5SCSdS '5& rf"'"2 - y-, 73 ' -I :t 'i J2f ;V.,o ":- . Ss-i". ai IFSi! aC-5 -rtf S"?' :&s - - SPKX3 Tr '- -Aa2LV ' ".''-.. . S rfti (. si , , 5-Vt V, r ""HJ..t- ;r 'fojj55ggg S&5S6" JW3SSi 'jtJirVi :-,..'- .-V t."'-i-i. T?" - ''-?: -?K"j .J.A ?$ --53i T- - ; essas& &&$4r'tHi& - -l "S4-.X ; 'n- -Vt w ?s5s! 1 .-V" t . P.' fSj, &. t.-A Lf & m$$ - N,. ? t.i Ji-?'. v- ,3 a '-.-J;'t' .. AS . Wsnttesi ieUty? - t t v r - VOX.TJME XXXV. NUMBER 8. COLUMBUS, AT. HAY 25, 1904. WHOLE NUMBER 1.731. v &&$& 'ZJL?jr - i-. " ' .'.JTS:1 i-t.V-- M- ,. c Sff Vi fi Tfc'Mtf'ai .-I T 4 taav ' mBip?t - nav) -. . ? y 9 an Am 'viamBn BBBraBawBaB' &aa.am iiaTlma saas.an,rBB; a r aan. -geeraag' 'r MS rsiafiffir v .jap Mtm 'asBaam a - IpRRASgi gamiisgni Sr-'r 5 a t" 'w iswir t," ftr T Z. fc AaaaC. . V r . -r vjf-i T- ' '- TIME TABLE, COLUMBUS. NEB. Idacola, Osaaha, Chicago, St. Joseph, Kansas City, aU.Loals and all points East and oath. Denver, Helena, Butte, alt Lake City, . Portland, San Fraadaco and all point Wast. t TBAIXB DBTABT. Mo. 22 I'asseafw, daily except Bandar. 7:25 a. m No. 22 Accomiaudatioa. dailjr except Saturday. ..... ..... 4:S0 p. as TBalHS ABBTVX. No. 21 PnmiKCT. drily except Bandar. , No. 31 Aeooeaaaodation, dally except ta9nBsnaaW 830 p. m lJOp.a- " " -- - ,l TIME TABLE U. Y. B. B. AHT BOUND. MAIM LIKE. li. Cliicrwyo Kpecihl : 1:27 a. m. No. No. No. No. No. No. , Atlantic KxprviM .. w a. ..J0e. m. i ulnmbuH Local lv Ft Mail " P 0. Kaittoni Kximui.. 225 p. M. SSSp. . 2. Overlaad Limited WEST BOUND, MAIN LIKE. S. Pacific Kxitrrta 8:10 n. m. No. No. 11.C,lo. Hntfcinl 21 . m. No. 101. Fust Mail 11:15 a. No. 1, OwrUad Limited. .12:10 p. m No. 3. ( alifornia Kxpmtis No. 7. (Villi nibas Local.. No. 2a, Kn!giit KOHFOLK BHANOH. No. 63, I'aMeager ... 70 p. m ... Wp.ra. ...030 a.m. Depart ... 7:10 p. at. ... 7:15 a. a. Arrive ...1230 p.m. ... 7:10p.m. No. 61. Pai if.. Mo. 72. Mix. ALBION AND SFALDISa BKANCB. Popart No. 69, ranewiKor 2:10 p.m. No. 73, Mixed 630a.m. - Attire No. 70, I'aaeenger l0p.m. No. 71, Mixed 8:00 p. hi. Norfolk paMBRer trains ma daily. No trains on Albioa and Spalding branch flaaiUye. Columbus local daily except Sunday. W. II. Bkbbah. Aceot. COUNTY OFFICERS. ReprMentatire v fIDI em a Daanin ! MaperiatMulant JaVaaVSaavUT HlaSu IVaaaorpr (Uerk of District Court.. .. .. JONN W. BeNDRB JounOhaf .CUABLCH J. CaBEIG L. U. Leaty John J. Gallet ..John Rttebxan DlBE A. IlECHEB ...C. M. Obuextheb ME It. Metz ....U. L. ROWUTES HOAKD OF SUPERVI80RS. Diet. 1 John Gorrz. Chairman Diet. 2 .Peteb Bendeb Diat.3 Matbew Dietiuoh Diet. 4..... .......... ... VBANK KlEBNAN Dit..r Rudolph C. Mulleb Dirt. 6-7 Louis Held, E. J. Kbnst U. S. SENAToas-Charlea IL Dietrich, 1. II. Millard. w w Member of Conorksh, 3d Dihtsict, J. J. McCarthy. - STATE OFFICERS. Oorernnr, John II. Mickey; Secretary State, George W. llarah; Auditor, Charlea II. Weston: Treasurer,!'. Mortenwn; Attorney General. Frank N. Pront: Hnierintendent Public Iniitrnc tioa. William K. Fowler; ComBiineionerPublic Laaae. tieorgo i.l'olluier,. - Judoes 6th Judicial' DisTBitrr-C. HoUen feack. J. G. Reeder. Benatob-W. A. Way. Reebebentatite 24th Distbiot-J.W. Bender Float Repbementatite E. E. Fellera. CHURCH MRECTORY. ONGREOATIONAL-Sabbath echool, 10 a. m. Praachina. 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Junior En daxr, 3.00 p. m. Senior Endeavor, 7.00 trayer meeuns inuraaay, owu p. m Auxiliary, brat Wednesday in each monu at 330 p.m. G. A. hunbo, raster. PRESBTTERIAN-Sabbath School. 9:15 a.m. Sarmoa, 11KW a. m. Senior Endeavor, 7.-00 p. m. EvcBiBK sermon. 80 p. m. Prayer meeting and atadyof the Sabbath school leaeon. SOU p. m. Walter N. Halskv, Pastor. METHODIST Preaching. 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. :Saday ectiool, 1200. m. Junior League. 330 p. im. Epworth League, 7:00 p. m. Prayer meeting, Tharsday. 800 p. m. Ladiea Aid Society every other Wednesday at 230p.m. G. A. Luce, D. D., Pastor. GERMAN REFORM ED-Sunday School, 030 .m. Preaching. 1030 a.m. Endeavor, 730 p. bl, Ladies Gaud, first Thursday in each month, 230 p. m. Ret. Neumabeeb, Pastor. BAPTIST Handay School, 1000 a.m. 8ermon UOe a. hi. Junior B. Y. P..U3O0p.m. Ser- a.OOp. in. rrayer meeting, vi p. m. n, K . uuui, Kmmvi. GRACE EPISCOPAL -Low celebration. 800 Haaday School. 1000 a. m. Preach u a. m. rreacmng. ii4Kt. Kreninc service. HOU n. m. Ht. An. draws Brothers, second Tuesday of each month. Daachters of the King, second Tuesday or each BKtath. Ladies Guild, second Wednesday of each month. Rev. W. A. Cash, Rector. GERMAN LUTHERAN-Preachiag, 1000 a. m. Sunday School. 2 p. m. Ladies Society meets one Thursday in each month. Rev. II. MiESSLER, Pastor. ST. BONAVENTURA CATHOLIC-Sunday services, mass and sermon at 8, V aad 1030 o'clock. Sunday school and benediction at 3 o'clock. The 9 o'clock mass is gives in Polish aad the 8 o'clock mass alternately in German and English. Week day mass every morning at 8 o'clock. Fridays at 3:13 o'clock, stations aad benediction. Confessions beard from 4 to 6 o'clock Saturday and from 7 to 9 on Sunday morning. Confessions also Sunday morniag be fors Bollock mase. Fatheb Theobald Kalamaja, Priest. LODGES. VA8HTI DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAIT. No. MS-Meets in Odd Fellows hall, second and Coarth Wednesday of each month. Mrs. Maud Thissrill. Boble grand; Mrs. Faircliild, secretary. THUANELDA No. 12. O. D. H. 8. meeU the asjoniid Had fourth Monday of each month in K. C P. hall. Alois Maier, president and J. H. Jo secretary. ML W. of A. No. 299,-MeeU second and fourth Taasday in K. of P. hall ' Loais Bruaken, secretary. Louis Held. V. C, OCCIDENTAL LODG E, No. 21. K. of P.-Meet vvary Wednesday in K. P. halL J. M. Cortis. C 41. P. J. McCaffrey, secretary. WILDEY LODGE. No. 44. I. O. O. F.-Meet vary Taeaiay. Odd FeUows hall. J. E. Paul, N. G George Fairchild, secretary. ROYAL HIGHLANDERS. No. 144.-Meet first Tharaday in month. Odd FeUows hall. Carl Johnson. C. C, Peter Luchsinger, secretary. fninUDITB IfVTIUPBTOT V f f V Va .Meet first and third Monday in Odd 'Fellows ueorge vaircnua, J. r., J. M. Curtis, 1 1 1 1 : K"i"W"i"i-i"i"i"i nunti : DR. R. A. VALUER, Osteepatkie PhysiciM, Columbus, Nebr. Nebraska A 11L IadeDecdeat 4 'PaoaeNo.73. umce, uaroer tuodc Mewillcareail aad aaiaa;4 tlUllllllllltt U H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 aafeMlwB?, I l11eeia( mi. QaaaeftNotiea. alaaaaaa aanh waPPPmwaPPaPaV BWannanj REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION Gtri MfAimlfiimm Liaoola. Nb,, Itaj 19. l4.-(0or. reapoadaawe.) Tha followiaff ttafcat wi aomiaatfl yaatacday at in a aoarenttoB wkiok of the old-tiaM atragglM 1 repmbUou amlli aad tma mmjoritiet whiok UrarkaMr those conrentioBw: .For. Goransor, JejMi ,.&V Osceola; litoaaaaaaMt O. McOiltoa. CHmaha State, E. M. 8earle. Treaaarer, Peter OoaBvaiamioaer of PaUIo Balldiajct, H. M. Eatoa Attorney Gaaetal, Vac Kearney; Saperiatandaat of PahUe Inttrmotlon, J. L. MoBrien, Genera. Presidential Eleoton: At Lexfe H. H. Wileon of Lincoln, Jatnee a Bobineon of OBmaha. OonrpeasionftlFlrat dletriot, renk 0. Barloa, Pawnee; flaaond. JLrthnr 0. 8aith, Omaha; Third. A. O. Ab bott, Pender; Foarth, T. L.'Merfnl. Seward; Fifth, W. P. Hall, Held rage; Sixth, M. A. Brown, Kearney. National Ooamltt4sa Ohariei H. Morrill, Linooln. Delegate! to amtioaalooaTeatloaAt lnrge-J. B. Piper, Trimeh; O.B. Deaipaier, Beatrice; H. O; Omaha; F. M. Lefiimr. Alternatee: Shelby Haastiaga, DaTid Oity; L M. Iteynsond. T.lajhla ; a IjL Adanui. Saperior; B. K. Valentine, Weet Point. OMsgreesional diatriot drieantai to the national oonrention: FirnV-W. J. Unndall, Firth; Frank E. HalTey. Nebraska Oity; Seoend, Gnerdon W. Wattles, Heratan Aye, Osaaha; Third Fraak D. Wililanu. Albion and FrankNabonof Niobrara; Fomrth.F.L Foes, Crete, and H. M. Oallde, York; Fifth.Adam Breede. Haetings and A. OampbeU, MoOook; Sixth, Patriefc Miles, Sidaey and B. D. Harris, AlUanoe. Probably not toexoesd ahalf persons who were entitled to a and s rote in the convention were ab sent when Temporary OhslrsaiB H. H. Baldridge of Osaaha arose to ad- dresstbe steeting. He told at clorioas ackleressents of the eapaUe nssnner in - sset and solfed erery which has coafroated the nation, it has ptoTideatlally been in power at every great national crisis, how it ana strengtbened and steadied the nsjej of comawrce and kept the wheels ( indastry bazzing bnsily, and how to day it stands before the people, the party which does things aad the party which will nominate and eleot men to national and state offloss who will follow its traditions. Someone recognized John M. Thars ton apon the platform aad called for him. The cry was taken ap and swelled into n mighty roar by ana dreds of the old gaard who years ago reoogaized Tknrston as the Isader of Nebraakn repnbUoans and the irst or ator and ststwsmsn of the great west. Mr. Thurston aooommofBatJagly arose to speak, explaialng that he felt more at home in Nebraska, and in a Nebras ka convention, than in any other spot apon the globe. He took as his text, "We are doing tolerably weU"and, as he made that simple statement at the end of each eloqaeat aooonat of the deeds done by MoKinley and Roose velt and the nation whloh they have been called apon to preside over, the delegates cheered almost ooatlnaoaaly. Permanent organisation was effeoted by selecting Jadge Bobertson of Nor folk as clsairman, Onarks G. McDon ald of Donglns secretary, Arthar B. Allen of Johnson as assistant seetatary aad the "old reluMe' Bev. Lather P. Ladden as reading seoretary. Jadga Bobertson seeds no addrem and the convention proceeded to bemneas at once. Kom Hammonrt or. iioage, Mel Uhl, Donglns. Will Hayward, Otoe, G. J. Jenkins, JesTerson, W. F.; Thompson, Merriok, O. W. MoOen- nanghy, Phelps, W. T. Wileax, Linooln, were appointed a wommlttes on resointions aaa smessnasniiy re ported the platform. The only exeltement of the oomvan tion came when Baker of Sarpy moved that Mr. Barkett be nomine ted far senator by aoolsmstioa A atorni f "ayee" aad "noes" followed aad a delegate from Fnrnne moved tosnbeii tate the name of W. B. Aadrewa. When the roll was called on the mo tion, Barkett's friends were fonnd to namber 765 egslnst Andrews SO, and Barkett was iatrodaeed to theeonven- tion as the next Governor Miokey, nor MoGilton and Ti afaMl VBaWaTma VsmadaWMaBaWkJawS bbVV aaasi awssnaa ea9MnaannBaannnnjsM av and in the same way N was named for attatao Ballots ware then taken on the ottcers and while many of tkj tests were close aad exciting were no bitter, long draws only one vote bslag token ear sash la nearly every eaas the fere the elerfcs J. B. Piper Brapt, TTal ' uaMMW an- BSnennannnsffaB bv ag w . gaaaa ad"aha aaaaanaliBMBl ' awamaa-waavsai aHasimaa anawma- m A&. - m. sa' ..im mA sa. " e aBsaaaasMa BSMsssMayny naaa aa aaaaaaav mm mm ,l ; . ,-, . - . - . nsanvOa ana AOaannnannaSa KnMWtSaMa a as MsjaawmmiBB aamaammw . - aaaasjwam iai aha aaamft aaaaaaaaat eBm",,,'m warn,' wamai - i,.ln- ij.-. ... tm aaa. i saBa ha smisi aaaah . aeBaTfsai aa aaa aMsjs ibimssn t , . - w. mmak sjosmnoavwensh " " s " i ..-- - gaMbia. "aaa aaamSsaaaaam aaSSjSat bsbsm. w """S." r""" "". eMBtlM ana atm sanl m saabaaml fail mm' - m""TM1? -""'""" amliai ---' rnaa tVa Mlla. .---- ---. . .- - - -..- 1m ssjaaaFaf aayBassjsaaaamnsaasaas -.--. - . . av.va -rsaavas,aad was "tr?.,.,?r-. 7T am the Vaatah a Jear haaaMitod .. :-" .r" BHBsn amnaawaawan bbbbbbi SBBBaaam anBaaBBBBBBBBBBM awanBaBBBBnrmw- -i. raii, ana: nissmmnm awanar , naaan aaBananw" "isan waaaa nam araaat aa awehj sjn f mat Imwa r7 rr ?;llr1 ,-MMPMPPJWPaaaami fa it all tishtr He im- .0teaaiene, . aaa ssBBBBBar aaaaaa) BBBawBBBBaaBB' aaaaaBBBMaw rm aaaa' aaaasaa JkBA mnt Bb, Jaa s.BiBBaBW'annnSbSav nn""" maas bbbbj. sbbbbbb asjaMaBBBajaB a " sBmraa sasaaa fBasa a a . -- --- aaaasaaMam am?a WMnB ana SMeT WeieB.-aaMakjffaaaalETaI-.- ia . . ..T; . , --- Bighry sps sat? lesware mods J&QP TSEZVS3?-fiX5LZ ifcTaemll nfr:mLmm ?&&m!mWtt abkht rook. Wf4aW4-;lT-a amaaaaaenssa HkiBwBBKkaaBamajaBaaakaaaBiBiBBSBBaaBanT 'anmneBa k 'aamL Br vv s annHmsBaaaBaasai Bksw . nWaisaaaaa. aisaBBauh Wa k'BVd&B WaaBaas. sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa saaaa nBaaaa vjaaaTanaBaaana sjannnn -. m.mmmm4 i ij ,. !-- ---' - ' --' -. - --- w, P" V " "ar"W Ufa Bfassadanaa wasn n laan, any ... - . .i . .- . ...g.A -. ttli aaa at We en its efissi Ml Hi We to ear virile UsideeJsefdatyaweaa afaalsiai saa Baaaaaiaai soUeyefhie nisehis in the fevtawaisAasasa.we Wa aTthiS la a to the aaawaa'a saihere to aha saiaeiple tohseosMfrigheaaedat af a law the wplliarisa if arhlth arlag Tthaiaaa.atwved by ssBBfamaafeJIear oil the illnesses? a vastly la- Itwltli af aha aa aetliry to aUythe & la this i :af a law. It .to the i as is tmaajart rigid wane Ufsan enseal an lartrastod to give hba al Gaard aad Ooaf edeeato lihMeaj thsiriamsssaaMi. we iavltod to tout the mimtiaj af With rati ImiwLibMi of ale anat Bjlar' Peat at 1J0 si m. sharp oa wAaTweBBTaBBaaaJaBf jMawaVaPaway?M4ftafi - "-- --- - AtZz ljm ... m - aajyABB--1 aafmaa finnmnuvnBinBBnB SbT. naaBB"m.nBBaBavXnBani warn aaanm aaa Aauaaaaaaaaa . ssjaaaas MEMOMAL BAY .KlawaaawamaawB BaBaaweawmaaaml BaVaVATe saaaaal wsvkam wajaaaVam rtgtgimgaii amntnadmfm elnsaaPBrejW BBVePm Wem-P .fffAP QlxFnJLaaaa " """ " wwmW9mWmjrmmm atllr. Tsshaltt tniaaa. , laafsMsMagaangto Uasaes Jaaani Kelley tamaTaiiamef Wsiiaiwf wtm is ihswil with the matdot af hie over a saajtrtty af the thtoaallsstrUn, thai ntty to aa ahsir graves- en the graves of also'oa the grave af the waaaa 1 sja&teakeal Kaif fraaa i and give nth tteas will be iaaiMiii to Baker flint, No. 9, Qtaad Army af taeBeeaaihaeisseadthefeUewiag n Day. Moaday, May All eomiadss of the G. A . B, attseldiet. aaikrs. Boas af T ehaUat IJi, at to N wtoTwetfta street, tl Olive, thanee seath to at to G. A. B. hall, where of J. B. Meagher. oftattdey. the llae of march wlU be aaataa aa to the North opsca teaat by way if Batik aad Thirtisnth streets. taa. PBOGBAM. OaU of SMsmbly to ofO. d9.lantE.a ( afSt.- Grand Pafilsef the aha Fin Will B. Daw. apto the to taa asad by the Bvaas Biass. $ TBB SOLD1BB UBAD W COLUM BUS OBMBTBBT. J. B. Tsshady B. W. Arnold B.KMelntre nkswy Weeds Warn, Meter . Joaa J. W. Marly Freal J.N. laweea L J. A.' J. nr. B. J. Ulmar. lli lafYs , fBawaCttmm - ae-jl - A-, PaTePaJnV BPJtBfBBf fJsPV to taa J " iHwittolraakJaiL ,sM nJBBfmir sisnlng Dissny 8heriff Jeilai aaiat.f.aa4llsi man wlw hsd baea at the Jell that Uawsdtosje tenved north of town. art of lyiageathe loaad wlaafe the two were caaght Joan was taken to Greely Osntsr laeeavfleof herm stosliag and the other fellow was givea SO days by Jadge Gertie for vagrancy. The osee of Kelley. charged with the marder af naowdea, was called in district eeart Moadey and he plead gailty. The atoto has,4weaty- s amaaaan eewenmrnai awaPePJ ePBPPPBWBal lattham thial alao witosens nkpasoed aad Ooaaty i the is isChb. tL'l1ll.lM.- tk. Woassa'e etnb I the year Friday at the Weaver bar iavltai oaa la One of the tile Story of married at we pab of tie bride aadJallet.) frmdly laaagine wenldUllke? (A riDfaaaMu) it was trial? (The Wart.nalaadeftoka after he with his wife's! tonamr? (ThaSmalngaf the Shrew.) What war aha rssalt of his eflart? (Love's Lsbor Lost) fy What did he rstarnte her darfnf oaeaf tawlr sjaarnla? (Mssamreler MisnTi.) 7, To what evcasnattlon of astoalsh- saeat did he give vent the lrrt time she threw a flatlron at him? (JaUas Caesar.) 8, She said that rather than he the wife of snob n tyrant she woald have preferred to marry a awn aa mgly aad dsformsd as a osrtaia (hUehardllL) 9, Be said than was no daag hit emamting the metrlmonlal tarn of a osrtaia notorloas (HearyYDL) 10. With whom did sad lot? (Merry Wives of Windsor.) 11, He Bald if he Uved with her aaaah loaasr ha woald be as atad as King Lear. 13, Baa said she taoaght a divorce waetheoaly rnoeun left tham. (Ho ntdMKL'Ai Ton Like It.") IS, Bat after onaaderiag the saatter father they ooaalcded that then had been (Meoh Ado Ahoat Nothiag). 14, Aad that their married Ufa that far had boon (A Comedy of Errors.) Ifi, 8a they srttlsd their gtiovaaon smlsably aad livsd happily ever after. Fran whloh wo any ooaolado, (All's WsU That Bads WslL) A Waraiaf. The BiaeeHlea Tmvelsr's Aid Oom- mitaee it ssaadlag a aato of warning. Aeomeine la St. Loais, beoked by a faad of aver pOO.000.00. is lajlag tTatosattapyoaagtonaadwomn, traps from which the yoaag ladies will retara hosae aa saore, trans of seame aad ssissryaad death. Bo oaa ningiy are thsee traps bidden in the otdinarysJEslrsof the oity that it it psselale to reeogniae then aattl a within their olatehsa. This eon ianaln nadlag kldaappsn into all evgltk sad yean toad to visit taa Ianis or try to ssenre there dariag the time of the write York Oity. with of taa We are i tewitttogto this with ? Wo BmUy W. A. Way, aLLNewlea, j. a awaay W. T. Bnkly, try a i laaiwaCBaweaeMa. TlMamJIjrwM ' . - .' L ant aad the ataaiag war i SBsBBBBBmaa SMeaaBBBB aaaBwaar ajamMaaaam avaaaap j BJaytag gawasa. Bmkwato a , ; waPPaW Wlfl AppTTitL lagaMataJ'AU Life," written ty Mrs. I a si eissilliahsllr goml. m lieh It iafall: f aadgrossn? (Bsaeso 9, What did they tlasir aaaairied lifa a. What duVtlwy like after a few w SCORES IN STATE GUN TOURNAMENT liaftaSaGlmafifB heldinOolam- last week broke aU pfertoasahtto OMof.tbabsstaMat- ings of the kind eVerheldln eT .'( Olao. Tbataaniai of the daa lenjily to the esatgr' aad exeoa tlveahlMty ofMsersamry Soaroeder and PiHilnl Bray. The visitors left Co lnmbae sathasaiarlo ,over the good tl tut iai fair lint moat accorded then by the neaaannat, aad the hospital ity shownthem by rOolambaa..pepple. They wanidhave voteil gladly to have tonrnamentin Oolambaa another ; bat. the maaagemeat deeland, that they coald not span the tian from their basiasn to arrange for an- ',- ead therefore deoided, at a meet ing of the deleentn arid at the Tears-, ton bote. Tharsdayaight. to hold the next toaraaneat ai Haatiags. The. setected wen G. A. Mann, ; G. W. Maxwell, vice-presi dent; aad A. M. Bernhardt, seoretary, all of Hastings. The two. eveate of the toarnancnt that attracted asort attention were the shoot, on Wednesday in which the Petan Arms Company offered n $100 gna as a prise, and the one on Thars day which deteramined the state olanptoaeaip aad carried with it a gold modal The first was won by OBwansr Dixon of Joplin, Mo., who broke N oat of a possible 100. Harve Dixon aaa-Goo. Carter, the well game warden, tied for second with n ,ecore of 93. In the contest Thursday oar Gas Scaroeder tied Townsead of Osaaha for the gold medal, with, a ooora '" of 36- straight, a remarkable record ooanidering the mental and physioalatpcaia ander whioh he had been teboriag. .Bat in the shoot-off, Towneend won oat with a score, of 24fc Sehroeder lading only 29. F. Miller of Berwvn. Nebraska, ande pu-..-- i -. . ' wv sna iwooro.px us maraauaeat, orsastog. Sboatjof 90. TaoriMof Cbaaeva. the Jockey who rode in Paris last year for 940,000, drew low plaoe for satire shoot, aad Sieverson high plaoe with a reoord of 579 out of a possible 620. Belevin of Broken Bow was a oloee ssooad with 677 and John Sack of Barr stood third with 576. Golambos shooters who entered wen G. A. Sehroeder, Dan Bray, Arthar Bray, Herman Person. Dr. G. A. Arnold, Garrett Hals, Otto Hagel. Will Gregorian, Fred Gregorims and JlmFaable. It woald be diffioalt to find in any other similar assembly so large a per centage of traly "good fellows." or for the city to get another convention of the same size that would do it as nob good from a business standpoint, Most of the shooters are prosperous influential men in their home aaitlM. They indalgo in this sport becaase it is the most wholesome in the world and they are not aftaid to spend the mon? y requi site to a good time. They leave some y, thenfore, in the city where they sseet. aad edvertise it when they go to their nomes. following is ue total soon of all the shooters: Targets No. Targets No. Name Thro'nB'kn NameThro'n B'kn Morrill. 475 401 Bray. 620 533 DiefenderferS20 283 Crosby, 495 478 Sievers.' 620 590 Sprecht. 120 89 Maraohel, 920 153 Wilkin, 250 213 690 541 Chambers. 120 101 410 366 Maxwell, 215 190 410 351 Coatee, 105 75 410 838 O'Brien. 90 60 Maxwell. 410 867 Hardv, 320 2G6 Bernhardt, 630 493 GretroriousloO 150 F. Back. S90 358 Wagner. 90 53 B. Meyers. S70 395 Peterson. 220 171 Oattorkirk, S45 964 Southard, Oorry. 595 -529 Doaglas, 60 40 245 207 315 223 190 161 30 19 Daniels, 695 624 Arnold, OampbeU, 620 572 Joe Sank, Terryberry, 630 493 Voorhees, Copsey, 620 566 B. Mejer,350 2CU 690 510 Lagger, 40 22 M. Miller, S10 256 Nathaway, 30 630 676 Gngorioas.30 33 17 17 60 59 John Back, 365 234 Cahill. 295 344 Doty, 630 6H McGoagh, 630 519 Pearson, 630 539 Harris, 620 665 Dolsen. 615 480 Wimkl, 30 90 75 Bievine, 165 119 45 29 235 173 210 122 151110, 620 465 Wad'agt'n340 311 630 485 Carter, 435 389 410 S44 Saattack, 280 238 630 579Laohnit, 90 66 630 659 Talbot, 146 88 630 474 Nicholson, 55 43 870 363 Hnlst. 130 101 690 491' M'lowney,910 183 410.S89 Simpson. 335 198 630 516 J. Miller. 16 11 Norton, Goodrich, 410 359 T. Miller. 30 690 663 Del Miller.30 630 455 Barber. 105 630 565 Gny, 1C0 31 36 92 80 630 633 Mockett,, 4M 463 Wilson, 630 544 Bagel, 610 648 210 ITS 60 19 80 18 Far faU iafssmntioa call oa, or Write, The Gas Belt Land Abstract Oa., Jena G. Began, Local CefaBcilKeetiaf. The meeting of the fathers FrUay night was not n very eventful one and BHrtparrioalnrlyexcitiag. TheSanday olosiag order for barber shops was resciaded, the gasoline street light proposition was turned down, contracts wen let for sprinkling the residence district, aad n price of 75 cents was put apon the head of each hapless dog that might appear in pnblio withoat a collar of the form nreseribed bv law.' The matter of the barber shop etes lag was brought up by Oouneilasan Clark.- In the council meeting n ooeple of weeks ago, a reeolatioa waa passed directiag the mayor to enf oree tleexirtia6rdiaaace which probJMte the keeping open of barber shops on theHabbnth day,. Oa ooasideratioa the aanmbera avideaUy arrived at.tbe ooawdnsion that this action was in xhavanfanof nhjnstjaisoriminat"ioa, aad last Friday' night on motion of Mr. Clark the ssotioa of the former meeting wn' reconsidered and an ordl- aance waa introduced repealing the old ordinanoe. This means that here after a man will not have to negleot his other basiaem on Saturday nights in order to get shaved. The only argument advanced was that other business places,, with the exception of saloons, an allowed to remain open as will on Snadays, aad there was no reason why barber shops should bo ssade an exception. For sprinkling the residence streets on "Proposition No. 3" oontracta were let to A. W. McKiUip at $57.50 per month and John Dolinski n't 12.35 per day. Each furnished bonds in the sum of 9250 whioh were accepted. Bids for supplying lumber to the oity were received from Geo. A. Uoagland, Jno. E. Kaufmann aad P. D. Smith Co. and were referred to the oommittee on streets and grade. W. W. Whittaker's bond for f 1000 as street sprinkler and the dray bond of Thos. MoTaggart for $300 were ap proved. The reports of police judge, chief of poUce,' overseer of streets and city treasurer, whioh had been referred to committees, were reported correct and approved. The committeo on streets and grades, to- which had been referred 'the matter of ordoring n gasoline street lamp'for trial, reported that they had investigated as far as possible from catalogue descriptions and were of the opinion that the lamp would not be satisfactory for a. city of the magni tude of Columbus, though perhaps p suited to smaller, towns. The com mittee called attention to the fact that gasoline lights were always a source of more or less trouble and ex pense, and recommended against ac cepting the proposition of the Bert Street Light Co. of Canton. Ohio, which company had offered to ship one Nimplo lamp free on trial. The ordinance relating to the tres passing of livestock on lawns and side walks was read for the third time and referred to the judiciary committee. Seventy-five cents was fixed as the amount to be paid for the apprehen sion and impounding of each unlicens ed dog fonnd parading the streets, with an additional quarter for the ex ecution of the victim it he should not be redeemed. Several bills were presented by p3r sons whu had furnished lodging, or supplies or professional rorvicea in the recent smallpox cases. Thev were referred to the committeo on chums. The bidfreceived on fire lioto were referred to the fire committee who, in connection with the board of control of the fire department, are to mako-a selection and report to the council at its next meotiasr. The matter of placing a cement street ciomng lu-roes twelfth street from the sonth-east corner of block 84 waa referred to the committee on streets and grades with power to act. To Our Advertisers. We invito you to inspect our sub scription list. We do not boast our superiority over other papers, but we do invite an inspection of our list. with those of other papers in Platte coanty, that you may be satisfied that oar slight advance in advertising rates is more than justified by the large in crease in our subscription list and the valuable improvements we have made in the paper. Wo are her to help you. For every dollar you pay as in advertiing, we want you to realize a profit of two dollars. Whenever ad vertising fails to bring good results. either then is something wrong with the medium through which you adver tise, or your advertisement has been poorly worded. We believe we can convince yon that tho Journal is good medium, and we shall be pleased to give yon assistance in getting your advertising up in good form. We want your business only as your business aasistaat. We want ic on that basis or not at all. Let us try to help you. Free to.Faman. Believing that advertising is good for the farmer as weU as for the busi ness man of the citv, the Journal this week will make n special offer that wiU certainly appeal to our friends in tho country. Until further notice, one insertion wiU be given free in our "classified advertising" ootuaui to nay farmer who desires to advertise any thing oa his farm for sale. Each ad ditional insertion wUl be charged ft r at the rate of 1c a word for each issue of the piper. Write your ads plainly aad give the column n trial. It wiU cost yon nothing for the first issue, and if the ad don not bring results, order it discontinued. Farmers should advertise any stock that will bring non from another stockaun than can ho secared by selling taa awitnlattha Kb IS THE TIME And right here the place for yen to deposit in the name of year children. 'Encourage them to form iage habit by starting a bank for them. , It's a pleasaat duty for which theyll thank you later. Three per cent interest allowed en every dollar saved. Why not open an acoouat in your own name as well ? Z5e Columbus State Bank Settlement of insurance etsiaui ia who", z'nter- 3 rstft tho man who insures. You S don't hnve to go to court to get 9 your money if yon insure with no and Unve'a fire lose Our specialty ia insurance of CITY PROPER TY against everything. Let ue explain how we can SAVE YOU MONEY. We Bay aad Sell City Property af every neseriatiaa. Elliott, Speici ft, fam P- O. BLOCK UUa PHONE NE NO. 6 a aaaaaavaaaaaaaaaBBKBBaaB) NHHIltnaPPVppH M1FUIIinriHUHtl;;UIIKIll HENRY GASS, UNDERTAKER. Cofliiis and Metalic Cases. Repairing uf all Kinds of Uplioletory Goods. COLUMDUS. NKBR. SATURDAY IS THE LAST DOXT NEGLECT to aeo and hiar tho lligh timJu PianoA now on SPECIAL SALK it 8XOIVS BOOK S'lOBE. The Qnality ia llitth tha TricpB are Ijow the Turmn aro llacyl Celebrated Ita! Snob renowned makes as Knabe, Kiinial!, Kranich t Bach, Weser Bros., Heller, iioepo. Ballet k Davis, Burton and ethers, in the latest case designs and fancy ve neers. Prices Slashed The regular retail prices on these Pianos are $2700, $300,00, $325.00. $0.00, 8400.00, 3450.00 to 500.00, Al this sale yon get them at $147. 00, 8198.00, 821&00. $227.00, S2:J8. 00, 8237.00 to $327.00. On Easy Terms Notwithstanding the unprece dented low prices at which then high grade pianos are being olosed oat, you can secure yonr choice on terms of either all cash or from 810.00 to 825.00 cash and from 85.00 to 810.00 monthly pay ments. Why and Hew This sale is what might be called a "getting acquainted" sale a purely advertising proposition. We are enabled to make these extreme ly low prices because of Special Discounts allowed by the differ ent factories on piaaos sold during these advertising sales. Your Interests demand that you do not procrasti nate in this matter. Call at once while selection is large, secure a lifetime piaco at prices that are usually asked for pianoa of mercial grade. A.HospeO Sie-ft leek Mere. 9hnaWaaWaa aPaWa PPPPPPPPaPnaSAtd aaaaaaaaVsabsLf I -BV"BaflPaBtaVBBaaTTajr fcAgArl-jW COUHaH,liCMJU -1 ' 1 .- ' V: -.t 'j . .-1 i :. t, s : ..fl BWkrtarke. - "A &- s . . . .. - j-tT.j . ?nirw"r f. 1. .- & 'i!M3MMM& rf..w ..V .--,' tajr 1-.i,T V. W S?:-iJV3 . V"L".-.:itV'ttJ.- -- .-- CS- --- (.iTiAi- Vt-. TTJT?TT J-' srsi?.svrs7ssesss. VaBJBBaaBJBaC i JI9bb. fmi"mm,BB,'"mn :f ,.,&iz? mmm nrtrMBaaaaanaaaaa . fHaaaaBBBCv-iBBBBi