- ?-T ''9"-'' M 7JcJtf JgKJ&f - a .t- . X jntximt c t i olwmm SLJO PAYS FOE JOrSNAL OX YEAR TEHEE CIS- A WEEK T0LOE XXXT. NUMBER is COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 8, 1904. WHOLE NUMBER 1,741 uiear PAHS PTBIihinKP 15 ;-t 4 J M W d&Z. -""" 'ammmmmm-la-. r 2"nnuuJ"uuun- i ' n"ah"snL-- .""BnnB- vr- Tas5MaT3fSsaaT nnnnnnnnnnt4nnnnnnnnnr LET US PRESENT YOU WTTE A HAND BOOK and a Check Book and open an account. wn& you. It is naady. zincn safer and more? business hie- to have a bank ac count, and ke-p you- mony here. By giving checks tbe record of -ach pay ment is kept. Then i no caang- to make and no chance to depute the iaoac: paid. INTEREST ALLOWEI' if you leave yon- money hre six montiis and vuci can have it on demand. The First National Bank Time Table. CULU1IBLS.NEB. Lincoln. Omaha Chieaec St Joseph. Kansas City. St. Lcois irii ill points Zast and rutn. Denver Helena. Butte. Salt Lake City. Portland. San Frauciscc and all pcinta West. rurs- 3.am. Jxr IU n. rr TI3IE TABLE U P E. S. IX Ciucibn ?p-cku IH5 a i. Atiaadc Exprrm. 4.10 a . Colu2tQf Local :t I-JS a 21 ra. o No -V o 'u No N; No No N No No itc, Fat Mn lsa p. 21 &, Eaii-ni rpr-r. IS) p zn Z, Ovriaiiil Limirir.1 5SS p. m WJtsT BOCSO. 1U4IS 1XSK. 7-S.p BtoM a U tit o K-SU p 6J p li. I Hi . SIXIILi lvL r: Mail L Oc-ri-ail Liciitxi. i 1 akfurznx. Lxpr " oBBibu- LH-al ri, rrei-lK. .. .. P-part 7jip m TJSa ai. E-Sp No Nv 3c P. rti"r ...... tu SJ. PT-Ci?rr 7Z. Mc-il Depart No ii. P--r"r iJ p. No TS. Mizwl .. SiSJa m No 7c Px srer . l-p 1 a 74. HlXtnl :- p 31 Nrf utx pa esr traii. rzn laiiy. No crainn as Albion ami apanhnf brazes Siay-. 1 lc23Dos Local Cziij rrpt sssiiar W H Bica 12. Ar?ct. COUNTY OFFICERS. J j- Bevtjeh J-ws tjsi.r L fa iln Janv J iiij Dlk& 4 Biq-heb lent 2cpnct'3ia2i JaiUv Tr-H-arr t jnHjfr trrj-or EOAEI OF IK-t. 1 Ih-t. : int. I .. . i . iL tTsrxsTHEa E. H Met' R. L. Ui--!rTHa sTPiJlVISOHi Pa: kb Bkvpek ItnLPB MnKH Lk- Ho. t J iaNrr Di-t -: U 2. aS3iTO&i nrit?- E. Dntnra. L fa MiitaM. Mksszb or lasssEsi. S Disrai-r. J J STATE OFFlcEK--Cruwnnr Jft!i H. MicKey --crttrT Star, wore- V Har-n AauiXor i iiirn- H. -lc. Fraak S P-ncr ojvnatnii'nr Prjbijc In-irai -rum. n'Uiiom h- t'-ier unan-ucer Patoi-c Jcco 4ra j-di Di-tu Eiill3- SKTa A VTa, Fl-T Exyax.-K"TfVT i fa. fr-urs. CHURCri DIRECTORY. i OMiBETiATlONAL unaCi -ca.-.i. 1 a. 31. p.-"-,-. - i. t ?i-i - a. Jamir faa OnaTur 2-l . B. ?njor faaijiTir 7-n p. si P irr 3iti3i Thnrwlaj. :iK. p 31 iftjir-i -!- -t-T 2r.t -da, iaj in icn monrii ais-lp c i A. Jlr-fau. Paf.r PKEaarTEKlAN abiata Sca-.i. & a. si srnun. 11-JJ 31 senior Eau-Tor 7 1 p s. Errtasa -"-rmoii. -z) p. 3i Praynr nj-uai: 03ii atU yf ta? -talioara -cam i.n. -' t si. W TES N fa U--KT "X-tor StETHoDlaT-PTtii3ir. Ua.ni iu - r m saasij acnotu. f sW m Jasior Lr-mrae . SC!' p m. Epworra Lntctie. i' p. 3l .'nr-ra-ai Taarai ip m. LaJit Aji siatrj tvery OUi-r wj-taj at iju p. 3x. tr A. Lcck. D D Pa.-Tnn GERMAN EEFOItMSD scsdar sriio.K. oju a. ai. rTtinr- i" Ja. si. tsiiTir za p. n. Lai tiaiii.arrThariari3cn smasi, iJO p. 21. Kit NKsxaszH. Pa-ir HiPTLaT sa3ij?-nul-,a.3i. smiic ilin) a. at. ja3n- B. 1 P I . 3-W i n. 5-r-210C. ;-' p- 3L. PiTr nj -qxh: "silp nu st fc J I jjtxa. Parar trHAil; EPlxJt-AL Li -oranin. a. 2L Sssaj 5cnoiv mi a. 3 llrOda. si. . a-3ir "-rw-t" i ; a. ; j. ar-w- 5nttT-. tuul Tn ar oif aca 2ioeu EWujKjtr of xi" B. SiT tinii Ta lay of -a-) 3-ocxa. Lao-t TOLAi. i-ct R-ia-inx "t eaca 2ionT3 Krr W i?s, iirttnr K&MAN LCTEEILVN !) a. Tp. szsiiaj scuuoi. - p- m. Lauii ustf Tstirsdar z twes monts. S' fOltrf aitnr H- STEsSl izUir. esamft3BBW -. -.rrvrrp, . .jmTl ! 77oO; John Kotleret Louis Maier. I the first few weeks of their marriage aT BONAVENXLUA ATHOLU -scuilay T- , - , ,, . - . ,, .,- -it . .. .-s. j mcaa. 3u- azui -rson at 9 aaa iit L ndivided 12 parr lot o ox ll.,Colum- compisting the famishing andarrang-g-S- o?s?J?TiI b b.i3Q0. Geo L Wagner to Lena M their new home which will m- adtao"a.c:aa-alter3a&iTcHjr2aaa3d g":' e Cay niasw evr mnrii-- al - -.r V-,. r 11 rv-l.--t -trr3..n -. -i btvedxcctui. Cocft-i-iosi- heard tma I u o"oc stfuair. au from z ro an serial .auar;iar c33feiocH aio ioncay suitzisc b F.iTHra rxomi, rTt7,v4JuPc-. LODGES. DAUGEXEES OF p.vRvgtc xrt wcmw of ca iocni. Mr. Min.j J'"11 OQlg h& Jiu Fawssld. secn-sry. Ultaui . . . y. s. ;!.- re. aad iumtii Mfgnnr of rca wrti 13 "e of P. iaUL Aiots luff, pradJeat jibiI J. . ar W rtf X. Si- 3S- Mr derail 3nii fnrrrrr. rmm..air U,tas V c' Tareagh the Jccrnal we wish to OCCIDCfTAL LODGE. No.m-S.cf P tfet announce to the public that we have IkS- J M-Craa'r- cently appointed Mr. R. W. Saley, - wiLDty LODGE. No. u. J. O. O. F. ss maaager of the Auditorium Music Co., iSSSS: r-pbsii2itfor this aection, nriT wPt" 'gTMrus v TAiwr'fcr tire Melville Clark pianos and 1 . z . rij t -, ; n r- j I rj-C rxi t-Tj1-!J, I COtXmaXS ESCAMFVEST L O.O. F.So. J ijbat wme. una na m ucti.fLtov9 1 XatESSUJU. i . .B. Mrat, LUCKY ONES IN ROSEBUD DRAWING JIVE COLU-iBlTS "PEOPLE DRAW Most of Tkaa. Usdecided TEaether or aot They "Will Become Set tlers -Joker's Fso. Five Columbus pecnir- were lucky in the Rosenud land drawing, bat none of them was very fortunate in getting a low number Carle T Mc Kinnie was the first Ccinmfans name to come from the hat -with nnmber 73-L Mr. XcKinme l.ft Tuesday i morning to look the ground over and decide on nis selection. He conrem clares becoming on actual settler, if he can bay more land near his own. He tninKs of starring a -rock ranch. hni wants morp land than qnarter section. Otro Hazel has ncr decided what ce will do with his chance. He will W3XI sntii hs can -er ldea cf zhe value of -tne land he will jret. Leo Gierezu announces that he is thinking cf serrbmr up there because he could then provide rood -hooting for his father-in-iaw. Gus Schroeder rat Poz is inclined to think he will -ettle on his ncmesteac ami grow uo witn tne country. I: depends sone vrhar on how the situation looks lifter tne lane is allotred. T W Adams is net thinkim: seri ously cf movms en hi- claim als Hm, 'j.' i Trurrr" -t-alf r..,r' towani tne limit, and he does not figure that there is any jtreat fortune :n it for him ConMderable amusement was bad bv some unknown j jkers last Thursiay while the drawimr was m proirress. Utto Hagei receivl a faa? telegram informing him that he hal crawn nu mber 14 and was offer etl 0.C00 for it. The intelligence ciued scm excite ment until it was discovered that an abnormally large number of Columbus citizens nau puneu at similarly larjie returns. Investigation revealed the fact tnat tne telegrams were all logus, and the perpetrators of the deception ar- still being sought atfer. The citizens of Columbus who take pride in the progress of the graduates of cur hign school, after they get out into the world for themselves, will , b interested m the record that Guy For has made m the employ of rmour and Company m Chicago. A few mcnth ago. Gay was prcniot ec to the po-nion of assistant to the general superintendent of refineries, not througb any pull but simply be- f cnas? ne nail dune well everytnmg that ha.1 been assigned To him from th time he entered the laboratory as i assistant cnemist for the Armcur ccm- , pany up to zhc present time. Guy graduated from the Columbus high . srnoui in llr. and from the Chicago school of Pharmacv in vj1, spending ' bis vacanens in tne drug store of Pol- look and Company After his grad- I nation m I-H)v he secured a position as pharmacist in a Chicago drug store. ' After wor .I-,.... -u tnere sir months he ' learned of a vacancy m the chemical department cf tne Armucr company and acceptetl it on a salary of 150 a month, leaving a $1L position. e aic this because of arc' fnr nn-T?n! the opportunitv ofl- origmai investigation m nis cnosen field. Here Guy s progress was rapid, position of He quickly outgrew the under assistant and last year was enr to the company's new plant m Fort Worth, Texas as direc tor of tne laboratory with a large forre of men under him. Wnue act izzz ing in inz capacitv, tns accident ct the sudden illness of tne superintend ent of the rendering department placed Guv ;n cnarge of work enrirelv- new to him. wnie doing mis work, ne i t,, r T,,.a .r,t ,, nwh- I began the investigate of certain process- o cu: ciz seme ct tne to cut eff seme wastes. His wars, attracted the at- tenticn cf tne general superintendent and he was caLeu before Mr. Armour and a number o the leading chemists . cf the cempan- to demonstrate his new discoveries. Shortly after this interview Guy was called from Fort Worth as assistant to the general superintendent in Chicago, a pjsiticn of responsibility and opportunities. Guy hi' many friends here who ., are pleased to know of his success. Seal Estate Transfers -Becher. Hoickenberger & Chambers, real estate dealers, report the follow ing real estaxe transfers filed for rec ord in the efdee of the county clerk during the week ending July SO. ly04. Israel Gluck to John PLcek, ne4 la-iy w r'mt for deed, $&000;.and Mrs. Clark postponed their Tr Austin. It 3 blk z. Crestan $L,2( . - .. Vj. H- VtMs ta Liar Dans, lri his- . . PpnnU ir? fl f-v w p,,-,.- " ear?a-:i Aa LLtlSM . i . W Keuner to J L. Erunken, ltG blk 100 Colum- bus, $400. L. R. Hoffman, to TTrH J. ..specnt. wi tl . Blk: Li. p. Cen. tG00, tl Fred Faagman to A. Faagman jr. Out Lots Iz 13, Robinsons Out Lot Addition to nampnrey, wd, $230: a,! Qisen to Ernest Fischer. Iss -i wt 5 Sl.-r,, r!, an wJ. , J. -l- wj-ci. vu. . .. X)OUa P"n pinyers. Jteivnie Liarx rinno Co. Bead the JoumaL Get all the C f icneer iown site ix to Liiemens boneymoon trip until sosae future tn Joste. It 5 blkz Hope Ad to Lindsay, i clmatinn prompts it, and will spend C. K. Swallow of Humphrey delegare re the dea-oenratic narin convention and while thers got his nanw in the tamers mi fooled some of tie city reporters. It teems that tone newspaper men obaerved that Mr- i swallow cere tne same cognomen as i Lne illustrious candidate tor pres- , loent en tne prohibition ticket, and j inquired if he were related to the cold water statesman. Mr. Swalluw m- farmed the reporter that he was a grind-nephew of the candidate, and I proceeded, to string nun along until the news-gathers got the materials far j contract- far street lighta and Dr. a story whidrupppears in his paper Heiatz, the owner of the prnsinf and has been copied extensively over lighting plant, who has been faruiah tne conntry. as follows: "C H. ' ing lights a-rng to the tarma of Swallow grand-nephew of the'Prahi- ' an old ccntract, abut off the ligHa biticn candidate for the President, is without any specific notice of his fn a delegate from Humphrey, Nebraska, ten tiens. Dr. Heintz wanted a coa- to the St. Loais Democratic con-re n- ncn. He is as ramnaat a demo era:, as his grand-uncle is ardent as a cold 1 water advocate. "Are yen roing to rote for Dr. Swallow 5" asked a man who learned , of :he iaionbip- said the grand- company. It's Not on your life. a bad habit to i , --xla-t e 3 L kja get voting for your relatives, ami, besides . the old man is m a bad crowd. I dou't think I can vote for him. ""No, no iL shan't vote for my Uacie Si. I've got a reputation to keep oat in Nebraska. They'd think I had bats m my belfry if I wasted a good dem- ocratic vote by voting for a prchibi- non president." And the nephew's subsequent remarks indicated that ihe Swallow family has a few black sheep whose thirst is for something stranger than cold water. There was always sometniug funnv about uncle," continued Nephew Swallow "He never acted hfc an ordinary boy when he was a young ster, and wneu he grew 'up he was still odder Why, just think or it. he was brougnt up in the good old dem- ocratic faith and her he ups and gets en the orohihition ticket for pres-' ident It's a nice thing, isn't it - We ' I feel it keenlv but as I tell them back home, we can't help it. Uncle gets no votes from us. though, for there , are a few in the family who like their water with sosaething in it..' The prohibition candidate rone a paper of his own, the Pennsylvania Metncdisr, and he takes occasion therein to deny relationship tn our fellow citizen from Humphrey, saying that zhe only grand-nephew he is blest with resides in Iowa aad at present j is three years of age. Mr .Swallow of Humphrey thinks he nas had a considerable nmnnnr of fan th witn the reporter and with the Rev Dr Swallow of Pennsylvania. Dr. Clark Dr. Clark, formerly one cf Colum bus' leading physicians is married again. The following clipping from a Fresno"- paper tells the story: "Bv tne pretty home wedding in Clov is last evening, Fresno lost one of her most estimable citizens and Clnvis . ,.- r a charmiag addition circles. Miss .Prances ! Tr, ta. o,i to A. Bryant, Fresno's well known ar-' tist. and Dr. Tracey B. Clark of Clov-' is were the centracting parties. The ceremony was performed at o'- , clock by Rev Jaf-kscn of the Eapnst church of Clovis in the parlors of the j handsome new name the doctor has aust completed for his new bride. The lector's son, Fred Clark, attended his ' father as beat man, and Olive Jackson ( of Clovis was the bride's maid of honor. Miss Bryant's bridal gown I was a handsome one of creme figuren , crepe, tailor made and meet becoming i Only a few of the most intimate friends and some relatives of the doc-' tar and his bride were as the cere- j monv.. T-nntf them Mr. aad Mrs. ! t,j -r. . x , a.r.r P . CJl.KU A.. I, Ills -" . AM. J.r w w. I p, yLms dj ATOy gj wife q , Pn Vin Alic- EatsMana and gz v;nn; Tkria nf "P-oanrf- W- tn Mrs. Frank Hinmaa. Mr. and x?, 7 s.,i, si. .? rripfria mi i a i - - taaAs wiaiai .naa aai i - :imi-hf d- y q,. m-. jfc. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Eoblett of Clovis. t Miss Bryant came to Fresno about two years ago from her home in Ohio, and with her clever brush made a place for herself in local artist circles, I as cu AS ilinnn m u.fk uM.ii ui . fnenos who are who are delighted at last evening's happy occasion. j Dr. Clark, too, is a comparatively recent comer to California five years , ago from Coin bans. Nebraska, but his recognized abilitv in matters medical has gained him a position of inzuence in the profession, and the . esteem of his fellow citizens. Dr mediately be hospitably open to their friends. gpg- thieves are abroad. Last Sunday, Frank Ku rare brock and a rifle stolen from hie buggy at the poor farm, where he had stopped for a few miautaa to see some parties who were at the dance at that place. A mrge crowd waa present and Frank thinks the thief took advantage of tnat fact to cover up hie work. Five dollars worth of night. The Lindsay man. Milsan Yates, charged with anatliat milk from the stnaVaal naaaafl amamM j Til M 4nnnnr4e1,an a1nanar1sBt TJnannnnntnr CsnanarnrntV nsnsar? "nW"aanl ffmaaVnT! m and tne onmi nf tne notiau. . COLUMBUS STREETS IN DARKNESS j 1L1CHIC T USBTS FDT OUT Ike city of Columbaa m is out night. Tie city council delayed toe nniT of- a fire , tract for '25 closed arc lixkts atfSO a Tear each for tht rin.' nf o i years. Some members of the council j doubt the propriety of tiding fntare ' administrations of the cirr nn c uh a contract and arm timx rh livhra mrm ' costing the city too moch. They xrge that the city already hires engineers who could easily do the additional , work incident to a lighting riant and ! thr. the only additional expense to the city would be in the war of two dynamos and one ongiryx agiJe from the wiring, pules etc Estimates of the first cost of a plant indicate a plant that would suffice in Col bus for the next twenty years would j cost the city less than 115,000, the ( interest on a bend far which amount would be far below the present coat , to tne city, Many Colmmbus basiaesa men. fav- t or city ownerhip. The new revenue t law will doubtless raise the valua tion of city property to admit of the bonding of the city for 115000, the valuation this year being about 1200, OjO higher than last year. While this is a question for the tax payers to settle, the Journal wishes to go on record m support of the id of municipal ownership of all city utilities wherever the coaditioas will permit. $3.QO Itee Mtf JOT a lottery where N eumBBeunn nam " "avn MOT I a prize at the expense of others, but a FREu gift to every one who pays one year's subscription in advance. This offer will be open only while our supply of maps lasts. They are going last! Call and get one or write for it before it is too late. No Cheap-John aflair but a handsome and valua ble chart, containing maps Nebraska, the United States and the World, together with statistics on government, indispensable in every home. $3.00 Wlat tie Chart Cutiiu : - 1st Page A handsome multi-colored map of the world, varnished, the only map of the kind published, snowing the nags and coat-of-arma of all nations. Retail price of this , map 3L23. 2nd Page A large and complete map of Neoraeka. The best and latent map of the state published. In- dispensable to every Nebraskan. , Retail price. oc 3d Page A large map of the United i States new. Contains 40 per cent J more cf the smaller towns than us- ually shown in a United States map. The Electoral rote u print- ' ed in red jujures on each state. Also fine half-tone pictures of all ' the presidents from Washington to Roosevelt with their autographs. Call, write or see one of our agents. CoUns Journal Go. atfLSft. A very striking example at tne faith of people in what the journal con tains came to our attention last week. Arthur E. Bnyne of Klrtrk, Iowa who was stopping in Columbus awaiting tne outcome of the Rosebud drawing in which he had a chance, nicked up the Journal aad read in the' Many yean ago" items about the large aqwnanae, pumpkins and potatoes raised on Shell Creek land that waa aelling for $L25 an acre. Mr. Bnyne did date, 1S70, above the He to the Journal office to of the large nr erous Shell Creek in to show the editor, Shell Creek land conic be obtained, It rultohnveto inform thia that the Jnnu in likes thia country and will ty if clerk 12 aaane of with hi here. Baahee whaeh the nun- fient luaaaaar mt dtmtlm th ftn waa and how thas the aw iianan for tins mrcnv th i - raaAaajmaannj Edgar Howard got up too lain thia Mr. aad Mm Wav Peaanh vautad at moraiag to make the trip to MePhnmann. the haeaa ef . Faaeahu uueanta m Flmann Tnay ware tehee atarlad at UCAL. Mrs. L. F. Paillippe aad k esildtn both ilL ilnle Gora WilMrd.aa aid Pkaftte i in Colamh the of teas Will Qalkr miffmt fiessi Oadar Bapidsi wwi-ia He will visit his foiks far a akact tma, HiatsAsrasce Saydsx left today for atwa vaaks visit in Palltrfcm. Her piaee.isi the Tslepaoejp easfesssfe ie fill- ad dasiac sw aaaeace ay of the charcsi will ice cream en the ckarchss the evening of the to be given by the head in the pnUic concert aeriea. A paaeal card froaa Rev. Meiader, received by Ma. Baeche today, an nwsaaaa the death of Mrs. Meissler's tether, whoae aerioaa illneas had called thaan emddenly to St. Loads last Sasaraay. Her death ocemrred at three and at nine o'daak an the morning of tne preceding day. A late news item reaches the Journ al tnat Ralph Striker of Shelby arriv ed in trwn today in search of a sedan watch. He fonnd that the loet watch. had beam pawned at Sehnlsa's mediately had Bmce 5e ed. and charged with the theft. The news rani hi ma jnat at the time of go ing to praas, so that no time for far ther particalara is afforded. Mrs. Spencer was badly frightened by a " hobo one morning this week. She was starting to the barn atambled aver the farm of a ed and aa fines tramn who was apparpitly dead drank. She called for tan assistance of A Drake wholives near. When finally aroused, the hobo showed fight bat was aooa seat on his way by Mr. Drake. The fellow was seen in the saaae neighborhood a little later, bagging ?or an old hat to replace l the one which he id the wind had blown off while he ' t on the train $3.QO Wajtart Free one subscriber draws $3.00 Wlj Yn SfeNM Man THE JOURNAL! HISTORICAL: The oldeat paper in the county. The Indian stories in the -Many Tears Ago items. alone worth more than the price of snbaenptioc. 3c a week. POLmCAL: The only republican paper that gives the news of the entire county. BUSINESS: The beat business men advertise in The Journal. REMEMBER: The Journal sub scription list represents the com bined lists of The Journal and the Times and is open to the inspection of our advertiacra. Jerry Cnrrig re- porter to dig up som bita of history mat week, anc of tne recoras which he nerpa to The first pace of an aid record book. the aaases of ttee. one of w: P- pointed to provide for the of a territorial county. The first mo tion of thia aaanmittee recorded xa one of a record aooa: tor tne neaarj ae anon as any casae aseae Satarday where aw ie eeeak Monday aaornimg. Mr. ManJaeaaatar reachinc her hedeitse aao anmensn unaat mt Q. B. Stxlbnnn asnanra as the inauarad Tne mm I ana waa Patrick Murray , waa pain- qaarter aactum of Franc TTanQlar j nam mam Tne nrtlumbna Journal waa the first COHNn R041D IN final meeting! nocuDirat of sTmxTisoM (continmed from last weeki July 15. The petirian of J. P. Sokol et al for license to sell malt. spiritona and vinous liquors in the town of Duncan, presented and referr ed to the committee en judiciary A like petition was also read from Flakas and Matya of Tamov. The Board decided to give the remenstra tors against this petition sill 2 o'clock in the afternoon to show cause why the petition should not be granted. The Bev. Father Czeck appeared be fore the board at that time on behalf of the remonstrators and requested the Board if they issued the license to do ao only on condition that the applicants agree to abide by the law. Upoa.rceomaenda.tion of the jndic mry committee, the bond of John Baner, overseer of high ways in dis trict 12, Lost Creek township was ap proved. The fallowing bills were on motion auowea. and the ciexs directed to iame warrants in payment of the same on the 104 county general fund T"nn n nmiiioniltriiw rf rha. aorww. I rive coaamittees the following claims were denied far the reason that the ' same are not a legal claim against t the county L. C. Thiemke, reward I for arresting horse thief. J E. Ham lin, M; Anton Faagman. livery, iti quest E. Blattert. !; Ed Ressner, special deputy sheriff circus day, $2. The bill of A. Bauman. Jr., 10.33, for boarding witnesses, carfare etc.. State vs. Kelly, deferred until next of board. Relative to the claims of L J. West. sheriff of Butler county and Arthur Warrren, manna' I of David City, each ( claiming a reward of $400 purported to have been offered by the sheriff reward of $400 puroorted ari hrmir? nf !rww-riiri nf lrr county, the board decided to defer ac tion until it could be ascertain which claim were valid. On motion the following bills were allowed and the clerk directed to issue warrants on the 1904 county poor fund : Nebraska school for the deaf, mdse. far the Kata children, iUL 11; Hayden Broa., mdse. for Kuta child-' ren, $24 33; D. A. Becher, county treasurer, cash advanced, $0.42. n T, The Omaha Printing company, mdse zar ccxmtT, aiM ; vj. .a. vxraenuier, C. D. C. costs, Greek vs Platte coun ty, $15.2S, costs. Gram vs Platte county, $13.13; costs State vs Kelly, $"9.43. Uaderwuod Typewriter com Pny. typewriter for county i7.30; C. J. Camg, sheriff, boarding pns cners, $13; same, jailers fees, e, coats, scare vs rurgesscn. i. o, . . Vahanalra Talanhnna trt 3saacrYa V i Afga.nmanan cac wuc - t. k..v -i, . , same, service far sheriff. I11.R.W rJt it.- .C .3 i. $29.00, Wm. Daesman, preparation1 J. JT J, bocyE. Blattert. $5.00, F. H. Geer. ci. t... 1.3 Cn,. wo urii-. i M. D. post mortem, body Anna Freiderich, $2.00; P. E. Metz, cor oner, viewing body Anna Friederrch, $10.30. La the matter of tne complaint ct Math FarrelL complaining of erron eous a aaiarnr of personal property in Granville township and asking that his 1902 tax be reduced to $13.00 and his 19C3 tax reduced to $;.00.the clerk was directed to correct tax lisr according to the petition. The anesament of a mortgage owned by Alic M. Geer was lowered from $400 to $200 on motion of beard. la the matter of the complaint cf J. D. Stirae to excessive assessment to lota 1 to 6, block 163 in the city cf Columbus tee counrr treasurer directed to accept the principal of the tax without interest as payment m fall The board denied the claim of Pat rick Murray, asking to have taxes re funded amountiag to $73.72, en the ground that the lands taxed belonged to the United States and were fcr The fallowing bills were an motion allowed and the clerk directed to iasoe warrants on the county road and bridge funds Gtto Ernst, account Columbus twp, $144 23 ; Cruweil Lbr and Grain Co. account Crestcn twp, $209. SO; John F. Eelibush account "bin am ii twp, $1.00; R. L. Rossiter account Prairie twp $4.45 and Shell Creek twp $4.43 , Geo. A. nr-agland, account Bismark twp, IllU.oo, J. W. Adaniscn, account Monroe twp, $85.50. The bill of J W. Adaatson. $247 0, account Monroe twp was referred to the Monroe township board fcr pay- mmufnT The board granted the petition of J. C Dawson et al for opening the road on rural route, number 4, aad directed the clerk tu proceed in ac cordance with law in opening the The board granted the petition of Bendy kowaki et al for the lo af a public road 40 feet wide. dag at the nc west cor Z4 17 1 and running thence south one mile. The petitiou of W. D. Wilson et al for the vacation and location of cer- of the "river road" waa en the ground that "public ty doee not justify the pay- af heavy dnmagea incurred by and vacation of the the petition of Xoeinu et al for the location Soda - ligMfil "9 .i Is what they all say about our Ice-Cream Soda. We make it our selves We know it is pure Z 6ha& H. Daok, MltlGCasVT. w a . "-!" jw&'fryftSyygeeVeiVenV of a public read en the of sec 34 172. The petitions of August Beattchor Gerrard and Liegler. John Zeylunand WalMr were deferred til tne next sesison of the board. Judiciary committee approved appli cation and bond of 'Flakas andrMatki for saloon license in Tamov and re - sm- M a. 4 -3-4 l.. IiaaMnn B B at ' the som of $300. Adopred. July lu. Fallowing resolution was adopted Resolved that the county clerk be directed to make special levy of one and two-fifths mills upon all LK - - I 1 J. . -. UT - iar iae Py5 coe-uum ox I WTk L M I 1 m ' i" ia an oeiuruueuimci ' 2o. 79 from district 29 I wTir v:ti tt j i ""t' "" -wwcu m. tne clerk directed to issue warrants in I payment cf some en the county gen. eral fundr Ed Rocsaiter, bailiff D. C. 1-C0; i FJ0 Joan R. Brock, same. 110 00 ; Jno. M. Gondring. def counsel Makey, $35.00 , D. A. Becher, co treas, cash advanced. 33. CQ, Jao. Graf, co clerk, name, !27.!j0. L. R. Latham, co atty, same. ilL 79 , Carl Schubert, repairs at jail, S3 S3; K. L. Roesiter. acct bondsmen , --- .-". . -- rw. " -30.Louia Held. same. ,$lo.30. Peter Eender, same. $26.70, Praak &Tmt . q. erich. same, il'J.rxi ; John Goetz. $29.30. M. E. Clother. same. $2S 10. Tne beard filed a report Sni'Tg -hat the proposed drainage ditcn for Lcat Creek vicinity i necesaary directing that same should be contsracted. L , F. Gctischalk. surveyor and engineer, i was anthenzed to survey the pro- , . , , . , wu, m. iii..au i4.w.t. naA naac an .Hani I . same, seizing atAiets aicng propoeeu .-i , i route. Mr Gottschalk was also aath- crized tQ a sciedaie, showing , . ' . .. she benefits wnich would accrue to , ,,,,,. .,.., .w t iv. auuu t uc. auu tt uiig, an estimate of the ccst of loeation and construction to each, and a specifi cation of the manner in which such 1 1 improvement snail be made aad com pleted, and report same to the board. Application and bend of J.iP. Sokol for saloon license in Duncan was ap proved and license fixed at $300. ' . Beard ad;cumed to October 10, 1904, , at 2 o'clock p.m. ( A resolution was passed directing i the counrr clerk to issue a warrant I for 4.c0, favcr county treasurer the ' same to be placed to :h credit cf the Camg Jewell 'itci fund, which was shewn to be over drawn to that ," ij.j tJ I a iuuuws oawjiiuaieu cuosij cni:g: fu nd. Lost Creek tawnship,$2.23;ccn , solidated county read fund, Shell Creek township, .73. ccuary road fund. Shell Creek township, $1.30 i All official bends on file with clerk 1 were referred to the committee an . judicary and all bills were referred ' to the appropriate comautteea. I Sixty names were selected by the beard from which a jury fcr the 3To vember term of the district court will be selected. Judiciary committee reporrs that petition cf Wm Webster fcr location and ccnstrucnac uf drainage ditch in Lost Creek was in legal form that accompanying bond had beea. ap proved by Co. clerk, aad recemmend ed that board proceed according to law. Report adopted and an motion board agreed to go witn Surveyor Rossiter to view line of proposed im provement and determine whether said ditch is necessary cr conducive to public health- convenience or welfare. ' The families cf Mr and Mrs. Lisle , Seedham and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. 1 Lindell and F. 5. Thompson cf Alhicn automobile d to Columbus last Sun- f day. Mr. and Mrs. Keedaara were guests of Mr. aad Mrs. Kcavr Rabin son and Mr. and Mrs. Lindell and F S. Thompson were guest? of Mr. and Mrs. F H. Abbott. John Peters of Mb; on was in Colum bus Monday between train en his way to 2orfaL. Mr. Peters was cue of the first settlers m Boone county. He was a close personal friend of 3L Turner ni! nf !f tTa fmrhtvr whn ' practiced law in Eccae county before the days of the t-.tTttm Xr. Petera recalls an elect ion in those early days : ,;.., v - 1:2 m f -t uua mc waa 3. ca-Kuoaie xor coam ty clerk ageiaar Loran Clark and in which he says he owea hie election tn the anpucrt given him by Mr. thrcugh the JouranL nnnl LA" Wil nl nnnns nnl annnns nnnnnnnHmnnnnnnnnn mnnnsnnnnnnnnf HAN AND WOMAN Invitad to answer the followiag quae tioca: Where la the moaev yoa earning all these years? Have you spent it and given else the privilege of saving what you've earned? Why not save at least a portion of your earnings for yourself, deposit it at your bank regularly and get 3 per cant inter est on all you aave. Z5e Columbus State Bank SAY! We own and control 10.000 acres of the choicest land in j- Thomaa Country Kansas. s Here la what we claim for 5 ii countrv It i fine, smootn. well-grasaed prair.e land; nch. deep black soil off clay subsoil, an inexhaustible ! - 2 supply of pure water, and the "; mot: cealthful climate in the atata. Good neighbors and good schools. The dairy vill. pay Uie Thoaiaa 3 county farmers $13QX)0.UU thia J season. Thev raise bumper crupa of all kinds over IJaWJsM baeh j els of wheat this tanaue. maay fields yielding 40 bushel per acre. S Other crope m proportion. E Thomas is the county of fat 5 cattle and hogs, fine horses and " mule, and the thrifty hen that 3 never gets aiek in thia country. ( f Pnce. only J6.00 to f 15.U) per 3 acre, on terras to suit purchaser. 5 : Isn't this just what you have been jE looking for0 We court inveati- l S gatioc z ELLIOTT. SPE1CE 4 CO. I Columbus. Jfebr. 1 1 1 ir r : 1 1 1 : i r 1 1 1 1 r hi ! i ft .4. WANT5A FARM. j jj" t 4 : We have a customer anxious to huy a farm ot 120 or 160 acrt cIo?e to Coliiatbdi. He will allow the present owner tn retain possession this year. It must be 'so A land, fairly well improved. : : : : t a. . D&CHER. HOCKENBtvROER A GHflMBbR. A. COLUMBUS. - "FJ ? . -'.j t t a i rTTTTTT Illlllllllll llllllllllllll j HOISTS IIE1aTJ Ha jut rectiveii a new stock of FiHe Wal Papar "VVs invite the pub lic to look the line over before bevmz. ftiprs' StaiiftNr Tmk. S-)Id 13 all tiad-. i zzit,cmg. by 27 pai3X or txuermiaiam. A mea&OTMi pcarsaeuc ill ecmgocsd Call cs a. prMcA&Caaa. n LOUTS SCHEEIEEE. Jr., llllllllllllllllllllllllll Two Persoially Coadactcw Ex- cariion to nWataa tva tke lrlinrta Koate. Special excursioc to Boston iaavea Lincoln August lltfc at 6dsl p. m m charge of Chapiafr R E. RaudalL A second excursion leaves Lincoln Anguat 13th at SaTO p. m- in charge of J. B.Fer guaoc Through tounat ears from Omaha. Short stops at the show places . ul uic e-vw 3. niiRf- uj rwvara Tia ai. Louis and ase the World's Fair the by the hand of aaa. If you are figuring-ae tan trip "r to nn ifmnhnirr 'a-aiiiir n irnna a secy low rate for the round trip, with all ean rinnasi moat favorahte. Or; write me. L. W. Waa-uz. u. r. a- xtarrfngten j "-""-