The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 29, 1904, Image 2
i?:'T -tsiwial cd" WftAlUIIHL nilUIVCI JEanj-ra oe lwiiV :" -? '"''' ' iif!Tk '--.-l T r . rjMOHwmi) m w&mmtmm mhic ? y twwr cwtm h -. avMrnm m wmimfW rnib7HA.ittr'-Mfii HBrflHIHJMKplx PUCE - - - :"v - & - . - issSfefe" - , I U I .J fcat .ctocUy ! tor. w- .. . - --?-!-:'' .. ggSSB53BiHg : '" 'Tsg"? rKJWlC JusCo 0 WThsv Are ,. . 1" -f- . 2Sfe I' V I ., . n , - ACDealefsaiahnalaemll Ua.iBstltoUonat. mm l ! '1;. 1 1 NCWS 111 Brief fl "'" " Wsr a spcetantUaoYanavhPiagand ,Ha Restaurants Kseptng ,gg?aS5Bag jSS2iSIK22JlSr I IrTftttrr 9inr boat boBBtles are wt f.f "J"" i V? I ?C 3 Anticipated from the AmmMIhi of other point. oa the railroad. IW Dmi to NM sTgncee- SSKSS"Bffi!v -KfiS-fiSSS! 2 canXShB , tho. it bee bsoo tBrevernl years. vtf ill " . , H ' ' fl ' " r " Tb week of akirmlahiag 'around Crap fat the Leeatty. S!Id5 v2ni!",ii,,' - " " SSTiiSwZr -TC . Mli l"lr f V ll i , r h .. i? -. .ax -maBBBBBBBBWai FHnHr i ih .' h rw t - - -- - - - - hb b Mamar aaa amamaH waBuaBaat aaaaBah . aaai aaaaBam aaaBBBBaBBBaraaBBBm - ax sr raaai ; . ..-. -'a -.-,.. " retarded General Krer - , ; ---SiaCSCsSSSHSSEilLSEE ' .-; , Bsatalssd iwv m ,.i ia. ir, "- " i-flyii II rec . ...... . lMfor tk Iimbmi dTmot viut I expected here Mzi week. Tker'aMl.' ..T.?T!"iW :WW. rri,,iW1 eeMjeny k im waite .j. Si m.Hz!!; .. it thr ekr a . - a-VkaBk al C a iKKk UA h KHaB - bbwvm avv m m BBBraBBt W.b BBaKBl BlBBlBkBk - ..aK Bi .BlBUHIBtak BBHBLA BHk . & BBBBHBHBBBBBBB. BBBBr BIB B-. BBBBl BBBBIBBBI - V VBBBBBBBBBBB1 BBBBi BBBBI BIBBBBB BI BBl , BBBB IBBBH BBBKBHCT. BBB1"BBBBBBI ? BB-BB' OBBBI VIBBV. ABM BIIIIBI ! - - " - - ' . . - BB ii .i..ij.v -j-- --. M. t. - . il , for aere Uuui SM.tM. T wfeicfe stagM eaglMk '!', m 1 1 tBBiBin Mm ? ,"-; iBBBR bbbjbbt wbhbk w y inrai unmiu' bT. ' BB w e ie tire fe ;rBB"l"lBC oa- " c a ey Secretary - T v w " - i uommmbI m jery m tee ease . . ear e BflrBiilafi mattece of de- Loee. a flow: )eaa before awxesalTe leslalatarea aaul of the state aajaaa-t Jaaaea Kelar. - - ffl haMtas la aaalooa or reataaraat; TZ-ZZt-T-1""! ?r? .T" . v," Zt. ."" u fw .w ." i.." "" -?r L "" .- r-T" .- I BBBBBBBJBB ! !! MBJIW IW ! I III W1I1IASB H. I " " -- I II .- M'.aBBWIHBL I ! B. 1BIBBK BBBBBBK ' .! ! I " - . JH af their fftUL The Adaartlt Uae at MIcL. haa caaaai oowm aa4 7t imb are leaf haaaaae of a atrlheef 19 who object to oae of the 'aad wkh Mat 4k with a ahotgaa heii ataae te Marahy; a from SflTer City, laaho. wereforcei to aHajbt . A the few Jtlae aa4 civ. at their ralaablea aad the Wheathe aewa of the aoaiiaatkMi af PreaMeat Rooeevelt reached Oyster Bay a aalate of tweaty-oae gaaa was red aad at eight there waa a display af treworks aad auuiy of the reel deaces la the Tillage were UlaaUaated. A auia glviag the aaate of Joseph Bsxby Is aader arrest in Chicago, rasrgfd with the abdactioa of a boy aaased.8aaiael Gallop. The abdac tioa la alleged to have takea place Croat the bone of the boy ia 8t Loala. Booksellers ia Turkey merer sell the Koran. The Turkish bible is dccaiod too precious to be sold. It is given away to the preson who desires It, hat the tradesauui nrst lasists that he receive a alee little present ia li-v lis! ' I K.' i Tu lc- Foar thoasand Rasslans, including .Infantry, cavalry and artillery, attack ed Ai Taag Pien Men, about fifty 'atiles northeast of Peng Wang Cheng. The Rassiaaa were repulsed and re .' treated te ward Sldnkniling. The raariaaw lost five kilted and twenty woaaded. The Japanese loss Is aot The case against Jsmes Moras, mawagtag editor of the Grand Rapids Evening Post, who was arrested charg- .-. ed with viohuiag the postal laws by pubttshiag an advertiseasent of a prise gaessiag contest, was dismissed by Ualted states Court Comilsatoner . Potter on the advice of District Attor- aejr CovelL Fonaal aaaoanceaient of the elec- tkm of William Cornish as vice pres ident of the Southern Pacific com aaay. aaoceedsmg H. EL Huntington, Is made, Jadge Cornish has been one , of the legal representatives of the Harrtaaaa interests and is both a di rector and vice president of the Un ion Pacific system. The aaoet exact tUaekeeper In the world la the electric clock la the Ber lin eaaarvatory. It la inclosed in nn . alr-Ught glass cylinder, and has fre enently ran for periods of two or three aaontha with aa average dally deviation of only fifteen oae-thoa-asadths ol a secondt It has been run- . ning akwe IMS. Nine furniture factories of Chicago closed their doors, taming a threatea Ma; of a general strike of woodwork era, in a general lockout. This action aa the, part of the employers forced asen eat of work, following foar Krihers'whlch had been called by the ajuodworkers anion to compel the nwaafacturers .to sign closed shop agreements. Governor La Follette of Wlacoasla, upon returning from the Chicago con veatloa. after his draauUIc meetlag with the credentials committee, de clares that his fight with the tal - wart" faction of the party la only be- ' giaalag, and that he will make an ac- . tive rampalga before the people' of 'the atate, ezpectiag them to declare mah-tically In his favor at the No- electloa. Colonel Wright P. Edgertoa. pro. of nMthwatlcn at the military laWeat Point, hi dead. Jadge P. B. Wolfe of Clinton, Iown, who has aeen on the beach of the Seventh Judicial district for thirteen years, announces he will realga to re enme the practice of law. Ia China atraagalatlon is reserved far affenders of high rank, it being eaaaldercd a privilege to pans out of Hfe wKh the body iatact At Honolulu, Jonah Ktuaalae, a emhor af the house of repreaeata? ttvaa, ami L H. Jehnaton, a lawyer. lenteacod to imprisonment year at hard labor for con to defraud the territory the coUectton of fraudulent for expenses ascurred by the of representatives. nae executive council of the Loya Americans, in aeaskm at nlarmcaeM. HL, postponed action man the reeolatloa from members of the fraternity ia that city and vicin ity, leajaeatlng that a special meeting af the national congress be called to take action looking toward the reor aaalnation of the fraternity nnd the atralghtealng ovt of present compUoa- CHfCAGO. The swift, sure current of public opinion for the second time In the history of repablicaa -one, on Monday resulted In the ae lectloa of a national ticket without a dlaaentiag vote Theodore Roosevelt lor President and Charles W. Fair banks for vice president received ev ery vote la the convention. Regardless of the fact that the nom ination of one had been assured for months aad the other for days, the announcement of the choice waa ac compnllshed by n resounding demon-atraUon-which attested the candi dates' ualversal popularity. The cheering was lead by figures known the breadth of the land and eonoed by a mighty throng of enthnalaatlc men aad radiant women aasomblod in pointa on the railroad. The week of akirmiahiag i ia yea retarded General Kntokra operatloaa, permlttina; General Stak- elberg to reach Kal Piag. the rear glard slewly fsllmg back on 8enncaen before the Japanese advanca while large forces are harrying aoath from Liao Taag to check hath Gen eral Oku and General Karokt It la bettaved here that General Koaropatkin's object la to preveat a Jancture of the Japanese aimles. On the other hand, the aim of the Japan-, oae apparently ia to drive the Raa aiana oat of the Liao Taag pealarnla, preparatory to a march on liao ' The approach of the rainy will more than like precipitate mat ters. Nothing is known of the re ported occupaUoun of Haluag Yal Chen (HsI Tang Ta Cheng, or Yl Yung Cheng) by the Japanese, ht the report shoald be correct, It agreea substantially with the Japanese plan of advance, as it la understood here. bat It Indicate, that the Ja oatposta are farther forward Russian advices Indicate. It la not betrayiag Tlce Admkal 1 isS jMajHH rv-aia2K-3f Jmr nF anmBmr nBmBanaBBaBBnBnBnBnBnH HanBBVBSBn maJmaBa aBaBmmnBBBBT BnmVBavL PBPP)Br -"i " SnTBBn-BnBnn-" BniKasBnBnBnBnBnBnn mBBn Tfc- Baa"PSrBr BfBBfBBfBBfBBfBBfBBfBBfBBTBB --3ii' A jKalf 1 'BmafBSBmV BMBnVBmBWBmBWBmmmwBmaBmHB e BaBmBV JJamBBmBBmaBmBBmaBUBlavnBBK RBiB9vf3BYBUa nrBVBrasBnansBVBW BSAnsaansBVBBL jl mmrBmBDy viBmVamVamcwYaEBnPSjBmVamVamn B TVBSSnaBL bVBBBbVbIbVBbIHbVHB bhebBkbrbbbbbbpmv 3BaanaaannHBBaanana jBaanannnr '.nmmmammafiK 4rBmVamVamVamVamVa affamVanr 'bbbWbbbSbbbbbbbY a VSaf -aPTaaaaaaaaaaaaa. aal5nBaaaal 111 fll llC VaV BaaaaaaaaaaaB' aaaSatalal' KrnBar ' M aUaB P I tatuut4 r--. -.- V-.fci TWO fOWPJtftJL" ALLTEI OF TBS JAPS AlliV t". tm & " rr The mernlng papers of Berlin com ment with oxUeme reserve on the at tack on, the French and Gemma min- hy the palace guards nt Port :)HaVtL mv a" aw tm k nantkm the tact that the W. W. fehtiafate and has 1 ?TJ . C?t eannnnannaamn,.mBi"s of Alabama receiv- Secretary Walsh of it aa readies: clerk of Battens! convention. la adjutant general of teen raadlag clerk the the Coliseum to witness the crowning feature aa well as the dose of the national convention that marks the semi-centennial of the publican party In the United States. No less than 10,000 men and wom en participated In the ratification of the party program aad the consequent roar of cheering nnd hand-clappin? waa deafening. The band, stationed high among the girders of the hall, waa drowned by the tumultuous and unbounded deasonstraUon. Hats were tossed high ia the air, atate em blems were waved aad fiags fluttered from every hand aa though stirred by a gale. When Governor Black of New York auute his speech nomlaatlag President Roosevelt to succeed himself aa. presi dent the delegates In the republican convention showed there la no absence or enthusiasm in their ranks when oc casion Justified exhibition of that quality. Pandemonium broke loose when the speaker announced that there were 994 votes and 994 had bean cast for Roosevelt A great picture of the president waa carried about through the halL It waa followed by a ban ner carried by the Oregon delegation bearing the words: "First gun, Oregon, 23,884 Roosevelt. Forty per cent re publican gala." Alabama again yielded its place at the head of the list when the roll call waa started for nominations for vice president. The rank this- time was given to Iowa nnd Senator DolUver. taking the platform, named Seaator Fairbanks. The speech waa aa elo quent endoraement of the candidate's anallficatlona nnd was received with treatendous applause. Seconding speeches were made by Seaator De pew, SeaatorForaker. Governor Pen aypackar aad Seaator Carter of Mon Skrydktff- plans to say that Import ant naval developments are -eminent in the far east. . The admiralty has no news f the reported loss of two Russian torpedo boat destroyers of! Port Arthur. The latest dispatch from Rear. Admiral Withoft,'in command of the aayal forces at Port Arthur, dated Jane 17, reports all well there. The British ambassador,' Sir Charles Hardlnge, is not preseatlag a protest against the seizure of the British collier, Allantoa, by the Rus sian Vladivostok squadron In view of the Russian declaration that coal ia contraband of war and owing to the irregularity of the ship's papera.- Ittook8 now aa thbagh ateel will be' able to handle the here next week. fignring on at least 90.W0 registratioaa here, and already have tione for about 5,v6 people. town hi wide open, every la a saloon or reatanrajat: white shack-lodging houses aad teats occupy nil. vacant Iota.. GambHnsln every form la in evidence here and' the bigmltt aad eare-thlBg man la on the In force. Soi far there have bat two holdups, aad the town la orderly and well policed. It looks now aa though the reataaraat- and lodging house busiaeaa wonM bo overdone, nnd the prospecta are Coed for reaaoaable rates dariag the rash. Prices are ao higher here now than In eastern Nebraska towaa The reataurants serve a substantial meal tat 25 cents, a coutfortable bed may be had at any of the nnaserpaa long lag housee for a like amount, nnd boar ia 5 cents , glass. a-tiauLting the total number who will register for land at 60.000, It is a good gamble at big odds, and a large part, of those already here are attracted by the chance to win some. After a care ful Inspection of the reservation made' It la safe to say that of the S82.9M acres there are-at least 190 clalats more than worth the outlay accessary to 'secure them. Real eatate ageata here are offering to pay 8809 for claims numbered as high aa 860, while the precediag numbera are vei ned at from 85,000 down.. As it costs nothing to register, the chances of se curing one of -the lacky aambers la proving an attraction to the speculator aa well aa the homeaeeker. A large part of those already here are sepca lators men of small means who feel lucky. The general character of the reser vation Is rolling. The northwestern portion is rough grazing land. Ob rough laadof the same character, Joining the reservation, stock is imag ed all winter .and In ordinary years comes out la good shape. About forty head will do well on a quarter sec, tkm. It la said. . The crops near Bonesteel look well this season corn nnd small grata and the farms have a thrifty appear-' ance. A quarter section of Improved land here is .valued at from 82,000 to 87.000. ' It is thought Bonesteel will "be able to handle the crowd without aaw dlnV culty. It is reasonably certain one will be nble to secure a bed or a meal here for 50 cents during the rush. Already some thlrt ynotariee are oa the ground and aa many more ktcattag ageacies. There are perhape 1.009 strangers here now nnd this number ja being swelled dally, although the rush Is not expected before the first week In July. Visitors are not ex cluded from the reservation nnd the liveries are doing a thriving busiaeaa. mattera of do- aad. Identity aa win protect bbbvBbbI n'.J. . i. . aavthlv to ladJcate that btana bo obtaiaed from the of ace of the rimmissluaii of the ana --- J-B. JrfL i-j--- KV, Wal.i however, ie net ial nalal-.fcli aaim?B tauh " V - J . J' vBB4f aaaBPBmT the regiatratloa rnmam aaaae la the faBBBBaBBBBBmBBntBan - ' V' .' Yaaktoa,;: Bonesteel.. and Fairfax, 8. f aweepiag mjthe.cablast of President RooaeveK eencmlly at the White The annonacsmeat an the form of n brief typewrit- t leaned by Secretary Loeb;aa foDowa: ' "Thn fo-ewmg cahUet appoiat asenU are aamoaaced: William H. Moody of Maaaachaaetta. attoraey geay eral; Paul Morton of nilaols, secre tary of the navy; Victor H. Metcalf of secretary of commerce and a j The ehlef clerk otthe rthofol- epthe Ue- -' to t:1"-" of the pro- o tao pre-daafs of May lt,"1994. arevhtmc the siaalaw of the :Rss ibid Ia- reearvatkm m whieh It Je atated at the bottom of pec 8 alia, that. appaeaau to r agist ir maat.i ' Bfwviaea ey ine of the general lead, awaks, caa be obtaiaed: only at the reglatration poUts la flouth Dakota named In the prodamation The only blank. glvea out from thegeaaral land oflteo at.Waahlagtonia the bleak formof power of attorney for nae of aohUera who deabre tp register byaa MERCHANT OROERCO TO LEAVE. W. V. ALLEN WILL SPEAK. Natienal Arranaements for Populist Convention. SPRINGFIELD, 111. Arrangements are now completed for the national convention of the populist party, which will meet nt the state arsenal In thia city July 4. Messrs Deveroux and Colonel James S. Falter will deliver addresses of welcome, with a response by National Chairman J. A. Parker of Louisville. Ky. A. K. Burkhart of In diana will be chosen temporary chair- TOGO 18 GREAT ADMIRAL. When niiaois, Nebraska, Missouri and Georgia were called announce ment waa made that the candidacy of favorite sons had been withdrawn. The entire vote therefore waa cast for Senator Fairbanks. Former United States Senator Wil liam V. Allen of Nebraska win deliver an address to the convention in the afternoon. J. P. Calderhead. atate auditor of Montana, Judge Clancy, also of Montana, and Mrs. Marion Todd of Michigan will be among tho delegates. Harsh Measures. ST. PETERSBURG M. Under, vke president of the Finnish senate' In conference with Minister of the Ia terler Voa Plehwe. discussed the noi. Icy of the Russian government In Fin knd In view of the asaassiaation of Goverenor General Bobrikoff. Minister voa' Fleuwe expressed himself i -- w a. ran aBensures m consc aneace of the act of oae man whose views were only held by n 'small por tion of the people, but recommenda contuaatioa of Geaeral BobrikoaTa Policy: fc Si 5 avTrhmali .fry Sl mm iSftK .:.- . . 7"- C'" " Qe-4 mamri ? & .S-3jr; j-t' iiIs" &&&?' .Z ?SHK a Carhele's idea m! to win nt the '. "i tLkr:r??? ?.ffv: mfmtaBnfilM aBnfA'm PmmWml kh tHU kWl ' v9" """", it it j r Br-Tr!?c''?. - j-. .., . a ". bt - " -- - -- --- -- a' '" am"- i-'n-l? '-- ; -,) E -.- - I " - T? o . """a .awL lBft anMnlf bUbBbI 'WbTbbI maMBmlml WIbIbbT mtaf 'fcBnVBfBnABhmJBnBnfJBf bBbBbBbW I Lm' aav: -- am'i mnm '- aa. a- a- "1 1 BnhnmiB Ian iiillsirn i Tn Til lliss fii fli 1 - JTSTTTSti. . - L'-:i:irZ-. ' IV'TTTT aa w.vbiib aan-ni wmmm BBuaame Mmm!mmmMi - MmMm&MmmmMmy, simmmmm'm'm, t " . at . -Bf j-- i nr bbbtsi i5i " , .i. '. . i- - i jt l . . ri. - j j w r mz mi ,. --- j ii.' H'sf.--. " -r-BBiVBt. -;-.--- -. u -. u.' . mi.w -. i - ! -jrjx i i -A? J "... -it rv -' "--!- r ti. . i. -. uc --i . , mm t ;t - rr w;.i.l'f-; i- i.-t i 1 1- n v . "- . "- . jjt jl r . '- i-w r . t w i MMMJmmnjmBmmiBBBmBBnBB- . .ibMokmmm, BnBnmBnmBnmBnmBnmBnmBnmBnmBnmBnmanmm bm.--'- -- ' ..' ."f" . ? r ir)?-'- ' ii--'F-.,-ML bLIbLIbLIbLIbLIbLIbLIbLIbLIbLb mBnmBnmBnmBnmBnmBnmBnmBnmBnmm HeM Up. blLVER CITY, Idaho A tone ban dit with a shotgun has held up the outgoing stage to Marahy. near the few miles from this place. were forced to ailcht aad give up their valaaMee. Tb rob ber than damsaded the mail sack. which ho raasarked. The atage driver to drive on. Tn a black maak aad his wRh doth to pre- a track for pnraalL I posse are la Rece'en fer FairbiR8. INDIANAPOUS, Ind. Meetings were held Thursday night nt the Co lumbia and Marlon clubs for the pur pose of arranging for a public recep tion to Senator Fairbanks, republican vice presidential nominee, on his re turn from Chicago. At a conferenco of prominent republicans it Is learned that It was' the senator's wish that the reception be Informal and nbn partisan. Seaator ' Fairbanks will will probably return to Indiaaapoli Saturday evening. English Opinion of Late Aehlevementa at Port Arthur. LONDON. While the special dis patches to the morning newspapers add nothing to the details coatalaed In the Associated Press laformatioa concerning the Port Arthur engage ment, aad the situation on the Liao Tung peninsula, the editorials by war experts devote much space to the situation. The general view la that the Russians nt Port Arthur kwt their opportunity through their timidity, and that Togo has again asserted his right to be considered one of tho world'a greatest: admirals. It is conceded on every hand that while the details are not yet felly known, when both sides tell the whole story, the calamity to Russia will only be increased. It is pointed out, how ever, that Port Arthur Is opened and that the Vladivostok fleet may make another diversion In which the rem nants of the Port Arthur aquadron may at anytime make n forlorn hope dash for a juncture. The editorials, special dispatches and articles by war experts Join la expressing the belief that great eveata are impending, nnd that the next few days may have a great bearlag oa the final result of the war. Harnt m "-- BtasalMaBl bi law IJi w VTIBWMN IWI rWIIIHnJV V stay at Heme in Cripple Creole, TRLLURIDK, Cola Harry Float- en, a merchant who waa deported by the military two week ago -aad who retnrjMd hoame, departed again after bean; waited upon by a coMaittee of five cttlaeae. who waned ami that his life would be in peril If ho resaalaed Upon arrival here Mr. Flohten waa arrjBfted aad detained more than aa hoar, but ao charge waa made aanhiet him. He aaM he-, waa ad vised by Acting Governor Hnggott to Mania, .a the deportations of dtl son by the Citlsens' alliance would have, to bo atqpped. Tho only accu aatlpa made agalast him by Captala Bnlkeley Welte, who ordered him to leave' before martial law Vwaa aus pended, waa that he received oa de-. posit at hie store funds of' the local Mlaers union aad tranaacted bualaeaa for thnt orgaafsation. MORAL tTANDARM ARE LOW. FaeMenabte teelety of the Cities Ar- AMHERST, Mass. At the commence ment lexerciae at Amherst collegge the baccalanreate aermoa waa deliv ered by President George -Harris. D. IX He said, in part: "The fasaioaable aodety of our dtiee is a aodety of the wealthy. The rich vie with oae another, In the ex penaiveneas of food, drlaks, clothes aad decoration; Their moral stand- The realgaation of Secretary Cortel- and Attorney General Knox have accented, to tnkn effect Into i lFor two weeks or more It haa been that those changes were hm- When Secretary Cortelyon by President Roosevelt to be hi campaign nwnager it waa certain that he would retire from the hie assumption of duties of the republican national Jest before' he left for Chicago last Wednesday he placed la the hands'of :tae president his letter from the department of labor. It waa under stood between the president and him that' the raanraatloa waa to be accept ed te take effect at the end of the pres ent fiecal year, Jane 90. inclusive. Tho taking effect of hie resignation at that time would afford him nn opportunity to complete aome work la the depart atent which ue had Initiated aad which It waa Importaat he ahould carry to a condaaion. Oae week ago Attoraey General Knox formally announced that he would retire from the department of Justice probably, at the end of the fiecal year. It waa understood nt the time that secretary Moody would Mr. Knox as attoraey geaeral. The etatemeat waa made, however. taat, while the traaafer of Secretary Moody to the department of Justice waa very probable, it waa dependent. In a measure, oa the president's suc cess la secariag such a successor for aim la the navy department us he de sired. Ia pursuit of his purpose to secure the aervicea of a toroaghly able and coagealai man, Prealdeat Roosevelt tendered the appointmeat of secretary of the navy to Paul Morton, first vice president of the Atchison, Topeka A Santa te railroad. Mr. Mortoa ia a peraoaal Mead of the presldeat of many years standing. He ia a son of the late J. Sterling Morton' of Ne braska, aecretary of agriculture in Presldeat Cleveland's last administra tion. Mr. Mortoa haa had' experience la Washington, having been here with his father. Slace President Roosevelt haa been in the White House haa haa made more than one effort to Induce Mr. Morton to accept a position In his ad ministration. Feellag thnt his life work In the railroad business, in which he haa achieved success, might be im peded by his acceptance of aa omcial position In the government, he unl- lormly haa declined nil such proffers. Ia consequence with this feellag he declined the proffer of the portfolio of the navy. He was requested by the president to consider his disin clination. He took dinner nt the White House and the whole subject waa considered, after which Mr. Mor ton had' consulted with his personal and buslneaa frleads and associates. Cornlah la the district court, aad he the deanurar of the attor aey ajeaeraL'who argued that tho autta of the Oxaard Sugar company aad the Norfolk Sugar company ought to .be The two for more than 8S9,9. Tho claim of tho companies have teett before aaccesslveleslslatarea aad of penniseto waa give at the last 9taa for the angar mannfactarera to ae the atate aad establish the validity 3f their ctefme. The compaalea claim that the atate promised a bounty of 1 cent n pound n 1885. Between the years of 1889 and 1890. the companies claim. 81.000, W0 waa invested, with the understand- ng that bounties would be paid. The ict was repealed in 1889,, but Ue com uaaiea claim that three-quarters of a lent waa voted to foreign companies 'n 1895. After the bills were audited the attorneys for the companies state that the oOclala refused to pay. as- sertias that the state lacked funds. They argue that legislatures have en ioraed tho daiaas aad the last oaek di rected that, suit be brought. Attorney General Front argued that sugar beet raising waa not a public un dertaking and that Ue legislature had 10 right to appropriate public money ?or such a purpose. The court upheld els contention. The case may be ap- nnalpd. f KaUey guilty, af Secretary Ada Dobeen eT the atate board of irrigation hai that the aeeociatioa of state which met at Salt Lake CHy recently, haa adjourned to aaeet at Balae CHy. Idaho, September 15. V J SECURES AN ANCIENT RELIC. Morten Hietary Geta Picture f the First Nebraska Mieeien. LINCOLN C. S. Palae, aaannger of the Mortoa History of Nebraska, has secured a picture of Ue old Uellevue mission, Ue first mission eeUbUsaed n Nebraska for the conversion of Ue Indiana.. The picture Is In wnter col ors and waa secured from Mrs. J. T. Allan of Omaha. Mr. Allan had come west about 1848 to seek hia fortune. ind had Uis picture painted to sent." back to his sweetheart ia Ue east In order to give her an idea of her ruture home. The old mission was located in al most Ue very spot where Beilevue college now stands. It waa built for Ue purpose of dealing with Ue Oma ha and Otoe Indians, and was Ue cen ter of civilization nnd trade uatll Oaa lhv was founded in 1854. It was built of hewn cottonwood toga faced on Ue outside and Inside and was two stories high. Later the mission waa convert ed into n hotel, and aa Ue "Beilevue' house" waa used for that purpose for many years. Official Harvest Opening. LINCOLN Don C. Despnin. presi dent of Ue Western Association of Free Employment bureaus, says that Ue yield of wheat in Ue souUern counties of Nebraska will be exceed ingly heavy. The wheat harvest will begin July 7. T. & Nolan, a baker who haa employed by. D. C. Chamberlain A Oa, la waated la Beatrice for raising a check from 83.15 to 818.15. The check waa draw ha hie favor, far 88.16 aad signed by Mr. rhamhsimla H. R. Hines, upon waeaa a. crowd of Paplllloa people waited aad ordered to leave town or ma U risk of b iag tarred am of town, aad who with Ue demand, kept hie word. The flnramalaaa Stat bank ha filed articles of incorporation wRhtho state banking board. Tho incerpera tora are J. W. Bailey. N. E. Bailey and at R. Gnrney. Mr. Gumey m vice presldeat of Ue First Natienal beak of Frenrant. Tb capital stock la 87.509. Secretary Reyse of Ue atate hank ing board will issue a call fer reports of Ue financial condition of the build ing nnd loan aaaodatfoaa of Ue atate for June SO. according to law. During. ..e last veer there have been four new asaociatioas started up at North Loup. Tecumeeh. Humboldt and Be atrice. Jacob Both, a laborer, waa arrested at Lincoln nnd is in Ue county JaU charged wIU attempting to wreck Ue Denver Flyer on the BnrMagtoa. The attempt waa made year Ue town of Denton. The section foreauaa diecov ered a rail laylag crosswise of the track aad wired down. He tore Ue obstruction kraee nnd barely had tUa to. remove it before Ue train came by. The case of E. M. Atterberry vs. Ue directors of Ue defunct Cbamberlala baaklag house nt Tecumeeh waa tried before a Jury in the county court. Mr. Atterberry endeavored to hold Ue di rectors for Ue 899 he kwt aa de positor ia Ue fulled bank. Maay wK aesees were examined. The Jury found for Ue defendants, releaatag them from obligation aa such oftcers. i ; jndk Sim low. Dlvonen draw not read a rich maa c woman out of fashion- M ne coadagjoa of th conference able aodety. Taeyr are the degeaer-1 Mortom toW toe put ke ate oz tae cnies. uax noc nu w wealthy rash Into this silly scramble of vulgarity and Baasaoasaeas There are 'maay who nae wealth to secure higher Meals. How otherwise could there be culture, adeace, -art music, phflaaUrephy, colleges, schools aad chnrcaear Sale of Land Ordered. The sale of several Uousand acres of valuable hay and grazing land I Mcpherson county, owned by Ue Val ley Land aad Cattle company, was or dered by Judge Munger in federal court at Omaha. Error in Rosebud Land Wanks. WASHINGTON. In Ue forma Is sued by Ue general land ofiice for the opening of Ue Rosebud Indian kutda Ue general land office announce a clerical error in Ue blank afiMavit re quire by n soldier to show hia qualifi cations for entry.. The note "S" at tached to Ue affidavit and which re quired n certified copy of certificate of nnturalizatiba or declaration of In tentions. Inasmuch aa section 2198 of ue revised statutes relieves such sons of thia requirement. Shot in Saloon Brawl. DAVENPORT In a row ia Ue El dorado aaloon Tom Geasland. a atone mason, shot Ed Dugan, a gunamlU at the arsenal. In Ue groin. Geasland, was arrested and Ue dangeroua na ture of Dugan's wound makes It prob able that he will have to aaawer to Ue charge of murder. of thVfilocawi Tewed In. NEW YORK-Crowd; with heads bowed) aad uncovered, lined both aides of East river Sunday aa Ue hulk of the General Slocum.waa towed to a doek la Erie hasla. where it la to ho inspected by the federal author ities.- The fiags oa tho tags hayiag. the wreck la tow were at half-mast, aad whea peaetag Barrett's Pout, where tho Slocum' aank aad ao maay lives were lost, the flags were dipped. All the craft in the harbor dipped their flags aa the flotilla would accept Ue position in Ue cab met RUSSIANS APPLY THE TORCH. in the Howard Gets No New Trial. FRANKFORT. Ky. The court of appeal overruled Ue petition for re hearing in Ue case of James B. How ard against the ccnunenwaaiui who waa given n life aentence cs tho charge of murdering Wdttaan OoebeL The petition ears nothing of the ap peal to Ue Ualted States aupreme court aa that Btatter win be con. ered by the supreme court oa the writ of error. Uis court having granted a stay of Ue mandate for forty days fer that purpose. Mareecal Net a Candidate. MEXICO CITY Owiag to the an nouncement of several persona to the public Urough newspapers support ing Ue candidacy of Igaado Maree cal. minister of foreign relation, for Ue vice presidency, Ue .venerable diplomatist aad statesman haa glva out n letter In which he refuses to al low his name to be' used. Mialater Marescal declares his friendship- for Minister of Ue Interior Corral, the candidate of Ue national convention; and regards Ue latter success at Ue polls 'as certain. Week's Attendance at the Fair. ST. LOUIS. Ma The total attend aaceat the World's fair for Ue week ending Saturday sight, Jem 25. aa omeially announced, waa 549.485, an iacrease of over 85,999 over Ue sre Ttone week and 492.777 over the total attendance for the first week. Burn Numereue Dwelling Hsuees Korean Tewna. .SEOUL. A telegram received here from Genaan, Korea, reports that Rus sia troops have burned numerous dwelling houses In Ue towns of Kilju aad Ham Heung. nnd that at the lat ter place women were subjected to ill treatment One Uousand Russian troops are commandeering live stock foods and carta from wide are in northwest ern Korea. These men are on Uelr way to Vladivostok and will cross Ue Turns river by means of recently constructed bridges. There nre Uree cases of cholera here. The men affected are natives, and Ue disease has not appeared among Ue Japanese troops. Sarpy County Farmer Robbed. PAPILLION Thieves stole a team of mulea and n buggy from the barn of L. Heacock, between Springfield nnd Gretna, In Sarpy county. The prop erty nt Uis writing haa not been recovered. :": '& ir- - - ' 'WBBlBBh' m"' " ' " m .-. T-mnusswiSBS) PjbbbubbI ,-Tiorc :tlnaedria;Badhnim'ar;' IheCei Menny fer Rueeien.Red ST. PfrrERSBURG Lady rat or ue Britia viwuiiHL ue eowagar eaaprees wRh 81Mt contributed by Uo Brtttan nUa Cross society toward the lead aalaad for Ue relief of the CaeMer Does Net Break Bank. SARATOGA, N. Y. The National bank, which suffered heavy ran. Saturday, la declared tobe sound nnd fully prepared to meet aB ehttga tioa should small depoaitora their demands. Losses by lnvestmenU nnd alleged irregularities of Cashier John H. De Raider ar placed at from 839,909 to 49,ft9. The America. Surety company of New York la upon De Ridder-a head a cashier to the amount of 82599, ami ha bee oflteMUy notified by the bank to refund Uo amount tfCMCTREAL-At Ue celebratioa of Ue feast of St John Ue Baptist Ue national holiday of Freach Canada. Abbot Broasaaa preached rauer a startling set ana to thousands la Notre, Dame. He aald that had arrived la church to a lack 'of haimoay between Uo CaUoUe clergymen and htymeat The he declared, weivheglectin; duties store aa more, tho clergy were aot; nptodats, and he ex pressed the desire of tho archbishsp that.aMtters Tanfier Settles Dawn to Quiet, LONDON The Tangier corre spondent of Ue Daily Telegraph says that the dty of Tangier has resumed life aa aoUIag had, happened. The Perdlcaria affair ia over, he says, and no devektpmeats are expected. Dillon in Pathetic Plight. -LINCOLN William Dillon, formerly a well known Lincoln grain denier. spent Ue oUer night in Ue city Jell. He waa found asleep in a hallway aad later taken to the station. His home is in Ch.cago, but he has come to Lie coin to try to collect some bills which have long been outlawed. He seems to be laboring under the delusion Uat many people owe him money and that be must collect it He has a son and other relatives in Chicago. The eighteeaU annual ateetiag of Ue Richnrdson County Fanners' Mu tual Insurance company waa held at Verdoa last week. The secretary's re port shows .over 8299,099 aew insur ance written last year. Amount In force nearly 91.500,000. Losses paid last year. 91.088.58. All claims of the company are paid, with a balance of 81,563.99 on band. The old oflkera were re-elected. At a receat convention of Ue rural mall carriers of Cass county, George R. Saylea of Puttsasonth, president of the association, was elected as a dele gate to Ue state convention of rural carriers, which Is to be held at Lin coln on July 4. Subjects of interest to nil rami carriers were discussed the new law increaslag Ue pay of Ue carriers and cutting out the carry ing bualaese receiving the most atten tion. While contempiatlag her npproach ing asarriage. Miss Josle Perkura of Niobrara suddenly dropped dead at that place. She lived tea miles aorta west of that town. Bought Nance County Bends. LINCOLN State Treasurer Morten sen purchased 815,000 of Nance county bonds and Ue permanent school fund was reduced to 8308,000. County col lections are alow at present, but Ue state treasurer expects a lively move ment In court house aad refunding bonds. BATTLESHIP IS SUNK. Eaatsr Killed by Lightning. HASTINGS During a Uunder Storm lightning struck and Instantly killed Frank Easter, a farmer living north of Ayr. He was cultivating corn In hia field. Tsfjo Enaagea Russian Fleet at Pert Arthur and Damages Three Shlp TOKIO Admiral Togo reports an easagemeat at Port Arthur last Thursday. I which a battleship of the Peresviet type was sunk nnd a battle ship of Ue Sevastopol type and n first daaa cruiser of Ue Diana type were .Heavy rata, wind l Mia Mbbb: Lvlaat aft Mia IbU. ; . ---t -t;" v CLEVELAND. . O. an ex-dry wife, Lonisa, beU over 99 yeare were etreek by a Lake i?!.0" .aamsauea.. . .T0'aa.,wi : aaaUtBBt wttB.SIafll f. ' -.--. ." .- mSi BBmBBBBBBBBBWaS M TfwpnnA, Kan and haJI serisnsly daamged Ueywheat crop ft: tho eontral portion of the harvent was naont to begin. Nearly foar haehes of rata frit ia Jnaetien CHy. JBnaang a raw af tar fast he the ahmamllaa rtrer. Heavy" rains fall ilisilnsl,UoKw vaBey. mak- river lit Ule plaee I at great height. a.ParnnwstUahl The apeeJel riaiMlln; rA:: "-j;-n il 'to thflt t , -,-i. i.'ir.si1--; .r ,? l&M CM. It to reported Uat Ue Port Arthur e out of Ue harbor Tears day aad engaged Ue Japanese fleet Opens with Non-Union Men. VICTOR, Cola The Portlard nlae, which waa dosed by General Bell, military comander, because it gave to union men. was re wtth a small-aoa union force. The ailHtary commission, which de cides who may live pad work la at Ue Portland to for employment Irving mowbert. director' of Ue Portleaer Gold Mining atated Uot U Portland mill at Colorado City would he dosed of shortage of ore. Search fer Bey'a Body. NORFOLK After persistently searching for two days aad two nights divers have failed to locate Ue body of Willie Steal, the 14-year-old lad who waa drowned ia Ue Etkhom river her Sunday afternoon. Dynamiting Ue river did not. as had been hoped, briag Ue body to the surface, and Ue swollen channel still retains Ue life less form of Ue lad who swam Into whirlpool. His moUer, a widow who lives here, has been in n very serious condition since the shock , ssd has oeen kept under chloroform constantly. Found Dead in Deeryard. I4NCOLN Mrs. Josle Wagetaff waa found dead la front of her house on toe Tiffany farm, four miles north of Lincoln. A neighbor, Mrs. Anna Kimball, aaw Ue woman lying face downward as she passed the house shout o'clock Ue previous evening. on. thought xra. wsgstaaT waa mere ly resting. But next morning when Mrs. Kimball noted Ue figure lying In Ue same spot she hastily called aome aUer neighbors, who summoned Ue coroner. The woman died of heart trouble. VLADIVOmTOK A large Japanese a wRh provisions hn Into pert Russiaa tor- have destroyed number milling crafts, toau eg Ue coast of Ja- Bmw Tep of Hie Head Off. UNWOOD During fit of tempo rary insanity Jacob Shatlik, a well-to-do farater, Jiviag two atiles east of town, went Into n grove Bear Ue and wiu ue muzzle or a placed hi his mouth, he pulled Ue triggwr wtu hia toe and Ue discharge of Ue weapon bhnr Ue top of hia aead off. DeaU waa lavfaataaeena. He was. 89 years of age and leaves a widow aad Uree small children. Saat ilk's laUer took his owa lire and a brother tried Ue same maaaer of -eaih not long age. W. D. Hartwell. for Ue last three and a half years a state bank exam iner, baa resigned nla positioa. giv ing ill health as s reason. Mr. Hart well has been n most emcieat oflteiul nnd before nccepting his resignation Ue bunking board requested that he take a vacation of n month, believing that his healU would be restored suf flclently for him to continue In his' position, but the iaencement did not prevent Ue resignation. The Jacksoaiaa dab of Nebraska have perfected arraagementa for a special train over Ue Wabash railroad. leaviag Omaha at 9:30 p. m. Jaly 4U. arriviag at St Loala union station early next morning, stopping nt the World's Fair station. Thia train will consist of conches, chair cars aad sleepers and it is anticipated that the Jacksonluna nnd Uelr friends will have the largest delegation from Ule sec tion leaving Omaha on Ue above date. Thirty years ago today Ue greed assessment roll of Ue state showed a total of 980.91C.541.47. The railroad assessment waa 811.183414.40. or about oae-fourth the assessment of Ue pres ent year. The list iacluded 11.027,299 acres of mud valued at 943.198,546.84. Fifty years ago there were less than a Uousand white people in Nebraska territory, today atore tana a million. The total wealth Uea waa probably aot 8190,099. now between one aad two billtoas. Then there waa set siagle cultivated farm, today Uere are 15. 000. with crops worth SK2.999.099. Jesse, the 14-year-old sea of Daniel Thayer, a wdl known fanner living In Columbue township, Platte county, died from lockjaw caused by stepping on a piece of babred wire. The wire waa oht and rusty aad had been aroaad a hog lot Frank Winekare, brick am at Goehner, waa severely Injured whUe constructing a new brick vault : Goehner bank. He had Jo ed Ue archway overhead aad resseving Ue frame akeletoa that held It Ue brick feu ape ham H. mad near North ""mePMf aHvJa referee's al fret the bouse steps to Fred mason for Eighty acre of Ue were sold at court $99 aa acre. Freak Reed, the serving a sentence la the ty Jail en the chare of boya to a grove far evil bee Idatlflofl a the vjattefl somber of week. teWngUem he was s agent far Gentry ahawa 'am tng far asset, hay. meals, etc. .u 'A prlaasi who Is Dodge coun- eatiemg small parpssssiaaa stranger who BUnauaBBi aBB iftat BBBBI BBBBI MBR a advance He may , (r a - vr "$