The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 27, 1904, Image 1

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rsaBwawawawaw BwawawawawaB
Zawawaaw 2. JBKl
c aFdNsaBBBaKBBB3k ".
j" ssasaBwaval awrwaaBwawk
and a Check Book and open an account
with you. It is bandy, much safer and
more business like to bare a bank ac
count, and keep your money here. By
giving checks the record of each pay
ment is kept. There is no change to
make and no chance to dispute the
amount paid.
if you leave your money here six
months and you can hare it on demand.
Time Table.
St. Joeeph,
Kaasae City,
St. Loals and all
points Bast and
Salt Lake City,
Ban Francisco
and all points
No. 22 Pasaexurer, daily except Bandar 7-25 m
No. t2 Accommodation, daily except
batarday 4:30 p. m
mists AKMIVr.
No. 21 P&Mxner,diiily except Sandnj-. S-.50 p. m
No. Sl Accommodation, daily except
Sanday 1:30
12. Chicago Special 4:35 a. m.
4, Atlantic Express 4:10 a.m.
8. Columbus Local lr H5 a. m.
102, Fast Mail 1230 p. oi.
, Eastern Exprew jcai p. m
2. Overland Limited
ca laTnv.
.. . 5:35 p. m.
. .. 7 JT p m
...10x0 a m
...12.10 a m.
..12:10 p. ui
... tSSSO p m
. . . was p in
... 6:20 a. in.
... 7:10 p ra.
... 7:1. a. in.
...12J0p. m
... 7-00 p. m.
No 5, Pacific Ex press
No II, Colo. Special
No. 101, Fast Mml
No. 1, Ovxrland Limited
No. S, California Express
No. 7, Columbus Local..
No 23. Freight
No. 63, PAftseGffcr
No. 71. Mixud
No. M, Psaaeneer
No. 72, Mixnf
ALFWN a:.u sr.ti.iJi.Na buanch.
So.!. Paswnir 2:10 p. m.
No.", Mixed 6:30a.m.
No. 70, PAArfttffttr 1-U)p. m.
No.74,. Mixed SArtp.m.
oik pasanffr train, ran daily.
No train on Albion and Spalding branch
Columbus Iocal daily except Sunday.
W. U. Hexham. Ant.
Jons W. Hf.meu
Jax Gutr
t'UKI.KS J.Carkio
John J. C li.ey
Diuk A. Bkcukh
ejxir . ........
J udre
Clerk of District Court
H 11. Metz
.... ..U. L. Kosmtkh
Joun iJoirrz. Chairman
.".'. Pktkh Hesdk.r
"" Matukw Dikthicu
Pkvnk Kiebnn
liouis Hku), K.J. Eunst
Dirt. 1..
Dirt. 2 .
Dirt. 3..
Dirt. 4 .
Dirt. 5 .
Dirt 6-7
U. S. Sr.NTOHS Charles H. Dietrich, 1. 11.
Millard. n . , ,
McCarthy. STVTK OKF1CElw.
Governor. Jn II. Mickey; Secretary State.
George W.Maih; Auditor. harlm 11. Wevton;
Treasurer. P. Morten-on; Attrney General.
Krank N. Prit: Suj-rintemlent IHiblic In-truc-tion,
William K. Fowler: Commiioaer Public
Lands. Cieonte D. Follmer.
Jriurs 6th Jukicii. DlSTUICT C. Hollen-
lie.k. J. G. lU.ler.
SNTtH W. A. Way.
RrpKKSKTTirE24TH DivruicT J .W. Render
Fl-T Rr.PKK-NTTlVK F E. Feller-.
COVfi REG ATIONAL Sabbath school, 1-1 n.
m. Preachin. II a. m. and s p. in. Junior Ln
deav,r, 3W p. m. Senior Endeavor, 7i)
ti hi. Praer mtin Tharwlay. i p. in.
1 jdien uxiliary. first Wednesday in earh mouth
at S.t) p. ti'. G. A. Mcnbo. Pastor.
uoi.2nvr'Kf 4.K -Sxti'iMth School. i:ir, h. m.
Sermon. 11 : --m. Senior Endeavor. 7 :U) p. in. I
Evenimr sermon. s.iW p. m. Prayer metinn and
tudy of the Sabbath school iron.s.iu P. m.
' Wlteh N. IUlsev. Pastor.
METHODIST Preachin. II a. m. and s i. m.
Sunday school. 12:f0. m. Junior League. 3:20 p.
m. Epworth League. 7) p. in. Prayer meeting.
Thursday. ? p. m. Ladies Aid Society every
other Wednesday at 2:30 p. in.
G. A. Lccc. D. D., I"ast4.r.
GERMN REFORMED -Sunday Scho.l. 9:30
a m Pieachinif. KJ0a. m. Endeavor. .J) p.
ni Ladies G uild, fir-t Thun-ilay in each month.
aOp m. Iter. Secmaheek. Pastor.
B VPTiSr-Sondty SchiMil. 10m) a. m. Sermon
iMi a.m. Junior B. Y. P. U.. S) p. m. Ser
mon, SW p. m. Pray-r m-etinir. 7sJ0 p m.
' Hkv. E J. UuatKK. IV-tor.
GKCE EPIStMPAL-Low celebration. s.-.W
a. a. Sontlay S-hl. IO.-iW a. m. Prenchini:,
i0a.m. E euir.s service. sssJ p. m. St. Au-drew-
Brothers, secmd Tueslay r.f each month.
"DMMttktrs f the Kim:, second Tuesday of each
month. Ladies Guild, second Wednesday of
ch month. Rf.v. W. A. Cash. Rector.
GERMAN LUTHERAS-Preachin. 10:00 a. m.
Sunday School. 2 p. m. Ladie Society tueeU
one Than-Jay m rach nwnth. t
Rxt. H. Miessleh, Iastor.
aervicci maw and sermon at S. V and 10:30
o'clock. Sunday school and benediction at 3
osclork. The i o'clock ma- is given in Polish
and the a o'clock mass alternately in German and
Eadish. Week day mass ecerv mornin at s
o'clock. Fridays at 3:45 o clock. rtaUou- and
bsaadiction- Confessions heard from 4 ti 6
o'clock Saturday and from 7 to 9 on Sunday
Biorniwr. Confessions also Sunday morning be
fore 8 o'clock mas.
Fathkk Thiob.uj) kALAKAJ.i. Pnest.
tOsMeUs in Odd FeUcws haU, second and
tSaVb Wedneaday of each month. Mrs. Mand
THU3SELDA No. 12. O. u. a. s. mia ice
baU. Alois Maier. preidt and J. H.
a, ecretary.
w a? iiA. So. SW. aieeta aecoBii uu i"iui
Jt to K. of P. balL Looia Held. V. C
i-u Brunkcn, ecretary.
VIDESTAL LODGE, No. a. K. of P.-Met
?? J. McoSrey. -.cretaxy.
mTJKY LODGE. So. 44. L O. O. F.-Mt
?Sir Odd Fllow IU. J. E. Paul,
' ; - m. . , . ,u
ff Gears FairchiUi. .
o s-issr oSdF;uo haii : cid
C.C-. Fcer Lacaiaccr. ecretarj.
ts ESCAMPaaNT L u. u. - 20.
fSVoAirdMoBdar ia Odd Fellow.
fsxrcxuia, r, .m.-.
Case Itlll ia aWakraftey Ceart-Vel.
amiaer Eviaaace-Craeiten
Jkilec FramA.
The "Black Flag" store, which has
been tied up some extremely comlpex
litigation for about a month was aold
at public auction last Monday, J. J.
Richards of Farnam, Nebraska bid
ding it in for about $4000. This
store was opened in Jane, 1903 by
Richards Brothers and London. In
May 1904 it went into bankraptcy,
J. D. Stires being appointed trastee.
When the store was closed the stock
was invoiced at f 7,?& which repre
sented the total assets that could be
found. Later the stock was appraised
at $300 and Several suits were
brought against trastee Stires by
creditors. The Hamilton Brown
Shoe Company 6ued to recover pos
session of ft4tf worth of shoes, claim
ing the bankrupts had bosgbt them
under false pretense. Of this lot of
shoes bought in April 1904 bnt $3S9
worth were in the store at the time
of its closing in May. This suit is
still pending. R. P. Smith and Sons
Co. instituted a similar suit for 950
worth of shoes which are practically
all in the store at this time. This snit
is also pending.
The creditors have proceeded oa the
theory that the bankrupts had bought
goods, knowing themselves to be in
solvent and had shipped these goods
to various parties, principally to S.
Richards of North Platte and A. Lon
don of Newman Grove, with intention
to defraud their creditors Several,
claims were presented against the
bankrubpts. Morris London claimed
420 for wages said to be due him for
wages on a verbal contract br the
terms of which he was to receive $70
per month, but says he has received
only 95. Sam Richards claims 700
said to be due him for merchandise.
The largest creditor is Richards and
Roberts Dry Goods Co. of St. Joe,
who have a claim of $2800.
The liabilities of the bankrupts
amount to $10,000. The costs of liti
gation and the amount that will be
left to the creditors are still in the
balance. The testimony in the case
already covers about 500 tvpe written
J. J. Richards will continue the
busiueess at the "Black Flag".
A Host Iaaastry.
The Columbus Cream Company,
under the management of '. N. tev-
euson. has made wonderful progress
since last spring. Mr. Stevenson is
churning daily from 800 to 1000
pounds of butter besides selling from
40 to 50 gallons ot sweet cream daily.
The butter output absorbs the product
of about 1000 cows, and the sweet
cream sold takes the product of 200
Tne company keeps two men on the
road gathering cream, but most of the
farmers deliver their own cream at
the creamery. The company's busi
ness in neighboring towns is also in
creasing, the product being shipped
Mr. Stevenson uses what is called
the Babcock test in determining the
amount of butter-fat in each can of
cream. The process is very simple. A
slender half-pint bottle is filled with
cream from each can and numbered
to correspond with the number on the
can. A small amount of sulphuric
acid is added and the mixtnre churned
five minutes in a fast-revolving appa
ratus. The butter-fat rises to the top
ot the long-necked bottles which are
marked with a graduated scale to in
dicate number of ounces of butter-fat
contained. The test is absolutely ac
curate so that each customer is paid
for every ounce of butter-fat contained
in his cream.
nnuni nunran mri ilia PlattA
, AAAC7 V W,, WVOMfrWIJ JWJ. vmw a otw
county farmer within three cents per
pound as much as the New York mar
ket. Prices are a cent or two lower
this summer than they have been
since 1V.9. This is due, Mr. Steven
son says, to the unusually large prod
uct this year, caused by the abandant
rains which have made the pastures
If the business increases next year
as much as it has this year, the plant
will have to be enlarged and an in
creased number of men employed.
There is no single industry that
would increase the productiveness c
Platte county farms more than the de
velopment of the dairy, and no fac
tory that would help the merchants of
Columbus more than a creamery plant
that would take care of every pound
of cream produced in the county and
relieve the merchants of handling bat
ter at a loss.
There is no reason why the milk
industry should not be developed ia
this section as it is in Iowa aad Illi
nois where on many of the railroads
regular milk trains are ran. The
Journal hopes the day is near whaa a
carload of cream will come to Co
lumbus on every railroad and braack
entering our city, to add to the pros
perity of every retail merchant aad
every other business interest represent
ed here.
Praaiaitiaa Caaaty Cesm
The proaibitioaists of Platte eoaaty
have been called to meet ia coavea
tioa at the court hoaae oa Saturday,
Jaly 30, to place ia aomiaatioa aooaa
ty ticket aad to elect delegates to the
prohibitioaist state cocveatioa, to be
held ia Iaaoola, August 10.
City Li Wary.
The city librarian annoaaces the
following new books which are now
ready for the use of patrons:
Jaae Adams, Democracy and Social
Ethics ; Bain, Education as a Science ;
Boegli, Forward: Letters written on
a Trip around the World; Draper, Re
ligion aad Science ; Ferri, Criminal
Sociology; Huxley. Science and He
brew Traditioas; same. Methods and
Results; Laurie, Historical Survey of
Pre-Caristiaa Edaoatioa: Leoonte,
Evolution; Nicholson. Ancient Life
History; Painter. History of Educa
tion; Proctor. Other Worlds than
Oars;Saiaa. Miaing Camps; Spencer,
Social Statics; Tyadall. Hoars of Ex
ercise ia the Alps; Ward. Trae So
ciology; Wright. Man and the Glacial
Gertrade Atbertoa, Balers of Kings ;
Araold Beaaett, Anna of the Fire
Towas; Alice Brown, Jadgment;
James Ooaaolly. Out of Gloaoester;
Marie Oorelli, Thelxaa; Gardenhire,
Lax Uracil; Elizabeth Godfrey. The
WiadingBoad; Good win. Fonr Beads
to Paradise; H. Harland, My Friend
Prospero; Joel O.Harris, Little Union
Sooat; Mary Joaastoo, 8ir Mortimer;
Kipliag, Captains. Ooarageoas ; Mann
ing, Jadith of the Plains; Helen
Martin. Tillie: a Mennonite Maid;
Miller. The Yoke; S. Weir Mitchell.
Comedy of Conscience ; Roberts, Kind
red of the Wild; Saxe Holmes Stories,
series I and IL
J. S. G. Abbott: Daniel Boone.
David Crockett, Kit Carson; Mrs. M.
U. Ayrtoa. Child Life in Japan; R.H.
Barbour. Behiad the Line ; A. J. and
M. A. Church. Stories from English
History ; Dn Chailla, Country of the
Dwarfs; same, Land of the Long
Night; Eggleston. Bryant and Red
Jacket: Francis Greene, Legend of
King Arthur and His Court ; F.A.Hall,
Homeric Stories for Yoang People;
JoelO. Harris, Uncle Remus ; Rossiter
Johnson. Phaeton Rogers; M. 11.
Kroat. Alice's Visit to the Hawaiian
Islands; same. Two Little Girls in
China; Lang. Yellow Fairy-Book;
W.J. Long. Little Brother to the Bear;
L. T. Meade, Honor Bright -.Molesworth,
Carrots: Just a Little Boy; Montieth,
Some Usef al Animals ; James T. Otis,
Teddy and Carrots; Nora Perry. Bart
lett's Step-Mother; Katherine Pyle.
Careless Jane :3toddard, Bed Mustang ;
Tomlinson, The Winner; R. Wagner,
Story of the Rhine-Gold ; Winuington,
Ont-Look Fairy Book.
The library is ia the most floarish
lag ooaditian that it has ever aeesi
and Miss Gaer, the librarian, reports
that the interest and patronage of the
citizens is greater than ever. The ia
come is not yet sufficient to keep the
reading room opea every day, aa the
librarian woald lika to do aad as public
interest seeau to demand, bnt it is
hoped that this may be done before
long. It is aow open to the public
oa Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Miss Geer telle an incident showing
the interest that the working classes
feel in the public library which furn
ishes them free reading matter. The
wife of a laboring man came to her
and asked if she would be allowed to
contribute ten cents a week toward
the support of the library. She said
that her husband and herself wanted
to do something to help maintain the
library and that was all they could
The library authorities are hoping
that every family may be affected
with the same notion in accordance
with their means.
The fire alarm sounded yesterday
at about noon and within five min
utes the fire department and a large
number of citizens were at the resi
dence of G. T. Everett, where the fire
was reported.
The fire had started in the roof of
the kitchen, at the base of the chim
ney. Mr. Everett was working in
dustriously with a backet of water
when the department arrived. A hole
was soon made through the roof at
the seat of the fire and a small
amount of water sufficed to do the
rest. Indeed some of the eye wit
nesses say that the fire was cxtin
guished by the use of a dipper and
abucket in the aaads of Chas. Easton.
The house is owned by Rev. D. T.
Alcott. The dasaage is estimated at
about f 15. which is fully covered by
New Csasaaaarctal Staaaata.
President W. W Waters of the com
mercial college, who made a trip on
the Spalding branch last week in the
interest of his college, reports the en
rollment of tne folowing students for
the fall term : Harry Query, Belgrade ;
Lawrence Rutherford, W. D. Roberts
and ' Elisabeth Reid. Primrose;
Pearl and Grover Aastia. Belgrade;
Heary Patterson aad Millard Kaaler,
Cedar Rapids; Maade Faak, 8pald
lag. Mr. Waters left Moaday for a tea
days trip to Albion aad points along
the lSlkkora ia Platte county .
Taroaga the Journal we wish to
ovs to the public that we have
recently appelated Mr. B. W. Sale j.
ataaagarof taeAaditorinm Mamie Co..
as diatriamtiaw. agaat for tail sectioa
for the Matville Clark piaaos aad
Apollo piaaa alayars.
St Melville Clark Piaao Co.
Mrs. Janata Walker af Columbus
topped over am taw way aasaa from
for aaay'evislt
with Norfolk friaaa. N,
r' -s.
t District
Six cases, criminal aad eivil
filed ia tne district oonrt last week.
The case of the State agaiast Her
hart Cox. charged With
entering the house of Michael
in Columbus aad stealing
silver knives and saooas to the valaa
of 82 was brought ap from the just
ice court where the defeaawat
the plea of not "guilty"
Another Lindsay saloon case where
in Clement Jostes of the firm of Vrml
and Jostes is ia district court,on ap
peal from the justice court 'where the
defendant was foaad guilty of sell
ing spiritoas liquors oa Suaday. ia
violation of law.
Henry Stevens, administrator, of the
estate of Margaret E. Steveas. de
ceased filed a petition on the twenty
secoad last., asking far alieaase ta
sell said estate consistiag of 20 acres
of land or snch part there, of as is
necessary to raise 400 to pay debts
of the estate and cost of adatlaistra
tion. The petitioner alleges that the
deceased was not possessed of aay per
sonal property at the time of bar
death and had only this laad, valu
ed at $1600 and encumbered fey the
estate of curtesy of her surviving
William Koenig filed a complaint
against John O. Schutt asking for aa
accounting and for dassagss. The
plaintif alleges that he aad the'de
fendant formed a partnership ba Dee.
26. 1904 for the purpose of purchasing
and operating a threshlag oatfit He
complains that the dsfeadaat has
collected between $400 aad tSOOfor
threshing since that time aad has
conveted it all to hisowa
use except $15 and refuses to
accounting. He 'complains 'also that
the defendant has appropriated -the
threshing machine to his owa ase,
excluding the plaiatiff froat aarpart
of the benefit therein. The plaiatiff
asks that the defendant be compelled
to account to him for one half of the
bills and oat half of the msshine
Great E. Johnson of Walker Iowa
ship has broagat snit agaiast Andrew
Nelsoa. a constable of that tawaship,
together with Nelaoa's safeties, to
recover rtsmagss for aaalleeje3viO'
lation of law in the perxoissaaoe of
his duty as constable. The pstitioa
recites that in 1903 a oertaia judg
ment was issued agaiast the plaiatiff
aad an execution oa the same was
delivered to the defendant, aathoriz
ing him to collect the judgment oat
ot the effects of the plaintiff. The
plaintiff alleges that although he
tendered payment of the judgment in
full at the office of a justice of the
peace in Lindsay, a few days after
the execution was issued, aad had his
attorney notify in writing, the defen
dant that said payment had been ten
dered, said payment was refused, and
the defendant went to his farm, ac
companied by a hired assistant, to
levy on plaintiff's property. The
plaintiff alleges that he again offered
to pay the judgment if defendant
would go with him to his bank ia
Newman Grove, and upon the defen
dant's declining to aooept paymeat
in Madison county, the plaiatiff
agreed to go and did go with defea
dant to Lindsay where he agaia offer
ed to pay the judgment by three o'
clock in the afternoon. This offer is
also alleged to have been refused, and
the defendant proceeded to levy on
the plaintiff's team and baggy,
wherepuon the judgment is alleged to
have been paid. The plaintiff says the
charge of $4.45 for the levy of the
execution and for assistance in levy
ing same was unnecessary and unauth
orized and that $3 for delivering two.
subpoenas in the ease was excessive
and illegal; that he is a peaceful citi
zen and would have gone with the de
fendant without the aid of an assist
ant. The plaintiff therefore asks that
the statutory penalty of $50 be im
posed upon the defendant for the ex
cessive charges and that he be grant
ed$10C.45 ia damages aad the costs of
this action.
Warrants for the arrest of John
Flaccus, Peter and Chris Koizel,of
Taraov on the charge of assault aad
battery were issued yesterday aad
Sheriff Carrig brought the parties
to Colambus today for their bearing.
This will be remembered aa the
assault that occurred ia the Tarnov
saloon a few weeks ago whea it was
thought for a time that the victim of
the assault would die.
A very sensational case lavolviag
prominent Lindsay people is ramored
to be scheduled for the aear latare.
It has become aeoeaaary to change
the date of oar State Prohibitum Ooa
veation to oae day earlier, Taesday,
August 9th. Delegates aad all who
are iaterested please aote the call:
TbeProaibitioa State Ooaveatioa
is hereby called to meet at taeAadi
torisai, Liacoln, Nebraska, at 10 o'
clock a. m. August 9, 1904, for the
aarposs of Blaring ia
candidates for the following
of Stat Or missioaer of Paalio
hvadsaad build lags, Superiateadeat
Pabllc laetractioa, Lieateaaat Got-
aad the eleettoa of
mittee aad to rrsassst
iaeasasmay properly
Frances A. Berarigs, Sscretary.
A stocky built yeaag fellow about
twenty years old cam iato the Journ
al offlsa yesterday, iaqulred for the
editor aad asked that individual to
secure for hiss the rental of a bicycle
to ride to Hamphrey, prossislag to re
turn it oa the first traia. Ha gave
pvodaced aa up-to-date engraved card
aariag that aama. Ha explained
that ha was a third year student in
the Columbia law school aad very
promptly gave eriaaaee afalskaow
todgaof that iastitatiOB by giving
aha ansae of James H. Oaafield. li-
frariaa of Columbia university, form
srly fthaaosllnr of .Nebraska Uaiver
imtyaaa several aames oxuoiamoia
I atoisssors promiaeatly known as aath
larsaf lawtsxt hooks. Mr. Kaliasky
is oa. his way to Hamphrey to work
daring the harvest oa the farm of Mr.
tCyar, whose son is a college mate of
ifr. Kaliasky. He wanted to borrow
a wheel ia order to reach Hamphrey
before the post office closed to get let
tan of introduction to Mr. Myara
waltlag him there. Several other law
stadeats rfosa Columbia aad Harvard
same wast with Mr. Kaliasky to spend
their vacations ia the harvest aside of
Nebraska aad South Dakota. They
IkiiVMJII hl. ., ka
wm mvu mm J IIIH MV
aspect to return that
the experience."
way "jast for
The Jouiaal's free premiam offer is
ao gold brick propositioa. It is simply
aa opportunity for yoa to get the best
map of Nebraska, the best map' of the
Uaited States aad the best map of the
world, with a whole lot of valaable
informatioa tarowa in, with a paid
ap sabseriptioa to the Joaraal.
Several of oar merchaats bare been
offering special iadaoameats to bay
an at this mid-season time, ia ths
way of special sales, and their trade
has ssade their places of basiness look
like holiday time. People andsr
stand that when prices are aanoaaoed
oa oertaia articles they oaa depead oa
ladiag the bargaias that are adver
tised. That it pays to advertise is
demons! ratsrt more than over by the
records of the largest aad mostsaooess
fpi merchaats ia oar towa aa wall as
Very where else.
Soda - Hghlful
T-- -'.
Is what they
all say about
our Ice Cream
Soda. We
make it our
selves We
know it is pure
Ghas. A. Dack,
Atameetiag of the school board
Wodaesday oveainc a coatract for
Dutting a steam heatiag plant iato the
school building was let to Dussell &
Soa of Columbus. The speciflcatioas
call for 886 feet of radiatioa; there
are to be nine radiators, four ia the
upper room, two ia each of the lower
rooms aad oae ia thehalL This is
warraated to warm the rooms to 70
degrees with the thermometer at 10
degrees below zero outside, with bat
7 feet of steam. The work is to be
completed by thelrst day of Septem
ber aad will cost $648, complete.
Platte Center Signal.
The dam across the Cedar at Lake
Eriosoa is to be rebailt A party from
Osatral City has purchased a large
tract J laad, taking ia the eatire
lake bed. and will build a solid wall
of ausoary asar where the old dam
stood. The lake wiU be stocked with
fish ia addition to the las bass al
ready ia the bayous above the con
templated dam. An electric light
plant will be pat ia and it is the ia
taatioaof the promoters to itapa
popalar summer resort. Work is to
becossmeaced at oaosaad the dam is
to be completed in sixty days. This
will give sportsmen pleaty of good
fshlag this falL -Cedar Rapids Oat
look. The Leigh Iadepeaaaat Telephoao
Co. begaa ssrvice to its sahscribsrs
Moaday morning. All of the phones
ware aot placed, bat the ssrvice was
given to those who were coanaeted.
Man are at work placiajr phoaes ia
ap, aad ia a short
time all the towa patrons will ba
supplied. The company will make ao
charge for the service aatil the Irst
of Aagmst, a it is considered that it
will take that long to place ell of the
phoaes nasi gat them ia worklag or
der. Work has also bssa nrnnmsacsd
oa the coaatry liaas aad as fast as the
work ana ba coatalstsd the coaatry
subscribers wiU'be pat oa. -Leigh
Ceaaty Fathat Pay Taaauelvea for
Their Traaala aad Ga Hasae
(Coatinued from last week. )
D. A. Becher. co. treasurer, cash
advaaced $33.32 : L. H. Leavy, same.
$la.40; John Uraf, co. clerk, saiue
$47.75 ; John Ratterman. co. judge re
cording official bonds etc $28.50; Mrs.
Nellie Ryan, house rent for sheriff
$31.35; Kersenbrock & Burke, meals
for jurors $64 30; City of Columbus
water rent $6 70; A. Heintz. electric
light jail $18.00; F. L. Ashe, mdse for
county $7.90; Nebraska telephone co.
phone service $50.50; Platte County
Inpendeat tele co same $23.70; J. G.
Becher, deputy assessor city of Co
lambus $222.00; G. B. Speice, same
$76.00; J. O. Byrnes, same $57.00;
Jos. F. Belford, same Columbus twp
$186.30; Siebert Heibel. Bismark
$153.00; Adolf Groteloesohen. Sher-
maa $108.90; H. W. Luedtke, Greston
$7.50: O. B. Campbell, same $6.00; J.
L. Lake, same $116.00 ;D. D. Roberts,
SaeU Creek $143.50 H. W. Osten.
Grand Prairie, $126.00; Jos. F. Muff
Hamphrey $153.90; Albert Gerber,
Butler, $97.50; Christ Bienz, Loup
$80.70; J. E. Maher, Lost Creek
$160.50; Peter .Noonan, Burrows,
$120.50 ; Jacob Fischer Ganville $18S. CO
Oliver Magnusson, Monroe $160.00;
Thomas Jones. Joliet $110.50; M. J.
Ramakers. St. Bernard $147. 60: S. H.
Johnson, Walker $160.50; Sheldon
Clark, Woodville $114 50; Mur-
gaerite Becher, assistant city of Co
lumbus $141.00; G. W. Phillips,
same $31.50; Josie Belford. assistant
Columbus twp $50.00; RubyLake,
assistant Orestoa $18.00; O. N. Mc
Elfresh, assistant Greston $12.00 : Jerry
Laagaa assistant Lost Creek $18.00 ; O.
A. Newman, assistant Joliet $12.00;
Henry V. Johnson, assistant Walker
$15.00; M. E. Clother. supervisor
work in district $39.40; M. Diedericb.
same $16.45; John Goetz, same $26. 30
Peter Bender, same. $90.20 Louis Held,
same, $15.20 E.J. Ernst, same, $225. SO
J. L. Branken, livery smallpox cases,
$13.00: Sam Lang, constable inquest
Saowdea, $1.50; J. W. Bender, juror
sasae.$1.10; John Cooper, same, $1.10;
H. Keeker, same, $1.10; Ira Scalp,
same, $1.10; Gus Prang, same, $1.10;
r?T. Ansaime, same, $l7i0;Karl
Krafka, witness Snowden, $1.10; P. H.
Mstz, costs inquest Hammerquest.
$13.15; L. F. Phillips, juror for inq.
Hammerquest, $1.10; Ed Rossiter,
same. $1.10; F. A. Hagel, same, $1.10
Mort Murphy, same, $1.10; L. A.
Lachnit, same, $1.10; Leopold Plat h,
same, $1.10; Wm Marie, same. $1.10;
Polay Duncan, witness same, $1.10;
M. F. Grass, metlicine smallpox cases,
The following official bonds were
approred by the board : Frank Ternus,
jastiee, Hamphrey twp; John Lund,
overseer of highways, Joliet twp;
W. D. Eastman, same, Columbus twp;
C. Hoosacker, same Granville twp;
Joseph Wemboff, same Grand Prairie
twp: Chas. Herzberg, Humphrey;
same Humphrey; H. F. Prang, same
Humphrey; H. J. Brann. same Hum
phrey; John Brock, same Sherman;
John Kolm, same Sherman.
Jane 25. Following bills were allowed
from county poor fund : F. L. Asche,
mdse $35.33; J. F. Settje, care ot Car
oline Newman. $28.00; P. L. Ben
thack, M.D. prof sery J. Regan. $60. 35;
Mrs. Pearse, nursing Mrs. Vingreu,
$32.00; Geo. A. Ireland, M. D., prof
serv Mrs. Vingren. $95.00: J. M.
Kennedy, coffin for Mrs. Vingren,
$35.00; Henry Gass, same for Patty
O'Brien, $18.00; Bridget Farrell, rent
for Mrs. Teaden, $30.00: Newman,
coal. $6.25; O. A. Speice. same, $6.00;
St. Mary's Hospital, care for Co. in
mates. $188.95; F. L. Asche, mdse,
$9.88; Frank Hughes, same, $39.00;
Peter Koslowski, same, $12.10; Gar
rett Hoist, same, $31.26; M. A. Twar
dowski, same, $9.00 ; Gray Mercantile
Co.. same. $5.71 ; K. A. Kenoe, coal,
$4 65; D. H. Herrington, same, $4.05;
Weaver and Newman, same, $1.65;
Jos. Olbricb, cobs, $1.75; Sokol and
Czapia. rep pump. $1.50; II. Guss,
coffin Patrick Whalen. $16.00; II.
Gass, coffin Arnold Hurzeler, $20.50;
F. J. 8mith, coffin etc Geo Emmons,
$30.00 : Wm Duesman. corTm etc Chas
Micaalke, $35.00; P. L, Benthack M.
D. prof serv J. Regan $41.00; Jno P.
Dunkel, med M. Rinehart, $1.55 ; Jno
F. Settje, care Caroline Newman,
$53.20; P. H. Metz M.D. prof serv M.
Biaehart, $21.00; Jos Schaecber, over
seer, cash advanced, $3.90; D. A. Bech
er, Co. trees. , cash ail vanned, $5.82;
N. Blazer, rep scales at poor farm,
$5.75; D. W. Schaff, trees for poor
farm. $23.40; Glnr and Brown, paint
ing at same, tU.20; Rothleitner & Co. ,
mdse for tame. $4.85; P.D.Smith Co..
feadug for same, $16.86 Gray Mercan
tile Co.. grass seed for same, $30.53.
The following bills were on motion
allowed aad the clerk directed to
Issue warraats in payment thereof on
the ooaaty road and bridge fund:
Walrathand Sherwood Co. ac Lust
Creek, $48.04; J. G. Scribner, same,
$12.00; Gerhard Cronenthal, same,
$33.40; Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co..
sums, $33.10; A. L. Davis, ac Butler.
$3.00; JohnBrigg, same, $50.00; E. J.
Erast, ao Columbus twp,$15.00; H.S.
Elliott, same,$3. 00 ; F.T.Walker, same.
$3.00; E.H-Chambers, same, $3.00;
Christ Sehapbach, same, $3.00; Mick
B laser, same. $8.25; Otto Erast, same,
ftU.10: J.L.Braakaa. ac eirr nf Co-
I Iambus. $11.50; J. E. Kanfmss, same,
$32.49; Otto Ernst, same. $2.00; Jacob
Gerber. ac Butler twp, 917.10; John
Lisa, same. $23.70; John Knla. same,
$38.75; Frank Czapia. same. $23.70;
Otto Born. same. $23.70; John Stre
mek, same. $23.70; Jacob Rosao,
same, $23.70; Peter Sliemek, same.
$23.70; Wm W. Ernst, same. $15.60;
Jos. Olbrich. same. $18.00; Peter
Dischner, same, $21.60; Anton Pin
kos, same, $20.10; Wm Born, same,
$21.00; Geo. Tiaden, as Loup twp,
$7.00; Geo. A. Hoagiand, same,
$38 85 ; Geo. A. Hoagiand, ac city of
Oolumbua, $67.18; John Kolm, ac
Sherman twp. $33.50; Martin Haml
ing, ac Shell Creek. $3.00; Fred Lean,
same. $3.75; Jacob Lena, same. $35.25;
Ed Higgins. same, $1.20; Ed Higgins.
ac Grand Prairie, $1.20; H.J. Bruenig
same, $2.00; H. J. Bruenig, ac Ham
phrey. $3.00; Wm Wenk. same. $3.25;
E. H. Leach, same, $S.25;Frank Brock-
bans, same, $10.00 ; J. N. Mailman,
same, $2. 10 ; H. Hunker & Bro. same,
$20.64; Ed Rossiter, ac Borrows.
$1.10; Ed Rossiter, ac Joliet, $1.10;
Mike Baser, ac city of Columbus,
$15. ; Louis Schreiber, same, $226.81 ;
Ed Zybach, same, $711.46; Jos.
Bendykowski. same. $21.2; W. F.
Gardner, ac Butler, $2.00 ; Thos Liss,
same, $23.70; R. L. Rossiter, same,
$21.60; J. O. Blodgett. same. $20.60;
H. P. H. Oelrich, ac Bismarck, $6.00;
Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co., ac
Shell Creek, $112.95; H. Hunker &
Bro.. ac Granville, $203.62; Walrath
& Sherwood Lbr Co., same, $66.65;
Nye Schneider-Fowler Co., same,
$98.15; Standard Bridge Co., ac city
of Columbus, $2269. IS; Henry D.
Claussen, ac Shell Clark. $18.50; John
Marks, eauie, $5.10; Walratli Sher
wood Lbr Co., ac Barrows, $18.24;
FrankS. German, same, $22.00; Wm.
Siebler, same. $12.70; Frank Brock
baas, same. $5.00; Peter Ripp, same,
$2.40; B. Kablen. same, $2.40; Adam
Bahm, ac Granville, $16.00; John
Ternus, same. $2. IK); P. L. Eisenmen
ger, same. $2. 70; Chas. Schaetb, same.
$1.00; C. H. Heesacker. same, $2.50;
Theo Hittner, same, $3.00 ; E.H. Leach,
same, $2.50: Walrath Sherwood Lbr.
Co, same, $5.07; Jacob Oik. same.
$4.55; Nick Hemmer, ume, $20.00;
Alfred Hittner, same. $6.00; H. J.
Brnnig, same, $16.50; Henry Mey
er, same, $1.8.00; John Bahm. same,
$5.00; John Pelle. Fame. $9.00, Nick
VanDyke. same. .$21.00:; A. O. Pear
son, ac Woodville, $22.00 ; Jas Greig,
same, $7.50 E. S. Eley, same. $4.50
Nye Schneider Fowler Co.. ac Walker,
$46.35; Crowell Lbr Grain Co.. same.
$48.90; Thos Ostergard Co.. same.
$69.40; Walrath & Sherwood lbr. co.
Bame, $12.62; Locus Hiitner, same,
The bill of II. Hanker & Bro. for
$45.59 ac Barrows twp. and bill of J.
E. Kaufman for $6.65 nc Butler twp
were upon recommendation of commi
ttee on roads and bridges referred to
tne respective towuship boards for
The bill of J.W.Adamson for $247.60
and $65.60 ac Monroe twp, and the
bill of Audrew Kamm for $3.00 ac
Burrows two were on motion deferred
until the next meeting of the board.
Relative to the petition of Julius
Hembd et al for the location of a pub
lie road commencing at the nw cor sec
18-19-1 east, and ranniug thence east
two miles, tho following report was
submitted : Your committee on roads
and bridges recommend that the pray
er of the petition be denied for the
reason that public necessity does not
require the establishment of same.
On motion the reiiort was adopted.
The following bills were on motion
allowed and the clerk directed to
issue warrants on the county general
fund: Peter Eemler, sup'r. service
on board. $39.40; M. E.Clotber. same,
$36.00; E.J.Ernst. Fame. $31.80: Louis
Held, same, $15.00 ; M. Diedrich, same,
$37.60; John Goetz, same, $37.80;
Frank Kiernau, same, 47.90.
July 12. The petition of Sheldon
Clark et al for vacation of public read
was rejected on the ground that a
possibility exists that at some future
time a petition for the re-establishment
of said rood may be presented to
the board, and also for the reason
that a remonstrance had been filed
against the granting of the petition.
Sap'rs Diedrich, Ernst, Held, and
Chairman Goetz voting for rejec
tion; Sap'rs Bender, Clother and
Kiernan voting for the granting of
the jietition.
July 13. Snp't L. H. Leavy pres
ented a communication certifying that
owing to division of school district
39 into two districts, No. 29 and 79,
district 29 owes district 79 $439.26. its
share of property resulting from di
vision, and asks board to provide pay
ment of same. Referred to committee
on judiciary.
Mathew Farrell coplains that assess
or of Granville twp for 1902 placed
assessment of $165 on his personal
nroperty, which should have been
$15; for 1903 $156, should have been
$6. Each of these years he was assess
ed $150 in cash. Asks that Co. clerk
correct tax lit so as to enable pay
ment of tax on just basis. Referred
to committee on claims.
Communication from Alice M. Geer
per F.H.Geer that certain mortgage
of $2,000 bod been assessed against her
when $1,000 of same had been paid ;
asks that assessment be made on bans
of $1000. Referred to committee on
Co. snrreyor submitted plat, sur
vey and field notes of vacation and
location of "Mrs. Murphy's mad".
Approved and ordered placed on file.
Report of appraisers appointed to
assess the damages caused by loca
tion of public road known as Klattea
berg road was read and approved aad
warrants ordered on 1904 eoaaty road
.1 rx
it awn vwc' waarv.s. "Bsaaar.,.vv..,N an
f -. i, STCtOOkL
-n'vsv :3&awr
VNiV ." '.
a more financially sound Bank to do
business with than Our Bank.
Safe banking methods, careful man
agement of deposit, has brought our
resources to a point where we caa say
to the new depositor, yoor money is in
safe hands when yon deposit with as.
We solicit your banking.
&e Columbus
State Bank
5 We own ami control 10.000
S acres of the choicest laud in
Thomas County Kansas.
5 Here is what we claim for
E tliis country:
E It La fine, smooth, well grassed
prairie land; rich, deep black soil
on clay subsoil; an inexhaustible
r supply of pure water, and the
S most healthful climate in the state,
s Good neighbors and good schools.
The dairy will pay the Thomas
county farmers $150,00000 this
S season. They raise bumper crops
or all kinus-over 1.0UU.0U) bosh-
S ela of wheat this season, many s
E fields yielding 40 bushels per acre. E
E Other crop in proportion. J
Thomas ia the county of fat S
E cattle and hogs, fine horse and 2
E mules, and the thrifty hen that
never icets sick in this country.
S Price, only $6.00 to $15.00 per
E acre, on terms to suit purchaser. S
E Isn't thw jast what yoa have been 3
s looking for? We court inveeti- 3
gation. 3
2 sUtt 1 1 1U lUsafaaUsU Isa
t-H-K-K-i-m-K 1 1 1 in ; 1 1 r
We have a customer anxious
to buy a farm of 120 or ltii)
acres close to Columbus. He
will allow the present owner to
retain possession this year. It
must he giol laud, fairly well
improved. :::::::
;-x:-4-x-K:-xx--:--:-i-i 1 1 1- i-i ; f
I 1 1 1 1 H 1 1 1 I H 1 1
Has just received
a new stock of
Fine Wall Paper
We invite the pub
lic to look the line
over leflre buying.
I Rfftrs' Sta'iflttf FiMSft. J
Bolil in ail shad, is oarjaaId
by aay paints or other aCaja). .
A n-ffiatered pharmacist will
compouiMt all preacriptioaa.
Call on aa.
Manager. X
fund to pay claimaats as follows : Oa
accout Granville twp. Heary Sjats,
Gottlieb Fischer, Roger Breheay, each
$70. Surveyor ordered to survey lie
of road, making it 40 ft wide, aad
file report with clerk.
Petition of Thomas Joaes et al for
vacation of public road commeaoiag
at se cor sec 34-19-3 and ruaaiag tbea
north on section line 80 rods aad ter
minating ,at statioa 1 of Farrell road,
returned by committee oa roads aad
bridges with recommeadarloa that
same be coasidered by board iacoaual
ttee of whole.
Petitioa of Sheldon Clark was oa
sBotioa reconsidered aad carried.
Sup'r Diedrich voting No, oa groaad
that petitioa for re-estaMisasaeat of
road may be presaated aa
ooaanallsd to fay isamgai for
tioa of same.
"BL.V- s4'x",;
'BUaffiiia'iS iMsri BwaxaV
' Bw 3aBBB Br UBBBV. BU.aWJ.Bm x-v
aaoBjra BBSMtBBx'aTr bbt aa
musjaTBBaVBvaaTsaTBrf shT''
N K-Vyv. -
-; x:-?.v k;
Coatiaaed Next Week.