ft"U-"-.-; - e?i Bf ; !$ Bmv& , SaBm IWaw BBsa" &.''.' Jams wrfft . an ' On A- ?V3 5 5-. sr;-.; .Av 77 - ' f NW, ,; & .-s - - t - CV ) i . n. r " . ,' M; - mimai ia g- bbbbbb m"T" I CORRESPONDENCE iW a.x-i. IffuB.. B. F- D. Ko 1 - (Oonwpotew.)-ThSter a spui of spaakiBg bays oa kte loate - Orops aU aloag oar liae axe looUafc - Smw. A- W. Freeae was ia towa thta iraskoabastawB. ' ttnHolnh Mailer atade a basiaeai ip to Leiaa thi week. ' Tae weather atnaai palled the cork oat of that water jo again. T&b ' Wnnfemiin- BT. drOTB tO hil raaoh aear Clarks this week. After the wedding at Joha Heibler'e the boys had a tin pan social. ' JTred Ernst wasont on oarroatethii week selling cream separatora. Louin Wilkin was ont too late Sun VUv nitrht ana was caught in the storm. Mrs. Orossnicklans and daaghter of Piattn Center are visiting their gob aad brother, Arthur . .Frank Aerai. sr. has the baaaer field nf wiatir wheat, and Joha Ahrent kas the baaaer field of alfalfa, JTwo horses of Gerhard Loseke were cat; badly by the wire feaee Saaday night, being driven to the fence by the fierce stenn. -Arthar Grossnicklaas has jast re tarnedjfxom the westera part of the state' aad was favorably impressed with the couHtry. We received qaite a namber of bo qaetts this week from oar fair pitroac Bless the girls on onr mate sweet sixteen aad never been kissed. J ' . ,.F. D. o. 2. jl.!F. D.' No. 2 (Correspoadenoe.) Mrs.k Keaavon visited in Colahaias last Saaday. ",E. A. Ferdae was in Genoa Friday. J. Bl Fellers was ia Monroe Satar day. Mr. Joha KeUey is catting his alf alfa. Joha Lawsoa lost his horse Saturday. Mr. Fellers and Miss Gertie Mr. Kev's last Saaday. visited x Mrs. John Gleason atteded servioes in. Colambas ob Saaday. "Nellie Gleason returned from St. Francis Academy last Monday. Win. Pollard and Henry Phillips were in Moaroe Moaday. Daniel Wilson and family visited with August Swansoa on Sunday. J. O. Gillan and wife spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Dickinson, .. Farmers have been delayed with field work on account of the heavy rata' oa Sanday. -- Valentine Kuha's son had a very paiafal accident last week being kicked in the head by a horse. It was thought at first tbe skull was fractured. Di. Pagh of Platte Oeater dressed the wound and the boy is do iag nicely. Santa 3. .Columbus. Neb.. R. F. D. No. 3. fCorrespoadence. ) H. D. Clausen in vited a few friends in to ioa Sunday eveaini;. Peter, Schmidt was arranging the first of the week to Kansas for recreation, of Omaha. take a trip to going by way ' Miss Martha Seefield.-who is assist ing Mrs. John Jeldon ia her noase hold duties, speat a few days with her parents last week. nws Martna Fapenuausen took a prominent part in the recital Monday afternoon given by Miss Galley of Co Iambus for her advanced pupils in masic. The Misdon family, a rural troape, were making the different school houses, along the .Route last week. They were well patronized, and we aaderstaud they put up a good show. Children's Day was duly observed at the Shell Creek Baptist church Saaday afternoon by the children of the Sabbath 'school. A collection of $14 00 was raised for the chapel fend. This money will go into a fund for aaVdiag places of worship ia looali tint where caarch members aro unable their own buildings. Farmers' Independent Tele- kiln., of which J. P. 81mm is premdeaf, is extending its liae along the aorta of Shell Creek township to aa)uMctvwith the independent com pany of Columbus aloag the Buss Holes are beiag dag for the This liae will save telephon iaff.te Platte Oeater when the people on ''the Farmers' liae waat to talk to j Mr.; .William Meaake aad Miss Halda Albers were married Tharsday oMast.'week at the Gemma Baptist jhareb. Rev. William Papeaaaacea officiating. A reception was held at taehome of the bride's parents. Mr. aad-Mrs., William Albers. Many valaabk) presents were received. Although they forgot that the post man iafoad of good thiaga left ia the mail box oa each occasions, we tra that their life may be fall of happi aess aad prosperity. They will reside ialthe. snug little home east of the Baekeahas place oa Boate 3, hailt re- oaatly by the groom. Aad farther w net. that they will begin life Praperl y by erecting a mail box, that ihe carrier may have the opportaaity aasi-Bleasare.of serving them ia the days to come. .:f- lata4 Oalaaabas. Route, 4. Correspond- .'.The farmers are kept .cultivating cora between showers. Qaiaa.is aow located ia hie BBw Bar I m ---"- . . W- yr?T. lV PWFB"- aatfaft ISllsill BmBBBnl3m a p? rwanaaeia emiinaaw rem- traias. Hp :- ; . aneaea-hi. farm. Gwi William ef AlbWwas i. ssfe - J. bbbv. Hfllierd ia doing jury dare town Meaday inn,t visiting H. A. B- "'. "'- jsjJaaatyW this week, t HiMMi , Rlwf! t-?l0,-:to!Pip Dwrwi McWilliams, Frank Vm. K ' r HpiiHf '" tk Ooiuibu Milk AIIm. H. J. Hill ri A. E. fttaik B''"" -HeWin' Ida -Am" mr city Twmimj. mimm WfiWT'.V?.? :-5 BKnaaT - wau ! Vltt . MIS WTW w . - etv. -i'-w-i ..nnxs-1 l - - -- 't-..- " t ' - .---j w. t -. . i- ik '''", - - '- - - - - - BHWMaMlmriMi oliBTmT n r T V v , - - "yt-d'ii.aiiiiMaBi :"K-5Vl ; A titllac ' Ha therefore deetded to a poaUioa oa ihafarm bL J. 0-D ofOcoaee. x aalargiag the part of the rHHsaws oa the Chambers farm, west of jtowa, occu pied by Daa Bray. I Amoag those aloag the roate who visited ia Ootambae tsataroay were Joha Easdea, Mrs Mike OampbeU aad daaghter Mabel, Mrs. O. T. Weber aad ehUdrea. Mrs. E. M. Blore, Was. Moore aad wife, Joha Qaina aad wife. Miss Mary Diaeen, Robert Bup precht aad mother aad Herman Koe- Mr. aad Mrs. A, L MoDougaU from Sidney are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Dawsoa. The have reated a dwell iag ia Colambas and contemplate starting ia business in the oity. Mr. aad Mrs. McDoagall two years ago were in the hotel and livery basiaees aad Mr. McDoagall was postmaster oae year at Oconee. Jesse, noil of John Thayer living two miles east of Oconee, died Snudav morning from blood poisoning. The boy stepped on a rasty wire Tharsday aad on Friday Dr. Voes was called to relieve him of his suffering, bat his illness had reached a point beyond aamaa aid and be died Sanday morn iag. Burial was had at the Genoa oemetery. Star laata. 8tar Route. (Oorrespoadeaoe)-Bev. L. Graaeahorst, pastor of Shell Creek church, was ia Colambas Friday. Robt. Welch of Shell Greek was seea oa the streets of Colambas Saturday. Radolph Cardes' new house is near iag completioa, beiag ready for the plasterers: The road overseer baa jast finished pattiag ia a new bridge aear the Buss afrjf lag station. It has been ont siace the general washout several weeks ago. Veraa Davies was the victim of a aarprise party Taesday afternoon, the occasion, beiag her tenth birthday. Aboat seveateea little girls were pres ent. Ice cream aad cake were served. Mr. J. H. Wilke, who lives aorth of Shell Creek, was cutting his alfalfa Taesday. as also was D. Brnaken and E. Bass. The alfalfa is a very heavy crop this cattiag. The alfalfa on the Fraak Adams' farm is in the shock. Leap sad Platte Valley. Loup and Platte Valley. (Cor- respoadeace. ) The yoang people of this vicinity gave a most enjoyable surprise party to Mr. aad Mrs. Graves last 8atarday. Bora, to Mr. and Mrs. Bloser of Daacan. a sob. The boys played the first ball game of the season Sanday. Ernest Bienc ia attending teachers' iastitate at Colambas this week. Mrs. J. Tschudin of Woodbnrn is in the hospital at Columbus andergo iag an operation. Joha Iathof and family from near Silver Creek were visiting relatives in this aeighborhood Sanday. ' R. H. Gerber went to Monroe last Friday and on accoaat of the riseof the water in the river, could not get back. ' Rev. H. W. Hartsch, who is travel lag ia the interest of the Evangelical Protestant Deaconess society of Cin cinnati, held a meeting in the. school house of district No. 37. By the use of a magic lantern, they illustrated the interior of the society's buildings. The lecture was good aad well at teaded. From here, Rev. Hartsch went to Hastings. lichlaad an Viciiity, '. Richland and Vicinity. (Corres pondence. ) A soaking rain- Sunday night. - Arthar Klack is. sojourning with relatives in Northern Wisconsin. .Geo. Drinnin of Platte County attended servioes here Sunday even ing. Tom. aad Mies .Mary JUggias spent the Sabbath with friends on Shell Creek. - Rev. Hatohins of .Monroe was a gaast- over Saaday of Wm. Price and family. Mrs. J. E. Ball of Ocean Springs, Miss., was a gaest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stevenson last week; Dr. Q, D. Evans of Columbus was called oat saaday to attend. Frank Stevenson, who has been confined to his bed a few days. Mr. 'Browa of Saunders ooaaty has beea here this week organizing Union Sunday 8chools.' At present there is a good oae organized ia District No. 9 east of Colambas aad also oae in the Deaaing School foar miles aorth of here. Let us all turn oat aad help the cease. The' three local lodges of this place held memorial servioes ia the M. E. oharoh Saaday. They have aot been friendly to the eharch siace. it was moved to its present site from the bluff one mile aorth aeaee they did aot ask forthe oharoh. which is kept locked bat simply pried the door open and took (Oorrespoadeace.) The local Ban Har lodge will observe their memorial day the 3rd, Sabbath in June. On Jaae the lsth the order wiU attend the' Presbyterian eharch ia a body and the graves of oar depart ed hrothers aad sisters will be decor ated by oesamitteas the same day. Joha Smith aad eoae speat Taesday ia St. Edwards. Mrs. Fraak 8trothar aad son of Co- vimted bare last week. visited Saaday after- ma and eveaiag by another shower. J. a Phillies of Genoa waatraas- here Monday between , It, aetata near Mil than titUlchlWr Mr. pygip - B!&&ZwS2SMB ohlWraa, Dan left fat VirgiaaOity, , CF. Newton who has con- fined to the house far several with ianammatory rheamatima ia agaia able to 'be oa (he street. Childreas day was observed by special servioes at the Methodist aad Presbyterian charches. The atten daace was large despite the rain aad mad. D. W. Zieglar , left Moaday for Indiaaa, Nebraska where he will con tiaue to make people more valaabe dead than alive by writing every oae a life insurance contract. J. A. Gleason who accepted a posi tion with the U. P. R. R. Co. in Northern Kansas has beea traasfered to Lincoln. Nebraska, where his family will join him in the near fntare. A game of base ball was played here Sa'tarday afternoon between Monroe and Genoa's second team. It was a very fair game. Ten innings were played before the cbampioaship belt was finally given to Moaroe. Xoaraa. Santa Bo. 1 Monroe, Roate J. (Correspoadenoe) Miss Ada Lamb, who has beea at tending the Wesleyan Uciversity.came home .Friday to spend, her sammer va cation. Thoa. Jones is reported a little bet ter this week. x Miw Harris closed her school in the O. K. district last Thursday. The Wattsville school closed Satur day with a picnio in Ben Nelson's grove. -- - The eicht year old son of Valentine Enhn was kicked by a horse.reoeiving a cat just above the temple exposing the .skull. He .was taken to Platte Ceater, where Dr. Benthack dressed the wound. No serious results are ex pected. Platte Center. Platte Center. (Correspondence) Miss Josie Olother, who has beea at tending the St. Mary's Academy ia Omaha, is at home and will remaia until September. Mesdamee Brackaer and Graenther were Humphrey visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Betterton of Colambas visited with Mrs. Bettertoa'a parents over Sunday. Quite a number from here attended the surprise party at Mr. Mylett's Tuesday evening. Miss Ada Bloedorn will attend the convention of the Baptist Sanday school at Grand Island this week. The marriage of Miss Anna Regan to John Sheridan oocarred last Tues day morning at the Catholic Church. After the ceremony, the bridal party repaired to the home of the bride where a dainty breakfast was served. In the afternoon, they drove to their new home, about six miles west of town. Their many friends wish them a long and happy married life. Crestoa. Greston (Correspondence. ) A girl was bora to .Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Plageman, Monday June 0th. All con cerned doing well, especially Theodore, who is wearing the smile that won't come off. Mrs. Jake Ludwick is quite sick with a severe cold. Ice cream socials are of almost daily occurrence in this vicinity. Crestoa is looking for a "merry-go-round" for the Fourth of. July. Miss.Katy Luchsiager. one of our school graduates, will attend institute at Columbus this week. Children's Day was observed last Sunday in the A. O. U. W. hall. The children all rendered their pieces in admirable style. There was barely standing room in the hall.. Will Bar rett's little girl was christened-at this time. A stranger happened through town last Friday, June 10. He was footing it across' the country. He gave a lec ture on ' Temperance and Hard Times' ' at the M. E. churoh, but there were very few there, as nobody seemed to know anything of it. W. A. McAllister and A. Anderson of Colunlbus were, looking after banking interests in town Wednesday .Vernon, the ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Cass. Kuntzleman of Cornlea.. is sck with smallpox. Dr. McKinley who has charge of the oase savs it is a mild form and noth ing serious is expected from it. .... P. E. McKillip and John T. Steffes have disposed of nine quarter sections of Boone county land during tbe past ten days. This looks as though the land of Boone county is as greatly in demand as ever, notwithstanding the fact that Mr. McKillip has sold about 22,000 acres since this time last year. Humphrey Democrat. Less Than -Half Rata. TO ST. LOUIS AND RETURN. On Monday, June 6, 13,-20 and 27, the Burlingtoa offers tickets to 8t. Lonis and return at $11.50, good for seven days considerably lees than one fare for the round trip. , ' Tickets are good in 'coaches and chair cars (seats free). . - The magnificient exposition is now complete and in harmonious ope ration. You will regret it all your life if yon fail to'eee this wonderful exposition. Illustrated folder free, and full in formation. on application to Barling ton Route agent or to L. W. Wakkxey, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebr. ST. LOUIS AMD RETURN SPECIAL EXCNSIwiw r On Mondays, Jane 6th, 13th, 20th sad 27th, the -Union Facile will rua special Coach Exeemioae from Ootambae, Nelx, to8t.Louieaadretara at the low rate of ' .'-'. 1-50 TSeketawui have faal return liaute of days, gead eeJy-ia day 1 fWf??- 'jmf Mrs. Aagaet Swansea 'ix. pyfp - . - . i.- ..,' H am (Fromileeof JoaraalJalyl?, 1870.) F. G Beoher oa Saturday last aola his 80 acre farm aear OoUumbas to M. B. Keaaedy of Cadiz, Ohio. ' Mercaaats are payiag 35 oeats a poaad for batter. The "Shoo Flya" of Colambas aad "Dirty StooUaga'' of Graad Ismad played ball hare yesterday, reealtiBg ia victory lor Uolambas of 44 to .88. We ate oar first mess of roastiag ears oa Saaday, from Mr. Steara's cora patch. We have reoeived the first aamber of the Omaha Daily Tribune. The sabeariptioa price is 98 a year, pay able ia advaaoe.- Oora is doing well. Wheat is good in quality bat aot so good in qaaatlty as last year. Farmers estimate twelve bushels to the acre aa the average yield of the present crop. The "Shoo Fly's" of this city went to Schuyler Saturday and played ball with the "Prairies." The game lasted two hoars and forty minates and resulted in a score of 58 to 21 in favor of the. "Prairies". Died, at the residence of his parents ia Readiag, Faaa., oa Jaly 13, Edward F. Salade. ia the twenty-third year of his age. He will long be remembered by his many friends in Colambas aad in the Union Creek Settlements. We are indebted to onr assistant marshall. Gus G. Beoher, for the following items: In Platte county we have 405 dwelling houses, 384 fami lies. 1,151 white men and S colored men, 744 white women and 1 colored woman. Foreign born, men, 556; for eign born women, 367. Number ef deaths during the past year, 29. Nam ber of farms in the county, 277. Madison ooantv baa 273 dwelling houses, 244 families, with a total population of 1.133. Men of foreign birth 224. Women of foreign birth, 133. (From Ilea of Journal Augusts. 1870.) We olip the following from the Oawha Herald: The aggregate sale of Union Paoilo lands from Jaly 28. 1869 to Jaly 27. 1870 inclasive, reaches the sam total of $945,531 The price of these lands averages abpat S4.60 per acre. The sales are rapidly inoreasiBg. They were upwards of 20,000 yesterday. The Journal begins this week pub lishing the county treasarer's official aotice of tax sales. (The list was print ed in lees than .two oolnmas of the present space of the Journal. .V. Kummer was treasarer of the county. ) , Jno. W. Bloomfleld of Shell Creek, familiarly known as Johnny Smoker, was in town Saturday.- He has con structed a cattle crossing .near his house and intends keeping it in repair for the acoommodatioa ef drovers who pass that way to the Reserves north, with cattle. He is about six miles from the head of Shell Creek. On Saturday last, a primary meetiag of republicans was held in Columbus. A. J. Stephens was chairman of the meeting and the following named gentlemen were selected delegates to the county convention to be held on the 5th: A. J. Arnold, Leandr Gerrard, A. J. Stephens and Hugh Oompton. A call for the republican oounty convention to meet in Colum bus, August 5, is published over the name Samuel O. Smith, chairman pro tern. The different precincts will be entitled to the following number of delegates to the convention: Co-, lumbus. 4; Butler, 2; Monroe 2; Lost Creek, 2. For anything from a wife to a wheelbarrow, try a Journal "waat" ad. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION.' Know all men by these presents. That we. Frederick H. Abbott and Stewart J. Kennedy, do associate oar selves together for the purpose .of forming and beoominga corporation under the laws of the state of Nebras ka, for the purposes hereinafter de scribed. First. The name of this corporation shall be "Columbus Journal Com pany", and its principal place of easi ness shall be at Columbus, Platte Oounty, Nebraska. Second. The natare of the busiaess to be transacted snail be. purchasing an1 operating newspaper and job printing offices and all neoearary equipment, publishing newspapers and doing all kinds of printing and work connected with such busiaess, also to parchase grounds, erect, purchase or lease such baildiugs as may be acc essary or convenient for sach purposes. Third. Th authorized capital stock of this oorporatioa shall be' tea thou sand dollar ($10,000.) divided into shares of one hundred dollars ($100.) each, to be subscribed and paid aa re quired by the board of directors. Fourtn. Tnts oorporatioa snail commence on the first day of April 1904 asd ooatiaae for the period of twnty-fivi years. Fifth. The business of the corpora tion shall be conducted by a board of directors, not to exceed five in aam ber. to be elected by the stockholders at their regular annual meeting, and ntil suih m eeting shall be held said oard of directors shall consist of Frederick H. Abbott aad Stewait J. Kennedy. " Sirth. The officers of. the oorpora tioa shall he saoh as shall be prescrib ed by tbe by-laws. They shall be chosea by the board of directors, aad shall ooatinue ia office for the term of one year aad aatil their saooessors are elected aad qaaliled. Seveath. The hiaheet amoaat of iadAbtedaess to which this oorporatioa shall at aay time subject itself shall ot exoeed oae half its paid ap capital stock. Eighth. Tbe manaer of stockholders' meetings, the giviag of notion and the method of ooadaetiBg.basiaess of the oorporatioa shall be prescribed by the by-laws to be adopted by the board of directors. Jn witness whereof, tbe aaderaigaed have hereunto set their hands this 22nd day of March. 1904. Frederick H. Abbott Stewart J. Kennedy. State of Nebraska Ooaaty of Platte. On this 22ad day of March, 1904. before me, a Notary Pablie ia aad tor said coaatv of Platte, and State of Nebraska, persoaally appaaraa; Frederick H. Abbott aad Stewart J. Keaaedy. to me known to be the idea tical peisumfw hose Barnes are attached to the foregoiaglBsiiBmiBt and savor ally acknowledged the same to he their volansary act and dead far paraese taenia sat forth. Witness my head aadosaohil the day and data mat written. John M. Gertie, S-5lfe &. "i. "V!L r-. . -.? "y. . . . BBBBBBBBBBmmBmBmBmBBBmmammBM aaj; i!iiL iz ZL. ji:. . rTaB"Jfa"nnnpansnnnaaaa ilriit t'arMM'" 1 -iv. x---a r-ri U.i. -ws. -?,' inuiuBauB Bin jfy rL -r. .M!. masaa .- " . W "tS VamsmffM sr t sfa VJ f- ' - -.- -K. Hogeswt.. J.. . .,.-;. : 4aa$) 4W Fat eteeraV ewt. . . ... .7 4 00a"4 50 Stc steers- ewt. I...'.. 2 553 55 Faieowe- cwt....: J 30 3 06 Potitose-Vlb...: 08 V Batter y tk.... 13l$v ISA WORLD'S FrllR MTU TO . &T.LOUIS. VIA BURLINGTON ROUTE. Ticketa to St. Louis and return, Good fifteen days, $17.00 Good sixty dsys. .,. . . 19.00 Good all summer; 22.00 For f all information about train ser vice and other details see the ticket agent. The SL Louie Exposition the great est show tbe world has" ever seen ia now complete and in harmonious operation, and it will be a lifetime's .regret if yon fail to see it, r L. W. Waxblbt, General Passenger Agent NOT1CKOP SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. . Notice to hereby gfVra that ia' paraaaBC of aa order of tlie dUtrici courr of. Platte oaaty.Ne braka,dnly miuieauil watered ot record oa tbe tMitieth (3Mb) da r Vtbtmrf. A. D. Wl. ia a certaia actios i-it.iu ia eaid ooart wbereia Anaie Parry to plaintiff; aad Joba B. Parry. Mar Parry. Mary Hackee. lMvid L. Hacaea. Artaar H. Parry. Earn Par y. UriBitli Parry. D. Arthar Jonee, Jeaaie E. Jooee, Jaae Parnr, Oriflith Parry ae saardtoae of tbe eetate of eaid D. Afthur Jonee and Jeaaie E. , Jonee, minora, E.H. Walter and J. O. Wadeworth and H. F. J. Hockenbrrcer, defendaats, tbe aaderaisaed retereon ia id canae will ogerfor sale to the highest bidder at pablie anclioa at tbe front door of the conrt hoaee ia the city of Colambas Platte coanty. Nebraska, oa Monday, thetweaty aefenth(tb)dayof Jane. MM, at the boar of two (J) o clock afternoon of aaid day .the follow incdeacribfd real eatat.itaated in Platte coan ty, Nebnwka. to-wit: The Sonthweet Qoarter of 8ection Thirtr4ne (Si), in Township Niuc Ua (19). North of KanaeTwo (2) Wrtt of the 8isth (th) Principal Meridian, and tbe East HairiH) of tlm Southeast Qoarter (H) of Mer. tionThirtyit () in Township Nineteen (IV) North of Ranee Three (3) West of the Sixth (tfth) Principal Meridian iaeladiaK thehomesteaiiand dower richta therein of aaid Jane Parry, aabject io mortgage liena on aaid premise of a balance t-t ASl and tbe interest thereon from April 1, 1MB at ire (5) percent, aad atoo aabject to the crops thereon and atoo tbe aae ot aaid premiss till the first day of March, 1906 which are re served. PATID THOMAS. HANSON S. ELLIOTT. JOHN GIBBON. mayS-5t Referees. TAX MEN FORECLOSURE. Ia tbe district coart of Platte coanty, Nebraska. Eli A. Btnckslager. p'aiatiff. ts. Maria Hansen and Hansen, whose first or Christian name is nnknown, and Lot Four (4) in block thirteen ilJ) of Lockaer'e First Addition to Tillage of lamphrey, Platte ooaaty. Nebraskj, defend ants. Tbe above named defendants will take notice that on the 4th day of Jane. ltt, the undersigned plaintiff filed in tbe office of the clerk of the dis trict conrt tor Platte coanty. Nebraska, his peti tion, the object and prayer of which are to fore close the lien for taxes levied upon Lot Four (4) ia block thirteen (13) or Lockner'a First Addi tion to the village of Humphrey. Platte coanty. Nebraska for tbe years 1S8S and 1801 to 1888 in clasive of both, amounting to the sam of $5.47 for which said lot was by siid coanty treasurer sold to tbe undersigned at treasurer's pnblic tax sale for delinquent taxes oa the sixth (6th) day of November, 18W, aad atoo for taxes levied upon aaid lot for subsequent years and paid by the plaintiff an such purchaser, to-wit: for year 1899, $0.20; for 190B. $0.38; for 1901. $0.42; and for tbe year 1903 $0.50; together with tbe interest and penalty thereon as prescribed by law. Yon are required to answer aaid petition oa or before the 11th day of Jnljr. A. D., 1904. ELI A. STOCKSLAOER, By A. M. Post aad August Wagner, his attor neys. jun8-tt TAX LIEN FORECLOSURE. In the district conrt of Platte ooaaty, Nebraska. Eli A. Stockalager, plaintiff, vs. Delia Carter and Carter, whose first or Christian .name to unknown, and Lot Three (3) in block thirteen . (IS) in Lockner'a First Additioa to village of Humphrey, Platte county, Nebraska, defend ants. The above named defendants will take notice that on the 4th day of June, 1904 the undersigned plaintiff filed in the office of tbe cto'k of tbe dis trict court for said Platte coanty, Nebraska, nia petition the object and prayer of which are to fore close the lien for taxes levied upon Lot Three (3) in Block Thirteen (13) in L ckner's First Ad dition to the village of Humphrey, Platte coan ty. Nebraska, for the years 1889 and 1891 to 1898 inclusive of both, amounting to tbe sum of $1.47, for which "said lot was sold to tbe plaintiff by the county treasurer of aaid county at treasurers public sale on the sixth (6th) day of November, 1899, for delinquent taxes, aad also for taxes levtal upon said lot for subsequent years, and paid by tbe plaintiff as each purchaser, to-wit: Forthe year 1900. J0.75; 1899, $0.20; 19M, $0.42;; 1902, $0.50; together with the interest aad penalty thereon as prescribed by law. Yon are required to answer said petition on or before tbe eleventh (11th) day of Jul v. A.D. 1904. . ELI A. STOCKSLAOER. By A. M. Post and August Wagner, his attor neys. 8jnn-4t TAX LIEN FORECLOSURE. Ia the district conrt of Platte county, Nebraska. EliA.Stockslager, plaintiff, vs. V: O. Lrford and Mrs. Lyford.-Smith and Mrs. Smith, all whose first or Christian names are unknown. andJjotThree(3)in block ten (10) of Ottto' Fourth Addition to the village of Humphrey, Platte county, Nebraska, defendants. The above named defendants will take aotice that on the fourth (4th) day or Jane, 1904, tbe undersigned plaintiff filed in tbe office of tbe clerk of tbe district court for Platte county, Nebraska, bis petition, the object aad prayer of which are to foreclose the lien for taxes levied upon Lot Three (3) in block ten (10) of Ottis', Fourth Addition to the village or Humphrey.' Platte county. Nebraska, for the year 1900' amounting to the sum of $1.39, for which said sum aaid lot was by the treasurer of said Platte coanty sold to tbe undersigned at treasarer's public sale fordeliaquent taxes on the fourth (4th) day of November, 1991, and atoo for taxes levied upon aaid lot for subsequent yean and paid by the undersigned as such purchast,r, to-wit : for the year 1901. $085; for tbe - year 19S2, $0.98; together with the interest aad the penalty, thereoa as prescribed by law. xou are required to answer said petition oa or before the eleventh (11th) day of July, A.D. 1904, ELI A. NVJCKSLAUKK, By A. M. Post aad August Wagner, his attor neys. 8jon4-t v Da yon kaow Yeast Foam? Yeast Foam is the yeast that . makes the best bread, of the best flavor, yon ever tasted. Yeast Foam is tbe yeast that never grows. lUeJess, stale or sour, but is always tresu, sweet ana ready tor Yeast Foam is the best and most reliable yeast maae, legarnleso otcoet. PUNIB l-mw- J ?QA ssadry.i mslt, hops, corn sad other heahnfuliagredieats,iathe sweetest aad cleaacstfsctory ia the world. No matter how long you have kept it, Yeast Foam is always ready to pro ducethe freshest, nuttiest bread that can be Bind, fav mertt it m jktydsLi All grocers sell itatac a package. Bach pack- w 7 cakes-- runagh to make 40 leaves. Seed tor our book, ('Bow .to Make Bread'yTsr. I samTsMtTlM IBaTT ML, It V " mdmliM c l.-K. W .?;?' i.' V t. Dr;V.C. Jrice of Cakfsjo m Cream nkiac Powder asm -- i . ' t m ":- DR. PRICE'S ;vkt w. rj w fttiTPi-H tl S. jl"'', ... m s mmmmmm 'Y 1 1 a--a nisz : "wsxbt . uvnni wm- Iaijup9 I'Hb WYUIiLU iawacaiiirwBSBBaHmaaere Denooas Flavarme; axe rapidly gaiaiag a reputation for being the most nutritious;, wholesome and best preparations in their liae. The aai of "DR. PRICE" on any food product is a guarantee of iU beiag perfect in structure and quality. iViW aMr l$y ef Digesfita aid Ui It Eat Dr. Mot, the creator of Aaaak kaak saaasaama by FWGE For For fall iaformatioa call on. or write. The Gaa Belt Land A Abstract Oo., Joha O. Regan. Local Agent, Platte Oeater, Nebr. amammanmmmmanmaammmasBaaammaaamamwaasa Classified Adtcrtising. " rKaa." "Bargains," "ForRent." "For Salt," "Losf ," "Found.and ot her ipecial motiet under tkU head are charged for at the rate of one cent a word each inmtrtton, but no advertitment taken for tern than t3c. Send monew with coon at thete account are utuallw too small to be carried to our ledger. FOR SALE Oa time or for eash. two good dwelling houses wita lota aad good improve teats. Will ssU both or separately. & P. Duly. FOB 8AEE-wBUlioa Dollar" grass seed. Ia quire of Ferdinand Voigt. St. Kdward. Nebr. Seed also oa sale at Gray? and Uermaa Oeal. rich's. Columbae, Nebr. aprlStf IMIIlIimiHH IMOMMI . R. A, VALUER, I Osteopathie Physician, Columbus, Nebr. 4 Nebraska 'Phone A UL Iadependeat X -rnoaeno.19. ubmw. trnroer oiock. 4 , He will care all your aches aad pains; f be corss whan medicine faito. iiiuiinmuti 1 mini m oka wi. " Cylinder Corn Shelter Can do more and better work than any other aheller sold. Our wagons' will not scatter your grain while on the road to market or overtax yoar horses with needless heavy draught. Biggies aid Carriages OF THE LATEST AND BEST.MAKE& -All Kinds of- FARM IMPLEMENTS. Come and look our stock over before buying : : : : JarBlafassaitk wart aai Horse Shoeing aoae aa smart aotice. LOUIS SCHREIBER. If a Man ia in Love, THATS HI8 BUSINESS. If a Woman ia in Love, THATS HER BUSINESS. Bat if they intend to get married, THATS MY BUSINESS. J. M. CURTIS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Notaby Public aht TmwaiTiNa Colambas, Nebraska FREE!! It costs yoa aothiag for DELIVERY or all kinds of Feed and Hay. Lowest prices and tip-top qualities. We have the leading Livery and Boanlii STABLE Drive oae of our rigs oaee. Farmers, let us care for yoar team Right Ernst i& Brock OKDSS BY THONE. PAT AT BOUSE WHEN FEED IS DE- iau. Tii. no. w AjS rfSs&SI k ". ' : - :;.V7 - . N ivT. "".; ii.? a Traj n m as ... . c- - r - . . . f- Extracts, naed ia millions of tne world mtrmaaanafacttire of mmlaalamBWi. w - -t a century. llmiwcaaproAictioi;'" w ' " PRICE FOOD TRYABITA HULLED CORN a 0W C& .&fz.ce cs t Dr. Price's Creara Eaiinjj PowiZcr end TOenwsnmt rwatiete far aslagthe Foad CEREAL FOOD QSZl&Y, Ghicatjo, Sale at Gray's Department Store. HtA'AAAAA t a a a t : 1 IS YOUR PLASTER FALLING OFF? SaflgPiS. mm Buy and PUT OX YOURSELF or nsk for a PRICE ON COMPLETED JOB. James Pearsall, Contractor MMr tllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I We Lead. Others Follow! f In Painting and Decorating, we are prepared to give our patrons the bet. Have the very latest and most stylish iu Wall Paper Deearatiaas and an ''up-to-date" decorator in charge ot this ' department. All work guaranteed and prices right. faySee us for estimates i wr- .JbX. arrei o 5S -avO- t 111111111111111111111111111111111 1 11 1 minimi Plan Your Trip Early During 1 904 several opportunities to go back East at greatl' reduced rates will be offered by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. If yon want to be kept posted regarding low rates, dates of sale, stop-over privileges, nnd train serrice, ad vise me the probable timo and destination of your trip. Through train service from any point on tbe main line of the Union Pacific Ituilroari to Chicago every day. Folder free. F. A. HASH. Gaaaral Waataro Ageat. Read Our Continued Story PpBaaMpMBnank gaanannnnnnBBBBBBB. .BBBBBBSr ''naSBBaBBSBBBBBBBBBm BBBBBmV S Special Excursions 1 ST. LOUIS and RETURN f BBBSrJ BBBBBB am vim mm UNION PACIFIC I m FOR m f $11.50 1 I sasitis, Jaw S, 13, 21 mi 21 I fX Good only in coaches, on any train. amf Bk For fall iaformatiua call or write. . . K . L W. H. BEJMUM, Agent. J"- sBBSbBBbV .BBBBBBBBar maasBBBW bbbsbbbbbw anamwaamaaaam -SBBBBBBBBsaaa "JjafamBBSBBBBBBm . T I .' alfc.VaanBnnnnnnnna'' '' " 1 aaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnBa-" R. SBBBBBBBBBBBBBm" je. ,& A--aaja.- homes'have stood the met far amahs ..a ; ' -in-- Delicious Flavoring; rsaiknl frco to any aaavaaa. AAAAAAwAAAwAA Investigate KINNEAR 4 GAGERS Stamped Steel CEILING, SIDE WALLS AND WAINSCOTING The only INTERLOCKING. TIGHT-SEAMED CEILING . manufactured. The Best is Tka Chaaatat vvf 1524 Farnam Strtt wJwaAVwsa s..'. amvua aamm. s ;&Jj&'&& .aa Xlm' S'r.l . 'F 'M LN M: i : .. JM' jiMaEg'Sairwii 'AV-.:c?viim " '. J,'.. ' l-S 7,'Tl"frrTr -l''J?!?iy?W?g rT?r- .i.a'4S; a jSzv .j. i ijat 1 niri mi m .r inAii utf 1 t iw 11 a mi JSiWsT' aaw"13assr i"' it11 P5aaatj-vgJ-3i ,-aaargiJ-g 6RTiaRS K g!?a5jailg-?gJAfe-3a jaaflii$3s-jH,5iA--vaTZ id'mMw a' g r,-j.acjRaiaiJF,' :g