The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 22, 1904, Image 2

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    I t
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Kit"- T.
a .?
r "rf
' w.v
62X t.--
- li- , .si' ' 'i . . .
has mighty Uttto
Aa eastern miUkmalre ha
the domestic situation by
ate cook.
Look Mt for the
"Yoa know I
yoa hear, etc, etc
it be trae that Ma to
with Mr. Toahana, chief of the Chi-
i? Well tell Fa.
a bub stops the public hi
the face he seed aot expect It to
drop oavtts knees aad Idai ale
Alfred Austin aew pabltohes aa ode
entitled , "Forgiveness." Bat. if Mr.
Asotin is really pealteat let hilt keep
Aa automobile has caasei a St
Loals Biaa aad bis -wife to go iato
tbe divorce court. It has bow doae
its worst.
- The ase of "mustard browa" socks
in the'United States army will prob
ably result in placing; every soldier ia
the smart set.
At Irst it is bard to Ind a same for
tbe baby, but when tbe poor old mac
gets to walking the ioor at Bight with
it names come easy.
The widow who has scattered the
ashes of her husband on two conti
nents may be trying to make extra
work for the last day.
A Boston paper says of "dear, de
lightful Joe Jefferson" that "eternal
sunshine radiates from his brow." To
all of which Rip will probably say.
"O, fudge!"
If yon find, in looking through year
pile of $100 bills, one with a poorly
executed portrait of Thomas H. lea
ton upon It. yon may kaow it to a
In the absence of explicit dlreetloaa
in the cook books for eating crow it
is recommended that the bird be well
cooked, lightly seasoned, aad swal
lowed hastily.
Of course the university of New
York, which is going to confer the de
gree of master of letters oa Mrs. Rus
sell Sage at the commencement exer
cises, isn't bidding.
A certain railroad is tryiag to de
termine the value of some 8kmx In
dians injured in a wreck; bat who
would not rather be "Comes Last"
than "Kills Ahead?"
Joseph Chamberlain foretells a
time when "America will have to Im
Itort its foodstuffs." Evidently Mr.
Chamberlain doesn't take aay stock
in the race suicide bogy.
A French scientist says aatomobtl
ing cures consumption. He may aot
be altogether right, but It can be said
that few automobile enthusiasts are
likely to die of consumption.
A Wabasha. Minn, paper states that
a young woman of that towa "is sick
of being threatened with appendici
tis." And if they don't quit threaten
ing her with it there will be trouble.
A Pittsburg maa went home the
other Bight aad shot himself because
supper wasnt ready. Being afraid of
the cook he probably thought that
was the only way to get evea with
If the clergymea of the varioas de
nominations keep oa agreeing aot to
marry divorced persons, the Justices
of the peace will all be buying auto
mobiles aad living ia browaatoae
A Fawtucket (R. I.) lad hatted a
ball in such a way that it teased la
the powerhouse of a cotton mill near
the grounds and stopped the plaat for
the rest of the day. The boy made a
run for home.
- The latest educational authority ad
rises parents to "kneel dowa aad
pray" before walloping their children.
Down this way they gcaeraBy reach
up for a fresh hold oa the sahject
under dtocBSSiea.
The goverameat of Queeaslaad has
offered a prise of $25,09 for a sare
method of exterminating the opeatto,
a species of .cactus. That's easy. Fall
every optunla ap by the roots. We
claim the
Ants that are fierce eaemles of the
boll weevil are being brought to this
country from South America. Ia a
few years there will he wild appeals
for somebody to discover how we may
get rid of the Bate.
A woman who claims to he the
daughter of Cecil Rhodes has
discovered la South Carolina,
wonder of it is that widows
daughters of Cecil haveat beea bob
bing ap la an parts of the civilised
Members of the
association have made the discovery
that the young men of this country
are working themselves to death.
This is oae of the results of trying to
run automobiles that
every three miles.
A Pennsylvania
psaltiy food to his horse by
aad ht a day or two the
oat ia the yard tryiag to scratch
plainly wanted to sit There to ao
aae to took over the other manual i tots
received this contributor takes the
emjkt to have kept the aaa
aftsaa'tf ther wanted .to ha
,The llsctmnm that swallows four
door humbs aader the toaataaatoa that
they are eggs has opened the snake
i still that lags the limited
imIm ni'stM It treat dtoastar
cnaap ma mmm. t
The afeeteh aad Tsglish are them
arres reepoaaiWe far the loss of the
LilT i-i i" r to aa American.
4 . i .
oarnet-of the most mHII sal type
- j ? ' -- ,, Mimimi
" - JfTmlBsmiRlR ant Wl amftt
A -..- .. v
y"yT. - . jf2' - . : - jr" '-
P- .' ', -'V,asaBnBBiea vmmkjamm
' t
- -"fiimm-.mmm' .,.r--1 -
:- -J-a- -j--- ---- --.. . . m mamft i aVNRB. coavevlBv
MiBBBBBaBaB;CJBBmBBBBBSBBBaB .mmm -p w tv- m -ua
ana Take
Flag ft
Their Adversaries.
TOKIO The Rassiaa hope of re
lieving the pressure oa Port Arthur
hy threatening the rear of General
Oka. the eaauaaader of the Japanese
forces investing the Rassiaa strong
hold, came to aa ead at Telissn, a
point oa the railroad fifty miles north
of Kia Choa aad twenty-five miles
aorth of Vsfaagow, when the Rus
staBS were oatmaneuvered, enveloped
aad sweeptagly defeated. They left
over 1M dead on the field aad the Jap
anese captured 300 prisoners and
foarteea quick-firing field guns. The
Russians retreated hastily to the
The Japanese charge that the Rus
sians violated the Japanese flag. Cer
tain officers aver that during the
'fighting a body of Russian soldiers
appeared carrying a Japanese flag
aad that the Japanese artillery, de
ceived by this flag, ceased firing upon
that particular body of Russians. Offi
cial dispatches from the Japanese
commanders made specific charges of
this flag violation.
arty estimates of the Japanese loss
say that 600 men were killed or
wounded. The Japanese attacking
force was divided Into right and left
Chicago Inter Ocean.
columns and began the advance on
Tuesday along both aides of the rail
road. They encountered the Rus
sians east of Vafandien and drove
them back. At a tote hour In the af
ternoon the Russians held a line be
tween Lung Wang Tiso and Tafang
Sheu. The Japanese artillery opened
oa this llae sad the Russians respond
ed. The shelling continued for two
hours aad it was followed by the ad
vance of the Japanese line to a posi
tion extending from Lung Chla Tung
to Yuhotun. Darkness put an end to
the fighting. The Japanese dispatch
ed jt column to the westward toward
Fachaa for the purpose of covering
the Rassiaa right wing and to protect
their left and rear.
Daring the night it became appar
eat that the Russians were being re
inforced and it was decided to make
a general attack in the morning and
force the Russians lato a defile back
of TeUssn. When morning came It
was discovered that the Russians held
a llae extending from Ta Fang Shen
to Cheng Tsu Shan with a force esti
mated at over two divisions.
The Japanese commander makes
ao estimate of the Russian losses, but
says they probably were great. Among
the Russians captured by the Japanese
to the colonel of the Fourth regiment
of rifles.
The Japanese planned to envelop
the Russians neajv Telissu and they"
succeeded admirably. While the main
Japaaese force was moving north
along the ' railroad columns were
swung to the left and to the right
aad finally converged at noon on the
main Rassiaa position. The Russians
la this position were at a disadvan
tage, bat they held it with determina
tion until 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
At this hour they were routed. The
Japanese cavalry continued to pursue
the enemy aad probably inflicted con
siderable punishment.
Senator Quay's Last Will.
BEAVER. Pa. The will of Senator
Quay was probated oa Friday. Not
only does it disclose the amount of
the estate, bat provides that the exec
utors" shall not file an accounting.
The will says Mrs, Quay to provided
for. Matthew Stanley Quay, the sen
ator's grandson, is given n farm In
Chester, Pa. The remainder of the
9state Is to be sold and divided Into
five equal parts. Four of these go to
ate chlldrea. Miss Susan. Miss Cora
sad R R. Quay and Mrs. Mary Dav
Ray of Officers on the Tstnmua.
WASHINGTON Secretory Taft oa
Moaday decided that army officers
serving on the Isthmus of Panama la
the constractioa work of the canal
shall receive 50 per cent additional
from the canal cemmissioa over the
way they are entitled to under the
law. Ia nraay cases this to aot satis
factory to the officers, ead It has beea
suggested that mea serving fat iade
aeadeat position, should, receive such
compeasatioa as would .he paid civil-
doing the same character of work.
Held Ua.
buttk. Moat The North Coast
Limited, the finest train oa the
Northera Pacific, was hem ap oae
Be east of Bear Mouth, the scene of
years bombb of the same trata.
O'Neill was killed
of dynamite oa the
completely demoUahad
or as far as reports are obtaia
ahfe. The engineer was killed la the
fight with the robber. The mr
was seat, bee to
word of the holdaaJ
m. a aavrraaF sa7'fBBaVvanR-mT K "1 LjpW'
to resorted ia
Firing has. bean fhmgm
fjatama. a small tomaa ryrna
southwest of Hoaahia toter ;R Js
PffttlMe that aa aagagameat1 to pro-
rriMMlnr v ' -o
LONDON The Ceatral News
received a dispatch irom its
Tsag correspondent under Tuesday's
date saying tha heavy firing be
tweea the Rnsstoa aad Japanese van
guards commenced at 1:40 o'clock la
the afternoon. The fighting exteaded
along the entire front assuming the
dimensions of a general engagement.
The correspondent says that ao de
tails are available.
Vremya's military expert authorita
tively denies the report that General
8takdberg is on the much south. He
declares that the only Russian forces
on the Liao Tung peninsula above
Port Arthur consist of cavalry aad
railroad guards, and adds that it is
scarcely possible to interfere with the
siege operations before Port Arthur.
The chief, mission of the Russian cav
alry detachments, he says ii to ham
per the movements of the Japaaese
columns from the south to the aorth.
- The Novoe Vremya devotes -. long
editorial to arguing that wireless com
munication with neutral territory does
not constitute a breach of neutrality,
the enemy having practically ""the
same remedy, as In the case of cable
communication, namely as previously
cabled ia one case of cutting the ca
ble, and in the other of stationing a
vessel rigged with wireless apparatus
: r
between the sending and receiving
stations, thus interfering with com
munication. ' V.
The calling oa: of the army reserves
in the Kazan. Kief and Moscow mili
tary districts was announced Tues
day. This step is for the purpose of
filling up the skeleton reserve corps
and to replace the regular troops al
ready gone or going to the froat It
also foreshadows the dispatch of four
Volga corps, which was predicted ia
these dispatches a montL ago. The
latter would give General Kouropatkin
200,000 more men.
Emperor Nicholas has received the
following telegram from Lieutenant
General Baron Stakelberc:
"A battle began at nooa around
the Russian' position, four and cae-half
miles south of the station of Watan
hoon, tho enemy making repeated at
tempts to dislodge oar left flank. The
attack was repe'led and we retained
our position
"The first regiment occupying the
left flank of our position sustained
severe losses. Its commander, Colo
nel Khavastounoff. and Adjutant Sub
Lientenant Dragostaft Nodochlnsky
were killed. General Gerngross was
wounded, a shrapnel bullet shattering
the right side of his loker Jaw, but
he remained en tho field."
Rids an Sonde.
LINCOLN, Neb. The stote board of
educational lands and funds will ad
vertise for $100,000 of state bonds to
be purchased for the investment of
the permanent school funds;
Reserves Are Called Out.
ST. PETERSBURG-rThe, calling out
of the reserves in several districts
was announced today. It foreshad
ows the dispatch of four Volga corps.
which was predicted in these dis
patches a month ago. The totter
would give General Knropatkln 200,
000 more men.
Japanese Sink More Mines.
LONDON A dispatch to the Cen
tral News from Tokio says that while
flotillas of torpedo boat destroyers and
torpedo boats were supporting the
military bombardment of the forts. at
Siaopiag Tao (on the Kwaa Tung pen
insula, between Port, Arthur and Port
Dalay). Tuesday morning, the Rus
sian protected cruiser' Novik and ten
torpedo boat destroyers made a sortie
from Port Arthur. The Japanese
warships retired, unsuccessfully en
deavoring to lure the Rnsstoas into
the open
Getting Ready at St Levis,
ST. LOUIS. Mo. D. J. Campaa,
Michigan; J: G. Johnson. 'Kaasas;
Norman E. Mack, New York, aad C
A. Walsh Iowa, members of the sab
committee oa conventioa arrange
ments, will arrive Wednesday aad
they will probably be joined hy tha
other members on tne following day,
when the formal transfer of the Coli
seum by the Business Men's' league
to the national committee, will be
made. A force of carpenters and elec
tricians to at work on the laterior of
the big building.
NEW YORK It to defiatosjy stated
here that Japaa wil he the ultimate
desttaattoa of asahmsrlas host, which
ta Bow hefag carried across tha At
lantic oa the deck of the Nwweglaa
mystery, has. seeadartog the past
baOt hyaa
firm. R to aaid .to
a private firm la
er jwBl. tt to, aa-,
boat over to the
af tho
week. -Tha boat was
beea soM
main uvava.
i ' ,fk
Nearly One Hundred Vietima Hahf
NEW YORK Sandals harvest of
dead from the Slbcam numbered lor-ty-oae,
bringing .the total aamhsr of
bodies so far recovered ap to 24. Of.
these 559 have beea Identified, while
thirty-one1 of the victims bow lytag
at the Bioigue have aot beea cteimsd
by friend or relative. Walla the list
of misslag has beea cat dowa some
what by the Identifications made to
day eleven new names were added to
that roll, thus leaving the total of
missing almost as. It was oa Satarday,
something more thaa 300.
Early Sunday morning the searches
began anew the work of locating the
Slocum's dead.. Within aa hoar they
had. recovered thirteen bodies off the
short of North Brother Island. Three
of the bodies were floating sad It to
the general opinion that many more
will come to the surface daring the
At sundown, when work practically
ceased for the day, thirty-six bodies
had been added to the long ltot of
dead that have been takea from the
wrecked steamer aad the water in its
Immediate vicinity. Most of these
bodies were taken to the morgue aad
a majority of them were identified to
night Of the bodies recovered daring the
first hour one was of a man, six of
women, two of boys, four of girls aad
one was of an Infant
A life saver, grappling from a raft,
brought ap a womaa of 30 aad a girl
of 11 years locked in each other's
arms. . A few minute later he brought
the bodies of a boy 9 years old and a
girl of 6, apparently brother and sis
ter, clinging to each other.
Divers who went to' the wreck
found the bodies of a womaa. a girl
and! a boy and brought, them to the
surface. They were beyond recogni
tion. The divers said taere are mora
bodies in the wreck, thus bearing opt
the statement made a day or two ago
after It was thought the wreck had
been cleared, that many bodies re
mained under the entaaglemeat of
timber and machinery.
One body was found fioatiag ia the
river near Riser's island by the crew
of a four-oared barge of the Metro
politan Rowing club, while aiaeteen
were brought op from the. bottom
along the beach running from the Is
land down to the channel In the river.
Three men working with an, Impro
vised grapple, constotug of a block
of wood to which many blue fish
hooks were attached, drew up a sec
tion of the rail of the upper deck of
the Slocum about thirty feet loag.
The bodies of four womea were
clinging to the rail, their fingers grip
ping the interlaced wire roping. This
is part of the rail which gave way
just before the steamer was beached,
precipitating 100 persons Into the
water. While the rail was being
brought ashore two of the bodies
broke away from, it but were secured
immediately; the other two were still
clinging to tbe rail-whea landed.
The funerals of nearly 100 victims
of the disaster were held Sunday. In
many instances two caskets were car
ried in the same hearse and in some
cases two dead and even three
hearses bore away the dead of a sin
gle family.
Of the bodies recovered during the
day there were two women whose
arms were locked around a life ring.
These rings are made of canvas,
filled with cork and are supposed to
float four persons. The ring was aot
cut open tonight so that it to not
known with what It to filled, but when
it was thrown on the water It sank
immediately. The ring was recovered
by the police and will be turned over
the coroner.
Mr. Bryan Says They Will Control at
St touts.
NEW YORK. William J. Bryan ar
rived in this city Saturday Bight He
said he did not 'expect t see Charles
F. Murphy or any leader of the anti
Parker movement while in the city.
Questioned as to the general situa
tion, ho said:
"The men who are opposed to Judge
Parker's nomination will be la control
in St Louis. They will nominate the
candidates and prepare the platform,
and it will not be the' New York plat
form or the New York candidate.''
He added that he did not care to go
into details In discussion of candi
dates or the contents of the plat
form. "I have already laid down for con
sideration fundamental principles as
to the reasons for not nominating
seme of the men most prominently
mentioned for the place hi the east"
he added. "Olney, Cleveland and Par
ker all come within this class." .
Denies tha Statement Issued hy
Miners' Federation.
DENVER, Cbk. MI think. the war to
nearly oveV," said Governor Peabody
Monday." "I have news from General
BeH that the Cripple 'Creek mines are
open and running today aad there to
comparatively little disaffection
among the men. . There to no news of
further trouble or say likelihood of
of any. x
"1 don't know how many mora map
will be deported or whether say will
be. I have heard aotalag oa this
"I learn from Captain Balketoy
Wells of Telluride that the uaJoa maa
there concede that their cause to; toot
aad those of them who are. acceptable
to the miae owaers are at work again.
One haadred aad fifty capable
whether aaloa or aoa-aaiOB, have
Invited to go to work aad tha Invita
tion will be speedily accepted.
"Ia Silverton and Ouray
reigns. Tha troops have all
dcred from Las Aatmas county
aaly Major Hill remains to look after
tha clostag ap af tha details of tha.
. LjKm... ?-V, :ii-
Larasr Partian of tho-RodiM Rim
red Are IdanUffaf' fuasials at
a aaaa an a arBaavasa aajaap bbbj
GovernorPphniy seat tha follow
tag lafdyBtoavjaanaaaw ha rscatvad
froat the iasaatsjsl coaaefl of Kaasas
City. rmiU'miliihto acttoa:
' The fact' that your coaaefl la
dorses the nsaaaama. train wreckteg
and aynhsaRteg by the lawless ele
ment ta. tha Cripple Creek dtotrlct bat
proves the' ancasslty for my preseat
acttoa ta sappresstag sfl'saehfreai
the sea of Colorado. -.. Become wise, ho
toreyou attempt to teach." - fv 4
t '.--'. ,- ; '
A maa's wife believes every, ward
ft says whea h talks in his steep.
i rOaffiaiRAOO KIXS tatt ROT.
dMaa)aTMupV 4 uaV 3tG(ntfj9Rttt$fm wlsMnsffiSaPBBnV
toBmsaa'i treat
aaarFaUCraaKWls. The maa who
affiBBaaafiffiT RffimWafsaT bbbbbw. -1 bbVbbbbb) aaa bbbbbbI
Claire oa aim, ami whoa aheat
board the tram.
taat'.a.'maa, aaspactedof har-
afoard the tram. Thee ahetv
the traiaaad fiBeHy lo
cated his maa la. the
Ha placed aim aade
to haailruff htm, -whoa- the dee-
drew a. revolver aad fired three
times, shooting the sheriff through
tha' head aad ktUag htm iastantly.
Ia tha excitement which followed the
shooting the murderer raa the eatire
Jength erthe traia. Jemping from tha
rear coach while the crate was aping
at a high rate of speed. He thea stole
a horse and baggy, and made his way
to Augusta, where, the aaimal was
foaaa. bat an farther clew to the fu
gitive's whereabouts apparaatly to
Ha WsuM Not Aeosat "residential
MaaaaaJ Baaaaaaaai
CHICAGO, m. In view f a threat
eaed revival of the movement to
Bomiaate Speaker Caanoa for the vice
presidency, charged this' time to the
New York delegation. Mr. Cannon au
thorised the Aseodeed Press to quote
him as follows:
"After mature coaslderatioa, havlag
la view, the grant compliment that
the vice presidential aomlnartoa would
be to; any dttoaa, yet I am' speaker of
tha hoase of rearesaatatlves and. have
beea a member of that body for nearly
thirty years, I feel that my sphere of
osefalaeas. If I have aay. to la connec
tion wtth the hoase. About a week
after the close of tha late session of,
coagreas, at the request of friends
aad perhaps others, I gave oat aa
Interview oa this subject This was
dona after fall consideration, aad I
stand by the latervtew, which stated
la substance that I considered the
speakership the secoad highest office
under the tovernmeat aad if the
aext hoase was raaahlicaa I hoped to
.succeed myself, and 1 aot to cheerfully
do duty oa the minority." -
Minnesota Federation af Labor
NEW ULM, Main. The State Fed
eration of Labor, in sessloa here to
day, adopted a sweeping resolution of
coBdemaatioa of tha action of Gover
nor Peabody of Colorado la the Crip
ple Creek mining, strike aad appeal
las; to tha president of the United
States as coaunasfler-ln-chlef of tha
military forces to compel aa Invest!
gattoa of General Bell and of Gover
nor Peabody:
- The resolutloa recites that right
and justice is denied to American citt-
sens, whereas forelga dttoeas work-
tog la this coaatry are graated pro
tectloa under aa appeal to the repre
sentatives of their aatloa.
The 8tate Federatkm of Labor also
adopted a proposltloa to form a fond
corporation for tho purpose of siding
strikers who wish to start busiaess ia
opposltkm to their former employers.
The plan as outlined calls for a cap!
taltoattoa of 200;OW ia $5 shares,
which are to be sold la limited quan
tities to members of affiliated unions,
and which will not be tranaferrable.
Stated at Washington that He Will Re
Succeeded by Secretary Moody.
WASHINGTON Although the at
torney general refuses either to deny
or to affirm the statement It to learn
ed from a high soarce that it to his in
tention to retire from the cabinet
within. the next few days, or as soon
as bis appointment as United States
senator from the state of Pennsylva
nia received from Governor
Pennypacker. He will be succeeded
by Mr.' Moody, the preseat secretary
of the aavy. It is said that after a
conference with the president Attor
ney General Knox concluded that his
actloa In retiring at once .from the
Departmeat of Justice would be la ao
cordaace with the spirit of the consti
tution, which provides that each state
shall have two senators and empowers
the governor to appoint In case of va
Teller County Sate Aside Fund far
mined to bring to justice. If possible,
every person Implicated la the Inde
pendence dynamite explosion, tha
county commissloaers have appropri
ated $10,000 for tho services of a spe
cial prosecutor sad. to furnish other
assistance necessary. Samuel D.
Crump, attorney lor the Mine Own
ers' association, has beea engaged as
special prosecutor.
The aitnatlon la the district to quiet
Deportations are now being made oa
the regular-trains; and of these per
soas it to required only to get oat of
TeJer couaty.
Meetlna of Sab Committee of
orotic National Committee.
ST. LOUIS, Ma What la all prob
ability will be the last meeting-of the
sub-committee oa arrangements of
the nftVftw1 eonyeatloa' previous to
tha national coaveatloa coaveaed at
the Jefferson hotel Wednesday.
Tha members of tho committee ex
pressed ssttofactipB regardiag tha ar-v
raagemeats for tee coaveatioa to be
hold July C The $40,fM offered as
a beans whoa St Louis was desig
nated tha t coaveatioa city has beea
collected aad to now ta the hands of
the aatfcmsl rommUtee.
ho calls his girl adorable
laughs at aaothsr
fellow who does
attempts to get off
forgets etther tha
Wan Rote aaaa ami Gray.
Nat loag ago ai
tha lobby of a
New York hotel.
wRh yoa, -i
waathereaty. '-I
dor tha stats aad bars to the'
anal: my twey.i
for rHadsoa' was'
r freed fan "Both,"
say taught with Tho maa who to timid as a hare
V .
"" . ., -aaaaaaaaa
TT-.T -. T . "".. k -r?- iT - -1 w . r " JT , - i. ak -iff V
5i?-ftS, W jfc, 1 . r :.S.. ..J- ... - rt.--. ..J,.. w. .-... -.-..-:-- . . ' ,,. '. A .- .r4U.! '. 1
i r
wYlftta wwajRfffwJBTj aatvffil vRUanawl afl
iy tahesl
an the East River at
York CRy.
JHEW YORK Oae of the most ap
palling disasters ia the history' of
New York tragic la its intensity, dra
antic laf Its episodes, and deeply pa
thetic hi the tender age of most of
fits victims, took place today br the
East river, withia a short distaace of
tha New York shore aad withia sight
of thousands of persons, the majority
of whom were powerless to minimise
tha extent of the catastrophe.
By Jha baralag to the water's edga
of the General Slocum, a three-decked
axcarskm steamer, the largest In
these waters, more 'thaa 600 persoas,
the majority of whom were women
and children, were burned to death
or drowaed by jumping overboard or
by being thrown Into the whirlpools
by tha torching of' the vessel and the
frantic rash of the panic-stricken
Approximately 483 bodies have
been recovered and are now being
tagged at the morgues of Bellevue
hospital and Harlem. Divers were
still busy at a tote hoar taking bodies
from the hold of the vessel, which
they say to choked with the remains
of human beings, while the bodies of
scores who leaped or were thrown
into the river had been recovered.
It Is the season of Sunday school
excarsleaa la New York bay aad tha
Lobs Island sound, the latter one of
tha most picturesaae bodies of water
in the coaatry!
Great preparations had beea made
for the seventeenth annual Sunday
school excursion of St Mark's Ger
maa Lutheran church, the congrega
tion of which to drawn from the dense
popatotioa of the lower East and
Wast Side, and the General Slocum
had beea chartered to carry the ex
cursionists to Locust Grove, one of
the many resorts on Long Island
It to variously estimated that there
were betweea 1,500 aad 2,000 persoas
oa the General Slocum when it left
tha pier at Third street East river,
though the Knickerbocker Steamship
company, which owns the Slocum, of
ficially states that the number of
passengers was 873, that being only
one-third of the vessel's capacity. It
to thought however, that there were
several hundred children In arms, for
whom fares are aot usually charged
oa these trips.
Oa board the decks of the steamer
as it passed ap East river the scene
-was one of merry-making. A mass
of tags f ottered In the June breezes.
the beads were playing and the chil
dren were singing, dancing and wav
ing handkerchiefs and flags In an
swer u me salutations or those on
shore or from passing steamers.
At the extreme eastern end of Ran
dall's Island, off One Hundred, and
Thirty-fifth street, there is n stretch
of water known as the Sunken Mead
ows. At this point just as the crowds
were watching the gaily decorated
steamer from the shore, the General
Slocum took fire, and as the age of
the vessel (It was built In 1891) had
resulted In the well seasoning of the
wood, with which it wav almost en
tirely built, it was soon n mass of
flame. The fire to said to have brok
en oat in a lunchroom on the forward
deck through the overturning of a
pot of grease. The wind was high
and all efforts to subdue the fire were
were futile.
y The Death Ltot Grows,
NEW YORK Wltn unceasing ef
fort search to going on for the bodies
of those who perished on the Gen
eral Slocum. What the list of vic
tims will total3 scarce any one dare,
venture a guess, but whatever the
number may be there Is hardly a par
allel in the history of disasters where
death came to so many in so brief a
period of time.
Police aad health department offi
cials have placed the number at a
figure as high as 1,000 and more, but
it would seem that the maximum fa
tality will not largely exceed 700.
AH day kmg, from sunrise until
dnrknean. shut' off even the melAn-
ljcholy satisfaction of watching for the
oeau, anxious aearcners Kepi up ineir
vigilance and at dusk there had been
recovered 536 bodies, for the greater
part women and children.
- Operating Towards Port Arthur.
LONDON A correspondent of the
Dally Chronicle at Yinkow, in a dis
patch dated June 17, says that General
Kuropatkin left Ltao Yang on 'Wed
nesday to assume command of the
army operating toward Port Arthur.
Attendance at World's Fair.
ST. LOUIS. World's Fair Grounds.
The following are official figures of
attendance at the Louisiana Pur
chase exposition for the week ending
Jane IS:
Monday. 66,143; Tuesday. 75.143;
Wedaesday, 74.188; Thursday, 83,346;
Friday. 87.994; Saturday. 87,024; to
tals, 475,187. The attendance during
the week, while not quite equaling
the total of preceding week, shows a
BBhstanttol gain over each day .save
Wednesday. That was Liberty bell
day, whea school children attended.
Entarnlna Fort Niobrara.
WASHINGTON Congressman P.
KlakaM of the Sixth Nebraska dis
trict to ta Washington. His visit here
Is ta retotioa to increasing the area
of Fort Niobrara. He says that If
the fort to to be enlarged In area It
mast be doae at once, as the adjacent
toads cannot be withdraw from set
tlemeat after June 28, at which time
the Ktakald homestead bill 'affecting
this land will become a law. It to
proposed to withdraw about 5,900
acres of toad to enlarge the fort
This toad to located ia Cherry county.
' Bridae Arbitrary m
CHICAGO Merchants from Omaha
at Council Bluffs conferred ta Chi-
with executive officers of the
Chicago Connr 11 Bluffs roads concern
ing freight rates from those points to
places ta Iowa. The sueetloa at is
sue Is the bridge arbitrary, which tha
Braffs saaa insist shall ho enforced to
Iowa points. The ofitetoh toM them
to ale 'written statements withia tea
m . w . . i .
cnmfmM' OByS. - SBBCB
Total Value 7S
The Nebraska state hoard of
officially ai
of 70 per coat to the assessed valua
tion of railroad property. Operating
the new revenae law the hoard
the assessed valuation from
S27,t77,353 to 84C018,35.
Tha maaaer of arriving at the fran
chise values of the roads witt not be
public by the state board of
Tho total assessed valuations were
reached pa a modification of the stock
aad boad theory aad then tho aver
age per mile was obtained by dividing
the total by the mileage. Whea the
fiaal figures are ('made kcwa they
wfil lamp the tangible, and intangible
values, so that no oae will be able
to say just what the franchises were
assessed at
Auditor Weston aad Secretary of
State Marsh have, favored the valua
ttoa of franchises separately, but
Governor Mickey. Treasurer Morten
sea sad Commissioner (Fbllmer, who
compose he majority, did not think it
a good. plan.
Now that the grand total assessed
valuation of railroad property In Ne
braska has been finally decided upoa
hy the state board of equalization,
tho members of the board are trying
to adjust the average values per
mile of the several systems.
Tho entire session on Wednesday
was glvea up to the consideration of
Union Pacific property. It wan de
cided to assess the Kearney A Black
Hills branch at $5,000 per mile and
the Omaha A Republicaa Valley
branch at $8,700 per mile. This, with
the $18,000 per mile for the main line,
win give the average" valuation of $11,
880 per mile agreed upon.
'After disposing of the Union Pacific
tho Burlington was taken up. There
are sixteen subordinate lines in the
Burlington system and the members
of the board disagree as to the mile
age valuations to be placed oa each
of the branches. The assessed valu
ation of the Burlington main line will
be $17,000 per mile for a portion and
the average oa the entire system will
stand at $7,7001 The average valua
tion of the Chicago A Northwestern
will -be $6,500 instead of $7,5Q0, as
agreed upon previously.
Tax Commissioner Woodward of
the Great- Western Interviewed the
members of the board. For some rea
son the figures on .the Great Western
property In Douglas county had not
entered into the previous calculations.
Mr. Woodward stated that the prop
arty of his road in Nebraska had cost
the company just $140,000 and that it
consisted principally of real estate,
lots, etc He thought that its assess
ed valuation should be $28,000.
Smallpox at Soldiers' Heme.
GRAND ISLAND Three cases of
smallpox have developed In one of the
hospitals at the soldiers' home. Those
afflicted are George Warrens, Harry
Burchard. the hospital steward, and
Mr. Lindley. A temporary building
was at once erected on the prairie,
a safe distance (from all other build
ings, and the sick, all of whose cases
are very light, are there being cared
Splendid Crop Prospect
WOOD RIVER The prospects for
all kinds of grain has never-been bet
ter than it is this year in this vicinity.
Small grain is looking fine and corn
has made a remarkable growth in the
past two weeks. The outlook for fruit
of all kinds is very promising, and in
dications are that an extraordinary
large yield is in store. Potatoes will
bo very plentiful and of good quality.
Assessment in Dakota County.
-DAKOTA CITY The precinct as
sessors of Dakota county have com
pleted their work and turned their
books over to County Assessor Dora.
The total valuation of real and per
sonal property of the county is $1,
595,419.72, an increase over last year
of nearly $149,000.
Will Meet at Franklin.
FRANKLIN The members of the
G. A. R. of this county held a conven
tion at this place for the purpose of
deciding where a county reunion will
be held this year. Franklin secured
the prize and the date of the reunion
will be August 22 to 25 inclusive.
Women Want Land.
NORFOLK Of the 400 Inquiries be
ing daily received at railroad offices
with regard to tbe opening of the
Rosebud lands, over 40 per cent of
them are from women. Teachers,
stenographers and business women
who have heard of the success of a
number of their sex in the Oklahoma
.rush, indicate a desire to register for
the drawings at Bonesteel and Fair
fax. Arrest of Robbers.
- SEWARD Marsha Berry and
Night Watchman Lawsha on Wednes
day arrested three men who were
wanted by the sheriff of Fillmore
county for robbery. Tbe men robbed
a car at Exeter,. Neb., occupied by
section men. They then hustled on
to a freight train and while the train
was at Seward the officers here ar
rested them. Tbe robberyoccurred
on Wednesday afternoon and on
Thursday the sheriff and marshal of
Fillmore county took them to Geneva,
where they will be tried-.
Omaha Bankers Sell Bonds,
LINCOLN The state board of edu
cational lands and funds bas decided
to make additional investments of the
permanent school funds as soon as
the state warrants, now held by the
funds, are matured. Collections are
slow with county treasurers at pres
ent but are expected to Increase with
ia the aext six weeks suflcient to jus
tify additional investments of the
funds aside from the blocks of state
warrants soon to be Issued ta pay
meat for state Improvements. The
warrants agregate $400,000.
IwOfivR) apva 9Kaawsat aNHNCafa
LINCOLN The report of the secre
tary of tha state banking board oa the
condition of state beaks at the close
of hastaess oa May 14, shows that
deposits have decreased siace tho re
port of March 17, $952,55.22, aad that
tha number of depositors has Increas
ed ta the same period 2,561, a total
af 12XSH depositors being
have decreased $1,S3,C7C59
March aad the reserve haste-
from 321-3 per coat to 341-C
l The amaher of
me and to now 5T.
Ltecem win ha
allowed three saaltteaal letter
iters oa September L
Farnnm Is to have another
Tho corporation to organised and tha
charter applied for. The cash capital
wiU he $..
C. F. Wilbur of Beatrice sustained
severe Injuries by falling
areaway at the rear-of his
ket oa North Fifth street
From 250 to 300 Indians of aha
Sioux tribe are camped oa the'hlR
cast of Chadroo. Their hind Uncle
Sam has just seat them 15 per head."
A company has beea formed " ta'
Cambridge for the manufacture af hy
draulic atone.. Raahta Bros., leeal
grata nierchaats. have purchased tha
couaty right
. The receipts of the pootoak
Omaha for the month of May
$42,090, against 28.122 for tho
month last year, aa Increase of $3,tt.
too receipts of the Des Moines ottos
were $35,523. against $33,313, aa In
crease of $2,210.
Ernest Shurtleff, n young maa living
near Humboldt was kicked ta tho
face by a horse. One foot of the ani
mal struck him squarely hi the face,
smashing the nose and reducing the
flesh to n pulp, the other hoof strik
ing n glancing blow oa tho ahta and
doing little damage.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Folden, old resi
dents of Beatrice, celebrated their fif
tieth wedding anniversary In tho pres
ence of about fifty relatives and
friends at their home in West Beat
rice, quite a aumber being- present
from different parte of the state to
assist ia celebrating the memorable
The Adams Lumber company of Be
atrice has filed articles of incorpora
tion with tbe county clerk. Tho capi
tal stock of tho company to placed at
$8,000 aad the principal place of doing
business Is at Adams. Gage couaty.
The incorporators are hard Critch
flekl. G. W. Pickering, H. A. Reese of
Lincoln and Walter Garrison of
A levy of 19 mills was made for city
taxes at the council meeting in Sew
ard. The assessed valuation this year
on city property, both real and per
sonal, is $365,251. Last year a 30
mili levy was made on aa assessed"
valuation of $214,425. On n 19-mlll
levy this year $300 more will be raised
thaa was raised on the 30-mIll levy
last year.
The annual ptealc of Sarpy Coun
ty Old' Settlers' association will be
held at Bellevue, 'July 4. Oa that
date there will be a celebration at
Bellevue of the fiftieth anniversary of
the first Fourth of July celebratioa
ever held in Nebraska, which occurred
at Bellevue, and the Old Settlers' as
sociation will merge their celebration
with this.
While in the act of turning oa the
battery to the cigar lighter at his bil
liard room, Edward Hamblia of Beat
rice happened to strike his ana
against a large needle which pene
trated his right wrist to the bone,
breaking the needle in two. In order
to remove the piece, which was bur
ted in the flesh, it was found neces
sary to use an X-ray machine.
The assessment of York county for
the year of 1904, which has just been
completed by the assessor, is a large
per cent more than the returns of one
year ago. The valuation of York
county is $22,012,670, which is nearly
S7.000.000 more than what France re
ceived for its entire territory lying
west of the Mississippi river. The
value of real estate for the city of
York, town and county is $16,891,720.
and the assessor found $5416,175 of
personal property.
According to the statement of Game
Warden Carter, tbe pike is a naughty
fish. The streams of Nebraska have
been liberally stocked with pike and
tho fish have been devouring tho small
On complaint of Libni Garriss, John
Brillhart, a farmer and fruit grower
who lives east of Tecumseb, bas been
brought .into the county court on the
charge of illegally selling vinous
liquors. The complainant avers that
his 17-year-old son, Willis Garriss, and
two companions went out to the Brill
hart farm last Sunday and bought
two quarts of wine of Mr. Brillhart
aad they proceeded to get intoxicated
on the same.
F. W. SamuelsoB, for many years
we known ia commercial circles of
southeastern Nebraska and who was
up to about year ago president of the
First National bank ta Humboldt has
filed a petition of voluntary
cy with the referee, James
if Nebraska City and fixes hto ItoMli
'Jes at over $70,000, with assets of
tbout $50,000. The heartog of crest
tors has beea set for Juae 21 at Falls
Dity where Mr. Samuelsoa has beea
-naking his headquarters since hla ro
tlremeat from, the bank hero.
The preliminary trial of E. C Lewis,
charged with shooting Ed Sharp with
tntent to kill, was held la Harrisharg
before Couaty Judge Hoke. Lewis
was bound over to the district court
and aot being able to furnish tho $3,
300 boad he was remanded to JeJL
Everett Long of Bellevue, upon tho
mplalat of Miss Lucretia Gow of
e same place, charging him with
statutory assault has beea
Long was arrested by the South
aa officers and brought to PapUlioa,
where he was. released under $700
Work on tho now state
the insane at Norfolk Is
very rapidly just now, and there ta
every tadicatloa that the four build
ings which make ap the aew institu
tion will ho completed within throe
A mulatto named Walker
brought by some farmers from
Bee to Seward. They stated tho
had attempted suicide hy drowning.
At a meeting of the Insanity hoard oat
Saturday he was adjadged
ordered to ho takea by Sheriff
to tho mesne asylum at
Scarlet fever has agate
ta PaaiUton. A young
and Mrs. O. T. CrKchaeM to
At the
of health Gov
appointed Dr. Seioa R. Towao af
t at
of tha state