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BBB BBBBBI BBBBBBBBBBBBM w a vBBBBBBBBBDS BBBBBBBBBI BBBBBBBBBBBBft BBBBBBBBBBBBBft'BBBBBk s BBBBBBBBB1 BBBBB1 BBBBBBBB1 BBI BBBBH bVAVAb'bbI VATATI bVAb'bb'bI VATATATAbk vAl bbbbbbbbbbbbbbV .VAbbbbbbVbbbbbbbbW bbbbbbbbbbbbbb1 bVAVMvAVAVAVAV-bVAbV VAVAb'bVM V'bVAVM'bVAb'bb'bI bbI bIbIH IB bbIbB - BtB'fl -xccsocB.V icvbIHbbIHs-'bIHbIbVbH bIbIH i bIbIH M BBBBBBBBBBbH bTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTI bTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTlBbTbB bTbTbTbTbTbTbbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbV BbBbBbBbBbbEBBbBbBbBbBbF BBBbVBBBBBBbH (fVBBBBrBBBBBBBB BBBBbF .H H bbH s bbH bbHbH .BLLB -i-i6HP -o 2iHn6qa iHbbBbbB bLbH ' .;:HH H H IffBffllffBffBffBffBl BBB BtBTjaffBtBtBttt' JnffBBffBffBffHlVaBffBffBffBffBffl BffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBl affaffaffTr ffBffBffBffBffBffBffBVlBffBffBffBffBf' ffaffaffl M-' . H BBB BbvBbvBbvbI BbvBbI BbvBbvbvbb bvBbvM bvBbvbvBbb WM bvBbvbI bvBbvBbvBbvBbvBbvBbV' BBBafaBBBKOH bvBbvBbvBbvBbvBbvBbuOT '-bvBbvJ 'vvBbvBbvBbvBbw- BbvBbvBbvI VAvBb-bvBbvBbvbb BVBBVJi BBBBBBBBBB BBBBBI BBBbBbBbH BBBbBi BBBBBBBBH BBBbBi BBBbBbBbBbBbBbBbH BBbBbBbBi BBBBbBbBB) BBBbBbbBBBBBBBBBBb'' BBBBjA BBbBbBbBbBb BBbBbBbBbJ BBBBBI BBbBbBbBb' BBBbBi Cf TBaBrt '-aBrvlaBB aBBaBBA IbH.. .bH H. BbB -B-B. 'CbH. . B bbH H -V.-l';jaH --lViVttfBK2B2BkaaBBBBBVBBBBL BYBYBYBYBwJ VV H .v-BaaYaafeBBaaT BBaaaaaVaBaaanBBaaaaaaBYaaaaarVBBB TaYaYaYaYaYaYaTBYaYaYaYaYaralBYaYaYaYaYaYaYaTBYaYaYaYaYai BTaTaTaTari ' ABTaTaTaTaTaTaTaraW BBTaTaTaTaTarABraTaTaTaTaa 'BIBIB.BIBIBIbIIBIBIBBIbIBIBIbBbBIB BaBIBBBBr: 'BB IBIBV- -BBIBIBIB LIIIIbIIBIHIIb1HHH!HbhIHB: H:HHHbBbIBHBB -B " HHJHHbI .U. IMB flHB MB BHaBBBBBBBBBBBB -BIbVIbB -to.falBI' -JBIB - rJllBIBBBIBl ' 1sw"bIbVIb1 bIbIbLw "BbIbW bIbBbIH TOJIH H .aBBB BbIbB V bIbB bH 7 ll. V "aBB bbbbV " "" bbbbb! p.bbbbbbbI rj BL--BiBIX'B v ' Bi ''BrarararBBTaV araTaW TaYaVaVaYBM TarararaTai Ll' BrarararBaVTaS BBaBaBaBaBaV aBaBaBLBTaBaBaBaV BBaBaBaBal BaVal BBaBaBaBaBi Val - f B BBaaaaBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBB BBBBBI BBBBBBBBl BBI BbVI B Bwawawawawawawawawawal " BwawawawaB '"bwbwbI Bwawawawawa BrJ BBBBBI bI bIM bIbIbIbB'IbIB .IBbIbB bIB BBBB BBBBBbI BBBBBBBBBBBBBH H 4. H.i aH COIA ..bbB B aBB aBBH. .BH aBB iB bbbVbbbbT BBBbbTbTbbbbbB bbbbbBbbbbI ik ' BaV. BHB S iKj." ALL .' :;-:. BHHBBhbIBIB TbbbbbBBbbbbbbbbbbbbBPvbbbbBbbbVbbVbbbVbbB '" 'Bd'-KltxBiHBPBB H xBq'BBjPBi HHbaB!f'laB '-v----HB 'iBBBVaBEjBBVBBBBBBBBBB2 jaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTIBBBiBBi - ? V JHB)! H flBBBViaBBBBVBBBVaBBWjBBBBflBl( . BBBBBBBBBBV bbbbbb1 BbbT Bbb1 BBBBBBBT'TBBBBBr ?B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBr ' BbbbbbBH -BbbbbbbbbbbbW iB? k 'viB'iKiBB a. d bbbVbbbb BBBbB bB- bH BBB!BBB:0'BBBBBaBBB'BBBl- affaffafflo 'BbbB'bbbB ;HHi H...B H'b.b.b'' .B.II"-aH'--;H' bH cfl.al.lviBf .lHlB 1h BBYararaBkBTaa r'-ASaa4BBBBB .BBYaraBBw BrararararararaVBBBk. .BaVBaBbBTawi :kHfl - bbbB .BbbbbbW bbbIbbbbbbW BH aBBBBBBBBBBT' aBBBBBBBBBm BTbbbbbBBbbV BTbbbbbbbbbBBbW TbYbYbYbYbYbYbYbYbyJ 'aBBBfBBB'''aBBBBBBB BBBbTBBBB BBBBBai BBBTB B:-''BB'rBB B B-.IB ..AbB. B BBBV.t.fBB-.f.ffBBTBlB.B.BBB.Ba-' .B.B BBH BBB .B M HbIHb.B'.bB HH bbbbI bbbW HrBBBffBffB'-Hr-B ibTbbTbB affaffaffl bbTbbTbT affaffaB bTbbTbB VbbVbbVbbVbbVbVI M bVbbVbbVbbVbVM M R & K BaVaVaVaVaVaVaH BaVaVaVaVaVaVaV I BaVaVaVaB TV-VaVflVaVftYH WbB -B WbB bUBB w.BvbbB bH HB'alB' w.B :KH o VKVB vAB IB H ''Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaav ' VVaaaaaaaaaaaaaV BaaaaaaaaVaaaaF ' BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaF BaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaw " .VV: BBBvaBBIBBI-'r''BllBBBII ""BBf "BaTaP" "BbbT"" f aaffaffaffaffaffaff" v bV"""bbPp a - Ji 4,1 v. rJizil'J xv tavv-i jd or iwjDiis i t'ltr Hrt ..,. .-r r..-. ., We "mil hold a special clearance sale of all SUMMER GOODS. Prices will be Marked down on all the Summer Goods throughout the entire store during July. Profits not considered during this sale. All t Wash Dresis G6ods, Hosiery. Wrappers. Corsets. Muslin v ii si I, Underwear, "Children's Dresses. Ladies' Dress Skirts. oi. i Vv-J ''KM i J ;.. ,r Children's and Men's Summer Clothing must be closed out Come early as it will pay you to attend this sale. - 1 "1 t AUD EMBBOIDGBIES PER CENT DISCOUNT J -:fe...l. . "- J -. --' ." . - - . tar .-. . - .. V ... "- - "- .-" i- - '.. :''-.. ' f.. -'-: ..- .-: """"- .' .- - - .u' - - - -V" : Xir ,; - -J...-. -,"' .. -ace-" ' r " "" .;-" ft5 y 'y-. , -"" '-'' r. ei . .!-..." "-- """ MTa" . ..;. . July Clearing Wash Dress Goods Consisting of 'Lawns, Dimities, A Percales; French Ginghams and Scotch Zephyrs, Mercerized Novelties ana a complete line of white Goods, India ionens, Persian Lawn and Dotted Swiss All Challies and Lawns former i rice 7c now All Dimities and Batiste forcer price 10c 12c now All French Ginghams former price 12e now All Jacquard Novelties former price 15c now All Voile, Voile Cords former price 20c now All Pandora Fancy Lace Stripes former price 25c now All Mercerized Novelties former price 35c v now Pi ft During this sale we will offer for sale all Muslin and Staple Prints at special prices all you want while they last Ladies9 Hosiery Ladies Seamless Fast Black Hose, extra value 10c this sale . 8c Ladies' Seamless Fast Black Hose, aloe 12 daring this sale 10c Ladies' fine quality Fast Black Hoes ribbed or plain,value20c,during this sale 125 Ladies fine quality Fast Black or Taa, piaiaor lace stripe, valae sac sale price 25c Ladiss' extra fine quality fancy lace lisle Hose value due sale price 39c Ladies' Knit Underw'r Ladies1 ribbed Cotton Vests value 12Ho danag this sale 10c Ladies' ribbed Cottoa Vests fancy lace trimmd, valae 20c sale price' 15c TJiaa Jaraev ribbed Vests, fine quality, value 25e during this sale 1UC TIa. Iftamarixad silk lane Trimmed Vests, valae 86e, sale price 2DC . Ladies' ribbed lisle Vests, valuo 50c sale price 39c Also a good assortment of Child ren's Hosiery and Knit Underwear at reduced prices during this sale. Ladies' Wrappers and Children's Dresses A new line of ladies Wrappers ia indigo, blue, black and white percales to be closed out during this sale All, Wrappers, value $1.25, sale price' ' . S1.00 All Wrapaers, value 81.50,, sale, $1.25 All Wrappers, value SI 75 sale price $1.50 JULY .fi A splendid assort ment of Children's Dresses, Calico, Ging hams and Heresies, in white and colors going at reduced prices during this sale CLEARING vlitiC bKsbbbbbbbbbB 1 BmssBP atflaM "sIIIIIIwbmbLBkIv jBaaaBx TSaavsassT jbV aTaTaTaViBTaVyaT 'BaawKaVttaBW ' -"J SkI aBBBBSaTBBBT " alM&aTTaWPs ' K?iJflT aflpf r W H 11 Hki" flaflfjaflc:S7 fin f c'- .'"-.VSM- bbD 1 -aBaawai SbwbwbI CtotaJaXfCo miwwmAm Correct Wiar For Summer The choosing of correct summer wearing apparel is not always an easy matter Yon will be considerably aided in your choice by coming here to look at the Friend Hand-Tailored Clothes jk For summer wear. Correct ' in price, style and darabil- 20 Discount on all Summer Clothing during July Clear ing Sale. mm m I I I'WiWX 0r ar raBBf5HraanrB B a av 'EdSjg aT m m BT1 Was 1 m W 'M W a BL . Vk&SHBlaL IVIIIIfl W a TIT "Trr' t vfiECvjaTafco'? aw rf-wi fVSE -if T Thrt SmcUU in Skirt ManliB or Cambric Hkirln, ilwp Hoance ami hem. (Ckf tit-bHl former pric $1 nw Jvs Moulin or Cambric Hkirtu trimmed ia lam or m- OCmo broidery former price it 25 now CfJv Maalia or Cambric Skirta extra ane lace or "I tA euibrtMderjr trimmiac former price!! now. . (9M.97 ladies9 Aaslii Viiderwear Fflur Specials In Gtwu Muslin Oowns, enbroidered and hem- ffcffc - stitched former price $1.25 now V vC Muslin Gowns lace and embroid ery trimmings, price 91.50 now Cambric Gowns lace or emby trim mings former price S1.75 now. . . Cambric Gowns lace or emby trim mings former price S2 bow.... $1.19 $1.29 $1.49 Entire New Stock of Ladies' Umbrellas and s to ctwyAcoftv No. 2.1 Parasols at 25 per cent, discount. ? 80c A YEAR t lAicsrsnus musnumm akakBaaaaaakaaVVkaY ffMnMY Standard Patterns Standard Patterns. oi iw ! fiZ&jJLrZ aorf. -fi)7A?si2 ZVJS.1 .T .Vt- ;-i w; n , - i a I ; -,nl : fc--: i-oDia2 f -j XQ I V.d ajv,j " aXa7t 3 f.f,Sr FsA: '. .Kir --' IHflflT -'-'flflflBV flflflT T -jH --h :flKdrH.iri;n-B - ' ll flflfls. ;BH V,T flflil' orH...;H..;(:Hi "Bl flflSjflJ -aA . lflflflfla. iu. r.flflflM'x; -. flflflllrt Jr - flflflflflsW & H -B-ag-B-BBBBBaaaaaa' M "H bbbbbbbbbbbbbbT ' H H ..HH' ''FK flflflfll;'i 'aalflflfll tjfl rH "SajaW 'B aV atBtafaraW aaawwaaWW aaWWaaaaaaVaW aSBaSaVaaa :l ' I . ...... .-. . . IK- . j tu' ikt, ; Jli "t.S.i. t .Lj i. 2 ; . j . ' tl.wl' :-!t- f-I' i1-1!-' .-' BaaaASAV. - . -t,. ! t.-UHi-- 3 "." -yife.. a'wj -ift&ktfj