'V !&: . r i-&'"i3 &wttev 7ir-Ai j Hi r . a --at a. i .- v t- -t. i v - .---' - - tj r !.; -i ' vi?i-'. -Ti.Li3'ij;-.i-i,'v. n r- -t-! wvr.- ,t--"i.T2""arst.ij' -i:' ". - - - .' i ? 'i tr rr jcfiu -?: t.L . . ,. -,, z -i':xr" - 'v-immmm &.&:&.- - .. r . -.,,' . 5- . i- -' if ---Mgj; -a?,-. v a a . - :: - ,--., . - v ' 'V :k f-3i. imfii- .; t? ' ' v - ir'l-' tJP " U'-, . i L '! K- . i;-:- --; ". fe? . . Amf2 w ?: 2rS " ,A iA . Fa A fBBBano. awksM V" k - . . . . S . 7 "'"MMBMiMMMiM.MMM S3 . - -. .-.-. ' ? z .- i iti i i . . . f . -. i -c?Te v r -?:- - .. s )) lUOfeTCPHHKiaC M itliM an mm Ib the npiaac- C ia siMiwj kilta. Haviy Wilka of BaheM waiia Oo IbbiInw Moaday with a laai of fat It l mow up ta taa nat af taa car Hm to write aa aay oa kiadag baaiai. & Sahniaer of 'Shall Greek hat tmdmg hia faitaia aa bow ithacticht. Natwithataadias taa heavy iai , maay fanaen wan la taa felaa aaltivatias oa Moaday. -. The tallest com to be eeea oa oar roate te that beloaipoc to Mr. Hefel aager ca the Earaat farat aeoat three Btilea north of ColaaibBR, beiair aboet'tcu Inches ia height. Beheet Kia The fall rye is all headed out aad looks lae. aa does also the fall wheat which Is Jast co BteaciBK to head. The alfalfa looks fiae aad will sooa be ready to yield the fret crop of the seaaoa. J. H. Wilke has sold his fat cattle. We did aot leara the price reoeired Mr. Wilke was ia Colambas Satarday aad took oat soaie lamher which ia dicates that he is still addiaf to the improremeatfl on his fsna. We met a aamber of fanners on their retara home frost Oolaaibas 8atarday. Sobm of then caaje a com siderable dlstaace to trade with Oo lambas saerchaats. AaMna; the aauiy were E. Bass aad E. M. Newawa. The bad roads have beea exoeediac ly tryiafj oa the awil carriere, or at least oa their horses, for the last two weeks. Carrier on Roate No. 1 sag Kests killiag off the weather aw, bat 1 am afraid that woald be like the little boy said aboat the promised whipping, it woaldn't help matters mack. Gerhard Basohe. oae of the mott prosperoas farmers of Boheet, has ' parohased a fine family carriage aad we are told that it is a beanty. Mr. Baeche appareatly believes ia enjoy ing life as he goes along. Wm. Bate, a Bear aeighbor of Mr. Basche's, fol lowing the example, also takes his family ia a braa new' two-seated carriage. The carrier oa Boate No. 3. the al leged writer of the article parportiag to answer ns on oar opiaioa of kissing babies, mast have allowed some fair damsel to influence bis pen. At leai t there seems to have beea a mistake in the application of the text. We wee imply trying to defend (he bablet against false aooaaations, aad aot kissing them. The "sixteeaers," as they are styled, we will agree, are amply able to take cere of themselves, as might have beea seea by reading between the lines in No. 2's reply; aad, althoagh it seems we strack a serve, we hastea to assure the readers that it was far from oar iateations. iNtlS. Oolambas. Neb., R. F. D. No. 3 (OorreapoBdeaoe) J. H. Bissoa of this Roate was visitiag friends on Boate Ne. 2 Sunday. K. H. Smith is arraagiag to attend the opening Ivt the Rosebud reserva tioa, aad secure himself a farm. D. L. Braen. the popular mayor of Ohtaaasath. who is a shepherd aa well aa a poultry fancier, passed over thin roate Moaday morning oa hia way to market with a load of wooL The township officers of Shell Oreek, iadadiag Supervisor Olother, and Haary Baokenhas aad soas, are to be commended for their prompt actios ia repairiag the road after the reoeat We asderatasd that there is a sur prise for the carrier oa this roate sooa. We have been told to enquire of B. a Rodehorst and Peter Schmidt for fall particulars. We trust they ala't workiag to have the carrier's suspenders cat. Several of the weedy paatarea are being brokea up this summer. With mad ao rapidly increasing ia value withia the last two or three years, farmera are lnding that they cannot anora so net oae cow save two or three acres for pasture, as of yo'e. Tame grass paatarea are a necessity. Mrs. Boon Papeahaaeea left Friday afteraaoa for an extended trip east. 8he goes first to Newcastle, Pa., to attead the weddiag of her soa Paul. From there she goes to Rochester to visit relative after which she wiU visit her daughter ia New York City asd Boston. Mim Martha will keep house for her father during her aaather'a abeeace. Oora caltivatiag begaa is Meaday morning. The gaact alaiat ia s lighi atsad,aad every avail able man, woman aad child oa differ eat farms are replaatiag. 8mall graia i lookiag fine. We aotice ia eome places where rye has come ap thick is the winter wheat, the chil drea are going through aad aalliag it est as it oaa easily be distinguish ed bow. Is thte way. where thte ia beiag dose, the aeed will he para. Taa Imtberaa aaaooUE. B. olosed teat Friosv. beiag made to have a pioaioof the patroaa of the at J. H. Rodahorst'a craves. m the etemesta were eemewhat for each prooeedisgs, it decided to meet ia the soaooi spleadid by the of to which did "Natural Baa v mas. J. F. ssaaald hia las to,Haary Fittja af Grand Prairie v aaaahar. aaasta were I rt-- staassasi ar the aohooL TSara wm mmwWm'm w as-.. -u.. . . --- mij.. Te - - -. bV ... r - asi aaaaaaasce ox rsfreeaaaasca sues ne '... mw ., ,-, m .a & js sratseaa wsawsef. tss ssaieitssBwd tFi'vez ssr aawrai nai -nana, j. st. .i .. asaam, ,is as ejrsesaas taat It will be - Basjwsra ). aaassaiy. bbj bbj & .- swaaaa.aaaaald h& tss.iara, aflat "T."'?"' . . iaraa-lMonhariaafr days' JSJ2r I "" I r one WWi assasaaIlaasy Fittja afGfBsdEialria t.I"?T1i "" Qaite a aaamber of oar aitfassa at- oTtala tSTsw af haarwa. noi. B-Yeaet Foa- i. the atost oa ?zm jy1. woaaalcaatwHssi beiag 9M Mr " " tesded tss base hall ansaa at Haanh. ! ate, a Mssry PaaUo ia sss f or wssJaasss aad beat oi yeeel ', hr Skpm af .). AM abwh. wars ataaeat st ray a. the ffth as. wtdaasai STwry gM .qhwX . aad --see of aaak, hops,Sf H -'-v sfc swaawwiU aM gire l .ilu, theaaossaly sjeetfcsg of taa Laaaaa good asaat, the BBaraMag twoto 8? J- .'"".'lyHPsijl Mas, ether tit.tiML iagredi--f 14? & Swl BKtag. Ba ..r. is the AiasVasaty. aathaksaaarfsfa. J. J. SSbIss- JtrZZZLlZ liarie aaaat aasl 9Swart J ,., it ,. ..,d by M. . k . ' Mail aswiU leak far a aeair- Wiiaai u Inst Tasiadsy reaert a ds- TTa has sin alas -' -- ' " - y-- " t H WZZZZLLlLZZ'M && ' -kZaTalataaa iai "' - Ra.; will lasssfsl ttsts. z, .. m Pwj ai tJL fssarssssst mmM SW aoBgharsoloaT. i 'T ! !ftirallBJSBg?gy-gi: .T.1"111" " P-"' "1 ' 9 f lw aaaisaaaBsst7saaWsssd.i tsaisas asaad'-aa : mm&z..- .TkALJjjg -i. . m ggT: . . .- . --? "f assssj saiaasaasr af jatltal Meads; saw. ,Fg" '"y" ? !: , ,-f WaaarwHRlsBl YEIST aaL I MWEalr$ "" l- jdBBBBBBBBWasV-SMHHPPP 9 WsWEf SBSBW BSbsSSSSBsT wIwwBBSBBSSbT SBBB BBSBBBbVsB I bVsbAsSbwBW bWwSBBBBBBBBBBBB aVBfiYLVBaTAAfawiBw. aaa I WMbbSSSSSW- SBbV SBBSBBSBw SwBSasI BsBBBawSawal Mswl aBBBUawBauawaaaaUBrWaaBaBUS BSBSBBIBJ BBSJBS BBBBB) ( BBBBBBBBBBBBvSBKSESlak 4 T?it- BBBBBSBSa flBBBBsl SBBBBBBHSBMaSB" dBBSVa avBJwSSBBal BaBBBpBa SsMi I WaPssVB B BBBBBBBBsl SBBBSBBaw BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB SSSBBBaBBSSSasV I BaaaBBBSnTwSBUnasBt "tJMttfJll IBBBBsBk - 'sffaww.awA SSa " ' wB'5aT sHbIbS) wBSSwV SSsJbSW WaraaTarsVaaV & Ljjjj-apjj. SHHHB .aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl W BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEe'Tvf';! V !-" mWm BBC. JUSS , IIIBHJ mil 1 . -SJBJBSBSBSW- . JVfJBTIl taa ait aat as his toaaaator aad weaker will laalaka Ida eatire ataaaMaa. baarml have ao time to leek after BMfacns, ami he asys it ta lalaaseiale aa mwaaaa who wiUcoa dact his farm ataamiy wlaaaat .per aaaal aad aaaataat evaralght Mrs. Biems' health alee Urns nils a eaaage. Oolamaas ta fartnnate ia hariag each people aa Mr. aad Mrs. ' Steam to aeoosse their citiseas. ' Oohumaaa. Near., B. F. D. Ne4. (Oorreaeoadaaoa. ) Thte raata atattad Jaae 1, aad promises to have a large boxes every day. Station ageat Weber was la Col baa yesterday oa baataesa. . Mr. aad Mrs. A. K. UsmpasU. were Oolambas visitors Satarday. Pat Murray haa qaite a large fbroe repmstisg his large laid of eon. ' JoaaQaiaa'a saw hoaee is aboat comoleted and he expeota to move fa te it aooa. Heavy raia last week has dsamgl crops over the bottom leads, eepootel ly the cors. MimFaaaie Geer of Oolambas was the guest of Mrs. J. O. Dawaoa rthe Irst part of the week. Road overseers are kept busy re pairiag bridgea aad calverta that were washed oat by the high water. Miss Blaache Dawaoa of Oolambaa ia visitiag her aaat asd uaole, Boyd aad Mim Jeanie Dawaoa, the teat week. John 8itaenaaa asd family of Lin cola have the coatraot for dolag the work as'A. J. Beokwith'a sugar beets this year. The beeta are a good stand aad are looking flae. Moaroe (Oorresposdesoe) O. E. Smith is enjoying a visit from hia mother and sister of Albioa. Oliver Magsaeoa transacted business ia Oolambaa Moaday. Bora to Mr. asd Mrs. Joseph Glea soa Tharsday a daeghter. Mr. H. J. mUaad iafaat daughter were ia Oolambas Moaday. Sheriff Uarrig was ia Moaroe Fri day aftersoos trasaaotiag social bnai- MarahaU MoWilliama tranaaoted baaiseaa ia Boose asd Albios Friday asd Satarday. A. Douglas, formerly of Moaroe but sow of Oolambua, ia Is New York called there by the serioas iUaam f hia father. W. E. Oole, HardiBg Daalaa, M. Falter aad Madams W. A. MoWil liama aad Emma Barmaa were paaaen gers oa the aoon traia east'&atardsy. J. A. GteaeoB who waat to sTasma last week wiU ba followed by hia family ia a short time. J. A. is to be employed by the Uaioa Pacifio railway oompaay. Mim Abbs Patter who has beea at tending the Normal ia Fremost hia year retaraed hoaaa oa Satarday aad will ia a short time be aworaia aa E. E. MoWilliama was up from Oo lambaa Wedaeaday to visit relatives aad friends before starting for Louie teas where he has a position aad will aaake hia future home. Mr. aad Mra. R. A. Viokera of Vir giala City, Moataaa are visitiag relatives aad reaewisg old acqaaia taaoes here this week. Mr. Viokera was Moaroe's lrst draggtet. An effort ia beiag made to raice mosey to complete the spire of the Presbyterian oharch whioh ia ita preeeat incompleted eneditioa ia de cidedly aaaightly. After the regalar aervioee Sunday moraiag over $100 was raised by sabeoription. Mim DiUoa who has bees assisting ia the postufflce for several moatha has resigaed aad Mtea Lacy Potter ia again assistant. Mim Dillos went to Oolsmbss Tharsday for a short visit with frieade before etarting to Deaver Oolorado where she expects to spend the summer. A number from Monroe attended the Holliaghead-Oole election coatest trial in Oolnmbaa Monday. No deoi alos was reached owing to the fact that the attoraeys were obliged to be preeeat at a marder oase trial ia Ful lertOB Tharsday. All the evidence was pro aad ooa aad the case will ooatiaaed before Ooanty Jadge ia a few days. Both of the ooatestants are ooafident of a BBVorable decision, asd some one is very apt to be paiafally surprised. District 44 aad Yicinity. District 44 aad Yiclsity. (Oorres posdesoe. ) The farmera aeemed to he assy all teat week cleaning the mad from their shoes, bat Moaday a determiaed commencement ia caltivatiag corn, which begins to look green with weeds, asd the oora backward. Robert Oresup sad sister Nina of Richland speat the Sabbath with frieade oa the aplaad. Mr. aad Mrs. V. B. Steveaaoa of OoUazapeat Sabbath aftarsoos with relatives ia thte district. Tas namily of J. H. Driaaia ex BaataMtea Winnie SeweU of Tyro, L T., to arrive eeoa asd soead the obHobm saa asatoooa. He oa the Tslasd. ssd ia to keep oaa of hia a ohiokas oooo. Hiaasit ia that of a sscisg me 4, 1904. (Oor aad Platte Valley lot of raia If it seees't let sp aoaa. we will hats a lot of oora are weed oat ' Pasty Haaey eaaght hi tfaialag him aaajSawaaa-aal WnlLOreTashaa lag oars, if the rows they weald New if yoa ansa little matic yoa will aad that ha has a feM ifO rods sqaara or let) acres. ;Mr. Oravaa reeeivaa maoh prates from ate neighbors I or doing aa maoh work all Manas lemte M: S. Mosroe. Hsb., B. F. D. Ne J. (Oorreepoadeaoe)-Mim Balk Laggatt ia etayiag with Mrs. A. fTatta this aak. Das Ooaroy ia workiag far Mr. Wil- B. M. Walker was ia Gesoa Satar day. W. H. Pagsley waa ia Moaroe Moa day. Mrs. Eaaeraoa was s Gssss visitor Taeaday. Farmers have commeaoed oaltlvat- ingoora. Oliver Magaaaeoa baa bees very ill this weak. Mrs. Weight of Illiaois is visitiag at Mr. Fellers'. Baa Baker waa marketiag hogs ia Moaroe Moaday. Alfalfa; oa sooosst of. the weather, will be very heavy thte year. Sobm of the sew bridgea pat ia teat week were washed oat by? the heavy raia Friday. sTsaree. leatenTe. 1 Moaroe, B. F. D. No.1 (Oorreepoa- desoe) Thomas Jones of Poetvilto la very aide There ia little hope of hia recovery. Mr. aad Mra. John Smith of Moaroe visited at Arthur Watts' Saaday. While raaaiac a oora shelter. Harry Hill had the misfortune to mash hia lager. Mr. aad Mra. Ed Potter of Silver Oreek visited relatives oa the Route last week. Harry Lamb aad James Tasmania atteaded the social ia Platte Oester Tharsday eveaing. Mtea Marios Lamb west .to Liaoola Moaday to visit relatives aad attead commencement at Westeyaa Dai versify. The maay friends of Mrs. Jobs Potter surprised her os her birth-, dsy by serving dinner st her house. All report a good time. Owea Parry haa oommeaoed work oa his 1,700 house. The Detmer boys are dolag the work. He expeota to pat op a tergs bara alao. Mtea Mary Oroaia otoaed her aohool is the Mayvilto distriot teat Saturday. A picaio diaaer waa aarved at the school house and all the little folks had a merry time. Crestea. Oreeton (Oorrespoadeaoe. ) Dr. Morrim ia iskisg care of Dr. Moat gomery'a praotioe at Madlaos tale week. O. F. Beam was la Omaha thte week oa baslaeea. . Say. have you aeea Dr. Joaea "aew hat?" It ia a bird. Prof. Whitehead retaraed home from Chicago oa Friday. E. A. Joaea aad T. B. Alderaon ar rived home from Chicago oa Thars day. Our assessor, Mr. Lake, ia a mighty good fellow, bat he ia gettiag very personal. Mra. E. T. ,Graham aadgraadma Morris retained from Oaliforaia Wednesday. Dr. Harry Monies will go to Wy oming next week for aa extesded visit with relatives. Albert iraasfiekl of Orsetoa phar macy spent a few days teat week st hia home in Arlington. One of our teadiag merehaata, Z. 8. Black, ia ob the sick list, havisg takea to hia bed Satarday. s Mim Gertrude Baslsff retaraed oa Wedaeaday from Hamphrey where aha had beea apeadiag s few daya. Oreetoa haa bees fortasste ia ob taining Compear F. Militia of Madi son for the Foarth of Jaly. There will be competitive drill battle at sundown. Platte Ceater. Platte Ceater, Neb.. (Oorreepoa desoe) Mr. sad Mrs. Mix riaited friends ia Wahoo a few days last week. Mim Daly of Lindsay ialted Mim Ada Bloedora a few daya las Mim Fraaces Baghee oomplated eohool in the Noonaa district Abble Grady sad Norah Lee of 8ohaylar are Tisiting relatiraa hare this week. Mr. aad Mrs. O. J. Phillips are asorias; to Bearer Crossing where they wiU reside. - ' ' Walter Bloedora, who has beesrat: tending school ia Dearer. Oolorado, retaraed home 8atarday evaaiag to spend his acstioa. Mim AUoe Hsghea waat to Norfolk astarday to ruit remUtsa aad at tead the Joint iastitate of Maaisoa sad Kaoz ooaatiea. Mim MeOoagh, who has aeea riait- iagMrs. Basses for the last three Baontha. left Tharadsy for her borne ia Eaa Oiaire, Wis. Mrs. Kehoe ia psttiag ia a stock of drags ia the baUdiag raoastly Taoatad by Dr. Page. Mim Taylor will re- amis ia caam ef the atore. The ice cream social girss by taa ladles of the Baptist oharoh oa Thars day eraaiBg waa well attended aad the paaaeede amounted to fa. 00. .Alargeforosof at work oa the miU iag thai osssage dose by Ittemraaotadthat it wiU ha ia rusajlBg order ia a few days. Qaite a aamber of oar eitfssaa st- hall asms st Hsmnh- af the arise disc ia of their with them to their g taslamll The Pugh stock of drugs, whioh recaaUy sold by taa Ptetto Coaaty Beak to Dr. H. A. ITanaaa of Columbus, asa thte week biea aaaked aad will be shipped U Bell wood, where Dr. Joss Haeeee, brother of Dr. H. A, will caa dset a drag store. Supervisor Clother iafonnasaa that the high water of last week took oat tea bridges ia ate district five of them beiag ia 8hell Greek towaahip aad two of them in Btemark township. They mn all smsll badges, being over elougbs or drawe. Tuesday morning St. Joseph's Cath olic church was filled with isvitedgneets to witness the mamas rereroony by Rev. Father Hjacinth which made Ben Bettertos aad 'Mmi Ella Agnee Dunn maa aad wife. Miss Nellie O'Hera of Omaha, aad Mr. James Hennessey of this place acted aa bridesmaid and groomsman. After the ceremony the weddmg.pariy proceeded to the fsrai home of the brides parents, Mr. and lira. "Martia Dana. . where a wedding bieakfast waa aerved. The bride haa lived her all here life and oaa safely coast all acquaintances aa frieade, whose best wishes go with bar. The groom is syoasg man who lived here several months teat fall, and ia a good meohanio. He had prepared a home ia Columbus, and there they have gone to housekeeping. to Haasaaaakara ia Bssssad Ail peraoaa who are oontemptetiasj to take a oassoo at the drawlag far pablio teada ia the Booaaaad reserve tioa ahoald by all manse proviie them selves with Nataraliaatioa papers, if they are aot 'aataral bora oitixeaa of the Uaited Statea or have sot beea pre viously naturalized. Uaole '8am is very etriot ia thte anatterand yoa oaa aot afford to take ehaaoea. Judge Holleaaeok will be is Oolsm baa oa Jaae IS, 14 aad 15 aad will great aataraliaatioa papers os these dates. All peraoaa who have pre viously takea , oat their papers, will folk aboat two moatha ago aad part of the paper read there will be used in the Saaday BMraiag dlaooarse. George M. Smith olosed a deal teat Satarday whereby ha becomes the owaar of Jeaa Nleteaa'a eighty-sere farm aoath of tows, the ooaaideratloa beiag $7000. Owiag to taa railroad running throagh the mad, there ia a trifle tern thaa eighty acres ia the tract, aad the smoaat paid meaas 90 per aore. However it ia ss ex oeptionally ass pieoa of tend, aad we believe Mr. Smith te forvaaate ia ss oariag it eves at ao high a prion. Mr, Nielses expeota to go toDaamark for a few months visit aad ha amy decide to reasaia ia hia aativa ooaatry. . . . Mrs. Pater Sohmidt waat to Colum bus Saaday ta visit her pareata, Mr. aad Mrs. Freak Laohait. Humphrey Demoorat ST. LOUIS AND RETURN SPE MIL EICWMWS On Mondays, Jaae 6th, 13th, 30th and 27th, the Union Pacific will run special Coach Excursions from Oolambaa, Neb., to St. Louis and return at the low rate of , $11.50 - Tickets will have final return limits of seven days, good only in day coaches on any .train, regular or special. Inquire of W. H. Bswhab, Agent. ARTICLES OF INOOBPOBATION. Know all 'bmb by these praaasta. That we. Frederiok H. Abbott and Stewart J. Kennedy, do aaaooiatn our selves together for the parpose of formiss ssd beoomisgs corporatioa aadar the Iswa of the state of Nebras ka, for the parpoaes hereissfter de scribed. First. The same of this oorporatioa be "Oolambaa Journal Oom paay". aad ita prisolpalplsoe of bati- be st Oolambaa. Platte uoaaty. MeDraaka. Seooad. The aatare of the basii to be tranaaoted aaall be, purohsstsg aad.operatiBg aewspaper aad job priatiag offloea aad all aeoemarr eqaipasent, pshliasisg sawspapara aad doiag sli kindr of printing aad work ooaneoted with ssoh basiaei to parohaee. grosnda, erect, parbhasa or lease sschlmildiaca as amy ba aeo- Third. Tn aathoriaed esDinai stock of this oorporatioa aaall ba tea thoa- dollars (fltLOWX) divided iato of one husdred dollars (SlOO.) to be aabaoribed aad mid sa re- qsirsa oy tne.Doara of direotora. Foarth. Thia oorporatioa aammaasa aa the, frit day of April laM aad boatUae far taa Dsriod of HafeBw.iTysara. . r. ruth. The HealBBss of the eorpera tioa shail ha oaadaotad ay a board of sirsotcra; aat ta axosM its is bar.' to be Blasted by the ataekaoldeni at their regalar aaaaal bsm until each Basetisg shall be hsM said snsrd ot directors shall ooasfet of H. .Abbott aad Stewart J. 8iy ta. The osaeera ot the' esrnors. tioa shall be saeh aa aaall aa praam ih ed by the by-laws. Thsy shall be ohnaaa by the hoard of dUreotora, aad shell ooatiaue ia aasoa far taa term of oaa year aad aaol their asnoaaa sleeted aad qaallsed. rJereata. Taa hishaat aaaoaat af ladahtadasia to whieh taiaooraoiatios asslBat aay tinae aabjeet itaeil aot exosedoashalf ita psld spaapital Eighth. The aaaaaar af atnokheldsi a' eotieas, the givlsgof aotiee ssd taa aaataodaf oosdsotlsg iailain aftae aarporatioa aaau as araaBiibad by bylaws to be adsaatd by ef direotora. Ia witaeaa whsraof . taa have hsressae sat their beads 'this day af Mare. isatV H. Oatamaaa, asd the beet sassy Meade ga 79 86 , 45 SO a004as 8J04 2 66S55 2a0805 OS 121 1S ewt. f ewt. . . Fat Vcwt atWa a:.i X0TICZ OF BALB UNDgg CHATTEL nMlSTBAHK. 1 wt J iMi teat br virtue of a smtil nmctaaei arnml on ttoSSadchref : MilMr.iaSL aadsaljalMlia the s of Imurtr Cktk of PUtU Cneatr. Nehnwka. thottSarof Dob hr. iaS,aod vwmtod on ta sassajer ascw ta Vorawt Cinioir- to Kawkoa a 1; i?aiin thetMrnont of the nm Boafeieitthrsto bow crm aaaortanjad dofaaK kaviac bB Bod ia tkm of aaMoBtt aad aoaait or 4ar uro- ooKuaa m law nana dcm ibmiibimi to n- ,eavar mat debt t aaj part Uiereof: thrrfir w w nt iw irojvry iNFrrui uncnunii u wM: OaoMararfllos foarlmfo Bnted Mlr MO.tS3SniiMlDlHewilk foetlrr nil flovklnr. n , aioaalMl ficht bontt Hml iw. r' No. 1U43 ,eooilW WHS FWwpr. bmtw. mh mtmI r-ry-thia aimallr bluninc t dakn h cmiptHr nhellcr outfit: one hmv l.r with wTiit f:.w. 7 yvani old, WMat NW itoimdM. callnl Nil. r wiMla dralod tup book? with thn:l tuid D. w thM momni, or Mairi H of ImnuMM, mm lt. inch wmlkiRK p!ow.bi wutkiox lirtt-r mil itrill at Dublin a ictinu t the hir of Hennr" "niir Hita5thia3rof Jaar.ltwi. in W-kIviII,. pr-.' Haet. Plattf' ewntj at Um hour of 2 o'clock lu Hm- aftrnooaof mud day. Dated Hay .HH. KNUDSONALARSEN. MUl'lOK or atUL oK.KKAL KHfAtK. Jfotoj w hMwr trivrn i h.t ia paraaaaeit of aa fataaka. JhIj afNlf i..ui .-iterod of rtconl oa narixiwuninn c im HI Cibiut c BBIT. na. iljr m-ftt' i..ui terod of rtconl ob ta laiiaaiia vibji.-x.-..i reonairy. a. . 1WI. iaa eartaiu aetioa ppmUna a aaiti cmrt whaiHa (wa)iu.-vr rebnatrx. A. P. mi. i AaalfJ'arrjr ia plajatiff; aad John H. Parry. May 'Parr j. Mary Hoctiaa, Itovid U Uaichtw. Arthar H. Parry. K0 Par y. OritSth Parry. D. Arthur Joaea, Jeaaie E. Jobm. Jauo Parrr, GriSta Parry aa caanliana of thu ataf of MUd D. Arthar Joaea aad Jeanie E. Joaa. ninon. K.H.WaMeniaadJ. G. Wads worth and H. F. J. Hockeab-rue-.. defoliant a, the aaderaiaaeil rafereeaiaaaid canaawill offer for ml to the aicaeat bidder at public aoioa at the front door of the court hoaae ia the city of Columbu , Platte coaaty. Nebraska, oa Moaday. the twenty, eevenlh (27th) day of Jane. IWI. at the hour or two (t) o'clock af UrniHo of eaid day, the follow iaUeaeribed mil entatn aitoated id Plattecoua ty, Nebraeka to-w t: The Bouthwret Quarter of Section Thirty4ae (31). ia TowHtiip Niae- aitth (th) Principal Mendiaa. and the Ewt leawtiF. nonM HanK'X'wo izi wr of tbe FnaciDal Nendiaa lnclailiiur thohnniMija.iaul dower riirhU tliereia of aaiil TJaae Parry, aubjeet ef $ and the iatereat tbereoa froat AprUl. Maatirer.)Dereeat.aiid alao aohvet t hZ cropaiaereoaaauawoineaae or eaid preariaea till the fint day of MarchriMB which an, re. aarted. DAVID THOMAB. HANSON 8 ELLIOTT. JOHN GIBBON. awySMt Rafereea. TAX LIEN FORECLOSURE. In the district court of Platte county. Nebraska. Eli A. Stoekelaner. p'aintitf. ra. Maria Hanaan aad Haaaea. whoee firat or Chriatiaa aareeix ankaowa. aad lint Four (4) ta block thirteen (IS) or Lorkner'a Pret Addition to tiliaaeot Haaiphrvy. Platte county, Nebnwkj. defvatiu ante. The above aaaied oVfendanta will take notice fbf oni.4,.h.dl? o( OIM ia4 thaaaderNirne pteiatiff filed iatbe oOce of the clerk of the e trictcnatt for Platte county. Nebraska, hia neti lioa, the objert aad prayer of which am to We eloae the Ilea for tazea levied apon Lot Fooe it ) iabloekthirteea(3)nr Lockaar'a Firat Saai Uoatoihevillaaeof Hnatphrey. Platte coaaty. NebraakafortheyearaUSS and 1861 to 18SS in! clnaiveof both aaMmntiBR to the ana of $5.47 for which eaid lot was by said coaaty treaaarer MM to the naderslened at tnannrVi nnMi tr aale for dattaqaeat tazea oa the sixth (Wi day of Noveajber. 18M, aad ako for tazea levied apon eatd lot for anbaeqaeat yeara and paM by the nlaiatiff as each purchaser, to-wit: for year 18W. aj.:forl..ail3;for ISM. 89.42; aaaVfor the year tSS SJJ0; toejetaer with the iatereat and penalty thereon aa praacilbed bv law. Yoa are required to answer aaid petition oa or oefore taa ilia oay oz July. a. u., vm. VI. l . ftmnrnrtnER By A. M. Post aad Aagaat Waeaer, hia attor- ya. . joaeUt TAX LIEN FORECLOSURE. Ia the district court of Platte county. Nebraska. EH A. Stockelaajer, pkiatiiT. va. Delia Carter aad j-aner, wnoae arse orubnutiaa name ia unknown, aad Lot Three (J) ia block thirteea t ISI ta 'Ijocftaar'a Hrat Addition tn ni. r Hamphrey. Platte coaaty. Nebraska, defend. aata. The above named defeadanta wiU take aotice "ib5ihrdIofiBa'-?t,H BBderaiaaed pteiatiff filed lathe office of the cle-k of the dis trict court for eaid Platte coaaty. Nebraska, hie peUUoa the object aad prayer of which are to fore close the Ilea for tazea levied upon Lot Three (S) ia Bock TUrteaa (13) la L ckaer'a Firet Xdl diUoa to thaTflfaute of Hamphrey. Platte coun ty, Nebraaka. for the yeara 1889 and 18S1 to 18Q& iaelaeive of both, amounting to the aum of $1.47. for which said lot was eold to the plaintiff by the coaaty treasurer of said county at treasurer's public sale oa the sizth (th) day of November, IMS, for dellaqaeat tazea. aad alao for tazea laAdBBO",?i? hi tor nbasqaeat yeara anil paid by the plaintiff aa each purchaser, to-wit: SSfii?- ?& W ! ". : IBS. $0.30; toaether with the Iatereat aad penalty ttMveoa an prescribed by law. ' Yoa are required to answer said petitloaoa or before the eleveath (11th) day of Julv. A.D. W04. . . KLI A-rrrOCKSLAOKB, By A. M. Post aad Angaat Wagner, Ida attor- r- . 8juB-4t TAX LIEN FORECLOSURE. Ia tan district eoatt of Platte coaaty, Nebraaka. Ell A. fltorkalaeer. olaiatiff. va. V. O i,Hl aad Mra.-Lyrord,-Smithaad Ura.-8mita. tU whose first or Chriatiaa names are unknown, aad Lot Three (t) in block tea (10) olintU Fourth Addition to the villaae of HupbreL Platte coaaty. Nebraska, deSadaata. " The aboveaamed defendaata will takn aotiea aadSKU4Xc elerk of the dlatriot court for Platte irnaaii Nebraska, hia petitioa, the object andprseer.i which are to foreclose the Ilea for tazea hvieal anoa Lot Three (S) ia block tea (10) of attm FSjHh Addition tothe , viUe f Hnhrn?, Platte coaaty. Nebraaka, for the mT mo amoaatiactotaesam ofxl.m for Jd !TTV sum said lot waa by the treasurer of aaid! Platte, coaaty eold to the aaderaicned at taaaanrer'a naaile sale for taMIaoaaat tmm r a .l i 4th) day of November. 1901, aad also, lar t tried epos aaid lot for annarnaaal yeara aad paid by the undersigned aa saeh y htrtw to-wltTforthe year MOLSXaS; for taeeariaM! IS ; toaatkar with the iatereat aad theleaaki tbereoa aapreecribd by law. Pnaay Yoa are teaainal toaaaa M ntH . before the eleveath (Uth) day of Jaly.A.Di IBM. BU A. KTOCKHLAOKK. .am attocw Unai-t iiaiti)oc ineaouthMwt yuarter (Vi) or Hrc lioaThirtri () ia Towaahip Niaeten(i) North of Ranee Threa (9) WvatnrtlaMlsttiraii. oja.a. rom mma Anawaa wacnef Beys. jsnii' hall sff aassBf fl9n V SBBbV BSBBSBF BBS WSBBW WBBBBB WBBBBB BBBBB aV -wwww bbb Bread raised with Yeaat i ; Foam is light bat not aa i:t.e on.-. .:.!.. s H 1 uni aa k. m. uc wcikul a nn there, and so is the nutri- m aad . ar:.i i-i WM bbj uaw. nciiaciDiaac nuj anyaasjajstlonofdoaghi- M M nesa; the bread is evenly M ' am well-raiaed throashotit m M freah. sweet, moist. M ;, Bnl sBWy. aaBSaaBJff HK BSa-v aBBSSF mK are BIBi r aaa saaam Bsa sTaase BK I w?wSN i i BSSll SBSB naaWr. ns M W 1 ar ar-m kr Baa,srsL i ssT ' acts on docsh b the aW c.iiw s am bnard aW l-MWMMIBaaai aaa m the wheaty flsvor saut B I m aatruseat of the aVoar. M I nV mmA ii...:.. 2 r sa I BBJ sK snua nuj I sett I rkh, lifc-tmag bread. j I ThetentismAeyeasL I M04; BTeast Foaai 'ia the saost at for whnlisnat ssd best oi year aad . aasie of aaatt, hops, com m SaSaaaSaasT wBBBa aaaaasl aaVwaaaw eai ,11 afgfgfg weaWwaB "AM bjbbbbb fJCBCT wV(IBsBaBNC IMgnU M J M ., It is aaid by all f .Tfci awsdfersssaook."Hew . lsfiiswUiUBiimitt.1 j '.BBjBa-easaBBaaaa ,,j n -..1 - Bswii I, One It is a toothsome delicacy always giyes satisfaction. It is conducive to pood digestion better uuiiitiun uctaubc mgniy nounsning. iioes not produce a tendency to constipation, wrongs ot the digestive track, or stomach disturbances like most of the bcakfast foods.' Its puritv and hygienic condition observed in its manufacture makes it a perfect food product, containing in proper proportion all the elements MMk-hMHiH-EMMl KgnHn ari (m ta Ed 1M Dr. Price, the creator of aeeehsaeh lilisTt r by PMCE For Kstskaa Hamsatsads. Por fall iaformatioa call oa, or write. The Gas Belt Land & Abstract Co., Joha O. 'Regan. Loonl Aseat, Platte Oeater. Nebr. Classifif fl Advertising. " Haa.M "Btirjiaina," "FitrKetit." "For Sale" ! faieawafarecaoryrdorof the rate of one cent atimrdeacktwentOH,bft ttoitdveHumtemt takeH uum, r row. t inu 'timer xyevmi imnicvs MHuer for It than lae. Send Monfa tctih coon a Iheae accounts are usually too small to be carried to our ledger. FOR SaLK Oa time or for caah. two Rood dwelliajr. boaaeM with lota aad aood iaaprote- aeata. Will eel both or separately, B. P. Daffy. FOE BAEE-"BiHJoB auire ot Ferdinand Dollar" RraM aeed. In Yoial. St. Edward. Nebr. Heed alao oa eale at On. aT aad Hi rich'a. Colambaa. Nebr. aprlBf FREE 8VMPLE toaet. Practical readr call ' device for telephone. Havea braia work and Iiubm if tine. Sella itaelf. (rneaale eellit dnz. ' eaa. Seeiax ia belirintc. Heed eUmp. The leiepaoae Appuanoe iO., i jaauiaon Ave., wept. F. a. V. New York City. tnfe-lt II 1 111 111 1 1 M-frH-H"K M-fr j DR. R. A. VALUER, Osteopathic Physiciai, Columbu9, Nebr. Nebraaka 'Phone A 111. Independent No.79. OSce. Barber block. lie will cure all Toarachea aad paina; ae cores wnea mediciaa inminiitimiiiniMi1 TO OTTAWA Cylinder Corn Shelter Can do more and better work than any other abeller eold. Oar wagona will not scatter yoar grain whileon the road to market or overtax your horses with needless heavy draught. Biggies and Carriages OF THE LATEST AND BEST .MAKES. -AUKindaof FARM IMPLEMENTS. Come and look onr stock over before bnying : : : : jrBlacksmith work Herse Shweiac; dose on short axotiee. LOUIS SCHREIBER. If a Man ia in Love, THAT'S HIS BUSINESS. If a Woman is in Love, THAT'S HER BUSINESS. Bnt if they intend to get married, THAT'S MY BUSINESS. J. M. CURTIS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE NOTABT PTJBUC AKDTTPrWniTINa' Colnmbns, Nebraaka FREE!! It eosta yon nothing for DELIVERY of all kind of Feed snd Hay. Lowest prices and tip-top qualities. We hare the leading Ijyery and Boarding of onr riga Farmera, let ne ryourtesaa Rigkt Hrnst& Brock OBDKR BT 'PHONE. PAY AT 9JOTJBS WHEN FEED IS DE- INIXTEL. Hx8 of the good things we have been lookmw for n; price s InTHEAT FUUCE CELERY FOOD that go to build up a healthy body. - ft.Sfe Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and Sale at Gray's Department taws a -a a -a a a -n a 5 a t vSKEFmm CMPJUIY, CMn. Mh ih IS YOUR PLASTER FALLING OFF? a -a a a a a a a a a a a BBBBBB Buy and l'DT OX YOURSELF or nak for a PRICE ON -CO.MPLETtD.IOB. James Pearsall, Contractor a a a a t af TINWARE FREE!! POR THE NEXT THIRTY DATS Rothleitner & Co. Will Accept This Cash Coupon i-ur THIS trr! mW tmmWt mwBLr in payment on any article of Tinware on our shelves. CUT OUT THIS COUPON and bring it in with you. It is the same as CASH! One Conpon nnd $1.00 buys a S.1.00 Peoria Peerless Cream Separator. " " " 2.10 ' :i.(M One burner Gasoline Stove. " " .m " l.(M) W.-wh Boiler. " " .40 " .A) Oil Can. REMEMBER, this offer is gat. only util Satviay, Jmh Nth. We GUARANTEE every article we sell. We MUST reduce onr enormouu Btock. COME EAHLV. tllllllllMIIIIIIIIMIlBllll We Leads OthersFollor ! Tn I'uinting anti Dtcdrating, wo are prepared to give our patrons the bot. Have the very latent and ino.-t stylish in Wall laMr Decorations mid an "u-to-late" tlecorator in charge ot' this department. All work guaranteed and prices right. sSee iia- lor es-timates . . I tllllllllllllllll II 1 Read Our Continued Story Lw hsW f Special Excursions wsV saT oi. luuio am nciunn af VIA uyiny Dinicin 1 m for m SBS BBS f $11.50 1 Is aastis, Jaw 1, 13, II asi 21 I I ssV m ' Good only in coaches, on any train. aV a For fall iaforaatioa call or write MT L W. H. BENttAM, Agent. W aaaaB- --W-wr Served hot or cold. Delicious Flaroring Extracts. Store. ' a a a am a - it- is ar : r r r ? r Y Jr r Investigate KINMEAR It GAGER'S Stamped Steel CEILING. SIDE WALLS AND WAINSCOTING TIih onlv INTKRLOCKINO. THill r-SEMHl CEILING uiaiiiifatturtd. The Best is The Cheapest aa Col-u.xrxTria.0 Toxi.xM.3tl cur IIUN CASH COUPON. ' iirr' (iiMMpfor 20 Par Cant Oa Mirrli.iM Irict of mi) i r ich of Tinwnro in our ntore if lnvHontnl on or lie fon Jmrnu 11, 1MM RtHaailsar a Cs. rtir TIU" out!i IIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMII II I II 1 1 Ij Ti 7 i i ' J . r . f" . . naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i-yy 'v&Mtirjx. -ars&mmmmtl ,t r t'iA.dw?h'5 i .wawyj' - -- V-tatf mm-mm& HBBMHbhK