k '& i 1 yr r -- ' i . - i r - aaakisaaaaaaaBBaatBBaBBBaaaBeBB . Y f5 . t si Hulst's Cash Store 10 UTS Sat., June 25 to July 4th A most remarkable offering of se&sona- ble Wash. Goods cost disregarded price '.'. cuttopieces. These goods must be cleaned : : upinlOdsys. These fast, so come early. Summer Wash oc Summer Wash Goods. 10c -' " . 35e " . Ic ...Tie 121e 15c .20c .30c Shirt Waist Suits Wonderful Values Latest Styles. $o50 Shirt TVairf Sait. 5.30 w -" . 4.50 - $5.00 . 4.00 3.50 Extra Values. . Black Brilllantmes 37c to $1.00 Black Voiles. 75c to 61.00 Black Henreettas.25c to 81.00 BkulkXev Novel ties $1 to SL25 H U LST'S CASH BT.KVJdNTH Columbus, 4-1 n iiiiuiumi mi nun BINDING TWINE! We did not buy it of the TRUST nor do we belong to the little TRUST in Colum bus. We make our own prices. We. have a good stock on hand of excellent quality selling it at anti-trust prices. Lawn Mowers That Will Cut At Cut Prices. We will sell the following mowers at reduced prices subject to stock on hand. Now is the time to get a good mower at a low price even if you do not use it until next season: 14 mch Banner, former ,price $3.50, sale JJJO OQ price - -- " 10 inch Banner, former price S3.75. sale tfJO QA price - H 15 inch. Banner, former price S4.25. sale tfJQ Afk price - r 14- Inch Continental, former price $9.30 dj"7 ZQ sale price 16 Inch Majestlc(hirh wheel.) former price tfJQ QQ $10. sale price -" U,UV 16 Inch Sterlingtball bearing).fonner price C OQ $6.50, sale price H - -V Summer Time is A time when a beverage with a fiavor to it that touches the spot and quenches the thirst Time. Is needed. Our beverage department Has reen r&iOLKcu Tvith the choicest beverages not the Hnd that made Milwaukee famocs hat non-intoscating-. Jast talce a look at our windows, you'll find Root Beer, Birch Beer, . Ginger Ale, Grape Juice, Wild Cherry Phosphate. Jml fact all kMs of hot weather drinks at zero prices. We are culling our first new June full cream Oi-jfcwfoB-d C?la3ee; mild and rich needs no introduction to our cus tomers who have used it. TheCrawfbrd cheese has no equal in Columbus or any- in iiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiii 4 r Special sale of I Summer Wasff i prices wffl move them The best Values ever offered tor the Money. SL25 Shirt Waist at 5?c 1.50 Shirt Waist at. $1.23 1.75 Shirt Waist at. $19 235 Shirt Waist at. $1.79 2.50 Shirt Waist at. $1-99 3.50 Shirt Waist at. $29 Summer Wash Skirts. $135 Summer Wah Skirts 99c 1.50 $139 2i)0 "v4 1.69 3.00 p " 2.59 Darin- these 10 days we Trill offer exceptional bargainf in all departments JULY 1 OXLT. 24 doz. 4 and-5 qt. pudding ami dcirv pan, regular 121e to 15c pans. 2 tcu5tomert jeadi 5c 25c claTr hammerZ each 10c I STREET, NfflPliktfl. ,.v- -w . T niiiiiiiiiiiiiii a Thirsty STO RE Columbus jfi r mT. 3jzr cafmrnaa ore charged cent g Unemtk immr 4oie price. sf M Pr-Pwl, PreCSOutcwter ; DcGwtMB, dracx hftwwk. JCarr FaixekDd: Sckmrler iMt vtak Fresh batter mUk Crea ryip y. tfc Wbl Diettick, rcoa Hecontor. Hazel From tv Tkmradsjto Tist 3trs. D. H. vas a Golaatbaa Ti 3Iia XaxT Cox City Mcaday to tm Cherrie 75 eea them yuerself. M Kcthleitner ham a to Yi J. Y led ware eqaal to and cheaper- v--rr aad Xrtkf friend is Plae home Saaday. ifr. aad Mrs. R- last week with psighborhoori. Prof. Kera wac at day aad u taia teaching ia Ike iaeCitasa. 3Gs Malel fTawiltm of iiapids vac ia tows Friday em ker way to Darid City. 3Crs. Grace Laatkia who is tae of her sister, Mra. JL A. Vallier, an Omaha Tisitor last weak. Biaeta "Lafiia, aoa oS Leaa Laflia, ia nsraag: a hrokeaarai froat wkkk ke is EtLfferinjf as a reamlt of a fall wkile playing. Mrs. F. W. Farraad west to Friat rose Monday to -risit ker aoa Will, who is easaced ia store. P. Christeateaeea, a tailor. broszht before Jadie Cartii this afteraooa aad naea fS aad disonletly condact. for Ber. and Mil Eearr rcmed home Friday to Beaver Cres siag after risitinz rekUirea kere aad uSl Edward. Vw Mary Early aad soa Joka left Monday for St Loais wkere tkey will visit Mrs. Early's rtaatHtw, Mr. BardwelL They expect to ke aboat two months ;i-it Vn ValVav amtartminaA fria Fridav afteraoca at a oae o'clock - iencheon ia hoaor of ber Misses Pactena Kido? aad gniA, both of Sioax City. frefhmeats were serred ia f oar I nno. .vw . Tkere- V Haisht writes to frieads Wenaxchee, Wash., where ke aad Mrs. jKaight are Tisztinc the faauly of Charles Morse, that they are enjoyiae; their trip. They f oand the Colambms people in Weaatchee all welL Willard F. Bailey, who ia knowa to a number of Colsrahas people as tke gentleman who started tke Ideals magazine ia Albion a few years aco, was married in Fnllertoa last Wed- nesiay to Miss Isabella CorrioelL Next Monday is the Foartk af Jaly rfgr numy people are plaaaiag to epead the day away frosa Colambms, as tnere will be ao celebratioa ia oar city. Schnyler, Crestoa aad otaer aaar towns will bare a wrnnher of visitors from here. Mrs. A.L Sayaer eatertaiaed aboat tweaty-five yonag people at a kay rack party last ereaia ia hoaor of Mi5 Fay Eriaiacer of Graad Ldaad. After a delishtfnl ride aroaad the town the gaests were served to refreaa meats at tke Sayder hosae. Fay Biniager of Graad Ialaad is the gaeet of Colnatkaa frieads Oa Satarday Miss Gweadolia Garlow ea tertaiaed aboat tweaty-STe frieads ia aonor of Miss Briaiaayr. Tke of leaves from foliace was the ment of the afteraooa. J. A. Doaglass aad dsaahter Siapa retarned home Wedaeaday from Bay mondsville, Sew York, wkere tkey were called oy tae aaaia ot ai. Donslass fatker, who passed away the 16th at tne advaaeed age cf BeTenty-three years. A ticket ob mkiseste rime with crerj glass mt sia water at Poesck's. Mr. and Mrs. Eenkam, jsuaats af W. H. Beahua, arrived last week from Iaj: Beack. Califoraia. wkere they had passed tke winter. Tkey will visit ia Cedar Bapide kat kave not yet decided wkere tkey will their fatare Mrs. C. W. Jeaa aad caildrea Colamhas visitors Esie Laers who retarced to Colambas Mr. aad Mrs. Joka Colambas Saaaay to Mr. aad they take a few World's Fair at St.: Deaocrai. kome. At a resramr meetiaeof. tae local was acre oa a this " . . iti Mrs. Fraak Walker waOe ' Z r Z 7 mmH atw. raam acsamr aaui. A- u. mxay ec mara i s j. Mr. aad Mrs. Fred SaafiaU eaaer- Liaeaaa was oae of tae astiagamked atisaii n - . - r . . rfBB. Ik VHMMHUBk OK. SVUM Oa. i . . ., . . .. . I Ta Trit T.MdH asaw mmBmwjmwi. - - k. r -- Ttitfc rBw B E XJH.T QBiB L & SJbBsBBj vSBBBBBB flSS.V.BI HL F SHi BkSBV.bMflBBBBMK .sfaEK S.ABBKEw w ta . -m ... S HMBA WJBBBHKW& Jm B- AW . kB J Eae aoajswsaaj wm. xsav'sa wm m jbkbbvak BaaaaavB aaaaaai wscaaaaaay aasjatv tar aaa aacaaa uf aaaraa 'a ac oncar v iwBWBBanBB ja bbb. asm . as3y xBasasBByr afaaaaaa aaa sbbbb aaas asaaaaafsa sa am memos mb i, , 4 , j asama xzaaa aae aaaazagaaaci as saaaaBam aaaaxy' wmm wmuxw vmp- x r s Mi a -- . . i .J. , -i- T taae aaunBBJ mm- " - " m aaaaaaas aa aaaac. aamaaa aacaaaaa xaay ava aaaaaaa: , mx jbj v tftk Basaaaaamamamaraammami. .-- t w .. - - - - - - - - - - - aTkai l,a BBaaaBBV vbvmb i aaBM . .. , . T w - t . Vk, LCTt f a sws at Fees alawy'smaiacsfa ca'saaw eakec way to aa the afreets this witk Jaace Post. Dr. Arch Valier af Kirfcsrilhr, Mo., ia Tisitiae; kis arataer, Dr.R. A. Valliar of this dry. Alkert Scett left Maaday for a visit to St. Loais where ke will take ia tke World's Fair axghta. Jaka Canoll af Chicafo was 'tke Jacob Tiaanin left yesterday for kisaosaa iaOkiaafsar. visit to kis pareats here. si Johar xa of towa was qaaraa- for saaaUpax. K. Cokta, the park gardeaer for tke Uaioa Paeiae ketweea Graadlalaaa aad Qua ha, was ia towa Satarday. Tke fiae aew resideace of Albert Ktsx. jast aortk of J. H. Galley's koaae, is alaaast ready for occapaacy. Mrs. Wells aad daaahter of Sckayler tke gaescs cf lira. Will Bagel iy oa tkeir retnra hosae froat Sorfaik. "MrsTCkarlea YaaAlstiae of Soatk Oftiaka is tkegaest of Mr. aad Mrs. W. H. YaaAIstxae oa her retara a visit to Dearer. W. W. Bahyor, aow of Norfolk, who was foraaally tke geatlesaaaly clerk ia tika Siewoaaer store, visited witk frieads ia Colaaibai Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Eersenhrock was asahle to walk several days oa accoaat of kariac stepped oa aaaiL batakeis aowaroaad tne house aaaia. Dr. aad Mrs. Coadoa, Dr. aad Mrs. Gadkois aad Miss Mary OttisaUof Hampkrey were gaests of Dr. ard Mrs. Paal aad Miss Elizabeth Sheehea oxer S The Gerama reading circle, which has met every two weeks the past year for the parpose of stodyias; German, am joyed a picnic oa Shell Creek at the TWIimsns farm, Monday afternoon. Mrs. F. W. Herrick left yesterday for a trip to Xew York. She is called by tke illaeas of both her amther sister, both of whom are coasid- eredtobaia-qaise aserioas coadition. Mr. aad Mrs." W. H. VaaAlstine, Mr. aad Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Charles TaaAIstiae and Miss Jalia Fax com posed a party who enjoyed Sunday at the koaae of Henry Honser across tkerirer. Mrs. Sick Gentleman, ber daughter Katie aad Miss Iavnra Pogh ia the city Saturday. Miss Geatkmaa was oa her way to Fre moat to attead the Sormal and Mias Pagh was goiag to Beatrice. Fred F. Meedel, soa of F. MeedeL liviag Ifteea miles west cf Colum bas, died Saaday moraiag after an illness of six months from inflamma tory rkeumaxism. He had passed kis fifteeatk year aad was a yoaag maa beloved by his asancintos Fuaeral services were held yesterday afteraooa at tke acme, Bev. Miessler tke aarvices, after which the re were buried ia the Grettle cemetery. The- Casein delivery horse took a aotioa to ram Moaday morning, and oa west Foarteeath street collided witk a bagzy of Chris. Thott. Both rigs were smahed to riinlliag wood Mr. Tkott was kraiaed ap pretty '. Schram is the driver for the Cassia delivery. The wagon had a good amoaat of meat ia it wkick was scattered prcraiscaoasly aloag tke highway. Frieads kere of Mr. and Mrs. BaJpk Ooolidge of Lead, Soatk Dakota, have beea isfiirawnl that a aiae poaad raaghtrr arrived at their horns last Satarday. With the arrival of taia abe there are aow five geaera- of the Coolidge familv Irriaz. flat-great-graadmotker ia Sioax City, Mr. aad Mrs. Heary Coolidge of tkia city are tke great-gi amTfrnari ami Joseph Coolidge of Omaha the tiacof tke local L, Urn fellowias; daly iaasalled ; J. C Eehola, S. W.; J. W.; BLA. Clark, ; J. B. Meacker, Sec , G. A. Scott, S.D.:J. H. Jokaamm, J.D.; J. K. Berth acted as lodes. A F. & A ML. Am fallowing kiIej" m iii Bsa j.t. - . itimv aoacrary TkBiasaj. ar at - y r. VMwii S5 ar. - W. J. insirr J W. r i A. Clark. ' aiaa. - tim - r w ar ,. rz. a Saaday. Walker araax to x- - tap J- - - " t t j r n. amaager aaaaasa'alvT TaMI TVClrTaaa?' BaaBBaBBasswT apyaaaaaK - - dm trim a tka " " ,rl e. jm m. J " A Tih1 k.9mm k MaaM fh 'haaui ae jaaasf bbbhtbskbh ia twit aoaiaar 2rXvfe-r . 4; WATUFFLOCB Dra.Martya,Evaaar Geer, TTiaai n 4 MartyaJr- osace tktee doors aertkef FriedaoTs stem. Mike Aats fin T jaaterday tke Jaliaa KakridrlW acre farat-ia Batler ooaaryfbrfSttQ. HoBsealiea wiahsac; to kare gead bread mart, aee WAX UP FLOUK. Try it aad be coaviaced. J. H. Galley was ia Spaldia loek iacafnr kis fcaafanw iatcrerts, re- rho witk the T.A. af St Edward Swiffs Pride Soap lengthens the life of year dotheaf It keeps them fresh aad dean. Order some far Moaday's Tke foartk t Jlr wffl be celehras ed at Saereaa Grave. A. big daace platform witk good maeic. Admis siaafree. . jaae 2 It Mia Nellie Braaer. iastractor ia nhcwtaaad ia tke katfaMS eeDege, left yesterday for T.iamla. and will later ga to ker koaae ia Bertraad. Jack Farm ii, saperiateadeat af sckaels at Tekamah. visited kia farmer school cbam Eraest Gerrard, last Saa day. Jack is tke soa of Jadge Baraes. W. K. Lay aad family are ia the dry today, the gaesti of X. X. Steven -soa aad family. Mr. Lay will go to slorfolk where he may decide to re- Slaa Boaam of Bisiag City, of the Colamkas teachers, was ia the city yesterday oa her way to Dsaver aad otaer Colorado cities waeis ske expects to remain anti aboat Aagast-a. Mrs. Jaliaa Oiseea of Omaha ar rxred last Taaxdsday to visit her pareaaa, Mr. aad Mrs. M. D. Earr, aatil after the- Foarth. Mr. Olsaea is expected here Satarday aad will retara home with Mrs. Oiseea. Chas. Dackreturaed home yesterday from, a two months trip to eastern, states. ?; Dack remaiaed with friends for a longer visit. They TisitedSt. Louis. Washington, Bos ton aad many other places of interest. The Parry farm eignt aules west of Platte Ceater was sold at the court bouse as referee's sale last Satarday. Jacob Gieisea was the hignest bidder, payiag 51-115 an acre" for it David Tkomas aad H. Elliott were ref ereee. Earnest Gerrard is home from Sew York for a two moaths vacaxion. Eraest is eagaged ia literary wort, aad. has receatly written a play which is now in tne hands of publishers, and which he will protect with a copy right. Editor E. A. Gerrard of Monroe was in town Saturday on his way to In diaaopolis where he will attend the r.tfnTrl prohibitionist convention as a delegate frcrxSebrafika. From there be will so to Ss. Louis aad attend the democratis coavention bet not as a delegate. p. j, Johssoa y"'1 azent for the TTfgu Presbyterian college, was ia the citrMoadar to call on Bev. Halsey. Mr. Joaasoa reports the col lege ia remarkably prosperoas condi tioa. Throagh his elf orts tbe school has recently reeeived. aa endowment of $36,000. A. H. -Hagedora, the aiit operator ia the Uaioa Pacific depot, was mar ried last Wednesday to Miss Crocker of El Beno, Oklahoina. The couple will Tistt in Caaoa City and other places ia the west before returains to Cc ramkaa aboat Jaly 13. They will reside oa Feaxteeath street, acrosa the street from tke Latkcma church. CoL Joka G Maker was ia Colum oas Tharsday em basiaea. CoL Mahpr is still the Moses of the Parker horts ia Nebraska. The Parker club will go to the St. Louis convention ia a pecial traia. leaving Omaha Jaly 4th. fVJniJ Jaau G. says that it's a cinch Parker will be nominated oa the second ballot, aad there i no room forargemeat. Heary Carwteasen. tbe Lindsay asaa who has filed complaints asaiat Lindsay salooae, for maintaining aad operariag slot toJaw, was arrested yester- oay oa a charge of dutarbing the by eaeoaraging a dog agnt on Tae eomplaiaiag Kdwarda. draggat, and of the telephone exchange, CL A- Gerrard af Lxadaay. of Jeaa Skatt ia the west part af towa was qaar nawii -tnis for' scarlet fever, several af aha family kaTing the di et George 7. qaar- a theB. ClevrTaad faUy bedy. Tke at told the J s- -1 was mft faB, Ids iamiry toi C H Oabargsaraprietnr Laclede farm aaar Strsatabam af the acted bmdaaatia this city W( aad wafle kere was tke gaeataf Wi aad faauly. The resralar weekly- arayer serrlee will be held ia the Preaby teriaa caarch Tharsday evesdag. The first af tke aew series nf Insanaa of the qaarter wilT be stadied aad a good atteadaace- is desired by the The repablicaa phwform. by Heary Cabot Lodge, is perhaps taa aaast scholarly arsdacrioa af its kdad ever written. It ia aat oaly scaolariy; it is dear aad -easibte. aad mrill ap peal to ths good sease of Amerieaa voters. The twelfth af the State Volaateer 's as- sociatioa will be held August 2 to 4. iaelssive. at Sorfolk, Frizes to tke amount of $2300 are offered, aad the program for each of the f oar days is elaborate enough to salt the tastes of alL Chief Gcttschask of the Columbus department says that Colambas. will be represented, and that sense of the moneys are as good as won for this dry. The Colamkas departmeat al ready has its quarters decorated witk soaveairs cartsresl at the state tourna ments and here's wishing the boys good luck ia ma ring any addition they may deem desirable. Pias BoeffeL one of the old settlers of Platte county, died last aigat ia St. Mary's hopsitaL On Jaae 17, Boeffel fell from a scaffold aad was injured internally. From tae effects of the injury redeved at that time he died last night. The deceased was a native of Austria where he was bora February 12, 1S33. He caste direct from tkere to Platte county tweaty seven years ago, locating oa his farm five miles north-west of town, which he took as a homestead. He leaves a wife and five children. All the chil dren have reached the ae of mararity. They axe Joseph, Pius, Mrs. Chas. Solt, Theresia and John. Fuaeral services will be held in the Catholic church Tharsday morning at 10:00 aad interment masta. in the Catholic cemetery. c Screen door paict. all colors, at Eoth litner's hardware store. tl Money Jloney can unquestionably earn Bat something must be bought. Otherwise, it will be idle. Idle money, lite idle mee, is use less. What shall you buy? "MTnfrcg stoci? Oil stock? - v Eailxay stock2 Stock of a Manufacturing plant2 Let us sbow yoa something bet ter. And safer because practically - backed by Uncle Sam. Our prospectus is free. Start S-"0 or more to earning money. Cslaato-SKiriiits Gssaasf THE BOURSE PHILjLDIXFEIA. - . Jid tou know there was a FIESrCLASS Tailor Shop over th Commercial Bank? - SETTS A SPECIALTY. A bi line of samples. Prices richt. Every thing right. S.E. Sakei Tfe Em Trss Taltor :-x-i"i-i 1 1 1 : n i unii iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiinii Seda Fountain.! i CIGARS. are just the trimmings. Aaoldre- Eahie dracstore. -twoanHed by-a aharstadst. ETerytsaagm - "thearag fiae aad the ht iiimiiimi urn H $ cheeanilly rqniice the t money. i WeaimtodoaUTTE vmmrsnina 1m Bfamw the m i ure from aoodeni HeUiodL tat it WAY. We carry the ttie city in nigii claws 1 Cml" Frat$ BBBVal ABVaBaAttaSBSBBBBaBsF VbsbWb V vBfBfamfawBaBrBFaWaf Bo you know the t? aiMlTEAbosmeasliaareaatdied .iiM i i n t. uua uiUMsruuimr U0 X beat value for the money. Quality always t ? tneDest. jrlour! Flow! Fhw! We have in stock : $ Way Up Floor, Gold Dmt Flour, Jewell Flour, Mannfactured here in Columboa, which has the reputation of nianulactuiingas good a flour as anyplace in the state. Your or ders wm receive prompt attenti and wiB mue you mm prices in quannaes. Minnesota Flour. We have the GOl anteed in every way to than any other brand A. DRIED. FRUITS. The many compliments we receive on 4 -a a -a a a a -a -a a a -a a a a -a a t tne quality ana aawortment or our arisa J t fruits is highly pleasing to us. Our method t of handling and displaying them in glass t jt front fruit cases insures to our custcmets t t cleanliness and goodness. 1 tv-i-: i ; 1 1 1 : ; : : : i : i : : 1 1 : : 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 i n n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SUMMER SUITING STYLES -a -a -a a a a a -a a a a a i a -a a -a a -a a a -a a a -a a -a -a a a a a -a a -a -a a a a a -a a a a -a -a -a a a a aaaaWk SBSBSBSBSB&r-TiiBV'aV aaaBBBTt l-TTiaBfeaa SSBSBSBSBSrw9BBBBBSBBsKa aBBBBSBBrTaTasBsrraav aaaaaaak'OBaWW af lira? tfJU SBftaBBB BBBsf-i afaa aatwSs V -. MESSa BSBBt t-'-'Tsaami ssm niSktsgfn J. H. GALLEY aasasaaaasasaaaaaakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkaakhhk.j Tou are Bespectmlly Invited to look over Our New Spring Goods. OUR CLOTHING is made up in the best of workmanship, latest styles, perfect lit and lowest living pricesWe Oafer you real bargains. : : Wekespeverything that's good in the GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS line in great variety. "We call voar atteatioa The j are espeemllr materml bv the feremoet coaatrv- aad we sell inferior shoes are said We aacfrir Skscs FRISCHHOLZ BROS., 411 Seventh St, -!3rr i mini I mm i co. goods largest . .1.:. -aar, - - a-ua. v IBWII away Kkway ibbj a MEDAL brand, guar- :: be as coed or better :: nianulactured in Min- :: IT PATS to give them your, attention and to look sharp to see that you are get- ting the really correct new things of the sea- son. 1 FRIEND Hand- Tailored CLOTHES ofler you correct and authoritative versions of the season's favor ite styles. They insure a purchase amtisfac tory from every stand point DTJBABILITY Fbassssa SssaaV to oar made ibr of the Wat of the them Sx. t JteatlT rVMafdf our COFFEE .i, h " c l . f. " . .-l- ; He 2- r . " a J am jsbV v j -.a. -aBBBj -- Baaa '- .aaam SP' sr .,-t " &TZ1 ?- r-.i 'l'75r'Zu --c,r,-i b--.- -a. Ayr. -?a-.-r-r-'ts .- -. - - .4 Is? i& SiirL ''3?t i. 1 3- 4 2r- sysfe . '5?s A, 5.- ,..-.-5 I where else. SF?" .. "' T r .. v -