SK- -V H 6Z--r- -wst1 "7& .? J ;St V S'J.i, " " s rs- ' yr i -4" -. Hi'iJjS r ' T. -X. . ..Y. .;jl. .r -&.- .. sS L 4' kiCsInmonslenraal. I V Ft r I O .ss i- "iHHiHHBIHHHBHiBHIHHBH entiaiuKKitMK. JSEaaEvaerfcmr SATURDAY IS DEMONSTRATION DAY AT OUR STORE. " jet received a laize assortment of IX-EE-SEAL Trade Mark Goaan from the KBHEY MSSUTT ilft. who will send aDemoc etor to oar store Saturday, to demonstrate the Cleanliness. Goodness, Ojaaaaaas end Saperior OnaIity-o these goods, and you will have an op jurtnaily of asaiplxafr sew products. la aad yoar friends are cordially Invited. way aot be comfortable 1 Life is too coos: stove or range when zt costs you ine oar liae of -JEWEL and -QUICK VFATr Gasoline Stoves, which are safe, economical, do not" get out ot repair, produce a hot blae flame and are excellent bakers Pncer Refrigerators! hard service, the first coat of the Eefrigerator is rrfrtfng- compared with the amonat you pay out for ice to keep it running during these fifteen sum mers. XowT isn't it important that you should purchase one that you know by oar proof aad demonstration to you is an ice-saver, the circula tion perfect, the air cold and dry ? The ALASKA and HEBRICK will do all we riaiTi for them, and more. you that is sew and untried. We know ing In oar homes. We know what they are doim? in oth er homes. Prices from Including' wood lined, enameled lined and zinc lined. Minneapolis Feeds'Japan with" WOE SAM ALWAYS MIS -j r&th3z gating I aria"" 31 yJk f .afciBjBBsawBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa'B l snsTi5iB'i i irftaajihstis5STHPMBMilBrtis- HBBBBBBBBBBsSsWanBBBl wSjhw9BEltvBBBBBBBWaLxaT'BBSimW'fe J aSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlSBBBBBBBBj SBfi 'JS1 BlNMiiBBjifSBBaBBBBBBlBK PB" fl'' "'"BwV'BBlW5laaaBSBaaaaaa5nBaal fcwSm L I Pillsbury's Best xxxx Flour -"Tid by the largest mills in the world at ilinnenpoiis. limn. Slakes more bread and more of it than any brand of rionr. See that "Minssapous, Mixs. is printed on every sack of Minneapolis iiour. Per sack. $1.45. r We Have Bcd-lBua Droof Sloven U3irc Springs SAME PRICE AS OTHERS Henry East Eleventh Street III IM" . .'VI -y t'mr-: TINWARE FREE ! ! FOB THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS Rothleitner & Co. t t Will Accept This CtshCfwtn 2XS Cm-mI pric prt-nlrti t t CCT t this fcer! m injwjriiientonanyaBrticleofTiiiwareonoiir t ihelves. GUT OUT THIS COUPON and bring t it in with yon. It is the same as CASH! Oae Coapoc and 4i buys a 35l00 Peoria Peerless Creaat Separator - - - 2.40 - :10I) One-feoraer Gasoline StoT $ . - - -SO - L)Wash.oiler. - ' " JO - J Oil Can. His iff is pii 1T GUARANTEE erery article y 1 I AUAWX. 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : : i : i : : : : i 5 ??22z& a " gsaaw " I .mamas fmaa.aL gfesaggSsaVaiagsv Gasoline in rummer costs no more than coal tijec short to be sweltering- over a hot no more to be comfortable. Exam $3? As a good Eefrigerator ahoald give fifteen years or more of We are not springing something on what thev are do $10? HerBesf Roul a Few Gass CUT CASH COUPON. Mrrl for SO Par Cmmt Ob? tiu purciiaw f any arncl of Tiawarv in imr ton? if an or brforv Jaa 1L. ISO. BBBBBUBBBBBBr ft iU BBBaBBWWBl BJK BBBb , CCT THM nif SaMf km lit. we aelL We HTJST reduce oar 1VAW. Mrr t TE JUaX VK3J1 nT1-.,.--..-H, - m,-.immtmm. -g-BTBan -"-i assTiaasssssaTai i iim a si aaai n a as Bsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa B3?ycg!a;ggi . laj-.awii.w.wiggaiMBww m .-gj ma0s-mjmftmmmm--u ae&fc m-iee. DnPal, ProtSike. Tresk aMrtter Milk at tke J. Z. EriaK i arSilrer m Walssfi iriiitt Tisited f ri iIit asB s Do aot fail to saw iaadataalKUIarfaSJt. JLDtMAaV tf Editor Pratt of tka Attonay O. H. ler was is towa to Darid City. HouaewiTss wioaiaff to hsra bread masi ase STAT UP FliOUE. Try it and be cooTincad. Attoraey F. K. CvakatBaam si HaaiBhreT i ia tn ilir district Xri. George 9paar aad 'War "mlulk laawitliiwi naliiaaj tn k taa sfi nf n Caaraa Mrs. Heary CxoaatBf; was a gwmt of Mr. L. G. Ziaaeckaca few days lBcSv6irv af C. 0Ltaa of Moane. ia aad family the f tfeocgB Sail while ooaaty tastitate. Mra. F. H. rerday aftexaooa ia Kaalerof Dm Joaa Schram of Seattle. Swift s Pride Soap. r a lot of Iees wash-day worry. It cleans and soft ens without in aay way injuring the fabric Sold every whara. Miss Ida Iaab froa aorta of Moa roe, was the gwast of Miss Loaiae Daris Satarday oa aer ratara from the Wealsyaa UaxTcrAty Liar-pin, The Nebraska Teacher aars that Miss Grace Clark, a former CohamaaM yonna; lady who has beam a raarasr ia Pierce for asTeral yeara, will take a special coarse ia tae state aniTeraity the frrmiag ysar. A sadden risiaa; of tae Lamp riTtr aboat seren o'clock Friday sveaiac caased aaaenaea aloag the baaks to scatter saddenly. It ia said that ia leas than a half hoar the water filial the river to its banks. Miss Katie Maher of Pkute Ceater accompanied Miss Elm Vicaers of Virgiaa City, Mnamaa last week as far as 'Colambaa oa her way home. They were the gasstu of Mam Xaama Kersenbrock while ia the city. Mrs. A. M. Gray received word met week of the death of George Tayaar, well kaown in Colambaa as the esa of J. S. Tylor. Mr. Taylor died of mountain fersr ia a hospital ia Mis soula, Vnarsaa, after oae week's ill- Jacob Zinaecker, jr., aad son Georae of Gresaaeid, Ohio, arriTed. here WedaeadaT for a three weato Timt with Jacob Timwrkwr aad family. They together with Mrs. 7isai i ist, left Satarday for a short That to rehv tires ia Osceola. The horaes of Poaschel, mahaori aad Dowell which have basa aader qnarantiae for smalrpnx for sareral order of Dr. Maxtya, eity phyakaaa. light mru ao aew cases have de veloped. J. L. Lake of Crsatoa was ia aswa sereral days., retarraiag has Mr. Ike was assessor for towaship aad came dowa te his books to the proper He says the work of the ao small task aad he ia glad he has compssted his part, which took ia all farty-eerea days. Mr. sad Mrs. Wau Vatkaadcaildrsa left for Oolambas taday where they will saake their home after an assay years here ia Scaaylsr, as that ia a better poiat for aim ia his work as traveliaar "salssmaa, ewiac to rail- read farilities wish them well ia Scaejier Free Taara Mr. aad Mrs. & M. Braaar of Caey eaae, Wyo., were gaasm of Mr. aad Geo. A. Scott Maaday ea their l horns from a ssa slays visit so Hewitt of Shelby. will be Dr.Gistxa damta, mr PaJltka dracBton. flBBBjiag wttfc Bswssssj JCasasBa-aBB saas? vsTasasat i,zl ra ivja --BBt,wa.waBBBBwBsa -swws - ., ' V "w r f " m ' La fsw days. PcCa rTPlat hosaeepataic Dra-Martyc, Evaaa, Geer, Martya Jr omee three doors Priadhofs atore. Myrtle Parker of G isvisitiagher J. J. Sallxvaa. Thm Taraer left Xharadsrr for t atmad the saauter term of school, aad F. W. Hrrick are at- the state ooaveutwa ox tat Grace T aerie of Kirkarille,. Tkarsday on a two weeks visit to her sister. Mrs. Bw. A. Tallier. Speice retaraed home Wedaesday from Creston, Iowa, where she has beea employed aa a mOliaer. Mrs. Babe Xisco of Lodge Pole af R- T. Iosco yesterday retara home from a visit Mrs. Bay Kacoa returned lasr Wed asaday frem a two weeks outing, har iag visitea her mother aad other rela tives in Harwell, Hebrasaa. The Temperaace Alliaace will sive a social aezt Tuesday evening at the of H. Hockeaberger. An iavi- is ezteaded to the public to at- Captaia J. S. Kilian who baa been !erred from the Philippines to St Loais. is expected to visit Colnm- e time the latter part of thismoath. Clara Heal aad Miss Price, of : the city between yesterday, on their way to Graad Islaad to attend the State Sea day School eoaveation. E. C. Halm expects tu be down town before amny weeks now.' Mr. Halm baa beea confined to his hoats since Febraary -29, aad his friends will be glad to see him at his old place in the Halat dry goods store. Case. Mills, of Columbus, came over last week far a visit with his brother R. A. Mills. He is a painter aad paper hanesr of that city and en joys a good business. He returned home Monday morning. Osceola Re card. Mrs. A. S. Hollingshead and three children have returned to their home in Gaaado, Texas, after a visit to relatives here. Mrs.HoUingshead is a daaghter of Wm. H Mips Ethel has been Irving withher grand parenrs the past year attending the city A week from next Sunday. June 36th, excursion trains will be run from. Colambaa to Fremont where the from, all over the state will aad take up a mission coilec- tioa for the orphaas home in that city. A large crowd, will probaniy go from Coinmbaa. Keider aad Winkler, saloon keepers at T larisBT against whom a complaint a lied for running a slat-machine ia Tiossrioa of law, appeared before Justice Curtis last Friday. They waived eaamiaatioa and were bound. over so the district court, furnishing a boaiLof W0 for their appearance. Rev. Miamftr weat to Lincoln Sat arday oa business connected withhis ffbar-H TiwHiilan Delia and OUie far St. Louis, ReT. Miessler them in Omaha. The two yoang latues will remaxn an summer aad will be joined in Seoteziber by their parents who will return home with these. The frieadVof the family of CoL M. Whitmoyer will be interested to learn that iavimtions have been issaed for the ssarriage of his daaghter, L. Claire Whitmoyer of Bloomsburg. to Dr. Joseph J- Reif - of SfXBntnn. PennsylTaaia- The wedding will be solemnized oa Jams 30, at the home of Miss Whit- meyarB- grandmother, Mrs. TTeldoc, witt whom she-has made her home. Ward was received here today that Mxa J. C Morrisey, of T.inrs.'a, aa eld tiaw resident of Coluarbes. died Taaatar eveadac. The Lincoln Jour nal stated today that she died in St. Elisabeth's hospital, where she had beea far several weeks, saff sring with aease braia troable. The remains will be broaaht to Colambaa this evening over the B. & M., bat as yet further for the funeral are not Two children of the Morris- eys are baried ia the Colambss cem- Itiaaaapt atyiag that we most go away fium home to learn aboat oar awa ecaatry. The Scbisnki Teacher aayer "Itmayaot be-geceraly kaown mill west af is located as JFebraafeBw At the ureaest atpat is S0O barrels a day. it is asaca above that, its fall saaaeiry beaaa; 1,.50 barrel a day. Maay aar loads are wirped oat each weak, a large portioa being billed sanet so Laaasm, Liveraeol aad ether . JL Haicnt, John two Cat haaas with the Ziaaaraaer ajgy a ga Fwgack'a ami " FMek'a. . - r " " - L. . r . A. ITIH asW hast vsaakv mwassssBaT Kcbbbw visa maattvaa. 5 Hsaean ar r a. - - aaawalsssam asssasBi Amaaiaasaa a. north of caw- to aassl aa bbbt oaaMBsI uaaaaa asss waaa. j, coBvaasmau aaav saaaaa smaaar acaiassaiwaa - - asswa famaa- maaamw- aam BTBaaawaMsl Otawm t BsBBkBasF - - a Vam assamv TaWaawT mm IsaWam fhiawaMV Se SBBtsjsBBt lBBaSB kAbgjaajpjpakaaasaasBBmws TaVjfaVjSFVEVMa aaaswawmz asmmmmrnvj irwrnfm Bmysm warwmmmaj laWaa msm Warn Haf What m! Way, the V? JJ1'1. J"5 l?" ? STATUP IIUsVaaaaaBTChtwawMi '''' J Jwaaamaa. EoUerMflls. Gariald Chrha Fern aad t wH t tii etm flakv waaaaaaa waaa aa ussaasaaa xaaxaaay art. .. ... - aaa aa saaaaa aaa raaarai ox jsmauaa jl aer- j M Tasstaar bar aaathar. Jba. . " " " " ' fassBmOBaVw sT as arT aiss 'a3aasBBaaa4 waWawawsssfc vFL VV . HwCP 4Vb( OawaBBBBBBaaV aawaVsam aaVV' "a , - leave ailbia a sear days far atrip BsvwavS aSwawaaaaaaT waTawsasl Aaa aaVBeaBwaawHswaBafaSBBaVsaTy m Viaa Xtkel safaWaaaL Qwatsmwaty flsaaaaattasastf M r6aBBaaaasst SBjgaSfMat staaaVwaaV sBBBaaamaMtasB "a "ft affaWwaaMBTam aavaBwaaasf aW UsaaasaawT Wva - If If T 1 m n '"I - - - 'hi afasr a That to has Iga wihaase 5 XmasaZmaaaatT ftaaaBam OwaaasaTVaBV WaavWaTC awaM ami ""niaT1'1' amsraa af aaa Giria Safarm SchooL WBS w. -- - i. aasa wm saas mmmwm wu wcbbjb . 1 j w- rOT mm Ymamw har laasMTeB. - ' Maaai leste -" . T "TT Smith, ef Dae Maiaes "'" ! w jjj laalssjaadasw telepaaae waare taey 1 isissn suce mat weaase- fcBihtaas; a aew D. W. Zeaier aad dsamatar. Miss Aomay BfcJBaai ZaMssfmaW? ml mmsBBammJasama stimW aasaaaCaBBBaa'S bsbTSsbsb swaaaas Aassvaaaaak aaa aBsaaBaaamaBtmBBfs waasav BBBBBBSjaaswaakm aalsml 1 nasaTs CaWTJa . - - - - ? - AixswavaaaTf - aaOsaaXaUBav XaaV Bsbbb BVaBBsQaaBBBvXaasBBB Miss PsarlFramaaa af Pmtse Caatar ia visitiar her naaaaarsaaa. Mr. aad ia a lew waaha stwi TtaadiTT. has elaasd.aer schoaL aear Hamphrey aad has goaa ta her hoeseasar Silver Creak. Arthur Cbaa, srseher of Rer. Caea, York aad Harvard Epiaaapal ehareaaa. Geat laer. who was abxmbar eaaler in Geaoa for assay yeara, was ha Co lambas Mammy sa-raase to Seattle, where he aad his aaa will eaaage ia Mrs. S. A. Araaaley day frem Sseckville ia the eoaaty If ext week she will go ta ta iastmet in DoraBabcock, Mamie Elliott. Earea Margaret Xanmaan will crowd who will party at the home of O. J next T.tiachamaf Iowa, arrived a the citr of G. T. Everett for After lea-viae; here M: aad his family will go a two weeks. visit to Europe. Charles Wake of St. Edward took his soa Charlie home from the Co lambas hospital yesaarday. The boy had undergone aa opsrafina of a serious aatare bat had recovered sufficiently to warraat his resaovaL Mim Elisabeth Grand Islaad this m xa state Saadey delegate from the schooL of this city. Rer. the Rsptist charch will 1 of part of the Rudolph aad bach returned where they have school far the deaf. was the fortunate trip to St. Loais scholarship. She will sjo ta St. in September. Mrs. Carl Rhode was limtid to a delightful sarariae by lasc week. While aha waa ia Xor- folk viaitiag, Mr. R. W. Saley to pat a $550 f piano ia their hosnev The piano is said to he eaeaf ti peasive ever ordered ia Arnold Slffeler aad Gattii lost a awmber of eattle by last Saaday were in were all found lyiae; dead aaa barb wire feace ia a raw. Mr. Hi flast foax head which aaaiastligataiaria ths Mataal Omaha. aVCo- tae Will: tfty Tan i ueisBjEie rwst, Hedwig Seema ay frem Omaha Mmi Hadwic givsa far gaed Harris aad Effie C la., teaching are in They week. people liae aorth aad the farms of Held, hOag, aad others aad Colfax eoaaty. Ysasa Smtasr aaa resigned her masxc store so take enact teaey. aad will leave with her mother for visit to Chicago and other cities. C. L. Lead the proprietor of the Oaiambaa Plsmhaf mill is successfally eampetias; with Omaha maasfsi rsinm ia his has, aad the dtizsas hardly realise the re aerify of this iadastrr. Apr. 27 tf Ed Glaak retaraed home Thursday Culver. Iadataa, where he is a On hiswayhoeae ha viaissd ia Chicago sad Sc Louis, rssaaiaiag oae week in the lastar place with his regimeat. Iaimtlaaa are eat for a aTsasington at the heme of Mrs. 8. C. Gray, at Z o'clock, Tharaaey, Jaae 16, in honor of Mrs. Kaahar af Dm Moines, Iowa. Gray, Geo. Tub am aad Arthur Gray A birthday narty'was givea to Mim yesterday afternoon. the foarteeath aaaiversary of her birth. Abeat tweaty-five yeaac uaapie aatheredat the home of her father, Fred Steager, far the oc- Colambas last He informed on June 9, ef well kaown to to Mim Maggie parties reside in y took place ia of domwarir happiness Good dicestioa makes Sweet teader, juicy akiad a sjeod digestion. Co- arder their meat at the "Live aad Let Live Market" have kind basbaailii aad their hus baade have aamll meax bills. Kersen barke Brack aad Phoae ao. tf. Spxlal tewiwerttwsi. After yon hare looked all around the the city, cease m sad see what a saving you can make by buying of us. Shirt Waists at 25c, 35c and 50c; finer ones m pcuaortioa. Summer vests at 10c. worth 20c. Maaia uaderwear, the reliable kind, made right, ao it is comfortable; prices all reduced. Hose 12c to 35c, re duced to 10c and 25c 35c Corsets at 25c; Toe at 50c: SL25 at 51.00. Lot of SEW Sample Shirt Waist Suits, Sepsv rate Skirts. Silk Wraps and Cravenette Casta at Jobber s Prices. F. H. LAMB Jc CO. To as dariag; the aar soa aad brotner, Thtawin we wish to express oar O'l O'Brien aad family. MONEY-SEED Mnaey is tae ased of money. Seed grows to servant. in fruitful Tavestate irst, then plant. A. dollar in your head will sever lad it. It will aonbis ia aboat thirty Tam ia tree of tea dollars, twen ty anUara, erfity dollars. TJyaa waatteplaaf afty dollars We wS saow yoa a riefa sell aad Itwattgxvayaaall mete relatuff SHBMly -naeaad ayUaeie Sass.'r y VTTSSZSOwky SswXX WVaBUCsaVFVlB JoaaEasdea waa in week visiting frisads. frieads of the marriage On! ma bus aaaale Tiiarnla Theproalam yiiiiiiiiiiitiniiiiimiMinuniiinttnMiHiM IHENRY RAGATZ S Gall ! A cwajdete -atocA: of Stopte wmA Tmwcj t" Rnvtonoe f!Maati ntsBBaawmaara faaaf TbbWbbbsL '. . We can ment and price. In every chase is not entirefrr aati cheerfally replace the moner. We aim to do a LITTLE we Dromise. This hut He a nre from modern metteomv bet it WAY. We carry tne tne city in hlCIl ClaWS OsssdBaBAmaemi CssWaasVasmm uMIIN riS Do yon know the and TEA business has ons proportions? It is plain. We gjre the J best value for the money. Quality always the best. t Flour! Flour! Fbr!i We have in stock: : ? Way Up Flour, Bed Seal Flour, Jewell Flour, Manufactured here in Columbus, which 1 has the reputation of mannfacturmgas good t a flour as any place in the' state. Your or- t ders will receive prompt attention, and will t make you mill prices in quantities. Minnesota Flour. We have the GOLD MEDAL brand, guar- t anteed in every way to be as good or better t than any other brand manu&ctured in Min- nesota. t DRIED FRUITS. I The many compliments we receive on J the quality and assortment of our dried fruits is highly pleasing to us. Our method of handling and displaying them in glass front fruit cases insures to our customers cleanliness and goodness. t 4" a eeeseeeeeseeeeeseaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa SUMMER SUITING STYLES! -a a m m. -a -a m -a -a -a a a ft ft ft ft i i' - ft ft a a -ft - - i Clothing Co. ft BaaaaaKi- ''4 BSSSSFr' -'JfcvA aassBBBB.s- 5xaMaWm maaaaaW-maam aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBwsspBvBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiLwk BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasBn' y Smaaaaaw tar Vwlilsi BssmaafaW'r -mmwaa. WtSMTi'lMJ aaaaaa imWmf PjaaaaawwF lf9af l!sfl3 ar 9 -TiJBT aaaac Tm laM 1 fsK m u.?: SB-SB m--?- waPW afS VIP sFa IPa f fcTaa- 9a9r mbsssBBsrr aTaaasK 'vaTrsf St"W 'mSaasa J. H. GALLEY tttitttssa You are Respectmlly Invited to look over Our New Spring Goods. OU3 CLOTHING is made up in the best of workmanship, latest styles, perfect fit and lowest living prices We oner you real bargains. : : We keep everything that's good in the GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS line in great variety. We call your attention to our complete line of Tbej are epeciallj made tbr us of the best material by- the foremost manufacturers of the country ami -we sell them bo hirher than. Inferior hoes are sold for. : ; z z t r z We Kf pair Skees Nfiily aa! Piifflr FRISCHHOLZ BROS., 411 Eleventh St, aamtmwV'TOwl iat OVsalatT. asssKaTw- U lActorr. ww will X goods or largeat X iwditwl dsnvi- X ntOITE Mm f6itiHiS-i reaaon our OOFFEK reached soch Gold Dust Flour, Bride Flour, Corn Meal Graham, IT PAYS to give them your attention and to look sharp' to see that you are get ting the really correct new things of the sea son. FRIEND Hand Tailored CLOTHES offer yon correct and authoritative versions of the season's favor ite styles. They insure a purchase satisfac tory from every stand point PRICE STYLE SERVICE DURABILITY a -a a -a a 505 Etas Strut COLINIIS, KM. t ' -3l T ' ' V . -