The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 22, 1904, Image 1

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AY. JTOE 22, 1904.
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Comparative Assessment of Platte County Property for the Years 1903-1904
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to pay yoar debts, bills and other obli
gations? Open an account with as, which can be
subject to check at any time.
our patroas all the privileges consistent
with aoand banking.
It is very handy to carry a pocket
check book with yon; far more conven
ient than earring large sums of money.
when you have money in the bank your
check is as good as cash.
We respectfully solicit yonr account.
First National Bank
Time Table.
Chicago, v
aH.Loala aad all
poiata Bast aad
Bait luUte City,
a a Francisco
and all poiata
Mo. 22 PaaMScer, daily except Bandar. 7:25 a. m
Mo. t Accowmoitotinii, daily exeppt
BaWSinBBjr 4 9v (l Bl
No. 21 PuMeacM-. daily except Saaday. 820 p. m
Mo. SI AceoaiBMidatioa, daily exoppt
Baaday 1J0 p.w
12. Chicago Special 15 . n.
4, Atlantic KxpraM 4:33 a. m
8. Columbot. Local lr.. 6 a. m.
182. PaM Mail 1232 p.m.
5, Kaatera Express 2i5i.a.
z.UTeriaaa tamitmi -. Sp. i
3. Pacific Kxnrpea 6:10 n. m.
no. ii.ttio. Hpectal 2:01 a. in.
No. 101. Paat Mail 11:4.1 a. m.
Mo. l, Oreriaad Limited. 12:10 t. m
Mo. -3, California Express.
tiX) i. m
ItOp. in.
tt:30a. m.
no. 7, uoiamnas LocaU..
Mo.2t, Freicfat
.. 7:10 p.m.
.. 7:15 a. m.
..1230 p.m.
.. 7:10 p. a.
Me. IS, Paeager..
Mo. 71. Mixed ..
No. 64, PaaseBRer..
Mo. 72.
Mo. , PaaasBBer 2:10 p.m.
Mo. 71, Mixed ..................... fj JO a. m.
Mo. 70, Paeager 1:00 p. m.
No. 74, Mixed 8:00p.m.
Norfolk paaseairer trains mn daily.
Mo trains oa Albion and Spalding branch
Corambae Local daily except Sanday.
W.'H. Bbnham, Agent.
KeprnaeBtative JonnW. Render
..John Guaf
9 v9U9(t9 .
Clerk of District Court.
.Charles J. Cabrio
J.L. II. Leavy
...wJuin J. Galley
..John Uatterman
Dirk A: Bechkr
...C. M. (iRtTKNTUER
...... ....E. II. METZ
....It. L. Uossiteu
Dist.1 John GoKTZ.Chairnm
Dist.2 IPeteb Bender
Ilist.-4.... ........ ...Prank Kiernan
IKst-S Uupoi.rft C. Mhllwi
DM.4J ....Loniti Held, E. J. Ernst
U. 8. SENATORS-Charlcs H. Dietricli, I. li.
MaaBBB or Conoress. 3d District. J. J.
GoTernor. John H. Mickey; Hecrotary State,
George W. Marsh; Aaditor, Charlra II. Weston;
Tiimiiiiii i 1 Mortenon; Attorney General.
Frank N. Proat: Saperiatendent lnblic Instroc
tioB. William K. Fowler; Commissioner Public
Lftude. Georae D. Pollmer.
JcDtias 6th Judicial Distbiot-C. llollen-
back. J. G. Beeder.
h v vr a War
Kepbehentatiye 24th District J. W. BeBder
CONGKEQATIONAL HabbaUi schooL 10 a.
at. Preaching. 11 a, m. aad 8 p. m. Junior En
daaTor. 3:00 u. m. Senior Kadeavar. 74
d. m. Plater meetiac Thursday. 83U0 n. I
Ladies Auxiliary, first Wednesday in each montli
at 13H0 p. m. G. A. mdnro, rastor.
PRESBxTEKlAN-Habbath School. 9:45 a.m.
Serrnoa. 110 a. m. Senior Eadearor, 70 p. m.
Kveaing sermon. K p. m. Prayer meeting and
etady of the Sabbath school lesson, 8:00 p. ac
Walter N. IIalset, I'Hstor.
lIKTHODIST-Preaching. 11 a. m. ami S p. m.
Saaday school. 12:00. m. Junior League, 3A) p.
m. Epworth Leagae, 7sU0 p. m. Prayer meeting,
Tharsday. 8S0 p. m. Ladies Aid Society every
other Wednesday at 2 JO p. m.
G. A. Leer. D. D., Pastor.
GERMAN KEFOKMED-Sanday School. 830
a.m. Preaching. 10 JO a. m. Endearor, 7 JO p.
at. Ladies Gaud, first Tiiarsday in each month,
2J9 p. m. Ket. Necmabkeb, lastor.
BAPTIST SaBdaySchool. 10KI0 a. m. Sermon
HAS JuniorB. . P. U..30i..m. Ser-
8.-00 p. m.
Prayer meeting, 7 JO p.
Bey. E. JTUlmeb.
lmeb, Iastor.
a. m. Saaday SchooL. 10410 a. m. Preaching, Evening serrice. 80 p. m. St. Aa
ivn Brothers, second Tuesday of each Month.
Daaahters of the King, second Tnesdar of eaeh
uatio. secona Wednesday ol
Bey. W. A. Cash. Rector.
GERMAN LOTHERAN-Preaching. J80 a. m.
I day School, 2 p. m. Ladies Society meetd
M Tharsday ia each month.
BEY. BVMrEfHLBB, Pastor.
aass aad sermon at s. v aad 10 jo
Saaday school aad benediction at 3
The 9 o'clock mass is givea in Polish
So'dexsk mass alternately in German and
Week day aaaaa every morning at 8
3:45 o'clock, stations aad
beard from 4 to 6
from 7 to oa Honda
alao Saaday naoraiag be-
ni iiwa saaas
FATaaaTaaoaaLB Ealamua, Priest.
M-Maato ia Odd Fellows halL second and
Wisaiilay at each month. Mrs. Maad
aaw SYaaa; bub, nucaiM, seeretai
TsTTJBMELDA No. 12. O. D. HS. meeU tbe
aaaaad aad f earth Moarlay of wch month ia K.
4TP. kalL 'Alaia Mater, pteaidmt aad J. H.
wTa.Ma.mi.-n-i.a.Boadre. P-HJof caairsL tnhtes, aattiag a neat little sum on the ao- be givea another heariag this after. ailiatlws a natn?uattrstoaa.
- ' - ----- ---" Laajs Held. V. C. nriaja Bail rnfiesha - - " .mmtmm. -- - - - - asna triua tfe .rfll h. ... Tfcs .Mm w -J. - W x-s-iia-.
listliB B-YaBBaav, aaamary. iiai.i- r. ,,. i t i - m tC-. - - -- - - ' - n v. a . .-.!: .... --a --- -- -' - --- -- - - BBIVBBj
OtXIBfCMTAL LODOK, MavalaLet P.-MeH "" j yaaOT ubb. bbttbbb; BBTsIBB bbj bbbbbb bbbi b-bbb aaa imm bhh waat iBJey an WllllBSJ ?"71; .- -T- af l,.aaia
mSZi..o.w.-iu owatlaawahril, with am. of the ,dayiag ip parteot tempo -d with ax, Of tha few ocmalami. that httn i Ma. t U. Pj-UUi fa SSli ZJZL 1S te the c0"y etoyfc
rttfttFT-- JKft?- " ll 4oorB ta -- callaat araalaai Several maafnias. bee. maaad oa are tha festewmg: Wi&m T&mMUXj lZllZlll t v 7ZT7. 1
a5taT5a toamwa-taarrmndrnw it Iliad with from W oittes atatakm to dilNras The of OhaTnaZh ai IShaSSia to Omsmwa. ZZZSZ Srra? nTrluiut nit 2! ?" ",!?
gf J ?T- ; - tnsa. mir aaiyahanaip pwte. llaaal tolsmt ,wha aid-,to 1 to Hsoaphray wnafraw; We-m-V. . . . iJTkWm Sf- JZ??1 "??
- - MSSaStoLTSrm "--- -"--laatatoaaaay- aaaUaff FP -M wan, to fiK -f " .y. " ce- witt O a.glaclar.
Z,5SlEPSe! aha hast lnaaaaaajaalntaaaaaal ana atfcaai n,rbsi,rg.. asmstnanr. and aaattoa -- npg-- t5aTaj1nmflSi r?- -- ?, TfitT! tokIi"e "
JS-1157-- J " af 9ha eito, ' Mr. osmm. 1999 to 999; the awai Utog 'to' O. 'XSSSffSk '2. '" SmllS """ " -rSZ
tf - r jl , .- " - V- : mmm- - 9P"aT am ut taa wand, ana tauten Apr. 97 tf
SBBaaurnr BmsBsjsBnBssanBBny ana am a snaauBe) mm sWa fcat-n aw, a-, mnnaBanuSBn BTlaalJw bbbbbubbI aaaBTrnl -auassnrw Vnuaaav Vmsl aaasmSJua. aanr aWsmanulmaamu- nMnal ssBBfaasBBnasmBH, mam glam. awaanam BnmBBBBBBBBBBSBBBjnBB BBywanar gmBami mmmBBBan' -.. -- - ...... ... ... mm aaw i hbbbij
- t : .' . t
' . amra Aawaaed VaL Ar. Pr Acta Valae ' Average Naatbsr Valaa Avataa Na, Yal I Avraga NaaiaT Valae Average PROPERTY LAGE RL. E8T.
1904 1903 1904 1903 1904 1903 1904 1903 1904 190B 1904 1903 .1904 108 1904 1901 '04 0B 1904 199t 1904 19M 1904 1903 1904 1903 1904 1903 1904 1903 1904 190S
Colaatbas City 696 496$ 044 240610 11 6 51. 245 187 124' 2 990 $4 s IS $4 97 11 1JI1 IM9819 Mf-S 38 123 2$ 114 S941t 94 il 00 9274435 20 f 78745 1308714 9288324
Oolaaabaa 9294752 9143997 9.8 039 3 93 861 847 7S00 5943 8 78 7 00 9985 3218 13305 1090613 31 3 39 58 8f 693 691 9 98 7 77 3916 3772 3392 1817 92 65 20019 14825 20S0
BiKmark 182380 91857 ,8 13 4 09 905 573 8435 -4010 3 94 7 00 3066 3149 10i61 10973 3; Si 9 48 9 19 195 80 19 S3 8 3790 9043 9929 1852 105 0 25599 4597
Sherman .... 193S89 106827 8 58 4 74 572 499 6508 4162 9 73 8 39 2820 2258 5574 8909 1 99 3 94 11 ,4 89 43 7 82 10 SO 3873 9999 47S7 2543 120 86 18421 39at
Orestaa 259645 95867 1153 4 24 650 649 8079 727613 431129 1527 1394 507190 5953 3 82 4 90 99 4l 409 990 IS 68 1161 3211 1721 9888 28 1418 1 3f 82 .33377 78 14383 15576 14000
Shell Creek 233710 93916 10 27 4 13 609 440 -7837 326112 86 7 41 2460 1520 7334 40 497498 3 98 39 IS 674 110 14 72 8 46 3937 1894 3827 90 984 1 04 62 17306 97 4630 1171 937
GraadPrairie 236650 76522 10 86 S 96 599 410 8443 336414 09 7 96 1619 1184 .4767 , 4308 -S94 3 64 9 9.139 '93 14 30 7 73 2768 1889 9033 90 1392 109 74 17098 30 3617
Humphrey 2G0555 70812 1148 3 18 613 463 8254 362313 46 7 83 1933 1588 7144 6159 9 69t 3 87 39t 31 375 159 19 80 7 24 3074 3368 3377 1382 120 69 36157 34 10068 11520 5800
Batler ,48740 20 34148 4 96 4 93 939 370 4290 306713 42 8 28 1316 2116 5199 60 6414 3 80 3 09 11 9 197 69 16 20 7 99 1391 974 1345 80 686 100 60 18044 40 6053 1587 20 .901
Loop...- 638340 39912 2 70 169. 355 292 9879 3389 8 0911.60 1628 1234 S918 99 49791 U 9 78 , 7 9 48 90 6 86 11 25 983 478 803 80 870 82 77 4046 40 1556
Lost Creek., 369077 125090 9 06 3 98' 831 744 8453 549010 17 7 37 1992 2165 611190 .885 3 07 3 17 78 47 879 963 11 23 8 13 3104 1981 3247 1287 1 05 65 40306 66 16145 26640 16698
Barrows 142S85 "73391 8 61 3 Slj 609 542 697140 35491156 6 54 1819 1145 6367 4990 2 96 4' 10 99 30 338 138 13 6 90 2181 1710 2163 60 1112 99 65 18501 60 3894 21440 1333
Granville 215632 68086 9 56 3 09 626 564 8375 444613 21 7 88 1905 1041 4349- ' 4304 ,3 S3 4 IS 98 31 486 133 17 32 6 33 2149 1968 3315 1275 103 77 71097 40 22316 68550 20571
Monroe '.... 207892 106060 7 13 4 00 868 912 10956 54631181 5 98 3875 3181 9338 8998 9 34 3 ft 99 99 774 915 19 34 8 27 3171 1964 3523 1701 111 86 25364 US 11119 10150 8S93
Joliet 194607 . 64915 8 53 9 89 606 r605 751140 444312 99 7 34 1855 1675 7087 40 .9491 9 79 9 84 90 19 941 197 19 10 44 1809 2035 248160 1633 1 37 80 10376 20 2567
' St. Bernard T... 213603 67002 9 54 3 94 750 590 8465 60 45081198 7 64 1834 1957 6513 4799 3 64. 3 75 15 13 199 931 11 09 7 19 3408 2279 2620 1931 1 08 85 54703 49 19057 21253 10932
WoodviUe 148125 57185 6 7S 2 59 . 659 ,510 7376 44681119 8 76 1664 1418 6S36 4693 3 21 9 31 18 15 167 194 8 72 8 96 2904 1743 2904 1497 111 86 14471 3434
Walker 271485 117285 8 13 3 53 833 888 8965 702310.76 7 903928 3644 15690 ' 19949 3 99 9.69 99 69 886.499.1383 8 79 6342 4044 7046, 4039 132 90 33439 65 5120
TOTAL 3527481 60 1 1442567 8 38 3 4S 11597 10328 183651 40 79783 11 55 7 72 37871 833741195130 70 1171201 3 34 3 62 523 4989949 3561 12 74 8 3o 48024133727 53637 98 26821 1 12 80 726635 27 226056 48S681 20 1 368089
, -' 1 .
Jaatet Kelly Fournd Guilty f XiUiBC
Arthur Saawdea Ma'tiaa
for Vew Trial.
James Kelljr. charged on three
ooaats with the aaarder of Arthar
Saowden aer Haaiphrer on March
29th, ' was round gailty of aaarder ia
the second degree. The jary was oat
from aooa on Thnraday antilcSO
Friday morning. A motion for a mew
trial, Baade by the defendant's attor
neys,'is being argaed before the ooart
as we go to press.
The state closed its case shortly be
fore noon on Wednesday, after having
established a strong chain of circum
stantial evidence against the accused,
as pablished in last week's Journal.
Attorneys for the defense asked that
the court instract the jury to .bring
in a verdict for the defendant, on
the ground that the state had not
shown any connection of the accased
with the killing of Saowden. The
motion was overruled, and the defense
commenced their case by patting
Kelly himself on the stand. He oo
capied two hoars and a half with his
tory. giving a complete account of
himself from the time of his release
from the Fremont jail until the time
the body was found in the deserted
house" near Hamphrey. The defease
introduced practically no evidence be
sides that of Kelly" himself, the
several witnesses who were called
merely corroborating oertain unim
portant points of his story, relating
to his whereabouts at different times.
On the one crucial point the matter
of his whereabouts on the night of the
28th and the morning of the 29th of
March he not only was not cor
roborated by other evidence but was
directly contradicted by the testimony
of Sam Kavlch. Kelly asserted that
on. the i night of the 28th he walked
alone from Columbus to Oconee where
he-got theshoes which he had stolen
from a store;in Tarnov and concealed
in an old ekvator at Oconee. With
these he said hwaUced back to Co
Iambus, arriving about three o'cloek
on the morning of the 29th at the
house of Sam Kavich. He was ad
mitted to the house and staid there
until 6:30 when he took the train to
Hamphrey. This was the alibi oa
which the defense relied to establish
Kelly's innocence. However, Kavich
positively denied that Kelly was at
his place on either the 28th or
the 29th.
On Wednesday afternoon
Sallivan opened the argament
state and was followed by
Cornelias for the defendant,
day morning W. A. Prince of
for the
W. M.
Island continued the argament for the
defense and Judge Sallivan for the
state. The argumeat on both sides
was able and each side made the
of its evidence.
The court instructed
the jury as to the competeacy of cir-l
tinaaajatial Avidnnon aind the natara
camstaatial evidence and the nature
of the different crimes against the
defendant. The information oontained
three charges, marder in the first de
gree, murder ia the second degree antl
laughter. The case was submitted
to the jary at 19:30 p. m.
It was said, after the verdict had
been returned by tha jary, that eleven
jarynzen stood for conviction aad oae
for acquittal from the start. The jury
out 30 hours before the one jnror
won over to the position taken
by the others.
Oratow Picnic.
Oae of the most successful of the
picnics ever givea by the Orpheus
society was held at their hall last
Saaday. The event was for members
of the society only. The attendance
wasap to'theasaal standard of the
Orpheus, and the good tinve was ahead
of anything they have ever experienc
ed ia this line. Then was maaic by
the Orphans creheatta aad the young
people danced while the heads of the
families looked oa at thejfestivtties ia
the hall or amaeed ' tkanaelvai with
- the trees. Foot
were ma by the boys aad girls.
ma by the boys aad girls, aad ita usual awed Mltaaags. thamthealiB having tha work doae. They wUl '--- - qaarawa-kaa will
Ttaxhin' lastitnta Gltaai:
The Platte ouaaty teaohors' institute
which closed last Friday afternoon
was, according to the atatBiaats of
Saperiateadent Leavy aad the teachers
ia attendance, tha
the history of the.coaaty.
on every tongaa f or H. B.
of Michigan who was aae special
lecturer. It is no nnsjataHoai to
that Mr. PatteagUl has no
in the United 8tates as an iaatitata
lectarer and educator. One
baa citixen who heard his
"Nancy Hanks and the
Century, "amid it was the bast ha had
ever heard in Columbus. To speak
thas highly of Mr. PatteagUl is not to
detractfrom the praise daa the other
iBstrBetors,8apertateadeats Fainter af
Beatrice and O'Connor of Norfalk,
who held the interest of the teachers
throaghout the institute aad wan
heartily applaaded when they made
their farewell talks. Than is
flattery ia tha statement that great
credit is daa Sapt. Leavy for planning
each, an institute. - Then ia much
truth in the motto that "a repablio's
chief business is its publio schools.'
And that "basiaess" gets its greatest
iaspiratioa from teachers' institates
properly planned aad conducted.
What goes out from the institute
affects indirectly the thought of
every child in every home ia tha land.
At tha close of the institute, the
Platte county teachers association was
daly organized. The offieers for tha
coming year are : F, 8. Leoroa, presi
dent; Emily Cook vice-president;
Mary Cronln, secretary.
Meetings will be held in the follow
ing towns in the order named: Mon
roe, Uampany. Uolambas.
The following resolatioas wen
unanimously adopted by the teachers
at the close of tha institute :
We extend the thanks of the associa
tion to the Board of Edacation of Co
lumbus for the mm of the model high
school building; to the janitor for the
efficient service; to the citizens for
theixv. hospitality in opening their
homes to the visiting teachers; to the
Auditorium orchestra and others who
contributed toward entertainment;
to the pianist, Miss Haghes, for her
willing aad aUllfal assistance ; to oar
worthy and competent iastractors for
the earnest manner, ia whioh'they
have preseated their work; to our
county superintendent who has so
carefully guarded the iatureats of
our schools during the past and pro
vided so acceptably for the profitable
session of the institute jaat closed.
Lizzie M.' Knight
'Ora Moore
Aaaa Person
S. A. Mahood
J. L. Alcoch
, ' Fred S. Lecron.
OevsraaMat Ail to Agricultare.
nulls ii papers state that thegovern-
it aid to agricaltare per anaam
ts for Russia to 924.000.000; for
France, Aastria and Haagary, about
198,500,000 each; for the United States,
about 96,000,000; aad for Japan, Over
Ia proportion to the area of the
caltivated soil, Aastria pays the
highest amaunt and Haagary nearly
as mach; then follows Fraara.-Raesla
and the United States.
If the amonat for Aastria be givea
at 30, the figares for France woald be'
20. Russia 8. aad tha Uaited States
In proportion to populatioa Haagary
oontribates saost aboat 85 cents, per
capita followed by Austria aad.
France, with a much smaller amonat
from the Uaited States.
Bassia has 103 agricultural expari
meat stations, the United States 60
and Belgiam 15 (a very high ag
proportioaately). Owramay and France
an amid to have a larger number of
sac stations ia proportion to popula
tioa than tha Uaited States, whan,
as than papers say. comr4a1at is made
of hue that agricaltare recsir a dis-
proportioaate snare af
la taaaam at Baahl tf IqiaHxaUaa
Lmtaata CMaalaiatsaa
neat Xeturns.
The coaaty sapervisors, sittiagas
a Board of equalisation, are ha'viag
their share of troakle these days.
Naautoas ioamplainte of excessive as
atssmeat have been filed aid
argaed before' the board, practically
all of whioh have beea referred toiie
ooauaittoe aa oomplaiats. The com
mittee will examiaa the merits of
each can anA report ita findings with
recommendations to the board. The
oamaaittee oa oomplaiats consists of
Sapervisors Ernst. Olother aad .Held.
There is also a ooauaittoe on equalisa.
tion of assessments, oomposed of-j
8apervisors Held, deader aad Diede
rioh. The committee, on levies. or
the ensuiag year is made up of Saper
visors Kiernan, Bender and 'Ernst.
All the committees were appointed
by Chairman Gpetz.
The board has done very little so far
ia the way of adjustment of assess
stents that are complained of. So
mach time has been taken ap ia
listening to the complaints and discus
atons that nor opportunity has been
given them for deliberation: The,
of mluii
applicants for redaetioiU,,',,,., . -; -. mmm :,.
nt so far are the two tele
phone companiet operating in Platte,
county. The Nebraska Telephone
company was represented by Jadge A..
M. Poet who filed a detailed statomeat
of their case, asking for sweepiag
redactions of their assessment in each
towaship. In some cases the redac
tion asked for is as 'much as 60 per
cent. Attorney Post was given a
hearing before the board and examined
County Asssessor .. Galley as to his
opinions of the value of the telephone
company's property. County Attorney
Latham not being present, on account
of illness, the board, retained Judge
Albert to represent them, and he in
structed Mr. Galley not, to answer any
qaestions as to the methods by which
he computed the valuo of the tangible
property, oa the groand that this was
a jadicial act on tha part of the
assessor and he could not be reqaired
to give reasons or explanations. This
position: was upheld by the chairman
of the board, (though-the assessor was
allowed to explain how he would ar
rive at a present estimate of the valae
of the tangible property. Judge
Post also called G. T. Everett,
manager of tte Independent Telephone
Company, to. the stand aad examined
him as to the actual valae of tele
phone property after it was once
placed. The nutter was referred; to
the committee on oomplaiats aad has
not yet been reported on by,them.
The Platte County' Independent
Telephone Co. also presented a de
tailed protest against their assessment,
complaining that their property had
beea assessed pratically doable tha
amoaut as given in to the assessor by
the ntanager of the company. O. J.
Garlow represented the company and
put Manager Everett on the stand to
testify to the real valae of poles,
cable, telephone instruments, etc.
Their case is likewise in the hands of
the committee oa complaints.
Tha Barltngton railroad, through
their tax ageat, B. D. Pollard, pro
teited against the local asseanaeat of
all property outside of the 50-foot
right of way, saying that all the
property had been listed with the
state' board aad local aaanuateat
would be doabling ap,oa them. From
tte.uttetead oa which theooauaaai
eatioa was written, it appears that
tha Burlington has a special. officer
hose title is Tax Ageat.
The land owners aloag Lost Creek
who are interested in c oast i acting: a
draiaage ditch to carry off. tha flood
of that unruly and uaoertaia
wan before the board ia force
Friday afternoon, and a lively
atoa was indulged in. Tha
an willing to contribute toward tha
of tha' ditch, aad only
tha boardte make provision for
the work done. They will
be givea another hearing this
tueywiU be
tell tha board what they an willing
Y -
tt laaldoa in the north half of 1017
land 11171 was redaeed to 999 par
aon?to eoafarm to the valaatioB of
ad joiaiag land.
, Tha oouacil msatiag was taJcaa ap
with roatiaa smatter. aumanas re
ports beUg approved, boaids filed, ete.
Ths) water nnmmlailaaar pnaaated tin
semi-annaal report, howiaB'that the
expaaditares of the water, aepartmaat
for iae last six atoatha wan la exoess
of aa reoeinta by 9408.63. Ha ax
pUinataisby thefaot that coal has
eoat 79'oeats mere per tea thaa for
tki preoadiag period, aad that 9235
was expanded f ajr repairiag hydraats
and' aaoald be -paid oat af
A.'aamber of sidewalks wen ooa
dentaed aad ordered repaired or can
tracted. A petition signed ay" J. F.
Berney and 53 othan was pttsentod.
which was
at tha test meetiaar. Diacaa
irW was indulged ia by the members
of toouadlaadsigaen of tha n
moaatrace, aad tha petftioa was laal
lylt on the table.
J. G." Beeder. W. M. Kara, aad Mrs.
M. Braggar wan nappoiated to tha
librarj' board to ataaed themselves.
The oommittee an paUia property
was- directed to solioit bids for tha
onaatnctloa of a cemaat sidewalk ia
Fraajifort park to take the plaoa of
tha aroseat gmval walk, alto to gat
Ua Vim hrlJr mlar
. . . N
Oae of the saost pleasing social
events of tha early summer occurred
at the beaatifafaoBM of Mr. aad Mm
Sidaey Grey last Tharsday afternoon,
when Meedames 8idaey Gray, George
Lehman aad Arthar Gray aatertaiaed
ninety of their lady frieads at aa
elaborate aad delightful Keaeiagtoa,
givea in honor of Mrs. Kahwr of Das
Moiaee, Iowa. The gaests were
greeted at the door by Mrs. Sidney
Gray and Mrs. Lehman, aad Mrs.
Arthur Gray iatrodaoed them to the
guest of honor in a very happy
manner. Tne spacious moms were
ljeautifaUy decorated with a profusion
of flowers, pink aad white predoaai
aatiag. Chairs wen arraaged all
aboat the room
grouped on the lawa. The
divided their time betw
needle work aad promeaadoa aboat
the lawa aad flower beds. Tha youag
ladies of the party served daligatfal
refroshmeats in courses, each table
acoomodatiag roar. The gatheriag
broke ap shortly after six o'clock and
the ladies took their several ways with,
ay express oas of complimeat for
Mrs. Gray aad her coterie of assistiag
eatortaiaenay ,
Platte Ceater. Nearaska. (Speeial
Oorrespoadeaee.)--The Bare! Letter
carriers of Platte ooaaty held a meet
ing in Platte Center, Jaae 19. aad or
ganized a Platte Ooaaty B. L. C as
sociation. Tha. following offiosrs
were elected for oaa year: EL B. Seed,
Oolambaa, pcesideat; L. T. Hitch'
cuck, Platte Ceater, rioe-preoidaat;
Mrs. BathKeyaoa. Monroe, secretary;
W. D. Bsasoa. Colambas, .trasaanr;
Fraak T. Kleeaeaad H. T. Gilsdorf.
Hamahrey, appoiated aa exacativa
committee. H. B. Bead aad. Mrs,
Keayoa wan elected delegates to the
state ooa ves&oa at Lincoln. Jaly 4.
BesMas those above maailoasd, those
fat the meeting wan: G. M. HalL Oa
Iambus; aad Geo. D. O. lUfriagtoa,
Tosaorrow ateraing the Soath
took avohaaga aad tha Oma-
Oommenial elab will visit Oolam-
Theywill arrive ia
at 19 o'clock a. m.,
hovaad then'go to
Ooonas, Platte
Oaater, Humahrey aad Madiasau
RMaraiag aver the sasae roate they
wmntaiasthetowna ap to Saalding
aad eoame aaak to Colambas at 10:90
p. m. to reenain over aigat. Tha
avaeial traia will carry iiriim tha
aautoees maa, tha ThfaanMhlamalij
band frnai fiMt Hnai smt" lis Maa.
A Letter Fiuk J. H. Bead.
Riverside, Calif. To the Journal:
I Man jaat beea qaito vividly re
miaded of good aid Columbus, her
people, soeaes, aad iaterests. A
very pleasant visit with Mrs. M.
Bntcgar took aw back to the time of
tha little barren OoBgregatioaal
charoh over oa the "east side", when
two aright, independent, thoughtful
girls came to aty bible class, the life
aad activities cf oaa of whom has
beea so iatiamtelj; ooaaeoted with
her ataterial aad social interests, lae
other, with those of a city oa this far
off coast. They interested oae then as
their active lives all these years
Of - tha aad occasion of
ragger'a visit to Oslifdraia.
of Oalambaa already know.
tha death of her another, she
visiting with .her sister, Mrs. De
Ford af National City, and came ap
to'sUverside to spena a few days with
har early Colambas friend, .Mrs. A.
O. Pickett, aad was kiad eaoagh to
give Mrs. Bead a part of her time.
Wa ware pleased to see her so well
preserved, her same quickstep, frank
', aad cheerful voioe-. It was
to thiak of her as being married
tha other year, aad of the bright little
girl with her as her first born, and I
had to stop aad pull myself ap When
told that aha had a soa in a distant
aad two daughters aearly
at home. Ah ma! the years,
haw they do tat away, aad what aa
axaeetsd thtaga they do bring about !
Wall, wa an glad to aw Mrs. Bragger
aad hear direct of Colambas, of her
good people, her prosperity, of the
prosperous farming
of leads that I remember of
haads at 910 aa acre, bow
reqairiag, aearly or qaito. an added
cipher to express their valae. But
that did aot sarprise me. From the
time my old f riead, Mr. North, fin
drove sue over tha grand, beautiful,
bat BMMily aaoocapied acres stretch
ing aloag to the north of the little
village,! have had great faith in the
outcome of those rich prairies and
tha story of their possibilities is not yet
told. Thanks to the splendid work
now going on in our state and federal
agricultural stations, improved
ia progessive countries is
going to ennaaoa land values ia the
future as mach as natural condi
tions have ia tha past, aad if Platte
does apt advaace as mach in
tha aext decade as she has ia the
it will be the faalt of the
aad aot of her natural ad-
Of tha Colambas contingent over
Mr. Pickett is busy with his
aad lesson groves which are
aow ia fall bearing and doing well
Bat after all, a little hankering after
Nebraska friends and farming will oc
nasinaally pat oat. -
Mrs.. Pickett, the younger, though
busy with her family of four children,
finds tim-J for the same church and
social activities her Colambas friends
gave har credit for.
Tha elder Mrs. Pickett is carrying
her years well, aad is intelligently in
terested ia the world's affairs, as she
ased to be when on the old Colum
bas fans.
Bev. Bin. several years pastor of
tha Columbus Coagregatioaal church,
is aow state superintendent of the
phaas Hoate Work of California,
aad is proving efficient aad successful.
Mrs. Bios has been prominently
coaaected with edacational life. The
daaghter. Nina, tha bright little girl
iy will remember, developed into
aa active aad efficient weaaaa. She
has beea recently seat by the Ameri
oaa Board to a prominent missionary
fjoritiOB in China.
When ia. Saa Diego last wiater, I
Bev. Griswold who will be re-
bared by saany of yoar readers as
a former pastor of the Colambas Pres-
charch. He has a pleasant
iaaaoraage grove some die
oat of the city. Ha with others
ia that section has ant with
hiadsrsanes by lack of water, bat
recently pat ia a steam pumping plant,
aad 1 an ao good reason why he amy
- hava a valaable payiag
in that most delightful cb-
i af oar old Oolambaa frieads
he kiad eaeaga to ask aboat oar-
will add that
that even blindness does aot shat oat
maay of the best things . of life. As
for the aathor. he has got to be proud
and lazy. Proud of a very delightful
and interesting little city to have n
home in. Lazy beoaase his ova Fred
M. is yet at home anmarried aad has
takea the priaoipal responsibilities
from his father's shoulders. Except
ing a single late variety, he. has
finished harvestiag our oranges aad
the balk of the lemoas are off.
Biverside has shipped about 5,000
carloads of lemons and oraages this
season, and has aboat 1,000 more to
ship. Our crop this season, had it
beea shipped at oaa time, woald hava
made a traia of aboat 20 cars. Bat
early in the season tha extreme cold
blocked .usual sales aad thaamrgia
of profit was pretty narrow. I aotioad
that the Grays for a time were selling
oraages by the peck instead of by tha
dozen. Some day whea traasportatioa
is fair, Mr. Gray or soma oaa else
will bay the carload from the grow
ers, and you will get cheap oranges aa
a rale. Very respectfally,
J. HBeed.
Bev. Halsey will take his vacation
this summer in installments. Next
Sanday there will be no preaching
services at the Presbyterian charch.
Every two weeks the pastor will hold
the regular service and every two
weeks will take a vacation from his
daties.. Prayer meotiag services will
also be abandoned in, the sasae way
daring the hot weather. The regalar
Sanday School ami Christian En
deavor society will have the regular
meetings. Bev. Smith of Leigh
preached Sunday morning and even
ing in the Consregational charch in
the absence of Bev. Monro, who de
livered the baccalaureate sermon at
the Neligh college.
The Sunday school of the Episcopal
church will hold the" annual flower
service Sunday morning at 11 o'clock.
The collection taken will be given to
the Clarkson hospital of Omaha.
Flowers will be brought to the church
for decoration purposea and afterward
taken to the St. Mary's hospital ia
Columbus, to help cheer the patieats
In the building.
The regular morning prayer service
Sanday in the Episcopal charch will
be held at 10 o'clock instead of 11
o'clock, r
The ladies auxilary of the Episcopal
church will meet with Mrs. F. A.
Schroeder Friday afternoon at '2
o'clock. Mrs. Miller, the diocesan
president, will be present and a good
attendance of the society is desired.
The Ghildrens Day program at the
Methodist church was attended by a
large crowd, many being unable to
gain admittance to the baildiag. Tha
music aad literary program was, aa
usual well rendored by the little
people, under the supervision of Mrs.
J. E. Erskine and Mrs. E. S. Newtoa,
with Miss Emily Ragatz as organist.
Rev. Luce went to Omaha yesterday
to attend a meeting of the board of
the Methodist hospital
Foneral of Mn. Msniawy.
Mrs. J. C, Morrisey of Lincoln,
whom the Journal mentioned last
week as dying in a hospital inLincoln
Taesday night of last week, was
brought to Columbus oa Tharsday aad
buried from tho Catholic church ia
this city Friday. The remains were
laid to rest in the Catholic cemetery
beside those of her two children who
had preceded her years before. Mr.
Morrisey together with all the living
children were here to attend the
faneraL The childrea are : Fred, of
Los AneglM, California; Harry, of
Sheridan, Wyoming; Gertrade, a
teacher in Montana antl Helen, a stu
dent in the state university. Oae soa
Carl, died while serving duty aa a
soldier ia the Philippines. The Mor
risey family were residents of Colum
bus aboat ten years leaving here for
Lincoln in 1879 where they have since
The awossedvalaation of all school
districts having no railroad
withia their borders has
the directors by Supt. Leavy.
districts having railroads will
to wait for their valaatioa aatil tha
board af asnesumeat repertathe
aaaaaT W aaaar aaaaa aaw aaaaar "aaav aaBBBBBBBaB
aaaaal 4 aaw mM Bf aaaaaf l BaW aaBBBBBBBBBai
aaaaaaaaaT Kl U ff "laaCaaaaaPaaaaH
ia aaeeeaafal Baahiag. ia avary
HKHTidaal or lia wha
Oar attention to tha totorcat of ear
depositors " always oar first roaaider
atian. Absolata SSOtatT at lUaaeita saJ naink
aoUectiona bring aa aaw kf suiters daily.
Wa'd like toaxteadtaancoa
to yea.
15he Columbus
State Bank
as ofiaearaamekameie whatiater.
3 eate the bum who mauree. Ton 1
doat have to go to court to get
your money if yon insure with aa
aad aan fin leas. Our spaemlty
m lasuranee of CITY PBOPEB-
S TY against everything. Let aa
explaia how we eaa SAVE YOU
We Bay ami Sell
Citj Prwpertjr f
eyery etoeriptiM.
EllitH, SptiCf
ft ft.
Call aad see aa about OUR
UMMnber this will be the LAST
CHANCE to get the low price
on these leads.
F.T. Walkers
steel Estate Ifeeci
i WANT A f
We have a customer anxious
to buy a farm of 120 or 160
acres close to Columbus. He
jl will allow the present owner to
'.' retain possession this year. It
must be good land, fairly well
"' improved. :::::::
HtlM'MllliniHtl H-H-I-E
eows nuuwJ
Has jast received
a aew stock of
We iavite the pub
lic to look the line
over before buying.
T Call aa.
j LOUM sWllTltEB, Jr.,
BOH m unH JaasasaBL JB mauatrlBfHt
law BmaW nmuasasha saa aaaaaaa aammnaSL
"w aasa SaBBBPusl WW 9J9nwrlaBBBW
s t3
', ' 4
" 1
a. "
- i .
- .
'we-: Sx?&a,
KNf.-'4 ,.T
i.."lfi.i: ,-j. i
f.t. "
-S--wj. ?- . ' . , . .. ' -'..-..:''
BBBBmunamsmulBa :. " ....., ,:. - . .
s-as-a-a.sis-ais-ass-asiJssi-a-aiB--s-a-a-s--aMS-a-aMS-iiiMiiauiiiii ' i iimnii . , s. i i in i n i is i i . i n i .iiiibwi i isai a mi iiiii in i '.--'- .J' .-:- . -. .. .j r l .-.-.-. .f , Lt-: ' .r-iamfz.-.. - .- i - s-. v - -j
smsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsms-a-a-a-a-a-awtaBBBrBBBBBBBM 1 i ' i l i a iliianii 11B BBBiaBBiilli i BBBBiailBBBIIi lliaai 111 IBBM li I a I n l i --. .vrj?.Tx3&-:ECE&iirfefeXa: 4'4,-3i.f ?-j---i rt-r;-'