The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 29, 1904, Image 7

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    BaBBmaWSOSfSsw5? 'S TO ; 'Vii FT?f ywifMMgi Mimmjk lwMB'Wfmm rggmmsl
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IfiR T
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f &- ?;aram
ttnihrAaMMrMi Htrd a w wmmmtmr mm Them, feat Jbbb ----- ---T - :-
i v4 Hflh MHm H iMii. , TDWWtCM' ,Bti faa
waagjPlegot 'feara old. Three nn ftt.-a - - - temrmBsVUBa touwjjham aaningal
. - a- '-- --- mOM from JtOW JMf, JMMUC BB Vaaa-HmBBamT to OBBBn k
umrht? --" ttWM"i free ef a lira atalhmau store ' "mmmmw wmS '
aff Naa - rw-, tvlTIZ. y 'v '' mbbi, too?" MMMl tte kaaai.-aaa1
. a - - mmuwL nPB anaas ac uaat aaac to bm wm m bbbbbbo fw , , n
to W.
im tka
aMItor. tha Mav
tor Utanrjr workarc.
KiTtac tka latter ctaaa
iriee. Hera ara a
Dot vatt for
to toH yem, kat 41c It
DWt vriU too aiack. Daat iaak
vaU tka mkaBpy aMlac. tka
tka kratal. tka tragic, tka korrt-
yaa care to ae la artat tke
yoa write.
a aotekook. Travel wttk K.
aat wltk it, atoey wKk H. 81a lato
It every atraj tkoagkt tkat fatten
ap lato year kraia.
"Am aoea aa a fellow aells two or
tkre tateaa to tke aucazlaea." aaya
Mala Irleada all ask Mm
ke BUBaiPi to do It" aaa tkea
ke gate oa, la ate owa racy way, to
toH kow ft kaaaeaed to him.
' Urn kaa aiaay UabUlUea mad bo aa
aata, ao Iccobm aad several awatka
to faai. Re Uved la Calif oral, far
tka great poblishlag ceaters,
414 sot kaew wkat aa editor
Hke. Bat ke aat dowa aa4
Day ky day Ms pile of auaa-
aarifts ajoaated aa. He had vaaaa
oktalaed froai a Saaday aaaple-
tkat a tIalaiaBi rate of fie a
words was paid, aad feared
-ftta a aumtk, wltkoat
verstocUBS tke autrket
"Oae BBDralac tke postaama kroackt
iaatead ef tke usual loag. tklck
ivelope, a short tkla
He caaldat opea it right away.
It aaaaiad a sacred this. It coa
toiaed tke wrlttea words of aa editor
at a Ms awaazlae. Wkea, atodest aa
ever, ke kad faared la his ailad wkat
tke offer for this 4000-word story
weald ke at the aUalmum rate $40.
opeaed the letter. Five
Not havlag died right thee aad
there, Mr. Loadoa is coaviaced tkat
ke may yet eualUy aa aa oldest la
kahkaat Five dollars ! Whea? The
edtter did aot atate.
Bat, ky aad ky, la tke coarse of its
waaderlBga, oae of Ma stories reacked
aa adKor wko could aee tke gealus of
aad kad tke patleace to
tke kusk of wordy
jatradactlea aad discover tka
la tke teddeat tkat
taramg'aolat la Jack
er, as ke so grapklcally
"Notklag remalaed bat' to get oat
id shovel coaL I had doae it be-
aad earaed more BKmey at it
I. resolved to do it agate, aad I car
amly should have doae it had K aot
for The Black Cat
Tea. The Black Cat Tke poet-
bbbb brought me aa offer from It for
a HButd story which waa more
i streagthy. If I would
permlsaloa to cut It dowa halt
Great permlssioa? I told them they
eaald cat It dowa two-halves if they'd
emty aead the mosey aktag. which
they did, by retura mall. As for the
tf previoesly meatloaed. I faally re
ceived It after publication aad a great
deal of embarrasement aad trouble."
Aad the rate he received for Ma frat
Cat story waa aearly 29 times
the ire-dollar editor paid! '
Nor la Jack Loadoa the oaly writer
aaa beea lifted from obscurity to
by the lucky Black Cat
which, aa tke New York Press kaa
truly said, has done more for short-
writers aad abort-story readers
aay other publlcatioa.
of Its famous prise competl
aa brought aew writers to tha
la He most receat the $2,100
a by a young Texaa who
lad aever before wrlttea a story, aad
aha aecoad, S1.M0. west to a lawyer'a
arMs m. aa obscure Missouri towa.
at kaa Just inaugurated another coa
tost ha which S10,ee wUl be paid to
writers la earns of from $100 to $1,509.
Thai will, ao doubt add assay aew
aaaaaa to the list of those who have
-arrived" through Us recogaltioB.
Tha coaditioas are announced la tka
earreat teeae of Tke Black Cat aad
aVff alao be mailed free to aay oae
by the 8hortatory Publishing Ceet-
ostoa, Mass. Kvea those who
write a wtaalag atory tksm
aay aara $10 by giviag a.tima
ly Up to aaaM friend waa can.
Bat all should bear la mlad that K
be' entirely useless far aay oaa
a atory to The Black Cat
frat readlag aad complyiag
all tke published conditloms.
la a chance for the reader to dig
oat of Ms brain, for what Ufa
tat at least coatala oaa tale
Oaa trouble with the oldest lahabt
taat ia that he remembers too many
teddeats of his boyhood daya that
aever happeaed.
Da Yea Want the Lowest
-one-way or round-trin axcarstaa.
to aay point east of Chicago or St
Leels? Ask tke Erie Railroad Com
paay. SS5 Railway Exchange. Chicago,
far complete informattoa. Three fast
daily from Chicago ;
through to New York.
rmsburgB.aad other
stop-over without charge at
Falls. Cambridge Serines and
awaattfal Chautauqua Lake.
wko are advertisiag tkat they
with the devil bow win be aax-
fa prove aa alibi aoaee day.
aw of his ton.
Way It la tha Beat
a ktcaaai ansae by aa entirely enter-
Mae aay ether, better aad aaa-thmd
asareaar M riots
Tka Joys, of today aad the griefs ef
today att ho aaad la kaad at tka
BWMBMaiaiiaiiaia-iiBaBBiMaiiaiam Xn this alaae each lowly man shall faaad to BBBtate aat aa
5-. riaira aue aiaii . . - - --- -
! fiFA-ama -.. . a Aaa en tae way, wane aentaiem hope hi f "Z TT. ."..T ao aaiaxa aecrjoa wtekea to marrr
t -. Z ........ ... ........ .......1..... .....H .. ......... kk s AA ... r
moBBBBBaaa-- mBBBBBWBBmnami aa aam-aaaawax, ie ana unaenaa mu nam am ts. v- -m . .. - - u. -k-iiA. . aa tmmnrrmmmm: aaa w.
"V( maaTi- B Ba al i Aaaa . ft a.iamiaamMi-i.-iaSmaBmiaiiBMaa.miiij.Mfc BiaaBBBamamaiMMaBaSMKvaaMIMalpaaBIIIIIIal-MB-(at f. , r t kmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm aWaWaWaV Bawanl AWaWaWaV BBBaWaWaam aWaWaWaa aBaWaWaW. BBBB BBBaW.
s vasBBmns mamma -.--...a.. "' . "- -" ntciwi.u.. "". t.ti-. .BmBmBBBmaBawaaaBBumrB-u-Bnaaam
r" . -f"? KSaSK-r-'-'r -sMfiw&s-s&?? mmtxzz.fz xrjz I ii:nv 11111111
y'i -- ---- aa, m "fyjr" --Tll "! a akjalfteB'aaa aaeha to aatf ZTt'ZZT JmmZTmm ' - mataataaauas " I BuhWeaaVOamamaJl aw BamfaVsMalYi '- & gfaBaal
t m'aBBaaaaaaaBBab aaaaaafiMma fiaraaa eatiaa aavaag aoaa ariaaaTea -.m --b-a . . . a a. aaas ,JB8axaace, laaiy.vikns-'BaBuea- -- "- -. .. . .. . B fay aamrmjmaAAT aa aaaaaa aa Bbsbb
ir-'j S gggBl ' awPHIf foar aatoet aa aakpare, wko deateieur i-?f"M -'""? JtwjwJg fllft.BT aaksislplhia forVrraTf? -y maalal.vdtelaaiar..wko "gaj mmJmmmfwwW mm u
& ' ''"id'"' " . "" dBW IO OaCk. ,TkO am W Fuataaa Of) ltotttoflraak HPfai11 rWflmaiaj aaOtaOr ahfP. at:Bieaamitav m 'a aakSHiak-a-ai 'jt mmmmmimmmmmmjmjmmmmmmmjmmjmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
US H -aalmaf 'aaa. ? ; If"""1. Trial it oaya OiaaellBto ami -,. 'ZTT -V'' tho raaatfoa taot taoagh i Httle mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
aaaaP gaBBBawaal 'Lwfl aaawawawf mawaaa aaaeP'aW wW aaV -- -- -- -'m7Vm'r ' . -j-r--1 - 9mWkjmWRW9wW9w9m "-- ?TZ r ,!"" 11-Ifj 'muawawmwauBmaBaaam
BBBBBBBBmaVBVmama'aaBBBm ,' - " "h ra2f " " .ii? aaaamBBBj mkaamaa ap aaBBamaBBBjaj BBaam Wjaaaama aaaimaahaaam- aamaaav aaaaaa eamaa. dmaaaaaaaaakai ""bV aaaawa' VaaWi -AmatW 2aamBmeavmaaVBa maffp ir fya -v r -aJy"'T - aBaaamBBBBBaamBBBm fogl JbaBBBBgaaaaBBm aamammaamagaBe baBBjBBBmB
gmMgrnHEE - AVy , 'JjSSSjJS -r, -yi .ZSdS!?
BawaaawaaawaaawaaW ---liMfr.lf TlitTi ' '
"Way, are yoa reeeiviac tkaat too?"
tke yoaac alrL n have kad
two doasaef theai seat to bm
la the last teariays. aad asase of
"Oh, my." siched Mies Brooklya,
"tka oaes I get are all kattarad aa.
tka aletore raised ky tke 're-
I doat aee kow yoa
that coadltioa or.
kave yoa fowad a amy to take off tka
Tai aat aetkered tkat way," re
Jabaed Miss Jersey. "Mlae are aever
defaced; aa postmaater always
ataatpa tkeat oa tke 'address oaly'
aide. I aappoae ke reads tkeat. too.
bat tkere Is aever very much oa theat
ao I doat care. Toa see. oar towa
la aa small that ke has pleaty of time
to tara the cards over aad stamp
them oa the wroag side. Of course
yoa coaMa expect ft la a large place
like BrooUya." New York Times.
Fatrapavlavaka Fata Briaaa Cswipaa
aafVJvl waF NfawaTfWaFs waaafV alWfJa
Seaator Hale claims that the fate
of tke Petroaavlovsk proves tkat bat-
tleaMpa are obaolete.
"The word battleship." he said the
other day, "Is bow a misnomer. This
big aad costly aad helpless sea awa
ster, that at a teach of a $4 mlae or
torpedo taras turtle aad sinks-:what
right baa ft to call itself a battleship
aay longer?
"Hardly aay more right" the Seaa
tor weat oa, "thaa the child of a cer
tain Ellsworth couple kad to call itself
Methuselah, Tke parents of this child
Uked Biblical names, aad their ckil
drea. as they appeared, were chris
teaed Noah. Rath, Shem, and so on.
Fiaally a boy baby arrived, aad the
same of Methaaelah waa bestowed oa
"But poor little Methuselah did aot
life ap to Ma same. Oa the contrary
he died died la Ms Infancy and la
oae of oar Ellsworth cemeteries yoa
may aee his tomb, with the epitaph:
"Methuselah Caraey. aged nlae
months. '
"I think of tke epitaph." concluded
Seaator Hale, "whenever I think of
modem battleships."
Origin ef a Marriage Custom.
"Casting a shoe after a newly mar
ried couple la oae of the oldest cus
toms that still clings to the fabric of
this aptodate life," Mr. John Clinton
told me receatly. "Centuries ago. nay,
thousands of years ago. it was oae of
the means employed by the people of
aatleulty to iadlcato owaersMp.
"Whea a piece of land waa pur
ckaaed or gtvee to oae. or a man ac
quired owaershlp of a hoaae, a cow,
or took aato hlauelf a wife, it was the
'established custom to cast a shoe over
the land, the building, the animal or
the woman, thus asserting to the
world that he had acquired all rights
of owaership. The custom Is mea
tloaed la several places la the Bible,
bat the oaly laataace I can specif cally
recall to mlad just bow Is 1b Psalau
Ix.. 8, where the phrase. 'Over Edom
will I cast oat my shoe, is employed to
meaa that by this method will owaer
shlp be asserted. Few who do it
probably know wky they cast a shoe
after the aewly-married, but la this
aacleat custom Is Its origin found. So
does a relic of barbarism linger 1b
our midst 'aad for her owa sake tka
kride ought to aee to It that it is ao
longer practiced." 8t Louis Globe
Deawcrat Over the Grave ef a Poker Player.
"Nearly all mea who play poker
kave some superstition about the
game, aad there teat a veteran of the
sport that baa aot some favorite pair
for which he will aways pay for the
privilege of drawing to," said Mr. R.
B. Sellers of New Orleans.
"I had a friend la the old times
whea poker raged more fercely than
now. who simply gloried la u hand
that coatalaed a pair of eights and aa
ace. He lavariably drew two cards
of these three, claiming that ia a ma
jority of cases he never failed to make
'aces up, aad very often eights, which,
as the wise oaes know is a fairly
stroag hand. Loag before he died he
expressed a desire that there should
be aa lascriptloB oa his tombstone
which refected Ms ruling passloa ia
life, aad thus it came to pass that
whea he faally waa aummoaed to that
land where poker Is aakaowa a friend
kad tkla legend carved oa tke slab
abeve Ma grave: 'He always held up
aa ace betweea two eights.' " Wash
lagtoaPost Jeet fovea a Lag.
It Is seldom that a hospital aargeon
Is placed at a loss to answer patients
bat oae of the best known operators
hi this city waa completely taken
aback receatly.
Tke aatieat wltk a leg ao badly
kurt tkat amputation kad beea decid
ed oa. had excited the interest of the
aurgeoa because of tha peculiarity of
tke cemplamt Ho brought a couple
o. surgical frieada lato the ward to
aee the case. aad. aa he approached
the cot remarked:
"WelL kow are yoa to-day?"
Like a jaak tke fatieat answered:
"Oh, Im sick abed." aad the aar-
vowed that the kaife shoaid aot
the aext day. aa lateadea.
Beat of alt he aaved the merry young
i'a leg. Philadelphia Press.
en! TIs net te deeds, but to their
constant aeiag.
The son! or man grows rich ia truth, In
lore, aad trust '
He who thronah aH his work seme word
of araiae m wssina.
BfcaU find his frafta at test wiU tara to
Far 'tis thevaiee wtthta gtves sua his
Fih ads seaiee tee wen. aad fees are
merer Jeat or kJad.
One's eenectencethls must be sals ar-
Muah ceaeelt ht Batter. tk
TToom ii nuua imk aeeceas m sure aM BOBta.
a rw v . .
anaajg raytaeie to each dark and waaaaTcoaH walk a aatta withoat the ZllZfJ-' : CT' B JJEVV YDW
MonYu aWPwaa aBaaaamaml aaaamr aamawaWTmaalmaBml vaarwrnmama warmTaai t---..-i..-.-a--i.,... maa rmm Am WW m IfammV. BBawaaal
Mrs. J. L Bowles at lit Cora at.
Durham, N. C, aaya: 1
aad bedfast for over aaa
tka doctor wko attended aat said aa-
leas I submitted to aa nparaUaa far
gravel I would aever beweH. 1 weald
aot eoaseat to that aad aa ooadaaii
to suffer. My back waa aa weak 1
eoald aot stand or waBt, aad It aekee
coastaaUy. Tka frat day after I be
gan aring Doaa's KMaay FUla I fsft
relief, aad . i a abort time I waa aa
aad around the aaaaa aa ever, free
from backache."
.A FREE I'KIAL of this great kidaey
meiuciae which cared lira.
will be mailed to aay part of
United States. Address Foator-MII-bura
Co, Buffalo. N. T; Sold by all
dealers; price 69 caata rar kaz.
What a good many charchaoers
aeed la a prayiag marhlaa that whuda
awlal Vwln MVeWtaVX
Mother Gray's Sweet
drea, used by Methsr Gray, a m
vnuoren's noma, Hew xerk.
move and regulate the towels aad dmhiii
Worms. SoUbyaUDragglsta,Sfc. Sample
FREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, TsRoy,N.Y.
Mustn't Flirt Any Mara.
The Cunard compaay aaa Issued aa
order forbidding the oflcera to prome
nade the decks with femlalae pass en-
gars or to participate la aay social
events oa shipboard, it aeeats that
aumerous complaJata were made that
the officers were aeglectiag their da
ties ia order to play gallaat aad be
sides, that the ofteers snubbed all bat
the pretty girls briagiag complalats
from the ladles aot endowed with
beauty. The fascinating wearers of
gold lace aad brass buttoas will here-,
after attend strictly to their duties,
for steamship companies should take
as good care of their kossely
gers as of their good-looking oaes.
Rules for Politicians.
"There are," said Thomas Taggart.
the Democratic leader ia Iadiaaa.
"three rules of deportment which
should be the guidiag stars of all poli
ticians: First aever take a driak, for
fear of promoting iatemperance; aac
oad, aever refuse a driak. for fear of
aiaMag bad frieada; tklrd, aever wor
ry about what happens unless It hap
pens to you."
Tha Preacher'e Evidence.
Roland, 11L, Jaaa 27. Diabetes kaa
ao long beea looked apoa aa aa la
curable form of Mdaey disease tkat
a sure cure for it must rank aa oaa of
tke most valuable medical dlacoveriea
of tke age. Aad every day briaga
forth fresh evidence that Dodd'a Kid
ney Pills will ' care diabetes. Im
portant evidence la their favor la giv
en by Rev. Thoa, P. Nnrmaa. tka weD-
kaowa Baptist aUalater kera. Mr.
Normaa aaya:
"I kad all tka aymptoma of a bad
case.of diabetes aad received ao mack
benefit from tke aaa of Dodd'a Kid
ney Pills that I cheerfully recommend
them to anyone suffering from that
dread disease. Dodda Kidney Pills
will cure the worst form of diabetes."
Dodd'a Kldaey Pllte alwaya care
diabetes, one of tke faai stages of
Mdcey disease. All tke earlier atagea
from backache to rheumatism ara
naturally much mora easily cured ky
tha same remedy.
, The Fulton Centennial.
Profiting by former experieacea la
the matter of celebratioaa la aot hav
ing things readyoa time for In
stance, the Columbus, Dewey aad oth
er affairs New York kaa already com
meaced preparations toward tke cele-
bratioa of the centennial of the anil
lag of the first steamboat oa the Hud
son. This will be ia 1907. aad Is to
be aa auspicious eveat Steps have
been takea toward building a fac
simile of the Clermont at frat aaeer-
ingly dubbed "Fulton's Folly," but
which turned out to be Robert Ful
ton's joy and pride whea she success
fully paddled her way to Albaay aad
back la four daya' time. Steamboat
development within the last ceatary
has beea ao woaderfal that It te a tttag
to commemorate the iaveatioaa of Ful
ton aad John Fitch ia aa big a blow
out aa steam aad mosey caa deviea.
Why He DteHkea ftaaaklltaaa
After oae of Joha Sharp Williams'
pull-and-haul coateata with Republic
ans ia the house duriag the teat aes
sion of coagress, Speaker Caaaoa aald
to Mm: "John what makes yoa aack
a bitter partisan?" "Well, Joe." was
tke reply, "coming from yoa, tkat te
certainly very good." "Ok, aever mlad
about ase, but tell me why yoa-arp
such a partisan" The Mteetaalpptea
aaawered gravely, "To toH yoa tke
truth, I aever aaw a Repablicaa aatll
I waa 21 years old, aad I caat get
aaed to them aomehow."
What at M.D.
X promiaeat aayslctea of
Georgia, weat through a food
aace xrhlch he makes pabac:
"It waa my owa experieace that
frat led me to advocate Graae-Nata
food aad I alao kaew from kavlag
acribed tt to coavaleaoaata aad
wank patients tkat tka food te a
derfal reballder am
It Improves tha
aatteata alwaya gala jast aa I did la
strsagth aad weight very rapidly.
1 waa la aack a law atate tkat I kad
to give ap amy work eatiraly aad go te
tka moactataa of tkte atate. kat two
maaths there did aot aaarove aaa; la
fact I waa aot aatte aa wal as whoa I
hiiu wMuum wasws am aaaa aaaai
i N
uvaaaaaa aa avam mum aaaaai ne saaaj
at tka
tkere lived, a
wko rejoiced ha tka
of "Hog" Jafteoa.
to kear Ma
tkat supposed It to have
ad ky Ma avoirdupois.
to Califeraia from oaa of
Ma legtttenate laftlale, firmly battev-
lag Ma ohaoTtoaa altea to kave
left behiad, whea oaa of Ma old
aors settled ia the district Th
comer bora ao amUce toward Ma old
acfaalataace, bat from mere force of
habit la aa aagaarded momoat re
ferred to Mm aa "Hog" Jackeoa, aad,
belag pressed for aa expteaatloa. ro
uted this atory:
"Daring Mr. Jackaoa'a resldeace 'la
tke moaatala atate ke eegaged la tka
kaalaeaa of hog ratetag, aa oocapatloa
for which he had aa ackaowledged af
finity. Ia tke fullness of time ke kad
a beach of porkers ready for tka sham
bles, aad sold them to the raaideat
buyer at tha railway atattoa, drivlag
them la oa foot There waa ao feace
aroaad the platform acales oa which
they were weighed, aad aa the buyer'
waa busy adjuatiag the welgkta. Mr.
Jackaoa slyly stepped apoa' oae coraer
of tke platform aad stood tkere, ap
pareatly aaaoticed. until tka weighing
waa fateked. While the hogs coateat
edly maached the corn which had
beea tarowa oa the scales to keep
tkem quiet tke buyer wrote a caeck
for tke amount indicated, tke kof
raiser accepted It aad the deal was'
closed. Then Jackaoa kelped tke buy
er drive the bunch Into the high hoard
atockade aad, to make a thorough job,
followed them la. Instantly the gate
waa cleeed behiad him, aad the key
turned la the lock. After a lingering
look at the porkers, he tried the gate,
bat foand himself a priaoaer, with tha
buyer standing guard outside.
" 'Let me out' said Jackaoa.
" 'Ok, bo!' replied the buyer.
"'Let me out!' roared the fat
wane the blank walls of the stockade
rolled back a coafuslon of answering,
" 'Jackaoa.' said the buyer. 'I cannot
let you out You are my hog. I kave
weighed you and paid for yoa. aad
aaleea yoa buy yourself back yoa mn
going with the rest of them to Oauha.'
"After some further parley Jackaoa
passed Ms iH-gottea check oat be
tweea tha ban of the atockade, wkere
apoa tke gate swung opea aad tka
priaoaer meekly walked oat apoa' tka
acales aad received a ckeck for 240
pounds lass of nog fieeh." Los An
geles Times.
All Waited Upon the Crank.
A aerious man wltk a loag face gin
gerly atepped dowa Into tke deep mad.
Behind Mat a load of furaiture
waited anxiously.
An lee wagon, driver awore aeveral
temperatures of caloric.
A hook aad ladder track intensified
the heat
A push cart got laevitably croaa
waya betweea a trolley car aad a
atone truck.
Tke serious man la tke mud wildly
turaed a HtUe black crank aad held
Ma breath and hoped. He waaat
apiaaing a top. Neither waa he grind
ing coffee.
He waa cranUag a raaabout
Suddenly it sobbed.
Tke serious maa leaped joyfully out
of tke mud, tke ice cooled off, tka
kook aad ladder track scorched by, tke
furaiture waa released, tke- pusk cart
waa arrested.
Moral Wkat the aalverse Beads la
persistent cranking. New York Sua.
Old Maids at the Bargain Ceuwter.
Salesgirls ia departmeat atorea ex
perieace muck amusement la ptittlag
spinsters through the "third degree"
whea the old girls eadeavor to dodge
the Issue of whether the aame te Mrs.
or plain Miss. Of course, long (Ex
perience with customers serves to in
form aaleswomea how to dlffereatlate1
betweea married members of the sex
aad dyed-in-the-wool old maids, aad
consequently whea the time arrives
to book a spinster's address the. load
ed complexloa of the questloas affords
delight to the girls behiad the coun
ter. Whea milady instructs the gooda
to ha seat to "A." Sasith. ete, the Bail
or makes it a poiat to inquire if it te
Mrs. or Miss tke buyer aald. Tka
aptaster affects to misuaderataad aad
repeats "A. Smith." Tke saJeswbmaa
te unrelenting aad not aatll tke old
girl aaapa oat a reluctant "Miss after
three or four repetitioas of the laqalry
does the comedy ead. Thea as the
spinster departs the girls laugh. New
York Press.
His Only Refuge.
It waa a weli-droascd youag
with a aad, faraway look la ate eyes,
tkat stood oa tka steps wm the lady
opeaed the door.
"Excuse me. madam," ho aald, aa
he lifted his hat Mbat could yoa dl
rest mo to the Home for the Friead-
"Be yoa meaa to say that yoa ara
aeeklag it aa a refuge?" ake asked la
MI am. madam," he replied. "I
a baseball empire."
Actora Study ReaUem.
Several aromiaeat Japaaoao actora
kave goae to Korea to atady
at tke portrayal of. military
When all the clamor ot the world.
Its aotae ami wlki alamo.
Has wraneed me bUUmsIv rmrnd.
abu in in wco Bar start nas
X crave your abetterm arms!
Whea aH the bnsen: crash ef
TBe suenca rends apart:
When I m eteepa ht tell and strife,
I crave. O great leve f my laTe. '
Th atfllnMM mt vmir ttmmrtt t
-Charles'Haascn Xtoaoie. In The
. Tha fallowing advcrtlscmeat
ptea a promiaeat place Ic the Oaaotta
do Xarich: "Aa Auatriaa oftear of
too kauoca aecthm wtekea to
a tedy who wUl have tka
. JIJ;
. tr ;
He waa
tTiaso? 'HntfWtfTlBiBtr of rmwiWfoa, j.-' ' fn tram Ada
aa-daBBBBSBBBamBBasaBaak mm J& j " -l!aj ? y -''' aW . - J T " - a
ltmt tmtm Aklth tm linn
deeply lato
thaa aay
of Amerirans I know of
to which Mormaaa have
to linhiai oa parpoaa to trace
aat thah gsaealegkal tree, brlagtag
aata of their aaeeetors. la
back to tka time of
WWteaf tka Coaajaaror. Oa their re
tara to Utak tkey begla the process
of baathaa. a dip for aack aacaator."
Tka Defiance Starch Co. wlU give
X ladles a roaad-trp ticket to tha St
Louie expoattloa to f vo ladles la
each of the following states: Illinois,
Iowa, Nebraska; hTaneaa aad Mteaoa
ri wko will aaad ia tka largest aumber
of trade marka cat from a 10eat 1S
buace package of Defaace cold water
maadry atarca. Tkte means ;from your
owa home, aaywkare la tke above
aaaaai atatee. Those trade marks must
ho ssailed to aad received ky tke De-
tank Co. Oataka, Neb., before
1st, 104. October and No-
will be the beat moattia to
vlatt tha exposition- Remember that
Defaace te the oaly starch put up 16
os. (a full poaad) to the package.
Yoa. got oae-thlrd more atarch for the
name moaey thaa of aay other Mnd,
aad Defaace aever attcka to tke iron.
The tickets to tke exposition will be
seat by registered mall September 5th.
Starch for aale by all dealers.
'The Strenuous Life.
Wkat It means to be a "club
amy ke Illustrated by atentlouing the
dubs of which AshelP. Fitch, who
died teat atoatk ia New York waa a
member. Ha bad membership la the
1 Metropolitan, the Manhattan, New
York Yackt Lawyers', Germania,
Ardatey, St Nicholas, Press, Arion,
Liederkraax .aad the Metropolitan
Club of Waahlagtoa. Ia addltioa ke
was'prealdcat of tke Franklin County
Society, a member of the Metropoli
taa Museum of Art, Sons of the Revo
JuUoa, New amgtead Society, Military
Order of Foreiga Wars, New York Ge
aaaloglcal aad BtograpMcal 8ociety.
Mnaldpal Art Society, tke Chamber
of Commerce aad the Dualap Society.
Ha waa alao a director In a aumber
of haaka aad otker large corpora
tions. Haw's Tamt?
Braua faraav
to caved ky Hair
r. x caaxEVa ca, tom, o.
uuhs. kave kaawa T. J. Chmer
Une,aa aaUtra ana awfeetly koBr
1 3i din aaa SaaaekOl
avaaiapuaaaanse ay aaaim.
. " aaowoVSjoal aAagg9weal( A tvavaav w
Batra Catatm Care to takea tatemaBy. acttaa
OiatMj ajca ika ktoai aaS laeaaa relaceaof tka
mmWm. Taa M iaa aaal tnm Prlea 7 aaata ear
Mara Aetore la Vaudavilla.
New York theatrical Baaaagers aad
actora are "thin-spaciag" the gap be
tweea the continuous shows aad the
Igltlmate. Already each fine actors
aa William H. Thompsoa, Robert Hil
llard. Boyd Putaaav Charles Dickson,
daate MUlward, Bteache Ring and a
boat of others have signed for the
vaudeville stage, aad assay of them
are already la actiea. Those who re
member Jessie Mlllward aa Lady Algy
with Faversham will understand what
aa Important step this fiae actress
baa takea la goiag over to tke conttnu-
Wltk Blanche Ring it is the
8he might have had half a
musical comedies for next sea-
aoa if aha cared to lauach herself as a
atar, bat the laducements of the
vaudeville managera appear to have
too great to decline.'
"A Day with Hudson Maxim."
Following tke plan which St Nich
olas baa carried out for aeveral
aaoatha, the July issue will have an
Instructive article designed to pre
aeat valuable facta la a way entertain
ing to both youag aad old. "A Day
with Hudson Maxim'' te the title of
Joseph H. Adama' sketch, which wUl
tell away Interesting details of the
great laveator'a life aad work. Hud-
aoa Maxlm'a resldeace te in Brooklyn,
wkere a visitor fads aim aa muck at
kome among ate Wgk- explosives' as
his cook ia her kitchen. Mr. Adams
tells, ajBoag otter taings, of being in
vited to laack oa Wetek rarebit cook
ad ia a ckafiag disk over a lamp fill
ad wltk aot alcohol, but nltrogly
ceria. Uncle fam'a Heavy Gone.
At Saady Hook' are Uaited States
praaaaca proving-grounds, where Un
cle Sam does heavy .raising for war.
Flriag lately from big guae has beea
treakeadously heavy, tke detonations
belag aevere eaoagk to ahake the
earth clear ap to States Island, a
distaaee of filtaea miles.. Oa the
lower shore of Loag lalaad aad at
places aloag the Jersey shore
ahake aad dishes and other
arttetaa are brokea, wiadowa are
cracked, aad there te a general
mash-aa. wkea tka big guas are
fired. It te a diaagreeaMe reminder of
war. fimsta are fred at aea aad whea
they explode ia the water tke oceaa
a for a few aacoada dotted here aad
with geyaar foaatalna.
Tha Jane Century.
little fellowa are tke pocket
aad very lmportaat factors
fa tka prdoactiea of the vegetable
aaold of tha weat, aocordmg to Eraeat
Thompian Setoa. Tho reaatt of Mr.
Setoa'a atady of aoeketopkora la
AriaoaaT Maw Mexico, Col-
Wyoammg, the
British. Co-
will he pros sated to readers
of the Jaae Ceatary aader the title of
of tho Weat"
Jfr. laeaa'a erawmge, as always, wUl
add greatly to tha mtereet aad value
amntfrnmaf. liato w ai Jm- at
te:be-h tho hmg may. by
hohnrhiflliiBVaava their romttver
wko havo-aw'.amTara. Aaamigoes
aaaraed -iar'aia gTatdrLhVwS'dtos
oatfrf . the faKk: , tke -grimdrataer's
mama te'daly oatored lathe book or
reeorda; the JBoadsoa coatribotes a
fan," aad cornea the aext day to be bap-
Z. a arna aVf "f " Mm JT 'i
ajovgaamg aaaaa oaaMpffaaaaVaaaBgaaVvvoaaBHp oaoaaM aaajS' ajaaBj
Aa the result
l St
moaa kave delved: asore
other ernes
aovaral caaaa
hay, like a ordlaary an
kat ate place of
be kept a
Thoa, wkOe tka
ad tka jetties of Gleaieg,
vaa Hoaley beach, ha
:ed dowa to out-of-the-way
aara a maack
and declined to cam aat aattl
the crow4 oa the deck of the MoagoUa
had fateked biasing Its departing
aad goae ashore. At the teat
'the terrified prophet fled ap
the Mongolia's gangway as if the devil
waa behiad Mm wltk a atmpot aad al
net broke Ma Beck gettteg lato tke
cabia out of sight It dldat look
at all like tke departare of a prophet
X am sure Pirn's Cere for
my Um.thne years see Mas. Taos. Boi
Mapls Street, Norwich, N. Y., Fes. 17. law.
What Oar Territory Cost
Tha cost of the acquisition of vast
territory by the United States te giv
en in the following list: Louisiana,
$15,000,000; Florida, $5,000,000; Tex
as. $18.S00,dO, California aad New
Mexico, $15.eev.O0; Arizona, $10,009,
Oft; Alaska, $7,250,000; Philippine Is
lands, $20,000,0ve; Panama canal.
$40,000,000; Panama canal strip, $10,
000.000; total, $140,750,000. Ia addi
tion, the Uaited States whea It an
nexed Hawaifaasamed a debt of $4,
000,000. fiMJiperK. Lewis "Single Binder,
&lkt.l ,eMta more thaa other
braads, but toteprice gives the dealera fair
aroftaad the saMker n better cigar.
Lewie Factory, Peoria, HL
Liberty's Torch a Candle.
The great bronze statue of Liberty
In New York harbor is always an Im
pressive figure by day, but at Bight
it does not live up to is reputation
Tor "enlightening the world." At dusk
?very evening a sickly blue light be
gins to appear in the great black
:orch, aad whea night sets in this
dght takes its place with the other
isrbor- lights, a) little high up, but
lot a bit'inore brilliant than the rest
ft might be easily taken for a lantern
3n the masthead of a ship.
Da Your Feat Ache and Bum?
Shake into your shoes, Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder for the feet It makes
dght or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Swollen, Hot Sweating Feet Corns and
Bunions. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted; LeRoy, N. Y.
It is better to lose the setting of
pjnoap(2t)Us circumstances thaa the
jewel of a pure character.
la tt Nat Worth While
If yoa travel, oa business or pleasure,
to get the best service for the lowest
rates? Ask the Erie Railroad Com
paay, 555 Railway Exchaage, Chicago,
for full information. Booklets free de
scribing Summer Tours and tke Beau
tiful Chautauqua Lake Regioa; also
Cambridge Springs. V
There never will be a poor prayer
meeting so long as there is one heart
rich with gratitude.
Inatet- an Qetting It
Some grocers say they don't keep
Defiance Starch. This Is because they
have a stock on hand of other brands
contalnjng only 12 os in a package,
which they won't be able to sell first,
because Defiance contains It ox. for
the same money.
Do you want Is cs. Instead of 12 os.
for same money? Then buy Defiance
Starch. Requires no cooking.
While the pessimist sees only the
thorns on the rose the optimist sees
only the rose on the thorns.
Defiance Starch
should be In every household, none so
good, besides 4 ox. more for 10 cents
.than any other brand of cold water
Everybedy'a Magazine, July, 1904.
The most sensational feature any
American magazine has captured in
years is Thomas W.. Lawson's "Fren
zied Finance, the Story of Amalgamat
ed Copper," which begins fa the July
issue of Everybody's Magazine. Mr.
lawson was oae of the organizers of
that gigantic corporation, and he
knows exactly what happened to the
millions that were lost through its
manipulation. His zrst article is an
announcement of distinctly dramatic
interest and promises revelations or
the highest Importance to every one
in the country. He frankly states
that his purpose In telling the story
is to set himself right with the thou
sands of investors who, through his
instrumentality, put their money into
Amalgamated and have beea plunder
ed. aMMBftfi if.
HI ,a a aaBaaa a aK IpHHJ
1 ANytfaaf Ireaotnta
I JagaatSljBBwka J
U aj 111 Miillnl ffall am i w imti
1 Qajimi ,Uaf amw awfflamgaL
ami WatVaBaBBafABmaaarmewaiWaTm BBmmi
aaia mnteaaamaVVawVlaVdBVdmVaaT
Baml BBamai
H aawamamama ABBarnHBaa gggggi
nam! wM aa jy H
mmmmTmmU M
bbbI mW1 BBamaml
H famltSOaBTStoaaBtHyfJiagfjBMB aaa J
v)mraaiXoaaaBaxaWXtwuislh LEJl
IhTBwaaalLOBmOF Samme?.
BB mmm. BBB
fs aaaejraaaaeac aaa
I rrirTiiiMiB !! HI
anawhT'BBBBBmi m
mmmtmmm'' l r jWkkaaaaaai
wBtda, 4g BafwaBBBBmaBBaaam aaan ua"
amwaaaay """BBgmaamw TeBBBmamaaawr "anaa1
aF aL.
ny aaa
a .yn
I ww "amaa
m JaBBBBBmaaaBmaTV
Bawal Waa j -Sm o
A Wal
Letter ef raiirnmrattoPa-rwaa.
Miss Mary Burns, 28 Spring Garden
Road, Halifax, N. 8., writes: '.'Having
asedPeruna for indigestion and stomach
trouble and to build up a broken down
system with the very best results. I am
pleased to state my experience with this
excellent medicine. I had been troubled
with stomach trouble and poor diges
tion for some years, and although I
tried many remedies and dieting, noth
ing seemed to restore my health until I
used Peruna. In three months I had
entirely recovered my health and
strength." Mary Burns.
m ' These brands wul guarantee you a good shoe for nam:
f Star and Crescent E. Z. Walker 1
I Comet Cock off Walk 1
I Oar PRAIRIE QUEEN leads aU others ia Woaum's aad Chikhaa'a E!ces.
m See that our name is em tke shoes yon bmy. m
I F. P. KIRKENDALL S CO. ""opia " . ' I
For Laundry use arnr
ffanal lOo for packaam to amaEmnB-
miwJmMJIMNWC4l7LLabiSU Orluft
laaefcFren. ANTISEPTIC
. All Up-te-Date Housekeepers
use Defiance Cold Water Starch, be
cause it is better, aad 4 ox. more of it
for aame money.
The higher the mountain the deeper
the valley.
te Worldfe
Stopovers allowed. All Agents can
route you via the WABASH. For beau
tiful World's Fair folder and all infor
mation address
Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.. Omaha. Neb.
For Infontf and CMldren,
The Kind You Have
Always Bottghi
Bears the
Thirty Years
i- " -"-----'-'ii-rMaT' v "v----i.aMffsf-
AbBV aft
r aWa m
a f Jaf
am waanr mV
I'lfr ln
U For Over
'Bmaaaamnow ,BwajMaTBa?BPl
mtmm "
aaaBBaaaaaaai aaj'' aav BaaaaaamBaaam
aa am aan h
jiorvoaaaaaa m very eoamaaa aaaaaff
women. Tate inodttiua la' ema to
These eeateas kinnrna hlnodteaa tai aha
waat of proper aatrkaoa.
Tkte eoarftaaa teaaaaaJanyaaalasaaaa
meraaarmyof tevaBdaarearodaeeda
adhaotrosaHof waaki
aee of fin aaa Fei aaa ssrikea al aha
root of aaa Uoahto by innmlng baa
digestioB. rarfeab algewiea f aiaamaa
increased ausritioa far too aerve aea
ters. Pierieetlydia set edfoudgivea these
reBervoira of MJe a vrtaUty waieh ere
ates stroag, steady aarvas, aaal la taia
manner fortifies nam
society woaaaaof
receat letter from 174
writes: "To a'aeokty
aervbua force ia oftea
utmost from laekof
Oaereaaoa why
itcoatainaBoaarcotteofaayldad. Pe
runa is perfectly boredom. It aaa ha
used aay leagtkof time without aequir-
mg a drug habit Peruna dees i
dace temporary results. It te
aent ia its effect
It has no bad effect apoa the ej
and gradually eliminates aatarrk by re
moving the cause of catarrh. Tkere
are a multitude of koanea wkere rnaaa
has beea aaed off aad oa for twenty
years. -Such a thing eoald aot be pa
sioie u reruna comaiaeaaay i
a narcotic nature,
At this season of the year wo
peculiarly liable to iafammatioaa of
stomach and bowels. It te the part of
wisdom to learn how to cat tkem sheet
and in the eastet aad quickest i
Peruna does tkte by its peculiar j
over all forma of catarrhal 1
PatE CftJC ML, CraaBaa
AhaostariiH million acres of lae-fertae aad
weh-w&srzi lands of the mwebud laama amv
erraUoa. ia South Dakota, wilt bsterawi
to settlement by the Govenuaeat ia Jarj.
lands are beat reached by the Oileaa A
Western Xtalftrsy's Ureet threaah Imn
Chicago to Boaeiteel. s. 1. All aaaaa) a
tickets viz tills tin:. Special lew rain.
Sead Zorz copy or pamphlet giving M
Uea as -J3 Jas o." evening and hew to m
seres ef land at aomiaal eest. with hi
tlsa of the seU. eaatate
resources, towns, acnooh
taatties for
Oar nh tka bwt. FtlweikaUsen. naamikis
Bitatii Pallrsf of all uutUtUmm
iaa1aaHaai aaJ akaaaaOSi SkSBlw tAaaa
' eseaaaMasSia.asasaB bbbkw
. mWSmUm
waafsmaama AaBaaahaBBBaaBaa
wwawagaaj aawajaajaaa awama
Klwowtajf awlVawEJa9ow SawNB
Wo two Uf sVawempHeaU
.1'. ?Jf'i
'fiBnnrii aafTii i
toned, to aha
giving way, aad at aoam aawaw aamat
mumammf en mVamv mm aasw ammemea
sBjaevemai sbbjbbbb Pan rapapMaaa
w m
Ha. BBaE W ml
maaasnaw amv FX m
mmWT iBBaaaM '-
aar bBb
M Wm-mmmmmlmwj M
H waa aaja, Jm
I WwlitaiiltoitaC AJ
1 Jam -Puma :wha.'- ,W
1 Jwil rat;tha W '
1 a ! AW
BBB mmmmmW
1 Uraaaalto M
1 Ittiflba M :
. I kmaamaato3
1 Xltptat aawamW
1 AT lhmltlil""H"fii,
IT awhMaaammaWltaBBtej
M wMpmml ItaTwgg
anav mat V
1 afcltTlgiaSTa
I I waUJU . fam
maaaaa. aaaa
:,1' CBBahrna Bsf maa aaaaaaBBasV
. -v- r
.- .-. u
. 4.
"" A"
' -.- v '. -
n- tf-
-5 'Vv)
s r
i-- -. ri
i f":
r i. SA.tZJ'
JTZ 1: