The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 06, 1904, Image 5

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I Sat, June 25 to July i j
A most remarkable
: ble Wash Goods cost disregarded price :
: cut to pieces. These
-; ; up in 10 dsys. These
fast, so come early.
Summer Wash
oc feuininer Wash Goods
10c . 1' " "
15c - " " " ...123 c
20c "" " " loc
" " " 20c
Shirt Waist Suits
Wonderful Values
Latest Styles.
80.50 Shirt Waist Suit S5.00
5.50 u " " 4.00
4.50 u " " ... 3.50
Extra Values.
Black Brilliantines 37c to $1.00
Black Voiles 75c to $1.00
Black Henrcettas...25c to $1.00 New Novel
ties SI to $1.25
i Goluipbus,
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1
Beginning Friday, July 8th:
No 2 Alaska zinc lined, former price $10.00 tiM) fWl
sale price PO JIJ
No 23 Alaska zinc lined, former price $12.50 d4 f ftf)
sale price... J'IU.UU
No 24 Alaska zinc lined, former price $16.00 djfl O OTI
sale price P I aC. OU
No 0200 Alaska enameled, former price fJj1 A
.$1S.00 sale price PI'r.HI
No 0210 Alaska enameled, former price f1C OO
$21.50 sale price P I U . aCU
No 62 Alaska zinc lined, former price $27.00 dQ 1 fafl
sale priccr PaC I . OU
No A Herrick wood lined, former price $15 fl Q fWl
sate price PlaC. UU
No 2 Herrick wood lined, former price $20 f 1 w fafl
sale price PIO.UU
No 3 Herrick wood lined, former price $22 J17 Rfl
rsale price V" s DU
No 5 Herrick wood lined, former price $27 Cj0 1 ff
sale, price P""
No 9- Herrick wood lincd,formcr price $32.50 lJOC ftf)
sale price.
Lawn Mowers That Will Cut
At Cut Prices.
yewill sell the following mowers at
reduced prices subject to stock on hand.
N6w is the time to get a good mower at
a low price even if you do not use it until
next season:
14 mcli Banner, former price $3.50, sale
price .......-. -
16 iach Banner, former price $3.75, sale
price -
18 inch Banner, former price $.25, sale
price . . . . . ....-
14;jnch Continental, former price $9.50
sole price .... ...... ......... .
ltjch Majestk(kigh wkeel,) 'former price
$10, sale price.. -
14 icterlmj(tll beiTim),forer price
JijfciSO, sale price ... . -. -
mL-m j. rvr i? i
" - iS i-fc -
- '. - -. ' J" W. X s. Baal
. - -J. ,S J' is. TiaZ? i W
Special sale of I
Summer Wash :
offering of aeasona-
goods must be cleaned :
prices will move them j
The best Values ever z
offered for the
81.25 Shirt Waist at 89c
1.50 Shirt Waist at..? 81.23
1.75 Shirt Waist at 81.29
2.25 Shirt Waist at 81.79
2.50 Shirt Waist at 81.99
3.50 Shirt Waist at 82.89
Summer Wash
8L2o Summer Wash Skirts 99c
1.50 " " " $1.29
2.00 " " 1.69
3.00 " " " 2.59
During these 10 days we will j
offer exceptional bargains in all
departments JULY 1 ONLY.
24 doz. 4 and 5 qt pudding and
dniry pan, regular 121c to 15c
pans, 1 tocustomer, eacii oc
25c claw hammer, each 10c.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 ll"
lmmM MJ
,;- ii'iT ?-?
- aVarl
' double price.
-Dr. M, aaaa.
Prot She, teacher !
albert Col wash
Mim floranee Bagel ia sievting ia
Dr.Gtetssa, death, orar Folleeke
draff atom.
Mias Grace Leaker WMtto Schejler
.ra a. w Mh wiait.
H. A. Gfatk ant tfce tmmitk m Ms
fium La Sarpy eo fy. .
Eresk attor Milk at tke
reHerj y.
Mr.udlbt Grntf Tifcti ww
OaMba.viMton hut wwk.
Kverat OKriokf Norfolk viaitad
Alfred Fkba of St Edward u i
Oolambw for thaFoutk. "
MiM Liliaa DuVxwft of Sckayfcr
pMk Saadaj is Owl Tim.
Miai Lydia Gartaoh ia viaitiaf kr
sifter ia Liacola this waak.
MiM Boby Hard of Oauk is the
ffaest of bar akter Ifiai Etad Hard.
JVwfanor Galley ia baay praaariag hia
report to tba atato aaaeaaaMBt board.
Ujaa Florence WbitaMiyar Tiaited in
Cedar Bapida from Satarday to Tuesday.
Geo. D. MeJklejoaa waa ia the city
Tuesday en route to Omaha on business.
K. L Brows spent Samdsywitk the
Heasley family, tba zdatiTai of his
Editor Jobs weat to Graad Is
land Saaday ereaiaff to apaad the
Ed. Browse of Xorfalk waa a gaaafc
of W. V. Heasley aad family orer
Saaday. Mrs. Gbariaa Thrash of Rogers is vis
itiaf Mrs. J. D. Brewer aad Mrs. M.
With the first of the
th, rural
Mrs. E. L Browae aad Miai Metis
Heasley are risitiac this week ia
'Mrs. U. L Mardock west to Sprtag-
fiald Satarday ta ba with frieada a
few days.,
Miss Esther Boadhsr who has a
position as taaufciaiihat ia Omaha, is
at hoasB oa a riait. T- . . ,
Go to G. B. Preib for paiatiag aad
payer haagiaf . First door aorh of
PoUsck's drag store. tf.
Mrs. Groaoa af Wyasore arriTed
here Friday to Tint st the hoaw jrf
her aacle, B.O. Boyd.
Prof. L H. Britall and'uanihter
Faanie waat to St. Edward to-Tisit
Dr. G. Britall aad wife.
Miss Jaseaaiaa Starret of Central
City riaitoa her friends, the Misses
Rvsche, Satarday ta Monday '
Misses Kate. Dede aad'alaUia. Ben
aiahof of iaaoaln Tiaited otrt the
Foarth with Mrs. 8. J. Barron.
Miss Clara Wearer, one of the pri
aury teachers ia the Tiianaln schools,
is spaadiag her racatioa at heasa.
Paul DaFy of Esasaa City aad Peter
DoiTy of El Beno, OHshoais, spaat the
Foarth with their parents ia Colambna.
Mrs. H. G. Fricfce aad children aad
Miss Grace Carria; weak to Cedar
Bapids Satarday to visit over the
Mayor and Mrs. Boettcher went to
Genoa last Tharaday to attend the
f aneral of Bay Ely, a nephew of Mrs.
A. A. Maaro of New York City,
brother of Ber. G. A. Maaro. is
here on a visit of two weeks with his
brother's family.
Mrs. G. B. Prieb is visiting friends
ia Oasmha for n week. Mr. Prieb
is maniac; the calinaryjlepartaMBt of
the hoase in her absence.
G. E. Kindler. aaperintendeat of
the Albion schools, waa ia Oolambas
Tneeday. He delivered the iadepen
dsne day oratioa at Belgrade.
C. A. Bearasley retaraei Friday
from a hnsiaeas trip to Boone and
Nance coanties. He reporta crop con
ditioas ap that way excellent.
Dr. A.E.Valliar whoreosatlr settled
ia Bellwood to praotica hia nrof ession
as doctor of osteopathy, is a brother
of Dr. B. A. Yallier of this city.
Miss Elisabeth Mitehel of Lincoln
aad Miss Hattie Mailer, of Oonacil
Blaffs are gnaata of Mrs. Garrett
Heist. Miss Mitehel ia a sister of Mrs.
Mrs. Tilanahaa and two children of
Beatrice Tiaited with SheritT Carrig
aadfaasily lest
day for Graad Ialand to visit Mrs. Lis
Mrs. J. E. Beeder aad children.
frosm a visit to Liaooas. Mr.
went to Lincoln Satarday auraiag to
retara with
Mr. aad Mrs. O. Staiaaaagh
Cuaniil Blags
lathe city
their way to Won sea far a visit of a
few days with relati
Mint Alise Wstkins
s visit to friends near St.
BteKW..kHaMi tBUai aai I a rlra aaa aha aVMaVtaaaaU UB BUBD ' '
nBaBawayaasuBmBvaaaiaavaavi, - a a . . $ a nen nss waw " : -
Edward. Ska hae.heen eaaaced to Cuatral City? w-araaa,' aaM I"
aaa tW BTiaVaam a fin I aaM a ftBaS " . .
BPSBBSBBBBV aaaaap Baaawa, - - " a aaaav --. akja aj a. , . -
Tae teB-yuar-aai aaa of wllhnm itb-d- Thm mmt aa a 'Vt !?' V'r- Tf fOL - '
Hagal waa the victim of oae af the --Mim.MaBaMw-MimnMmdmmU.. -U aaito-s lafcag.
a a , . 1 r; aaBBuuBBM, aaaawanjahmix aasaaaiaV ammmg afaaaam mmw . -T i " m-J Bab
aarMaauy, ay aaaanag GnyTeaJanue, aatia asTnairf . y.s. r"j -y . .,-. -Wiaae
too hang. . .,. ..tSwa i aamawljath,aimaj. mna -vmmw
fc --- kaaa lalUa aar aa. "' : - . . "v -?T. T- r . - , i
w yaan, aaa aaaa Tmatnaar ner ana. The ana had aaaa htanamaaaa year hafera, Maw, hava yea get any ;
naanailaaaaav - T?!",M.Mlr ? " . ' A - -
Box.. . 4 . y - w jjf Sksrr - aana"aaa, veaaaBi i
- " - aaapaap,awaawa,aM-, BBBBBk. j a tBBavVPBBBSB WjBw.SnnnBUn UB aaaaa- ( f
m J a " ?- - ' " .. - - . - " j'-ys-n - " J i i
- - " . -" "m- r a- aawaaaaam. fua, i.-
BatmaaaapaC bbBbb aaVaaav jf -. oaBiaalaaa. -t
ainB e vnofls wHHHiaK ? aoaafe aar nctnnnaBBWMpiMMsaia!'' "'.f-.f'' . rv-iavraaraa9aaaavvarMaaaaaaaa,kMA'ktPiAfttfMn
rg iUt " w Aa. m ate-Ma m. v; r , - '- v?ss ssiaaBBmrsk-MPsvaspmir--' p wwww
niadPaaaaajriQdaaaaJhBajkagJh i0Mie alk 'mi " ' a"'FT?t?'ittx5itfi.itrni i2jr
!Mti?lua $ m 'Jvfi .lirtr 't?TBu?J& sSf vf- AaeetalaaeaejeaTaameiahtafa. jWm
VaVW sVVMfnMfMfiWr - T-7 ' dP h"vCaBBBBaw'aaBBBBBBBBrBBW aamaaTa . f"trt"JrW- t.1 ?? -'-.4-wf t? riraaltM
a.miuaiCSSSSJmLai ygyt ':? -: rm-9
. Dr.CaaBH.PlatE. homniaathia any- where shay weaa toaamad a wedwaac. amVea laamaltaaaead actaaa. He is , .
.. j -j at mai aij "tkaBkai' KBjaa. BaBBVar aaav ajak' , .ut 'his
f " - m rti -Li 'w -a. -"W."" . ' 'naaK'Sacaaaaa aC aha cmvacammticB of
" r xx s. asr iMMa bb en-aaava aaaaaaT naaaa) a naara eanetv
iaMoi ! aaiii ftv aMn. A. tIimmK a tiaaaaai want nauana aavaaM wtanav,. ..?.. -1 . - ' . j-t --
TTT--T -T 7 -v-7 ? A?lfc -' .- ...''! wamaaas, maan aar a
Sea. tf . -ana. Aiaatt naaaaac laffsaatwak amasaamsar ibkUBi ta wmi
Mrs Was. Tenel nam. Fraakie latt aaaaar aaa Taaawaahaaa Fash aaaa fwam ana aamg ana) aad aaaarga after
aaaavr f ar a Tiairto raaativea ia Fatrv. taaywiai aaaaat aavaaM waaa view- ana- aaag.aaK .aaamreany aaaa tae
""" " " waaamasjaaas1 aBBBHawe wsbp asan ,n wasaa, ? , -J" - -v . -.. m -
bam. as; aaaa" saw aaaaaai waaaaaai aa ".,. . n. mjbi .
Misslsaaatxesoaamanrsy , , .-sr:. , V aaaaty. M-ay fee traiy aali
this aveaiac oa a visit to theJena ? "" " aaatafaM the Mahar. warm Meeaed
Steve Ryan aad mmiiy Tiailed the . AWMBTMl?TI !'l! i.T".". T
.'.. m ----' , aaa maaaasy, iBBaamam; anaant naas aaas aavrn aaan, as nana cwsrea eat
family of Joaaah -Kyaa wia Uaaailar .. aaaaaamV eearvaaaiaa " i tirlTi asiM aai haaa an na h i n.
a7 aaMaal awVsaaBaammBBBBBB amamaaaaaBBBBBBv. emmmjwaaaaaaaaaaa) m bbb aw aav.ftahaaB.
Biny r aa waaah Waa m. annaai. Mr. whara nr aoaaa the aalverhar, con-
L. D. Pestle of Oaaar BapUa waa ia
iBwa-rThareaay aad Siaaraay at
Wam IDs! What is? Why, the
WAY UP FLOUR, atadeby Colsjubas
EoUer Mills.
Bothkitaarhaaaaew kiad of eaaav
eled wsre-eqasl to iatperted Straneky,
and cheaper. - , tf
Prof. R.hLCaaipbeU sad G. A. Scott
started Monday for a trip to the Boat
A ticket a Skiaestaae rise
with every glass ef7i9walwater
Mrs. aaaW.Jenes.ot.aLEdward
is viaitiag her pareata Mr. aad Mrs.
Dra. Msrtyn, Evaaa, Gear, Hassan St
Msrtyn Jrn ofltee three doors north of
Friedhofs store.
' Billy Baksr of Omaha spent Saaday
pad Moaday hare viaitiag hia pareata
land his old friends.
Miss Martha Post lsf t Fridayfor
Seward where she will athe gaeet of
Miaa Norval for a weak.
Housewives- wishing to. have good
bread, moat nee WAY UP FLOUR
Try it and be convinced.
auesa Jearie Boyd and Mabel
Drawbaagh leave tomorrow for a visit
to frieads at Wiatarsett.
Ed Hoare Oasaha today to
meet hia wife who ia retaraiag from
a visit at Weeping Water.
; Miss Mamie Daaseabrock and Mr.
aad Mrs. Wendt from near Leigh were
I Colambas visitors Friday.
Mimes Elsie aad Lena Sagalke of
Omaha are viaitiag the family of
Charles Segelke in Oolambas.
Mim Minnie Young luw coatracted
to teach, asaoolia district No. 3,
known as the Murray district.
Mrs. C W. Womackof Galasbug,
BL is ia Colambas to visit for a week
with the family of C. S. Baaey. r '
, Mrs. Wm. Gibson sadaaaiof cidar
Bapids came down Satarday to visit
with Mrs. IJoyd and Jaafchaji.-. -
Jack London came down from North
Platte hut week aad remaiaed over
the Foarth viaitiag rekOivss here.
Mrs. Mary Boms and Miai Maude
Bums want to Osceola today to visit
relatives. They will retara Satarday.
H. S. Elliott and son John, aad W.
F. Phillips and eon Milton, left Saa
day for St. Louis to visit the exposi
tion. 8wift'a Pride Soap lengthens the life
of your dethea. It keeps them fresh
and clean. Order some for Monday's
Eight room hoase for rent oa Eighth
atraet, one . block' aoath of Second
Ward SchooL. Inquire at Journal
offiae. ' It
The fourth of July will be celebrat
ed at Stevens' Grove. A big dance
platform with good music Admis-
sion free. June 29 It
Mr., and Mrs. Geo. M.Hall aad Mrs.
Cora Heiawrr aaieaaled aha Oliaa-Mor
Claaagaan we dding at Monroe last
Thursday. , ' "1
Chrie. W. Graenther, O. W. Philana
Hans Elliott and. Gas. G. Becher are ia
St. Loaia thui week attendinfirtheaation
al democratic convection.
Deputy Clerk Carrig with bis family
apent theFourth at Platte Center. Mr.
Carrig is one of the few who can "cele
brate" and turn up smiling next dsy.
Mia Metta Heasley waa thrown
from a baggy Thursday eveaiag by a
sadden jamp of the horse abe
driving. She Buffered eome
bat waa aot seriously injured.
Mr. aad Mrs. CHseen and Miaa Ber
tha Maynardof Omaha who have aaaa
visiting the family of M. D. Karr, re
turned home yesterday morning. Mrs:
Oleeoa is a daughter of Mr. Karr. ,
Beporta are reachiag Colambaa to
the effect that the storm af Wedaea
day of last week contained asore or.
lees hall aad the damage to crops in
aoase loaalitiea waa coaaiderable.
W. BL Dale returned' lest
from Caicaco whern aa?'
at the repabllcaa aatioaal 6dm-
r T OA " i
ahoat twenty miles frees Chieago.
Shall Clark of Woodville towaahip
in Colamliai laat Friday.
Clarkraaya that aiaoa hia treataaaat at
the hospital he ia enjoyiag
health than be has for thepaat twelve
. f 7. - - - - ------
Teara, ecaaaoam jewma arevaKw: - . .
Oaashn aaeeta. aaoaaaraunad hv Maaars. - - m.-i.-. a i nintnl aw.
res. i .- 'z r -w - ? - - rr-. . .
IUrf aBaaaaaaaSa aaBKafl "W STV VBaaaakai WMT BO BWBaaa aaai amB4dBaaa
.nernert ana. j. q. Maraa, Mr. aaa aetvaa from taaaag ef htm aa we angar , .
IMmZ T. - m w.n ,- . - - 1 ha. ttm .
aa. aw vneiaeH, avami Jiw aan ami amv w paam mtmm av f
mA A - " - " aaiVaa m Saalh aatfalll aa tmr . .
& mmmmm Mummmu. aaaa mm sama mm m -
' mag aaaal
z t-r- "v -rf'.iu m.M - "i, .iimm- mmmmmm-ww-i mOTHiMMijKBiBK&aiair s
aw aaaaaaaaBBBBBi wsaaaBi eBaaBBBBBBaaaaa aaaa; aw anaaaBBBBs .awam -. , h .
. ....T.fTT-- waat ea. Nateaiy as, bat am oae oc
, caaaaiaaly. tan head aad tan were left
Basel Beset eeleaaaaad her hiflhaai iawd alace tan meat had been cat
aaaavamary Thmiij all nana as mmt eC the carapace, aad no one could
the aease af her aaaaaaaaawar, Mra, hava anaglaed that any life rimalard
SaFroa. Baaal waa aiaa years alt and hmaaenliaaallas awtayeaagDaae.
aanalalBail a aaaahar of baryeaa aWrhai that the aawa hanging head
aaaBBaa'aaaBl aBaaaaVrntan Wffaaaaas aaaaaaaai wraaavm? taalaaaaaw
XTMaMal .aH waW aaasaBawaVMaaVsVal aaV saaaWaaasar rf taVaTt MaaaaBaVal lWr'aafwa taaaw
Maw Liana Adeem laliillliil a aaajaaaas twa aaaaaert
tiam paiij fiam taaaaj tin Tmirj- Owaajaiaf thataMlaPijawhadtaaaa
The ftaeete ware: athaaa Mai nil af themeaT daaa. with aaly the maacahv
awamTaaBaaBaVaWBaa laaMBaaaBMaaaVaHaaBaBwaaaA 9a UaaaaBaaBaaV- arBeTwwan aTvMfMfBBBBBBn aaV bTPsT awaansW OaaaWns
MitoaeMof IasaaaaL LaaWef Caaaeil s eace eat a tnruVa head off and
BlMaT, " wtaafaiV aBOaafal ! aaaaatl ,1, gj a-Wtb-W
Atttadat FHft 4( taaai iiwlja. . ma-aMfB feCBaaaTaaaf ttafaaaVfwnai MTfat flVaaaaf
aaaa- WTSaaah til saaaaana am awaaa At ' Mm , . -nv '
o'clock tee
Sioux City aad Fay
Island. The
, Eva Warner
sad Ethel Gariow.
Mrs.U. B. Spaiaaand Miai Lattia
af Mrs. J. M.
nasi in haft last
8peiee. Mr.
St. Loaia ay way
of Chicago. After a
That at the
ezpeaition, they will
Dorothy Poet,
Maamie Elliott,
party given fey Miaa
Johnson. While there Mini J
eatertaiaad one aveaiac .la
her Cahnabaa gaaata
Prof, aad Mrs. A. E. Peele
ed Tharaday af last weak from a two
weeks visit ia the d ties of Davsnaart,
la., Bock Island and Meline,ni. Prof.
Poole played nolo violia ia two of the
lesdiag caarches iaDavaaaert aad re
ceived vorv aaranlaa oa
from, the masirmaa of tint dry.
Baird of Clarks, aa old
citiaaa af that towa.
to the asraui far ta hamae at
Lincoln last Saaday maraiag He
wesatasakad aaadealythe .day be
fore and imsssdiaiely aocame violent,
eo that it was aimamry to pat aim ia
ar foar.maa
Low W. Bafeer aad
O'Boake of Omaha ware la
Satarday aa their way to flpaldiag
where they will apaad a
ranch. Mr. Baher waa far
ooaaactd.with the
AaawrmtteB aad has racaatly asgun
the pablication of a paner in Paaaaa.
Tom Flynn, one of the earneat settlers
of Colambas, died at Norfolk at aevea
o'clock laat Sunday sight at the home of
oaeof hiaaona. He waa buried at Platte
Center Tuesday. Mr. Flynn waa a brick
maker in the early days of Colambaa.
He made the brick for the eourt hoaaa,
For several yeara before hie death he had
run a restaurant at Albion.
Supt. Kern waa in Colambas Saa
day. He had jaat retaraed from the
Colfax county institute where he waa
aa iastractor. Prof. Kara iaoaeof
the' few Hearaafca lafirlatiBdiBta
who will deliver laotarea ia the Uai
varaity aammar aaaoai thai year. He
left Monday far Lhaeom to begia the
C. CWto "returned yesterday from a
trip to Boulder, Colorado, where ha
went with aiae other -aaa tram
Omaha to iaepect a mining property
ia which they are iaterested Jan.
Beraey will begia the oBetractloa of
a two-atory aaildiag oatheaitoof
hiapreaaat loaarioa ewvaath street.
The bailing will he at by 88, built
of wood and veneered with iron. The
ary will be need for a atore
for carriagaa.
SELL OUT aad locate ever here ia
Polk ooaaty wharf yoa eaa raise
winter wheat to perfectiea. Price of
lead ooatparatively law yet, feat eaa
stantly going up. Get a move en yon
and call on aa or write far aaraaiai
Kiag Bitlane, Agoaas, Oaanai, Hah.
Two of the Heffeliagar ehildraa
lrvinv en the eld Warns farm north of
Colambaa have aaarlat fever. The
Sauth and Fat a at a a Xxal ef I Meauuy.
Brhnmasref Grand I
asiat nraaa-1 aav immm man mmmbwmi h ..
. - BUm
-wnen laoa buur w w- . r
. - ..a i mMmmtmr hbv.
narBBBj a knars gaost n inainii
i kia haaa taaaaar. Baa.
W mmm -- y
BaaaBBBti: BBBaaBBBB." Jaaa anjaa
-LS aaaaBtaaBT
-"Jr"-5taaaaaaaaaa aaasi r v
w- -
I .. " j
Glvaa a ataaay fereeas and a free
umai. thane m araetlcaHy no lhnlt to
the ammaei watch a
shrill i lag in QjiUlniia at the
attamabls aolat ea the doase
ef at Patera hi Berne, whither they
carried by th wind
Onesaay ace fecks
af gossamer aJeat at far greater
Seafaring folk often note
by them at
vartoaa parte of
Darwin, in hia famous
of the Beagle, when "atxty
it aumbera of
witt their webs. When
they trat came in contact with the rig
ging they were seated upon threads,
and while haagiag to these the slight
est breath ef air would bear them oat
Than, though eo far from
Toyagera ware etui nor-
A eteamehJp captain told the writer
of a Hke obaacvatiaa nude by aim.
Wfeeh) Bailing along the eastern coast
off Seath lawrira duriag the month of
March hia aaJa waa covered with lnno-
frha. He waa then
thaa 909 mUaa from land, aboat
sta) milee aoath of the equator. The
wind waa Wowing from the continent
The BDiaers aseased like elongated
Bella, aald the esptaln, "with n sort of
above tiaem. They
the aalla aad rigging and.
anally dlaapa eared aa they came. Ton
a added, -that it m aot an
hkaa to be blown out to aea.
Haw mach emaer for a spider, provid
ed he has the meeae to keep himself
in the air." H. a McCook,
LL. D, ia Haraer'a Msgsslne.
Money can unquestionably earn
But something must be bought.
Otherwise, it will ho idle.
Idle money, Mae idle men, is use-
What shall yoa bay?'
Mining stock?
Oil stock?
Bailway atock?
Stock of a Maacfaeturiog plant?
Let oe anew yon aometaiog bet-,
And aafer beennae practically
"backed by Uncle Sam."
Our prospectus is free.
Start $50 or awre to earning
CtraaawJat SltafiwIS ClMuwl
i 4 4 4 i ' '?'
i: Say Boys!
Did yoa know there waa a i
ever the Gammerdal Bank? $
A feig lme of eaainTea. I
right. Every thug
S.E. Baker. i
TIM Ihmm Trtt Taiwr
Soda Fountain. 1
mUaa from mad
email aaHtra
-n'a mfrnrnf kVVaaaaaaaVBBaamaa '
thearag Saa and the bast
' ' W " fifiaaaaaaaaaaaaatSl
' VaWwmrwhJPaWnvMnl
rHnt"hnw aVnaarlFr V
Lief IJ T 1 f ""J
r Ht I : 4r si vsw 1 1 .- j nW' wkMb.
A comDlete stock
Groceries, Crockery, QUmwrvn and Taiwiai : :
. We can satisfy you im afWalitar, aaawri : :
jneht and price. Inererycaaa3wlM.apiar- ::
: : chase is not entirely
: : cheerfully replace the, goods or reAuid the ; :
HUtllU J-
We aim to do a
. we promise. This may he a ndfcai osMyrt-;:
& .- .
uxe irom moaern metnoas, du u m uua ; ;
WAT. We carry the largest aaamjtaaaHStt in ::
J the city in high class
BW a . .
uMMd Fruits
aVld VttMaaate.
' aaaajBajaj ag amrnaayaiBmmmBBBBsaaaaj.
Do yon know the
A.a IRBl 1
. . ouu a&a. oasiness nas
:: ons proportions? It is plain. We give tmaw J
:: bestTalae for the money. Quality always f
. uw oesa.
Flour! Flour! Flour!
We have in stock :
Way Up Flour,
led Seal Flour,
Jewell Flour,
Mtmulscfared here in Colnmbos, which ;
uao uiu rvpuiauon. 01 inanuiaciunncjai gooa '
a flour as any place in the state. Your or- : :
ders will receive prompt attention, and will ;
xucuLt; vuu xiuii prices
Minnesota Flour.
t We have the GOLD MEDAL brand, guar- ;:
t anteed in every way to be as good or better ; ;
than any other brand manufactured in Min- ;;
. uesoi.
The many compliments we receive on I
c the quality and assortment of our dried t
c fruits is highly pleasing to us. Our method t
of handling: and disolavine them in
c front fruit cases insures to our customers
:c cleanliness and goodness.
wwfrw4vfr&&frfrfrfrW 1 1 1 1 III II 1 1 1
-a -
aaaaaaaaaff r'-'i'LiaV-a
BBaBaaamrT if ? kiwa
naaaaaaYT4i !''laVaKjL9i
Br'vPaanT bYiu K
c K.ffei2kav Kx
41 Ba aaVl-'i'J
4i ' saaa aaaaa!
" ! RrafafMt MOaaamB'
i "-;.:qJmncBBBB
You are Respectfully Invited to look over
Our New Spring Goods.
OUR CLOTHING is made up in the heat
of workmanship, latest styles, perfect
fit and lowest living prices We
you real bargains. : : We keep everything
that's good in the GENTS' FURNISHING
GOODS line in great variety.
We call vour attention
They are especially nude for us of the beat !
material by the foremost manufacturers of the :
country and we sell them no higher thaa
inferior shoes are sold for. ::::::-;
We Repair Sates Neatly aai Prasad)
Jll 411 Eleventh St,
of Staple aad Fmiicw : :
aaUtSamctory. ws will : :
' '
, -
. - a . a ' w
f J
reason oar COFFEE
jm . w
reacnea sucn
Gold Dust Floor,
Bride Flour,
Cora Meal Graham,
in quanuues.
IT PATS to give
them your attention
and to look sharp to
see that you are get
ting the really correct 1
new things of the
Tailored CLOTHES
offer you correct and
authoritative versions
of the season's tavor
ite styles. They insure
a purchase satisfac
tory from every stand
point PRICE
505 Dm Stmt
to our complete line ef
; i. - :t t s4
gi -ail .
Hi " Tv
BBBBBBBBBaaV " . - v" .,:.
mmmmr r , . v - . . r k--.i
-"3 -
T2 .
.CTT .
. - ,p. "v ,- - i.r
1 'y -m'f ,""5- i
"Fn JLiaWis'Tfc -A
-' --T,
- 'jMii-o Vs-t'-raE
?- w-"-iHi r, -l5.jt.i -,: