simmM mst- wtts0? gzzgm wc-j V-; t. .J V - - ." ".- 5." - & .InrabnsfenrnaL .A r. LtT. . . -siz ! eolitsuu are ' ' ccxis alxMce , double riee. the; isJfl . V"! 3ts HI CO "Dei , - I T.' Ba- - 10 OilS Sat A most Me Wash cut to pieces. upinlOdsys. Summer Wash X 5c Summer Wii Goods -c 30c Shirt Waist Suits Wonderful Values Latest Styles. tL50 Shin Waist Sail. S5.00 5.50 - - 4.00 t 4.50 - J ! Black Briffiaarines S7c to $1.00 Black Voiles 75c to SLlX) .Black Henreetta...25c-to SL0n BladkXewovel- fies $1 to L25 H U LST'S CASH Columbus, ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 GRAYS BINDING TWINE! We did not buy it of the TRUST nor do we belong to the little TRUST in Columbus. We make our own prices. We have a good stock on hand of excellent qual ity selling it at anti-trust prices. why ? TiTo is too it casts you iae oar line of TEWEL" and -QUICK MEAIT Gasolme te safe, eeonossieaL do sot get out of repair, a net nine ismr and are excellent bakers. Price: ; of laf Tfof it r act tor iee to-keep it running- dnrinz these nf teen snm at ii annertant that yon yjymT pnrchase one that yon set and imam wen i'Th to yon Is an ice-saver, the crcnla e air aald aad dry? The ALASKA and EEERTCK -vill far them, aad more. We are not sprirgTTur gomethmj; on is aS new r aad antried. W know We know what they Indnmmrwaad Tfaer, eaaaaetod Iiaec. mr" zrnc imeo. Minaeaptfe Feeds'Japan jriffifHer "BeCrfcnL jJ ; m -f fe AlRwSeSlidlsflMBBBH aT " 'sSaaBBal&BaaV V SSBaaS"WaaWR WmI. :: 2 - 2 ' offisring of seasona- disregardedprice July 41 These goods must be cleaned These prices will move them The best Values ever offered tor the Money. t j SL25 Shirt WairC at SJ?c 1.50 Shin Waist at SL22 J 1.75 Shirt "Waist -zz. SU3 j 235 Shirt Waist at SL.79 j iL50 Shirt Waist at SLS9 O50 Shirt Waist at. LS9 i Summer Wash. . j Skirts. 1 SL25 Scmiaer Wa?h Skirt 99c ,' 1.50 - - S1.29 2.00 - - 1.69 00 - - 2.59 Daring these 10 days re trill oner exceptional Darrahi- in all departments JULY 1 ONLY. 24 doz. 4 and 5 at. puIdla and dniry pan. regular 121 t I5c pans. 2 tocnstoeier. each 5c 25c claw hammer, each VJc. i Nebraska. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 J Gasoline in sriTrmer costs no mere than coal then short to be sweltenrr- over a hot bo mere to oe comzortaoie. rrnTn- S3? As a srooc Befrlcerstor should grre fifteen years or more of 1 1 i'hi is rTT?rr compared "stith the what they are do- $10? are doing' in th . . Prof. Stke.1 Dr-Gietxac, drag i wmt Friday. Ixfsk tatter Bilk at tfce I Creaaaeiyi Kzttie Cowdery af T is the t of Mrs.xLH. Ethel Mr. and C. S. Powers af Creek rare in EothJextBer aaa a kind ieledware eqaalto and cheaper. 3Cr.aadMra. Hav i TiiTi'Tm nf ftfrlikiT Cobxmhn Tistors Saraday. The fimHy at X. H. Waie to their where they will ake their 1 Albert Beckar car Iroaa Ghuago JW- iajrthe Mr. aa Aaaaa day for a foar trip, so Mrs. Barclay J in (ieaoa Jaac arae the coauae at the chooL Mrs. BabyBroarm arriTed tram T.iacola aad arili - parents Jadce aad Mrs. sereral weeks. Mrs. J. D. Stixaa of this cirr aad Mrs. O. . Green of Gaaoa west to Omaha Moaday oa witb tiie earmt Scar lodxe. Genoa arill hare a nisjr Jaae Si The L naaaseameat aa left rnraed so aaake it a en Miss Marios Saaith was ia the esty Tnnrsday an her way froaa Liatala to Boaider, Colorado, where she was guin to spend the saataarr with Mrs. C. E. GietZEa and son visited one week in Haatpstrey, recaraiaa; Friday. Dr. Gietzen aaade his rejraJar visit to that tows, and retaraad anair the saae day. Miss Locy Morse has takaa the place of Miss Vesta SJazer in the Aadi rorinm maaic score, irffaaiar work Wednesday. Vie Slater reaijCBS to make as extended visit to Illiaois. Mrs. Chas. Scaroeder d Oaaaha who has aaany acqaaiaaaacea ia this city passed Thraaaft town Fridav an her way to ramie. Wyosaiag. where she goes in hope o: beaentias; her health Mrs. SA BriadleT lets Satarday for Asrsra where she will teach one ween: in the coaaty iaazitats. Frosa there she goes to ATliaane to teach the primary classes in the Janior formal. Mrs. John KrTmp aad fertr? visited the Thos. r h iaatily weex, reraraiag fnbstv to where they will aaake their farare home, remoriaz there frosa Cheyeaae within the last ttmth Mrs. Robert O'Brien of Cheyenne arrived here Saadar on her war tnnair from Peoria, THiaoia, where she waa called by the serioas illn-ss of ker father. She will visit with relatives h&TB for about two -weeks. Mrs. F. H. Geer retaxned hoaae Wednesday frosa a two weeks trip to Washington, Philadelphia aad other eastern cities. Dr. Geer will resaain about two n wean longer and visit places of interest ia his jinfiaaiiii In setting ap an ad last week for "Way Up " soar aaade by the Caiaaa bss Roller Mills oar compositor got it "Stay Up." Mr. Schrnaaer aays the mistake is sot as bad as it aught be. for he aays that ' Way Up" saays is a home after it is Word has bees received the marriage on the iftsenth of this month of Miss B. Mariel Payne and Dr. Xjomis Gordan Brown at Sosaexset, Colorado. Their present kaase is Somerset, pri mtity a aaanrb of the beastifal city of Denver. Sckajlet Free lance. Mr. aad Everett, of the family af A. on their retara. Mr. Platte coaaty years ago. He is his heme town. Lath swe week irni i niln nf Tlamei ahn was broagat to thw city a few weeks azo, and has bean ill at the name af hnr soo, Garret Halat; is saneh im-: proved. Her two sasmsnaa, the sans of Irve Tar ham i who lived with Mrs. Halst are asxendaag school in the 8c Praaeia si aiamy in thm city. members af the lamily hoard faac frontdoor ulaw Ism anaansmi that at the -'live ami Xan lira nmi bar" Tbi Timlin- AM arBhat Badsm 'amamBssVnmsClanmmU f mV V .BamaamS -w aaaasmamV mmmssssmmnsm7v K nmsmf 'mmmmmmmsaaammt nnsnnm afiaaBBBaaamanai sssssssm' mssffJnmsaC flmmmal Vmrnmask. Vmaml bB JsaWssmmsf almay trip. fl2, i! What Way, WATTJP ELOUE, EollerMille. bvl JLB. who is mpluiid.i Iowa, with reaurrsa. left lor a visit to her Caolinge, in Lead, Mrs.Celiawiagaadsan of: were is town Monday between on their way to St. Loais for visit. a A. Lnnd'ni his bad the past week mafiam, from which he zreat aaiierer. C. H. Swartaiey who noa haaaelin Warmn, Iowa, that city Friday after a abort visit with his many relatives here.' Mrs. Osbarn, who moved from this city to Fallerton a few months ago, came down Satarday to vmit with her daaghser, Mrs. . S. Sewlon. Olga JUsanmen isseriaasiy ill with rkesmariaBi. She had leave for Colorado soon to ad the sammer with her aant, i. Msrson, ias Petite Martyn retaxned to aha Thaxsday after rprmTiiar seal weeks at home. She returned Clarkaon hospital where she is to be a professional saxse. T. P. Cottingham, vice-president af tae lacepesoeat telephone company left Monday for the east, lie will go directly to Sew York and from there sail with his family for a Exrcpaaa trip. Loais Leightser who recently gradaaxed from the Nebraska Law School, was the gaest of Colambne relatives Monday while is the city on basineas far the Etna issnrasce cooa- Mimas ' Anette Smith and Prettaa Kidd of Sioax City arrived Monday to be the gaests of Miss Eva Walker one week. Friday, Miss Walker will give a one o'clock Isncaecs is honor of hex gaests. Last jrriday Mean Gariowaad Everett s Cottinghnav were ia Leigh and made arrangements whereby they will connect the Leigh telephone wires with the Colsstbas line, is abont thirty days. The Catholic Ladies and their frieeds have been ranted to the monthly social given this afternoon from 2 to 6 o'clock at the home of Mrs. F. A. Roberts. Those enxartain- Mrs. MrVahnn. Mrs. Sheehen, Mrs. Haney, aad Mrs. Roberta. Bert StOlman retnraed Monday from Calif oraia where he west on acooast of his beaT-h He will leave Thaxs day for Lead Sosth Dakota where, his brother fThariiff has a dxsg store. Bert expects to remain with Charles. providing he is pleased with the location. Joan Sehmocker made a trip to Platte Center Samrdav, and says the wheat looks better than he las ever sees it before. It is the general ex pression of farmers is the commsnity that there has never bees a more ea-: noc raging ostiook. tor all kinds of grain than there is this spring. Word has bees received here of the death on the 15th of Xec, the only of Mr and Mrs. Leo Borowiak. recently moved to Perry, Orlswnnm The child was three years aad sen as old and was the pride af his He died, after two maw from spiamLmeniagitis. Mr. aad Mrs. Timsns and Mr. Mrs. T of Osceala. Mrs. of Creason and Jake "Hean'hiH af Ohio nave all been visiting at home wits the family of Jacob The viaitiag,rejatxves with reside bere nmmbered eighteen. the mmilv J. C. Stevens, employed by the S. gmglngfra? sariey is the seate, was isjche city from day to Tnesday takiag the mi rump hit Mr3savens work, is to report so Jmm the flaw af streams arxncipally good for irrigation pax noses. He ! is beta the Pmtte aad Leap. The local editors desire to hnmbly apologia to Editor Abbott for the failare mat week to mratioa the ar rival af a tan aosnd boy at his Sew editors are not bom everr and we amy all be pardonea ' for be- andnly mtnl at ami for as the -xecordiawr of SandayIaly 3, the will hold negwrfiiiu so ncmor jmmm.mmw a xe- matiaal in the grove af Max Gsmv chihiren. Tba linaa hr asaarammt by !L5T Q-f8" ehnrch wiU 1 , it a laiski miatTei ef skin Tito. the evanant m Yt sh7n7a" Ha 9, G. A. R-. held an Jane lS,ltoC , aaanmrnd' by JUr. mmaea asr aaaasaan. -sKau., zaaar as aaanas. 'nsaasssBBaamanaBBBBBaaaaaassaHaB mmmmm-mmmmm &mmm Qm .y ssse sflsassT wasg eaT -has sbsb. SastnasBSBa as? nanat, mat samaal asdeaxan, and the mw kkaidM m. . . f y. ,.. . wj mm swssv BBsskaBsnamaasamB. 1 aaasBfc' aaasv, assasm wml-ms. Jsn "asamBaamaaai aaaraaaaaaa maaasa mw mrnar aaaaaaaam mmt: a av- n . -" u - iwnnw iwssBSBsamt De af tt. to nave gaad mm WAT UP FIjOUsL atBLD. G. so Co wiU severely i bra terday. W. aad will t and G. X. Everett are to the exmmt of a few abont -the onedoBari Sothisar else Miss Ealmmne 6 Saraxnayfora tare wiEr be Mxs. Csapp, paonle as Miss They wiU first vmit St. Loais, Washinctoc, Xew York and from there ratarn some by way of the Great Lakes- eon teaav in the W. S. Gala vs C W. HoUiagshead ease, deddxac so oaat It will be remembered that at the village -election in Monroe, Mr, Cole received two votes mare rhaa TTnHJnfTf head far a position on the village board, aad the gesrtlesnen arosght the matter before the eanrt Maya, to settle their differences. ammtaa visit- She investigating the lands in north westers Nebcaaka which eosee ander borne Monday. Mr. Lnhker reaorm bysaxt Tnesday whan the Kiakaid mw will go into esTeat, than will mat city Priday .an. am. may to Oaaaha waa xeceaxiy trsmsfarred by she smv a bin i the maairy will aaon no so EHhsnace rjimbsi here amis weak so for tm samaaar. and will be ssmned goad as bad bean exaeesai, the eaOage has been cava paying bases fsmm the " mmt "am kBsasaaaaRW e side af Casaashna. Praf. Wsaarsex- h .bv mr mm a mmt m mm. mmm xmo . C TT . - atfip-m. The eaesanaais she an- over T aaaae in mmt- Tl msm ha ram fmm Seriesk and Ganmi Issami, the TWO Kfiansf Osnmssssssmmmsml mat UmnmimmmmWamL water L L vmit J.B. O-Bml inCo - Xida to aptcnic kthft Thnrs- Waraick was t Monday, John ill with the small- Far every knadry aarpoae nse Swifts Tine Sana. It is the meat effective ilfuMMB "PlIIWIWI A Saalfedt, age 3H, of se Heikle. age 25, cf QailL af Sehnyler, wife of minister is me xp Moaday and is the E. M. Sparnawk. Bobley of Dakota has bean the gaaat of her aaat, Mrs. Ger ard, the past week. The two ladies want ta Monroe today to visit rela tives. of Wa. Earhart, a B. was qaarantined last fever, both of the afflicted with the and daszhrer of e in town between trains their way to St. Loais will be remembered here as Miss Bell St Clair. Wagner of the militia cosaaaay is metioaid among oshexs af the Nebraska aariarrV gaard who are asked so report before the ssace board of examiners Jane 21. s to expaad a thirtv acre addition hesag laid oat northeast of town by Alom Cerv, being a part of -srhat is known as the old Cobb place. no owaed by Mr. Cerv. It will be sold m one acre or larger tracts to soft purchasers. The sew sddfTnc will make some de atrable reaidecee property. Eoxells JoaxaaL 3TorfoIk saonld isserest at least Sve thonsariri of those fifty thousand people who wQl attend the Boaebnd opecinz. Sorfolkisthe beat propositioc ootside of a goverameBt dans, en the Rosebud in thai section of the country and there will be many going or retarrdmj from the reservation who see it and locate here to get ,a share of the fortnnes that are rartsfri to eotne to the people of the gateway to the new northwest. Norfolk Sews. Money Money can unquestionably earn iBoaey. Bat twurtfririg sinst be bought. Otherwise, it will be idle. Idle saoaey. like Idle mec, is n- What shall von boy? Iffmng' stock? oa stock? Esllwsy stock? : Stock of a Mancfactnring plant? i Let oa show you something bet- tor. ; And safer because practically t , bv Uncle Sam." i Our proaaectae is free Start SS0 or more to r-? dwasflltXS CtmfaiJ - - PA. - ;-: f Did yon know there was a PIEST-CLASS Tailor Shop over the Coatmensal Bank SUITS A SPECIALTY. A big Eae of samplee. ngat. Every thing I S. E. Baker, niiiiiiiiniiniii:::::: liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii l0ilBw f X We x ment and price. In X chase is not entirely t cheerfully replace the money. toX We aim to do a ure from WAT. We carry the thedtyinnigi I A uMMCi rffwajts Mm t Bo you know the x and TEA. business has reached such t ous proportions? It is nlain. We i t best value for the money. Quality 4 me oesu Flour! Hour! FInt! We nave in stock: Way Up Flour, Bed Seal Flour, Jewell Flour, Manufactured here in Ckdmnbos, which has the reputation of mmiiulmcturinras good a Hour as anyplace in the stateYour or ders will receive prompt attention, and will make you mill prices in Quantities. We have the GOLD anteea in every way than any other brand nesota. DRIED FRUITS. The many compliments we receive me quality ana assortment or our fruits is hisblv nleasinr to us. Onr v of handling and displaying; them in mmt mux cases insures to our cleanliness and goodness. :ssssasssessissbaahaaaaaaahanahhhhhhhhhhhhahnhh SUMMER SUITIHG STYLES1 nmnmnmnmnmnmssst "Msfcrsa. ssssssssssssssssssm ammmmmmmmm J ? iaasmfBBanmmmnma jffalalaBSSSSSSSSSSsr- amKsssssssssssU3aV sssssssssssssssBbss&bsss .mnmnmnmnmnmsmnmnsFM9aBmnmnm,mnmnmnE'JS -aBBBBBBBaVcfB. 3-jdB Bssssssssasm amnmnmnmnmnmaaVrilSBnmnmnl mnmsFTS aBmmmnPf SrimnsnBBnBBBBBnB nsBBBBssami mmmmmmmmmWSS.'mmmmmmWJmmW mmW mnBrnmBBxrmaBBBBBBBT mvf- BnmwBs wlssfsmfea? W ?sPW bbs?3 g-s-T'- SBr-fc5-i Si.TjaT ms3 Wf&SSmW Wfll mussm m-SS? Bsasr mnssBBBBs ' mmakvSVmnmnmmT m. detank Co. r - -- m' J. H. GALLEY aaa.aaaaeaessAeaaaaaaaaaahhahahhaaaaaahhahahh: You are Respectmlly Invited, to look over Our New Spring Goods. OUR CLOTHING is made up in the beat of workmanship, latest styles, perfect fit and lowest living prices We ofler you real bargains. : : We keep everything thatfs good in the GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS line in great variety. IVe eaU jocr attention, Theyare espedhlhr made for oe of the best ureteral trr the foremost naamctnrers of the country aad we sell rn&rior shoes are soH We Semir ms FRISC HHOLZ BROS. r. win t- but it is OUK I it m t fwtiMtS. reason our give the r Gold Dust Flour, Bride Flour, Corn Meal Graham, Flour. MEDAL brand, to be as rood or maiTtTrf q ram, m -W- 1 1 1 1 :: : i ! 1 1 1 1 IT PAYS to give them your attention t and to look sharp to see that you are get- ting the really correct new things of the sea- son. FRIEND J Hand- i Tailored 1 CLOTHES I St oner you correct and t authoritative versions of the season's tavor- ite styles. They insure a purchase amtHmsaaO- tory from every stand- point T Z STYLE SERVICE DURABILITY -a m. EamrtStmr Z to our complete Kae f OE tl&eas no iner 5jc r r t : : Statis ftwlly . -.. :rm ! ti "m y n st-i 411 Heventh St,- :$ mrjr J wsf VvHipBSMaW