state of repair, but say that the
fleet is unwilling to attack that of Ad
miral Togo on account of the mines
which the Japanese place nightly, at
the entrance to the harbor. It was be
lieved at Port Arthur that If the Vladi
vostok squadron or reinforcements
from General Kuropatkin should arrive
the Russian fleet would take the risk
of going out.
Ammunition is said to be growing
scarce and the large fort guns are not
often discharged. Attempts to manu
facture ammunition in Port Arthur are
reported to have been failures.
All public buildings are being used
for bospittals. The sick and wounded
are being well cared for by volunteer
nurses. The wounds made by the Jap
anese rifles are not dangerous except
when vital spots are reached. Hun
dreds of badly wounded have quickly
recovered from their wounds.
An American named Holt reports
that Lieut, Newton A. McCully. the
American naval-attache now at Port
Arthur, is well.
The Russian have erected a new,
wireless telegraph station at Che Fto.
but they are unable to obtain any .re
sults, owing to the fact that Japanese
auxiliary cruisers fitted with wireless
telegraph outfits are constantly cruis
ing in the zone of communication and
interrupting the currents.
LONDON. No further news of the
reported fall of Port Arthur or war
news of any kind has reached the Lon
don morning newspapers.
Does Not Cause Much Surprise
Washington Circles.
WASHINGTON The first official
information received here of the trag
edy at St. Petersburg came in a short
cablegram to the state department
from Spencer Eddy, the charge
d'affaires of the American embassy
in the absence from that capital of
Ambassador McConnick. The mess
age read:
"Secretary of Interior Plehve and
several others killed and some
wounded by explosion of a bomb."
The cablegram was promptly for
warded by Acting Secretary Adoo to
Secretary Hay at Newbury, N. H., and
a proper expression of condolence will
be directed through Mr. Eddy.
Although the assassination is deep
ly deplored here, it cannot be said
that it has caused much surprise in
the circles here best informed as to
the conditions in St. Petersburg. M.
Plehve was regarded as a reactionist
and was particularly severe in hit
treatment of the radical element in
Russian politics. He was able to en
force his policies through his absolute
control of the secret service and po
He Is to Be at Head of Democratic
National Committee.
NEW YORK. Expectations were
fulfilled Tuesday, when Thomas Tag
fart of Indiana was elected chairman
of the democratic national committee.
Indorsed by nearly every member of
the committee the day after the con
vention adjourned at St. Louis, it has
been known that only the decree -l
Judge Parker in favor of another, or
the consent of Senator Gorman to ac
cept the place could prevent the se
lection of Mr. Taggart. Neither of
these contingencies arose, and the In
diana man was unanimously chosen to
a place for which he has long aspired.
Although the vote was unanimous, it
was not until after it was actually in
progress that opposition to Mr. Tag
gart's selection was withdrawn.
Winner Is in Washington.
LINCOLN. William McCormack,
who was first in the Rosebud draw".-S.
is not now a resident of Lancaster
county, as telegrams first reported. He
is employed in the treasury depart
ment at Washington, and until recent
ly his people lived in Clay Center.
Neb. They now live in Missouri. .Mc
Cormack formerly attended business
college here. It was reported that he
was a .arber, employed In the Pioneer
shop, but this report grew out of the
fact that a soldier who registered
works there.
Reds Were Wild with Joy.
NEW YORK. Five thousand
oer" '
sons, all that could possibly crowd into
Cooper union, cheered themselves
hoarse on Thursday nfght over the
death of the Russian minister or the
interior. The great hall was dotted
with anarchists, who. in frequent fren
zies of excitement, waved red bandgn
nsa and voiced their approval of the
assassination of Plehve. At every men
tion of the bomb thrower there was a
din that lasted several minutes, and
cries of Legio!" echoed through the
tirely without advices regarding the
circumstances surrounding the sink
Ing of the British steamer Knight
Commander, Russia, the Associated
Press is informed at the foreign office,
maintains the right of her warships
to sink a neutral vessel carrying con
traband, when the papers show that
she is clearly confiscable and when
circumstances render It impossible or
too dangerous to attempt to get her
to n home port, and in such cases lia
bility for damage to the value of the
ship Is not admitted.
The Foster Grain company has just
completed a new 1C.O0O bushel ele
vator at Germantown.
The Y. M. C. A. secretaries of the
state will meet In Fremont October 1
to 4. The local directoral board held
a meeting to plan for their recep
tion. Robert Mehaffey found the body of
a well dressed stranger in the Platte
river two miles east of North Bend.
The body at this writing has not been
Articles of incorporation for a new
bank at Farnam have been filed,
tlon to her work as secretary. She is
a graduate of the state university in
the class of 1900.
The farmers near Lincoln need more
help. They are offering from $1.25 to
$2 per day. or from $25 to $60 per
month, but the demand for harvest
hands Is decidedly greater than the
During a thunder storm at Monroe
last week a telephone girl received a
shock while answering a call that
nearly cost her her life. Her face
was seriously burned and she was par
tially paralyzed.
Reports from reliable threshers in
Platte county place the yield of
wheat at from twelve to fifteen bush
els per acre, and the quality is said
to be somewhat poorer than was gen
erally expected.
James Carr. who killed Charles Best
at Sarpy Mills on the Fourth of July,
had his hearing at Papillion and was
held to the district court without
bonds. He was charged with murder
in the first degree.
Gila'mous McCarty, a carpenter, has
sued the Lincoln Traction company
for damages amounting to $20,000.
McCarty was injured by a fall from
a street car on May 25 and since then
has been unable to walk.
Presideut J. W. Crabtree of the
Peru State Normal school has begun
making his appointments and has se
lected Miss Katheriue Woods as his
secretary. Miss Woods will teach one
of the advanced Latin classes in addi-
Edith Adams, a young woman of
15 years, living one mile north of
Elba, shot herself with a ::2 calibre
revolver. The hall entered her abdo
men from the left side, rangiug in
ward and passing out near the back
bone. She cannot live. She says the
shooting wtfs accidental.
County Clerk W. G. H irons has giv
en to the public the valuation of
Pierce county for this year as com
pared with the year previous. This
year real property was valued at $1.
708.080.00; last year it was valued at
Sl.04tt.420. Personal property this
year. $52ti.40.0 ; last year. $2::7.!71.
Chester Weeks, a farmer living
near the Merrick county line, has a
curiosity on his farm in the shape of
a peach tree The tree is eighteen
years tdd anil has never before bore
any fruit nor even blossomed, but
this year it is fairly loaded down
with peaches. Mr. Weeks set out
four other peach trees near this one
last fall, but whether that gave any
impetus to the old tree or not remains
for some scientist to explain.
County Superintendent Charles O.
Stewart of York county has just com
pleted his annual report of the schools
of York county. This shows that the
total indebtedness of the district has
been reduced by more than $2,000
during the year; that the value of
district property has increased by
about $1,500; that there is a total of
O.loO school children in the county.
::.10l boys and ::.02! girls; that the
total enrollment for the past year was
4.5S7: that the lowest wages paid was
$25. while the highest was $50 in the
country schools.
Captaiu W. W. Lyons and Ella C.
Button, two early settlers of Adams
county, died last week.
County Judge Basler of Burt county
thinks it is a mistake for courts to
allow one man to pound another to
a jelly, and then by pleading guilty of
assault and battery to escape with
a small fine. He fined his last pris
oner on this charge fifty dollars ami
Two young sons of Henry Ebke of
Do Witt narrowly escaped death when
a buggy in which they were riding
was struck by a northbound passenger
train and was demolished. They were
thrown out and severely injured, al
though it is thought they both will
At Weeping Water thieves stole a
team or mules Trom an oil dealer by
the name of Wallace and a light wag
on from I. E. Davis. They then drove
one mile north to the farm of E. F.
Marshall, put the mules in his barn
and took a team of horses and it is
supposed a harness. They then set
the barn on fire. leaving the mules
in it. evidently hoping to cover up
the second theft, thinking that the re
mains of the mules would be taken
for those of the horses.
The Payne Investment company of
Omaha has ordered its local repre
sentatives in Grand Island to proceed
with the matter of putting up the
buildings necessary for the manufac
ture of a new stock food from alfalfa,
meal, salt and syrup, and it is stated
that $25,000 worth of machinery will
be put in.
The fifth annual session of the Ful
lerton Chautauqua assembly will be
held at Fuller's park, August 5 to 15.
The nark has already been put in
splendid condition and wired for elec- J
trie lights.
The corner stone of the beautiful
new Sacred Heart Catholic church of
Greelev Center was laid l.-t week.
j Twelve visiting priests, with the resi
I dent pastor. Father Flanagan, and
Bishop Keane of Cheyenne, took part
in the certmon More than 800 peo
ple were present
Property owners are reminded that
the law requires the weeds along their
roadsides to be cut b August 15.
Otherwise it becomes the duty ot the
road overseer, and he is allowed four
dollars a day for his time at the ex-
( pense of the property owner.
Dr. C. F. Zimmerman oi .aper is
sending out circulars to physicians all
over the state asking their aid to
amend the present pharmacist law on
the ground that a registered physician
who is able to deal our pills and pre
scribe for the sick could not fill out
any kind or prescription and run a
drug store or his own in a small town,
when It would not pay to employ a
registered pharmacist.
The Antelope County Mutual Tele
phone company or Elgin has been In
cornorated with a capital stock of
$60,000 and a paid up capital of $1,500. j
Government Men from Washington at
Work in the State.
NEBRASKA CITY F. G. Miller, tu
charge of a party of government men
from the department of forestry at
Washington. D. C. has been here roi
the past four or five days inspecting
and measuring the timber here
abouts. The party is composed of F.
G. Miller, L. N. Godding. L. L. White,
W. 1. Hutchinson. J. D. Warner and G
W. Peavy. All are graduates of for
estry in the universities of the coun
try and are considered experts in that
line. The party secured considerable
data from trees in Arbor Lodge,
where trees from nearly every por
tion of the United States are grow
ing and have been for years. The
company separated and took various
routes from here and will drive to the
Kansas state line, when they will
travel north again to Lincoln and from
there go into the northern part of the
state. They expect to be at work in
this state for the next two months.
They were joined while here by
Cooper Dunn of the Nebraska state
Assessable Property Will Not Total
More Than $289,000,000,
LINCOLN When the final compu
tations have been made the state
board or equalization will find that the
total valuation of the property in Ne
braska will amount to about $289.
000.000. The last legislature based the ap
propriations on the assessment of
$5HMH)0.000. The allowances have
been made and in most cases the
money has been spent, so the levy
must cover the deject or the state
must go into debt.
With the counties of Nance. Holt.
Cherry and Cedar missing the assess
ment of state property amounts to
$27i.84.4tt2. The assessable property
last year amounted to $ls0.2Ditt;i5.
Pay of Assessors.
FALLS CITY Under the old reve
nue lav assessors for the different pre
cincts were paid $:: a day for the
time necessarily spent, ami last year
the cost or making ihe assessments
was $2.l4::.::o for the entire county.
Under the new law the deputy as
sessors get a per diem of $:: for not
more than sixty days. The bills filed
for making the assessment this year
under the new law aniouut to $2.::S2.
being nearly $150 more than under the
old law. And when to that is added
the salary of the county assessor.
which is $oo ier year, it makes the
new law cost the county about $750
mere a year than the old one did.
Will Test Inheritance Law.
PLATTSMOUTII In the adminis
tration of the estate of Hurt on W.
Ilarmer. now (tending in the county
court, an interesting xint has been
brought out by .1. K. Douglas, attor
ney for the heirs, involving the con
stitutionality of the inheritance tax
law of Nebraska. The heirs, in sti
port of their application to have the
tax against the estate set aside, allege
that the inheritance tax law. which
was passed in I '.to I. was rccnlcd by
the legislature of I'm::, when a new
revenue law was enacted which pur
Itorted to cover the entire system of
revenue for this state, but did not men
tion the inheritance tax.
Killing Prairie Chickens.
LINCOLN According to advices re
ceixed from the western section of
the statu pot hunters are remorse
lessly slaughtering prairie chickens.
The birds are tto young to be ex
ceptionally wary. The hunters are
killing them to supply the eastern
markets. Game Warden Carter will
investigate the complaints.
Wage Scale Said to Be Too High in
NEBRASKA CITY Superintendent
G. C. Powers of the Argo starch plant
has been transferred to IVkin. III.,
where he will have charge of t he
large sugar plant at that place. The
Argo plant is to be closed down u-i
soon as the starch on hand can be
shipped out and it is not known when
it will open. The plant is in charge
or one or the other managers until it
closes down. The officials or the
trust say that the cause Tor the clos
ing of this plant is that the unions
demand too high wages and that the
cost of making starch is too high, be
cause of the wage scale, as compared
to their other plants. It is thought
that the plant will be opened thin
fall, if the wage scale can be adjust
ed to their liking.
Bought Tract of Land.
LINCOLN. The state board of pub
lic lands and buildings purchased 2
acres of land from William Cnrr or
Hastings for $1,000. This is tor the
asylum grounds.
Getting Ready for the Fair.
LINCOLN An office has been open
ed by Superintendent Ha&sfett (it the
concession department of the state
fair at the state house, with Food
Commissioner Thompson. He will be
at this office Saturday of this week.
Thursday. Friday and Saturday of
next week and from then on all the
time until the fair opens. Mr. Has
sett wishes Lincoln merchants to no
tifv the concession department at
once if they want the same places m
Mercantile hall that they have had In
previous year.
Mistook Jimson for Coffee.
NELSON J- M. Hiatt and wife had
a narrow escape from death from the
effects of poisoning. In getting break
fast Mrs. Hiatt mistook jlmaon weed
seed for ground coffee and both drank
of it, and only prompt use of the
stomach pump and hard work on the
part of two doctors were were there
all day saved the lives of both. They
are an elderly couple who live alone,
in the same yard, however, with their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Erwin. who discovered their sick
ness before it had gone too far.
Death Follows Fall.
RAVENNA Louis Zimpfer, the Ra
venna merchant who fell from a sec
ond story window of the Lobell hotel
at Fremont, is dead. He leaves a
wife and four children in favorable
Missouri Invades Nebraska.
PAWNEE CITY The St. Joseph
Commercial clab's trade extension ex
cursion passed through this city. The
excursionists were shown about the
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