l?PiPl KT2.-V- V-af 4 v ., $$&. --. L-r ?2?a $. ?JfJs&WM K.V,.0-- 7-V 'Ls?2J .??2 ?.i A Hr?t W-' & -?r"j4- X-T J--J? lXV& ?? m jMV.J t N ?y- ,V r .eft"-! w XV - f AiWll mm mm .jmj .n'H. -? frAAaaaaaaalUAaaaM ?: yr .' '?J SV rv 1 . . J y--. fJ-.i,Tt- j.r..---. ., y . ". kV Lol'-,-mT-1 SB, " "", A physician writes: "lavcto a lady. long sufferina; with a stooach trooMe, - ; ' obtauia food that digested well v- "":', flSHftW f ?i99l&&Qf!!SIBStFQ!IS9SBEFtC33fX9 BJv?!5M555!HPHfl'flBWIrR aaaBBJ bbbbbbb bbbb1 bbbbbbb. H'-bbb iHB Bar aaa H bbb'bbb aaV ' mlmm' m I I'M 81 !-. .. b5 VA- .-- ? s:-. ss.- .T6ti SV-i wrfieiSi .-11 fea - t,U7-l7 ' . "i ?.?z.v 15 a-&"e'J '? rt . ' "r"S.; i - '&&T. .! v .'lea ii.-5r'5 .i; sy ? -v , RECEIVER'S SALE iOf High-Grade Manufactured Harness. i I . - i 4c. " , V Consisting of Single and Double Boggy and Work Harnesses of all x kinds; Halters, Whips, Brashes, Carry Combs, eta MUST HE SOLD BY ORDER OF THE COURT, for cash, REGARDLESS OF COST to manufacture, to close business now in hands of Receiver J. W. Bine of the United States Court These high-grade harnesses are made of selected oak tanned and cost much more to manufacture than the ordinary harness, but it is MONET and not harness the receiver most have, and the prices tell the unfortunate story. --. : Ow tail la aft of e LHMx.OUyt PMni the Beaaee of tea WHi taWllta. , - On Meat Ll X. eavtais city, ansa Benea areetair- tawaaa kick, tov trail eat; taJrty-eJ4toaBoa: . dhyf tfea of a 38 Single Buggy and Express Harness, . 2 1 Light Double Buggy and Express Harness, 14 Light Double Team Harness, S.OO an up 414.75 an HP 417.00 and p 20 Heavy Double Team and Concord Harness, 420.50 and ap a m Oi at Sun Bill I. lil COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA IF YOU WANT HARNESS, this is your Golden Opportunity! St Louis Harness ManTg Co. cVf fffffff taegroead. We loss to aaoat f8 with so TbafoUowiaff tea Pawaee Iadlaa way, Utioagiveaattae receatly: " Was ud win twa Pawnee kill taeypat itaa sao aorse took awl thay oarry it koM aadtbe women tato ttw Mit oS'th konM- bidra il ikav Bhe it in tli homm aad tkt taka tiM kaifa.M oft tk Md tham thay pt it oiflf doon Md 1mt if MU U 4i4T7. Th Bmtmm ahot tht tafldo with tkw rrow. BvtUa) hs llttl .HwattikUlthtam thtr irt.BMal awi awailiiayaa at Ua bmb aaat amrt tkaaa TarT-aaaoli. Aftar ta7 gat plaaty fthaj- ia taa tlllaca aad Oay gat; waair taarpat thaaaat U taawaaaraad it. Taa waaaaa taka tha rabaa raa thaaaao aa to aaka thaaa aoft; aftar tha woaaaa aara whiU aai aoft, tha paiat piotaraa agantiana afhataii thay laak pretty. My f riaada 1 aaa a little boy aadthia ia aU aty wrote th -Tarea aa a raaatt at tha aianj.aad had aaaa at CloreUy. Oaa nar la paTUcnlar Urad la hla a day.vaa ha.deacrlbed it. "wham tha aid bay lay darkened with the' gniy aahamaa'of the waterspouts. icvaaa the' wares before tha, gala, aaaf the tiny hetriBg beats leeJac from their netarigbt for tha' baatkars, hoptag more mercy eVen thaaa iron walla of rock than tha atHlaai bowling waste of behind tbeaa, and ttiat merry beside' the town covered with and old men; csstiog Tea oi tha pebbles in fruitless .& prayer aa corpse after awept at at the feet of wife and hlla: tUT'lBona case' alone a single w aaward otalxty widows, and we aping orer those wuo bad oat the sight before in the f nll- aaaa of .strength and coorage." .These canal lived ever in his naiad. Bat tbe -Three Fishers" ws written aa a raaalt of oaeof the strangest ind daata la toe stormy career of the preacbtr author, la 1861 be preached In a Lcudoa cbnrch on "Tha of the Church to the Laboring .cAt.its -dose the vicar rose and iv ''U m PRICE WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD r s '-? '? V . ml i CORRESPONDENCE taaaaaaa,ia,aiaa,a Starlamte. Oolambas,Neb.. (Oorrapoatdaaoe. ) Diecrioh Hollmaa, a proaaiaaat farmer who lived abont two miles aoath of Boheat, died last Monday aaoraiag, May 28, after aa illness of nine days. Barialwashad atLoaake Creak cemetery. Servioes were ooa daoted from the home by the Rev. grass, pastor of tho German Latheraa oharchof Loaaka Greek. Mr. Holl maa leaves seven children all of whom are at home with the exception of one daaghtar who resides at Arliagtoa. Mr. aad Mrs. J. W. BeadeU of Shell Creek ware ia Oolambas oa baaiaeaa aatarday. The elder Mr. Loseke of Loaaka Greek was In Oolambas Decoration amy aaafciag hands with old aoqaaia John T. Aras, prosparoas farmer . living abomt half way between Loseke aaa 8hell Greek, was aaaa oa the street of Oolambas Satarday. There will be bo flies oa Rev. Frees of Loseke Greek this summer. Ha. is baUdlng a screen anclosare aboathis front door. Is this a freeze oat? J. H. Wilke, a prosperoas farmer living abont two miles northwest of Shall Creek postoffioe, is feediaga ln bmach of steerts. He intends market init them soon. Some of the farmers have commaaccd oaltivating aora bat the wet weather ia keaaiac away oat of their melds aad ia mamy oases the weeds are takiag advaatsge of their absence. ' Robert aad Oharles Welch of Shall Greek were basy the latter part of tho week baildiag a levee aloaa tha " west aad north aides of their melds, pre aaaaably to protect their oora maids from a second overflow. Oscar Laeenhea of Behest came to OaUmbaa mst Friday to meet Ua atotar oa her retara from a visit with relatives at Olarks. Miss Laesohea arrived at Oolambas Taesday aad visited with the Misses Watkias. Two of the Shell Greek bridges were oat; one jast north sad oaa jast aoath of 8aell Greek oa tha road by the poor farm. Ia fact 8aeU Greek itself seemed to be takiag aa oatiag aad the Star Roate ami to go to the Peter Schmidt mill to areas oa his retara home. Mearee. laata Ha, 1- Moaroe. Nebr.. R. F. D. No.1 (Oorreapoadeaoe.) Harry Lamb visited friends at Schaylsr Satmrday aadSaaday. W. E. Haffer has the flaest gardaa oa the roate. Mrs. O. J. Wagaeraaa ao iaoabator Imt has more tha 950 little ehiokaaa. A aamaer of the farmers oa the roate are replaatfag their oora, owiag to the waahoat Taesday aad Wedmav day. Mrs. Godfrey of MaryviUe will leave aezt month for Arcadia where aha will make ner home with hereon Brady. Miss Oronia, teacher ia the May- villa district, was vary pleasaatly aarpriasd by her papila. A pioaio diaaar, laoladiag ioe cream, waa aroaajht to the school hoase aad served by the jmpils. Maaree Raata aTa. 2. Monroe, Nab., R. F. D. No 8. (Oorreapoadeaoe. ) Mr. Fellers aad daaghter atteaded Mesaortal aarvicea at Moaroe Sanday. Farmers are basy replaatiaaf oora. B. M. Walker was at Genoa Satar day. Mr. Little is a very good road overseer. J. a Fellers visited ia Moaroe Satarday. Memorial services were held at O'Kay oharoh Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bea Baker were ia Moaroe Satarday. OToeptloaaUy . good record ia their Harry Morris of the College is aara visitiag friends aad relativsa dariag vacatiaa Oaa good featare of the 4th of Jaly oatobratioa wUl be that there will ha ao gambling males ia aay form what- O. B. AMersoa shipped thirteea can of cattle to Ohicago by spaoial traia Satarday. May 9a Mr. Aldersoa weat aloaa; with thaaa. Wa are miaas a doctor these days. Dr. Joaas haviag goae to Ohicago aa basiaem Bat doa't to afraid to gat siok. We have two doctors Wt Lamp aai Fmtte TaDay . Loap aad Platte Valley. (Corrsa-poadeaoe)-Rd. MeedeJ. soa- of F. Meedel, was hcaae 8aaday. Work is delayed by the heavy rains of last week. Born, to Mr. aad Mrs. Gerber, living near Gaxdiaer, a''i Mrs. Was. Jbnat waa ooaflaed to her bed last week with two physicians ia (From Has of the Joaraal Jaly SO. 187a) Joha H. Bowmaaaad George, W. Laaasaa, being of the aaaa weight, height aad baild, have agreed to raa a foot race oa Satarday aext,( at 5 p. m.. ia Oolambas. for $100 a aide. May we ail be thare; Jaaaaa Hadaoa has leased the Paoilo Hoaaafor three years. t M. Maher, aaa of the beat" farmers ia the ooaatrv. laid apoa oar mble a aaeoimea of Red Wiater wheat grows oa his farm oa SheU Creek. Mr. Maher is of the opiaioa that h a oaa raiss go baaaels to the acre of this kind of wheat oa the clear prairie. Died-At his resideaos three miles aorta of OoUmbas, Jaly 16, U tha eighty- esooad year of ala age, Fatriok RassalL A few weeks ago wa atteadail the exhiaitlOB of the Pawnee maaaal labor sohool at their vilkge oa the Bishop Blomfleld for-" bade Kbagsley to' preach again in his . dJocaas antfl, having read the sermon and aaaa Ms author, be withdrew 'tho ' edict The same night apoa which be deUveted hla diacoarse Klagsley went to Ida hssaa waary There had nearly earn a riot la the charch. .Slck at heart, he ratiasd to hla study. When he raaaaeared he handed to hla family his immortal song, "s thoagh It were of it aUTaa hla wife said. and it proved acceptable to her stomach, digested readily, and assisted in farkfeijg orer a trims ia tor history. I recommend it to invalids, infants and aged, and to all persons as pure, healthy cereal food.- Ptlatablt RrtrifiMt Etsi tf Wgttim aid Ui h EM . Dr. Price; the creator of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and Delicious Plavorma; mnM NME COEl FUD Mm Ftw Mb, IATTIE OKEE, For,' Sale at Gray's Department Store. sasasj sawa ase M -' ARTICLES OF INGORPORATION. Kaow all mea bys tbeaa presents. That we. Frederick H. Abbott and Stewart J Kennedy, do associate our selves together for the purpose of tarsalae? aad beeoaaiag a corporation aader the laws of the state of Nebras ka for the purposes hereiaafter de- COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wednesday, June 1,'Oi, 8 p. jn. Aagaat Smith waa oat to oharoh ha has K. F. D. Va. S. R. F. D. No. a.(Oorreapoadeaee) Mat Wilson has aixty-lve head of cattle ready for the Alice Qaiaa is viaitina at L Misa Dilm N atRivertoa. Sohefeik'a gave a ball left Sunday aight aad iag. William Keamaa had his aye tied aa she other day. Ha had aaaa oaop aiaa; kindling. Mr. and Mrs. Moraaa retamedhome after aaaa days vimt with O. K. sioaj preac yearsT raedicau gave a heeB aaa-jiJB "iMa. Bat it will "ripe sandria w. a. uuaj-i. Tfc. h-Mii, ir r.. - . r - . , . , '"' MA. T "Afc-, -'- M XAm. tnaaj aa amaam amBBBBBmBBBBwammmn maa taama avu' w Beiaw afactari( Saadav. Mr. Smith haabaaailL Ooasmodore aad Homer Gailaa at teaded the ball ia Moaroe Friday eveaiag. Carrier oa Roate Na 2 had to stay ia the ooeatry Taesday oa aoooaatof JoaaIaihoff. living soatheaatof 8Uver Greek, was with Ms brother Samael Saaday. Jacob Smith had omapaay from "the Blaffa" as they call it It ia rather Shelby. Taraar, a fir young mdy of Oolabmaa, waa visitiag with F. Meedel over Saaday. Gideon, soa of Rev. J. B. Braaa. has returned hcaae from Wayne where ia school. The roads have beta ia very baa eaaditioB siaoe tha bridges being washed oat. a Galley district, No. t, mat Friday Fktte Ceatar. Platte Oeater, Neb., (Oorreapoa- )-MimKate Maaoaey of this place aad Mr. Joha H. Book of Ohey- Wya. were aaarried Taesday, SO, tha Rev. Father Hvaointh oSotatiag. A daiaty wedding break- was served to a few friends, after which Mr. aad Mrs. Back left for rhere they will reside. Okas. Bloedern left for Dearer oa aaaem last weak. Mia 'Ada Bloedora atteaded oom acemeat arareisss at Idaasay. Mrs. O'Hsara aad daaghter Nell of are visitiag at Martia Duaa'a Was. Blnadora arrived home Sstar- day saaraiag aftar aa eztaaded visit to theaaata. The dance ia the U. P. deaot last Satarday eveaiag was well atteaded. AU report a good time. Mr.OhrfsBiesu aad George Tiadea were ia Oolambas Tharsday aa dele gates to the PJatte oouaty d.asooratio oonvention. Mrs. R. Opplingar, Uviag naarOo lambaa, waa stayiaff with her a few days, aad rataraad Rev. J. B. Braaa weat to Hamboldt to attend the aaaaal ooa- ferenoe of the oharoh mst J. J. Flsamaaa aioelv aarnrisad his wifebyinvitiaitherfrleBds to to their home Saturday eveaiag, that being her birthday. Ail had a tha yoaag people who Tamer of Oolambas. Mr. Joha Brast of Duncan, aaa of Platte oouaty s earliest esttlsrs, aad his wife celebrated thair golden wad- Mr. to each of their ehildrea 1,000 ia honor of the avaat. The obildraa are Mrs. Joha Kagel,Mrs. Joseph of aa good lead aa there ia ia the state. Tha "Saaaw natohas' amoaat to twelve handred aad lftyaeresand that aader oaltivatioa by the boys bsloagiag to theechool 160, amkiag ia all 1,100 acres for a popalatkm of 1,400 psopla. Cora is tho ample the Indians bat they also raiss pampUBa aad potatoes. The oora is cultivated by the sqaaws aad is done so thoroughly that it hat act beam affected by tha dry weather.. Six or aevea stalks to the hill aad of vigor oaa growth, while act a weed ia to be aaaa. The traders estisaated that the "heat" of mat eeasoa waa worth tojthe Fawaeea $16,000 ia bafalo aad aeaver skiac. They are eatitisd, aader their treaty, to receive from tho govern--meat 110,000 atyear. ;A portioa of their aaaaity thay devote to improve meats. The Pawnees are divided lata four bands, Skee-dee. Kit-Ka-hect, Ohowee,, aad Pe-ta-hqw-ee-da. Tha list aamed of thaaa sands waa origi aally 8ioax, the Pawnees haviag oaatarad tha woaaaa, children aad oli aaaa, waareapoa oa ooaditioB that the warriors would aaaka peace aad come iato tha tribe, thay ware" allowed to follow their wives aad children. We visited Bagm Chief at hit lodge ia the Skeedee village, aad it may not be aaiaterestiag to readers to describe his dwalliag house. Laaaiaa the teat of a ciroas to ohaage iato poles aad sod, aad yoe hare the' body of the lodge, thaw a entry tweaty-lve feat ia laaajth pletes the shell. A dagout U the of the floor, ia taa shape of a First.' The aame of this corporation shall' he "Oolambas Joaraal Com pany", aad its principal place of bun assa ahall be at Oolambas, Platto County. Nebraska. Seooad. The nature of the business to be traasaoted snail be, parcbasing aad operating newspaper and job priaana: officea and . all neoestary eqaipsseat. publishing newapapers and doiag all kinds of printing and work M wltn sucn business, also to parchase grounds, erect, purchase r lease saca baiidings asmay be nee awry or convenient for such purposes. Third. The aathorized oanitai stock of thia oorporatioa shall be ten -tbon- dollars (910.000.) divided into ox one wandred dollars nioo.) to be, sabaoribed and paid as re- qatrsa oy taa ooard or directors. Fourth. This oorporation -shall eommoBoe on the first day, of April 1104 aad obatiaaefor the" period of tweaty'Cv) years. Fifth. The besiness of ihe oorpora tioa ahall be conducted by a board of directors, act to exceed ive in earn bar, to be elected by the stockholders at their regular aaaaal meeting, aad aatU each meetiag shall be held said hoard of directors shall consist of Frederick H. Abbott aad Stewart J. Wheat, new jjr 11 Oats bushel Rye-lJ? bushel Barley, .-. HogB t? cwt. Fat steers cwt Stock steers cwt. . Fat cows ?$ cwt Potatoes $f bnsbel. . . Batter "$ lb. Eggs dozen 70 ! :;o 4. oo 4 20 3 so i so 2 5Tj 8-1)5 2 L0 3 05 C075 101G 13 Mkkkkkkhkkkkkhhkkhkkkhhhhkkhhkhhhhhhh 3 IS YOUR PLASTER FALLING OFF? Classified Advertising. 44 IV'antt." -Bargains," -ForReui." -For SVie," "Lu.t" " Found,' tmd ollterspecial notice untie r lhhead are charysd for ui the rate of one rent ntrordeaeh insertion. Out uondrertiitHeut token for less than l-'tc. Seiul mouey in'.'i cony w (liese account are vsmiUg list sunt 1 1 to tie carried to our ledger. a -to $ -a -a t -a -a t -a t t -a -a -a $-. -a lisp menus. Vil) eel I both or teparateJy, H. 1'. Duffy. FOIt 8 .LE On tinw or lor rjisb, two good I uavuiuK nuuw- wiiii iuik nau KX!U imitro'fwi -a Sixth. The officers of the corDora- tioa shall be such as shall be prescrib ed by the' by-laws. They shall be ohosea by the board of directors, and ahall ooatiaae ia office for the term of oaa year aad aatil their saocessors are elected aad qualified. ' Saveath. The hiithevt amount of Jadebeadaaai to. which this oorporation shallt, any time sabject itself shall act eriieed one half its paid np capital FfR SALK Erit for wile from pizo winning Embden ireose.Toalon.so seese, V. II. A JLB. tnrkeVH. vhito iniiliiis Fekinj? !nr!:s rlrMl Mnscovy (InckN, lartriil: cochins and Luff' rock-. -'Inquire or Mrs. J. t,. Dawson. It : D. No. 4, Colcmbo, NebrasA-a. Tel. Q 151. FOU SAKE "Billion Dollar" smss whhL In quire of Ferdinand Yoigt, St. Edward, Nebr. Seed alo on falo t Grayb' und Herman Oehl rich'a. Columbus, Nebr. nirl2tf HOKSES WANTED to raMnrc. Wo still hare room for twenty-five head of horse. Kinnan Bros. ml8-3t FREE &VMPIiE to agent.- Practical ready call deTice for telephone. Saves brain work and hoar of time. Sells itself. " One sale sells doz ens. Seeing is believine. Send stamp. The Telephone Appliance Co., 1 Madison Are.. Dept. K. A. D, New York City. ml8-lt ifhth. The manner of stockholders' msafiaajs. the f iviag of notioe and the msthod of ooadactlag baaiaess of the oorporatioa shall be prescribed by the by-laws to be adopted by the board of directors. Ia witaesa whereof, the andersijcned have hereunto set' their' hands this atad day of March. 1904. Frederick H. Abbott Stewart J. Kennedy. . State of Nebraska -Ooaaty of Platte. Oa thia SSad day of March.'lKM. before aaa, a Kotary Pablio in aad tor said oouaty . of Platte, i and State of Nebraska, personally appeared Frederick H. Abbott and Stewart J. Keaaedy. to ate known to be theideh tioal persons whose names are attached to the f orecoiac iastrcment aad sever ally aoknowledjred .the same to be their voluatarv act and deed for tha nnrnnse llisielnl forth. I Witaeas my hand and official seal the day aad date last written. Joha M. Curtis, ' -Notary Public. THE OTTAWA r Cylinder Corn Shelter , Can do more and better work than any other shelter sold. ' Our wagons will not scatter your grain while on the road to market or overtax your horses with needless heavy draught. Investigate KINNEAR I GAGErVS Stamped Steel CEILING, SIDE WALLS AND WAINSCOTING The only INTERLOCKING. TIGHT-SEAMED CEILING manufactured. The Besf ' Tht Chtepett Bay and PUT ON YOURSELF or ak Tor a PRICE ON COMPLETED JOB. James Pearsall, Contractor 'VVVVvVWVVt'iMfvw:MVTTTTTTTTTTrTTTTTV t-m 111 1 mi ii! m m ii ii milium mil iiininim I We Lead, Others Follow ! i Baggies and Carriages "OF THE LATEST AND REST.MAKE8. Tn Painting and Decorating, we are prepared to give our patrons the best. Have the very latest and most stylish in Wall Paper Deceratiaajs and an "up-to-date" decorator in charge of this department. All work guaranteed and prices mzv occ us ior estimates right. iiiimuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiumniiir -AU Kinds of- FARM IMPLEMENTS. Come and look onr stock over before baying : : : : MOTICK OF SALE UNDER CHATTEL HOKmAHK. Bsttee is ksnlir sirea that bj virtue of a inctsaa nstml oa the 22nd day of D. .UBLasdctabriledui the m& of tb ' OAct FUtts Coastr, Nebraak. oa MUmr, 1KB, and ezecntra by to Kaadaoa & Lanea. 'a ieo. toaaearatbepaymrat of 'the torn I aitoa which there ia now dne tha 1 " . a m. . .. . - -" . ' -r asai MSsnjaaHaaKBaTinc been atade in the sanpaatof aMdaaai aadaoaait or other dro- eaMiasa at law bariac beea uahtated to re. eoesri MiddehC or aay part thereof: therefore vtU aaU the nrobeny therein described, to. wKt Oaa ManeOiee foar hole, atoanted abeller Ho. ttWeoaiBieto ailh feeder' aad elevator, one inaslal eidkt hone Heresies power No. lou waialaai w& eweepa, bneea,. rode and eTery aUaa aaaally beloasiacto make a oompleto eeUar patit. .oaa bay bone- wiuVwhite.face. 7 old, weight NOOpoonda, called Ned, one I top basfywith abafta and new ae'aia-eet6fbaiea,bae 1(5 ' plow. oaewalkiaKliater and drill dob at tae aooae or Hannr Onwr oa the 15th day otJaalBH. in Woodrilla pn etoat. Platfa. enaatar at thvlonr of 2 o'clolk' ia aWaBteraooaofaaklday iaehwalkiaa at pahUe aaetioB at the hoase ol Dated May aUt. KNUDSON & LABSEN. Mortsagees. f -e- VV-.--r at aahool ia Oelfax ooaaty. T. H.G la'taaaa far- Raaia). haw .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV. VraVaaawaaal liMIH9MCl I sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbwV sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb. I waaaaMl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl B - W. Biwav C aaB Hal aai aaalX I VMJVCEaVOC UM aaaaaf liaalaWaaaf V H piaaaaat tiase. Aaaoaa the Toaac .aW aaffal . bb ware pra wa. Mia. M .IKPaal-aalaaal awawW aWaaWaaanr bbbb BaWaawa BBBBaaWafaWaaWal BbBBB Bread rabed waa YaaatFeeai i . Ssl IS the her mAmt. BB1 ITfata aa - - -- -?- , saa lawsMsasKM cro v.m- - aM " m h - auavaauvssweryssscwaea. str. Brass rsaj fMmaaasavfhmfaUnre. W sal. aaarket. I 'a are vaanaaj at atartta uaaa'a. p1" li0" saair onuaren awj "OTtMwasaylDfead; racers -I l,O0O ia hoaor of taa avaat. The J iaiK. BBl lfinniiilAii.il . - SBS t v . ww . bm . i . wMw wtmM m jmm HMuavaan mn i ea . .: : - w w bh M Bm leva Its SWaaL Wbeatvtaaa. aaj aoWt Mai Alias Oeaaideae retarned acawe T-rtr - M " wiwiinsinnn m ia tha anv Wasaaaday. haviaf tafabad her aaraa Baraes-Hewes waa aeata Isawtaaac aaa aaaf BJP - "B aasaasaaaak ASB1 BBBBB aUBBBflBiBr. WaaaBBBBl BBBW BBaBBBWaBI 'WaVBBBBW' nBBBB BPaBBaaB aWBaaaaaa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BWS aaay asotm- - ; -- - - BWraasr aamv bbbWbi hmA Mrs. T. H. Glaaaaa aaa aaaa iato uc mjM J(m caaraMaa a reel of Mss. W wwstj - sasaw w: m SB) " aaspuas' m -"- aVM aamawT aBaWaa) AWBBBWWW BBBBWw. jWanaaWaaw bBW taa ahinaaa -nf She has twe - caaiBe aoc; oat i caa snreet w saavar m'aa-S-VyB . . . . " " ww bbmu Mrik. -. , . -- - - sV aaaaWar M-w m taowsasatB aad aaa aaacaed over HO ZZZZLZT-ZLT Z7t- I laaaff aarBaaaC" & Mr aad Mrs. L. V. D.Vora of CALIFORNIA'S GREATNESS. I aaaasaa aSA. I Wassrbary visited the Missss Helsoa hVavBBm.T I - m i "-" - - - aaaaasaWW aBWWBaW laBwate flt M m AH UR Tl A m IKHM.Ha V B z. Miss Taawaain --- ' o aMwaia. dmk i. .a k. .. . a. aaf atadanfMiraiaatlia.ah nett wish a aaagaaa aai refrmssjiaea. "'". " T" mmt V' r Halifa Pais h lbs' aaataiB aailsl aW " way. It aukas bfeai W TTSZS? aaae auawacaaaai as naau la-aaar. "-- a- -- . .. aai --- mi . aaa aaaBBBaas; taa UanHaf qass- ay -osi .aw , twajer naaa mar. bb aut & mi h ma nflna imv mm wmMmmtw wmmm mm mamm aaaaaa aataaat jawaaaw. - r '- r bbj --- - j jwea aaj iiiia" wfUaWdBB at. uraawaa. nsa maiiaanaadaaiisi zT. . . aai " n mm na aiswai t sasa. ' aaj w - ----- - ream atmm m. - - - - . -aai . -.- aaa rnaoavaifMHa aiaaiBsT far aaa iBhtsaas Haaaaaaw zerwara ae a awaad - m. z JT"-'V .tt aa wbhi ai r aajyamani bbj snaaiisaaiisiiaie . . --- " k . "" - aaaa aa law BBl- waara Traaatli iisel 'BBf- avaaHeaawBaBaavaaaiBtaanaai ' nam, tut - a BBl ax . .' . BBJ BBfajaawtllswaaat. iaa aha -- ir-w- wmm m ammm fjaBxaiBBI BaWSBBBBl Baaaat pbbbm BBl MV MMWmWmWmW BWW BBatSE. BBl - - --- .i aMv awaaw aKataaaai aai - " mm amw.mwmmm aaa lae aaaasa aa Ba) aaavaaaaaaaa Svapaaaa as saaavao. BTWavaaasa aaaal iam.ma sh ah a. a . . - sal . . . BB7 uB Saa aaa. aav aC. BBaaa. "j r.T. T - - " "bbbi aaa aay etaar aana aw taa am Sail aw a wsmw . aw - . aim pen ' ' wbbbub a, aadfaai mr son aaiia ia vti aa rr -' -. e:- r -. ssi .-t-'T" ai'a dogs. 3afrt5awVy aea iwajtat healthy Miaall iavitsd as eaaaa aad help as Iaa Uaatai saaass samt at BaaFraa- " Wsais7rihii immTmmW - .m. mmmmtmmtm- m-m.amm.m maaaaamaat-- maaaaaaawm aaaaaammamaam nam amaaaaaaatmm rmaaaammm aw-aaaaamaaa, aaaai raaaaam mamatamaaaaaaaaaaar aaAaaaaKaBA. mm .Am. maaaaaamaaaaammanaaam mwmr mat aaaaaaam amaaaaaaar maaaaaaaaaaaaam maaaaam maaaaaaaaaaam. aaar m a i 3, an anaj awwaanu , . . ... , , .T".- "- aaaaaaaMam k nsa BBTr"T7 'T "V " ? 1 "W'SBT a - ' --- --.-...z... Far aasar vaaja mmmt sn FfBBftaat - 27 m mmm ?,Tr" - eT ..biibbbv a ae aaass reaawaaee, waaa araw a atafa aff Lj shsf d aaver. - Lifam aLTJJ "i"r Mfntu ! - - 1 buisibb'w laaaaaBBBBBalsailaajat aaaaiai aaasai aaaa FttsaaT aaar 17 ZT wmu 1 ?- 'mm1mt waaj- B- AxTOBaTaTT AT XtAW. BBBaaBBB bbbsbj aanaaBj ayBjpi tWB BaaaBaaaaa. Btiaa flaaaaHPfaiai Tk. u'a -- - - . . aaa .. BBl . , it. - - ---- ... ' '- mwmsg -vaaaBBnSKB.BWaJBBB JB BBl aanaBB BBl -- --- - - ,mm r A LMy KjavJU aSEafaaaa) waBaaaV aBsanr ajBWaaaaMaiaBeaHaBB naAaal BBaTaaaai BBBSksaaaaai mtmmmmtmammam 'waaVaat4BBCBV bbbbV. -a aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW vaaaaBBBBBMBBB BBBBBBBBaWBaaBBaal , JV - aaaa- y"aaaaasBaPBw. awaaafnaw mw , vr I ' " --J-iMU.- i t-.. . BaaafaaWT , . COvuDaBBaaBBaxA, aar1 " x - x - I . ' 3rBlaekniitIi work anil Horse Shoeing done on short notice. - LOUIS SCHREIBER. If a Man is in Love, THAT'S HIS BUSINESS. If a Woman is in Love, THAT'S HEIt BUSINESS. Bat if they intend to get married, THAT'S MY BUSINESS. J. M CURTIS JUSTICE OF THE PEACE NoTAKr PCCI.IC AXD Tf PEWKITIXa Coldmbns, Nebraska Plan Your Trip Early m t During 1904 several opportunities to go back East at greatly reduced rates will be offered by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Pari Railway. If yon want to bo kept posted regarding low rates, dates of sale, stop-over privileges, and train service, ad vise me the probable time and destination of your trie, Through train servico from any point on the Bain line of the Union Pacific Iluilroad to Chicago every day. Folder free. F. A. NASH. General Western Agent. 1524 Farnani Strttt VawearorHfa) &rP-'Tt.'yoa waat KOTICE OF SALE OF SEAL ESTATE. Kotiee fa hereby si vea that ia pareaaaceoTaa. at iiaai ict coan ornane eoBnty.Ne. LaaJvaaaaeaadeatatadcif reonwl aa ttw taaatiatti (iBh) day, of Febraary. A. D. 19M, ia a sailaiS eptfoa paadlas ia said,coart wbereia AaaJeJtaRT fa pleiadf; aad Joha B. Parry. HEfirPrS; Joaes. Jeaaie K. Tnum Jan Parrr. eraattPanyaasaardfaas of the estate of said w.Aitaar joaea aaa Jeaafa B. Joaes. miqon, K.aLWatteraaadJ. O. Wadawnrth td IT. V J. aoefceabfTsar. defeadaata. the aadersumed aiBBid eaase will ooerfor sale to the bidder at wahlie aaeHoa at tk fmat of tha eeart hoaae ia aaeestr of Colambas. a anaatr. Bsbrseka. oa Moadav. thm twontr. "ii aaia Hh) asyof Jaae, BBL at the boar of tawmoefaokafieiaooaof satadajr. the follow. waisstat. slIaalMl ia Platte coaa. tO.witiThe fhflaaiat On. 1 tin of SiLLt W. IWaahip Miae. aaa(M),BejhofBaawTwo ( West of tbe a (SBi) Ftieetpal Tttriiliaa, sad the East 'am efleaae Three (S) .West of the Bixth (tth) eraeJd Jaae Farrr.aebjeet t of a ha leers froat April 1, Meet to the whieh are re- DAVTOTBOMAg. Slfflfaa0 FREE!! It costs yon nothing for DELIVERY of all kinds of Feed and .Hay. Lowest prices and tip-top qualities. We have the leading Livery and Boarding STAB LE Read Our Continued Story "I have traveled muck l.o'i ,i;.i .. 1- ,. mtch a i-omurlaUc junmey jMibte. The Unuy Vapfie Tourint Carmrtre a rereUi- wrued a Uistingnished American. oft,1 Drive ono of. our rigs once. Farmers, let us care for yonr team Riyltt Tourist Cars RUN EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR TO Oregon and Wasfegftn VIA Vs. .-fA :'- 'aBaaT'atfa- S- . - j . i,TBe aawiar.A "---- , f waf,Vawa4 "-- irur -srr . -- Ernst& Brock ORDER BY PHONE. PAY AT HOUSE WHEN FEED IS DE LIVEBED. IND. TEL. No. 98 UNIOHMCIFIC For fail information rail orwrire W. H.BBJm AM, Agent. w-fl. . I a Hi.-l z. -. ;BB " ' "" -.---.- , AA. t M!. mj . i y::ir. i-SH-rL ??& t rf "I - . " -r ''.. 1 . : a .-lM.?rK V SS1SV 1 4??.u SSZ-ttSASK -i' "wst J jW-Hin?.?.e3 f ;ai-t mi 'Je-ril PiJ -kSfJE if tf