4$ . ? ' J -.1 -- c? Ik i,- V jr: - i-f SV.- , y tj "Tw If rf. &-.: i - J v-ro-. "FVT--'n1 r a1. .i?j' 5nt"Tr"iiiM'!K' v- a ?t-: --- r I . ff . t.- . - - :t0.jr"""MTTrSSSSS3BBBEpKBPMMBCSI HBSS3BBES3I .' wV '. SSI SSSfe gr St . Sj Fj P lflHF fYYmwBr "-! .358 ,: i. w. . . mBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm - man " am IHBBV 'liwMgJ m IIUL bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbT ''2SV9KP9iKiBSBH mmmmmmmmW KmBVWVIBBIHI BBBBBBBBBW" )aaBBY?VSKf5-mmmBBlBBBBBmmmmmmmy bbbbbbbW KSSfeSKSv bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb asam WkwlHuV mmmmmmN fMiSVrBHvBv km b-w MHraiH m r- m -jfaj 7 vi b i h p A prominent club woman, Mrs. Dan- prominent ciud forth, of St. JosepK'Michl, tells how she was cured of falling of the womb and its accompanying pains and misery by Lydia E Pinkham's Vctable Compound uDkax'3Ib& Pinkham: Life looks dark indeed when a woman feels that her strength is fading away and she has no hopes1 of .ever being restored. Such was my feeling a few months ago when I-was advised that my poor health was caused by prolapsus or falling of. the womb. The words sounded like a knell to me, I felt that my sun had 6et; but Lydia . linkkama Vegetable Coipowad came to me as an elixir of life; it restored the lost forces and built me up until my good health returned to me. For four months I took the medicine daily and each dose added health and strength. I am no thankful for the help I obtained through its use." Juts. uommscm Davfokth, 1007 Miles Ave, St Joseph, Mich. . . . '-';. A medicine that has restored amy wom'em te.healtfc sb4. caji produce proof of the fact most bo regardeo! with respect. This is the record of Lydia E. Piitkbam's Tegettblo Coaspoiiae which cannot be equalled by any other aaedUct thm WorMi haa'crer pro duced. Here is another cases . WSft'um. not seem medicine, Center St, NL X r "FRIE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMEN." Woaten would save time aad much sickness if they would write to Mrs. Pinkhaa for advice as soom as may dintresnhuj symp toms appear. It is free, aad has put thousands of womem on the right road to recovery. Mrs. Piukham never violates the eeafldemee thus entrusted to her, and although she publishes thousands of testimonials from women who have been benefited by her advice and medicine, ever in all her experience has she published such a letter without the full .consent, and often by special request of the writer. S5000 FORFEIT it cannot forthwith auoTO MMMlOBUkU, WUW Will proro lydj; 1k&MeT0WB3 POMMEL SLICKER HAS KEN ADVBiriSED AND lOLD FOR A QUASraOFACBffltt LIKE ALL 'tiuf QSSBK. ltism4eof ucIcA mterab. in Mtck or jrdbw. full Quu&ntcei aei scM jr relwK detkn neiifcerc. STICK TO THE SIGN OF THE FISH CANADIAN COLbuM. A ATOWMt CO, (ONTO. AH. OSTON.IU&.uTlL WESTERN SUPPLY CO. JOBBSKS OF NWS, WIMMILLS ass BELTING and THRESHER SUPPLIES. PACKING and ELEVAIOIi REPAIRS. S2S-822 M Street LEWIS' SINGLE BINDER ) STRAIGHTS) CIGAR 75,600,000 Tour Jobber or direct from 1'ucwrjr. feoite. Uk KEEP EGGS FRESH hie; will kepers fresh fora year at a cost of One CMt a dozen. At mil droit aad procery tore- Sample pfejr. for lOdoz. cwrs. 2c, prepaid. Information free. Quincjr En Preservative Ce.. Oumcy. ML PORTRAIT AGENTS i Seal Direct with faetvrers leveMoaer. OursoodtbetH't Frloes the loweot. Prompt uhlp tpent. Dcllicrr of 11 portraltinirntet?d. 6eud r ratalogut and agents' price Hut. Addrexa j. uou c i Jiew-rre, raiene. free tt Tweity-f ive Mies. The Defiance Starch Co. win give ladles a round, trin ticket to the t. Louis Exposition, to Ave ladies in each of the following states: Illi nois, Iowa. Nebraska. Kansas and Missouri who will send in the largest number of trade marks cut from a ten cent, 16-oeace package of Defiance cold water--laundry starch. .TsJa means from your own home, any where in the above named states. These trade marks must be mailed to aad received by. the Defiance Starch Co., Omaha, Nebr., before September t. iU4. October -and November rill be the best months to visit the Egposition. Remember that Defiance is the only starch put np 16 oz. (a full pound) to the package, ou get on&thlrd mere starch for. the same money man or aay other kind, aad Defaace aever sticks to the iron. The tickets to the Exposition will be seat by registered mail September sui. starch for sale by all dealers. The tongue can maice the most sale appear to disadvantage. Character is crystallized conduct. These Who Have Tried it will us no other. DaBanae Geld Starch has no equal Ss QfcSMlty r af Jmrnr1 UK t rrowe i TC VBt CS&dr5& taWtatavaV eMfaVlVVBvABaaaaaaVtvaaaaaaaal Skv tain only 12 oa, , -.. aw - v-is in vs. mi jv w p vnarr -.- j - i -. There is no short cut to happlaass. jfiisi wkjsv- a wu. v 11 W Isagsrtast o Msdaiis. aetw, T. Mara. Denmark. " Seaidlat: oa the WljLlswtoB. road scats coaaected with the railway systems of WffiJMkSSiilUlm it; -. !LmVmmsmTisX!nm ' lDa betweeiS' wfly " ?"& "f Broe , ft&ZJZzM !' -lfcLj - tle t2&nr Freak h. HerE, Centlef. Fair BaildiBa. ' rrrlyl , Ii - T&ammmf . -. m WMB" .sMafaglF : ? . Walenaaa t Belfast, The Coasectlcut balding at the 'mtaa.m.T. "" . ..' ZZrVoBBBPBBBBBBBBBiW m2mamftimmWl't : Mm fsWta Teak ia'heas eggs, aa World's Fair coataias maay old co- bBbbbbPbbbbsK aib m'fm ' " A J VMWsssssBBBBsBKHn -7xf laches contained Inside s loaial relics, farnitare. china aad otfc- - - . WW . . lifcl SBt SKWbbSV J Mm emwtth ar teBared article, of Coaaectlcaf. BEGGS' BLOOD P0RIF1EB W '. . 9BBBtt ! - BBV-sT. XOUTB UtalT. J MlBsTirUaaTaBBBk. ' W. WSU. fEinail UVB1 UtC sWtfcsm,B - mmmmV "" - asswwam BTe aBBr- "' w"uo mmu ywwnpieie. sjswy -lava-. njpps X-L -It 1 -L-- MNIbWISTSL BBBBIs FfBs. BBBBBBBBBLaBlSaaiiisSr &-& ----" i . - ' . .'.'" 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB asa7LtaJssbJLS AssssV'?- t ,- -V , 4 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB . &-s-s i ) n 3-j r. irnt.j- a. ter l. - . tjf . woman uDkab Mas. PnrraAMTrrForTsars I was troubled with falling1' of the womS; irregular and nInfnlMienstrnation.'kicozrhambearing- .down pains, backache, headache, amy and tainting speus, ana stoaacn oounie. MI doctored for about -'five years but did to imnrora. I bean the use of your and nave taken seven bottles of . Lydia is. riBKBaars vegeiame i;onpouna, three of Blood Purifier, and also used the Sanative Wash and Liver Pills, and am now enjoying good health, and have gained in flesh. 1 tnanlc you very mucn xor wnat you have done for me, and heartily recom mend your medicine to all suffering women." Miss Eaatx Sotdkb, 218 East Marion, Ohio. protaee the origfauii tottora ul rifHtUH C ueir mammm pawmM. : He Must Sign In English. . Some amusing "correspondence be tween the lord chancellor of Ireland and Thomas McDonagh Mahony, J. P., since September 3, 1903," has been Is sued as a British parliamentary paper. Mr. Mahony Insisted upon sighing his name to warrants and other docu ments "in characters which are alleg ed to be those of the Irish language," and persists in the practicei although he has been authoritatively informed that it is illegal. The justice of Can erclveen insists that his signature is his usual one and disputes the lord chancellor's law and there the matter rests; except that he is enjoined from sitting on the magisterial bench until he gives assurance that he will "sign magisterial documents in English." Stanley's Visit to America. Stanley revisited America several times in the course of his eventful life. He caate over shortly after the Liv ingstone expedition had been com pleted; again for a lecture tour after he had founded the Congo Free State through the support of the Brussels African International association of which Leopold, king of the Belgians, was and is the head. This trip was cut short by the summons to relieve Emin Pasha (Dr. Eduard Schnitzer). He responded immediately. The hut time he visited this country was in 1895. when he was seen in Boston and New York for a short time, and then traveled through Canada. The Immensity of Russia. Russia embraces one-sixth of the land surface of the world. It is more than fifty times larger, than Japan and has a total area of S.650.000 square miles. Half of Europe and the whole of northern Asia are included within its boundaries. It has a greater con tinuous area than aay other nation in the world. A World Wide Reputation. Wherever aaen are there will be Illness and wherever people are 111. Dodds Kid ney Pills will be foand a blessing-. Sole ly on their merits have they pushed their way lac maatwt every Bart of the clvU-SMt-Weftd. Their repntsMon as an hon est medicine that can always be relied on .has been built up by th sratefal praise of those who have beaa cured. The two following letters indicate Just how the reputation of this remedy 'aaows bo geographical bounds. The sldk aad suffering all over the world aie isj for Dodds Kidney PUIs: , . Dear Sirs: I have keen suasdng front some months from a Kidney complaint. The dootor. who attended me has recom mended sac to take your PsBt. "Dodds Kidney iPMls." After two hoses I got some relief. Bat unfortunately I have not been able to go on with the treat ment, being unable to find as Puis m Cairo. The Chemist who SMS me the two boxes .has Informed me shot he had tat aa order for some, and has been keeping me waiting for more than one month. This Is the reason whs I am writing to you to request yoa to havo the goodness to send me by rotorn of post sue boxes for which I wuVaay as gglV - from thopoot. JCtedty let ate avow as the. same, toe where yoar branch agency In Egygd atto be found. Thanking you in anticrsaMoa. Mohassed Rached. r'Immeubles Uavaa da l'Etat." Office of the Minister of risaaii Cairo. EGYPT. -, - Pear dlp: Jl want to purchase rate boats Of JiMhjKtaaey Pills, but I dfecVt lQBesasthx.wsoo to apply at bSo orlosmter.-l-jiOjtliL they can beTeat by Mssjjsvjr registered mall from offer place. Please advise me of how to aro- thooa do- OD Mcdora's Maneuver. I trv tn nronn.A ofeSoia Vffltui fn imn.iir.r. rhjrwoaSjrfui skill that she shows UK Hrhtlv be rnllH ihsU'nv All Umtm n which I mav dtt If Uiey upon loveland should border. AT banished to regions remote, Asa that in a very short order. f fancy she eves me in doubt If I speak of some phase of the fashion: rnat word, when a rhymer's about. Is very suggestive of "passion." one .bans every mention of "sweets" Wultn he obdurate air of a grandee. Although she retracts and retreats At the offer of chocolate candy. I'd "wear the maid loves me. and yet For causes both foolish and flimsy I can t. to my deepest regret, x T"0" ..her to conquer her whimsy. I think, when I see her again. i m nuene attempt to reprove her. But cltsj her and kiss her! Him thn rw them will Medora -maneuver? Life. - He Tells How the Pearls Grow. T. R. Ainsworth Davis, an English scientist, throws laterestia light on the way pearls are produced. The worm shown in the illustratlor causes an irrita tion inside the oyster's shell. To allay the trouble earned by the .worms layer after layer of pearly sub stance Is formed around them; and iu uue course we nave pearls. Long infested oysters, of course, yield the finest The eco nomic bearing of these facts is clear. Sting-rays and trigger-fishes alike must be carefully pre served, otherwise t h A tan will become ex-How Fear,f?vt tinct, and then no pearls; or at, least none of the best sort. Some varieties are very possibly caused by parasites of other kinds. And small, inferior pearls may be formed round sand grains or minute, hard particles due to inflammatory disease. In ignorance of the facts related, it was proposed not long ago to wage war against the trigger-fishes because they devour pearl oysters. If the step had been' taken the supply of pearls would have been sorely de pleted. A Plow 250 Years Old. Theodore Pidcock, a farmer of Washington township, N. J., has just come into possession of what he says is the oldest plow in America. Ac cording to tradition the plow is 250 years old, having been brought over by the Dutch to New Amsterdam ii 1654. - It remained in one family, that of Terriberry's of Schooley's Moun tain, for over 200 years, and then was purchased at an auction sale by Jon athan Pidcock, father of the present owner. This, they say, is the plow which was used in breaking the ground for the famous Hackettstown-German Val ley Turnpike, over which the Revolu tionary forces drew their cannon after the battle of Trenton, and when they were on their way to the defense of the famous Jockey Hollow Road. It is built on the same principal as plows of to-day, except it was a wooden moldboard and a wrought iron share. All the nuts have tail burrs on them for tightening and loosening with a hammer, for in the old days there were no wrenches. There Is but one handle, which is to be held with the left hand, the right hand guiding the horse. "Seven" Social the Latest. They had a "Seven" social over In Patten, Me., the other night, says the Boston Globe. It opened at seven minutes past seven, cost seven cents to get in and seven cents to get out, except every seventh one. All were at liberty to go home at seven min utes past nine, but no one went until seven minutes past ten. All agreed on the way home ,that the seven kinds of refreshments served at seven minutes past eight were seven times better than anything ever before eaten. When Trees and Plants Sleep. Trees and plants have their regu lar times for going to sleep. They need to rest from the work of grow ing and to repair and oil the machin ery of life. Some plants do all their sleeping In the winter time while the ground is frozen and the limbs are bare of leaves. In tropical countries where the snow never falls, and it is always growing weather, the trees re pose during the rainy season or dor lag the periods of drouth. - Honesty in New Hampshire. A woman entered a Franklin Falls, N. H., shoe store recently and said to the proprietor, "Yon have a bill against my grandfather, haven't you?" "Yes, was the reply. "How much is it?" was the next question. The pro prietor did not remember, but it was arranged that he should look it up and she would call later. He did so and it was foand to be eighteen years old. A few days later the woman called aad settled. Woman's Veil Stops Power. In investigating the cause of the -radden cutting off of the power on a street car at New .London, Conn., it was found that a woman's veil had become so entangled about the trolley wheel as. to completely insulate it from the wire. Given Fair Warning. This church notice appeared recent ly in a country paper in Maine: "Mon day night there will be preaching in the church, on the subject, 'He that believes and is baptized shall be saved, but he that disbelieves shall be damned at 7 o'clock.' Many Jeeeese la Uae. At the funeral of John R. Joaes of Newark,. Ohio, all of the pallbearers, six in number, were named Jones, yet none was a relative of the deceased, and no one of the pallbearer was re lated jto aay of the others. Tretiele for Poetoffice' Clerks. . There fa a letter.ia the Essex Jaae tkm, ft,' postoace addressed "to Aa HUM ' CHANCE TO DO GOOD. r worsted Pedestrian With Hie Own Argument. The pedestrian looked scornfully at the beggar who had accosted hiss. " "Yon say yoa want money for yoar starving wife and family, he repeat ed. I don't believe yoa have any." "Wen, wot of it?" asked the beggar brazenly. "I believe you're lying," persisted the pedestrian with conviction. "Wot if I am?" said the beggar dog gedly. The pedestrian showed his astonish ment at such a display of utter de pravity, but he held firmly to his par pose. "I believe yoa only want moaey to buy liquor," he said. "Wot if I do?" returned the beggar. "In that case," said the pedestrian slowly and impressively, "yon show yourself to be a liar, a vagabond and a drunkard a man who is hardly worth saving." Then, after a moment of thought, he added, "Do yoa know that the liquor evil is, to. a certala ex tent, its own corrective?" , "Nix,", replied the beggar. "Well, it is. Scientists tell as that it is killing off the weak and inferior classes and in that way yoa may be said to be doing some good. Do you " Before he could finish the beggar's hand was thrust toward him, palm upward. "Please, mister, won't yoa help the good work along?" asked the nan in rags. " He got a quarter and the lecture was never finished. TRULY A MODEL SERVANT. Man Stuck to His Duly Though His House Was Burning. Miss Ida Tarbell, the writer, was talking at her home in New York about servants. "I have been reading" she said, "John Forster's 'Life of Dickens,' and the book has reminded me of the pompous Forster's body servant, Hen ry. Dickens described Henry during his last visit to America. "The man, it seems, was devoted to his master. From one year's end to the other he never needed a repri mand. "It was therefore surprising one night, when Forster was entertaining several writers at dinner, to see the scrupluous Henry make error after error. He upset a plate of soup, and Forster uttered a cry of alarm. He forgot to serve the sauce for the fish, and his master said, 'Why, Henry!' Altogether he made the excellent din ner seem a slovenly and poor repast, "When, at the end, he had set the port and walnuts on the table, Henry leaned over Forster's chair and said in a tremulous voice: "'Please, sir, can yon spare me now? My house has been on fire for the last two hours.' " Made Room for the Judge. A merry story is told of Judge Beekman Winthrop, formerly a judge of the Court of First Instance in the Philippines, who has just been named by the president for the next governor of Porto Rico. The judge is a Harvard man and a valued member of one of the old New York families. An anti-imperialistic female was worried about reports reaching this country concerning the dislike the Filipino woman has for the Yankees, so she said: "My dear judge! Yoa are so chival rous! Don't you feel the slight pat upon yoa by the native women? I've heard that their hatred of their con querors Is so great they are positively insulting." "On the contrary, madam," replied the judge, bowing, "they are most solicitous. Why, a high caste Manila lady deigned to push her pet mar moset off the divan so I could sit beside her!" New York Times. The Bold Ghost. The year was young, but the place was old. And the house had gone to sleep. And the ghost that came by night was bold. For the silence was so deep. Aloud he called to his heart's fair queen. But she would not unbar the door. And the window from which she used to lean Stirred at her touch no more. In vain through the empty night he cried. But there came no answering tone; And then he bethought him that since he died A hundred years had flown. But a hundred years should have brought more near The love that he loved so well; And the bold ghost's heart turned cold with fear Where was the old-time spell? Had she forgotten what he held fast? They say 'tis a woman's way; Was it only a dream that love could last. The dream of an Idle day? From the silent house the bold ghost turned .Why dream that a dream Is true? Ashes were where love's tire once burned; Death's meaning at last he knew. Staart Set. Cause of Beef Trust Probe. Among the facts which led to the investigation of the beef trust are the following: Last August good to extra fresh beef .("Western" sides") sold In Boston at 18.37 a hundred pounds. In the preceding t April such beef, in the same market, had brought only $6.50, although the packers in Chi cago had actually paid a few cents more a hundred pounds for the live cattle in April than they paid in Aug ust. Germany's Machine Industry. The machine industry of Germany was never in worse condition than at present Two reasons are given for the decline: First, the great depres sion in. industrial life all over the em pire; and, second, the enormous strides in the use of gas engines and steam turbines within the last few years. Japanese Censor Oonts. This is what the Japanese censor forbids the publication of: (1) Details or accounts relating to tactics; (2) what relates to future war move ments; (3) damage done to the Japa aese warships and transports; (4) the range of guns in action and the quan tity of shots used; (5) the positions and names of the bases of naval oper ations; (6) the whereabouts of war ships and transports, and (7) particu lars with regard to coal, fresh water, munitions of war, etc From Athens to Paris. Athens, Greece, is soon to'be coa aected with Paris by railway. The Grecian government has'already se cured the building of a road to the The Brtosh ceasor of plays has eotv alderahly added to the gayoty of the Loadoa theatrical, seasoa,1 bow striae; a flaal fillip by anaoaaclac that heace forth all "gags" must be tried, la writ lag, on I-dasen, before esiag. "Gags" have generally beea supposed to be the iaspiratioa of the moment, delightful little diversions from the. steady, cur rent of the play; and therefore the more enjoyed, not only by the "gan gers," but by the audience. ' There is reason to doabt whether a "gag," after having been written down aad tried in the crucible of the critic aad cen sor, wonld be a "gag" at all. The Lon don Speaker, however thinks the mu sic hall wits have no cause to fear so long as the present censor continues In power. "The censor," It says, "who licensed the 'Girl from Maxim's' and suppressed 'Monna Vanna,' has abun dantly proved his readiness to tolerate any nastiness, provided only that it is also stupid." Having a Pic-nie. Pic-Nics are never complete without sandwiches, sweet white bread with a generous layer of meat between. Libby's canned meats are ideal for picnics and outings. The cans are so easily opened and the contents so fresh and palatable that no plc-nlc is a success without Libby's "Natural Flavor" Food Products. The New Pullmans. Owing largely to sanitary considera tions, the Pullman company has adopt ed a new standard sleeper which lit tle resembles the ornate cars built a few years ago. The new standard is severely plain and ts devoid of all scroll and grill work. Insist on Getting It. Some grocers say they don't keep De fiance Starch because they have a stock In hand of 12 oz. brands, which they know cannot be sold to a customer who has once used the 16 oz. package. De fiance Starch for same money. ' A ,woman's idea of economy is to have her husband shave himself for six months so that she can get a new spring bonnet. Send 25 cents for Homesteaders Guide containing 48 pages of information. Official map and full insti actions how to get a claim on the Rosebud reservation. Forbes Locating Agency, Bonesteel, S. D. An unbridled tongue goes with an unburdened brain. More Flexible and Lasting, won't shake out or blow out; oy using Defiance Starch you obtain better results than possible with any other brand and one-third more for same money. Leadership does not depend wholly on leg ability. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, sa aaercarr will rarely destroy the km of smell ad completely derange the whole yttem wbea entering It through the mncoaa larfacea. Such article ahoald sever be used except oa prescrip tions from reputable physician, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good yoa can ponslbly de rire from them. Hall's Catarrh Care, manufactured by F.J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no aaer eery, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the- system, la baying Hall'a Catarrh Cure be sure yoa get the Ssnalne. It ts taken Internally and made In Toledo, hlo, by F. J. Cheney ft Co. Testimonials free. Take! eon oy urugRUU. rnce.isc. per bottle, uairs i Family Fills for coastlpaUoa. Never make a fool of yourself tf please qther fools. Wlffle-StlCksUAUlIDKT BLUE Won't spill, break, freeze nor spot clothes. Costs 10 cents and equals 20 cents worth of any other bluing. If your grocer does not keep it send 10c for sample to The Laundrr Blue Co., 14 Michigan Street. Chicago. Uneasy lies the head wnose tongue lies harder. BUSINESS PRUDENCE means careful buying of the small things as well as the large. Paragon Typewriter Ribbons bear the special guarantee of the' Remington Type writer Company. They sell singly for 75 cents each. If you buy the Para gon Ribbon coupon books, you get them for 58 1-3 cents. Lots of inferior goods cost more than that. Woman's inhumanity to man makes countless millions mourn. esnd. Hosts or r. Sand for sfBBB otDr.KUDCsureatNerreKescao ssSlSMI trial hottl aad sKa.isauav saaicSStrest. rklls1ilatisl,ra Some of the lowest places, in a city are likely to be owned in the highest. When Your Grocer Says he does not have Defiance Starch, you may be sure he Is afraid to keep It until his stock of 12 oz. packages are sold. De fiance Starch is not only better than any other Cld Water Starch, but contains 16 or. to the package and cells for same money as 12 oz. brands. There are many things that fill the heart, but few of them 'can furnish it. YBXtVOW CLOTHES ARE ONSIOIRI.T. Keep them white with Red Cross Ball Blao. jut grocers sou large a os. pacxage, a Deeds and not distances make the milestones on the heavenly road. ItUBSBrePlso'sCarefor Consumption saTeo say life three years ago. Mrs. Taos, ff-rnanaa Maple Street, Norwich, & Y., Feb. 17, 198k It's wrong to imagine the world Is against you because of a failure. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.laaaaaaai' StrrightenUp The main rassadsr sspportsof sogywasrss ssa wt co Backache ortsmbaeo. Toiyeve.strsacBs and stralgbtea WJ. asa SUacobsOil MceBSc. rlfttftflfWft VWTVWWW.WWJ 'BskVaV 'bbbvsFV BBrBaBBBBBBBKKaT mummnuS9m9mwimuu tavUcsdsnsiid free sample cardas 1 'Saaltosy VrtcJZSL I BJ Dcstroya disease trennasa4Tersda.ltrreisl rabt i or scale Ton eaa aaplr It stlz wltasB SJfrtaVtrster. BeaaMfsjeSscts to whits aadal Pht Bst rstrr flip aiipsiillssi Bar arBtsas sa Pecsratlas." and sy ArtlswB SOCIETY WRECKED HE LIFE. SBtees SI. A-Sa-BBV b-Sk BSBBBBBBBBBBBBL.A& T-WBl BBkw S. I . I laaaaW '--vrv'araaBlsTTrdH BL " BZ2usaVItBaaaaaaaa9saa9 bbsbbbPbP lsaTsfjr aa l Is sbVbVbbbbsbbT I ' In Society. A woman in society is obliged to keep late hours. She must attend receptions and balls. She seldom allows herself a quiet evening1 at home. Her whole time is taken np in keeping- engage ments or entertaining1 in her own home. Her system becomes completely run down as a consequence. She soon finds herself in a condition known as sys temic catarrh. This has also been called catarrhal nervousness. If every society woman could know the value of Peruna at such a time, if they could realize the invigorating, strengthening effect that Peruna would have, hor much misery could be avoided. Letters from society women all over the United States testify to the fact that Peruna is the tonic for a ran down, depleted nervous system. eeoooeeeeseeeeeesoiseeeoeesessssaa BBWft Bbw-J UTmw BBBV BBbVbbVsBBB BVaBBBsJsBBBBssllIV" "" BVaB2jtfSSHS BBBBW aBBBBr .BBBBVsVBBBksB7wf BBW t BBBBBBBBBBBBl BB .bb1bVsBsBBBBbsbbBB1i9 bBBBB mr BBBBBBrBBBs"aBswT VsBBBlhXl. kkmSkSkmk BBBBS SW BBBBBBBBr BsBBBBsB J2UnCvv ' r4K&uumTW J sBbH BaAy aBBBBBBBBBBBsBBB " '-lSr-WCV-O. rTPV-W JbbbbU VsbUsbW .bbbbbbb mbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI xFaPI:':r? .bbWbbbbbt Mbbbbbb bbbssP .bbbbsBT s5aloaBBBBBB ymrm.'' HI I Luncheons SdaBavJj-fJl'C Veal laaf, Vieawa Saisafe, laa An Aasest ike featy Teoytlos, Uocsess Send for oar booklet How Libby, McNeill AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAA A A m. A aaaaaaa a m. A A A A A A A A A A THE MAN BEHIND THE GUN Is our name for the patent Separating Grate and Check Plate in the famous RED RIVER SPECIAL THRESHER. It has the Big Cystader, with lots of concave and open grate surface. It has the Maa BeWad the Obsj, that does most of the separating right at the cylinder. Besides these, it has all the separat ing capacity of other machines. The average old-style small cylinder thresher wastes enough grain and time to pay your thresh bill. Why not save the grain ordinarily put into the straw stack? Why not save the time which the ordinary threshing outfit wastes for you? This can be done by employinir the RED RIVER SPECIAL. ' It runs right along, saving your grain and saving time, regardless of conditions. NICHOLS & SHEPARD CO., BwMers ! Threshers ami Enfmts. Battle Creek, Mich. M YEaftS III WSMESS. MANCH MUSES AM A6EMTS EVERTWNEIE. I THERBS W0 USB ARGUING I I n.M'hlliaB.swylas,!Bmtaw I W'htL JsBBsssTswsssssL I Ibbbsj f1 taaVaf ft: CIbbbMbI Tr, s as.1 sWfmm BBskSaBBsBBBV av BBBBBBBBBW Basi Bssf - - - s ...., '41 BsTB'BM''asBBsBW I si-'W bbbbbbTJ HsaaV ftmCkr- O Ys.cs.ikoa s&s&rr ksasmaWcBaailaalaa fsatofTsseaaa. Vbbbbbbbbbbbbb. I lasaofssroam-loaal VKi I TIE DEFIANCE STAMI n.f jHH BBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB aA "SMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJB bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV -bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbm SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm JBjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB AHTKEPTIC MIMEFTIC m eTarNaJa. ewWTva enHeaV"Ba. aw IBM W HVi IVHVHsV Mrs. J. E. FIbb, 83 East High street, Buffalo, N. Y., writes: peruna Medicine Co., Colasabas, Ohio. GfeafiesteB- "A few vewn eeo aad to -give aa t ocial life enftrelf, a health tret completely broken town. The doctor advised a complete rett for a year. As this ices oat of the eaes fioa for a rime, I ftcyaa to look for aome other mesas, of restoring health. " had often heard of Peruna ma ea excellent tonic, so I oought a aottle to see what it would do for ate, aad it certainlw took hold of sty sytfess aad rejuvenated me, and in lea than two months I was in perfect health, and now when I feel worn out or tired a dose or two of Peruna is all that I need." Mrs. J. E. Finn. Mrs. J. If. Beynolds, Elktoa, Ohio, writes: "I owe my health and life to Permna. We rarely call in a physician, in fact it has been years since I have taken any other medicine than yours. I am afraid of drugs, and although I have been sick many times I have taken only yoar medicines. They are wonderful indeed. We have a very large house and enter tain a great dea, and I do all my own worK, tnanics to jreruna. " Mrs. J. w. Beynolds. Frew TnaaMln iff WMMM. Any woman wishing to be placed on the list of Dr. Hartman's patients for free home treatment and advice should immediately send name and symptoms, duration .of disease and treatment already tried. Directions for the first month's treatment will be promptly mailed free of charge. No free medi cine will be supplied by the doctor, but all necessary directions will be furnished. Bead what the above ladies nave to say of Peruna as a cure for these cases. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus, Ohio. Libby's Natural Flavor Foods are U. S. Government inspected, perfectly packed canned foods, and are ready to serve at a moment's notice. Uaf , Itieless Ckkkea, Ox Ttffies 1 Meats. Ask Yoar firscer far Tana, f to Make Good Things to Eat. A Libby. Chicago As the modern self-binder is ahead of the old reaper of forty years ago, so is the Big Cykader and Maa BcMad the Gam ahead of the small cylinder old style thresher. The old-style thresher with its small cylinder and limited separating capac ity, has stood for years without much improvement. The RED RIVER SPECIAL is the crowning improvement in threshing machinery. It is built for modern, up-to-date work; to thresh well; to thresh fast; to save time and grain and money for the thresherman and farmer. It does it. There are reasons why. Send for our new book on threshing, it gives them and it is free. The RED RIVER SPECIAL is the only machine that has the Maa Brhiad the GaB, and it will save enough extra grain and time to pay your thresh bill. FUE CONES Yew fVLE til rum OfTiilii&Hsl Imfct Every child born into taa world with an inherited or early developed tendency to tortarinf , disneuring htunora of the Skin and Scalp, becotnes an object of the moat tender solicittule, not only became of its aanering, bat because of the dreadful fear that the disfigu ration is to beHfcloag and mar its future happiness and proa perity. Hence it becomes the doty of mothers of such aflict ed children to acquaint them selves with the best, the purest, and most effective treatment available, viz.: the CUTICURA Treatment, con sisting of warm baths with CUTICURA Soap, and gentle anointings with CUTICURA Ointment, the great Skin Care. Cures made in childhood are speedy, permanent aad eco nonucaL s Oialsit CsataO FREE to WOMEN A Large Trial Beaatod keek efl sld, esMtagh te prove the raise et PoxtineTowetAntiscpllc Catarrh. Sere TIweaL Sere ffyss. Caav andalsartacaiefi In local treatment of female ills Paxtiseln invalaable. Used as a Vaginal Wash wo challenge the world to produce its equal for thoroughness. It is a revelation in cleansing and healing power; it kills ail germs which cause inflammation aad discharges. All leadlngdraggists keep) Fastlne; arise, Bse. a box; if you rs does not, sead to as for It. Dost take a substitute there Is nothing llkePai tins. WritefertheaTrevBex of Fastis t-aay. arajaosTogi, J.rspolM., LMkhg ftr a Imm? Than whv net koaa In view tho s) In mw tho SvOVaaaj BBrSBaBfs C.W Western Canada fact Shot tho formlns leno off are sufficient to support a popojatlon of 9s.sa.ee0 or over? The immigration for the past sis yean has been phenomenal. easily accessible, while other tends may bo par chased from Railway and Land Companies. The grain anil crazing lands of Western Canada are the best oa the continent, producing the best grain, and cattle (fed oa grass alone) ready for market. Markets. Schools, KaUways aad all atthsn- rondltloas make Western Camada aa esttrl able spot far thai settler. Write to Superintendent Isamigratioa.Ottawa.Caa ada. for a descriptive Atlas, sad other infoimatioa. or to the authorized Ceaadisa Government Agent W. V. Bennett. SM New York Urn Omasa, Neb. World's Fair New Train Service On and after Sunday. April 24th. 1904. Word's Fair Trains will leave Omaha Union Station for Kansas City and St. Louis at 10:45 a. m. 5:30 p. m. 11:45 'm. m. Special rates on sale commencing April ir.th. For tickets, berths and in formation, call or address Asrent Union Station or THOS. F. OODFRET. Pass, and Ticket Asent. S. E. Cor. 15th anaj Douglas Streets, OMAHA, NEB. MAOHtmWKfm FOKTABLK aad drUI aay depth, by staaaa or aors sowar. sa oirrBaairr Weekalleasjei saaastrVM! KXXLT A TATtCTBsXI. CO. Lawn Fence Iron or wire, many styles, forresidence.churcn.seboo. cemetery: poultry aad hoc fence: farm galea. Send for catalogue. Clrajii Irso aJBTn OMAHA. XKB. W. N. U Omaha, Nob. No. 22. NTdBBwa - JS J J I Li CUTICUIU sit tsfsasassl tan smIS Csali fan, Mc Basohraas, Ms. (ta fans naavascysrvtaisrw). pssots: ImSji, v CBarla. taassSa,iratlaS Saass laTrata; Bostsa. IX Calaaa sas iAwl rasarPrag a Cuss. CtaSor-ofijiissa. Is la osaosv fcvsi S osaijitj la sjassstKscs cssaassaMi sswBal ySfcirjCrtSg BasVO Bat ClBSaWSaBtasS rtlss. Tha coatsaM j" ?y..so.. sasksi msj asasai-r HwtHatsBaJ sa. -s wc isjiwsaws tn a iwtssw aNaassi BWyaKBBH aad bmsJ ws sytat sacceM a Vsalaal WajKfwUBYenhaia,- illi JsmVpHBrVaB. BmmWnglTP7amT nmLmmW Ik MM I m BasmSyraaftsitsGoag. VasH T- C il I9 . .a ,. : i -,. ".'" UTb-1 1 --r "i t . 'i Pv 1 ., ! ! B - & ' .,-T f. . ;' - r . " . r. m ' . 3 - 1 H ' ..-"I" V .1 v 5 - .v fi titeL itUimim&. :. BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS JK feV.?. s siVHSgtsf $f8 A;Ayg-t.ja .AlLlk ,s444k;. .,iS