'gsm i? yv i; -.. '"'Ifc ...-. " ?VVVvJSX2r.. f-JK"f'W ., ' 1 - -"liJH . J JVI O , j fc - . - Bar?- v ; HWW'wv5rS&',,S!??-"-- iiHiwwMisBWpws:sTsijFrrvJ-vi-;, .v-rrKrTrBfirs. ?fe . -? ,-.-a esaawji i ' Maaj!iBBagqigiiM bwbh jo . , jggaacjFn.-yjTpigr- -" v - :v.si: j&&&z&zr,&$&avJit -o. wMSflgm -t ft5sr- t -" W '&&&& ;Vv? ?r jt, I- fcI. I7t : . !- . i ' jfc 1 . : I " :L 6 - nr-y If I 1 t ' -i &" h v 5cy5" , - . Ittmlrasiironmt POMMHKDWEDinBOlTSBT , Cshmtas Jsaraal C., (IMC0BF0S4TKD.1 ; WEDHESDAY, JCME , 7BOOXZ X.1B19TT, SXSVAST J.ZUMBT. RENEWALS-Tbe date opposite tow pper. or wrapper rihowa to what tame jpoor ! n' has bwa received ap to Jaa.l,UK. f5wStoFfa.I.Wad6o Wham payert ri ill-.-'- drt.wbich answera hi receipt. willbechaaed accordiaelr. ifhlinT are Botiied by letter to tfaaeewtaae. vfea all arrearages mart be paid. If jeadoaot WMhtBoJoomalcoBtiBoedforaBotbec year al ter the time paid for baa expired, roa abeald prerioaalr notify oa to dieooatiBae it. CHANGE IN ADDBESS-Wbep otdernc AaaeiBtbeaddreM.BbacribenaboUlbeMUe ta gite tbeir old aa well as their sew addreea. Uaita StateB Senator ELMEB J. BUBKETT. PBlanatea at-Large JOHN A- PIPEB,vBort . IL C. BBOME, Donglm. .. E. 1L LEFLANG, Dairaon. . C. B. DEMPSTER, Gage. AltaraateG-at-Large L M. RAYMOND, Lancaster. SHELBY HASTINGS, Butler. G. E. ADAMS, Nb&oUb. E. K. VALENTINE, Cnming. National Committeemaa CHAS. H. MORRILL, Lancaster. Presidential Electors F. A. BARTON, Pawnee. A. C. SMITH, DoBfflaa. A. C. ABBOTT, Dodged T. L. NORVAL, Seward. W. P. HALL, Phelps. M. A. BROWN, Buffalo. - H. H. WILSON, Lancaster. J. C. ROBINSON, Donglas. STATE. Governor J. H. MICKEY. Lieatenant Governor E. G. McGILTON. Secretary of State A. GALUSHA. Aaditor E.M.SE ABLE, JUL Treasnrer PETERvMORTENSEN. 8aperintendent v V J. L. McBRIEN.; w Attorney General NORRIS BROWN.' Land Commissioner H. M. EATON. GONGRESMONAL. Congressman, Third District j. j. McCarthy. This Weak ia Bostsry. (June 26 to July 23.) 9Cth Kaloigh's epxeditioa sreactod Roanoke Island, 1SS5. S7th Boston & Lowell Railroad opened 1635. 28th Mazziai, Italian patriot, born, 1S85. 29th Washington - made Molly Pitcher a sergeant, 1778. aoth Pillory abolished in Eaglaad, 1837. let Westminster Assembly coa- vnkttfl. IftlS 2nd Continental Congress voted for aaoepaaaenoe, miu. "Coal OU John" stiU reigns. Not a single democratic paper has had the ooanure to question his denial of the Hayes charges, nor to deay tto fact that it ia dae to aim and a republican legislature that a safer grade of oil is being sold today than Nebraskans have ever before been able to buy. Tto Journal ia still waiting for de nials. A Schuyler paper is under .the im prearioa that the ticket nominated at Ohioaco last week was Roosevelt aad Beveridge, aad publishes a convincing editorial oa the strength which the ticket receives from tto nomination of Senator Beveridge for vice-president. This, from a populist paper, is what Brother Howard would perhaps call "extreme partisaaism." If we could write in verse we would write a poem of fifty verses, aad we weald have the last line of each verse "Cat the weeds." Aad we dedicate tto poem to tbV prop erty owaers and city couacilof Co sumbus The lawns of Columbus are wall kept. Ttoy are a complimeat to tto eivic pride of Columbus citiseaa. Wmt tto streets aad alleys aad vacant ia aad aeed of attention. The i are teader aad cat easy aow. everyoae "get busy" aad cat garter before the post- m. win tbiaa aaul a Mark of I- , - 1 " ""-"" "" avamaValaaB aattawtor. MmfflMMIflll oit.fcrMn. nsaawVt.........eite ,BaraaajiBa.....-,J, ia w,.-. nmt-tfmrmmntAmiwmiA ea hsaaiiag place for typhoid germs, fjgaaa'tto lower aad of it is filed wash aaad aad ao outlet for the water ii aisililiil it is a catchbasia of aad typhoid epidesaics have with rsnoVei that attr ttto caw today. A .the ciey'a Itisdil leiaa of tto rintoi Dislahai esmef atolhtos hi i ..aBaaBawaBaaaBaBBaBaBmBBBanBn BEFORE THE BATTLE.. will torn np of rwpnblion ate jocittto in ad Fairbanka ahomld ctwy fcylfty thoasand Totea tyhrtre hnndred. This , Htu Mxtrmvaamnt at izat bt sot when a fawof tto taken iato tkw. For tto tt ttaaa m m awm? tto repnalican party has noaaiaated f(H-tto presidency a aan who in blood aad iw Baste ia Gennaau Xieoiaan u iv if not aaito half Platte ooaatr mon tteB BaU Gr' Again, Roosevelt ia a soldier, a a cowboy aad a westerner thronan and throoch in spirit aad by residence thomgh. aot by birth. He is admired of erery man ia Nebraska, and Hothin bat the traditioaal castoaa of voting the ticket, whatever it aaay be, will prevent hint front carrying Ne braska with a vote .that is practically Bat tto Majority of tto aatioaal ticket ia Nebraska is aot a asatter of aartiealar iaterest, any saore taaa taatia Veratont. Xionoay aas nay doabt as to how Nebraska's electoral rote will becaat, while there are scene states ia which there ia room for arga aaeat. Of coarse nothing definite oaa to eamiaed as to tto reealt ia aoaae or the eastern aad middle states nntU tto democratic nomination is aaade, Aad tto democratic nomination is a matter oa which safe beta can be made. Tto Cleveland wing evidently will dictate the platform withoat consnltiag the Peerless Leader to whom the Platte county democracy recently seat such a cheering meaaage of hope aad encouragement. Bnt it will be one thing to force a Cleveland platform oa the convention and quite another to make it four years more of Graver. Tto Bryan-Hearst oombina tica, as it seems bow, will control at least a third of the delegates, which will be enough to prevent a nomina tion. Then, unless the pressure oaa be made strong enough to nominate Cleveland or Cleveland's man Parker, the dark horse quest will begin. There has never been anything quite like it. In 1888 the republican convention met the problem of pick ing a candidate from live or six avail able men. The democrats aow face the problem of picking one from five or six unavailable men. Here's betting that whoever is nominated will carry the solid soath. EXTREME PaRTISANISM. Tto Telegram accuses the Journal of being "extremely partisan" because it omitted mention last week ox tne populist county convention. Here are tto facta: The Journal had forgotten tto date of the populist convention aad heard nothing about it until Tues day night before going to press oa Wedaeaday. The Telegram had also forgottea the date of the populist convention, bad no reporter present aad heard the news of the convention oaTaesday, the same day that tto Journal heard it. It may be added also that most of the populists had forgotten the date of the convention, judging from the small attendance and lack of interest in it. The Journal reporter, last week, did write up the convention, but owing to aa oversight the copy was throwa oat with some 'other copy that we did not have space for. The readers of the Journal will therefore read this week the report of the populist coa veatioa which they should have had hast week bat for the reasons explained above. This is no apology to the Telegram, nor an appeal for the populist vote. It is simply a frank explanation of facta which is due Journal readers when we fail to pablish an important news item. The Telegram one week goes down on its knees to the populists, ia a servile appeal for their votes, pointing oat falsely how the Platte county democrat has always been generous with them in the division of offices. The aext week it attempts to appeal to their prejudice and paasioa by charging that the Jonrnal, a republi can newspaper, is so blinded byparti- saniam aa to refuse tq publisn tne news of their convention. We are surprised that the Telegram should resort to methods so coarse to gain a few votes. Of course hundreds of populists aad democrats are goiag to vote for Roosevelt because they like the maa and his methods and because the democratic party "is all split to pieces aad absolutely without aa is sue. But the editor of the Telegram certainly should credit Platte county Donalists with that decree of iatelli- geace that acorns servility and despises misrepresentation aa methods of gain ing votes. ropulists, most of them, do their owa thinking. Evea had the Joaraal failed to mention their oonventioa for parttaaa reasons, they would ao more be deterred oa that account from vot ing for Roosevelt when they know to Bemads for most of the principles they favor, than they will by the servility anddaplicity of the democratic papara that seek their vote. Tto Joaraal, ton jest this mwamge to aoaalist aad other iadepeadeat withoat prejadioe aad platforms aad of tto two parties aad ttoa vote as free, thinking mea. THE VICE PRESIDENCY. Tto nrmbUcaa machine ia Hew York, Jear yaara age, did the country servioe. Tto uae home from tiaated by the voioe of New into the ball gram apd wan elected withoat aay rom tto republioan he was eleoted he la tto foolish aotioa of raa- lit aimeelf, Toddy Roosevelt; aad awmmar which suited him proved aa be the oae which suited the people ', the Jlew n.i.M.tohfm budnd. TUl IMBJWilii ..... .-- ;.-- - -- -w . .HM OBB.f J a i i ..... - . u' fka ' - r " T - 'W--.i IM ""r: mm . . ... - -...tu. .- - - ...- - . 'inlrnv. ' ':;' :f, !-. -flteiHiK " AAiAAAAAiiAAAAAAiAOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, . a fhMr mMil kit famato each hto -'-- -- - - - -'-' -- StoflNirflImMMtiM-aftit ' k-t&g. : .--. . - a v. -- iUL ' - - - OhioMo. ui we in w w hhj. ifciMiiHfc mrtMiM rtywtti r?XXm?'m? S5-?Sg : T B?, B" W.B . ft ww p MBBflHflftBUMw 91k 88 wir BBW. VBHV - - .rlur-- - r-T c 'H m ,K H H 1 1 i ' m -,- WWWW WOTW f i - ' -- H -- - - OOBRCMKBf iinWi mm VUAMHflft ttAUDSMQ. m 10 ttB0 IBBfc - . ; ? 'P' lUrkMkate la pMMN AttteMM ltT,mlrn j m. il !!! ; J Uk. by tto it it ia tioaaadls tria&asalaala Tto efaoe of tore f aaotioa attaetod ia it, at high in awtfoaal Ufa may aeeaat it withoat aacriace: Tar maa wto to elected to tail often atoaM to his pwty'a aad aot It u honed taat.tto easaamwillto coatiaaea, aad aseaawhile let tto re- nnaliran amohiae Ta aid have oroiit for feaadiag tto ia 1900. EDWARD ROSEWATER. Tto world aaalaads ' aaargj plaek aad persavwraaee. Aadqaitea enodlT nortioa of tto world aad apareoiates mmtsl ability. am ia Hebraaka who. the embodiment of waveriag efort directed toward a siacle purpose, year afM decade after decade, la Edward water. Ia these day it to to aad a maa who to what to to aad don't eare who kaowa it. aaf. Rosewater's object la life-aad so with all tto rest of as-iattopro-motioa of tto pajyakaL meatal, moral. otaL social aad politioal welfare of Edward Boaawator. tbo meuium employed for tto aoeompliahmeat of this aad is tto Oaaato Boa. Tto only way to make a is to make it a good sive aad reliable, fearless. Tto Boa falalto these re quiremeata, and tto Boa to tto moat influential aaniHfir la tto state. It ia far aad away tto meat able edi- toriallx of a than the state ofNearaaka, tto widely road aad quoted aad erallv relied aaoa. It toi this gradually throagh thirty-three vearaof streaaoas aad bitter s-la. aad throagh it all than hae one guiding hand aad dominaat spirit. For every friend that Bees water has, to probably has two anemias, hat the earaity of maa or corporation atta lightly oa his combative spirit. Mo doabt to would appreciate the love of bis fellow saaa, bat that to aot tto end aad aim of his atoaaaaa. Aad, after all, a asaa oaa do oaa thing better ttoa two. Mr. water started oat to aaild ap a paper aad to asake hie voice hoard ia the public oouaoils of tto be can call his bittonat foe to wi that to has sacoeeded. Wean uuaatialaad to aaaattoa tto fact that tto prom oa which tto Omaha Bee was fret priatod, la tto year 1871, to tto oae oa which this paper, tto Columbus Joaraal, to aow priated. This laformaHoa to aot la- tended ia a prophetic merely a statement of fact. SPRECHER VS. HOWARD. The breach bstweea dsmoaraey noMlism to arowiac orary day. Tto populist state ooavaatioa to afailiate loacer with crate, recognizing that tto lamaltota are Bearer to noaalliaolaai nail Boaaa velt ttoa to deasooracy aad Cleveland Asaoag tto old guard of tto K populists is Joha O. Spraol Schaytor Free Laace. In answer to the Oolumbae Tslsgmm'a arttole oa tto subject of boWar, tto Free toe tto followiag to aay: Rilitnr Howard, of tto Tebwram. evideatly to nrepariag for tto inevitable aad sees who iadaas hr preaaat iauliAmtlaaa. that tto " teat of tto demooratlo party will ooutrol tto nemiag ilamooraHo aa tioaal oonventioa aad dietato in policies. Being capable of aiaiag thiagsaptoto paving tto way for his course aad to justify same. To pat it short, to proposal snpaortiag tto (lemooratic aomlaee naardlam of who to to or what to stands for. In the last iseae of tto Talagram to oatiiaea his eoaraa, aoiag ao ia a Tory clever way aad with aa attempt at oonsisteaoy. He togiaa hto article by aayla that every "deaaocnat ataltiaaa hiaasalf whenever be eatenaias a taoagat or bolting tto ticket hv tto aattoi t proceeds to tto why. fk wald haw" bolted BryaaialSMaadlMOann- mnA tkaai ba wlaAaa tto orat who would bolt this year ia tto same list of traitors, aoaiag taat tto bolters favored aiae oat planks of tto platform aad this the same could be aaldofttod crate who would halt oa that oae. In 1 aad ltOO. while platform, tto aaaai real queetioa at I tto oamraiga wai JlAaBBBfcamntaV wBwBamk oaaaasa aaaaMBHaaaaaaal aaaa silver" could : Brvaaiaad wh pies to did right. Tto lepah who waa oppoaad to tto aaldi dard eoald aotc M aBTiaOaw aad did Bryaa. Tto iaasaatotaat fallow to tto oae who smite' the free silvor re pahUoan for ataxias hy hto actewiplea rasarasamocaafty. ywtseamemaa aaa aim aa a traitor. Tto aiae oat of tea Bditer but the tto d it with iiaiaaa 1Mb aad hr te aaaajtateaT'oto j aratotojadtod - - W. J. Bryan hto aaaa aaaam ate work aad aote tar aa to by hto nriaeipma. aT4to dam. - - & m "" -. - ..... a ...... .-j. ... .. r MHPH WIIMiiJ' wj m . .- . in.fcM.I.Mitri mil '""'" .t yMttttMm MM - --- - - .&. itV " laatf - " BIS . a M g Mmmm. flOuaaM VtuvaMfliawaHS aaaaaaaWMyo xaa ibb as iwi hm . onr.Li oT two it a repablfain, tto other a dam- Tto rwaablkaa gats away with ttty'aaokaof aald. Tto damnerat only getaaway with fear, bat ttoy Ha woaM have Iftosoali. Tto editor of to to eeaatemat, woaW fareed to favor tto ptesesatlsa of twaaaliona alaao. oa tto to got more ttoa tto dmoera. It to saaaeieat, however, that tto Tale- aaaalhi tto truth of TtoJearaaLof orfaoiba ad for tto atatoeat. aa wa exnmiaed. it raaa . , aid tat an law totwoaa a dewi,oraaUuretobaildupaad iTO, loyal oitlaaa to glad that oar lajtahUan etose the forsaer. Aa a matter of feet ao oittooa hag oier cemphUaed of the Utile state tax to ton tod to pay. ittaaoaamU apro- portkm to hhf total tax. If ovary aad child ia He debt. After all, thia of those nperaeial that tto democrata. havlag issue, attempt to of for the aaaaafactare of GRAIN PRICES. The Joaraal hat heard a rumor to tto efeot that fanners an beiag paid for their grala la aoaae of tto towaf of Platte county than at Oolumbae. Farmers an advised aot to believe thia rasaor withoat ia- Than an aaaay toapor ia tto question of the tot. Tto Joaraalvte ooUeot- iag data from tto farsere etovaaors, graia rates aad otaor aiaarea soptoa which wiU to publiatod from time to time. Thia ejaaottoa to a fuadaaasatal oaa ia aaagricaltural commaaity, aot oaly to tto farsaars hat to every other siIbt '-'- It aaoald to etadied striotlv from a basin aad aot a noUtkal sraadpoiat Hasty atoaa aaoald to avoided. Tto graia dealers and millers to beamed for ooaditioao for watoh they an aot 'respond hie. Wo ventare tto Uli that what tto farmers to what tto local graia fair araia rate Which does aot fluctuate from eaasoa to saaaba r which does aot discriminate botweaa saippiag poia ia the' same territory; aad watoh dons not anrsait of rebates ia favor of im aiavafew maa aa aaalast tto INCREASE OF ASSESSMENT.' Railroads ia Platte eoaaty won as- sasssd at w05.aw8 ia IMC. Thia year their velaattoa to 1813,870. words tto railroads wiU pay this year nearly 100 par' oaat m ttov did ia 1KB. Cattle ia Platte eoaaty thia year wen aasssssd oaly 7 par oaat higher ttoa oaly aboatwOper uconarty. other than lire- stock, to valued aeon taaa SCO higher thea last year. This that tto aew law has uacover davhalf mlllioB dollan worth of property that htootofon has WhatetewaUtatoawaato tto tax paysra of Platte eeaaty? Simply tKto: Tto railroads ia Ptotto eoaaty will ton to ataad a avpor laeraaes ia taxation ttoa tto cow or tto horse. Oa tto other' toad, tto railroad aad tto cow aad tto horn will at tto leases! beoBBSS tto of the state will ton to ite ahare. Thia ahowiag to ami nanUv aatieractorv. The left. Rcosevelt aad Fairbaaka an iavia- oiblo. Their oeraanaUty teas, raaaiacoaa Aad the platform they oa would, atoae, aleet tto candidates that ooald have COLUMBIWEf. r.a.m. BewaivmttakBfsraUaood bmu to tasaideCtassarty. to "Qr-aW tkiawMdl e ta a e e tobt osatribate oae have ao state to oalv aaettor I JmIm. -mmA h - i - - iaV h a il. -ga awaw aaaaaaa maw lai aaaV' SBBSaj JWi Waanvas ay um aaaca aasu sssaa ay uh una amaaasaaa aavay bbbsbbb ssst aa aaw ePte"tev sswawi awa aa asw w awaa- waBaBi aMaaaaaaaa. aamsaaasw maaa. -jews m . M ''i''' v - - - tm.itM tMtMMMtwwMMitit aaMauaaaaa fifasa te y T. ? l auBamtj ha euamMaamt maaay warn - . jBwaJ talaieas mk9tmHtt mmtmmmmmm oaa l " - bamw a. Piaaaa onaatT ama. Hie aataaatOaaaate-aal aaa samt anjaaasB Bvakj1BH- aawsv waaLaato la ato ax- aaaar a- srsaOT wiaaii aaaaar wawawvwa'away aawaaw ww aj Bawial tL2 Xaawaaaa-T' aaat BSl aba Smaaas. SsaaSBaSL Baaatehsntobaawaaaaa.'. .V.'i'.'.iiSitos"! : -? of Mr. fiya to ia other hto habit of aaytaiacia to hto andU rather taaa I'd Aaa Who tola wise, Say toesaomofwaatto We had a sthmj aatghbor aaoa totoadaaee ho'd rk aUday have a wml to aay. toao Ho and aarclsal Ihmaah at otoaa of nay day. "I reokoa Is wUl raia," he'd say, Aad taaa ho'd eloas hto yawa-trap Twae alwaya.aan to raia that algat. Ha aever, aa I neolleot, Waa kaowa to talk for asore efeot. Or la ato aasdaen to gin vont To vooal boom imparttoaat. aad so to Uved hto earthly day flaoeaaafally, ttoapoaatd away. Beltoviag aUaaoa waa pan aald Ho kaew awn than to over told, to maoh lam of a hasaaa ton Ttoa than wto tott it all aad BUby ia Btato JearaaL A pi who drew ap the ptelfarm of 1904 for r. : b talliag what ttojawty for at the thiaaa watoh it did yeah day tofon. back ia a time of aaaay of tto caaveatioa. All this niTof ttoaaeet iaapiriag chapters of anerlaaa hietary. Dur iag tto half oaatory of tto Ufa of tto repabUoaa party it aaa beea tto domiaaahforee ia imerieaa peUties, ia tto latter part of Pieree's tto whole of Bach- ra aad through - part of Oleve a 8iaee 18af. ia tto aaiddle of trol of tto exeept ia 18f-a5, ia the ant half of Cleveland's seooad tons. Dariag aU tto net of tto time tto rsemsUeaaa have hoaaia tto aaoaadaat ia part or all of tto geveramsat. aad for aaost of tto ttom UhMtooaiaooatrolofallofit. All the advaaosa which ton beea a to tto United States totwoaa 1851 aad 1904 ton beea dae to tto aadooaraga of 1 down tto te- Tto party which pat kilted tto foot Ualoa ttoa had existed prior to to 18el. istslHshiil tto torUI. opsaed tto Wait to acttlen by ite Fne Laade law, joined tto Paeiae eoast to tto Miaaosippi valley with toade of steel, created tto od tto aald aaaamaof aatteaal irrigatioB watoh wUladdmllaVme to ato Weat'a drove oat of Oaaa aad oft tto ejsaatoaaaV araatad tto n- pubUe of Oaea, aaaexed Hawaii, Porto Bioa aad tto PhlUsaaaea, fan tto people of all than ialaade self- tto Irat time ia their ... ..!- al. . ilu aia. ', lanaw wi -- aahlto of of aaarly tripled the tto ite which to tto boat poaalhlo plat a which to aaaoal to tto people. Oa tto ltoaa watoh ton beea laid aewabyttoaetieaof tto repablioaa party ia tto peat half century it will coadaet tto gamamint ia the future. fa ato aairit aad with tto courage aad amity taaa far displayed tto repeal- wttl meet iasaes aad tto which arise. a baete ariaeinte wiUto ia tto teriaT laws, aad aa wiUto by tto d the ehaaflMla to aaade by tto of protao- wiU be de- fdwd:traatewiUbe assailed whoa hostile to tto pahtte iaoareat; tto army aad aary wiU to slnagthnid aad iiBfoioi':lto iaeanate of tto aea plaof Parte Btee aad tto PalUpiaaas wiU to pwteoted; the aaaatry'a debt to ato aalatoiwaai aailon wiU to n- :ate8awmtotetoB to baild 'aeaem t the Vi . orMwUlto tto renabUoea Barry. tettoa.' aaaaaad Ahama, ' a ' : Dry Goods. ? t aaBBBBBuaBBaBBaaaaaBamBBaB . at m -v - , f maa ' a a mm bMS)15I H5ITQ fit you, it will add to your appearance, IflCllllllCl I lULO and at the same time be light and cool on the head. You will not feel comfortable unless you buy one. t 1 Two-piece Summer Suits all new patterns and very abyiinu iroiu t i i I l 't 't 't t t I I ' :' i I 4c Jtf Sftcid lewice. WF ExcirsiH lates Caieaga -4k sTerthwertera. Chicago aad return one fare plus 25c. On sale Jaae 16-20. Good returning anitt Jaae 29th. Indamapolio and return one fare pine $235 oa sale Jane 28-30. Good return ing July 10th. St. Paul and return one fare plus 50c. Oa sale July 15-30. Good returning September 15th. Atlantic City and return one fare plus 12.00. Oa aale July 9-10. Good return-, ing July 23rd. Cincinnati aad return one fare plus $225 oa sale July 15-17. Good re taraiBgAagaatl8th. Detroit and return one fare plus 25c oa sale Jaly 5-7. Good returning July 12th. Louisville and return one fare pins $225 oa sale Aagast 12-15. Opod re taniag September 15th. Also special low rates good for the eaasoa to Chicago and all points east, alao to St Paul, Indianapolis, Duluth aad Mianeaote sad Wisconsin resorts; alee to Deadwood, Hot Springs and Tto Black Hills. Foriaformationand circulars addres J. A. Kuan, AGFAPA Omaha, Nebr. riJJt LOW SATIS. EVERY DAY .The Union Pacific will sell Round Trip tickete to St. Louie and return at following low rates: FIFTEEN DAY TICKETS Every day to Nov. 30, good to return 15 days. $17.10. 8IXTY DAY TICKETS Everyday to Nov. 20, good to return 00 days. $19.00 SEASON TICKETS Every day to Nov. 15, good up to Dee. 15. $21881 Iaqeire of W. H. Beaham, Agent.' CnTTaafaaimtsPieaae Hetice. (Bditor's Note. )-U the oorrespon- from Bichlaad last week then aa item whereia tto frater- of Bichlaad wen charged with aalawfaliy eateriaa? tto Bich laad msaaadist eharch for tto purpose of hbldiasT memorial exercises. MaaMroaa complaiats ton reached thia aeaea faaardiaa! tto matter. It is nlaimed that tto article waa aajast; that tto fratoraal orders had made ar fBaasmints to an tto eharch: aad that tto door waa aot pried opea as iiIsItitI As these claims appear to be watt Mhohmtiatad, tto editors of the doalm toanologtoe forallow- hag ato article to aUp throagh without flrst taoroaghly eaoairiag lato its iaUi m their latiated by faete. F; McKUlip of Hamptoy wi for onagrem by the deeai tto third district at their torn at Fn- Boaaiaatioa aa few asea eoald afford to asake a race that i of victory. However, tto affable BaaaaaaaaaSBaawi-r'te'-'ij,"''i?t.r '?'V BBuaaaaaaaaaaaam -P?Jky ; - Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaflr''wBmDSc'h', - BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBma aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnVam mBBWaaWaaWaaWaaWaawH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 4'if "BaaaaaaaaaaaaaamsaaaaaaawK- waaBBaaBBaaBBaaa?r -BBaBBaaBnaaiirf m waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahBaaaaaaaBaBu' 2 aUaVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm vWBBBBBBBBBBBfBBBBBBBaBBBBm Clothing. Shoes, - waw We have a full line oi Men's and Boys light weight Summer Hats new and i: 4-. crjLVlusuvt? pottcriKS Men's and Young Men's OF & NEBRASKA 1 1 1 1 1,1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 . You Run When you GROCERIES HARDWARE From W.AMcWILLIAMS SUMMER i Special attention is called to our new Gaso- line and Vavor Stoves, and Ranges; also : Refrigerators that X Olance over our new ters and pick out your bargains; there's lots of things you need. j Large and complete line of Staple and Fancy t Groceries. Fresh always on hand. I An inspection of my goods and prices always Z T malroe now niictnmArs X g m, f aj wl yaj A-aVw V W J T Clnunnlh Olrnhf i CIGI6IIIII Oil CGI tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiniiiniiiin A. Make Home Attractive BY Artistic Interior Decorations Only the LATEST STYLES anil COLORS in Wall Paper, Window Shades and Paints. SKILLED WORKMAN SHIP SAVES 3IONEY. Get our figures and see our sam Ides'befbre going elsewhere. We leave no rough walls, no oosc paper, no dull finish on painted surfaces. We have made our reputation by furnishing the best aad latest at the lowest prices and you will be well pleased with our work. ECHOLS & DI5TRICHS We sell Glass, Brushes, White Lead, Liaseed Oil, Varaistos,, aad everything in the paint line. We handle Pattoa's Sua Proof Paiats, the beat mixed paint on the market We guarantee all oar gaeeV &. C9 i a- w m ' Furnishing; a- - wi t4- very llUUUjf. XiCt us j $450to$lOJ PlngreeEr Shoes Men's, Women's and Children's a- a- : a- a- a-, a- I a- a a a- a-a-a-a a I a a a : t a a a a a All the newest lasts and up-to-date in ev ery way. Just received a line of- Men's Ox lords in Patents and Vici. Nice, cool and comfortable : : : : ErAMH a 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I No Risk buy your AND ITEMS: r reirigerate. 5 and 10 Cent Conn- J Fruits and Vegetables .m SjT-aka.Ai if DaIIi 'Dhfiniio 97 S QMIH rilUHCOi 01 i IHf iiiiiiiiu. -it "..: I . i I v . I : -. il -m XfC': 0;?y3j2lf'if ji ? saawaw?4cjt'-if5gg i r;i mm.-iMyj ' i. .r- KM' (. ALV - . .. -'Ji??' ?-s '..- ,';. "" mm. ' -r TJ uZ- 'J-. . A Ci ivj-.-c -Kr -A?;r.Jjry' -tfi 3- i.-' iy iA . i. 'vJiSJc.';!! Tt Tr": :-tit.fSmlim-"-- A------lln , iteBmftJBliatfMlillBmBalaiiBaa fc? artohpah a- ,-i iM:,., ,c -cv - . . .-Si? VTV, -- .!,I!etW-fiSi- -".-.ri -'-' - .. -P Vc Ji-Bi - ..-.-' ."L . -.-. -v-.b-j -sr-- Tj; ,x- ..r.-.-J- -