The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 20, 1904, Image 8

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Platte Cemtar
Plsttfl Center, Neb. (Oorrespoa.
daBC)-Mr.aadmrs. HermaaBrod
faheraraBdHr. MdMnEd Baton
of Oolambas visited relatives i
Qaite a crowd of ma aadboyaweBt
totaeLoap Satarday afteraooB aad
ereaiaffremniniag marU Saadajeraa
iaf . Those who weat ia the afleraooa
eajoyad a good shower bath whUa
waiting for.the rest of the party to
arrive with the test. Of coarse they
aaaght a great maay ash; bat. bsiag
Taryhaagry. they ate all that they
.Mr. aad Mrs. J. B. Uoaemirt depart
ed last week for a risit to the St
LoU Exposition. They will alio
visit Mr. Oossalrt's parents who lire
ear Kansas City.
MiwEU Coleman, who has beea
visiting her sister, Mrs. Martia
Daan, retamed to Hassphrey Satar
day. D. P. Mahoney's shoemaker took
Freaoh leave oue day last week aad
went oat in the coaatry to try the
work ia the harvest field.
Max Bracaner aad family speat
Saaday at Henry Greisea's.
Miss Ann Webster came home
Tharsday evening from Coralea.
Dr. Bentnack's stock of drags U be
lag awed iato his aew store this week.
Mr. Fisher is eajoyiag a visit from
his mother aad sister of 8ioax City.
Z Mimas Kitty aad Maggie Ziaggare
Tisitiag their sister Alioe in Fremoat
Oreston, Neb. (Ctorraspoadeaoa.)
Crestoa and Leigh citizens had a
pecial car to Boaesteel last Maaday.
The following are Crestoa people who
were in the excursion: H. W. Laedtki,
Fred Laedtki, John Koln. Stephea
Hamlin. Herman Jaoobi," Joha Ham
lias. Wm. Saunders, Ernest Prang,
Bert Simonton, Ed. Simonton, Geo.
Wittier, W. a. Burgees. Otto Bitter,
Al Simmentoa, Was. Olowaon. W. A.
Wenk, Clyde Ely. Steraes, Geo. New
hoff. J. H. Evaas. Geo. Evans. Pete
BrieoeuB, Henry Brisoeas. The above
all returned Wedaeeday evening with
the exoeptioa of Wm. Glawson who
'stopped off on the road for a visit.
Next Sunday Was. Simoatpa, Stack
Iaghram, aad others are going to drive
n Nnrfnik nl front tkere take the
traia to Boaesteel to register oa Mon
day. - jfn. j. h. Wagaerof Albion is here
visitiag relatives.
Mrs. Geo. Hook has retaraed from
her visit at Atktasoa.
Robert Lewis, secoad maa at Nye-Scnheiaer-Fowler
Go's., has qait here
aad goae to Fremoat.
Wm. Diokeasoa sold his restaaraat
last Mommy to Geo. Wagner. George
the stock aad will raa
restaaraat aad racket
Mim Katie Laehsiagor weat to Co
lambaa Friday, Jaly 15, wa aader
aaaadto take examination, aad to visit
her sister Anna. She will retara San-day-
.Albert Maasleld retaraed Moaday
night from his visit at Arlington.
Theodore Placeman, oar popalar bar
Bess maker, is bow located ia his aew
qaarters oae door oast of F.O . Bah
ama's store. He has a nice place and
asore room than formerly.
Oar base ball aiae is gettiag its mas
cle ia shape to meet the Hamphreyites
Saaday. Jaly 24.
Theodore Plageman had a telephone
call from Colorado Friday to say that
his mother was very ill. Ho took the
first traia to Colorado aad he tele
phoned to Mrs. Plagemaa Satarday
moraiBg to say that his mother wjs
bo better.
District 44 aad Viciaity.
District 44 & Viciaity. (Correspoa
deaoe). There will be a -special eleo
tiea at xhe school hoase next Monday
evening to elect a new director to fill
the vacancv caased bv the refusal to
serve of the member olect. Wm. Sch
reiber. Mrs. Henry Yonkie, nee Drinnin,
was taken suddenly ills Friday even
ing. Dr. Evans was called and we
lnara that the patient was convales
dag Sunday.
We learn that a young man front
Oolambas by the name of Rector will
teach our'school this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. B. V. Steveasea aad
- family of Colfax county visited rela
tives in this district Sunday.
- Joe Drinnin is assigned to the shelf
with a lame back.
Joha Carrie will build a aew bara
aad otherwise improve his farm this
Where caa you get a few gallons of
aew eorgham mousses this fall?
M. Savage .wife aad daaghter drove
oat to their farm ia Colfax ooaaty
Neb.. K. F. D.
(Odrreepoadeaoe. ) Farmers are busy
O. Maagussoa was ia Moaroe Taes-
Lightaer was ia Liadmy oa
Joha Vaaght has his large field of
ta shock.
McCleaagaan and wife started
Crystal, N. D. Tuesday.
Millar and brother retaraed
taa Rosebud agency Saaday.
They were looktag for mad.
Veer who is attending the Para
ia visitiag at the home of O.
af a washout It has beea filled
usmporarily but a culvert woald
a great
p' Isaiah
. Taaaarrlerurai
aamy. While at aha amtocaBvaa-
ajBajL aaaaj. x
film aadwimuasBSBan
Star BMW.
Star Boate. (Oorratpoaflaaoa )
Mrs. Boa af Sohiekley, Nebr., is visit
iBghar aaraats. Mr. aad Mrs. Reese.
What ariaat have resaltsd taa ser-
more ay
aarcy af
are over
to Boheet to ptdc luusnamiiea, vm
their retara home oae of the horses
fell ami oa gettiag ap became aa-
ma sates Ms aad raa through a barb
wirefeaos,breakiag the pole of the
aartog wagoa ami throwiag the ocea
puts, two of whom wara ladies, to
the groaad. The horses sham raa iato
a flam thicket where they wara stop
ped. The rig was completely demol
ished hat ao oaa was hart. -
Carl Rosoae has oommeaoed the
arectkm of a store baildiag at hU
rrwmr statioa. The material has
been oa the groaad far soma time bat
has had to wait far his earpamtars.
Joha Wardemaa was tarseaiag his
fall grata oat of the shook last Taea-
day. J. W. BaadaU also saw ums nr
expeoted to oommaara tarsahlag aaxt
week aad taa Laesohoa hoys, Oscar
aad Heary. have their eagiaeer Wm.
Hellbashof Oldeahaaa ovar-haaliag
their engiae aad separator to be in
readiaam for early shock threshing ia
that viciaity.
Boheet is head qaarters for goose
berries. People from far aad aear
have had the privilege of helpiag
themselves to the berries free of
charge ia Mr. Leeschea's pasture.
The writer is'oae of the aamber from
"far." A good maay people came
from Crestoa aad after ptottag all
day, weat back to Crestoa aad report
ed that there were 5,000 baahels left.
Aad wa believe it
Taa saeoad orao of alfalfa is
cat aad oaa piece oathls Boate is
already ia the stack. The saoond crop
is not aaarly ao heavy as the first.
Commons B. F. D. No.
1. (Oor-
respoadeace. ) Charlie
towa this week ob special
Mim Dora Fresa drove to Oolambas
last Satarday to meet her brother,
Fraaz, who is home for a vacation
from the Coacordia College at Mil
waakee. Fran's maay Meads were
glad to see him.
Loais Weiher of Doea Creek gave a
daaoe at his place last Satarday Bight.
Everybody preeeat had a goad time.
The most of the farmers oa Boate
1 have oommeaoed oattiag their saooad
crop of alfalfa. The saooad crop is not
so good as the first.
The farmers oa this Boats are near
ly all throagh oattiag small grata aad
qaite a aamber have commenced
rueo. F. Heavier retaraed last week
from the western part of the state
where he had beea looking for mad
with the view of locating. He f oaad
nothing to salt him.
Heary. Laeechea, Jr. lostavalaable
work horse last Friday Bight
Mrs. E. J. Miles called oa Meade
ia Oolambas last Satarday.
: Hamphrey.Neb. (Oorrespoadaaca. )
Joha W. Bender was ia from Slim
Street Satarday watching his voters
so they will ao get away.
Frank Battermaa, soa of Ooaaty
Jndge Battermaa. wae ia towa Moa
day. Ha had beea to Boasts si aad
topped hare to visit his stater, Mrs.
Mick Vandyke was ia towa Moaday
aad reports crops ia fine conditio ia
his neighborhood.
Blaache OookJagham Is visitiag
friaads at Newman Grove eajoyiag
aer vacation.
Saaday aad ao ball game.
The Merrry-Go-Roaad Is takiag the
aickels -aad dimes from the girls and
boys, aad .giviag ta retara a merry
time. '
Jeas Rand. Aadi Freshed aad Joha
Bmstid passed throagh towa Satar
day from Bear Newmaa Grove to
Boaesteel to register.
The village beard are prepariagto
taprove the streets, la fact have beea
doiag so for nearly a year bow.
Chris Sohoaaig's aw hoase is rapid
ly assamiag a resideat look.
Brace Webb, the jolly auctioneer of
Silver Creek Street, was in towa ob
bustaess Satarday.
News reached here Friday of the
death of John P. Walker at Seattle.
Wash. His parents who lira here are
of the oldest resident of this ooaaty.
Ha wiU also be remembered as a
former editor of the Hamoarey Dem
ocrat aad aa ardaat Mead of W. J.
Bryan. He eatertalaad the able
orator at his home the first time he
to Hamphrey. His aged mother
ited with grief aa
the news at his early death,
haviag beea 111 bat a few days. His
body will ha araacht here for burial.
Attorney OooUngham was doing
before the hoard of
at Colambaa Tharnlsy aad
Friday of last week.
Helaa Bagel efOelsmbaa was visit
lag Bare at taa home of Cantata a J.
Jobs. Rath Jeas returned home with
her for a visit Saaday.
Ltadsav. Neb. (Special
UffaauB JAarBM omenmwemoBavevswSw
aU oat of the so-called dog fightat
Lindsay whoa JastJea Kopiets fined
Heary Oaristaaaaa the asm af $5.
aad oasts far vielastag a Lindsay vil
lage erataaace watah areaibite taa
fights wiUta taa
af the claim aftae
guilty party aad his family that the
aot valid. Thevillaaa
1 taa
j. R. Fallen aad Biotar
wara ia MeBiwa Sataiway.
Attorney Ooraalias fiaas
whea they want te saame It is said
taay taaght far aU taay wara worth
far their ell earn, ami taa ardiamaas
waaasabave ssased. It to also ra-
aatoatoeBgBt ta aaajistHet oaart.
Xamta4. -
Oalambaa R F. O. Mo. 4. (Oorrat;
ooadeaos.) The weather ha
vary favorable for the harvest of taa
winter wheat darts the past
aad a great maay fields of oats are cat
The most of the grata will be harvest
ed this week.
T. P. Mylet is always jast a little
ahead of his neighbors. Ha stacked
his rye met week.
Carl Will is patattag his aaw hoaas
this weak.
A. J. Beckwithmade a baslaeee trip
to 8ilver Creek last Satarday, retara
tagTnesday. Mrs. H. L. Smith aad Mim Aaaa
Mars were ptcktag oherrias at Mr.
Bradley's Moaday.
Mrs. E. J. Carter aad little grand
daaghter. May. left these parts last
weak for Aahawa. Mtaaesota where
thev will jota Mr. Carter and make
their fatara home.
Mim Mabel Campbell who has beea
visitiag with Joha Steveas aad fam
ily of Norfolk, retaraed home Satar
day. Mia Margaret Hogaa of Rising City
isthegaast of Mr. and Mrs. John
E. A. Marsoa aad stater Mim Anna,
left Taesday eve for Boaesteel, Soath
Dakota to register ia the Bocebad
Mrs. Stella Thompson and Mrs.
Bobbert Tows were shopping in Oo
lambas Taesday.
E .D. Fobes, while picking cherries
oae dav last week, slipped aad scratch
ed his aakla slightly. His ankle
swelled ap very badly and he was
ooafiaed to .his bed for several days,
bat at preeeat he is getting along
Thadeas Borwiak is visiting his
Mead Frank Emaanel of North Bend,
who visited ia the city. The two
yoaag men weat to North Bend Taes
day. Mrs. Joseph Borowiakof Omaha, for
merly of Oolambas, is visiting rela
tives here.
Mrs. E .8. Newloa weat to Fuller
tea today to visit her mother, Mrs.
Osbora, several weeks.
Mrs. J. F. MoGill and sob Chester
of Crestoa are visiting the family of
A. W. Clark. Mrs. MoGill's relatives.
Mrs. H. Frioke aad children went
ap to Cedar Rapids today to visit Mr. I
Fricke. who is eagsged oa a jod oi
amsoary in that towa.
Mim Lida Olaytoa. operator on the
Simplex machine in the Schayler
OalU omoe, was the gaest of Mim
Fraaoee Mayaard Saaday.
The Bsaal servloas wiU be held Saa
day morning aad evealag ia the Pres
byterian oharch.
Aaopeaairservioe will be held San
day afteraooB ia the Fraakf art park.
The program will be iatoresttag and
iastraotive. aad wiU be iatorspersed
withmasioal seleottoas.
Ob Wedaeeday evealag a dianer was
served ia aoaor of Mtai Metta Hens
ley, who is visitiag Meads ia the
city. It was earved ia eoarses and
oa this oocasioa the eoarses were ser
ved at diveraat homes, the gaests go-
lag from oae place to aaother to par
take of the same. Schayler Free
The storm Satarday Bight did coa
durable damage to small grata es
pecially ia the BoohoB aeighborhood.
Joseph Maoak estimates his damage
at fi&OO. The Krammer Bros, lost two
head of cattle by lighratag aad Mr.
Meek bad f our head killed daring the
Mrs. August Plagemaa a resideat of
this commaalty staoe 1871 died at
her home ia this city Satarday after
a two weeks illaess. Mrs B. Plage-
maa was bora February 19. 1834 ia
Falkiadorf , Germaay. was married to
Mr. Plaaamaa September, 1866 aad
moved to America the same year,
oomtag direct to Wisconsin, where
they resided five years thea moved
to Nebraska, settling oa a farm oa the
islaad soath of Oolambas. Fifteea
years ago they came to Oolabas to re
side. Mr. Plagemaa died May 15. 1880.
The deceased leaves a large family of
growa ehlldrea. They are Mrs. Fred
MeedeL Mrs. W. Bodehorst, Frank,
Albert. William. .Misses Bertha and
Lena, all liviag ia or aear Columbus.
aad Mrs. Leath of Merrick coaatv.
Fred of Sylvaa Grove. ITsasss aad
Theodore of Oreston. Funeral services
were held at the home in this city this
morning at aiae o'clock, after which
a long service was held ia the Luth
eran oharch where Bev. Miesslcr con-
dacted the services. The body was
takes to the Islaad soath of Colam
baa for later meat.
For fall iaformatioa call on, or
write, The Gas Belt Land A Abstract
Co., Joha O. Regan. Local. Ageat,
Platte Oeater, Near.
iris-Eye Yiew f the Celw
ia River
An nttraative topographicsl msp, in
oeiors, gjstagaaowpraheasure idea of the
aountry on and tribatarr to the Colum
bia Rirer. This soap is in folder form,
on the reverse side contains aninterest-
iag deacriptioB of the Colambia Biver
route. Copies seat free by E. L. LO
MAX. O. P. AT. A, U. P. R R CO
Nebr. on receipt of four cents
Walter Meimler wiU go Satarday to
8s. Loais to atady for a year ia a
WOftLaVft FAIR RflTftft TO
TioBBte ta ot. Ijeass aad lasarn.
Goad ftaaa days. 917.00
Oaad aizty daya, W.OO
VewSml mWJe arMemwrnweTeTf dwmAMM
' For fall iafermatioa about traia asr-
id other deisms asa the ticket
em show the world has ever 'asea ia
ia harmoaiona
itwai be a lifMimea
regret if yea fal to see it.
fj --. ,1 I , wmBmBmmw . -- . tvto
bt i. wVamBmBBBai j
beea IV min ffJCIIl AM.. ... AWmaMaflim
&o e a f - SJ ' w BBBBHmai fi
S . "' T JilsaffsmasV iJ
weak I awalmmWBBmmMBBmmjBBBaaB lllsy Ui
files of the
temberSl, 1870.)
blast aader the a
WiaaM VnlliwfM M.ieh
the papUs who hswaaaaa perfect la
attaadaaee darto.mW;aaat week:
""" ,-'-
Mary Weaver, SarahRice,
Saatale. Elsie Allen, Idxxle
Hagh Oomptoa. Eva Coffee, Johato
Coffee, Mary Manaoy. Sarah Marmoy.
George Mathews. Miante Phillips,
Loaisa PhiUlps, GasaU Riokley.
Samael Bickley. Albert oUay.
Mary Becaa. Berry Reagan, Fredie
Speioe, Gassie Spsice. Johaaie Swit
zer, PoleySwitzer. Jeaaie Weaver.
Valaatiaa Wearer. ,
Oar enterprising hatcher. 3. J. Mar
moy. has parcaased thirty head of fat
beef cattle for home ooasamptloa.
The "Shoo Flys" wob their second
gamfrom the "Gray Stockings" of
Graad Islaad last 8atardiy afteraooB,
with a soon of 39 to 19. Taay have
oalytowta another game from taa
"Gray 8tockiags" whoa they can
claim the champioahip of the state.
TheOolambns players are: Marling.
p. ; Clotner, c. ; xaraer. s. s. ; money,.
f b. ;Brown. 2nd. b. ; Ooolidge. 3d. b. ;
Wake. If. ; Mitohal, cf.
Oolambas aeeds a towa ooaaciL
The followiag is the list of resgis
tered voters for Oolambas preoiact.
Official aotioe is givea by NO. Boae
steel. register for Oolambas preoiact.
that all persoBs who are eatltled to
vote whose names do aot appear be
low, are reanested to call aad have
same corrected : A. J. Arnold. S. A.
Bunesteel. Wm. Becker, Chas. Bre
mer. G. F. Becher, A.' J. Baker. Joha
Browner. G. G. Becher. John Bow
man. P B. Boaesteel, John Beaaett,
John Barrows. N. G. Boaesteel, . L.
M. Beebe. Andrew Bell. O. D. Cloth-
er, Hagh Uomptoa. J. u. uonipum.
W. T. Oallway. Wm. Oorath, W. A.
Oorsom, Wm. Oanright. Neil Cart
right, Char. H. Davis, James Dego,
W. A. Paris. Jacob Erast Wm. Bgan,
Dan Fancette, L. Gerrard. Thomas
Galley, Samael Galley. Phillip Good
win. J. H. Galley, G. W. Galley.
Grant. . Gerold'Wm, Fred Goitsobalk
E. A. Gerrard. Thos. Grant. Jas.
Hadson, H. J. Hudson, John Heed. S.
Lolman, Coraelias Havens. John
Haney, Frank Heaggeler. James
Hallows. Frank Heenan, Taos. Held.
E. D. W. Hohen, Vincent Knmmer.
John Kelley, Geo.- Lehman. Patrick
Lyons, J. J. Lewis. H. N. Latoarp,
John Litg, Hary Loaahe. Edward
Lyoas, Unry Loeeke, Herman Loseke,
Wm. Leanehaa, 8. J. Marmoy, Au
gustas Miller. John Miller, W. .
Mason. John MoNeely. George Marie.
Fred Mathews, Andrew Matthias,
Patrick Marray, Peter Marie. Jerome
MoGinnis,Ohaa, E. Morse. F.' J. North,
T. C. Needham. J. H. Needham. J,
E. North, L. H. North, Ohas. W.
ferry, Thos Phillips, John PoweU.
John Presto. A. H. Ryaa. Joha Rick
lev. J. J. Uickley. Orlando Rose. Mart
ia Ragaa, O. P. Reed, J. R. Bickley,
W. W. Bioe. Samuel Betake, Charles
Betake, A. Scott. W. O. Bntttoa, O.
A.Speice. G. W. Steveas. O. B. Still
man. Wm. Speice. J. B. Seaecal. J. O.
Shannon, A. J. Stevosoa. L N. Tay
or, J. L. Tracy, E. W. Toaoray, Dan
iel Thomas. M. K. Turner. J. B. Wall,
Michael Waever. Michael Welch, J.
O. Wolfel, James Waraer, J. H White.
Heary Welch, Thos. Welch. Jas. E.
White. J. M. Wikoa. (3harlWenu as
James Wilsoa:
(From lies of taa , Joaraal of Sep
tember 28, 1870.) H. J. Hadsoahas
ordered a car load of ooal for asa la
the public offices, whioh will oost f 10
a toa. It ass beea ordered through
Mr. Dodridre.the Daioa Paoifio agaat
A meeting of the citiaaasof Platte
county irrespective of political parties
i held ia the towa hall the 24th P.
H. Kellev was chosea chairmen and
Heary Welch secretary. Joha Rickly
stated the object of the meatiag being
for the purpose of nominating a candi
date for ooaaty oommtadoaer for the
third district, upon whom all voters
could place reliance. M. Maher aad
W. Bipp were voted upoa. Mr. Maher
receiving 11 votes aad Mr. Bipp 6,
whereapon Mr.- Maher was declared
the choice of the metiag. "
Marriage Li
Edward Oscar Stoae, 23. Looktag
Glass aad Mim Gertie Nelson, 28,
Wast HiU. ' "
Sfecial Ic-ice-Eioirsiwi
Cakaga ft Harthwattera.
St. Panl and return one fare plus 60c.
On sale July 15-30. Good retoraiag
September 15th.
Atlantic City and return one fare plus
2.00. On eale July 9-10. Good return
ing Joly 23rd.
Cincinnati and return one fare pine
$2.25 on sale July 15-17: Good re
turning. August 18th.
Detroit and return one fare plue 25c
on eale Jaly 5-7. Good returning July
LoBJerille and return oae fare plus
&25onsale August 12-15. Goad
taraing September 15th. .
Also special low rates good for
season to Chicago aad all points
also to St Paul, Iudieaspel Ouluth
aad Minaesota and Wlaooaam resorts;
also to Deadwood, Hot Spriags aad
The Black Hills.
Boston and return troni Colambaa,
$32.95 on sale Aag. 11-13 returning Sept
For iaformatioa aad cuealars addrea
J. A. Kobv. AGFaPA Omaha, Nebr.
Oa 8uaauy,Aug.7ta,taaBBriiagtoa
wiU raaaeaeaial traia te David City
for the ChaaUuqus, laBviayOilamaaa,
Kebr.at9a.rn. BetaramgitwOI laava
David City st f. 90 a.m.
Around trip rateof $.76 has beea made
fortaboeaasioa a favorable oaportaa-
ity for a debghtf oil trip.
Subscribe for
1 r
tBhbI n BMb "' TS! -t :jii! ! OOMMIUI
jirev - - f
UT " gam
aaaeoi is la xau - s,f
The Journal
. ;- - a a . W ..m
Waiaf S Ffik
. tow Rates
The Uaioa Paeiflc will sell
ReuadTrip tiakete to St
Loais sad return at f ollow
. tag low rates.
Every day to Nov. 30, good to re
tara 15 days.
' 1)17.10
Every day to Nov. 30, good to re
tara 60 days.
Every day to Nor. 15, good up to
DealS.. .
- Inquire of
W. I. KIIU, Igt.
The llamas That Tm Ummd PaM ta
the Partaer of Hki Srrwa aai
Jmr-Jm.Pmml Rlchter'a Vsatlitt
ea Praise af Caratlaa Stayer. ,
Few great men bare paid more en
thusiastic tributes to tbeir wires than
Tom Hood, and probably few wives
have better deserved such homage, says
the Chicago ' Chronicle. "You will
think." be wrote to ber in one of his
letters, "that 1 am more foolish than
any boy lover, and 1 plead guilty, for
never was a wooer so young of heart
and so steered in love as I. but it is a
love sanctified and strengthened by
lone rears of experience. Sisy God
ever bless my darling; "the sweetest.
most helpful, angel who ever stoopeu
to bless a man!" Has tncre ever, we
wonder. Uved a wife to whom a more
delicate and beautiful tribute was paid
than those verses of which tne burden
la, MI love thee, 1 love thee; 'tis all that
I can say?'
WI want thee much." Nathaniel uaw
therne wrote to hut wife many years
after Ids long patience bad won for
him the flower "that was lent from
neavea to show the possibilities of the
haman soul." Thou art the only per
son la the world that ever was neces
sary to me, and now I am only myself
When thos art within my reach. Thou
art aa unspeakably beloved woman."
Sophia Hawthorne was little better
than a chroalc invalid, and It may be
that this physical weakness woke all
the deep chivalry ana tenderness ox ine
maa. And be reaped a rich reward for
an almost unrivaled devotion in the
''atmosphere of love and happiness and
taspiratioa" with which his delicate
wife alwaya surrounded him.
The wedded life of Wordsworth with
bis cousin, "the phantom of delight,"
was a poem more exquisitely beautiful
thaa any his pen ever wrote. Mrs.
Wordsworth was never fair to look
upon, but she bad that priceless and
rarer beauty of soul which msde ber
life "a ceater of sweetness" to all
around ber. "All that she baa beea ta
me." the -poet- once said to his hitter
days, "none but God aad myself can
aver know." and it-would be difficult
to tnd a mora touching and beautiful
picture In the gallery of great men's
lives than that of woroswortn ana nts
wife, bath bowed under the burden of
many years and almost blind, "walking
band ta liana togetner in ine gurueu,
with all the blissful absorption and
tender confldence of youthful lovers.
It never needed "the welding toacn
of a great' sorrow" to make the lives
of Archbishop Talt and his devoted
wife a perfect whole." Speaking of
her many years after she bad been
taken from him. be said. "To part from
her. If only for a day, was a pain only
leas intense tnan tne pleasures wtin
which I returned to her. and when I
took ber with me It was one of tbe
purest joys,gtven to a man to watch
tbe meetlng'betweea her and our chll
dren.M When David Livingstone had passed
bis thirtieth birthday, with barely a
thought for such "ah Indulgence as
wooing and wedding," be declared hu
morously that when be was a little
leas busy he would send home an ad
vertisement for a wife, "preferably a
decent sort'of widow," and yet so un
consclouBly near was his fate that only
a veer later be was introducing bis
bride, Mary Moffat, to tbe borne be bad
ballt, largely with bis own bands, at
Mabotsa. From that "supremely hap
py hour" to tbe day when, eighteen
years later, he -received her "last faint
whisperings" at Shuaanga. ao man ever
bad a more self sacrificing, .brave, de
voted wife, than the missionary's
daughter. Ia fact, they were more like
two happy, light hearted children than
sedate married folk, and under the
magic of their merriment tbe hard
ships and dangers of life in tbe heart
of tbe dark continent were stripped of
all their terrors.
- Jean Paul'Biclrter confessed that he
aever evea 'aasaected tbe potentialities
af hamaa hspplncss aatil be met Caro
line Mayer, tttbat sweetest and most
gifted af women," whea be was fast
asereachtag his fortieth year, and that
ha h4 HO iBoaopoly of the resultajit
hsppiassa to peeved by Ms wife dec.
toiattaB that "Wcater to the purest, the
holiest. theamoataudHseman that Uvea:
to be the wife of each a man
to the grsatost gmry that can fall to a
womaa." white of bto wife Rlchter
eace wrote. "I thought when I married
w awwaw f Jewew aBliaBmBmBmj bbbs bbwBvbs mm
nausea love, bat I have stase fnaMaed
haw aafathosMhle la the heart la
which a noble womaa has bar shrine,"
Qali beaters, by bsaimsrlBg, asm ja.
a aaj leaves aa tate ttttt
te ara-
the tBicaaasa af aa tech; yet each
leaf to aa parfast aad free
aawaf Umbj mM aaaa aay
a Bask U09
af a ssaato leaf of
fresa hales
awaaag, grrea taa MPraasi
aaad gaM. They are aa thai that
mmamwBmmf ammttammmmmw
Saaihaawiaf a we saaeaad
BlUW iilamsi wlte aataagea
Qaasif el AJTtrttsilg
tM "FouHtLTand other tptcidl notices under
tU& BMd are charge for at the rmte ef. one -cent
nrweniK-. seam
tare utualtw too
to" be' carried to
1 OsmsM, The wipTtor i m good w mw
amsieff'smia w met amuMex. Warta aaw;
old. lemaot b bothmd witk ttomcW
FOB 8ALE-A tint cUm Batcher afcpp at Haia
Hear. WUlwU cbeapiz aoia ooo. a-
T D. BTIBE9. '
Oftc. Olive C. foarth dor oocth of Flnt
Cylinder Corn Sillier
Can do more and better work
than any other shelter sold.
Our wagons will not scatter
your grain while on the road to
market or overtax your horses
with needless heavy draught.
Buggies nd Tarriages
-AU Kind of-
Come and look our stock
over before buying : : : :
swBlacksMitli work aad
Horse Shoeing done short
It a Msn is in Love.
If a Woman is in Love,
But if they intond to get married,
Notabt Public aiid TYPBWHrnxa
Columbus, Nebraska
It costs you nothing for
of all kinds of Feed and
Hay. Lowest prices and
tip-top qualities. We
have the leading
Livery and Boarding
Drive one of our rigs
onoe. Farmers, let us
care foryourteam Right
Ernst & Brock
thb iuiluqtoi'i low xati
sumko t0ui8
Go somewhere this summer; if not to
St. Louis then to the mountains, lakes
or seashore; examine this crest scbeuie
of vacation tour:
kinds of reduced rates daily besides
special coach excursions each Monday
in June.
direct or via St. Louis, daily low rates;
also very cheap June 1G to 20.
S21.G0,June26and 27.
$36.45, Jnly 9 and 10.
July 15 to 17.
half rates sil summer.
WISCONSIN, The Lake Resorts, snd
Lake Steamer Tours very favorable
rates stopovers at St. Louis on through
tickets see the jrreatest creation by
the hand of maa.
Ask the saeat for full details,
write L. W. WAKELEY,
General Passenger Agent.
Omaha, Nebr.
St. Lowla A letra
Oa Monday, July 11. 18, and 25 the
Ueioa Pacific will run special Coach
Ezearaions from Colambaa to ST. Loais
aad return at the low rata of tlLSO
Ttekete will haveJiasl retara limits af
aavoa dsys, good oaly ia day coaches oa
saytrsm,regulsrorsseciaL Illactrated
guide to Fair free oa application.
also bear the teg of quality and we have handsome covers for them in beautiful patterns.
xV I'tLaBBBaBa- .BBBBFi!bakmte3h'MSajI ,
L aaiKtlmBBBBeB m?PlPL3BJt!l L
Buy and PUT ON YOURSELF or ask for a PRICE ON - J.
James Pearsall, Contractor I
I III I III 1 1 III II 1 1 Mil I II II
I We Lead, Others Follow! j j
In Painting and Decorating, we are prepared to
give 4)ur 'patrons the Inst. Have the very latest
ami most stylish in Wall Pap4T llrermtiHs
anil an "up-to-date" (leconitor in charge ol this
department. All work guaranteed and prices
right. J&Sce us for estimates
Plan Your
Trip Early
During 1904 several opportunities to go
back East at greatly reduced rates will
be offered by the
Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paul
If yoa want to be kept posted regarding low rates,
dates of eale, stop-over privileges, and train service, ad
vise me the probable time and destination of your trip.
Through train service from any point on tbe main
line of the Union Pacific Railroad to Chicago every day.
Folder free.
Geaoral Westera Agent.
In connection with the Wabash Railroad, the Union Pacific v
aow runs through Electric Lighted Sleepers to St Louis
aad return.
am Baasa St
Woa at a ooBTealflaS hoar
neat craves at taa Me UaBa
Illustrated Guiile to Fair
free on appKcaiion tm
- w. h: benham
1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j
Soda Fountain.;
These are just the summer
time trimmings. An old re
liable drugstore. Prescrip
tions filed by a registered
pharmacist. Everythiag in
the drag line and tho best
cigars in town.
V fBWwPByjPJa'waTsfawsl
Bed Pillows
The best is none too
good to rest your head
on, eight hours in every
twenty-four. We. sell the
famous " Emmerich "
feather pillows, all bear-'
ing this tag
which is a guarantee of '
clean feathers and elastic
durable pillows.
Eaajnarich Cushlaaw
manufactured. ' J
Tho Best is The ChtaBast X
IE 11111111111111111111111!
1524 Farnam Street
at me Bsee
B) te
t sum as a umiril
UK. Ka A. VAUItl.,
Osteopathic Physician,
Columbus, Nebr.
-- -- 'Pk. lit. Ini'rmlen' V
No. 73. tNUce, Baruer diu. j-
BewUIjamraaUroBrachM aad Pias;
AcaiaiwaaaamficiBafaila. T
i .
- N,fU