ras 5S3S fM&mp .-u ?, r Lsi-jr- rrt3i ? ,?.' ?..4V.f.Tf:i r M?LX?S$. 1 "? ; U f v- :: n -St' n r :. -? ;"- Eivl :wMhb "i i'irv-ii'v tjwtvi-T"mamaFr,u vmnmnnumBumBumnmnmuuuuuuumBumumBum jjriSSw a -Jvft. v 3jbwms 2jsraaBssnmaMw tiTSi a '.k- : ttrg&fe23tt-x? a&JjEjJ&gS,y W? .SrvWy'-. 9ISnBSSKSn. ' ' MMv. TamWammnMamieafaMmTamTmTamTem 5- r rt f: ifc W.: B& r-v t . I ft .. " f-V- DP r 4- : V wSS?'7"'' !-. aaumr, mm. nmwamVsmII f?z- 3f "r reVammar uaavaajajafi smmTammu59Cl. -i--V' -ir- ufaaua' VawaTw afamrHafSacalL "Lrn-i-eASL.- w - - GORRESrONDENCE m m Battel. Omumhs,Nebraska, R- D- NoL .-(OormpoadMoeO-Oropi all alone; Um are looking goad, w. x. En tea tae buier laid of con. Gerhard Ijoseke mi ia CWambas L. Plata, the wiadatill over or romte this week. B. O. Boyd is this week at Heary Bokee putting ap eve spoutiag Cfcjs Jake Wagner aad Was. Brewer are at Heary Laeeehea'e taJe week paint iff aad papering his" new house. . John Abren is putting ap kia large crop of alfalfa hay. Mr. Ahrea, being am p-to-date farmer, uses up-to-date mechiaery each as a bay loader .aad matte iora, mo iwu poui machinery doing the work of two This week, Taealay, Father Theo bald with the aoadeaiy school children was out to Gottschalk's grove ear the old sheep ranch aad by the looks of the baskets, awiags, and the hall game, oae might thiak it was a pioaie, the day. beiag Father Theo bald's Name Day. lamto4. OoUmbas. Neb.. B. F. D. No. 4. (Oorrespondeaoe.) A. L. MaDougalL who has been visiting; with J. O. Dawsoa the last week, has moved to the Geer hoase in Columbus. John Eadsdea made a basiness trip to Golambas Thursday. Mrs. A. E. Campbell and daughter Maziewere Columbus visitors Mon day. Heary Hobbensiefken made a busi- trio to Columbus Monday after Mr. aad Mrs. S. H. Emerson were transacting basiness at thecoanty seat Taesday. Miss Mary Lynch returned home from Idaho last week, accompanied by Mrs. J. W. Lynch aad son Irl. The Oooaee school house is receiv ing a coat of paint this week. John Mahler is the artist behind the brush. Little Lora Noble arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs. J. C Dawson Sunday evening from., tbe orphans home in Kansas Uity, Mo. The child will be adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Daw- Pius Poeffel, sr,. while working on his son's house Friday, loll from a scaffold, lighting on a pile of brick, seriously injuring his back. He was taken to St. Mary's hospital Monday. As Mr. Poeffel is more than seventy years old, it is greatly feared that the injury may prove very grave. . Star Scute. Celumbns. Star Route. ( Correspondence. ) Mr. Carl Roscha, proprietor of the Spring Creamery near Boheet has lumber aad brick on the ground for the construction of a store building in which hn "intends to enlarge his general merchandise business. Mrs. O. Koch is having the founda tion hud for a new dwelling hoase on her farm. Mr. Herman Lueschen the post master at. Boheet, is giving his house a aew coat of paint. Oats are heading out in many fields along our route but the general out look is not very good for oats. Mrs. Heary Welch cf Shell Creek postbflice is quite tick with pneu monia, having taken her bed" about two weeks ago. One strip along the Star Route the com looked considerably the worse for hail as the leaves were quite badly shredded, bat very little corn was out off. Saturday evening when the heavy cloud, with wind came ap from the north, there was a heavy rainfall from Shell Creek Valley north and in . some localities a considerable amount of hail. Heary Lueschen has ordered a new top buggy. He expects it to arrive in time to take his best girl to the 4th,ac ha has ordered it mailed with im mediate' delivery stamp. The buggy it to be imported from the south. Wa.' Reese suffered a severe shock last Tuesday receiving word from his daughter in another part of the state that he is now grandpa. It was thought at first that he couldn't bear ap aader the heavy straia bat he seems now t have become recoacilod to liis fate aad is taking -everything. quite cooly. Jfoaroe. Nebraska. (Oorrespoa denee,) The members of the Omaha commercial cab who are toariag the elate are expected to arrive in Monroe at 3:31 o'clock p. m. Thursday after aaoa at this week. v J. A. Gleasoa arrived this morning tram Lincoln. Frank aad Kenneth Strother were visiting relatives aad young friends ia Monroe hut week. O. W. Holiaauaead is wearing hie arm iaa sling, caused by a visit of kia enemy. Mr. Rheumatism Iiieataaaat Governor Snow of South Dakota visited his sister, Mrs. O. J. Jeaka, aad friends here on Saaday. Fred Orowahawjof Sehayler arrived for a short visit with his B. & Thurston, aad his Mfc:---- f aaaaharftaak. . WM!' " "- TBev. Aagel preached a memorial lPV g aatmsn for the local Baa Har lodge ll&lfSb-1 ' I'llaat gaaeay momiag. A aumberof WtkS"r-' - ' 7 :ai iiWirs nf tbn nrdnr mnt at thrir WI&&&- &' '-ladW' fuanan aad amrchad to the 'wtMy . ' 4S afcaiwh where aeata ware reserved for ISS, T.aVesa. VSwRm $5 ,- - " -. .L- .w .r heea WW:- W Arhicn spiat flaaiay ia oar city, M-'M-:-. ' m nr mmVar ia aaalinc for bass, aike and JfrS'? -siWi?"r . vi'E-rjji. i -ml. M.Mh. a aeada laP&rlailai call -1 tall - aho nfmV - x!v'fc:r-ai--'--fcIMM-aaadakasi Mrs. ssHt&r& 'tZ'iu "&,- ;1 -m- amilaT mmal -ftmmmamTaai Mlmmt tf" mmnmauK -v" ivC'Plv i. sahaaaKBVwapmBk mmuutwar mb " IBg. 'aMfa)9aml.as, the henna af Mr. aad HgfeyjffgaTagrjr ?Bmmw ';1mamjmM' uVamBamTaamOTaA UaPat'' WJgikmmkmr the 01 mas oa Bros. " lamMaWaiiffjfc ". ' , Harry Aaki declaring Mrs. Terry un" excellent hostess, and Mim Boyd's frieads hope ahe will return ia the fall. Maaree Bamte la. 2. Moaroe. (Cforresnondeace. ) Wn. Welch was a Platte Center visitor Saturday. Heary Phillips waa in Monroe Mon day. Mrs. Keayoa was ia Platte Center Saaday. Mrs. Weight weat to -Cedar Rapids Taeaday. W. O. Pagsley and son are putting up their alfalfa. Oliver Maagassoa was in Platte Center. Saturday. E. A. Perdue and Win. Naasel were in Monroe Wedaosday. Small grain is in fine condition, and com is growing very fast. Mr. Leightner and Clyde Johnson went to Lindsay Wednesday. Mrs. Ames of Laooa, 111., is visit ing her brother. Henry Gibbe. The storm was quite heavy Satur day evening. Some hail fell at James Saggat's place. Mrs. Win. Templin aad Miss'Minnie Smith were in Monroe Saturday. Miss Parker will visit the home of her sister, Mrs. B. J. Pagsley. for several months. Miss Cora Ollne received a beautiful fan from her brother who is a soldier in the Phillipme islands. Charles Miller returned from Ord Saturday. He purchased a quarter section of land near there. Mrs. Melvin who has been visiting her brother. Charles Miller, returned to Long Beach, California Saturday. Civil engineer L. F. Gottschalk and his assistants were surveying along the proposed drainage ditch, Monday. They completed their work in one day. CrettoB. Crest on. (Correspondence.) Cres ton pharmacy is having a new roof put on their store, also having the interior painted. When completed it will be hard to find n neater drug store. E. T. Graham shipped two car loads of cattle Monday, June 13th. Everybody is talking of our Fourth of Julv celebration these days. L. S. Black, our popular merchant, is getting on his feet again. He has been confined to his bod for the past todays. O. E. Engler and family .went to Went Point Tuesday June 14. They have been visiting in this community for some days. J. W. Bennett, Theo. Wagner, F. Anson, R. A. Austin, E. T. Graham. Ora Scalph, were at Colnmbus last week, being subpoenaed on the Kelley mnrder trial. Lonpaad Platte Valley. Loup and Platte Valley News, June 20, 1904. (Correspondence.) The Ben Bur lodge held their regular meeting last Sunday to celebmte memorial ser vices. They were going to the ceme tery, bnt were prevented from doing su by the rainy weather. Mr. Groves was in Monroe Saturday on business. Mr. Likley, James Edmenson and others of Gardiner made a pleasant trip to the Loop river Wednesday. Mrs. S. E. Marty of Colunibus. with her children Freddie and Carl, were guests of Mrs. Chris Bienz and family a few days. Bev. H. W. Hortsch, who was showing illustrations of the Evangeli cal Protestant Deaconess bnilding last week, was in Duncan this week. "" Last Sunday one of the severest storms' for many years swept oyer Gardiner. The storm was something like a cloud burst, accompanied by some hail which damaged the crops to some extent. Nineteen head of cattle were killed by lightning with in an area of four miles square. Pottville. Postville. (Correspondence.) Thomas Jones is reported better hav ing been very sick. W. H. Thomas and Mrs. A. Wolf visited their parents at Columbus Thursday, returning Saturday. Bev. Jones and Owans preached at the Welsh church but Sunday. The former has made arrangements to 6taj here for four months. Ber. Edwards of Lake Crystal. Minn., and former pastor of tbe Wel.-h oharch here will preaoh next Sunday. also will lecture tbe following Mon day evening. Subject, "Trip to the Old Country." " David Thomas and two sons of Co lnmbas Saadayed among their many friends. Mr. Thomas also took school census of District 31 of which he i the Director aad has been one of tket school board for twenty years. Eiekkad aad Vicinity, Richland and Vicinity. (Correspon dence. ) Fine com weather. Hark! "Hear dem wedding bolls.' Mrs. J. V. Stevenson is on the sick Ust. Mrs. Black and son Arthur returned Wedaesday from the east. Miss Mamie Keller of Sehayler is here visiting her parents. W. T. Brocklesby and B. V. Steven aaa did business in Schuyler, Satur day. t . W. O; Browa. union S. S. organizer has returned to.his home at Ceresco, Nebraska. Jake Ernst of Columbus was out week talking harvest twino to oar farmers. Mrs. Maggie Stevenson visited Fri day with Mrs.. Henry Welch who has quite low with pneumonia. Deviah was btaarht before Jaatioe Moore of Sehayler last Wed- y aad plead guilty to crueltv to his family and is oat oafSOO bonds. ante Bail left Monday for Waauaaaaa, La., ia masaie to a tele- received Saaotty asmouncing the BnmtfWaTBmM iUmhfjWflf ImfMr kMAu MffV. Bail ia aasesmac tanl; editor of the Hew Orleans Picayune aid waa here to saead the aummer with relatives. iaviaitiat m - a J -''. - ;- - v. - . j.-: j-.-. '-, j . ... vmmummnmiBBismummmumuuBulamBmaMMHaMaiMMaHMBMim - his father, W.-tt baa. Harry is a former citiaen of thia place and his friends will be to hear he intends goiagto Boneeteel. D.. to try his stead. They wiah aim success. Robert Keller, ace 17, and eldest soa of J. D. Keller, took the "haao" route June IS and left for parts aakaowa. This is the aeooad runaway ia this vicinity recently, causing two fond mothers to worry aad to say ia their heas, "Come home, O prodigal child. There is bread aad to spare, - And a warm weloome there Then, to friends reconciled, O prodigal child oome home.' District 44 and Vicinity. District 44 aad Vicinity. (Corres pondence. ) The unnual school meet ing will be held nt the school r house on Monday evening Jnne 37, 1904, at which time and place a aew member of the'school board will be elected. J. H. Driaain lost a valaablecow last Friday from alfalfa bloat. - The number of cattle cropping grass in Platte county this year could have been doubled so great has been the growth of vegetation. , A kind of 'blight has visited the peach trees which curls the leaves ap tight, and since that time, the young peaches are falling off. Alfalfa gram has made a wonderful growth this year, some standing 2 1-2 'feet high. Mnch of it out hist week is colored bad by the' frequent showers. Young stock cattle are selling hare for four cents a ponnd. That sounds good to the farmers, but in this case it was the farmer who paid the price to the trader. A lady driver reniarked that the weather the past month was good enough Nebraska law for regulating the speed of the automobile on the public highway. May and Jnne turned ont weather very unfavorable for com that was listed, water standing in the trenches mnch of the time. Most of the checked corn is receiving thorough cultivation and has made n good start heavenward. August Kerkman lives just east of the school hou9eand on the opposite side of the road. His good wife and daughter were visiting relatives last week and were to return home Satur day evening. August drove into Co lumbus with his new family barouche promptly on time, and on arriving borne in the evening imagine the surprise and gladness of his wife and daughter to find nicely placed in their parlor a brand new piano. We were told a new organ was delivered at Henry Engel's honse Sunday while his wife and daughters were at church. This district seems to be filled with music and surprises. THE BUBLHGTOM'S LOW RATE STJMMBR TOURS Go somewhere this summer; if not to St. Louis then to the mountains, lakes or seashore; examine this great scheme of vacation tonr: ST. LOUIS AND RETURN: All kinds of reduced rates daily besides special coach, excursions each Monday' in Jnne. CHICAGO AND RETURN:' Either direct or via St. Lonis, daily low rates; also very cheap June 1G to 20. N INDIANAPOLIS AND RETURN, S21.G0,Jnne26and 27. ATLANTIC CITY AND RETURN, $3(7.45, Jnly 9 and 10. CINCINNATI AND RETURN, $25.10, July 15 to 17. DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS, PUEBLO, GLEN WOOD. SPRINGS, SALT LAKE, BLACK HILLS-Prac-ticaliy half rates all summer. MICHIGAN, MINNESOTA AND WISCONSIN, The Lake Resorts, and Lake Steamer Tours very favorable rates stopovers at St. Louis on through tickets see the greatest creation by the hand of man. Ask the agont for full detail.-, or write L. W. WAKELEY, y . General Passenger Agent. Omaha, Nebr. WORLD'S FAIR RATES TO ST.LOUIS. VIA IiURLINGTON ROUTE. Tickets to St. Louis and return, Goml fifteen days, $17.00 Good sixty days .' 19.00 Good all summer, 22.00 For full information about train ser vice and other details see the ticket ayent. The St. Lonis Exposition the great est show the world has ever seen is now 'complete and in harmonious operation, and it will be a lifetime's regret if yon fail to see it. . L. W. Wakelkv, General Passenger Agent. ST. LOUIS AND RETURN SPECIAL EXCURSIONS On Mondays, June Gtb, l.ltb, 20th and 27tb, tbe Union Pacific will run special Coach Excursions from Columbus, Nob., to St, Louts and return at the lovr rate Si 1 ,50 Tickets will have finaL return Hmita'of seven days, good only in daytcoaches ob any train, regular or special. , Inquire of W. II. Bekhav, Agent. Less Than Half Rates. TO-8T. LOUIS AND BETUKN. On Monday, June 6, 13, 20 and 27, the Burlington offers tickets to St Louis and return at $11.50, good for seven days considerably lees than one fare for the round trip. Tickets are good in coaches and chair ears (seats free). The inagniucient exposition is now complete and in haraoaious ope ration. You will regret it all your life if yon fail to see this wonderful exposition. IUnetrated folder1 tree, and fulf iu forntatienoa application to Barliag tonBonteafeatorto v L. W. WAKaxnr, Agent. Aakia. aearOolam-7 aVmajamaammauMmmajBa amMl ilislOiMMiiilg Wil &lW&. ji'&z -- -' ' - - -1-- -- '- J . i I ' -t - ' m -'w:::':r:'.- aupwmmM-namn.ammi j-aumi-mmuxBamM.m afA'aTamTimffal - taW c s- ffL v . - m. jmk : v :ijMwnuwaumamiejreB i:saa aar miamBBnuumami.mirfmfmammmitmum amii.mamwmFml aarmi unj aarmi mm. munrn Pi d I linAKi mm. I Lrag!MgrrT-gtf Bl mTK" Km1ml W. aTB .- BmiBftfKH -aV ' m . w t - m aswtlmjsfsaay.njamsam:m ;'m :dwmV;Vaf mW um Vawsmawt mfaVVmv.nm Warn?. BmramHrnVammv man m llumtBmf lack fotra axmm. Maaammammam -r-" - 1 . - - - (From the lies of 'AWgaat.10, 1870.) Timbers for Shell' bridges are beiag Major North has returaed fram the Rooky Monntnin expeditieaV aid hat authority from General Angr to re cruit two osmpnniea of Pawaecafar service. , Wa are gratified at the praaeat'proa pect of a speedy completion' of. tha. Platte river bridge at this pUce. Sab-ooatraota have beea let to Tiffany aad Beeba for driving the idles. John Oongdoa baa the hauling of tha materials from the depot to the river aad F. G. Becher has contracted for 85,000 feet of cottoawood planking for the roadway of tha bridge. The epablioaa oonnty ooavaatioa was called to order mat Friday by the chairman, A. J. Steveae. L. GerrareV acted aa secretary. The fallowing named persons appeared aa delegataa from tha different preciacts: Lost Creek. J. W. Early; Colambaa.' A. J. Arnold, A. J. Stevens, Hagh Comptoa and L. Gerrard. Those chosea to at tend the state ooaveatioa wen J. N. Taylor, Hagh Comptoa and J. 9. Wells. The -commissioners of ' Platte aad Colfax -counties have ratified tho no tion of the committees from each of these counties to settle the boaauary line. Messrs Leander Gerrard, V. Kummer, David Anderson, aad W. Mario of Platte county, aad F. Frye in behalf of Colfax oonnty have been instrumental in bringing about this desirable result. L On Saturday the "Prairies" of Sehayler came to Colambaa -to play their second game with the Shoo Fly's, and were defeated by a score of 37 to 25. The 'visitors were enter tained by the Columbus boys at the American hotel and iu the evening a dance was given in their honor. Among others we find the following transfers of property on record at tha county clerk's office: L. Gerrard to Eben Pierce part of "lot 2 block 182 Columbus; George Olother to Frask North, 80 acres: J. D. Clother, and wife to Frank North 80 acres t J. B. Beebe and wife to Alonzo i Height, 159 acres; United States tO .Charles Morse, lflu acres; J. N. Taylor, to E. A. Gerrard 76; J. E. North and wife to Samuel Marmoy lots 5 to 6 in block 191 Columbus. J. B. Wells has made a valuable ad dition to his residence. (From files of Journal August 47, 1870.) J. W. Brown has in his aarsery on the bluffs, north of towa, looaet saplings 4 feet high, from seed planted this spring. ' ,n Married, at the Episcopal charch, Sunday Aagasat 14, at 4 o'clock by Rev. Shaw, vff. B. Doddridge aad Miss Frances Barnnm. The want of good roads to tha counties north of Columbus has long been a serious drawback to the growth of this towa aad the commissioners have determined opening roads to Stanton and Cuming counties. J. N. Taylor has been appoiated to locate two roads running to the north line of Platte coanty intersecting Staatoa county in the aonthwest comer. A contract baa beea awarded to Was. Gerhold to construct tliree trues bridges of 70 feet span each, across the creek roads to facilitate com munication to our Madison and Staa ton oonnty farmers, thereby eaabliag them to reach Colambaa aad tbe Union Pacific railroad at,(thia poiat within n distance of twenty-five miles instead of fifty-four miles by the old circuitous route without bridges. A big bundle of old v papers fori! cents at the Journal' office. i i r ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. Know all men by these presents. That we. Frederick II. t, Abbott and Stewart J. Kennedy, do associate oar selves together for the purpose of forming and becoming a -"corporation under the laws of tbe state of Nebras ka, for the purposes hereinafter de scribed. First- The name of this corporation fhall be "Columbus Journal Com pany", and its principal place of buri ness shall be at Columbus, Platte County. Nebraska. Second. The nature of the businr as to be transacted shall be, purchasing aul operating newspaper and job printing ouices ana nil neoestary equipment, publishing newspapers and doing all kinds of printing and work connected with such business, also to purchase grounds, erect, purchase or lease such buildings as may be nec essary or convenient for such purposes Third. The authorized capital stock of this corporation shall be ten thoa- sand dollars ($10,000. ) divided into shares of one hundred dollars (100. ) each, to be subscribed atd paid as re quired by the board of directors. Fourth. This corporation rhall commence on the first, day of April 1904 nsd continue for the "period of tweuty-fiv years. Fifth. The business of the corpora tion shall be conducted by a board of directors, not to exceed five in num. ber. to be elected by the stockholder at their regular annual saeeting. and it-.il tvVi in oetiag shall . be held sain itr.l of directors shall 'coartM; of Frederick U Abbott and Stewait J. Kennedy. Sixth. The officers of the eornom- tion shall be each aa shall be preecrih ed by tbe .by-laws. They shall be chosen by the board of directors, aad shall continue in office for tha term of one year aad until their suooessors are elected aad qualified. Seventh. The 'hiaheat amount of indebtedness to which this corporation shall at aay time subject itself shall not erceedoaehalf iUnatdupoaniaU Eighth. The nutuneref stockholders' meetiucs. the giving of notiae and tha method of coadoctiag hasiaom of tha corporation shall be preaerihed by the by-laws to be adopted by the beard of directors. Ja witness whereof, thaiaadersiirnad have hereunto sat their handa this 39nd day of Haroh, 1904. Frederiea: H. Ahhett - Stewart J. Keanedy. State of Nebraska -. County of Platte. ' Oa this 23ad day of laareh. IfiM. before me, n Notary PnbUo in ua4 tar said coaaty- of - Pmtte, neara or neorasaa. Freaertcic . Abbott aad Stewart J. to aaa known to ae tbe taen ta the f eveaotac ally aclraawtelawd to their voluntary not and daad ft the day aad data last written. n t mummar.aamime.mBMmaBBamm rteoaM a, ibj 1 1 i mmmmuuuuw .VauaauaBU km.mmi.9 ?ah nVusti asl las snuj rfueheu auadni'ai UJ-J nrite nit; oae Ai lMMMD.owaadf Jto Fanna '--'-- taUvtu' hc oMftoortawMm loader; eaa Fnafs toader.at niWeaaetioastttekoM of Oowr hi WooarillB townMau Ptto.i . - . w -zr Mnab.M WHMkv.tM tairtwmi(Uth) f1 -fyr. . nai aanr.af .iwo (z own; ' Dated JwMtS, HSI. e TUEAULTk4haTiYLOR MACBIKUY COMPANY" V By R. W. Waihat, UMir attwacy. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE. NetiMtoherehrcireathBtia niwaiarf of m order of UwdiMrUeoart of Platte eaaty.Me. brnaa.dalyainle eail eateredof reenrd oa the tweMieth ( SBOj) djr of February. A. O. ISM. ia a eertaia aetioa peadiaa ia nid ooart wkereia Aaaie FariT Je pjatetig; aad Joha H. Party. May Party. Mary Hackee. David L. Haaheii. ArtW H. Parry. KOe Party. GrinUfe Parry. D. Artknr Joaea. Jeaaie E. Joa. Jaae Parrr, OriBtthParryascnnliaaeoftheeatato of mil D.rthar Joan aad. Jeaaie E. Joan.aiiaon, R.H.WaMeraadJ. Ci. Wadewnrfh aad H. F. J. DWKfehraer, doTeadaata, tbe aadercicaed referaM ia nid eane will oCerfor nle to the hiaheat Udder at pabtie aatioa at the froat door of the enart boaee ia the city of CeMnba. Platte coaaty. N4nwka, na Moaday. tbe twenty. aerenth(ntn)ay of June. IMM, at tbe hoar of two it) o'clock nf ttrniM rf aaid day. the follow. ia daaerihed ml t-tnt itoated ia Platte coaa ty. NeVaeka. ttw t: TW 8otbweat Qaarter of Bectioa. Thiny-Oii (31). ia Townahip Nine teea().MrthoriUBseTwo (2) Weat of the Wit (staKPriaeipnTkeridiaa. and tbe Eaat (Vi) of Heo Miaeteea (1 mxta (Sib I dower riabtatbereia of aaiiijaB Pkrnr. Mhbx u the linimnTnei I anil to mortraae lieaa oa nid preaUan of a aakace. ffWn aad the iatereat tbereoa froat April 1. MOS at fire (5) per cent, aad mlao aabjeet to tbe eropatbenoaaadaJantbeaw of mid pnaiwi tmtbearat day of March. 1S8B which are re. PAV1D THOMAa HANSON 8. ELUOTT. JOHN GIBBON. awy2&4t Beferen. TAX. LIKN FORECLOSURE. Ia the district coart of Platte coaaty, Nebraska. KUA.8tnekalacer. plaintiff. Ta. Maria Hansen aad Hansen, whoae fret or Cbriatiaa aameia aakaowa. and Lot Foar (4) in block thirteen ilS) of. Lnrkner'e Firat Addition to village of laaparey, Platte coaaty Ntbmlu, defend aata. TheaboVe named defeadaata will take notice that on the 4th day of Jnne. lft4. the nnderauaed a tbe oftfee of the clerk of tbe dis trict coart for Platte coaaty, Nebraeaahie peti tion? the object aad prayer of which are tofore- oloite the lien for taxealeriedBpon Lot Foor(4) ia block thirteen (13) of Loekner'n 'Rrat Addi tion to the Tillae of Hamphrer. Platte coaaty. Nebraska for tbe years last andim to 18Sg in. claaiTeof both, antoontias; to the sam of $5.47 for which said lot waa by snid coaaty troasarer1 sold to tbe nadersianed at treasmm's pablio tax sale for delinqaent taxes da the sixth (8th ) day of NoTenNier, ISM), aad also for tnxea levied upon said lot for-wibseqaeat years and paid by the nlaiatiff as each parcbaaer. to-wit: for year 18W, 9.30; for W08. SaSffor 19U. S9L42; and for tbe year tH 10.50; toayther with the interest and penalty thereon as prescribed by law. Yoa are reqajrtd to answer said petition on or before the ltth day of July. A. D.. W04. KLI A. KmiTKHI.AnRB. By A. M. Post aad Ancast Wagaer, his aitor- neys. jaaiMt TAX LIEN FORECLOSURE. In the district coart of Platte coaaty, Nebraska. Eli A. Stockalacer. phuatiff, ts. Delia Carter aad Carter, whose first i or Christian naaut ia ankaown, aad Lot Three (3) ia block thirteen OS) in Lockners First Addition to Tillage of Humphrey, Platte coaatyr Nebraska, defend ants. The abore named defeadaata will take notice that oa tbe 4th day of June. 1S04 the nndersintid plaiatiC filed ia the othoe of tbe clerk of tbe dis trict coart tor said riatte coaaty, Nebraska, his ditioatothe of Humphrey, Platte coon ty. Nebraska; for years is aaa vm to isss inclmdTeofboth, itinc to tbe snm of J5.47, 18SS. for delinanent taxes, .and also for lum levird apoa said lot for sabseqneat years aad raid by tbe plaintiff as sacb purchaser, to-wit: For the year 1900. SA.75; 188S, 10.30; 1901, $0.42; 1902. nxaO; toaetber with tbe interest and penalty tbereoa as prescribed by law. Yoa are repaired to answer said petition on or before tbe eleventh (11th) day of Jnlv. A.D. 1904. " ELI A. rrrOCKSLAQEB, By A. M. Post and August Wagaer, bis ' attor neys. 8jan-4t TAX LIEN FORECLOSURE. Ia tbe district coart of Platte coaaty, Nebraska. EIiA.Stockslaaer. plainUff, ts. V. O. Lyford and Mrs. Lyford.-Smithaad Mrs. Sraith, all whose irst or Chriittiaa names are nnkaown. and Lot Three (S) ia block tea AW of tKtis' Fonrut AddiUoa to Ue rUlace of Humphrey. Platte coaaty, Nebraska, defeadaats. Tbe abore named defendants will take notice that oa tbe fourth (4th) day of Jane, 1904, the nadersiicned plaintiff Med fa tbe office of tbe cleric of the district court for Platte oonnty, Nebraska, bis petition, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose the lien for taxes levied apoa Lot Three (S) ia block tea (10) of Otis' Fourth Addition to tbe Tillage of Humphrey. Pmtte county. Nebraska, for tbe year 1900. amounting to the sura of $1.39, for which said sam aaid lot was by tbe treasurer of said Platte county sold to the undersigned at treasurer's public sale for delinquent taxes oa the fourth (4th) day of NoTember. 1901, and also for taxes lerled apoa said Jot for said Jot for subsequent years and naid br tbe nndersicned as snefa nnrrlnfir to-wit: for the year 190LSa8S; for the year 1902, $8.98; together with tbe interest and the penalty tbereoa as prescribed by law. You are required to answer said petition oa or before tbe eleventh (lltb) day of July. A.P. 1904. KLI A. STOCI&LAGER, By A. II. Post and Augast Wagner, his attor neys, - 8jaa4-t ay as tsmif. Mimijiih wUlsfTflM wsmiti; tenia aaneihsi,. Mrte s.AaltI pkte with triad MMkcr. h& n? attls- wa w th r - ' to mm: m tMk awawaaaur , unnjunaaaaas I Wheat I Flavor l M Yon should eat bread raised I with Yeast Foam. It has a H wheaty flavor and delicious I aroma all its own, and retains H sweetness, freshness and H moisture longer than bread ga aaade with any other yeast, B Yeast Foam partially pre- M digests the bread and pre f Wan nernea in i all tlu. nnhL mW M tiye qualities of the M m.. Wheat. J t La?OAWLI nwBmwmm awBmwBmwaaawaaf Aa anade of pure ege m table ingredients. With TA NgV PP care )t never loses M m its life aad strength, Wa H always fresh and ready lac '- use. Bread made with it ft aerer add, sour or heavy; H k's always good as long aa k lasts. I nMcrrtismiluyaM. I uH IffVaat auaJam tvur mil awwisaia'm aaa mmnf smna m- - wmw as awn Mauam saws aaaam M-scapackage. Each pack" M Mage cowtaias j cakes- M Mj aaoagJi br 40 loaves. M m "How to Make Bread." . amPedrvr. , afaffMQTWYBsSTCII - Caamffa. I kaaaanw:. " M naaaaaaaaaaaaT ' The more natural diet is ajote palatable, iavraretratr and tiwBaTtheaiBe? tcf bodvaad nil contrary iritk uariataraJ, inproperly prepared food, which stunts the lack of will power aad steadiness f . fl ri. ts a natural food, and is healthy for growing children. Let the children try it, and note after contimied use the mental and physical vigor it imparts. B-lalaHai - - - Dr. Men, tha creator of BrtriiKd H Classiifwl Amvertisiiff. . M Wantmn"Bargaimsr -for JPeal." -Jfer Smb." "Lost." "Found,' ana other ipecial notice under tku head are charmed for at the rate of one eemt a word each interim, but no advertument taken Torieminanix. sena monem wtth eopu a theee account are ueuaUm too email to be carried to our ledger. FOR SAEB-MBillioB Dolkr" crass seed. In, oaire of Ferdinand Voirt. St. Kdwaid. IU Heed also oa sale at-OrayaT aad Hennaa Oebl. rich's. Colambas, Nebr. aprUtf T D. 8TIRE8. ATTOalWBT AT LAW. oajea, OUre at-fonrtb door aertb of First COTJLUBUtt. NUnjUULt. Ijl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 H Hi 11 1 1 Illl 1 1 h DR. R. A. VALUER, Osteaaathie Physician, X Columbus, Nebr. Nebraska 'Phone A 111 Independent 2 'Phone No. 7. OSce, MOCK. HewillcareaU auyoari medtciae T he fails. iiiimmnmiitiitiiii OTTAWA Cira Siellir Cyliider Can do more.and better work than aay other eheller sold. Our wagons will not scatter yonrgrain while on tbe road to market or overtax yoar horses with needless heavy draught. Biggies aid Carriages OF THE LATEST AND BEST.MAKEB. -AU Kinds of- FARM IMPLEMENTS. Coma aad look oar stock over before buying : : : : aap-Blaeksanith wrk aai Horse Shteiac; 4rae shart otiee. ; LOUIS SCHREIBER. If a Man is in Love, THAT'S HIS BUSINESS. If a Woman is in Love,' TH ATS HER BUSINESS. But if they intend to get married, THAT'S MY BUSINESS. J. M. CURTIS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Notabt Public ahd TiynwniTino Colarebns,' Nebraska FREE!! It enata yoa nothhtg for DELIYS1T of all kiade of Feed aad Hay. Lowest prices and tip-top eaalitiea. We have tha lending; Livery ami Boarding STAB LE Drive oae ef oar Farmata. let ue a ana nuannrwuHn as tanm for year team Right Ernst & Brock Hf OtOmM BT THONE. PAT AT HOUBE WHEN FBaTD IS DE- of nerve: No doubt that fifty per traced to improper diet when youn. PRICE FOOD Ettf If ItttftiM .-, Dr. Prices Creajn Bating Powder and Delkkws FhTtrjrmf; Cfh. FMd For Sale at Gray's Department y IS YOUR PLASTER FALLING OFF? mams namawaw.Ataa!ahv Jns,nrwawnesn2a'?an7nj XaayaamaaAas" hxaj r 9anwmf'mmBSSS)mw'Mwmmfffk t Bay and PUT ON YOURSELF or ask for a PRICE ON COMPLETED JOB. -a v James Pearsall, Contractor h,MMMMMHHM tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiimiiiimii I We Lead, Others Follow ! I Tn Painting and Decorating, we arc prepared to give our patrons the best. Have the very latest and most stylish in Wall Paper BeeeratiaaH and an "up-to-date" decorator in charge of this department. AH work guaranteed and prices right. lmrSce us for estimates I Or. 15- FeiTs Sc Co- I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminnl Plan Your Trip Early During 1904 several back East at greatl' be offered by the Chicago, If yon want to be kept posted regarding low rates, dates of sale, atop-over privileges, and train service, ad vise me the probable time and destination of your trip. Through train service from any point on the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad to Chicago every day. Polder free. F. A. MASH. Gaaaralfl waters Agent. Read Our Continued Story , samwnmwBawmV. uusr aanaaaaaaaaanaannamaaBaBaam aaav. WORLDS FAIR mmV mwT " rnlaf. nUaamwlaa? atwA? afAVamefi - aW Bmi -mmn mmf " ami f aamaam. M.. 1 m uiwiiw rAviriu m ..- amwnmr mwnmm B la caaaectioa with the Wabash Railroad, the Union Facile ga m bow runs through Electric Lighted Sfeeaara teSLLouia A . -ffV aad return. A ' V yawtagsrs are maaX at amaa eatrasee ef she ln B -i gS sttJoa at a ceaTeaieas hear la the maniac, sans wihg ffaj BEf frsnt rrnirSs if las mg Unlaa Utoflnn aUsNV HOIMIS OVtCKKM THAN ANY OTHOI sWIfTK . TM Illustrated Guide to Fair M 1 free m applicmtie fa M aav W. H. BENHA1C J ' km-mw-w-mm- -L--a-.-wl aMa-w-w-w--W w-w-w-w-w-waP ' afcggmwa" t - -J - aaap - ;? i growth, dwarfs the mind cent of the failures ia life and taj hj Eat Store, . Investigate KINNEAR & GAGEIt'S Stamped Steel CEILING, SIDE WALLS AND WAINSCOTING The only INTERLOCKING. TIGHT-SE&MED CEILING manufactured. The Btst is Thw ChtapMt opportunities to go reduced rates will S Milwaukee & St. Pari Railway. 1524 Farnani Sir l ittwtW - m canaes a v J9 : caa be . -til "Sr 1 - ;v v ! "-' " 'i . . z 'y i VM : fl - ill I I A i 3 f m .h II mM.lMlJBi ii i ' i ' fc.." - - r ' -- x -rr7-" IKD. TXL. No. M aVSamlmTamTammTanBllHmSnm ' fc - - i- " .- v - ' ' " . - 5 Jtw? SC? . - , ' ' "V BBBiMSamlmif " - hBjBnnamaaaaaag