' .' jffr 't-SS r J-- h t - r - ' k ij krl i I H I ? I k' -. 4411 1 1 II II llll mm U II1IIHII i t Hulst's Cash Store While they last Come Quic K They will go fast at this price : : : 20 On all Summer Wash Goods, Shirtwaist suns BIG REDUCTION All Shirt Waists ulst's dasb Store. till Ml H M 1 H I I I I I I I I I I I I I GRAYS' The Good old Summer Time." Now then, don't roast yourself, buy ready-to-eat foods. Use Ar mour & Co's VERIBEST canned meats; beats fresh meats this kind of weather, besides no chopping, no fussing ready to serve. Potted Hani per can 12- and ?c Potted IK Tongue ."..12j and So Potted Chicken l"c Hoveled Ham lij and "v Veal Loaf 25 and ioo Oiiicken Tamale lr-c C'orued Deef S and l."o lliiaat Beef i5 and lTc Boneless Tu rkev 30o Price per sack. isEUUKrteSk affJfYgaSBgmBHBS. UBBV- gaaenrBSuienl nuunuamTraTli Etl gtMauu' Now is the time to lay in a small supply of the best flour on earth. pmspnrys OFF I I I I I I II III II III iiiiiiu Boneless Chicken :0c Vienna Sausage 10c Domestic Sardines in oil 4c Imp'r Sardines in oil 20-15-lOe Saarino Sardines, mustard loc Sardines in mustard 9c 1 lb Deer Head Salmon 15c 1 lb Flat Mayflower Salmon 20c 1 lb Monarch Salmon .. . .2fc Until new wheat is fit to use. The flour that makes better bread and more of it See that Minnapolis, Minn., is printed on every sack of Min neapolis Flour $1.40 Best Columbus gourttal. WEDNESDAY. JOLT. 37. MM. &AU advertisements in the local columns are charged at the rate of 10 cen U a line each issue. Heavy face type double price. Dr. Paul, dentist Alvin E. Pool, violinist Than 65. Dr. Yallier, Osteopath, Barber block. Prof. Sike, teacher music, Barber bldg. Look at the sixth page of this paper. W. A. Way was a Lincoln visitor Monday. Dr. M. T. McMabon, dentist, over postoSce. tf Bale Babcock of Lincoln is visiting the family of H. E. Babcock. Dr. W. H. Slater, Veterinarian, office in Dock's Drag Store. Dr.Chaa. H.Piatz, homeopathic phy aician and surgeon, postoffice building. FOB BENT Eight room house. Mrs. Mary Cramer, Cor. Olive and 16th St 2 Do not fail to see oar 8-foot galvan ized steel mill for $32.00. A. Doaeell k Son. tf Go to U. R. Preib for painting and paper hanging. First door norh of Pollock's drag store. tf Fresh butter milk at the Creamery Company. Way Up I What is? Why, the WAY UP FLOUR, made by Columbus Roller Mills. Rothleitner baa a new kind of enam eled ware equal to imported Straoaky, and cheaper. tf A ticket oi a Bhiaestone ring with eTery glass of soda water at Poeseh's. Housewives wishing to have good bread must use WAY UP FLOUR. Try it and be convinced. Mrs. Lucy Terry, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. D. T. Martyn, is here for a visit with her parents. Miss Mamie Sheehaa is spending her summer vacation in Columbus vis itiog.frienda and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farrand and family of Council Bluffs are visiting the family of F. W. Farrand. Mrs. Joseph Henry of Big Trail, Wyoming, is here on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hamer. Miss Roberta Gould arrived in Colum bus Saturday night from Mexico City, Mexico on a visit to Miaa Maud Galley. FOR SALE A good second-hand piano, for sale. A bargain. Inquire of Ed Hegemann, Zinnecker's barber shop. tf Swift's Pride Soap lengthens the life of your clothes. It keeps them fresh and clean. Order some for Monday's wash. Misses Georgia and Lois Black, niec es of H.E. Babcock, are expected here this week from Loup City on a visit to their relatives. The gold standard is all right, bat it isn't as good for housewives as GOLD DUST flour, made by the Co lumbus Roller Mills. tf A. G. Rolfe of Woodville township transacted business in Columbus last Saturday and was the guest of Wm. Mattson while he was here. Olga Oehlrich entertained a Urge number of her young friends Friday afternoon at her home. Out-door ports were the amusement for the little ones. Donald McAllister, Ned foat and Ralph Wiggins are working on the seed farm of Emerson Bros, near Mon roe. John Elliott and Ralph Snyder were also among the workers there last week. A great many people are camping along the banks of McPherson's lake. At camp Gondring this week there are six tents occupied. Last week Rev. Halsey was among the visitors to the camp. Mrs. E. H. Chambers and Mrs. C. D. Evans started yesterday for Weu atchee. Wash., to visit Grandma North and the Morse and Cashing families. They will remain in the West three weeks. When J. H. Galley aaaouaoos a re duction in prices, people know what it means. He baa bean in busiefes at the old stand for thirty-one years. Just look at hii fall page announce ment in this paper. 2tp. W. W. Waters, preaideat of the Columbus Commercial College, was in town Wednesday. Mr. Waters is an educator of experience, and be has a large and well equipped institution. Spalding Enterprise. Miss Pearl Verjaal, who has bean visiting her sitser, Mrs. L. Weinburg er, left for Lincoln Thursday morning. Miss Verjaal expects to take a posi tion as stenographer with a mining company in Lead, S. D. ATTENTION SMOKERS! Try the Non-Nicotine Cigars. Ita equal un known! No tobacco heart. Does not affect the nerves. A pleasant and satisfactory smoke. jul20-5t CHARLES H. DACE. Joseph Clark of Cadiz, Ohio, a cousin of Mrs. M. K. Turner, is visit ing in Columbus. Mr. Clark came to this country in the early days, buying a section of land near Creeton which he has come to inspect annually for many years. A government postoffice inspector was here last week lookiag over the proposed rural roate No. 5 for the establishment of which petition waa recently made. The proposed roate would extend northwest from Co lombo., SELL OUT and locate 'aver here hi Polk county where yea can raise winter wheat to jawfocttea. Price of mad comparatively low "yet, but osa- staathy going up. Get a move and call on user King Bittaae, An informal m - Tharaday evening at the noma of Miss Florence Whitmoyer. YocaaL and violin music was rendered and sassmhls - mr .the ware the Misses Wiatorbotham of David City. Rsfrfshmsssb warn ser ved. - Dr. Ni H. J. Arnold, M. D. Onto, OHve St Sweet ereamatthe Cream ery. W. A. McAllister was in Hamphsay yesterday. Miss Ethel Farrand is visiting rel atives in Fremont Dr. L. C. Voss, Homeopathic Columbus. Neb. Emma Alway of is Tisiting Miss Hoth. Miss Julia Fox went to Friday to visit friends. Misses Martha and Georgia Post left last Friday for a visit to Chisago.. . Bsed Galley's full sag ad in this paper. Han are real hurfaiuuv t,pT liy a svia at Foeaeh'a aai draw a lady's Bhinwatoae rim? Miss Ann Kmase is ooalaod to her hosaa by illness. Serosa door paint, all colors, at Roth eitner's hardware store. tf J front a three visit in Seward. Mr. aad Mrs. Howard Omrhe will leave this week for a trip to Lake Okoboji, la. Dm. Martyn, Evans, Gear, Hansen k Martyn Jr., office three doors north of Friedhofs store. P. Wrin and sons will occupy the house this week, bought by them from F. K. Strother. Miss Antonia Staab of Leigh return ed home Thursday after a visit to Miss Anna Kumpf. Mrs. Buby Browne of Lincoln re turned to her home Monday after a visit to the Hensley family. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Adatny are the happy parents of a son who came to their home the 16th. ' Mrs. G. Dowell returned last week from Michigan where she had' been Tisiting the past two months. Mrs. Jos. Barowick and children re turned' home to Omaha Sunday after a two weeks visit with relatives. Try the Non-Niootine Cigar. -The Smoker's Friend. Only 5c. jul20-5t CHARLES H. DACK. Dr. and Mrs. A. Heintx and Mr. and Mrs. A. Stenger returned hosae Sat urday from a trip to Yellowstone Park. Fred Bornaman, brother of Mrs. F. Ascbe, left Friday for his home in Oiegon after spending several weeks here. Mrs. Anna Henry of Big Trail. Wyoming arrived here Monday one visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hamer. Dr. and Mrs. Neumann returned Sunday from Colorado Springs where they passod one week in viewing scenery. Mrs. Bessie Kinnie of Canon City Colorado letf Thursday for her home after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shannon, The Sunday School classes of Mr. Erskine and MUs Davis of the Meth- odist church held a pienio at Stevi Grove last Friday. C. O. Gray left Monday for St. Louis where he will meet Mrs. Gray who has been visiting relatives in Mendota. Illinois. " "-" Ladies, if yon want to use a flour guaranteed to make the choicest piss and cakes, use WAY UP, madeby the Columbus Roller Mills. tf O. Breeae began last week the erec tion of a five-room house on his farm just west of town. O. O. Hardy in doing the carpenter work. Plath of Columbus, who was a I of Blanche and Grace Willard during the past weak, retur d aesae Wednesday evening. Genoa Times. The Baptist Young People's Union will give an ice cream social oa the lawn of the Baptist church next Fri day evening. The public is invited. J. F. Berney is tearing down the old implement buildings on eleventh street and will erect in their place a two story frame building eorersd with iron, 44 by 108' feet Walter and Eugene Miessler left Monday for St Louis. Walter will I clerk in the drag stere of ate'ustole in that city until fall when he will enter a pharmaceutical college. A new bridge is being built over Lost Creek one mile north of Colum bus. Farmers who come to town that road are forced to cross the creek either one mile east or one mile west of that road. The Juniors of the Oduaabas high school ussier the c! feasor' Weaver of Morrison. EL Professor L H. BritelL want Pherson's Lake yesterday oa a izing excursion. Mabel Snow, a daughter of Mr. and Mr. Jos. Snow of Shenandoah. Iowa and niece of Albert Covert, was the guest of tbeOorertfantilySunday. She is spending the summer .with her grandmother in Schuyler. . The board of eiusation held a apse-' ial meeting oa the afteraoaaef Jary 23 and elected Miss Bertha Sosmpeaoh teacher of the fifth grade in the tret ward, to 111 the vacaacy made by the resignation of Miss Maude Parker. Miss Jeaaie J. Laaghlia, has accep ted a position as stenographer ia the law office of C. J. Garlow. Miss Lenghlin will also do" steaorapaic work for the publio aad bswTNseara ia the Columbus hotels fact WARNING ! The called upon to warn the istratioa that there is of a damage suit against the city of Columbus. It is only a questioa of a short time until some one of the numerous children ia the third ward who play oa thirteenth street will get last ia the teM weeds aacLuhessty will he put to ts essjease ef asewiag the weeds to Had ehssa. ; f -The CkOenaaas band wsU give lar wherever they have played during the pest two or three years. The pro gram will aot he paalished for yea wiU hnow the aasabers as soon as you hear them. Sale will he oa oat .of town friseda shout it I special pi pauses, la the park aatt Wed. lassimi alias Asejast a. The pregrasa aill n '- at "old uniiHir'. the Ivseosataatharenasdeaae beys popu ana ens I Qi 1 U m filssaf JoernaL Oeft. ,lS7i.) tiohaal Smith has inilila s4dwellknf eaSersaUsKrset, saet of the Crsss Keys. O. at Stsarne arought U a stalk sf Ugh. .-. , Outflss-aVassar's brewery aft Cross Keys is in full blast We ua liisssnl from Mr. Bremer that he intends to establish a vinegar factory Friday night last, a surveyiag party Uvisawssa. stopped iaOs ca their reenrn to Pmftte They hare besa for sssae ia sarveyiag hi she of the sixth and jeet Siaasm 10 i wa " about ana hi Oolaml who his by through their brave fellow, John Rogers, rejoiasd his party after a chase of four or five sailes during which he was slightly wounded ia the left arm aad right knee. The Sioux geatlemsa at sight of the men of the compass aad chela coacladsd that discrstioa was the better part of valor aad so depart ed. The uaderaigned gsntlsmsa desire to sseatewa i aad auggeak October 8. as a tiate te hold a publio msetteg of the for that narposs: O.B. still- W. C. Suttoa, Ebea Pierce, J. BleUy. Geo. W. Olether, A. AraokL. A. J. SteTSas. "H. Oomptoa, W. H. w A. Bonssteel, V. J. L. Garrard. H. P. Cool- iage, M. K. Turner. dark Oooaony has iareated a pota te dhmer which he omims wiU dig aad separate 600 hnehohS a day. -Jacob Ernst, resiling aft the foot of the bluffs north of Columbus thresh ed this fail 910 bushels of grain from 40 acres. Barley Si bushels to the acre, oats a. aaa weens so eusaeis. (From files of Oct It, 1870.)! Antelope are said to be abouadiag ia Butler county. J. D. Brewer went to the Reserve this wsek to superin tend improvements on the Pawaes mill which is to be refitted for water power. Oa Suaday morning several of our citizens residing on Shell Oreek who hare besa greatly aanoyed of late by the -depredations of a mouatain lion, gave ohass to the ravenous beast, running him for fourteen or fifteen miles but doing no injury other than puttinw two shots inooavenieatly close to his side. Mr. Meyer, oar ia formaav. says the lioa has killed a number of calves aad other young animals along SaeU Creek. He appears to be about six fsst long, one foot wide and is about as tall as a large dog. Last Thursday. Lewis Warrsa came lagging into oar office, squashes, potatoes aad core that beat anything we hare seen in their lias. Mr. Warren I lives oa Shell Creek, about thirty five miles from Columbus where there is plenty of mad, well watered and timbered for 91.25 aa acre, besides homesteads a free gift, aad such land as it must be, is worth having. Just listen: oa the twenty-fifth of May last this lead was raw prairie; he broke it, pleated it ia potatoes, corn, etc, rushing a heavy roller ovsr 1ft after the seed was pleated aad aew he welgliiag from oae to l turnips a4 to 26 laches in circumfer ence, squaw corn and commoa yellow corn, ears twelve inches in length, qaash, 90 inches loag. Mr. Warrea says that his breaking aad plaatiag cost him $4 an acre aad that he has realized 10 an acre from his land. Married. October 6, at the residence of the bride's father, by J. O. Shannon. Mr. A. Friedliee to Miss Sarah Smith. Thursday asorniag at about ssvsa o'clock a party of some 150 or 300 Sioux .aMSdsred aad scalped three Fawaee worn in who were at the time gathering wood, a mile from the Indian Tillage on the reserve. The followig is a partial list of the election returns : L. Garrard, state sen ator, has ia Platte county za majority; ia Oolfax S5. Platte county givesHadsoaa ssajerity of 138 over iHoxie. Indiana gess t,00t to 5.000 re- aatdiMB nil flfttln nnmm ftfc aaBM 1T waa aft the time ftwuurfifJ Insmsjs. ttee, the rfte the teas of 1J.000. Oaly eight rotes east ia this ceaaty agaainst the osmL aad those were from Monroe precinict Mr. aad Mrs. Sipple who hare been travelling in the west for about a year aad who hare been visiting in Columbus for a few days, will go to Ord boob to the hosse of Mrs. Ai tfarksf Sipple's saothier. Try the Noa-Ntoottne. A scientific sitae of Cigars. Said under the Catted Try owrof jul20-5t OHaRI.gfl H. BACK. Rebsrt O'Brien of Cheyenne, Wyo., ia visitiag rehOives here .sedey oa his way to Chicago where he goes as a aia distrist to .the aa: ef sailrosd postal ia that eity Au- Aio hi the ssooad sar Mr. CBnaa has heea seat as a dsle- WORLD'S FAIR RATE TO T.LOUIS. VIA BTJRUNOTON ROUTE. Ticfcets teSt. Louis and retarn, days, si7.ua 2ZM about train ssr- details sse the tssket The St Louis' Expositioa the est show the world has ever now -jeomelete sad ia it will be a lifetime's yoa fail to see it LW.WAxauT, . Agent emrhewlshmssss eastthiJd. Goodiffauma OoodBEtyaaB... OeedsMsswsser, .. Jar fell iassisnti 111 SENT BACK FOR THE PURSE. WwawaTf auus4atsBuumauuuVXTu Picking op a womout empty pocket book, a salesman in one of the large try goods stores the other day thought he would have a little fun with It & therefore placed k oa the counter, hast soacealed by the goods lying oa it Presently a shopper, entrrtd. lighted on the wallet aa by tnd while pricing aaa? a scare of arti stes she endeavored to cover Jtqaite artlessly, of coatee now wlthvher asndkerffhW, then with her saftehel and again with her umbrella.- The m Jasmin, without appearing to notice her actions, each time removed the pocketbook out of danger and into ught Finally she adopted new tactic sat picked tt up, wet "ameboaya left a -Year replied 'the dark laterroga- Thank yea. 'And he took the with tt for a Cpoa ass return the woman with a iilhjat aniiw ef Interest: Waa there muchea fttr with the sasa of one who has ate life. stif it tent called The woman went out In tea or fif teen minutes a boy came in and asked: Waa a pocketbook with $3 found this morning':" Yes," replied the salesman, "but tt aaa been called for." -Ob," said the boy and retired. And the salesman smiled audibly. Chicago Tribune. THE SUGAR CANE. Che sugar caae aad Its besa knows hi India, tta native she earliest source frees .which waa produced, aad all other modes ef tsaed oa ftt The early clsastesl n world which the deUghted to chew and extracted a mysteri- It waa the Arabs those great car rlsrs between the east and west who Introduced the cane in the middle aged Into Egypt Sicily and the south of gaasa, where It nourished abundantly untH West Indian slavery drove it out of the Held for a time and sent the trade in sugar to Jamaica and Cuba. Early la the sixteenth century the cane was taken from Sicily to Madeira sad the Canaries. Thence It found its way to Brazil and Mexico, to Jamaica and Haiti. Cane sugar Waa well known In Italy about the second cen tury and has been common In England since the Tudor period. The strenuous laya of great Elizabeth bad sugar for their sack, and ginger waa hot 1' the mouth, too, aa we all well remember. AtFnm Magazine. SHORT WINDED. rrma Wit Sevure Excreta. Breathing consists of two rhythmical alternating processes inbreathing, in which the muscles of the chest play their part and outbreathlng. In which the elasticity of the lungs and the weight of the chest force out sir. The number of breaths, which varies with the sge, is one to every three or four pulse beats. In ordinary breathing on ly about one-alxth of the air In the lungs Is renewed, but In exercise the amount Is considerably increased aud the number of breaths multiplied. In disease such as reduction of lung area the blood la In danger of becom ing overcharged with carbonic acid, and the lungs struggle to get rid of this and to bring In more oxygen. Exercise causes a similar change, and if of the right sort and not .too long continued the circulation and breathing are snackened, and the result Is good. -In severe exercise, sod as long con tiaoed speed trials, the quickened breathing can no longer cope with Its task, so carbonic acid accumulates faster than the heart and the lungs 'can deal with It and breathlessnesa re anlfta. Chteese Bmtks. traveler In Mongolia writes: are some hot springs by the about twenty miles north of Chlngpeng. The place Is named Tang shan. The arrangements for those anxious to benefit by their healing properties are very primitive. A row of twenty or thirty wooden boxes the sftss of sn ordinary packing case are ranged beside tbe road. In these sit bathers of every age and both sexes. with their heads protruding. Atten dants with buckets continuously retlll the boxes from 'the springs. For less luxurious tsthers there la accommoda tion la a pool which has been dug out close by. In this they squat scooping up the water and pouring it over their heads with brass basins. It Is curious to reflect that establishments like Homburg and Alx-les-Balns have bad their origin in such beginnings." tie SMlera Md Sallera. There are beetles In England, of the family known to scientists as telepbor Idae. that are popularly called soldiers aad sailors, the red species being called by tbe former name and the blue spe das by tbe latter. These beetles are fl"y"g the most quarrelsome of insects and fight to the death on the least prevocatloa. It has long been the eus- emong English boys to catch and them fighting with each other. are as ready for battle as game cocks, and the victor will both kill and eat his antagonist. St. Nicholas. M tU SJrtsnt ic. The lesson which I have learned In life, which Is' Impressed en me dally and more deeply as I grow old. is the lesson of good will and good hope. I believe that today is better than yes terday and that tomorrow will be bet ter than today. I believe that in spite sf so many errors and wrongs and even crimes my countrymen of all classes desire what Is good and not what is evU. Senator Hoar's "Autobiography." Mtum. Mother Are you getting on any. ? Daughter Oh, yes, moth- We-aeed to be lumped In with hat now we have climb mme of those present" it! Commercial-Tribune. ptla. complains that she leisure." doesn't she take up essse- "She does. She takes op other peo ehe time.- Judge. a seen has bis ptctass taken Witt his family he shows osfrhls-pbo- ssgisnaU face that he was forced lata. Bwety. aumy. seaaad;t7tewaav. fttr sated the ahauyer. ae arm.'' Is the essgrsmmstlcsl euasae. uses have nam Cssaugiii nrsaVwhw li u inn M M H I VI 1 1 1 1 II 1 ?P '-Bi ; i - v n n nuesf a aaa 'ar RACA I I H luam nsmi m. A complete stock of Staple and Fancy z iceneML Crockery. 4. we can sattsry you. in quality, euwort t ment and price. In every case where apur- chase is not entirely satisfactory, we will t cheerfully replace the goods or refund the money. : We aim ho do a LITTLE BETTER than we promise. This may be a radical denart t ure from modern methods, but it is OUR t WAT. We carry the I tne city in high class I Canned Fruits and Vegetables. Do you know the reason our COFFEE and TEA business has reached such enorm ous proportions? It is plain. We give the best value for the money. Quality always the best. Flour! Flour! Flour! We have in stock : Way Up Flour, Gold Dust Flour, Red Seal Flour, Bride Flour, Jewell Flour, Corn Meal Graham, Manufactured here in Columbus, which x has the reputation of manulacturmgas good t a flour as any place in the state. Your or t ders will receive prompt attention, and will t make you mill prices in quantities. . I Minnesota Flour. I We have the GOLD MEDAL brand, guar t anteed in every way to be as good or better than any other brand npsnta DRIED FRUITS. The many compliments we receive on k the quality and assortment of our dried fruits is highly pleasing to us. Our method k of handling and displaying them in glass k front fruit cases insures to our customers cleanliness and goodness. &-:-:-:-:-:-x-:-h-hk You are Respectfully Invited to look over Our New Spring Goods. OUR CLOTHING is made up in the best of workmanship, latest styles, perfect fit and lowest living pricesWe offer you real bargains. : We keep everything that's good in the GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS line in great variety. We call your attention o: They are especially marie for u of the last ihateriaUn- the foremost manufacturers of the country and we sell inferior shoes are sold We Repair Shoes FRISCHHOLZ 411 Eleventh St., A HASTY TEMPER. - 1 fUe Barm I Dues Rrra Thsaah the I'slr Fit B" uoa Over. It is a remarkable tliim: that there xists in piles minds n distinct so- I cial preceden'T' amuiiK the vices. To own onee!f on intimate terms with such a one as deceit or slander. r instance, would be almost undreamt of, but how often have wt? beard people say, almost with pride, at any rate with no trace of shame, "I have a very hasty temper:' And then as if to transfigure it into a verv virtue thev triumphantly add, "But k is soon over." on uIi Datk "ut,! l bave iked up the Bo It may be, but how about its conse- I matter more thoroughly." quences? Are they soon over? There are few more dangerous ene- Th" ",r owit. mies to the pKice and comfort of every- A 8tor' that comes from a country day life than the people who speak region not far from New York concerns hastily in the squalls of passing ill tern- a native who was b-n stolidly plow per, and then, when thev are restored ! lD a fleId wItn team of Wfcary aDd to good humor, expect evervthing to be , dejected horses. As they approached Just as it was before. There is no such tLe ver of rural life remarked position possible as "just as It was be- sympathetically that the horses "didnt fore" In this up and down hill human ' sm to ,lke tne work" nature of ours. Every act or word Is I "Um" conj tn farm brteflf a step by which we mount upward or " don,t havto llk? h. TwQ,ey oolT sink lower In the unhindered Journey- Ings onward of all the conditions of life, and the people who give utterance to the incriminations of passionate tem pers unfailingly drop down In the esti mation of others, from which it Is a stiff climb up again. . ', . ,; ' . " er true or false, are usually undyins and live on in hearts and memories long after the careless bow that shot such poionel arrows forth is unstrung. And though the uttercr may pl?ad that to feed his passion he said not whet he reallv believed, but what he thought ( t thp. tirn would hurt most. It Is al- . . in ;3., v. .. most Impossible foTthe hearer to un-' . .... ....- .. - -- -. . derstand that the expression was not that of a lfving though latent opinion and to feel It accordingly. The code of fashion In the moral realms has decreed how much better a passionate temper is than a sulky one. but there is something to be said In favor of the latter in that it only hurts Itself. Like tbe little girl who when saaeyed always ate her apple tart with out sugar,-the guilty person may suffer sjoet Individually, but that Is surely better than the. suffering to the .Inno cent caused by the random shots of the fierce though short onslaughts of u hasty temper .And alienee la much less generally disturbing , than violence, though perhaps quite ssmibecotntnai X Edith H. Fowlec In London Mali. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a TZ I CO. aiaVMware and ijamps. t largest assortment in i manufactured in Min- t to our complete line of them tor. : no higher than Neatly aid Proudly BROS., Columbus, Nebr. A CeatraalM. Young Matron (with theories oa the care of children, to nurej Jane. Nurse Yes-sum. Young Matron When the baby bus finished his bottle, lay him In the cradle on his right side. After eat ing a child should always He on the right side; that relieves the pressure on the heart. Still (reflectively; the liver Is on the riuht side; perhaps, after all. you had better lay him on the left side. No, I am sure the treatise on infant digestion said right side. Oa & whole. Jaue, you may lay the baby Pair f PlalatlCa. "See here," exclaimed the angry man. "I wish you would muzzle that dog of yours at night. His barking keeps my baby awake." "I was Just going to request you to muzzle your babv," rejoined the neigh r ..,. ,..:.,, bor. "His nightly howling annoys my dog." St. Louis Republic Xo Cmbm Hire HamS. Agent of Apartment House When, can you go to work? Dignitled Person- """ """ w i w o j-... isr Duuaing) 1 can enter upon tne au-t . m' JZr-MJ. IIXJ W. J V4UM7 Ul VS.CV J. .M4VM-' Tribune. A nemma4atla. Mrs. Dariey Why do you have Mrs. Gabb to sew for you? She is not aj good dressmaker. Mrs. Cawker I know that, but she knows all the goestpj in the community. London Tit-Bits."' ! Varm "Pa." said tbe son of the captain of Industry, "what Is being recreant to one's trust?" "Not increasing tbe capital ery time the public can be Into buying a few more shares for ' benefit of tbe people who held 1 bonds." Chicago Record-Herald. " - : " 'r . 1 . .. ' J- - t- .