y?W--f y wVv?'1' w- ,"-i, l&C feV 5. rvs ?; , f- -:L- 3fV '-Vj; gshUS?iMV.fg y x k ;-v v "-" ' '..? f )." B-- U-" v cs . RO lr BMeft . . fir... LssssssssKnHssH -J B SB ' ' . Wmamm mtaam mm- . 1 - ffaa vim alse efts . it,) . is wait alga ia Merrick ferry beat st their ant Mttle baildiag oae .door SB Of the JlHMl tlM. Wo Bather the feUowieg ancts from the lopotts of the etass aarlataa deaf of ookoolo: Waamanmbsr of cblld rea, ,. Platte ueaaty. 48: Mauler. 13ft; Batter. StS; Madison, 180; Oelfax. SOI. fMtat, tri-weekly S. 00; weekly. fJ 50. H. J. Hadsoa has reoeived aa iavi tatioa to deliver the oratioa of the day. at Savaaaah. Jaly 4, hat was eemeeUsd to reeiga aa aoooaat of ill. He refened the lttee ia charge ta O. A. Bpatoe or J. a Shaneoe. G. P. Harrisgtea of Co. B. Sad Ohvmry. write to the Omaha Repib aa aoooaat of their raid apoa Bdiaao who lied iale a assssBgar of the Uaioa Beetle oathe ltth. 8wrtiag froai Ogallala stattoa at misBaght with nothing bat arms itioa. they .parsaed the ta the Worth Platte. The i wore too fast for thou "We twoaty-aix ledges, tfty. sack saddles. qaaatity of oookiag aten- oaptared twelve doatroyed ahoat fifteea of jerked baffalo got a good away baffalo Markota are qaated iaFremoBtas fallawo: Bast apriag wheat, 70 to 80; oooaad gndoTco to 0; ear oora. 52 to Si; shelled corn, 85 to GO; oats, 40 ft 45. , Notice to given that the sale of the i ia Pmtte ooaatrVill oom- r. Jaao 28. aad will i day to day aatil .all the aohool load to offered for emle. H. J. Haasoa, eoaaty clerk. x The Joaraal family are recipieats of a batkot fail of vegetables, ooaatot tag of lettaee. oaioas. radishes, tar aips aad pie-plaat, from the gardea of Mia. Ia, Baoioe. Owiag to the droaght ia Eaglaad aad Fraace, the price of wheat is ad- Oa Moaday moraiag. Martin Heiaz, acoideatally atioa the of a maa ia the sonthera of the city. Kotioe was givea to the oeroaer. Or. G. A.. Boaesteel, who had the body removed to the towa i a post-mortem examiaatioa aa iaqaest held. Oa hto parsaa were foaad two checks on a baak ia Omaha ia favor of Michael James Jaoksoa. ras a oertilcate of dtoohaqm atattag that Michael Dselsy was oalisted as private oa Jaa. 18, 186, to serve three years. Dr. Boaesteel was assisted ia the dissectioa of the body by Drs. Stillmaa aad la the skull a large hole was iadieatiag that the man had track bv a bleat iaetrameat. 8mith was the importaat wit- She lives aboat three yards from where the .body Oa Satarday aight she kmaacryiag "George. George r!" She weat oat aad walked bat saw or heard no mare. . It to thoagbt that the maa 1 at the Olother hotel aad met by straagers who have ia the city, aad who probably of hto earryiajr moaev. I'wgwwiftW War. From the aagiaaiagof the war, Feb nary, to April. K If teea Bassiaa warships have beea eaak or dtoabled the Fetropavlevsk, Pobieda, Osarev iteh, Betvisaa. Poltava, Pallada, Vevik. AekoM, Diaas, Variag. Boy aria, Kariots. Teaesei. the torpedo- li, aad the destroyer Of them the battle-ship Ithe eratoers Novik, As Oiaaa are ktiowa to have are agaia ia com- Japaa haa lost oae torpedos id eeveral of her ships are a have beea iajared ia the teats; batdefiaite of this is withheld. Port repeatedly bombard- effect, by the Jap- Tladivostok was attacked by ahem aa March 6. thoagh withoat to the port. Admiral two aasaocemf al at- the eatraaoe to by eiakiag mercheat ia the barber. The lrst lead of tosportaaoB'.taak place oa March 28 aad M a rietery for Japan. 27. Admiral Skrydloff, who la ta inmmsei the Baaaaa aaval fleet U the Far Bast, toft St. Petersbarg far Part Arthar to day. April 28. -It was aaaoaaoBdat 8t. Peossobarg ta day that oa the ahrht of AarilH WamisB torpsdo- hag te the Vmdivoatok military with The Baaaaaseap- eigaty-flve military oarriers, siaay-flve of the crew. The said to be a Japaaese to aarreadr drawaed. The the Bombers abe Japaaese say ivaaty-flva drowaod. to reported to safely to. Vladivostok. eawejaw. BBawaw m ueacay aave wswtwm law bi. They aaw ocaay alia aad water lahea." seaoellaadi BoadJoaraod from Part Arthar Arthar 1 ad, wish Part A " . Jafaism Impsis kmli ware aeaia f iMBaSBBSl saw the child he to themselves." aassawadawrgBrtAitaarthia ssnraiaa " her aad sdtheaah ' 1 ssa shsie bsii Irsi aithnet dam- ' hm heads as he Hlray Imim are hhe Um light af a eelt mmA T-TT" ' jmafflskt aaytiK $' ' saw law tttfaalahaivaia i "Whea I heara a man sayia' dat he aVsWRR WAWED to . W. ini k.T. ' - ' alaas aha Tarn Biver. Beeeaoielaa. Mtttehady aad carried her so the , ' - ,. . t. Hkes dogs better dan be deea hamaa jemsfcrtsmamssatat ho-, r. X --- , aamaaWaaawsaTtBBasaher afamaal- . inwaw immediately 4 "' "" " thea faa ssJd Uncle Wen, "I caa help r : 1;: " aVai ja ! la Ihmn milhaiasi 1 - the Utile aaa ta sewa far taaitovfaadaWJaBarteatawhattam.' paaBeetin' dat asebbe he's picked eat JB RAarUasaat. FrsatlaH raaay emu '&& - -. - --- - - fc , ---. '. anliial . bat it waa tan msa and d ka o Meads dafa aa good aa he .ietf,rtl'llL!"!'' Jwg.k?jj? Jgg Bh1 l'lS""T-rfc?a"i- rSTtl-'r.nr.Zr ff " aadtad dmwvea.--Waahlagtia Star. jaisttSg jagrtajS Evv -' g - ?( BWSW a aBaBaaBBBBPB BaBai ajaaSmai WaBaffaVr BmRdkaa SBjaBF Raa) tVaBBBBBaa m akmaLkiAA 5aaaV-BB'B?rfai' aaaaaaawanm aaVVai asansa Sfe?- T.lv " ",aW amyasaaa:eaaWaaaa sa the KaBSmB aaaat yaaaanBj as - , u wTmmmm . - ' . - &.- "' " - -.-:.. . tt m , - laNBBBhssw iBBTih Im - - , n, ... . " twreaveaue Are yea gesag ta .. gC ZJ ggSg?y SL tTffm im rejirrTf'-niih-T -EavaVmsa with year retwraeard the maskale at the De fttaaMsa ts- J-aTms JSh 42Zolk. W&3& mi'jSm-! HiMii Bavaalaata PrjiatR.--Bewmaa Geara Hsrald. ' haedrail;fsc larger ajaaatitiss, aad asf- Mlai Utaplaee-I dent knew. Asa T v.aaawarr. fe ? JTXk Je!2 fi ' ' " " BaaaafBrnk, tS- B"SSWBms . . aVaWaawmesBafsaWaVa 9tWtmm99m 0Utt9tmWmWi Baamw.' .Aa. . Emaaiw. .1. .... '' - 4. - ."'- , , . c . .-k - . --s. BaBaBaBaBaBaBBBaaa m-Mmmtz.r3acmmmmmmmmwcm?7i. .-.r-?-rtr'rif . -z. - bbvm -j - ----------------------- pjaisaaMiiiimai 1 , -- -Tmmmmmtamm,t mm wmUp km atavaB ameared off Port Arthar, aad that tea oratoers aad-eix lyiag ia Ussari Bay. oapoaite Vladi- tato moraiag Mo April J0.-Omotal reports my that the Jssaesse have heea ciomtag the Tela ia large asmbers aiace April 96. hridge soethsast of Wija, over which lag that a battle hot aadthaJaaaaaml the Msaihetisa side of the Tela, details of the eagagemeat were gi No May 1. The lrst great armies tookplaoe this resaited ia a Japaaase victory. Gea- eral KaroU. oommaadiag the ant Japaaese army, forced aerosaiagaf the Tola. aadt at daybreak begaa aa attack oa Oaia-tiea-Oheag. tea miles aorth of Aataag. The two steads, bat ia forced back. They wore oompelled to abaadOB Aataag. aad after baraiag the towa retreated to Feag-Waag-Oheag. The lorn was heavy oa both aides. General Karoki, ia this ocial report, gives the Ji as aboat 700 aad the R thaa 800. The Jaas sweaty-eight aaiok-lriag gaaaTtweatv offloers, aad maay mea. The Japaaese aow ooatrol the estaary of the Taia. May 2 The Japaaase ooatiaae to advaaoe aloac the road raaaiag west from the Tola River towards Liao- Yaag., Geaeeai Karoki reports that several skirmishes have takes place ia whioh the Japaaese losses were f oar teea killed aad forty-six woaaded. The Japaaese fleet aader Admiral Kamimara. which was seen aear Vladivostok oa April 29. has retaraea to Oobssb. Korea. May S la Geaeral Karopatkia's official report of the battle of May 1 aear the Taia River, the aamber lost on both aides to estimated at from 8000 to 4000 mea. Up to the time Geaeral Karopatkia's telegram was seat, 800 woaaded, iacladiag. foartesa oMoers, had beea broaght to the hos pital at FeBg-Waag-Oheag. The Jap aaese were aided by their gaaboats. which sailed ap the Taia aad bom-. herded the Basston positioae. It to admitted that the Zaamlitoh aad Kashtaliaaky woaaded aad that tweaty-seva were oaptared by the Japaaese. Gea eral Karoki. ia oommaad of the Jap- forces, has advised ais govera- t that a prelimiaary report from the chief sargeoa of the first Japaaese army shows that 796 mea were kilted ami woaaded. A large naraber of Bamiaa oScers aad mea were made prisoaers. Geaeral Karoki also reports that hto forces parsaed the retreatiag Barsieas yesterday. The latter offered stabbora reeistaace.aad aboat 900 were added to the aamber of Japaaese can alties. Vioeroy Alexieff reports that at 1:45 this moraiag the Japaaese made aaother aaseooessfal attempt to block the eatraaoe to Port Arthar. alight treships were sent oat by the Jap anese, aader the protection of a aam ber of the torpedo boats, bat all of the steamers were sank by the Ras, stoas before they reached the channel. Aonordiag to Admiral Alexieff two of the Japaaese torpedo boats were also destroyed. It was reported today in London that the Japanese leaded troops at Yi akow oa May 1, aad have attacked Newchwaag. The report has not beea confirmed. Harper's Weekly. Beview of the moath of April, ither for the Westers 1901, ia Platte eoaaty: Meaa temperatare of the moath 4C.75 60.91 70.00 30.00 12 $ . 11 9 1.78 3.66 .50 -1.50 . ff .8 temperatare. same moath last year. Highest temperatare of month oa 29 aad. 90. Lowest temperatare oa the 17. Oieardays. Fair days. Oloady days. Rata or saow fell daring por- tioas of days, laches of rain, or water saow, 8ame for "the same moath last year, laches of saow fall. Same for same moath last year. High winds, days. Clear days. Prevailiag wiads SB to N,W Vio leat blixsanl from NW. oommeaciag oa the 6th aad ooBtiaaed 36 hoars of i raia, saow aad wisd, greatest for several years. Oathe 11th aaother violeat wind storm from NW coatia aed for 24 hoars. Slight ice oa the li aad 16. Fog oa 5. Solar Halo oa 10. Killdeers appeared oa 12. - - . -Ckihi laraed to Soatf EdUh, the 5-yearHtld daaghter of John Dahlstrosa. a farmer liviag aboat eevea aad a half miles aorth aad west of Hewmaa Grove, was barned badly ia a atabble are Moaday that she dtod shortly after. Mr. Dahletrom had beea baraiag off a otabble leld preparatory to plowiag. a aarrow strip that did aot where a road ased dariag the winter ran. Immaaael.a 12-year-old eon. asked permiaaoa of hto father off this strip, offeriag as arga- for so doiag that the fleld woald better -whes plowed. Obaseat was rradUy jrivea aad whea he start ed oat to ire the atrip, the Utile children fallowed. Edith amoag the there werel01"1 I "Coal wben parrbsssi. im m a . m I In saasa mseaerherdrem oaaghtare Itothebayer.geBerailygesai eaaalagthe aames to laerease. As MEffotiete esaaot eoaverse; they talk M oa Aac 8 the lyiag ia.Grafary witabeldtetae thearoole ittoa ofMas to atttlo- 4 - " tSMtO Uador the preristoas of the matioa regtstratioa wiU begia Jaly 5 at 9 a. m. at Ohambsrlsia. j Jaly St. fore ia dispatches, lead wiU be dto wiU posed by drawing. The take place at the ottos commeaciag at 9 a. m , Thars day, Jaly 28, aad ooatinaing for each a period as may be Beosssary to draw from the box ail envelopes coatained thereia. Katries wiU be mails at Boaesteel; beginning Aagast 8 aad coatiaaing aatil September 10 iaclaeivev The lead bttce. forconveatoaoe of entiy mea, wiU be temporarily removed from Chamberlain to Boaesteel ia or der to facilitate the rash which to ex pected' After. September 10sebe qaeat eatries wiU be reoordetl at. Those ooatempbUiagUag registrar tfoa mast do ap ia. persqa. -at oae of the foar towMnuafekmed ahoye,.with the exception of soldiers or sailors, who amy employ aa ageat. No persoa may ; regieter for more thaa 1C0 adres. .Ths aotaal .opaaiag of this vast domain-will oecar on the moraiag of Aagast 8. l: The prioe of toad as provided by law is as follows: Leads takea dariag the first-three: months. $4 per acre; within six months. $3; after six ths. $2.50 per acre. All lands aadisposed of after foar years shall be disposed pf by the sec cretary of the iaterior aader each rales aad regatotioas as he may prescribe. gcfMrsgsg Matte CMaty. Edward A. Brodboll of Liadsay has tosned'a foar-oolama priated circalar aaUiagatteattoa to the not that Liad say to a mighty hard towa aad that it has always gone hard with the fellows brave eaoagh to attempt its reforma tioa. Liadsay te located ia the aorth part of Platte eoaaty between Hamph rey aad New mea" Grove, aad aooordiag to Mr. Brodboll, it has bean tongh and intraotable from the very first The village msrshsl te a ooward whea it oomeS(to staadiag sqaarely between the iaw-breakers and the law, aad the village Doarcl has paid the local newspaper for" pabUsh'ing ordinances that are never eaforoed. Years ago the official phyeloiaa aad dmggtot of the plase started to reform matters by swallowing thirty odd grains of atropia ia aboat an oaaoe and two fingers of saake potooa, bat Dr. Schag, of Ooismbss. called him back. Thea nothing more was done aatil last year whea the board of trastees pawed a aew aad improved set of ordiaanoes, which the rest of the commaaity or part of it gtoefaily set at aaaght. We once lived in Platte ooanty aad iaci deatally took part with Allea Gerrard, Uah Lightaer aadO. O. Saaaaoa iaa herculean effort to reform Lindtay and Oreston and Platte Center and Oconee and Duncan and Monroe and Taraov aad Hamphrey. We had Co lambas going aboat right when the tugs broke aad the chariot af reform rolled into the ditch, bat we have ia dalged the hope that the leaven, o righteoasaem stirred eo maay veers ago woald take effect sooner or later aad ssve Lindsay the hamiliation of for ever having to be sohedaled as a tram town. Bixbyin Lincoln State Jonrcal. - IsiB.e7esieai. Improvumeat to the order of the age. No enterprise, aa iadividaal, no com maaity can. afford to raa along in the same channel, like the brookr forever. Acting oa this orlaciple. with the present tosae the Joaraal appears with jast doable the aaoaat of reading, mattertbat it has formerly had. This WiU give oar readers foar eight-col- ibb psges of local matter, aad the same amoaat of geaeral saws aad items of Jaterest from all over- the world. The serial story whioh we be gia with this aamber to' oae of the very best aad yon will read it to the eml. There to hat oae other eoaaty paper ia Nebraska with as great aa amoaat of space devoted to read ing matter as the Joaraal offers ia its aew form. There are stUl other improveaMBts which may be looked for ia th Bear fatare. Oar eabscrip tioa price remains the sasse aa it has always beea. Watch as grow. Foar oaVof ve Japaaese admirals are Christians aad three of them are elders ia the Preebyterton oharoh. Those three elders are earely bonnd to give Admiral Skrydloff a good deal of troable before he to done with them. They believe ia foreonliaatioa aad coBideraeaa aght-wea! before the first'shot is flred. The Presbyterian has alwava been aa. awkward aatago aist to pat apafghtagaiast beoaaseof this article ia' hto creed. State Joaraal. Odd "A yonog hneband calls hie wife Bir- die he says, she is alwaya dated ia his mind with a bill "Certain orators are very much like a greet river they are alwaya the loudest and maddiest at the month ' "Clergymen ere like brah they do a great deal of conaling.w "Coal wben parehassd, instead of going sVh tkvm Kaaarma smshaammllm smaa4A lasasamtms w vwjt vaiv."ix Kwaa aw emwuMivt, M of the Paeiie sea. ItrwKaiasdtWOhtBB: las U;tle rapabUo of whioh wo are eaaetotMo whioh whea it to wiUrsalise the bright of foar osatariss aad promets ts)a. prosperity of the West aad the Moath. Its unseat diplooisrvr is rbsllsBgiltT the admiratioa xof the wjrld, aad fts record f or briUtoat achievsmsats al lasjdyaooompUehed, too long to recite. wiU make the most britliaat page ia oar ooaatry a ntstory. xae baraiag qatssioa of the hoar to to property deal with tlnoo moaopoUes called trasts. I that bo treat to trast ia the sease ih which we aow ase the term anless it be a moaoaoly. So far as the demo cratic party to coaccraed. it has showa its abiniate .tejbapabUity ofdeaiiati with them. It has declared egaiaet them in every national coaveatioa; its orators have deolaimed agaiast them oa the rostrassi ia every' campt iga. Bnt its seaators aad .represeata tives have proposed no measares f or the relief of the people. They hive claimed heretofore aad perhaps will claim ia the comiag campaign that these trasts are dae to a protective tariff aad that their remedy woald 'be. to repeal the prsseat tariff -law .wisdJ sapplaat.it with a free tiademejwato aad thaa destroy the trasts. Why.r geatlemen, if each a policy were to be adopted ia this ooaatry it woald he Uke kUlingLthe goose hat laid. the golden eggf it woald ba a remey. worse than the disease, ror no who is a stadent of history scieatioasly declare that the trast to a prodact of a protective tariff ooaatry. Free trade countries are likewise straggling with the problem of con troUing these indnstries which' are ia no manner affected by the tariff, That .tariff, law which woald be so framed as to destroy a trast that te affected by the tariff woald sweep away the last vestige of boaeet oomt petition that is now straggling against them. Yoa' cannot reach a treat aad properly deal with it by striking down the protective tariff policy of this government which has made as the greatest natioa on earth. That pol ioy to pointed to with admiration by every statesman on this glob', and it to being adopted by every other ooaa try ia the world today. Evan fnb trade Eaghmd is torn from end to end by dimension iwaa attempt to eel tablish ia that ooaatry the great pol icy of aproteotive tariff. I have aa apology to make for any trast. I be Ueve that their objects are greedy avarice, aad self aggrandizement, and their aim is to destroy legitimate) competition, cjatrol the ootpat, rates) the price to the consnsaer. and oreate enormoas dividends. Bat I am satis-i fied with the record of the repabUoah: party oa this qnestioa. It te the'; only party that has given as any tegis-'; lation acaiast the trasts, or attempted to enforce it. It 1890 the Sherman anti-trast law was passed and made still more effective by snbseqasat amendments. -.In 1893 Graver Cleve land declared this taw to be nnooa stitatioaal and instructed hto Attor ney General not to attempt its ea forcemeat And as indicating the trend of democratic taosght, ao later thaa a few days ago whea the merger case, involving the fate of the North ern Secarities Uompaay, reached the ooart of lat'resort ia this nations and the Sherman aati-trast law was pat to the severest test and was' apheld, it to a noteworthy fact that every democratic sapreme sadge voted agaiast the enforcement of that meas are. I feel that I have, wearied yoa too long. There are a aamber of aa here who want to ga from thisooavet - tioa to 'take the traia for LiaoolB where we wiU nominate a state ticket which I hope aad believe will sweep this state Uke a mighty tidal wave. A party with sach a record of briUi sat deeds already aeomplished, posseir iag within its ranks statesmen who are the peers of aay in the world; a party which ia the miaagemeat of its affairs at . home and " abroad has SBooessf ally led the way throagh the myst(c maze of the world's diplomacy ; a party whioh in the past has sever failed to take the people iato its con fidence, to declare in favor of good poUciee. to enact these poUcies iato laws which were rigidly enforced, can have no fears of the national pol itical ooBtest next November. The party demands its reward, aad warn the national repabUcaa convention shall assemble" in Chicago they wiU hearken nnto the voice of the people and wiUamae as their standard bearer oar present president. Theodore Roose velt, that fearless champioa who per haps is Bearer to the Americas people than any of hto iUastrions predecem ors ; possessiBg coarage whioh has beea proved on, the. field of battle and-ia the walks of "peace, ' wiU lead as to triamph and vitory." Mumt GsAMMSi "What makes yoa think they are rich Americans?" "Because they know so much more about otber.countrles than their own." Town Topics. - Mm te Blta Uat. Employer You don't seem to be able te'do anything. New Clerk Well, I al ways had a political job until I struck this one. Judge- There have undoubtedly been great men. but inasmuch as they were bad they were aot great Heat Two itat. Ascum-Some people are saying that' you made most of your money in pol itics. Leader-rBut others are saying I made most of my money out of poli tics: sowho are ye going to believe? Philadelphia Press. amde wtoh snsaaaa a'arasey.ay J1a -rm-i; hew giaat tit coasider man - 'wTyBBk ANPTaTWOUIT tm rl,aji - lyiavitsd. wOhaaae of amaa aady. HfiNRT RAGATZ A OO. A r-,v " -.""JsTV , &. "fca - ti Big Hafa Basin ' Cairaadepo asDoht OUB NEXT EXCURSION to the IRRIGATED LANDS oa the BIG HORN VALLEY. Re mumherthie will be the LAST CHANCE to get the low price on thaielaade. F.T.WaKtsfs COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA ' - ' XasfcrJto to Me. S. Wtater whe. ia, ia find oanditioa. Mrs. W. H. Pfgeley was la Moaroe mania -AadriWs was a Liad.ay eailer aa Moadey. "a- Jdrs. Diokimoa .to visiting Mr. Crewfjrd's family . Wm. 1'oliard was ia Moaroe oa Sat axday. B. M. Walker and son Fred were in Genoa test Batarday. Mrs. Cedar who has beea qaite ill is slowly reooveriaj R. Frank Lawrenoeand 'daughters were ia Moaroe on Wednesday. LoweU EmersoB has recovered from the soarlet fever aad te able to be oat. Alfalfa is growiag very fast, nearly all of it being . aboat six inohss high. Mrs. Edward Taylor who had a very were attack of heart troable has re covered. J. B. FeUiws was a Monroe caller Saturday. Miss Jennie and Bello Leggatt. were shopping in Monroe oa Saturday. Vow Metal . A new metal which is similar to alamlaam, but still of lesser weigut, has been discovered by the French en gineer Albert Nodon, and called "nodium." after him. It is manu factured by aa eleotrio process. In oolor, luster, and structure it is al most exactly Uke steel. It is suitable for being cast' iato forms. The oondeetibility for the eleotrio oarreat ii as high as that of copper of equal weight. If natural power, especially water power, caa be ased for its maaataotare. the cost in round figures is about 15 cents per pound. The inventor expects numer ous ases of sodium in the aear la tere, especially fcr electric wire and debtee, for light bat strong parts of motor cars, torpedo boats, men of war, street oars, military outfits, air ships, etc:, and for castings in' place of bronze. German silver, aad similar metals. MeaamriBg Crikiaauy The polioe oi'Lttadoa have introdnc ed experimentally ataew measarias; system for reoegaizias criminals. As it has beea saooemf aL it will soon be adopted by a number of other police departments both ia England and abroad. In this system oalv the ira pressioas of the fiacers are taken. Compared with the "Bertillon" svs tesa, it has, above all, the advantage of simplicity, as it aa be applied .without aay ooatrivanoes. aad is, therefore, muoh lorn ezpeasive. .Whether it e-a completely take the place of the Bertilloa system remains to be eeea; The Berlia polioe have for the preseat also iaaugurated a card collection of impressions of the Anews for reoognitioa purposes. The 'aew system la called MOaktylosoop.' pRioaard Gaeather. Consal-Gen-end, Fraakiert, Germaay. Ceeknrtcaeel. The seteaos of oooUajr wiU be taaght at the state aaiversity this year. Miss Roan Bon toa, head of the deeaeetie eoieaos departmeat annoaac eo that aotaal cooking will be done ia the kitchen laboratory aad that the daily meaa will aot be of the pink tea aad ootee end-wafer kind. Ex. ClassiM Aafrerti8iig. "WaHUr-Baroaimt,? FarRent.nt,For SaU.n "lorf." "Fouud." am ether tpecial notices under this krd are charged fit:tkete of ome rent far ! tham 13c. Send umtew ilh eoo cm these aecounla are mualfg tto small to be carried to our ledger. ROOM S-Two f met room, fanikterf or afar 'Bbfed; with or witkoat board. Ibqaire at Joaraal oSm. ip FOR BALE-Ob tia or for eaak. tw dwaUiac bobom wits lota aad aond in sood Will aaU botk or neparatab;. & P. pro'p DaaTy. FORBALE-Poar Brrkaalra aawa. rcsiatmd; a)mai ffewaear pisa, alisiala to mriater. QaaUty thm scat; atkea ricat. Joaraal oBka. PORaALB-: araalafraaa ariaa wiaalac aa aim w.n.si;-B. rakiaar daeka. colon! tarkaya, vajla 1 mmmmL dsofc rmmam fownsa aid saw r Hra. J.CDawaoa. R. P.. D. Wakraara.-Tai.Qm. aacsai 1aaira no..' PAR DaUar meed, Ia- f?of F d Tais. mKdwnL Hebe. Oran aad Baraaaa OraU aprlBf fOB BALB-a ti mi QMlity ' jaartorCokuabaa. a yrin uCwfitiii avaaaalaaaaatajk. Plasar wUl ka raaantwl ea lasvmsaaaaaat TTaairkir'afcacBar afcaav Aloa. aaHalskt aajll It 400 la iBdia, China, Japaji Msd adjacent countnes tbcfeare foar hnndred mVXwm people who rarely eat neat. yet they are stroaf, actiye and long-lived. It is not going too far to sav that fty per cent of large .sweat eaters sever reach old age death comes suddenly:. 0 . x 5-. Is.Nathre's food for man. One pound wiUfuTnish to the entire body more nutriment than two potsai of roast beef, besides making good health and a long life a possibility. ' - haVawtoIWrHk gf Ihailisa asa kagf tofiat auawaawssswa? uamiuaauaavsBw Basaaww sea sawBawaruwevai uubbbj BamaaBaw sua r.sjBuua' Or. Price, the creator of AeeekliikiiililihuTt by PfUCE For COLUMBUS MARKETS. nrn 141 Oats V bushel . .. 32 Bye V bushel Ml JJearltJj f sPV lliHia--& cwt. 4,0fl3 4 5 Fat steers- cwt i' 4 25 Stock steers 3? ot-. .... t! S0J 8 50 I'atcows-tfcwt 2 253 00 Potatoes V bushel M)gj75 Butter V 1418 Eggs Vdoxen 140 m OTTAWA Cylinder Corn Shelter Can do more and better work than any other sheller sold. Oar wagons will not scatter your grain while on the road to market or overtax your horses with needless heavy draught. Buggies and Carriages OF THE LATEST AND BEST MAKES. -AUKiafeor- FARM IMPLEMENTS. Come and look onr stock over before buying : : : : twrBUeksmith work hail Horse Shoeing done oh short itutin'. LOUIS SCHREIBER. V T Y Y il HE I ! WANTS A I I FARM., t We have a customer anxious . to buy a farm of 120 or 160 acres close to Columbus. He will allow the present owner to retain possession this year. It mast lie good land fairly well improved. ::::::: B&GtIER, ttOCKENBKRGER & Gt.AMBt.RS. COLUMBUS, NEBBASKA. 2abVV7V8MaM9B7MM llllllllllllllllllllllll iBVi mmcf, t Has jis?t received a new stock of Una Wall Paper We invite the pub lic to look the line over before lniying.- J Rmn' SlaiiflMr Fisisb. Sold is all hadea, ia aaqaald bf aajr paiata or othr taia. A resiatared pkanaaciat will rtuBBoaiMt all preacriptioaa. Call oa aa. f)UJS SCHREIBER, Jr., Manager. 1 IIIIIIIIIHinilHHIIH llllllllllllllllllllllll FOR HATCHlNn PROM REHT LAYRR8 IN THE WOKti. 9m CmI Iriti iJtwtris Aln tail Plpiilfe licks $1.50 IB. EsTTarda located 3 blocks eaM of SI. Mart's Hospital. - MARTIN SCHILZ.Prop'r. 4K V Cotmtbta,Nehr. iiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiii 4k vJUke-iH: mM-h'm"- m, m- - - IHillion PRICE aVHEMT flake celery FOOD . sv. t. wlc Ce Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder aad OEBEAL flaw Cwsyaayr aaiisei. aamls. Sialejat Qray'ilpartmnt'Sfoi: t! IS YOUR PLASTER FALLING OFF? sMKanVBBwacBKBamn . Buy aad PUT CfS YOURSELF or ask for s PRICE ON COMPLETED JOB. u i James Peai$all, Contractor I a fVV iiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiininiimimiiiiin I We Lead, Others Follow! In Painting anil Decorating, we are prepared to give our patrons the best. Have the very latest and mo?t stylish in Wall Paper atooratiwSa and an "up-to-date" decorator ia charge of this department. All work .guarantee! 1 awl prices right". aa?.See us for estimates j G-. -E3. --PeiTo 5s Co. f X iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiihiI Plan Tour Trip Early During 1904 several back East at greatly be offered by the Chicago, ir yon wast to be kept posted regarding low rates, dates or sale, stop-over privileges, aad traia service, ad vise me the probable time aad destination of yoar trip. Throagh train service from any point on the maia line of the Union Paeilc Railroad to Chicago every day. Folder free. r. Qeaoral Weatera Ageat. H&A-ii6$.- mMyi4fafni Read Our .anar nsnw W " hare traveled nveh bnt did not think L. I jmW eh. a comfortable Juurueg possible. The aaW . aWaT Vutf Pacific Tourist Car.er, !; sak. 'maw uon,- writes a dhaiagniabed Americaa. f 1 Tourist Cars I m . !JN . M aW KlKaTV D1Y1V fraaaa v . . Bbb d aar m- Ma 'Buiwr fm m T0 m i Oragaa an. Waatawglaa : m via I UNIONMCIHC J "Bk Par fall iafciraiatioB rait or writa1 r M : L W. m BEXIIJIM, Aent. f. "aaakw. BBBBaV' eaBaBaaaBBBBBa. v snm - v,Ll Ptrople wawaaa 1 4 Investigate CINNEAR 4 GAGERS Stamped Steel CEILING, SIDE WALLS AND WAINSCOTING The only INTERLOCKING. TIGHT-SEAMED CEIL1NO lufaetarsd. Tho Batt it Tho CkwtfMt opportunities to go reduced rates will DHria Bkwh0 KikL. Mitwawkte ft St. Pn, Rnhrffly. 1624 FaniM Sir Continued- Story .' - id&i.- s&rfj rt2S2i2L 'inwynyn.!! i - i i i e . 1 --I Su i : 1 1 " z'. ?m .?-JJ taiaii ?! m