The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 08, 1904, Image 7

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JUflcS. EVA SAKTHOr 133 East IStk
irM. St, 2fw York City. X. T -writaK
! suffered for three years witk le
corrkea aad mkxr&tioa'of tke woa&h.
The doctor adrocated an operatiom
which I dreaded Teryarach, andstroag
ly objected to zt under it. Now I am
a. changed iroman. Pernna. cmed me;
it took nine bottles, bat I felt so maeh.
improved I kept taking' it, as I dreaded
an operation so nrach. I am to-day in
perfect health and have not felt so well
for fifteen -rears." Mrs. Eva Bartho.
.Mrs. Scaatmr Mck, ml Larh
, JV. Dmk.; Mrs. fwr f
Ceywmm. Ww
Lockwoodmmt Mr.
street, mi Wt
ilis Helen Eolof. TTanlraw-.a Wla.T
""Several times daring the past two
year or more my system has been
greatly in need of a tonic a" at those
times Pern nn. has been of great help in
bnildina- up the system, restoring' my
aopetite and securing- reatfnl sleep."'
Helen Rolof.
iliss ilnriel Armitage. 36 Green-wood
Ave.. Detroit, ilieh., District Organizer
of the Royal Templars of Temperance,
writes as follows:
I suffered for five years -with uterine
irreirularities. which brought on hys
.teria. and made me a physical wreck. I
tried doctors from the different schools
of medicine-butwithout any perceptible
change in my condition. In my despair
I called on an old nursewho advised
me to try Peruna. and promised good
results if I would persist and take it
regularly. I kept thfs up for six months,
and steadily gained strength and
health, and when I had used fifteen
bottles I considered myself entirely
cured. I am a jrratefuL hafipy woman
to-day." Miss Muriel Armitage.
Miss Lucy M. Riley, 33 Davenport St.,
Cleveland. Ohio, writes: j
I wish to add my indorsement to
thousands of other -women -who have
been cured thronjrh the use of Peruna.
I suffered for five years with severe
Take -Down Repeating Shotguns
IWi rnafi1 tnrr CSA
fi avru fwix iiuiu txw
mw M I
mucn less money you can buy a Winchester Taio
Dovn Repetnnt Shotgun, which will outshooc and
omiast me nianest-snoea
I f7ai' I
besides being as safe,
r't dealer can show vou one.
fj, FBEEs Om
for to Tortured
for Tired Mirs
In Warm Baths with
And gentle anointings
Ointment, the great Skin
Cure, and purest and
sweetest of emollients.
It means instant relief and
refreshing sleep for tor
tured, disfigured, itching,
and burning babies, and
rest for tired, fretted
mothers, when all else
MK. JBc. SMBfract. JPc ia fnra at Cijuimii CM
Am. ronr Six Caea. Carp a i
r9a Mr - Saw n Can Safer
mlleved. All Axvat
a tke WABASH: For
tifal WcrVa Fair faliar aava aU 1
If -J Ml
II -2)l
1 t'
Dabies and Rest
backache, and when weary or worried
in the least I had prolonged headache.
I am now in perfect health, enjoy life
and have neither an ache or pais,
thanks to Peruna." Lucy M- Riley.
It is no longer a question as to whether
Peruna can be relied on to cure all such
cases. During the many years in which
Peruna has been put to" test in all forms
and stages of acute and chronic catarrh
no one year has put this remedy to
greater test than the past year.
If all the women -who are suffering
with any form of female weakness
would write to Dr. Hartman. Columbus,
Ohio, and give him a complete descrip
tion of their symptoms and the peculi
arities of their troubles, he will imme
diately reply with complete directiooa
for treatment, free of charge.
Address Dr. Hartman. President of
The WaTtman Snirafinml ColumbOB
r tKlfl tn m oi, miIi.h Im m
nrMiu w m a wtmi IUI W
Qoame-oarrelea cun. I
reliable and handv. Your I
Thev are sold evervwhere. I
ISO-Page XUotratmi Catalan. I
free tt Tweity-Tive ladies.
The Defiance Starch Co. will gir
25 ladies a round trip ticket to th
St. Louis Exposition, to five Iadiea
in each of the following states: 1111
nois. Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and
Missouri wh will send in the largest
number of trade marks cut from a ten
cent, 16-ounce package of Defiance
cold water laundry starch. This
means from your own home, any
where in the above named states.
These trade marks must be mailed to
and received by the Defiance Stares
Co., Omaha, Nebr., before September
1st. 1904. Octobjr and November
will be the best months to visit the
Exposition. Remember that Defiance
is the only starch pat up 16 oz. (a
full pound) to the package. You get
one-third more starch for the same
money than of any other kind, and
Defiance never sticks to the iron.
The Tickets to the Exposition will be
sent by registered mail September
5ri. Starch for sale by all dealers.
Figures may not lie, but they very
frequently steaL
All people find their level except
the absent-minded caroenter.
Un the bene That's whv they bar
CnMfiallBhM. AlfciiagSroc,5ai
Stands in his own light the gas
Almost 2. VJf aiillion acres of tie fertile
veO-varsi Iznds of me Boebud Iodian Bes
errauoo. in Soam Dakota, win be thrown open
to settlement by the Government in July. Taoe
lands are bos. rsaiotl by the ChScago & Sorth
Westera HaJiy direct throuzh lines fxoat
Chicaco ta BonsbtceL S. D. All agena aeil
Cckets viatniohas. Special low rates.
toad "ar- sonvsi. rtimnhlet ktuut foil
tina -re i.1t oronedii!? and how to muuib
acres of land at nomina'. ajc with fall deaorta
tioB or me won. ounaee, nawr aaa a
raaocRjes. owns, schools and cnarches.
T--a far busmess openings, railwar
efc, free on appucanaa.
w. an
Fatsenzer Tranlc
Lsceac complete map vbUteL Coprat PreaV
isasuo. sww ua.a. rim, m.
PaxtincTolet Antiseptic
Used aa a Vaginal ITi
woritt m praeaca ita
. Itkarrrelasiaiii
i itiaiaiif in ml
ITTT .fBa-
W. H.U,
.--.-...--.. ' aaawaw- bw w- smiiMb iu KUTTuwi. amst as MMMK the mk massae 0Mt sue et tae apacognin , issb mmmmmmmmmmm?mmaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBmV V?ai
MS. EVA i41TM0rl
Lw d 4mmmmm"ltmmmmr
Cdmb. Sate TTat itEyq Oa.
rufew T
a. fcaai BaawLaBw.
illlllll Mi In i i I Ti
wowMHwtcaw, MOSUMESTISUMQUII . J!5- T -1 S"iTt7,t, '" .smmmmmmw 4
reloye, tya4callr
ter reeeired im
Frederic StzaeCer,
ia :
Marks of tke X
aad skovs how earefaSr tke X
are protectiBg tkeir
throwiac erery safecamrd. aroaad tke
iaaide facts wkick mikt tesd to tm
siat the Bnsatsas
It ia really two eareJopea akfflfaDy
faateaed into ame. botk sealed so tkat
it ia hard to get iato it. Tkeiaaere
Telope is made of rice paper, aad ok
this account eaaaot be writtea oa
with ink. The oater-earelope is of
a different grade of paper, thicker
and stiaTer. aad oa. this Is tke address.
The LoaisTiHe aUseloaary i aev
Seoul, and her letters are seat tkroagk
that city- They are reeeired by tke
censor, are opened aad read, aad tkea
sealed agaia ia the earelopes of tke
Japanese gorernmeat.
If there is aotkiag ia tke letter to
which the Japaaese cpald object, it is
marked by the ceasor witk a amnber
of letters which steaa aotkias; to tke
American, bat wkick skew tke postal
authorities of Korea that tke letter
has been otlcially passed by tke cea
sor. After this prelimiaary it is allowed
to come on its way across the waters,
arriving about two atoaths after it
was posted.
Miss Straeffer writes that for ser
eral saonths jast before tke war be
tween Russia and Japaa broke oat she
did aot receive any letters, even from
her relatives at home.
She then made complaint to the
American, minister, who took it ap
with the representatives of the Japa
nese government, and in a few days
a boat landed at her station and a
large bundle of letters was brought
to her. All of them had been read
by the censor. Louisville Courier
Journal. Caesar's Wounds Up to Date.
At a meeting of the French Acade
my of Medicine a paper was read by
the famous Surgeon Dubois, who bad
looked up the various accounts of the
death of Caesar given by Dion Cas
sius. Plutarch, Suetonius. Appian and
others, and carefully compared them
with another.
He found that "the first blow, struck
by one of the brof&ers. Casca. pro
duced a slight wound under the left
clavicle; the second, struck by the
other Casca, penetrated the waDs of
die thorax toward the right; Cassias
inflicted the third wound in the face.
Diimus Brutus gave the fourth stab
in the region of the groin. Contrary
to general belief, Marcus Brutus,
though one of the conspirators, did
not strike the dictator.
After the first blows Caesar fainted
and then all the conspirators hacked
his body. He had thirty-five wounds,
only one of which was fatal, that of
the second Casca.
The Legend of the Oniona."
A strange ceremony is always cele
brated in the Abbruzzo one of tke
gayest regions of Italy when the
onions have reached maturity. Onions
form the staple product of this part
of the country, and the legend runs
that long ago a hermit planted in a
soil that was absolutely sterile some
of these vegetables, which, by the
blessing of God, grew and multiplied;
and that those who ate of them re
mained immune from the plague
which was then ravaging the country:
So every jear an old villager, nude
to the waist, personifies the ancient
hermit and lectures his hearers on tke
old legend, after which they gather
some seeds and take them home to
plant them, in order to insure a good
crop for the coming year. London
The Earth Stopper.
Through soaking' fields and sjateways
deep .
He plods. toiler of the nlcnt.
That luckier others now asleep.
Where he has sown the seed, may reap
Tnair full delight.
The air Is damp and chills his bones;
Across the moon a black cloud fleas;
The wind, anrestJng. sobs and moans.
Swishing, with dismal, ghostly tones.
Among; the trees.
iiH sounds, unnoticed hi the day.
Come echoing- clearly through
A farm dog's hark, a horse's aeJgfc.
A sheep's hard cough, and far away
A. church clock's boeas.
But In the covert silence sits
Enthroned in solitude complete. .
Save when a brown owl past him flits.
Or when a dead branch snaps to acts
Beneath his feet,
Tet on he goes with fearless stride.
To. work when foxes hunt his rala
Through brushwood thiek, o'er ditckes
Titfl at- 1MUftl 1
Tke son. dark
And there above the water"a rhm,
Where in the spring- the bulrush grows.
His lastera's light, sabdued and dim.
Peoplise- the glade with shadows prim.
The great earth shows.
R. G. T. Cochrane.
That Fraak
Remarkably late seasoa baa retard
ed the approach of the sea serpeat
to our shores, but Stony Rua, Md, kas
come gallantly to tke front witk a kit
of news in tke freak liae ia tke shape
of a wild man, clad in yellow eaaras
overalls, whose specialty is kaeelias;
in an 'attitude of supplicattoa oa a
large bowlder near a dismantled
Glad to k
iiimt ans Tar
Ia the esses of 1878 at Tale wen
two kososa friends who hare dame
more tkaa say other persoas to shape
tke pi'Wrt-' deTelopmea aad to ad
vance the general welfare of Borto
Rico and tke Philippines. Tkey are
Got. wmiam BL Hast, wao is stfll fa
oatce, aad 'Gov. WHIiaat BL Taft, aow
secretary of war. Tke World's Work.
Tke largest stoae-arck bridce ia th
world is aow ia coarse of erectioa at
Fiaaea, Saxoay. This bridge wfflkafw
a spaa of 25 feet, exceeding by M
fleet the famous Laxemboarg;
ooeaed last year, and hy stffl
the MartaasaobridsB ia
tke Calaa Jbha bridge
toa, IX C wkick have held ia
the record as tke
Tosaartfllg frem tt . . . . k ia . - a. - - Mi.t.)j rk. ..- t th .SaHBVK viH
WwauMmm JRa tmm-MV -... harV tta - at hJ iVmem raawJm mtfiim tn thi ktf 1MT A H:1r WSWHKV Ifl
OS ass Cess ! CillNmla
Tke receat report of Dr. C. T- Ossbs
tkat tke total cartas of tkeCaawjraia
tx,,m Tsarrela oaiy parOally Tepre-
valaeof tke Isiiaawij. Da true aagala
eaace Is pointed oa hy J. W.-Taant
sawEVsat ft lawFaawrnlZwr atfSBaasaatawB waLafasaasasaasatsatV)
use ha tke TJatted States ssoessssal
w. - dotec mis- -wa" " Fir " ttv r-" J7r ... ZI ..-. .awmmmmmmmmmmE7mmmSw IVwrnimmmmmmmmmV "
J" " " "T tmiiht tm imiiii i n Mm awmutmmwawhamm He iMt a tar- world, with the exceptioa of Caiaa nflKJdA 41
BBaaBaesaUBBSi aaBaaaUtfaaU' WaaBSBV1 wBBBBBtaBa. aaam aas-as aaUawaae'WatWUaaw mW PIPk.AH TJau
tke First Anisaal
saWICn BtVttfwCV
s Be Killed.
One of the oddest and yet tke
interesting- monuments erected
on tke public- square in the town of
Sossers, is the northers part of West
chester county, says the New York
It is a Btessorial to the first elephant
brought to tke United States aad to
the spot oa which the first circus this
country ever saw was erected. -
Sosaers is a quiet little towaship,
with its fertile farms and dreamy val
leys, and yet you ask any villager
about the odd-looking monument. witk
an elephant surmounting the high col
umn, and his bosom win swell witk
pride as he tells you the history of
the first elephant that ever walked
the streets of that place.
The monument, which is near a
country inn called the Elephant hotel,
was erected sixty years ago to OId
Bet," which was the elephant's aame.
Her owner was TTariraiiah Bailey. His
brother was a sea captain, " one
day while taking- on a cargo oa the
Asiatic coast he bought the elephant
at a bargain, and reached New York
with her on his sailing vessel ia 1SH.
It took the vessel many months to
sail to New York; and "Old Bet" had
no keeper to look after her like the
circus beasts do nowadays, but she
&xd the trip welL She was very fat,
as she devoured everything she could
put her trunk on. Hackaliah Bailey
immediately purchased the elephant
on the arrival of his brother and start
ed out to exhibit her. He made OId
Bet" walk all the way to Somerstown,
traveling oaiy at night and giving ex
hibitions in barns during the day,
charging ten cents admission to see
the greatest show elephant on earth."
"Old Bet" proved to be the greatest
attraction ever seen. Crowds followed
her at night and those who didn't have
ten cents ran ahead to the next show
place and hid in hay mows until the
beast arrived.
On reaching Somers, and where the
monument now is, Mr. Bailey put up a
tent, and started a circus with the
elephant as the main and only attrac
tion and her owner made a barrel of
The primitive circus lasted in Som
ers for months before Mr. Bailey sent
"Old Bet" on a tour of the United
Keepers overfed and spoiled the ele
phant and one day she broke her
chains and killed one of them. It was
shown he had angered her and so she
was forgiven and given another
chance to live.
While in South Carolina is 1S27 she
crushed another keeper to death, then
escaped and started on a run across
country. The circus tminfg chased her
for twenty miles before they got a
fatal bullet is her brauu-
When Shall We Win?
When shall we win? Why. when we fire
Straight to the marie and never tire;
When we hold fast, as we've begun.
And still work en. till all is done.
When shall we win? When, filled with
We face the foe of common weal.
And flinging to the wind each fear.
God's trumpet call alone we heart
When shall we win? When we're con
tent To die. nor to retreat consent;
Resolved, to shun the recreant's shasie;
And rather choose a martyr's name.
When shall we win? "Tis best to say
-Whacaa we do from day to day?"
With truth, and faith in truth, we dare
-Jot faint, or falter, or despair.
The cause of right is charged to win
Omnipotence is not with sin
Since God is King. His cause will see
The light and crown of victory.
Be this our cause: that we endure:
'Tis this will keep our conscience pure.
And when the righteous cause has won.
We. too. shall hear the words. "Well
Rev. Dawson Burns. D. D.
A Little Girl's Loves.
Bessie (aged five) was accustomed
to come to her mother's room before
the family was up. One Sunday morn
ing, while making the customary visit,
the odors of breakfast in preparation
managed to reach the sleeping quar
ters. Bessie, with her arms around
her mother's neck, gave one or two
vigorous sniffs, then with an air of
anticipation announced. "Mamma,
there's two fings I dess love mos' of
enyfing is der world."
"What are they, Bessie? asked her
"God and baked beans." Bessie re
plied, smacking her lips. Lippiscotf s.
on Co-operative Plan.
A Russian traveler, who recently
made a tour through Manchuria in the
interest of a scientific association,
gives a very interesting account of
the business usages is that province
He says there are is a Chinese busi
ness house neither proprietors nor em
ployes. AU persons employed share
in the profits of the undertaking; Dur
ing the year each member receives, at
certain intervals, a kind of salary,
which, however, is meted out so spar
ingly as to be hardly suiBcient to sup
ply the necessffles of life. At the
close of the year the accumulated
profits are divided.
American Cigarettes in Turkey..
The smoking of cigarettes is almost
universal is Turkey among the adults
of both sexes. The supply of cigarette
paper therefore is as important item
of trade. The tobacco used is of local
growth. The paper employed nitkertt
has been almost entirely of Austria
origin. This year Americas cigarette
paper has been introduced, and meets
witk evident favor. It is supplied
through Constantinople, dealers.
aVitsit Army
The British army is to publish a
shiTIing monthly magaziae. It is to
ke called tke Array Journal of tk
British aTmpire, and the editor wffl
he Sir Neville Lytdetoa. chief of the
smascal ataaT of the army. Omeers sad
soldfun are invited to submit articles.
which mast aot exceed 6,000 words.
aad special contributions by
extiliaas are promised. "No pa;
it is stated, "win be made for
but there will be prises
to time.
Waterways ef Selg
The total leagth of the bivTsssTi
wazerways of Belghrm amounts te
UCS stfles. As tke total area of the
matslij is 1L373 square miles, there
is ame mSe cf waterway to erery sight
square miles of territory;
of the navigable water
is aader the coatrsl of the state
A WTttelm Ten exkikftioa win ha
feami mas ssamatawr m Xmaa, am tke
1 1 Btsf of tke casmweary of fftfdTTrs
i waammaa wamawuu mmma SJaaWSaWaSBSv esWCSvV i waai a, ana mw. am- "-" a v-- - BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJ S JBBSSSSSBr 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW ISBa
far a.
of hariac actually
bat seat a Ulitnai nedkkft "At C
o'clock I retara wick say aambrellaJ'
He did retara at C e'efcek. hat as e
entered als aeaae ia M aafck ke saw
He kad left it at tke telegraph
a n
tke stent fefsertag small
boy ia tke weria is tke little Prince
Mkcai. craadeoa ef tke Japaaese mi
kado aad destined kmsself te be a mi
kade some say. He will be 4 years
old aext mosth The heir presump
tive to the great "aafpra throae has
tke distmctioa of heme the first baby
of tke royal koase ef JTeam Teaae
wiie kas keea allowed at- grow Ms
hair like aa WsgUsk kaky. Botk his
father aad the mikado, wkea babies,
kad tkeir aeads shaved daily by theii
Mr. Atkesra
Alpine. CaL. Jane C Mr. T. M. AI-
bee, our
which win no doubt be of interest to
many. Mr. Alkee is a maa of few
words, bat his well kaewa trutkfal
ness aad uprigataesa of character
adds stack weight to aay statement
he makes! He says:
"The first box of Dodd's Kidney PUls
that I used coaviaced me of their.
good qualities aaaI ased altogether'
fcur boxes witk tke very beet results.
I can heartily recommead this rem
edy." This voluntary tsprssshm of opia
ioa will doubtless aad aa echo hi
many homes ia Califoraia for Dodd's
Kidney Pills hare keea staking some
miraculous cures ia tkis state.
From, tke evidence already publish
ed it seems safe to coaclude that this
medicine will be fuaail to ke a per
fect cure for rheumatism, urinary
trouble, backache aad aay aad every
form or symptom of Udaey oosipiaist
Willing "They say Smith treated
that maa like a brother." Billing
"Is what wayr wnmag "Kicked
him out of the house.'
by local aapUcatanaa. a aay essay raacfc the B
eased pomoa, of tka ear. The a tmlf way te
cure deacteaa. aa that to fcy eaaatitsafcaal rcsaadlea.
Deafneaa to casseA by aa avSasacS eaaatOoa of the
wucooa llBlnir of tiM Xasascfttoa Tabe. Wsaa. tato
tabe inflamed jv naraarmmbuac aoead or ls
perfect bearing, and itosE to alln-iy rWMBS, Daaf
ne to the mole aad vatoaa ta laSaaaaudiai cam be
taken out and tola tafle reaaarcd atto animal meat
ton. heariag vul be li away ad bjmw . siae caraa
out of tea are caaaed by Catarrk. watcktoaocasag
bat aa uutaaied madliui of tke coaa aaifaiaa
e will giTe One Huad ad DoUaaa for aar caae of
Deafaeaa (earned by cassRfe) shas raaeof be esrad
by Haifa Catarra. Care. Seed ter etrcutoca. trea.
y. j. caxsxr a ctx. Tauaa. a
son ny T'l-igfTT- t
Take KaffrJamfly rstot
The art of livias; is to
give oae's life.
Bachelorhood is a
self-opinionated soMtcde.
witk tke
quality of
next to iaiposslkls
Brer set a meal at a railway dining
station that you didn't worry over the
fear of getting left? Ever get left?
After a maa swaps horses he does
not always drive a
aU other brands. Others
eaaaot sell say
No geatlemaa wffl swear before s
lady let her swear first.
Before marriage a
dings to
a man's neck. After
walks oa it,
The kind of life that we live is aa
index to the death that we wffl die.
The present is aa arrow that points
straight to the future.
I aa FaTi Hi il ! 1 1 aaa
Hwadrads of tasters say the cam
amuxtlty aad superior usslsj of De
fiance Starch is fast takmc Phtes of
Dealers say that as sesa as a ssa
taster tries Deamace Starch ltha
sossible to sen them aay otkee cold
water starch. It caa be used ceiat
or boiled.
Saml .awaaaaaaawaaaaawaaaaaaaBamaaaaaaaaawaWaWaaaav VSSf
amsat3amaaiPlamlimsiiim rsmj
iMiBH gataj ,
- - - -- a .-v a-g daka asm v
BtaaaaaaStBUaaaaaaaa9aaBaaaK tStS
aSaBSSJaSSPABjBjBr awav aaaaaTmTafe, SjSa
'kaVwaaar aaa as ' aaTaw-''
xafarsmmiaaxaTaai mfss
M""aaaaaiaaBaBaBaaaa BBBBj
H "
aTPJ amaLOSMl Ul ralalll
4af4maaaaT ami
ami fjaamflBp aaafBaaaBBamAakaBfaaBafaam bbhB
bV mmmmmsm VaaawVwmmw awmmmmmmmmaaaaO ammmf
aay ether i
world, witk tke exceptioa of
India, aad possibly Kmmta, M
according; to tkia, jest S7JT a
year for
ia tke Uaited States to rua tke
it, as against 89.30 for
13.45 lor the German empire. St-54
for Swede. 110 for Spain. $11.45 for
Portugal, S11.44T for the J
812.40 for Cuba 812.68 for
8147 for Anstria-Huagary. S17J9 far
Paraguay. 81.40 for Belgium. 817.84
for France. tL2 for the Uakad
Kingdom. 837.69 for Australia aad
$33.38 for New Zealand. Kassfa's
per capita is approximately the
as that of the Uaited
A GswmJer Worth
For tke aext two years at
there will be little done ia the
bliss; business is New York that is,
there win be few, if any, large houses
maintained. Since the Jerome wit
ness bin was passed aad sagaed ia
New York state it has become a very
dangerous business. Richard Caa
Seld is aot to run a house there while
Jerome is is power. He has sold a
piece of property for 8125,006 that he
would aot have taken $200,000 for six
months ago. It is understood tkat
Canfield is to part with all his real
estate in New York and expatriate
himself. Canfield is said to be worth
83,000.000, and the Jeast figure placed
on his fortune is 83.000.000. Since
he has sever been engaged is any in
dustrial or commercial business the
inference is that he made an his
money is speculating on the turn of
cards he supplying the
An Actor of R
There is a young actor named Ar
nold Daly who is getting himself no
ticed. He went to New York with
out money, without friends and with
out aa engagement. After he got a
job at acting he devoted himself to
saving enough money to produce one
of those "impossible" plays of Ber
nard bhaw's. It proved a great suc
cess, and then the young- mas present
ed a play written by himself. This
was good enough to be called the
cleverest- thing of the season of its
kind. Now Mr. Daly is in a position
to make terms, while he was work
ing hard all winter a lot of actors
were hanging around the cafes tell
ing people how great they were and
how lae managers were in a conspir
acy to keep them down.
you know that
besides being absolutely
rior to any other, krput up 18
Is packages and sells at
as 12-oance packages of oth
The mas who has too little confi
dence" is himself generally has too
much is others.
Every right actios and o-ae thought
sets the seal of its beauty on the
person and the face.
win have Pea tar a Starch,
Imeaase tkey get ose-tkird
tke same mosey, but also
IK aHST iLT ULLaTJV ajrorrtarnarforttoOTery
kaaaa lBaalaa-rocm,slrr7un-cni and places aeia
mm arv bwhh
iim. Ctoan. aaaa
and wtll not aollor
la Jar anything:
Tit rT" "' aad
JOB Will
Lawn Fence
Ircn or Tircrnany styien.
cem-ieryi poultry and hoc
fecce: lira save. Send for
ttilaa Iraa a-SSfr
Bloaaw Tatmea at lae
?epla zseittclne ever aaade.
siCKtreti mai-jom or t
been sold la tie Ualtad State la
a single year. O isaaluartoa. Heart-.
barn, -tick headacne, dlzziaesa. bad
breatfl. tarcat. and erety uh
ea arLsliiir from a dlauraeied
111 I li Tl are reflefed or enred by Blpaai TabaJe.
Oae win eeaeraHy slve relief vltaia rweaty aua-
atea. Tne are-cent nacsnse I' enosa xor
H Ayl Jtfll tni"Tl.
to: fob boscbuo Saracsrva-nosj,
Sonta Oauaoca. 4I. mwum open amm i u.a-ai
lir Rnrlucruliin heirlLj JolTS- cnl:& RfiMaTi
zperleoce la Oklaliiinim land oKns9. SySueCBwcav
era office will b as Euncptvel, S. Eak. gendatea. roe
aay Lmat aannal. coBtalnlnc pmclmnmxUm aad aaa.
piete lnfoisiacloa. !ulaUrn dcslnnic aa a.-ent mtmald
c. mmmum mmmmm avaH
rqaunr fiD-tr
r ioooer ur direct ires t aarj, fasfaa. IB.
Tbe Kind You Have
Always Bongtu
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Pas Bad Croat Ball Blua aad keep SataSa
am-msT K?i2v -5aaa
Bh .aaak33BSafll
wiamataiwa limn
Btbydali i nt
mam . 1 mf
wa saw m W
ma & ML
ssa m aT f
la tlli1
i II aatw Ba
mmwaVmmmwmmwmmwawmwmmwaV smmml wammma mmwmV
mmmmmmmmmmmT wmmmmmLwmmmmf - i JJ
CbbshB ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmv .m. aammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmma.
mmmmmmmmmWS 0A mmmmmmmammmmmmi
iethermada, mmmmmmmmmml 'T WH awmmmmwSawmmmmr :
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm r SI
mWw'-Wf ' i w L vm
aammmmmmmmm!?1" f F . aaamu .JaBBum? "mmv. eammmml
I To be a successful wife, to retain the love "
and admiration of her husband should be a
woman's constant study. Mrs. Brown and
Mrs. Potts tell their stories for the benefit
of all wives and mothers.
-Dba Mas. Vokbxm : LywJs
. will aaake every mother welL
Harossh aiae vears of miserable existence, wora out with '
I them noticed a statement of a woman
rssulta the had had from your Vegetable Compound, aad decided to try what
It would do for me. and used it for three moatha. At the sad ef that time I
was a different woman, the neighbors remarked it, aad my haabaad saQ ia
lave witk me all over anis It seemed
mriaa with inffararaatioa and falling' of the womb, but your i
tkat aad built up mv entire svstem. till I was iawXeed like a
Saeerely yours. Mas. cbas. r . fiaows,
rraanlent Mockers' Club.7'
slteald aot
Ntrely as she
V just so sorely
cmre otaer wotnem
Smff ewimc wemtea
ec the ovaries, kidmey treaties, merv
ptwdtratioaa. Keasl
of a
. Iran. Mass. and you will be
aHmkmaaa's Tecetable Cosasoiimd
VavSl aaervoma
amaaaaaPmaT 'aBaaaWaBw'y
aaaaaar jaar "-aaaaaaaPSSr
aaaaBaw ? aaaaaal'x
vaaaaf I r
of cases of female troubles curing them inexpensively and aosohmtrj.
Remember this when you go to your druggist. Insist upon getting
m mhtUbW mVml
r on our TRmoe umjL
my on to -wow it was tou sec 9
Mf AH) Ta0l rva KT STAJOl utTMXT W. mk
M Clones youtoapcBtmtTCmivtxGBWnm M
m. maifawVsoaomT AW
HmsEFne he cones
stroaa. healthy ;
. I
troubled as I was. aad tke '
like a new existence. I '
31 Cedar Terrace, not apeisaja.
fall ts araslt Vy
was cmreat ef tke
will LyeUm E. Ptrnk
wae smtier ti
tke stary of
of my married life I '
Itasa's TssjewsMa
ems eailUwmltJ.
Mrs. Pacts ts aU
araa verr oeueaas
ia health. I had two misesxnasea, aad seta
my husband and I felt very badly as we were
anxious to have children. A aaigkkm whs
had been using- LyeUm, E. Pitakmasaw
Vegetable) Cosaaaimavsl advised me to try
it. and I decided to do so. I sooa Belt thes
appetite was increasing-, the
jrraacally decreased aad naaiiy
my treneral health improved. I fait aa
if new blood coursed through, say niss. the
sluggish tixedfeclinar disappeared, aad I ha
came stronir and welL
" Within a year after I became the i
stronir haalthy child, the joy of our 1
You certainly have a splendid remedy, aad I
wish every mother knew of it. Staeerely
yours, v Assjl Pons, S10 Park Ave Hot
Springs, Ark.'
If yoa feel that there is anything t all
unusual or pozzling- about roar case, or
if yoa wish, confidential advice of the
most experienced, write to Mrs. PSnk-
advised free of charge. Lysis. E.
has cored and is carmjr thormandg
. 4
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iil&CqdaV. jgaa. , -C. ,fe4i.aagsaa5gyssa j jjs -j
. . - - --
A- wV-aPj.
aamTXTsMwaaTstwA; Saw Saa mtawSataaaa.