' ""j'IJ-3 -- J--l - . C3riT M n m . j. 1.,- fc-- -.,. . (.- K -. ? ;i -- .---. 2 ' ' l -i- K..-1 E -,- t'r-f f l K:' i ': r:- r M,5-- Fr- . V '? Li " ' -. m OtlATTA tyliritr Gin Shillir Can do more and better work than any other aheller sold. Oar wagons will not aeatter your grain while on the road to market or overtax yomr horses with needless heavy draught. Biggies ui Carriages OF THE LATEST AMD BEST MAKES. -AUKiadaof- FARM IMPLEMENTS. Come and look our stock over before baying : : : : sy-BUrksnitk work Horse ShoeiMg done oh short Mttire. LOUIS SCHREiBER. FREE!! It costs yon nothing for DELIVERY of all kinds of Feed and Hay. Lowest prices and tip-top qualities. We have the leading Livery and Boarding STAB LE Drive one of our rigs once. Farmers, let us care for your team Right Ernst & Brock ORDER BY 'PHONE. PAY AT HOUSE WHEN FEED IS DE LIVERED. IND. TEL. No. 98 iSi5&' World's Fair Low Rates EVERY MY The Union Pacific will sell Hound Trip tickets to St. Louis and return at follow ing low rates. FIFTEEN DAY TICKETS Every day to Nov. 30, good to re tarn 15 days. 417.10 SIXTY DAY TICKETS Every day to Nov. 20, good to re turn GO days. 419.00 SEASON TICKETS Every day to Nov. 15, good np to Dec. 15. 422.80 Inquire of W. I. IEIIM, 1(1. aukes American men the tallest and strongest in the world and no wonder. The sort and best of it is baked by their wives and mothers, and raised with the cele brated Yeast Foam. Such bread is light, sweet, nour ishing and productive of men of size and strength. AMD "oaM is a compound of the finest malt, boos and corn, made in the cleanest aad best-eqaipped factory is the country. It's always fresh and ready for use.--Try it for griddle cakes, buck wheat cakes, or anything where yeast is used. Tie secret is in ike yeast Put up in a neat package c tsining seven cakes cswghtomske 40 loaves of bread for 5c Sold by all grocers. Send for book, "How to Hake Bread," Jirm. MnRBTniBsrCast Subscribe for Tbe Journal...! m m m lieakarfuiYieUity. Riohsiad, Neb.. (Oorrespondenoe.) Kteok aad YoaUa started ap their threehia omrit last Friday aad hare steady work ahead for tea weeks. God bless the good wosmb of Co laambat who are doiag w asach for that city aad for the comfort, of those who an viaitlag or trading there. Taa beaatlfal foaataia which is to adora Fraakfort park wiU be a joy forever. Aad bow let as all tara oat aad assist ia secaringthat atach aeed asl"rast raoat". Hera'a to taewo aaaa's dab of GolaaibajL Jaasss-Higgiai aad BartStoveaaoa registered as Boaesteel, 8. D. last week. While there they met WiU Browaer of Colaatbaa aad W. B. Baohms, a forawr teaoher of yoar haaible scribe. Mr. Backaa is asak iag asoaey fast. Taa recant raias are asakiag the large lalds of oora boose. Mostlelds are ia taasell aad ooaseqaeatly draw moittare heavily from mother earth. Mrs. Adolph Klack saffered severely for several hoars last week from the eatraaoe of aa iassct iato one of her ears. Dr. Woods of Schayler relieved her. Cliat Steveasoa had hogs oa the Co laatbas ssarket Tharsday. Taoaght hogs weren't ia it oa a strike. G. K. Baraolderof Octavia has been eagaged to wield the rod at the Rich laad school far aaotber year. Mr. Bar holder has beea ordaiaad a aaiais ter of the gospel aad his iaflaeaos will be greatly appreciated oat of the school room as well as ia it. We wel- this good ansa to oar atidst Evelya Driaaia and Mamie Saaedy of District 44, Platte .ooaaty. called to asa Mrs. Plessie Yoakie Saa day aferaooa. Richlaad is the puce we like. Nobody here is oa a strike; Hasbands are basy and wives are too. Youag bmb ooaaseL coart and woo; Aaoocasioaai wedding and the like, Bat nobody here is on a strike. James Higgias reports a bouncing baby last Tharsday and everything Yely. Spriag chicks oa tke skillet and all the news ia the Joaraal. Corn hbrh as voar head; small grain all cat and vary weU filled. Mr. Davis, the hog bayer of Colara bas. visited ia these parts last Mon day, accompaaiad by his wife. Oar ball boys saet defeat oa 8hell Creek Saaday where they played a hot game with the SheU Oreekers. There was ao servioe at the M. E. charch here Ust Sunday. Rev. Hatchias wiU sooa leave this charge aad make preparations to attend school at Mt. Veraoa, la. I Sam Driaaia of Oolambas visited his sister here Saaday. Robert aad Kiaa Oresap eatartained as their gaest Saaday G. W. Drainia of Platte ooaaty. Starlmte. Oolambas, Neb.. R. F. D. No. 3. Uorrespoadeace. Miss Louise Brank ea retaraed here Saturday after a week's visit with her brother aad sister. Mr. aad Mrs. Loais Brankea of Oolambas. Prof. B. H. Karaats has decided aot to retara and teach the Latherau school, aa last wiater. He expects to remain ia Chicago. Mr. J. W. Bissoa and Mrs. Ella Lower of North Wales. Pa., who hare beea visiting the family of B.R. Bis soa for the past couple of weeks. start ed home Monday nuxaiag, retaraiag by way of the World's Fair. Max Gottberg started his steam thresher Satarday. commeaciag on his own graia first. The raia of Saadav aight pat a damper oa harvesting, stacking, threabiag aad haylag. considerable alfalfa was caught dowa. A large part of the barley aad winter graia was stacked before the soaking. Everything is cat now but the later oars. Some of it is green and is be lag cut green. Oora is makiBg splen did headway aad the farmer as a rule is feeUng quite prosperous. The Staadrad Bridge Co., who re pairs the bridges of Platte ooaaty has finely come ia sight. A few days ago whUe on oar trip we met oar estimable friend Mr. Bran who is tbe aaayor aad main stay of Oldenbasca. He was oa his way to the Oolambas market with a load of mattoa aad poaltry. He is as fall of politics as ever, sad feels the defeat of his model at St. Louis, keenly. He can not make up his miad as to the outcome. If he votes the democrat ticket he does aot know whether he is a democrat or aot. He should realise the oateome as Mr. Bryan said when asked as to whether Mr. Parker would lie elected. "WiU Mr. Parker he elected? WiU he? He will when the hriaale cow spreads her tail aad soars iato the empayreaa blue like aa eagle. When the house oat eats hay like a'aoneaad the grab worm chases therattlHBBakn " Mr. Brvaaia accord- iag to aU reports of aim a typical aad estimable Aaaerioaa gentleman. He has given exceUeat satisfactioa as a gifted orator aad it was surely hard oa Sweet Wililam to have the "crown of thorns" pressed dowa so hard on his brows at 8t. Louis. Harm Hasmsan. a Russian Baptist aUmtoaary. who has beea following this work for 19 yeais along tbe Vul gar river in Russia is here oa a vacu ole aad a visit to his brother who lives near Leigh. Mr. Haaama occu pied the pulpit of the baptist church ia Platte Oeatar Saaday morning aad at the SheU Greek Baptist church ia the evening. There was a large at adaace at both places, aad the SheU mean eaaroh a eoUeetioa of 90 Itaout previous given to Mr. Haesaaaa to ia hia Wa trouble as apaad CORRESPONDENCE tasnu asmsMaarv'a bavin hslslag their meetings baJag arrested mttiitiiiiimiiiimni I Have Bought THE TAILORING ,r BUSINESS Of 8. E. Baker over Commercial Natioaal Bank and am prepared to do all kinds of cleaning, repair- ing and dying of ladies aad gentle i'e clothing. I also have a fall ' T end complete sample line of rea sonable woolens which is open for your inspection. I R h PALMER H 1 1 1 II 111 1 1 1 1 1 11 ! I lit 11 complaints asade by them aayiag that taeyareattimes:beiac persscated ia the work. Mr.Hssmsaa says that taa laws of that ooaatry are very strict ia regard to addiag meetings. It be iag aeceesary first to procure a per mit from the cheif of police aad that the law ia strict ia regard to the nam ber that may be admitted to a room of a oartaia sine owiag to the aa healtafaUaees of so many bains; crowd together ia a small room. The breakiag of these rules ard laws laid down by -the government is what has caused so much trouble. Mr. Hads bsbbb says that ha has always com plied with these laws aad ia the nine teen years of his work there he has never oace beea molested. He wiU remain here about two months. Monroe. Neb. (Correspondence. ) Mr. and Mrs. Wa. Webstar aad child ren retaraed home Friday evening from Mrs. Webster's former home ia Beaaett. Neb. They were accompan ied by Miss Cole, Mrs. Webster's sis ter, who wiU visit here for some time. Mrs. F. J. RasmU aad soa of Ar cadia, who have been visiting friends aad relatives here for several weeks, left Monday noon for 8ohuyler to vis it with Mrs. Adam Caakle. Mr. and Mrs. F. Deck aad daughter of Galva, 111., are visiting relatives here. Mr. Back is a 'brother of John Deck.; Robert Wiley is in Monroe again and wiU spend the summer here atten ding to property interests and visiting. Miss Faucett is visiting at the AngeU home. Miss Kraeline Lawrence, who was severely shocked by a bolt of lightning which came ia over the Oolambas line, on the evening of oar severe electrical storm, is improviag bat is still unable to attead to her dress asakiag aad millinery business. She is being assisted by Miss May Gleesoa. Boaesteel rooms to be the Mecca of Moaroeites. Those who registered there last week were ia part: Joha aad William Truelove. E. J. Williams, E. E. Watts. W. W. Frank. H. A. Maasfield. John Reed, Joha W. Davis. West Adamsoa, aad others. It would be easier to teU who has aot registered. We iasaciae when the drawing is over Monroe will be almost deserted( ?). Monroe vs Olarks (or Silver Greek) hall game waa a decided victory for the home team. It was "polled off" on oar grounds Friday, resulting ia the score: Monroe 14 : Olarks 4. The Old Maids' Convention at the ball Saturday evening was a very creditable affair for a home talent production. A neat sum was realized by the Ladies' Gaild, as the pro ceeds. Everett MoWilliams transacted bus iness in Columbus on Satarday aad Monday. Mrs. E. O.Morrow. Mim Lawrence's mother from Platte Center, who has been in Moaroe to wait oa Miss Law rence, returned home Sataraay. O. A. Gerranl aad wife of Lindsay spent Saaday in Monroe. A number of Columbus boys are speadiag their vacation hoeing ca cambers for Mr. Essersoa. A number from Monroe atteaded tbe Platte Oenter-Hamphrey ball game at Hamphrey Sunday. Creston. Creston, Neb. (Corresonpdence.) Theodore Plageman and family re turned Thursday evening from Oo lambas where they had been to attend the funeral of Mr. Plageman's mother who died Saturday, Jaly ICth. We estimate that ti8 have been to Boaesteel to register from this com munity. Messrs. Herman Luedtke, Clyde EU, and Mimes Minnie Wenk and Katie Lachsinger drove to Howells Sunday to witness the bail game between Howells and Creston. This section was visited by a heavy storm Tuesday night. Tbe lightning was very vivid. A daaghter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burgers the fore part of the week. Nearly every business man in town has left his autograph at BonesteeL We shall at least know where each one stands'ia the drawing for Rose bud land; there is some satisfaction in thai. Perry Brown returned from Dakota yesterday, where he has been for the past two months, oampiag and looking at the laad ; we hear he has tiken a homestead. It is resaarkably cool weather for this tisse of the year. Mr. E. T. Graham retaraed from Omaha Friday night, where he had been with several oars of cattle. The result of the hall game oa Saa day at Howells waa 6 to 4 ia fever of tbe home team. Katie Laduiager is esaaetiag her sister Anna Wednesday from Oolam bas on a visit. Mim Lachsinger. Mim Ratslaff, Clyde Eli aad Ralph Steiaer drove to Madisoa Friday aight to Dr. Jones was morwg at S o'clock to Jos Baaslat's, five smiles aorta of towa, bis tittle old soa being vary sick. WiU staraad from Osle night. He says all hia talks are well. He tbisks be wil stay to Nebraska bow. . Hamply.Nebr. (Ctorresyondence) Hamphrey is quiet these nays, few ia town. patrons here are waitiag to see their aumbers. The hall game on the 94th between Hamphrey and Pla'tte-Oeater sines was weU atteaded aad a good game at its close, tbe score standing to 0 in favor of Hamphrey. ' Those who ware aot able or Jnelin ed to visit Boaesteel had a chaaceto see soase of the attractions ia this towa last Friday eveaiag. It was a oaas of two plackiag oae, then oae pluddag three. Fifteen dollars was added to the village treasary and everybody said it was fair. Another combination was accompli shed last ween. The McKillip Oom biae took ia the Oklahoma Real Es tate office operated by O. H. SwaUow. While it swallowed SwaUow, it left a vacant building and some employes out of employment. Taraov waa weU represented here Monday, atteadiag ' the law suit be tween A. Volz aad Charles Barnush; aa action for tresspass and damages. The jadge reserved his decision till Tharsday. ' The latest from Lindsay ia a com plaint that a petty larceny has beea coaunitted by the stealing of milk from the udder of a red cow belong ing to n citizen of that village. 1. Mrs. F. M. Oookingham was a vis itor at Newsaaa Grove last 8aaday. Frank South of Newsaaa Grove is visiting his aaole this week. Editor Johannes of thefiieuawas hereon business Satarday. Fred Kohl, wife aad daughter who have beea visiting Mr. Kohl's brother-in-law, Nels Peterson here, left Taesdayfor Danforth, Illiaoia oaa visit to their old home. Mr. Kohl has large land interests here aad is bow living in California. W. A. McAllister of Columbus was doing business in town Tuesday. The- Hamphrey and Creston hall teams ' wiU cross bats at Humphrey on the 31st. Supervisor Peter Bender was J in town Saturday looking over his con stituency and explaining tbe whys and wherefores of the workings of tbe Board at its last session and other things. It is reported to your reporter that a farmer arrived ia towa last Friday and purchased three large water tanks. The farmer says it is aot true; he took home only one. Leaf and Platte Valley , Loap Platte VaUey. July 23. (Cor respondence.) Again tad weather has taken a crazy speU. It seesss like it is going to make ap for lost time aad is raiaiag nearly every day. People would like to thresh their wheat, bat if this keeps up they wiU have a bard time to get the shocks ary. Mr. Seth Brown was home with his pareats Saaday. accompanied by Mim Olga Egger who visited Mrs. Sammhof. -, Mr. Heary Tiaden aad soa George were ia towa hut Wedaesday and purchased a new binder, their old oae having given out'on them. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meedel atteaded the funeral of Mrs. Placeman of Co lumbus who was the mother of Mrs. Meedel. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jake Smith also attended the faaeraL 4 Mr. aad Mrs. D. H. Harrhsgloa. Arthur Engel and Misses Sanaa and Lanra Bagel of Duncan were invited to dinner last 8aaday with Mr. Taylor of Gardiner. .-. Mrs. WsafErnst of Danoan is eon fined to her bed with sickness. Dr. Tiesing of Columbus is attending her. Mrs. John Sokol of Duncan is in the hospital to undergo an operation. The M. E. church of Duncan, held their quarterly meeting last Sunday. The people of this vicinity are happy over the raral free delivery .route which has been laid oat from Dan can, extending east, north and west of town. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Tolles from Monroe were over to R. Gerber's last Satarday to get some of his horses in Rudy's pasture. Manree Route Me. 2. Monroe. R. F. D.No.2. (Correspon dence. ) Mr. Emerson and son Lowell were in Genoa on Tuesday. W. H. Pugsley and brother Pierre went to Boaesteel, S. D. Friday to register for land. ' ' Miss Elizabeth Williams of Roches ter, N. Y. is visiting at John Miller's. Miuer Bros, were threshing on Tuesday. July 19th. the first thresh ing in this neighborhood. Wm Welsh has a lot of bay ready to stack. W. O. Pugsley and sons are cattiag their second crop of alfalfa. Th road north of John Lawson's impassable two days hut week on account of the heavy rains. Mrs. Obristensoa. an aged lady liv ing north of John Vanght's, was tak en seriously ill last week aad died Saaday. Funeral services were held in the school house Monday at 2 p.m. Interment was at Friends cemetery. The Farmers are through harvesting all but late oats. Quite a number are stacking their grain. Martia 8mith and sisters drove lo Vnllerton Sunday and returned Mon day. " lento. , Oolumbus.R.F.D..Ko. 4. (Corres pondence. ) 8mall grain is about all harvested except a few fields of late cats. A few fields of wiater, wheat have been threshed aad the yield fell a little short of what was expected. Miss Mabel CaatpbeU la oa the sick list this weak. L. N. Hitchcock has cat his alfalfa the second tisse and had the misfor tune to get it weU soaked. Road overseer Ebner was doiag souse much needed road work on Route 4 Satarday. Loais Scarosderhas the contract for sseving the Oconee school house aad started eastward with it last Teesday. 1 J. H. Oraaa aad wife of Oelambes visited with the Carter's front Fri daw aatU smnaay of Mr. Beibler threshed his wiater Sataraay. the yield being per aero. It would have 13 greater had it aot bean by tbeheJL Mrs. J. O. Dawson drove to Oolam bas Tnasaay morning with Laara Noble who took the Burlington for same City. Wa Conner has snowed she road around his farm aad raked aad bura ed the weeds. Farmers throughout the ooaatry should e likewise, it aot only improves the appearance of the farm but prevents snow from drift ing ia the reed and taerey keeps the road better. ADBiriQHAL LOCAL. See the- Journal's half-page ad. oa page six. When yoa see the Joaraal asapj yoa will waat them. are other maps. bat tbe Jeumal's are the bast.' Look at Friedhof s aaaoancemeat on page six of this paper. - Call at the Joaraal oMce aad carry away a 3 wall' chart FREE. WANTED :-St. Bernard pup. Write Sidney Eastman. Creston, Nebr. Dr. and Mrs. E. II. Naassaa have returned-from their western trip. Get a Journal wail chart yourself aad tell yoar friends how to get it. August Wagaer has beea re-appoiat ed referee in bankruptcy by Jadge Hunger. F. D. Fates. Mr. McCarthy's private secretary is ia Oolambas today saeet lag with R. G. Strother. ooagression al committeeman and Ed Hoare coun ty chairman. Hugh Haghes retaraed mst week from the Rosebud district. He thinks that the land in that coaatry is aot as good as Nebraska land, but still good farming land. EXCURSION TO THE REPUBLI CAN VALLEY. -Our next half-fare excursion ,to the famous Republican Valley will leave Oolnmbus over the Burlington Route at 7:30 A.M.. Tues day. August a, 1B04. Now is your chance to get a fiae farm at from t6 to $10 per acse. F. T. Walker. Mgr. Repablican Valley Laad Co.. Colum bus, Neb. Julius Ernst of Duncan, Neb., waa down here on business Monday after noon. Mr. Ernst is one of the most successful and prosperous farmers of that community, but has been some what unfortunate daring the last four years in being in each of the four years ia paths of disastrous hail storms. This year, an eighty-acre field of oats was so despoiled that only four or five acres were fit to cut for the grain, the reinaiader of the field being out for the straw only. Schuy ler Sun. Maade May Barns and Eugene U. ByUesby were united in asarriage at tea o'olock this morning at the home of Mr. aad Mrs. G. O. Brans at 17th aad Rickly streets. Thericg osre away'wns used. Mim Fay Sobofield aotiag as riar bearer. The bride wore a traveliag suit of bias, aad carried roses. - Mrs. W. A. MoAUister played the Mendelssohn wedding march and Ray. W. H. Halsey. performed the marriage ceremony. Only relatives were present After the ceremony n wedding breakfast was served and the bride aad groom left at 2 :25 for Panl inn, Iowa, where the pareats of Mr. ByUesby reside. They will also visit Lake Okoboji aad wiU retara by way of Oolambas when they go to their home in Fairbury. The total registration for homesteads oa the Rosebud reservation was 104,324 There are about 9000 qaartar sections to be opened to homestead entry, the drawing for whioh will be under gov ernsseat sapervisioa at Ohambermia. S. D. ' on August 28. The plan seesss to he to draw 100 claims a day untU the number is exhausted, ton days be ing givea each allottee ia which to ansae his seleottoa. If selectioa is aot made within that tisse the negligent allottee loses his tara aad has to take his chance with the next 100. Nearly one hundred of Oolnmbus citizens are dreaming of seeing their names ceiled among the first one hundred aad there's hoping that it wiUbe a Platte ooaaty ssaa or wosaan that wiU have the opportaaity of taraiag dowa the 110,000 offer of the northwestern rail road for "number one." . L. F. Rector retarneo the last of the week from the Rosebud country aad tells some iaterestiag stories of the conditions there. The big rash was at Boaesteel, although there are three other registration offices. Mr. Rector got a tip from the train crew aad registered at Fairfax where there was ao rush, and then went oat to Bonesteel ta see the jam from a safe distance. He says that when the crowd got off the trala there was a line three or four blocks long before the place of registration and foar more trains due that day. Aa official estimated that the roaad trip fare paid by candidates for homesteads would average $30. The registration. it was estiauUed. woald be a hundred thousand, wnioh would make the rev enue to the railroads amount to soase tklag like two million dollars. There were people from Hew York aad all over the eoaatry. It is taoaght by the knowing eaes that at Isaac twenty per cent of those registering will never take the trouble to lad oat they draw aaythiag or 'aot, aad if thay should be among the lucky ones they wiU , never claim tfcelr mad. Many of them art (revelers who stop aad register just for the fen of it I to order to take a look at the eoaatry. Others are aid reaaasrs who coald net raias the 1175 aeceesary to secure the homsstsnd if they should draw oae. BlrAs-Eye Tiew f the Cilia hia BiTer An-attractive topographies! sup, ia oolors, gmijr a eofaprshMsive Ids of tha country oa and tributary to the Ootam bia River.- This soap ia ia folder font, on the reverse aide eoatalaa saiaterest- ias; Jsscriptioa of tbe Colanbia Siv roatc. Copses seat free by E. L. LO- max.o.p.t. a, u. p. & a oa, Ossaha, Nehr., oa reaeipt ad. soar i Oalam- tt,Onlnmbas Delbert Kerne Wend; 35, 8t.Sdward to Emma Nelson, 30, looking. Glass. U. ByUesby. 34,Iaurary to MaadM. xiarne, is, ueti Joseph Rothleitaer, a, Columbus to Aaaa Sohingel, i, Oolam Good lack is desirable even when yen) have done your best to succeed, but remember that the moot favorable cir cumstances or strokes of fortune are of little value unless you have are pared yourself to take advaatage of them. Of what advantage wouht Hayne's fiery speech have been to Daniel Webster if he had-not with the Instinct of genius, long before equipped himself for tbe assault watch he repelled with such crushing energy? Had he not previously weighed and refuted In his own mind tbe. charges of his opponent his reply, instead of ranking among the greatest master pieces of oratory, might have only re vealed his own weakness. Thousands of men bad seen tbe prints of a horse's hoofs In the soil before Faust die covered by them the art of prtattag. Wafal LmIc mt A prominent actor tells about a Chi cago theatrical woman about to wed wiio waa one day amusing herself by going over tbe marriage service. To a friend who discovered her, prayer book in band, she aald: f a! way a make it a. point to do this, for no matter bow well you amy have known a part In tbe past It should al ways be rehearsed before tbe piece le revived." Then, rather playfully, aba read tbe words. "Till death do us part" Whereupon her friend Interrupted: "How foolish that 4s, isn't It dear? Sounds like one hasn't any. confidence In the courts!" itmr Sted Ksthlaar t Say. A certain physician told some of his patients that as long as they kept their feet dry they would be safe from the attack cf tbe grip. He waa surprised to receive a letter from one of bis pa tients In which the hitter said that be had two wooden legs and yet fee had the grip for five consecutive years. The letter was unanswered. Albany Jour- Nothing la farther from the earth than heaven; nothing la Bearer to heav en than earth. Hero. $2.35 Te LiaeelB gad Ketara. On account of the Epworth League Assembly the Burlington will asll tie kets to Lincoln and return at 12.35 00 August 2 to 11, inclcsive. An educational, interesting and amus ing program ia offered, to which the following will contribute: Dr. Frank Bristol, Governor La Folette of Wisconsin, Dr. John Meoritte Driver, Dr. Byron W. King, Dr. N. B. O. Mason, Roes Crane, Gail Laagblin Wilber F. Grafts, Samuel Dickie, C. S, Palmer Lotus Glee Clab, Mrs. Minnie Marshall Smith, Dr. Toyokichi lyeoaga of the University of Chicago, Prof. L. D. Eichborn.and the Origional Slay ton Jubilee Singers. Write for phamphlet "Souvenir Tal ent", which will tell you about it L. W. Wakeley, Gen. Pass. Agent, Omaha. St. Loais Aad Retara SPECIAL EXCU8SI0KS On Monday, Jaly 11. 18, and 25 the Union Pacific will run apecial Coach Excursions from Columbus to ST. Louis and return at the low rate of $1160 Tickets will have final return limits of sevon dsys, good only in day coaches on any train, regular or special. Illustrated guide to-Fair free on applicatioo. Inquire of W. H. BENHAM. TUB ITMJlGTOI'f LOW 1AT1 SVMatll TOURS Go somewhere this summer; if not to St Louis then to the mountains, lakes or seashore; examiae this great scheme of vacation tour: ST. LOUIS AND RETURN: Al kinds of reduced rates daily besides special coach excursions 'each Monday in June. CHICAGO AND RETURN: Either direct or via St Loais, daily low rates; also very cheep June 16 to 20. INDIANAPOLIS AND RETURN, $21.60, June 26 and 27. ATLANTIC CITY AND RETURN, $36.45, Jaly 9 and 10. CINCINNATI AND RETURN, $25.10, Jaly 15 to 17. DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, PUEBLO, GLElfWOOD SPRINGS. 8 ALT LAKE, BLACK HILLS-Prac-tically half rates all summer. MICHIGAN. MINNESOTA AND WISCONSIN, The Lake Resorts, snd Lake Steamer Tours very favorable rates stopovers at St Louis on through tickets see the greatest creation by tbe hand of man. Ask tbe agent for full details, or write L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent Omaha, Nebr. FECIAL TO BAYID CITY. On Sunday, Aug. 7th. the Burlington will ran a special train to David City for tbe Chautauqua, leaving Columbus, Nebr. at 9 a.m. Returning it will leave David City at 9.30 p. m. A round trip rate of $.75 has been made for thw occasion a favorable opportun ity for a delightf ull trip. Ask tbe agent for further information J. D.hTlBfin, TTOSMBT AT LAW. OUt ss.. foerth door aorta of Flirt COULIIBDB. MEBKA8IA. If a Maa ia ia Love, THAT'S HIS BUSINESS. If a Wonan ia ia Love, THAT'S HER BUSINESS. Bat if they intead to get saarried, THAT'S MY BUSINESS. J. M. CURTIS JUSTICE OP THE PEACE NoraaY Pbmuc sap TrrawBinsa Obiaaibae, Nebraska Ii Arthur A. - nwi 1 also bear the tag of quality aud we have handsome covers for them in Inrautiful patterns. Henry Gass. sHrwwa a 15 YOUR i FALLING OFF? a X !r. 'Jm $ Buy ami PUT ? I James Pearsall, Contractor iiiiniiiiiiiniiniiiiiii iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii t We Lead. Others Follow ! i In Painting ami Demratiu;. we are prepared to give mir patrons the lel. Mav the very latest ami iu.t tylish in Wall iaiir Decorations ami an "ii-t-Iate" l-nr.il.r in charge of litis department. All work right . Sir-See. lis lor Gh HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimHiiiimiininiimmml Plan Your Trip Early During 1904 several back East at greatly be offered by the Chicago, If yon want to be kept ostel ronniiiiK low rates, dates of sale, stop-over privileges, and train cerviee, ad vise me the probable time nnl destination of your trip. Through train service from any u,i:t on tl. main line of the Union Pacific llailroad to Chicago every day. Folder free. F. A. HASH. Gsasrstl Wstrm Aeat. Soda Fountain.! i. GIOARS. These are just the summer time trimmings. An old re liable drugatore. Prescrip tiona filled by a registered pharmacist. Everything in the drag line and the best cigars ia town. W. Scfcupbach. CWORLDS FAIR NO CHANCE OF CARS M SbW VM BBBl UNION PACIFIC 1 saw In connection with the Wabash Railroad, the Union Pacific Tasa -vW now runs through Electric Lighted Sleepers to St. Louia A m and return. A f PsMescers are laaied at aula entrasce of tin; Kxro B j sttloo mt a convenient hour In the Biornluc. ttuia savtiii; VBJ Mb an4 expeu-seon arrival at St. I-ouU,anSoiaiuK the Bfl grsat crowds at the bliUuloe btatlou. m I HANV HOURS QUICKER THAN ANY OTHER ROUTE M A Illustrated Guttle to Fair m k free oh application to K L W. H. BENHAM T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Boy GOOD Bed Pillows The best is none ion goo.1 to rtt your lieail on. eijiht hours in trwry. twenty-four. We M.-11 the famous " I-muK-rich ' feather pillows, all bear in' this ta" C-Co vases TaTS, which is a guarantee of clean feathers and elastic durable pillows. Emmerich Cushions a A , PLASTER! Investigate KINIMEAR & GAGER'S Stamped Steel CEILING, SIDE WALLS AND WAINSCOTING TIm only INTERLOCKING. Tl( ; HT-SKA M KU CKI LINll iiiunufactiireti. The Best is The Cheapest ON YOUKSKI.F or aik for WJICK ON t:OMl'L!:TH.IO!;. Ml:ir:mli1l ml ..-.. ...... prices etimate-i. . . . Sz Co-i opportunities to g reduced rates will Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. 1524 Farnam Street OMAHA. MAMWaV.'.!.'.. J. '', if i 1 f 5 DR. R. A. VALUER, OsteopatkHT PbjrsieiaH, Coluiu!iii3, Nebr. NVljra-lta FI.n A 111. Inln-niir.t 'Phone N.. 73. Office, liai )er block. ,i !! will rorvnll yoar achna nd pains be cnim when medicina f.til- --:-4-5 -I-M-H-W , iBnsscsslaslsslnfcmhaM - '-. v IV '4 a- t l sisJf 2-J&ZZter?UrS3. 1 ", - -fr yw