The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 20, 1904, Image 4

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Established Mat U,M.
Eatsnd at the PoetoSce, Colaal
teeoaa-class msil matter.
' 1
Colnbis Joirul Ct
nroxsxcx x. abictt. sxxwabt j. tamr,
"tic. -
rt RENEWALS-The date opposite war umoi
voir taper, or wrapper shows to what tiate roar
aaWua to;;shos.(t
.,..m..,.t hu hn rewired bd to JaaL. 1. 1M.
FeWfitotVb. 1, 1905 sad so ob. Whea parateat
Is Baadewtlie date.wbieh aaswars as a receipt,
.wiU bsTsaw 1 1 s , ly. ,t jt? .
DlSTX)NTlNUANT8-KMwoBsiafe sabscrib
en will continue to rerrire tab joaraal aatil the
pablishors art notified by letter to disooatiaue.
whna all anvamitMt mast be paid. If job do aot
wiali the Joaraal coatiaaed for soother yssr af
trth time paid Tor has expired, yoa ahoald
previooaljr aot if y ua to diseoaUaae it.
CUANUE IN ADDREBB-Whea orderla a
champ in the address, subscribers should be sore
to Hear oui as wan as umr
RtpHbHUII Tlektt.
United States Senator
IL C BROME, Douglas.
E. M. LEFLAXG, Dawsoa.
C. a DEMPSTER, Gage.
Alternates at-Lerge
L M. RAYMOND, Lancaster.
C. E. ADAMS, Nuckolls.
E. K. VALENTINE, Cuming.
National Committeeman
CHAS. H. MORRILL, Lancaster.
Presidential Electors
F. A. BARTON, Pawnee.
A. C. SMITH, Douglas.
A. C. ABBOTT, Dodge.
T. L. NORVAL. Seward.
W. P. HALL, Phelps.
If. A. BROWN, Buffalo.
II. H. WILSON, Lancaster.
tj r -tr J.'C. ROBINSON,
r V $ t- '
Lieutenant Governor
Secretary of State
Attorney General -
Land Commissioner
Congressman, Third District
j. j: McCarthy.
AT 5-V
. Tae lands of Red Willow county and
or ana v
lower this year than last.
C eqaalimtion met
last Monday. Their session may con
tinue three weeks. Their werk will
be watched with eager interest.
Nebraska democrats will not attempt
to ase the new revenue law as a cap
issae unless they want to add
more boomerang to their already
large supply.
The Japs have been accaed cf crsely
before, but the crowning atrocity was
for -taaan; ,to sand oat a report that
Miss M,M aaea anal then,
8t4?atenaWrg gat ap to the
acoperpaashef joyto insnioanee that
it was nH a. Joke. Thia is
. r-.. -h
. V?
. . -
will' 'atoanre
they are getting a fall report of the
supervisors' proceeding', as rapidly
as apace can be spared. It is well
known that the Journal receives no
pay for this work, aud does aot have
"l! -"''' mb amaHul ft u 1a sIia Afll.
WBS WfJ MT' " -.w mm mmmmmmm
ial papers, although it has one of the
subscriasian lists in Platte
MrasoautaggVaad ;plaasant -to
aarm your editorial utterances quoted
by other papers. But. when our es
teemed friend, t-tW Scaayler Qaill,
prints a long eulogy of P. E. Mc-
MQUine painting eWt the certainty of
V ..l V mVl.
am she fast, aad aradita
i . i
it all
Oalnmhms Journal, we feel like
asking for a committee of investiga
tkm. We beg to plead aot guilty.
BlkinaoC Weat Virginia is
up, against it. Ho holds the office of
sisM SUtoM aeaator as a repnUicna.
anid here comes thV democratic aa
tipaal oomvemtion aad .nominates his
pes,' decrepit, ed father-ia-lnw for
ftvioa-president. r. However, Senator
JaJmM:rises ttrfb" oecaaiom aad de
clares that it is an insult to West Vir
giaia for the' democrats to pat an un
known like Parker above Senator Da-
in.- when Davis himself should have
,- beea named for president. Therefore.
nays Senator Elkiw, Wets Virginia will
srrraate this anremthy voting for Roese-
r velt and Falrhaaks: it certainly is a
-r. tarytoaghprppoaition to have to
choose between a seat ia the senate
and the good graces of n father-in-law
who is worth twenty millions and ia
about randy to drop off.
The Kelly trial, when nil bills are
will cost Platte county right
9900U. Those who heard the
ia thi trial will reaaeaaber
that Kelly aad Snowdea would net
have found their way into Platte
but for the fact that they
' where they could dispose of atial-
goods here. Do away with
for stolen goods in
nnd the KeUys and
arill aot come this way. How ana
4hla be done? By prohibiting the
p4dlers aad street takire am
trioting the eecead-kaad
In the days of the pirates.
s . ..-. ? J mi?
their saving. Thntril
tax-payers will be fate-
KeUy naurder trial
a W l .fUv J'WSS'BW'smSPnW
JTVv ,T- aftea.'ksLiiimma
Jaf flfe j2 . Sl,-;-;- ,
-W tJ- unfSr aLiACaMmmnrBnmBw3'
In retiring frosa a place is the man
acssaent and editorship of The Coluai
bus Journal, I desire to thank the bust
ness men of Columbus for the loyal
support extended this paper. Wherever
my tMssuMSs rsiations saay eau me in tae
fatmre, I shall always retain the most
pleasant mesaories of say brisf stay in
Colmabns. Its bosinsss men are enter-
ride-awake Hbsral ia their
desliasjs with the newspapers,
aad to newspaper man no better recosa
sasndation can be giren for any city.
The aaanacement of the paper is left in
hands that will do everything witala
haman power for the oontiaaed saooess
of the beat paper in Platte coanty, and
to ell who are acqaaiated with Mr.
Abbott's ability aad personality, there
can be no doubt as to the outcome. It
ia with the deepest regret that I leave a
city where so many pleasant relations
have been formed, but business duties
hare made the move imperatiT. Agaia
thanking the friends of the Joaraal for
their loyal aupport, and trusting that
the same substantial courtesies may
continue to be a goodly portion of the
Journal's happy lot, I am
8. J. RjantXDT.
With this
Kennedy who
s issue
Stewart J.
me in taj
i of the Journal,
retires from
me all his stock.
eitated by the desaaads made apoa Mr.
Kennedy's attention by the Booae
County Advance which he has pabliahed
successfully at St. Edward for ssveral
In assuming the sola aaanagesnent of
the Journal I desire to acknowledge to
Journal readers the large measure of
credit due Mr. Kennedy for aay improve
ment that may have bsen saade tender
our joint management.
The Journal will be conducted along
the same lines in the fatmre, hoping to
gain friends and aupport only in propor
tion as its merits deserve.
Frederick H. Abbott.
The Journal wishes to second the
move recently aaada by the Telegram
for the establianjment of a social or
ganisation which wiU provide a saeet
ing place for the citizens of the town
on n purely social basia. It is some
thing that U badly needed both for
the oosafort of the members and for
the good it wiU do Oolambna. The
Elks lodge has been suggested, aad
no batter could be secured. It
ia natiansl ia its scope ami includes
in its membership ia-aetieally all of
the prograsaive aanaaaas andnrofasi-
afftha cities where it is lo-
The aatablishmsat of thia
ledge hern, provided it eamai ma dome,
would do more aawardadvartiaing Oo
Immmnsas am ap-to-date town aad a
geod ' place to visit thaa alsaost aay
thlngelse. The one obstaols which has beea
meatloaed is that poaribly Oolamams
cannot show the reqaired popalatioa
of fiOOO which ia aeoeamry to gat the
Elks. Itshnaldbereafsmbaradtmatit
ia mow utore thaa four years simoe the
last census was taken, aad that ia
these four years Columbus has gruwa
aa it never did before. Wa andartake
to aay positively that we have 6000
popalatioa today aad that before the
next onnsas year wa ahaU have far
i excess of that aamber. Letaosae
of the leading spirits gat together
aad appoiat themselvea a coauaittee
and get busy. Thia shomkl imtarast
every saaa who has property ia Co
We rise to suggest a ooarse of po
litionl eatortainsaamt whlah wa aomht
not would prove eatresaajy inetmet
ive to the voters of the ' Third dis
trict. Mr. MoKiUip una beea nom
inated for comgress; it ia ap to hint
to demonstrate his foreasio abilities,
aad at the same time to define and
defend his position on sosae of the
leading questions of the day. Aa
effective and time honored method Is
the joint debate.
We had at Ant thought of propoeiag
a joint delates between Oomgraaaaaaa
MeOerthanslJir. McKiUip, such as
they MMjlp i the good old
tisses whHgjr llsan stood for one
thing ejd JwffPrSr seam for another.
aad each aana tmew where ha
Bat here is where wa strike a
Mr. MoKiUip, unfortunately, is divid
ed against himself, so to speak. He
stands with his right foot proudly
and defiantly planted on the Bsnsas
Ciiy platform, Sixteem to One aad an
surrender; and his left foot, alas,
planted firmly upon the St. Louis
platform, the Gold Standard forever.
rVo. it would be too humiliating to
Mr. MoKiUip to be led under
condition into m public debate w
the other fellow would have
privilege of asking ei
questions. Mr. MoKiUip is a pleasant
gentlssasn nnd a gcod judge of tea,
and we shell not insist on aay such
igememt. Bat before wa drop this
project of a joiat debate, we wish
to suggest one other plan whioh wa
flatter oarsslvas wiU ha eomssastadm
fairly brilliant cemoeptioa. Why
not let Mr. McKiUip hold a joiat de
bate with himself? Let hi
before the ssaamhlsd
atnndimg Irmly on his right toot, ra
oommt the bloody crime af "73 and
areaoh the glad tidings of free silver
or die, as sat forth ia the phvtfi
whioh be aoeeptad
ansr a
shifted. espesiaUy aa
sssts Mr.
KilUp rennpeara. standing iraalyam
his left
aha amid
Them 1st Mr.
H by this
haaayaaamin the aadlancs who is
mot convinced us to whioh aide of Mr.
MeKtUiphe ahanld vate far, tot him
vote lor MeOarthy.
wa think af this pro ject.
immtimii with the
ioaaofiadriaabUity. Washamlima
ghultoJnvve this isasHirsd iiani
to Mr. MeJUllioL ami haoe to
miw'Bsxm hit autiscais
Of two evils choose the less, as Clay
urns 1 1 Si wham ha turned his support
to John Quaaoy Adams instead of the
old war-horse, Andrew Jackaoa.
This seems to be the eeutiineat of Mr.
Bryan lathepraasat dUemma in which
ha ands himself, aa bstwsea BoossveU
nnd Parker. Ha alleges against Roose
velt that ha is aa unaafs nun becaase
ha is sulring to agitata the race qnss
tiom and hiaiais ha baUeves imaaain
taining the standing army of the Unit
ed Staets. Jaat how he is working to
stir ap the raos qasstioa Mr. Bryan
doss aot apaoify; probably necanas ha
iavitad Boakar Wsahington to dimmer.
We greatly fear that thia amy lose
him the vote of Mississippi, bat them
such is Ufa. Ha cannot hope to be
elected mmamiaaomsly.
The standing army joka is getting a
trifle stale, but it is much better than
nothing- Everybody knows that ea
list meat ia the regular army of this
ooaatry wiU never be compulsory, nnd
that aajutariam as it is found in
European eoaatries wiU never be more
thaa a politician's dream ia this re
pabUo. Bat whan Mr. Bryan gets throagh
with Roosevelt and devotes his atten
tion! to Mr. Parker, then is when he
gata down to business. He remarks
imprimis that Jadga Parker is the aa
oomprosaiaiag enemy of the oaly thing
thai wiU save the ooaatry, namely,
flUte sa to One without waiting, etc.
Ha farther observes that on tha trast
qnastiam Parker is ia league with the
octopus and wa can hope for no relief
frosa aim. Oa tha tariff plank Mr.
Bryan sees a faiat glimmer of hope,
bat refleots that the Parker platform
was repahlicea on the subject of tariff
until Mr. Bryan himself made it
aasBOoraiic. On the labor qaestion.
ha aanomncas that it remains to be
saaa whether "the faaacial influence
back of Jadga Parker wiU permit him
to take tha labor side of these disput
ed questions. " AU this seems very
convincing aad sapported by evi
dence, Wa begin to regard Mr. Bryan
as a maa of dieceraiag judgment
aad poUtical honesty.
But proceed: Ia consideration of
these premises, Mr. Bryan wiU sup
port Mr. Parker!
Touching Mr. William J. Bryaa, we
consider that there is enough said.
Tha denftoorutio newspapers differ
ua widely as to what the democrat
should maike the paramount Issue of
the npproaohiag campaiga, as do tha
planks of tha Nebraska platf bra aad
of tha aaHoaal platform Mr.
pledgee his vote to Parker, bat
practically refMdiates every Parker
principle. While nominally a Parker
sapportar, ha is praotically i
Tha Platform is distasteful to
oat of tea democrats. It dees aot go
far enough toward the Kansas City
platform to please Bryaa. aad it goes
too far that way to please Parker.
Harper's Weakly, ia a disgasted tone,
says of the platform, "It is a mere
hodge-podge ia perfect harmony with
the manngement af the show. Appar
ently nobody reqaired aboard to in
ject hlhtself into the platform ; all one
had to do was to walk ia. But time
is reqaired to analyze the extraordia-,
ary docuseeut. For tha msmsnt in an
ntntosphara laden with oaal dast the
perusal aaerely serves to Utenaifytbe
aching of the eyes. Bryan himsslf says
that tha greatest plank in tha plat
form, tha uuti-truet plank, isVnmU
lied" by" Parker's nomtaattoB No
body knows exactly where Parker
stands, bat every one knows he was
aoasinatad by the flaanciars beoaaae
ha was thought to possim rtows. traits
AU theas soasldaratioas lead to
taUooaclaaian: Rooaavelt is the can
didate for the middle elaases aad his
psrsaaality oonatltatee the repablicaa
platform. Those who believe in
Roosevelt's record, on the trust, the
railroad, the tariff, the Panama
will not try to. understand the
pled, umexplaiaable democratic
platform, bat they will vote for the
thing thev an sure of. namely, the
honesty and tha courage of Theodore
Roosevelt, aad they wiU vote for re
paaUoaa congressmen aad legislators
ia order that Roosevelt's will may
have complete sway ia congress.
Qaery: Wasa a kitten lies down with his
for feet poiatiac aorta aad his aiad feet poiat
iacsoata. oa which side U be lyias? (Note: It
will be perceived that the foreaolac coataiaa a
veiled yet crashiacly sarcastio allasioa to W. J.
We have heard of white blackbirds aad live
corpses aad saea, bat it maaiacd for the World
Hera'd eomspoadeat to describe the desaoenUie
BoaUaee for vies pr esideat as a "gold staadsrd.
aitfa-tarisT dsaaocrat." Newbraach alvsjrs was
Of coarse we
aa Elks lodge or a lodge of
kiad before we are drirea ia haaiiliatioB
to ssekaloacs ia sossevast wilderness when a
friead coats to lodge with as over aight. Asit
is aow.waeaoaeot yoarold pals drops ia oa
yoa between traias. yoa can by war of eatertaia
asrat take hiaa dowa to the roaadhoBae aad let
aiai look at the switch sagiars Tbsa yoa can
take aba aptothe pabUc'sqaan aad seat his
oaaa Iron beach aader the shade trees, if yon
hae saaaibralla with yoa. Aad yoa caa say to
aJau"lbsinliltlirsTSft- U1 taebsaatifal tress.
AadtheayoasreallU; there is aothiag left bat
the grog shop. Yes,weaesdaclabof sosMkiad.
One of oar little aieghbors, when she heard of
tha fire ia Itftaay 4 Johnson's, waated to kaow
if tasy saved aay of the backets. Ws said to her.
dear child ; the backets war aaracta-
Bat we saved the oU chess board.
glory to God." Aad ia tram the old board was
the oaly taiag that lived throagh tbebolooaast;
bat afsar Sa ascacs it aa bean taibauVfir
dent bat to it. 'v f;
City. Usah.-(
to this saty af tha Imiavtha
orient a laas wlsw to aansi
ram. sa let aa ta
Salt Air mV
hack aad forth svsry hoar, ao off we
gonad take a plunge ia tha briny
waters of the lake. How delightfal,
how refreshing it ial So salty Is the
water that yam float without ana
sffart. Bvsnifyaatrytositdawnin lifts yoa bodily
and tha gasmen msHsa af the water
jam in snatn af yaauaalf.
totbis place, which offers
kiaas of amassment. The im-
pavUion is two stories high
and has a dancing floor large sasugh
to aaooatolate a thoutnini" coanles.
The lower floor is partly accapiad by
restaurants and also provides room for
people who bring their lunch baskets.
shooting gallery, bowling alleys.
of different kinds asnVa aterry-
provide s sjimnat for. old
BaUt to gHaamavn nwad
view of the lake aad the aijaeeat
mountains, it has a wiag oa each tide
extaadiag for haadreds of feet, and
as from Its a'pper portico we view the
sansat on fhs lake wa feel that won
drous indeed are the beauties of nature.
Z We had intended to spend only n few
hoars at thia place, bat the af teraooa
speeds away and it is late at eight
before we take the train that takes
as back to tha citv. n , , I i r
" Tha next day is Bandar aad ser
vices are held in the great Tabernacle
built by thai tote Brighnm Young.
Thousands of people urn" in atten
dance, nnd as the grand organ peals
forth its melodious! sounds nnd a
hymn is sung by n urge choir of se
lected singers, we are enraptured by
the delightful harmony. If this be
the .effeot.prodnced by 'the .voices of
a few hundred saintswhaTmast be
the raptare of the human soul when
greeted at its arrival into the upper
sphere by the songs of a heaven foU
of angels? After the singing of a
few hymns a bishop preaches a ser
mon, reminding his hearers of the
fact that the universe is governed by
immutable laws, and that it is the
nanred daty of the Latter Day Saints
to live and act ia conf ormlty with those
laws; the more so because the All
mighty ha seen fit to nuke them n
special revelation of Hu will throagh
the prophet of the church, Joseph
Smith. The sermon ends , with nn
exhortation to the young men to
assamen tha - matrimonial yoke, to
propagate and multiply, as only in
that manner can they attain the fall
glorv of redemption as promised In
holy writ. The' young ladies, so re
marks the preacher (and in this we
beUeve they resemble their Christian
sisters), need no urging to matrimony
on hu part and are williag to obey
the law as laid, 'dowa to mother
Ere cand perform their duty in strict
obedience to the laws of heavea.
Another hymn is sung with as de
lightful harmony as tho first, nnd an
other bishop preaches a sermon the
gist of which is salvation throagm
the grace of God. Reference is nude
to the bishops of tho chareh as the
sjrgan through which the, Holy stmirit
speaks to God's people the aana as
He did in ages past. Agaia young
aasa are urged to marry nnd thaa obey
the law of God nnd fnlflU their duty
to posterity.
Had we not seen hare nay of tha
fair daughters of Eva wewomld be
lead to believe that they had aot been
fairly treated by the Great Giver of
AU Things, bat after carefel sarvey
of the situation, we are firmly ooa
viaced that the gentle influence of
one daughter of Eve is superior to the
sermons of a handred preachers.
Ia close proximity to the Tabernacle
stands the Mormon Temple., the con
struction of which required fifty years
of. continuous labor aad cost four mil
lion dollars. In architecture it strong
ly resembles cathedrals of tha old
world. It ia built eatirely of cat
ataaa and with its many towers rising
in the air, it nukes an insuring ap
pearance. The Temple is aot open to
the public, bat is rassrvtd by the
Saints for the performance of each
sacred rites aa marriage aad baptism.
It is said that when a Mormon alder
smtfers from that enlargement of tha
heart whioh caa only be remedied by
tha possession of nn nddittonal wife,
the walls of the. Tesaple ,eioae can
provide that saerecy which is now aa
solntely necessary to the psast njasaee
of the ceremony. It is reeatinable to
suppose that after the religioas fervor
of the affected mind has boon brought
to the white heat under the sacred
roof of the Holy Temple that then
nnd there the new link ia the mntri
moaul chain is welded for good, to
add to the glorious hereafter of the
saint and the earthly welt being of
tho new spouse.
Both the Temple and the Taberaiole
stand on finely ornamented grounds,
surrounded by a solid waUand to the
visitor preaeat a very interesting np
pearance. Across the street fromf the
Temple stands the residence formerly
occupied by Brighnm Young, now in
habited by his successor Here also
is the eagle arch which ( spans the
street. Schools for Mormon children
aad colleges for young men hre near
by while here aad there is seea a rem
nant of the old wall which surround
ed the city la days gone by. '
Among the conveniences provided
for the tourist, let as mention the
sight seeing street car with a nun
in charge to point oat the places of
interest to the visitor aad give sach
other iafomution us. may be desired.
The car runs to ail parts of the city
but ns it is here impossible to give a
desoriptonof all thejKdnts.of interest,
wa wiU just aauM a few.
At one end of the' Una close to the
mountains that edge tha city are found
the Hot Springs, tha tamperatare of
whose waters, aomewhat exceeds blood
beat. Good aocommodatieas are pro
vided for bathing, nnd it is claimed
that theas waters are a sure cure for
many diseases of the skia.
West across the street stands a hos
pital where patients ars. cared format
a-Brfanasnil price. Now we no to 'taw.
ansa and of tha city past maa
araslthjr rssldsats. Wa alee aasa tab
saaatlal chareh buildings -:aad finally
maahtlwHoeaeof thaMihora
nag; ofgiiii'iapl substantial
to she highest
hmm intended by the f.
ir anana should here mania)
enjoy their rasjalalag
r -jils fjz l. -i.
- r. " . r--T
oatioa cartaialr aoald aot have bean
better chosen for haalthfal aadpteas
nut sarroundings.
A littU farther down the hUl is lo
cated one of the rasevvaiiaaf tha city,
dariviag its water fresn meaatsla
stream near by. and have tot saasay
thaAtWusaptosaiaaly sjfl
tooted on three aides frosa fierce winds
by the saoaataiai whose raagsd aides
amd'lofty iieaks add not a Mttla to the
picturesque surranndings of tha plaoa.
We now descend agaia to the tower
part of the city. Wa pass Liberty
Park which almost tempts as to leave
the car and spend a few hoars in ita
shady nooks. I have not yet aMntiom
ed Gaiter's Park, a pleasure ground
oa the outskirts of tho city, nor tha
tnnujnerable lac residences wa have
passed aiaoa leaviag tha hill.
Ia soma parts lofty poplars, ia others
wide spreading traas adore the streets
which axe over a handred ieet wide.
Little streams of water flow rapidly
threegh tha gutters. Tha telegraph,
telephone 'aad electric poles stand in
tha middle of the street and as each
side is lined with asphalt it really
makes a double street for the vehicles.
Uncle Sam has a fort adjoining the
city aad now nnd then we see our
"boys in blue" parade in the streets,
and what strikes as the most i the
lateUigeat look and gentlemanly buar
ing of even tha private soldier.
Last bat aot least, we will mention
the monument erected near the Tem
ple to Brighasn Yoaag. Surmounted
by a statue of the father of Mormon
ism, Jt has on one side a statue of nn
Indian, oa tha opposite side the statue
of n piouAer. while the other sides
bear iuscripti.m commemorating
deeds cf valur
Whatever viewe wa may hold in re
gard to the doctrines of tha Latter
Day Saiats, wa are forced to admire
the creative aad administrative power
of the late Brigham Young, priest,
legislator and dictator of his people.
Aad aow -
Good bve, fair Queen of the West.
Who knows what for Thee may be
Snint nnd Gentile love nnd honor
Fairer maidens than Thine, mortal
shall not see.
From storms protected by Nature's
May Heaven's angels ever spare Thy
destiny. A. S.
It Date Only Prstaa the WMdle af
' th but Ceatary.
Sosae forms of spiritualism have had
followers from remote antiquity. In
the Levltlcal law we find the injunc
tion. Thou shalt not suffer s witch to
lire," and throughout Old Testament
htetory there are frequent references
to this subject, while demons, python
eases, sibyls, augurs and soothsayers
have their places in the secular annals
of mankind.
In its modern form spiritualism
dates only from the forty-eighth year
of the last century, when, at the house
of a farmer of Hydesville, in the state
of New York, the spirit of a peddler
who had been murdered there some
five years previously was said to pro
duce certain unaccountable trappings
and disturbances la the room occupied
by little daugbtera of the housed
Aa Investigation by the neighbor
hood followed, and, to quote the words
used by Farrar hi hie pamphlet on the
subject," MIt soon became evident that
an organised attempt waa being made
by the denisens of the spirit world to
establish a method of communication
with mankind."
From that, time spiritualism spread
rapidly, and by the year 1S71 the num
ber of Its supporters was variously
reckoned at from 8,000.000 to 11,
Wtty Faaas Always Aaw
WkJte la Cater.
.Wham water la violently agitated
amaH baubles of air are mixed ap with
it, and thus 'foam is formed, and Its
whiteness is due to the fact that when
light passes from one medium to an
other of a different refractive index It
is always reflected, aad this reflection
may he ao often repeated aa to render
tha mixture impervious to light
It Is, then, thai frequency of the re
nactloas of the limiting surfaces of
ah ..-and -rater that sendera foam
aanyinjr. .and, as each particle reflects
light in all directions, so much light la
reflected that the mixture appears
To a similar cause to doe the white-'
ness of transparent bodies when crush
ed to powder. The separate particles
.transmit light freely, but the reflec
tions at their surfaces are so numerous
that the resulting effect to white. Thus'
glass when crushed to a white powder
and to opaque, but when it to put un
der water it once more becomes trans-,
parent, because the water fills up the
laterstlces between the particles, and
the reflections are destroyed. Salt and
snow are also common examples of.
this condition.
Tkm BteTcaaeat la I4fc That off Pitch
Vpaa a Plaae.
The motion of glacier baa been
actoBtlfically defined aa that of a vis
cous mass, partly sliding upon it bed.
partly sheering upon Itself under the
influence of gravity. In other words,
the motion resembles that of pitch
poured upon a table, which spreads,
not by the expansion of the bottom of
the mass, but by the edgea rolling
over above the lower stratum, which
to dragged by the table surface. It
waa argued against this that Ice was
a brittle substance, but Principal
Forbes waa able to'show that glacier
ice differs from others in possessing a
distinct granular structure and that
the grams, by imparting a certain
amount of motion to each other, aa In
water, gave the whole plasticity.
The rate of motion varies with
local conditions, but to sometimes ex
tremely alow. Thus tha Theodul glacier
ejected, in 1888, from its end two skel
etons, with fragments of clothing, and
two medals, dated 1582.
Other high authorities attribute their
amotion to Other natural forces, such aa
sad centraenea. -
Dr. sntsiis- of Yahttvto, Chile.
the bard work of the
who carry 160 pomade of ore la
tamped te their sneuklers while
thsKemmb ua laudredsef feet oa tod-
dsea;; often rtostsrtog oaly of notched
traaaf. Thsy tail whatoat a recess frem
a a. 'mi-to. 4 p. m. aa, Might asasa tq
be a saw of aH taw fast they sun get,
bat tolarc sufpar prater to tame tho
etrula "oaf of their maaeles after a
fashion of their owa-vw, dancing
vaasaoeatly to the sound of a fiddle for
aa hour or two or even longer if their
tody Meade happen to muster in force.
-Health Culture,
Lake Baikal, the "holy sea." to. x-
Yfctorta Nyansa la Africa, tas
lake la the
A Art la Walea Metaaaa Bavs Wat
Caaanea Much la Ceatartea.
The twentieth century American
stained glass maker follows wltbeat
Important variation the simple meth
ods of the French monk of eight cen
turies ago. The first requisite to tho
design. The artist makes a small wa
ter color sketch to show the general
design and color scheme, accompany
ing it with detailed studies. From thia
two targe .drawings or cartoana are
amide, the exact else of the desired
window. One cartoon shows where the
leads will be placed the thin strips
of lead, hollowed pn both aides and
looking in n transverse section like the
totter H. which form the framework
to bind the pieces of glass together.
Another drawing gives the size and
shape of each piece of glass. .This car
toon Is cut Into Its componfut' pieces by
n pair (or triplet) of three bladed scis
sors, which leave betweon their paral
lel blades a space sufficient for the
leads. These cut out patterns are put
together again on a large glass easel.
to which they are attached by wax. and
the spaces between are blacked lu to
give the effect of the leads.
The easel is then placed against a
window where the light can stream
through it. The artist or his substitute
replaces each paper pattern on the easel
by a piece of glass of exactly the same
size, cut from u sheet, of glass of the
color called for by the color sketch.
The sketch is not followed exactly;
experiment with the actual glass will
suggest Improvements. To a greater
or less extent this stained jjlass is sup
plemented by painted glass, on which
the colors are Ured as in china paint
ing. When ull the pieces have been
cut they are transferred- to the "lead
ing" drawing, the flexible leads are
twisted into shape and soldered at the
joints and a special cement applied to
make the whole water tight. The win
dow Is now complete, ready to be put
In position, where it is made secure by
copper wires fustened to the trans
verse bars of Iron. ttcokfovers Maga-
man Is good when he Is okL
A thing Is good when It to new.
He who bath eaten salt drlnketh wa
ter. When the tiger to gone, the fox to
If one to not observing, one sees
Does smoke come out of a flrelesa
The higher the mountain the deeper
the valley.
One knows the face of a man. but
not his interior.
One can paint the fur of the tiger,
but not bis joints.
A family who has no slcknesa for ten
years must be rich.
Aa soon as the moon to full, It. be
gins to grow smaller. .
Even the blind man can find his way
through an open door.
Wen the ox baa broken through the
stall, repairs are first made.
k Aateajra BUetaate.
At a performance of "Julius'&esaV
at Hurst college. England, some time
ago. Mark Antony made a mistake
when the dead body of Caesar was
brought In. He apostrophized tha
fallen hero with impassioned eloquence,
and the audience felt acutely for the
poor citizens, who were all presumably
horror struck and overcome with grief,
when Antony gently but firmly grasp
ed, as he thought, the face cloth and
slowly, very Blowly. began to draw it
back. Just then aa excited whisper
came from the other end of the corpse.
This end, you fooir Bat Antony was
inexorably wrapped In grief. He per
severed and disclosed to the Intently
gazing audience Julius Caesar's boots.
Clever SaaggUag Trick.
Smuggling from Geneva into France
used to be carried on at a great rate.
Alexandre Dumas tells how Beaute, a
famous watchmaker of that city re
nowned for his skill In smuggling, got
the better of the Count de Saint Cricq.
King Louis Philippe's director of cus
toms, who was traveling as a detec
tive. The count bought 30.000 francs'
worth of jewelry on condition that It
should be delivered free of duty in
Paris. .. When he went up to his bed
room on arriving at the French capital
he found bis purchases on the dressing
table. Beaute had bribed the count's
valet to stow them away among his.
aval aa the Daetar.
Weel, Tarn, are ye gaun hame wl
your workV was the Invariable greet
ing of a doctor to a tailor of his ac
quaintance when he met him carrying
a bundle. Once the tailor saw tha
doctor walking In a funeral procession.
"Weel, doctor, are ye gaun hame wl
your work?" he asked. From Remi
niscences," by Sir Archibald Geikie.
Make) Yaaraelf Felt.
Let your education be so broad and
thorough that, whether you paint pic
tures, write books, sell merchandise,
make contracts or cultivate land, you
will make yourself felt In your com
munity as an all round man of broad
ldeaa and general culture. Success.
Hett Haas-ry at tke Maaaear.
"Did Alkali Ike make that tender
foot eat bis words?'
"No. The tenderfoot turned out to
be one of those fellows who would
rather fight than eat." Chicago Jour-
Tfcelr Views ot It.
He Did yoa see the pleased expres
sion on her face when I told her she
didn't look any qlder than her daugh
ter? She No; I was looking at the
expression on her daughter's face
Detroit Free Press.
Caee la Wartlasea.
Ia the civil war there were numerous
coffee substitutes. The principal waa
potatoes, wiilcb were cut into small
cubes and parched. The beverage was
declared to be potable. A Texas regi
ment used corn, parching the grains
till they were a' blackish brown. It
was common to make coffee out of
rice and other cereals besides corn.
Many of the southern troops made a
drink of the tender roots of the sassa
fras by boiling them In water. Msaj
a gallon of sassafras ten bave I drank.
and the effect Is gloriously stimulating.
A pint of It will enable a fatigued per
ten ia labor on indefinitely. The taste
ia slellctoasly aroawtlc. New York
Fsulssi aa fa. Wmn:
All real and enduring beauty must
come from within. Notice how angry
passions, evil emotions, worry, fear,
hatred, envy. Jealousy, malice, even
though they be but momentary feel
lags, will distort and destroy fer the
time being the most perfectly fasbioa
ed face. If evil thoughts or deeds bo
neratsted la, the traaatoat tweets will
Change of Business
5 Not beinjr able to close out our business we have arranger 5
ssa o mtr - ae
to make a change, to take place E
Sept. 1st.
I Thw necessitates closing out ALL WASH GOODS aud
SUMMER STUFF during the next tiO days.
5 We begin at once to slaughter prices. "
s 25 cent to 65 cent Dimities, Tissue, etc.. at 10c to 25o
5 10 12 " Uioghams end Percalee, at Scto &j . E
6 " 8 Print?, . at 4Koto fm fj
j. 25 Net Corsets. at 12jo
, IB to 75 cent Corsets, at 25c to 4!te c
1 SI Crash Skirts, at 50c
Etaninc. Volte and Silk Skirts and Jacket all ta bo seW at
s once. ' -1
I F. H. LAMB a Co. 1
TOM? !
We are here for business
and intend to stay. Give
us a trial order, we will
use you right. Agents for
the Morning Glory Flour
Groceries i
Wrin SL Sons.
Columbus, - Nebraska.
Our Phone No. is 37. 11th Street.
at la Baay a stomas, a Viet las f
Mlatakaa Meatltjr.
"One of the strongest pieces of evi
dence against aa accused man when
there to any doubt couuected with the
identity, of the criminal is the state
ment of any one 'or more witnesses
that 'he is the man: I could pick him
out of a crowd.' and yet despite the
awful weight this often' has In decid
ing the result of a trial it is In reality
weak and fallacious and would fall to
pieces if a good, practical test were
made of the witness alleged remarka
ble perspicuity," said the man who Is
fond of criminal research. "I think it
baa been the experience of nearly ev
ery man who baa traveled any to meet
with numerous people who will take
hum for some one else. At toast a doz
am times in my career has this occur
red. This baa been In bread daylight,
on the street or some public place
where with clear vision and unham
pered thought a man does not know 'if
I am myself or some one else. Chang
the conditions sunshine -for darkness,
an ordinary street scene for one of
crime, perhaps murder, with its attend
ant excitement and mind disturbance,
and say if it be possible for a man who
haa caught perhaps one moment's view
of the fleeing criminal to go into the
witness stand and identify' the man.
Suppose we were to advertise for three
or four men bearing a close resem
blance to the prisoner (and they would
not be very bard to find in a city of
this size), dress them exactly like the
accused and let them mingle and Inter
mingle among themselves, and it Is al
most a foregone conclusion that the
best witness In the court will be so
puzzled he cannot tell one from anoth
er." New Orleans Times-Democrat
Tha IsaaartaB. Tatey at Times Aa
aaaae la Aaalra .C Lite.
"The longer I live." observed the
cashier of a bank downtown, "the more
1 realize the importance of little things.
Here Is a case in point," he continued,
referring to a letter be Just bud re
ceived. "A few weeks sgo 1 bad two
callers In my office, one un excitable
elderly map, a big depositor, and the
other the president of a manufacturing
concern and the writer of this letter.
This manufacturer left, aud soon aft
erward the excitable man discovered
that some one had taken his hat. He
stormed about the place until one of
the clerks suggested that perhaps the
manufacturer bad taken it by mistake. ,
The excitable man demanded his ad
dress and started out to hunt him down
and give him 'a piece of his mind.'
"The other day I read a letter from
the manufacturing concern aud was
astonished to see among the names of
Its officers that of my excitable caller
as vice president. My curiosity was
aroused, and I made some inquiries.
Now I learn that the excitable man
was so pleasantly received when he
called for bis bat that his anger cooled
at once. Then he got to talking about
the manufacturer's business and the
money he was making. A few days
later be Invested heavily In the con
cern and was elected Its vice president
And all because of that little mistake
about a bat." New York Press.
Sew Tear'a la Tibet.
Feb. 18 Is New Year's day in Tibet,
and for the succeeding three weeks
Lassa la the scene of strange proceed
ings. Its government passes from the
lama to a monk of the Debang monas
tery.who bays the right of rule hy auc
tion. He to called the taluo and,-receiving
tho homage of all. exercises bis
authority by imposing heavy fines for
hie owa profit His men visit every
bouse in Lassa to collect heavy taxes
and fines, so that all the poorer people
leave the city at the New Year. From
the country round priests flock In for
numerous religious ceremonies, which
culminate In the selection of a human
scapegoat for the sins of Lassa. The
face of tho victim to painted half black
sad half white, and after be baa been
beaten by the populate as a aymbpl
of the transference to him of tha stem;
of the people be to booted aad mobbed
oat af Lease, whither ho ajay met rs-
Wheat, new rS
Outs bushel :)
Rye tyLushel 45
Hurley :l
Hogs V cwt, 1 a)& I Til
Fat steers cwt 4 00?$ 4 50
Stock steers ty cwt 2 55& .', 55
Fat cows "ty cwt 2 W(t$ '. l5
Potatoes $J pk 40
Butter t. ir.018 "'-
Eggs 3? dozen 124 '.
The Union 1'acilic will sell Ruiuui
Trip tickets to St. Louis and return at
following low rates:
Every day to.Nov. 30, good to return
15 days. 817.10.
Every day to Nov. 20, good to return
60 days. $19.00. ,-- .
Every day to Nov. 15, tfood up to Dec;.
15. $22.80.
Inquire of V. II. liunhum, Auent. - ; -
Say Boys !
Did you know there was a
FIliST.CLASS Tailor Shop
over tint Commercial liank?
A big linu of samples.
Prices right. Every thing
S. E. Baker,
Tilt bona Tree Tailor t
Do you want never-failing
good bread? Use Yeast
Foam; it's sfe yeast. Poor
yeast means luully-raised,
bailly - balced, dangerous
bread. Yeast Foam means
the best and most strength
ening bread ia the world.
Sw Cl,lgfiUjgyja a
permeates every particle,
expands and hursts every
starch cell, makes a fine,
white, bubbling dough,
brings out every nutritive
value, and makes a loaf
that contains more health
ful nourishment twice ov er
than any baker's loaf you
ever saw.
The secret is in the yeast
For sale by all grocers at
5c a package. Each luck-
age contains 7 cakes
enough for 40 loaves.
Write for " How to make
Mni(t9Ba YEAST en
ma tk sa - - - .....
ihg ttsmmsjhlfnj,
of nan
0f tht
- ?.!
ilJm I
1 aaaasaaia. ,. "