The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 15, 1904, Image 7

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', Sr "V
""S. r
j- -
e--Fi nj
j"WSvS1V. . i.
I -
it fa
of aaayiovas vko have larae fu-
Hiesr Twplujta waoae nga 0 aot
exceed 24.00 francs per and
who have three cafidrea cr persoaa to
provide for, wfll receive a araraity of
f6 per aaaam: for a family of four,
H6r of fire, $30; of six; 4Mz of seven,
170; of eight, $82; of aiae, $16.
tkac the life of a
always strewa witk
His views
witk aaea ota
aat weald aro-
ta kady-
tkat saaale
Tom may tkmk tkm a va
repeatedly liwriti il ky
to ask, bat ia m?
abootit. Itisasa
tkeir actios
took iinatMna to
fact which yam i
it Ll aae of sis
to year ewa tarftfarrlna ia i
.i: f.
, . To tte housewife who has not yet
.become acquainted with the new thiaaa
;of everyday use in the market aad
"V.who is reasonably satisfied with the
'eld.' we would susest that a trial of
Defiance Cold "Water Starch be made
at once. Not alone becanae it is guar
anteed by the manufacturers to be su
perior to any other brand, but becajass
each 10c package contains IS oaa.
while ail the other kinds contain net
12 czs. It is safe to say that the lady
who once uses Defiance Starch win use
no other. Quality and quantity most
Jonah Vindicated at " ar-
Jonah has now been corroborated in
pan. A basalt stele found by Father
- Schell .in the Archeological museum
at Constantinople has on it an Assyr
ian inscription of ing Xobonod, of
the sixth century before Christ, telling
of the destruction of Nineveh, an
event hitherto found en no monument.
There Is zaan Ctzsrrt !a tils usia of the saacsj
tiULa aa otiar ta put tcgsiaer. aadssl tbe !mt
few jean appoaeil to be lacaraiUa. Fra?r
sasy years ioaarm prouuaccd li lucal rlUi r sad
ynjc'lted luca! resuMtie. and by eocyuat? tlUc?
tu csre villi lucal trecrnigil. pruaucacnt It Jacurmile.
Science ju prores Catarrb Ju be a cuotUtsOuoal dl
M aad tbenferc mrUrscusttsit:o(iz! nc2rrr;eL.
HaUa Ciiarra Cure, ajaasractanal by F J Cjeser
A CaTiihulBi Ohio. 1 tie only cunvarariroul care on
Oe rec. It Is taiea IsteaaUy Si e4 Jtmjii ZO
irapmiuz ipHaTji. It lea dlrcctlr an tie blood
aad stacutu aiaeeof The synez. They c2er nnr
asBdret! duHars Car ay eve K Ii!I So curs. Suit
far circulars and teGnoslaU.
Addrev F J. CSESEX OX. Taieaa. Oala.
Sold btr Dn2sUt,"J5c
Tate H FaaiEy P!H far cacstipiUa.
Kept Her Secret Well.
The recent death of an old and
much loved teacher In Philadelphia
revealed the fact that she had been
married sixteen years. She hqd kept
her marriages secret, because she
wanted to continue with her teaching,
which the Philadelphia school law
would not allow g
Do Yaur Feet Achs and Burn?
Shake into jour shoes. Allen's Foot
Ea., a povrder for the feet. It makes
tig-lit or Xetv Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Swollen. Hot. Sweating Feet. Corns and
Buniona. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores. 25c Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted. LeEoy, "3. Y.
When a girl angles In the matri
monial sea she is apt to catch a suck
er instead of a goldfish.
For ebiMrea miir aofteu tba zrm, :
laaimir'T " ij ?,n " r'' -mi- Scat
One gool turn deserves another,
particularly if it is a turn-down.
Try ov iust once and I am sure ta
coiae p Defiance Starch.
Some men's wealth is fabulous and
that of others a mere fable.
Miss M.Ctrtkdfc fives
helpful idvke to ynog fkls.
Her letter is but aae of
sands wbidi prove tbat
is so bdptiil to your
are just arriving at the period of
woaumhood as Lydia E Pak
kaa's Vegetable Qifirl.
"Deas ilsa. PrsssAx: I cannot
praise Lydia E. Pinkhaaa's Tc
table Coacposmd too hihlv. fcr it
is the only medicine I ever tried which
cured me. I suSered much from my
first menstrual period, I felt so weak
and dizzy at tines 1 could not pursue
my stadies with, the usual interest.
l!y thoughts became sluggish. I had
headaches, backaches and winking'
spells, also pains in the back aad lower
limbs. In fact. I was sick sH over.
Finally, aftrr many other remedies
had been tried, we were advised to yet
Lydia E. PimkJtam's Teretable
Coaaaoamd. and I am pleased to say
h: after takixur it only two weeks, a
wonderful change for the better took
place, and in ashcrt tiae I was im
perfect health. -1 felt buoyant, fall of
life, and found sH work a pastime. I
am indeed g-lad to tell sxv experience
with Lydia E. PinkhajKs Tegv
taUe Coampoondt for it aude a dif
ferent girl of me. Tours very truly,
3fesB 3L Casttedgs, S33 "Whitehall Sfc,
Atlanta. Ga." xsocc jaryaft if mltOml f
aLsaav aBaassssw aaVassm
Bar 'BaBaT Bsssm
I A strilting contrast
sBJ aVarl
aaaa m . Ma aaj .,-aaai BBM Nj
Bfl ... ---i BB TFrraTar
a laaaaawjc scara smscbb, aaj
BB - m . . ... a? Bss
tf rives clathcS.BssCk H "uaat
H- Bsi
aa, sttosBalaejypas'e
H Jlfwil! aat iajaretlat -
H aVawB9 BajBB "KjaBsBa"i tOl C10TC& 'BBatSSCSl
B av DefaaacejStarcfc wta aaass atgt ggfjgd ;
aVssaa- BB"BaBB SaawaTJBBav lav SsavBwBsaw Bsara BBavaaaras YsbT TIrr"""aa"C"h "tfaasaat awP4BaTassaw
aaamW!aam4BrSBWessatast. H. aa- aea: reed's Teilowtstr ttp
aaTwA .----- -a amj aaaae. tke swift aasssastax,
aaBa. BBJ twmssss aaee aad sUa.
He said tkat he had sees, coasoled
by caQiae; to atiad. tke story of aa
Iriakana. was Is reported to awe
liTed soasewkere in lower Delaware.
ATTknagk a fragal aad aard wertac
mas, tkia soa of Kb eccasionany
Tisited tke towa tavers. oa Satardar
aad soatetiHies retataed
ia a state of Jatoxication. Oa
ftsioa. kaviag iatkibed so free
ly tkat he was totally usable to steer
himself hoaeward. a kindly disposed
iadividaal wko kapaeaed alocsr placed
him in bis cart aad started tke aule
in the right direction. Unfortunately,
some miscaievous boys met the care
and deciding to play a joke oa the old
man, unhitched the mule, and leading
aim a skort distance htto the woods..
sat down to await results. In a short
time tke Irishman awoke from his
stupor, rubbed his eyes, and. looking
about, exclaimed:
"Begorra, is this me. or is it not me.
Faith. I cannot telL If this is me. I
nave lost a mule, 'but if this is not me
I have found a cart!"' Baltimore Her
Army af majOtO Pseaie Craa
raaklyn Bridac Daily
Careful and continued counting
shows that approximately 400.000 per
sons cross the Brooklyn bridge and
pass the Pulitzer building each day.
If these people were to stand side
by side the line would stretch from
New York to Schenectady.
Standing one on top of the other
they would extend 42? miles into
But as the atmosphere goes up for
a matter of only 200 miles, they would
have to lie on the ground, one's head
touching another's feet, and then the
string of humanity would reaca-Jrom
New York nearly to Pittsburg.
Marching single file in one direction
at the army rate of speed, it would
require seven days of eight hours
each fcr them to cross the bridge.
They would weigh as much as two
15.000 toa battleships. They would
fill 666 railroad trains of ten coaches
each, and these trains would extend
in an unbroken line from New York
to Philadelphia.
They include more persons than
are in the combined armies of Japan
and Russia in Cores and Manchuria.
They equal the combined popula
tions of Washington. D. CL. and Co
lumbus. O. New York World.
Question of Wedding Presents.
French society has begun to rebel
at the printed list of wedding pres
ents. It is no longer good form, in
certain sets, to run down the gamut,
in public print of the parental check
down to the fish carver of the ser
vants' hall. The custom has become
very ostentatious, and given rise to
much vulgar speculation and mental
arithmetic The infliction of the pub
lic wedding present has become as
great as the infliction of the charity
bazaar. It means a public spectacle
with the detective in wedding clothes
to save the filching of the unbidden
guest. One of the real reasons of the
threatened abolition is the reductic
ad absurdem of the custom. Nat only
the publication of the list, but the ex
hibition of the presents, has descend
ed the scale. It is no longer the mark
of distinction. And yet there is dan
ger in the contemplated revolution.
To hide the light of the wedding gift
under a bushel is to remove in many
cases the main incentive of the giver.
And a presentless wedding is too
cheerless to Think of. Pall Mail Ga
zette. A Missing Mascot.
"No more luck," she wailed; I
shall never have another bit of luck.
I know I shan't. I've lost it and I
haunt had it but three months.
"What is it Thar you have lost tfrit
you are making such a fuss about?"
inquired a friend. "Your pocketoook?"
"Pocketbook." answered the forlorn
one. No. I wish it was only my pock
etbook. that wouldn't be serious. But
I've gone and lost my beautiful yel
low garter and yes. it may be a plain
old thing, but it was such a mascot.
Janet wore it when she was married.
then-gave it to me and I have worn it
pver since. And such a gcod time as
I have had! Dances, whist clubs, and
no end of larks, and I've met simply
slues of men. You know they say
that whoever wears such a mascot
win be married within the year. Guess
Vol dished now fcr fair.''
Stadying Chinese Character.
In a report on the German estimates
for this year a secretary to. the Brit
ish eambaasy in Berlin states that m
tke new estimates a sum of $404)00
is inserted under the head of "further
ance of scientific especially ethnologi
cal stadies in China.' In explanation,
it is mentioaed tkat, as the opeaisg
of Caiaa advaaces. a more, exact study
of the individuality of East Asiatic
narioas is becoming a necessity. It is,
therefore, advisable to station perma
nently in China a German scholar well
acquainted witk etaaology and the
Chinese 'xaag.r whose object is to
intellectual relations with a
little known form of civfliaatioa.
He W-
of Missouri
laking a
speeea last fall, wkea ke
xoyed ky tke freaaent iaterraatioas
-My friead,' said tke speaker, de-
to sasatRss tke aa-tmiir,
"kaveat yoa aeard tke story of how
a brayiag aas pat to fiigkt tke eatire
ke afraid of ritia aadi-
the diata-raar of
tke ameetiag: "tkere aiat so
at it staatpediag. You've doae
aVJ tkat ke was
Jadce A. J. Falter af 52 So.
Baa Bernarnian. Calif, says:
years my kidneys
iag- their functioas nroaarly.
was some backacae. aad tka
secretions were
also considerable
the doctors said I aad
Kidney Pills wrought a
in my condition aad bow I
feel well again."
A FREE TBIAL af this
medicine watck
will be mailed to any part of
United States. Ad
Co- Buffalo. N. Y. Sold ky all
ers; price SO cents par box.
The Paris Scheal far
A school for does is the latest devel
opment of the edueatioaal awjveateat.
It has been established ia Paris with
the objects of teackiag. aot letters,
but politeness. The sckool room is
furnished with chairs, tables and rugs,
to give necessary "local color" to the
surroundings. Tke doc pupils ace
trained to weleaate visitors by jaatp
in? up, wagging the tail aad grriag a
low bark. When the visitor leaves tke
dog accompanies aim to- tke door aad
bows his farewell by beadiag his head
to the floor. He is traiaed likewise
to pick up a handkerchief, glove ot
fan that has been dropped aad return
it to the owner. He is taught further
to walk with "proud aad praadag
steps" when out with his mistress.
A Request from Takia.
H. Kobayahsi, of Tokio, Japaa. has
addressed a note to the village Im
provement Society of South Orange,
N. J., which runs about like this:
"The honorable of the South Oranges
are asked in what way do they rid
themselves of him the much trouble
some mosquito? How do they ap
proach hiiT in his house iTWfrag' the
reeds af maT-gftpg, so as to remove
him effectually from the dangers that
he does to the people of good minds
whose skins he much, puncture? All
this I would like so much, to kaoar."
Old Soldier's
Sonoma, Mich June 13. '
in actual warfare disease Is mora ter
rible than bullets is the experience af
Deles Hurra ins of this place. Mr.
Hutchins as a "Union soldier saw tares
years of service under Butler Barke
in the "Louisiana swamps, and as a
result got crippled with rheumatism
so that his hanrfg and feet got all
twisted out of shape, aad bow ke suf
fered only a rheumatic will ever kaow.
For twenty-ftve years he was ia
misery, then one lucky day his drug
gist advised him to use Dodds Kid
ney Pills. Of the result Mr. Hutchiai
"The first two boxes did aot kelp
me much, hut I got two more, and
before I got them used up I was a
great deal better. I kept oa taking
them and now my aaiaa are all go
and I feel better thaa I have in years.
I know Dodd's Eidaey Pills will ear
Every man is provided with sense
enough to mnid his own business, but
few men have sense enough to let it
go at that.
The Defiance Starch Co. wfli give
25 ladies a round trip ticket to the
St. Louis Exposition, to five ladies in
each of the following states r Illinois.
Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas aad Mis
souri who will send "n the largest
number of trade marks cat from a
ten-cent. IS-ounce parkaay of Defi
ance cold water laundry starch. This
means from your own. home, any
where in theabove named states.
These trade ffr most be mailed
to and received by the Detaare
Starch Co Omaha. Nebr., before Sep
tember 1st, 1904. October aad Novem
ber will be the beat T" to visit
the Exposition. Bemember tbat Defi
ance is the only starch put np IS oz.
(a full pound) to the package. You
get one-third more starch for tke
same money Than of any other kind,
and Defiance never sticks to the iron.
The tickets to the Exposition wCI be
sent by registered mail September
5th. Starch for sale by all
Austrian OfWceis far
The Shah of Persia aas made ap
plication to the Austrian, government
for the dispatch of twelve competent
military officers to supervise the re
organization of the Persiaa army. The
eah wants Austrian ameers, because
Austria has no political axes to griad
in Persia.
Whan Yo
ke does not have
may be sure he is azraid to keep it
til his stock at li as. asi si
said. Defiance Starch is aot eaty bet
ter than any other Cold Water Starea.
but contains 1C ok. to tke
sells for
Any Tna-n who tnralra ke is COHTtiaZ
an angel may live to taiak:
Mother Gray's Swam
Chndraa's TTnaw. New"
move aad regulate the)
Worms. Sold by all
Hunger is a terrible thiaw, bat an
men consider thirst more terrible.
ho: roa
Sossa Dakota.
Tke man who is
oa kis virtues has at
BjKRaKeiiiOHaMHaaMopansv sriaaaat
aTaaaCTwmbaatBaaaal,sLBm. in Tin
player mat. always a good catea.
ma popularitv of the Lewis Saev
BiaderT' strskkt 5c eigac, is dae totat
nmfntmrad kiaknsUav sssTL ssssxaasss
least aae -rice
sassaas - - .
- a a-a? J -
3aaB Baaasa asaaaV aaawBa aBBaaVBavm aaasaTafJK
If yea. will take any
ia dear of other
tkere skill a aa
walk kriakly ia tke
Sad that before yoa have aaai
dred yards yoa win have veer
mack to oae side. Yoa m
make any coascioas eCort. af
to keep to the center, or yoa
itr bat if you win taiak of
aad endeavor to walk aatsrallv ft h
a kuadred to oae yoa eaaaot keea a
direct Iiae.
"The explaaatkia of this lies ia tke'
peculiarity of oae" foot to walk faster
tkaa the otter. Or. to be more cor
rect, perkapr it should be said
aae leg- takes a longer stride tkaa tke
other, and tkis. combined witk the
smicker movement, causes oae to
waft more to oae side thaa the otter.
It is weU known, for instance, that
if one is lost in thewoods, tke tea
deaey is to walk in a circle aad even
tually to return to about tke startxag
point. This demonstrates the fart.
also, that one foot walks faster
the ether.
Yoa can try an interesting expert
meat is this way if you win plar
two stakes in the lawn aboat eight
feet apart, and then stand oaT aboat
sixty feet, allow yourself to ke bllad
folded, aad endeavor to walk betweea
them. You win Unfi it aa almost im
possible task, because oae foot win go
a bit faster than the other, either te
tke right or left. Now. which oae of
vour feet walks faster i tke otter?
Making Steel Vlhrata,
A scientist once said ht. givea
proper appliances, he could break aa
iron girder by pelting it with pith
balls using the law of gravitation,
he meant. You know what pith is
the soft central part of cane.
Tkis learned man never tried the
experiment, but here is one which
you may try. by means of which a
bar of steel may be caused to vibrate
through the dropping- of water.
Place the bar. wbich must be thin
and flat, upon supports cf wood, tri
angular in shape. Let the support be
one-fourth of the way from the end of
the bar
Set a water cooler oa the edge of
the table, the faucet directly above
and in the middle of the bar. Cause
it to vibrate by pressing up and down
with the hand, and then set the water
to drop in unison with these vibra
tions. Allow the dropping to continue
and you win scan see movement ia
the steeL That is, if you watch very
closely, for, of course, it is tiny
can be.
The Largest Spider.
The largest spider ever discovered
is found up in the mountains of Cey
lon. The home it builds could scarce
ly be called a web; it is a huge snare,
or net, of yellow sOk from five to ten
feet in diameter. This is spread across
the fissures and chasms in the rocks.
This net is almost strong enongfa for
a hammock, and its supporting ropes'
range from five to twenty feet, as the
circumstances may demand. These
ropes are made of a series of twisted
webs, and are about as large in diame
ter as a lead pencil.
This huge trap is not set for lies
and mosquitces. but for birds and big
moths and. butterflies. Sometimes
even small skeletons of birds and liz
ards have been found enmeshed. The
spider who owns this big web is about
four and a half inches in width and
six in length, and its legs are from
nine to ten inches long. Montreal
Lebanon Cedar in England.
A famous cedar of Lebanon, which
for more " 220 years has guarded
the southern entrance of the old Chel
sea physic garden in London, has
just been cut down. In 1683. four
Lebanon cedars, the first ever planted
in England, were successfuHy introduced-
into the physic garden. Two
of the trees flourished for nearly a
century and then were removed.
Child's Wonderful Escape.
The 2-year-old chfld of Mr. Le
vesque of Lewiston, Me. fen from a
fourth story piazza downward head
foremost. The piazza below is wider
and there is a wire strung'elothes reel
set upon it. The child ia falling
struck its shoulder aaon the wire and,
bouncing -acV, landed unhurt upon its
feet on the piazza from which it had
Gam Ceeal Very Old.
J. W. Cffley of WinooskL TU has a
piece of gum copal in which a fly was
embedded. As this article of com
merce is oaly found now buried deep
in the greand ia Africa, where once
it aeurished oa the gum copal tree.
mow Icmsr extract as a arowins vege
table product, the piece hi no aaabt
tioea-i"s' of years old.
Iran Feaad in Sand. B
A curious sight on the coat of
Java is a loag stretch of shore sheet
twenty-nine miles ia length, where the
saad is filled with particles of mag
netic iron. In some places it is said
that the surface saad coatains 80 per
eaat of iron. It can be smelted, aad
a company has been formed to ex
ploit the deposits.
Geld Mine in
A. geld mine is said to have
lacated ia North iMidiileboro,
J. T. Carver has as, his
ipmjlflj of gDld-eeariag euartx
is thickly veined with the
Some of the
tested by ai
aasooeneed very rick ia gold.
Bird's Pathetic
A robia had baflt her aest ia a tree
aaar thekome of George C Dowaiag
af Dover,. Me
a kernel af cora srhm a
striae tied to it, aad at the at-
te swallow the
to death, aad
was sfttfaf Saw
The hsaa is a very aaered aaaaaaa
"I aaa saw what all these geatle
maa have saM wae atinatd meT he
aegaa. I have aot had mack te do ia
the work af biadmar two ccaatries to
gether, hat r have a deep feeling of
gratftade toward Caaadmas. aad es
pecially these of the islands. Many
years age there- came to my home a
girl from Prince Edward island, aad
she has ever siace remained there ts
brighten it."
The aaalanae which greeted this
bit of sentiment shook the rafters.
Caaroa had outstripped an others.
Same time afterward this episode was
retold aad amoag those present was
a man wen acquaiincd with Caproa
aad his family.
"Why, Caproa,"" he said, "your wife
wasn't from. Prnce Edward island."
"I know it,"" repHed Capron, meek
ly. "Our cook: came from that place."
Washiagtca Post
Nat Particularly Hard ta Acaaire,
Says a Traveler.
It is aot very hard to acquire the
correct pronaariarkia of Korean
words, geographical names, if yoa
follow the advice of Percival Lowell,
a dwener is. the far East, and other
pkmeer authorities.
The simple vowels, a, L o. and u.
are to be pronounced as in Italian.
A specialized Korean vowel o such
as occma ia ScuL sometimes, called
Seoul, the Korean capital, has a pe
caliar scund which is said to vary
from the French e mute and a short u
to a degenerate o." It is not so un
like oar own pronunciation of the
word souL if we had a little drawl
and dosing of the lips over the "so"
of the word, so as to make it two syl
lables instead of oae.
The German o with the umlaut is
said to be an approximation. But a
Pennsylvania traveler who penetrated
to Korea gave his authority of "so
ul" as a good enough pronunciation
Three sounds of e" pronounced al
ei and oi. originally Korean dip
thongs, are now pronounced as single
vowel sounds, as described above.
Tke "intercalated h" is often intro
duced to increase the aspiration of
the next letter, and this is further in
creased by reduplicating the letter,
as for example,. "Whang." or
"Cahaag." Philadelphia Record.
Reform of Woman Hater.
William Boss, a retired farmer oi
Chaplin, Conn.. 73 years old. owning
property valued at $100,000, Uved
alone on his farm for nearly half a
century., refusing- to have a house
keeper or to allow any woman under
his roof. In his youth he had an un
happy love affair which caused him
to adopt the life of a recluse, but he
would never discuss the subject and
he flew into a rage whenever it was
broached. Two years ago he was
stricken with paralysis. His condi
tioa necessitated the attendance of a
nurse, and Mrs. Emfly Clark, a young
widow of the village, was employed.
Ross, at first objected to her pres
ence, but became reconciled in time,
and as she sarsed him back to health,
the woman hater grew fond of her. As
scon as he was able to sit up he pro
posed, and they were married in his
home the other evening by the Rev.
J. E. SmalL pastor of the Chaplin
Congregational church.
Cargoes of Lave.
The soul Is proven every day; each hur
Life holds a miste-wand up to 3ie and
To test the splrif s depth and girth and
"Whether the seasoned timbers hold yt
Of ember fineness this divining--rod.
The canto silken-rich, the ballast gold:
The ship-holds swell with freightage dear
to God.
Pare samite tinct ot heaven in hale
and told.
We are the ships (our unsure voyage
They sail from Birth, and tench awha
at Death.
Our Coan silk, e'er sought of every dime
To vesture mart and home, airy as
Is given, not bought with aught beneath
the saiiz
Its consignor hath sure been God
above r
The loom is Christ whereon it may be
n all earth's ! be clothed with
cloth of Jlove.
Clifford Lacier.
He Get the "Raise.""
Frank Leslie's tells a story of how
iadastry was rewarded. A year ago a
manufacturer hired a boy. For months
there was nothing noticeable about the
boy except that he never took his eyes
ot" the machine he was running-. A
few weeks ago the manufacturer look
ed op from his work: to see the boy
standing beside his desk;
"What do you wantT" he asked.
"Want me pay raised."
"What are you getting"""
"Tree dollars a week."
"WeU, how much do you think yoa
are worth?"
"Four dollars-"
"Toa think so, do yoa?"
"Tessir, an' Tve been t'inkin so f er
free weeks, but Tve been so blame
busy I haveat had time to speak: to
yoa aboat it."
The boy got the "raise.
Red a Fa war its Flag Color.
Sed seems to be the most popular
of aatfoaal colors, if flags may be used
as crfterloas Of the twenty-five lead
ing aatioaal flags nineteen have red
ia them. The same cannot be said of
color. The chief flags that
with red are those of the
Uaited flratwi. Eaglaad, France. Ger
many, Austria, Italy. Spain. Denmark,
BeTghra-. Sweden. Switzerland. Tur
key. Mexico, Chile, Portugal, and
of West Afrira the
have toee; eagagemeats. Oa the
hatk they are betrothed
hoy a trifle alder than them
d at the age af twenty they
The girls know of no
af getting a kusbaad, and
and satisfied.
patterns of obedl-
asuaHy turn
eat a aeeeeaa.
trJa. aas jaat areved herself a gaoC
meet aam a heave aae. Oa a reeeat
aaattat aarty ate chaaeed aloae aaoa
a Tecae hear aad cooOy shot him
''"zTzTSBaaTS'arSIPBBIB t tlil it miTim -fnTis TrWr-a-- -
aaiaBwmay m- agfJSanaT XZWV XWUBW rwe, wnavB sva imr xvxj a- ay
mmmmmmmmmmmmSKSiWVU-yjfmWBmmm 2SL Y, as flJTliai
w flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaBv a. I awaaiataataraaaBmaaaaaasaaaaaaiSaaaaa
W m SaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavJPJva. V. I 3aaav as aha aaaVaeaaaa aaaaar aae Bawe aaw
am aap aaBfaBBBBBBBBBBBBm TVS 7- "t-vC vt STaV Waa "aTaTI .
aa M saaaaaaaaaBavamaaaaw9lsa2av'-"'-?L4wk m. H m m nasa a amnmm S aa mmA
m m "e"B"B"B"B"B"B"a"a"a"B"B"a"a"B"B m aaaaar avaaw. jaaw anam nnm as asav sasvam
M .awa"B"B"B"B"B"B"B"B"B"B"B"B"BW -m . - . -- --
gj a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB'?7 ai wlBJ eSsaeaa? eaaas aa aUSBaw aaaj aaaagae aaaaaaav ae
If aTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaaraaaaaaaagfr?iSn wBJ amaaaaf am samawamw ansae jasahaaaaav aaaf aflam
WmmW aafaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay WjiBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCN? aa Laaf BBBB"fafaj aBBBBBBT BaaVAeaapaaaBa aaraaaaaw aaaaaasavawamaaassv aaaamav aaaamww
W aaffiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKL V aaaaaakBaaaa aaaUaaaaSaaasa aaaaeaaaae""vaa"aaTL aaaafaaaaaf M aaaaaaaaf aaaagaaaaaa
saaaaaaaaaaaaaaawHFaaaaaaaaaaaaaa StCoaacxl'aluaIaasfoIIowa:
fflfTaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaaaf " mvdnxks compencd me to he eat avail aaafla
iamgTafafafafafaBf ef weather I contracted a ssvere cold frees aaae a
Qfcaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas'maaaaaaaaaaa time, whick settled in the kidaeys, caaaaax atwata
TafigTJgTafafafa psias aad trouble in the pelvic cegmas.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaa -laasowlikeaaey aaa. am ia rplaadid aaahm
aafaaaaaaaaayafamaaaV-aaaaaf aad give all praise to Peraaa. A. C Swaaaaa.
aaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW&. fliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVa-T "WOVsSDBaaPaanCjkmE aaaaa .
BSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf Baal V BYBav
afai flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavBaaaaaaaaaaaaaf aaaavaaaaOav
BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCaBMaBBBBBBJla aa?wBTaVfc
al h"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"a"aw aBflmaaaaaasawsaw"aaTSaaaT(aaTSBaa
BBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTBaaaTtvBaa BWbJS5BB3aBBBaBaiBSBaaaaiBaasaawBaaaBaaai
al aaaaaaaaaaaaaaTRaaaaaVTiaa bb
BS mamWaWaWaWaWaWaSmmmmTat. SSpaarw .amWaaMSravafiA-tiL aWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaW
1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaK aaaaaaaaPIlaa
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaa&BaaaaB aTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw
Bam aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaa :aaavaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTkc!rTw Tt" Baa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
aaai aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaia
aaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT aaaa Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
aal M aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Sal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- 'PvJV!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam
aVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Bai aVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT " " BMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
aa maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaf Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf!!
yrj& T-VKK-Wf Mi m.
Bv aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT aaTam Baf TflaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVA gBBBBBBBBrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBL
1 rN mVCaaaaaaaaacaaaaaaaaaaaaaa laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-
BgV. J lW c. aaaaaaA.aWsaaaawBJaw -BrJ J 1 laral gaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaV
Samuel S. Sprecher. Junior Beadle Court Angelina, wHI lgTBaaaaaaaaaaaaaSaaaaaaaaaaaaMam
ev High St., Los Angeles, CaL, yJylH WBA
writesr . ra9 iBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
'lemmehmrm1itw-ymmmnmsmiiert9twttmeaurrm v4laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTaaaaaaaaaaVaaaa
af ai lidiji fa in - -"- i the Vllmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
" ' a,a VlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH
Sax waa taw vtimtr cmmU 4m Perumm amMmwd 4lBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawaa
did 4m. Srvea weefcf" trimi cmmvimx4 aae zaaraaaf laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraaaaaV
ihi iijr amaaTfi Tan mmdiwmstMtmuweammm. fkayr I aHBKB
mwmmmmmmmtmifrtmiimtMiscity." mSmmmmmmmmmSmSmmmmmW
Catarrk af tka Xiaaers S
"Ditaaac Xiiaey Trouble Oftea.
"fails ta le lefardei as Catarrk ky
Catarrh, of the kidneys is very com
mon indeed. It is a pity this fact is not
better know to the physicians as well
as the people.
People have kidney disease. They
take some diuretic, hoping to get better.
They never onct think of catarrh- Ed
nev disease and catarrh, are seldom as
sociated in the minds of the people,
and. alas, it is not very often associated
ia the minds of the physicians. Too
few physicians recognize catarrh of the
kidneys. They doctor for something
TTca "They try t- remedy and that
the but Libbr '-rim. are
Veal Loai. Peerlrsa Waeriioed Driad
Beef Hash, etc. whoiocsse mmts that
aaantwrvnrial as ther are aajmrfaj.
Ask toot Grocer
IJMy, McNeHI l LiDby
TIE WtatTS Fall
Stopovers allowed. AH Agents caa
route you via the WABASH. For beaa
tircl "Word's Fair folder and all icTor-
aaaxiOK "adarcss
ttiwdv w unn'BSS-
AST. Pass. DpL. Ossaha, "!"a.
SSSSSaBaaaaaaL'M $34 WhTnnxraralData tacwwiartaaK-reSor yMi
BBBBaCif "BBZ"Tt vT lwm-hnni end r nwrr'-ar bath w- Iff I
E3aea?'"ciLAaaaaetfl M trring aad ,Tiafr3K; try (1
a CZPaaBaBBaJaaap ac w
. .. I
m These brands wifl guarantse ycu a good shoe for mest
I Star and Crescent EL Z. Walker f
I Comet Cock of Walk 1
am Saw "
Our lAiair QUEEN leads all others in Women's and Childrea'a Shoes. V t
m See that our name ts on the shoes you buy. V
I F. P. KIRKEND ALL & CO. "-SSfflSf1- I
.. . m up eaaat
" "" t laaaaaamara fljaaj "BBJBaY
aaaaaaa. as t swaaaaaaaj w kja J
remedy. The trouble may be catarrh.
all the tim- A few bottles of Perana
would cure them.
tke Cause af tke
Earner Troekle.
Peruna strikes at the -very centre of
the eradicating' the catarrh
from the kidneys. Catarrh is the cause
of kidney difficulty. Remove the cause
and you, remove the effect. With un
erring accuracy Peruna goes right to
the spot. The "kidneys are soon, doing
their work witb perfect regularity.
Tstiaiavii af TaattaiaafiTt
Thousands of testimonials from, people
who have had. kidney disease which had
gone beyond the control of the phv-
Food Products
BoBtlf rTiirlH, "Seiiaae rata.
BcaL Potsad Baa aad C mit
are as dajatraa tacr are
Sar tabby's.
. M . CMeafB
m cones
CflL, Craav
itmr-- r-rr Tniunn acres of the fertSe aad
weH-warriLmua of "J EoebGd Iatlian Bes- f
ervadmx. 'i3 Soszh Dakota, tii oe mrown open j
tosettlneeBtb''theGoverssn5i:iaJnly. These
Iaads are beer reached br the Chiiaso Xonb-
Western HaSzzzi'z Cin-x. Uirocsh liaes froai
Chaaso o Eoasoeel. S. D- AH aseats sen
ttcksB viiiiis Iisz. Special low rates.
.- - -i-ni Tsi:anhleC gjrtinr foQ.
srw m -jyj - - - -
acres ot land at aoauaal coat, with fan deicrlp
Cfla of the a0.eaaa. ttaber aad auarai
V Ujwnj. irannn aaa camxura. -
for tmsmos ogrwtnsv railwav
TraflU '.
TaimTf aaHiatJ af aUaargatta ii'ilii t Sod
li ii mlaiiiii aatfaaaaa'arteetiat. -l""-
sieian are received bv Dr.
every year. giing Peruna the whole
praiae for marvelous cures.
Pe-ra-m Circs XiaaeT
Peruna cures kulnev disease.
reason it cures kidnev disease is 1
it cures catarrh. Catarrh of the 1
is the cause of mott kidnev
Peruna cures catarrh wherever it
pens to be located. It rarely faQa.
If vou do not derive prompt a
factorv results from the use of '.
write at once to Dr. Hartaaa. giviag a
full statement at your case, aad he will
be pleased to give you bis valeaUe ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartxsaa. Presides af
i The Ffar" Sanitarium, CotambeeQ
One Night
Soak the feet or hantk
on retiring in a fitaTs
hot, creamy lather cf
Dry and anoint -Ireerf
OIPn'MENT, the treat
skin cure and purest of
emollients. Bandage
lightly in old, soft cotteaa
or linen. For ttrfTinsj.
hcxrningrand scaling
t&on,and chahngafarfesV
ness, roughness, crada.
and fissures, with bcittka
shapeless nails.
frequently curing in
? IXasor Cstcl mmumA
LdaT JCf. i 'ji bm at Cb.caa I
hi- -wimI md - CIaanitJBcaa 3L
iCinwiotuS. rrtk5a.a!al
aadaur !! a Cacaawl
Lawn Fence
Iron or -artra.!
e-jneterj; poolar
r-3cr rr2i. i
W- N. U Otnaha.
"SaSa a . .aany .a
Bw ianaa."gcigSdraaaaa4 aWM
... -
- i
. si
- .j
. . 3
i H