H'l'MM1 W iWWP 1 ' ' 'l l (WK, 1WMB rw-jv nrr msTT'-. ;--.KTJ,SJseT-K,Tors-'??-'.-f'i ,-" -". 3-r-.ji-j'j'"i'- . mtE&B!Er?ZiZ3rZGSj?z&.!ltt.9Zrfc?Z-.2-7s j..Jr---t- -"- s,; - n&-"537eJ35?Js&'J& IT r3..:S3E,;iS .. CS"5ISS-ITWffirfWjR.-?MPa?P:riB iSS-"5- 'sipr 'v - t - -' '15Si'-fTv ?T 1 ' ' 1 BBHBWHliBBaraBliv assartpws ?:?mf - --- . V. 1 ll (ItMllM C JowMd JWM 15. 1670.) Yarn eaa travel from Osaaba to New Ytk forflO. as takes says Cast aiost or cltiTftaa are aatives of Ohio. La week if ty two aectioa kaade NMBti dowa the road diaeharged to give pkMe to Ohiaaaaea. For the past week the weather has beam rexy warm. The crop are afferiag for waat of rata. Over oae thoaatnd bm are workiag oa the McGregor mad Sioaz City rail road, between Alcoa aad Haeoa City. P. O. Hiatebaaga advertises that he waats 50.000 basfcela of wheat delivered to hint withia forty day, for which we will pay from 50 to 75 eeata per basbel. The president on Jane 18. sent a atassage to congress apoa the Cabaa qaestioa. He ooadeauM the atrocions aad aarbaroas aaaaaer ia which the ooaflict oa the island is carried on. We leant from the coanty saperia tcaflnat w that the apportionment of late school faad has been made and that the earn of fl.000.88 will be ready for the several districts of this oomaty ia a few days. Aboat foar weeks ago, on the Platte river foarteen miles west of Omaha, M. Decloss made the discovery of a aeemiagly iaexhaastible qaaatity of marble, ia the stone qaarries which he was workiag. which has siaoe proved tobe of a very aaperior qaality. Major M. J. Tronth advertises for bids to sapply the Pawnee Ifanaal Labor schools with beef for one year. He says: "The beef mast be of good average qaality and must be delivered at the school hoase in qaantities raa lag from 160 to 830 pomadsper week." J. W. F. Williams, county clerk, advertises that the sale of school lands la OoUsx ooaaty will commence on Tharsday. Jane 28. 1870, at l o'clock a. m. at the door of coanty clerk's offioo ia eaid ooaaty, and will be ad Joaraed from day to day antil all the school laad is offered for sale. The Indians jaade a raid on the stage roate from Bryan to South Pass last Satarday, and ran off ten head of stage horses at Big Sandy station, and woaaded one man. All the stock be tweea there and South Pass is sap posed to be gone. The county is full of Indians, kaowa to be Arapahoes and Sioax. John Rickly, plaintiff, vs. Thomas O. Daraat, trustee, defendant, in dis trict court, demands that the court decree the deed of conveyance made aad executed oa the 5th day of Jaly 19G6 by Rickly to Darant. as trustee, certaia real estate in Platte couaty. that it he declared null and void and set aside as fraudulently obtained (Daraat was a brother-in-law of George Fraacis Train, and interested with him ia the building of th Union Paoilc railroad.) At a meetiag called for the purpose of concerting measures for the erec tion of another school house in Golum has, I. N. Taylor was chosen chair- , aad 8. W. Smith.secretary. J. W. county superintendent of aoaools, made statements in regard to boundaries of the district, number of papils, etc. A. J. Baker and J. B. Walla were appointed a committee to confer with the board of directors and to reader such assistance as may be in their power in securing necessary loca tion and funds. A magnificent reception was held ia Sioax Oity for George Franci Train Monday. The Sioux City Timet devotes almost its entire issue to an account of the event. He tpoke for two hoars, and, from what we learn, Sioax Oity has Train on the brain as badly as Omaha ewr had. We quote a portion from the Times: "Mr. Train, wrapped in a large Irish frieze overcoat, of Irish manufacture, from Irish sheep, stepped forward and was received with enthusiastic applause. Taking the chalk aad tracing the growth of Omaha from a little village of hats to a grand city, was the most scrikiag part of the speech. Some one ia his aadieace afked what about the sttaax Oity Columbus railway? Train's answer was: 'It must be built It shall be built. As I intend to make Columbus the national capital, I will build it myself if no body else volunteer. When I say I'll da a thing, when did yoa ever know ma fta fail? I said the Atlantic Great ; ehoald be built four hundred It was. The Pacific two miles. It was. The North- aad Southwestern out of They are under way. The Oaaaoil Bluffs & St. Joseph. It wa. The Cheyenne Denver is being built. 8o I now my the Colambus & Sieux City shall be the next in turn for I intend to. make Colambus the aaaital of America when I am presi- of the United States.' " AGEICULTUZX. Far tkit department The Journal solicits items from Platte count g farmers, shoring what then mre doing and how then do it. do yoa get the bulletins by the acrioaltaral experi- If you do not, write a laMartatae University of Nebraska aad ask to have the ballet i as of the agrtonkaral experiment station seat tayaw regularly. Ton pay taxes to aaapart the aairersitr. The school of agricultare of the university on the hand is doing much to help Ne- fnrmers not only by educating oaa in acieatifio farming and raising, bat also by seadiac tkalletias to all who ask for them the results of practical ex- As an avample of what the eaperimeat station is doiac for wa reprint below a sammsry of S3 oa the subject of corn, by T. Ii. Lyoa. To are r aawat to plant corn. What breed are I yam faaaa to plant, and why? Read mmffiliwiag tests made ia Ne mwjmaaafaia yoa decide, asm write wunMlas af corn, eoadaoted dariag eight Ut,js 1MB ay? fifty-aim) farmers have ' ta aaafaaajjaiisa: Vaaraaka, are re- ataa. -mmmmmmm pamisad the KxDsrimeat Station at These variety tests ware aadartakea because of alack of knowledge regard lag the types of oora best adapted to different localities ia the state. For these experiments the state has been divided into six sections, the bound ary liaes of which correspond more or lorn closely with those marking changes is the natural vegeuwuiut as hovi uj the botaaical survey. All tests in one section include the same varieties. Miaeteen varieties ia all were tested, bat 'the maximam number in any one section was twelve. Seed corn was sent to each experimenter each year, the supply always beiag obtained from the same source. It was neces sary to do this as the varieties were grown side by side, which, although it does not effect the yield of grata from any variety, does render it valae less for teed. 'Enough seed was sent to plant at least a quarter of an acre of each variety. Instructions were given to plant nil varieties in the same manner, and on the same day; to prepare the laad in the same way. and give the same cultivation. Each va riety was to be picked separately and aa accurate estimate of the yield of corn on the cob determined, also the proportion of com to cob oa tea rep resentative ears of each variety. The varieties tested were Boone County White, Beid's Yellow Dent, Silver Mine. Biley's Favorite and Learning, repreaaatiag seed raised east of the Mississippi river; Saowflake White and Early Yellow Rose, representing seed raised ia Iowa; Pride of the North and Minnesota No. 13, from seed raised ia Minnesota; Hogae's Yellow Dent, Golden Gap, Mam moth White Prize, Golden Bow, Calico, Legal Tender, and Gold Miae. from ieed raised ia Nebraska. There was much variation indifferent locali ties as to the variety giving the best yields of grain. This was expected, and was the reason for beginning the experiment. There are great differen ces in the fertility and working qaalities of the coil in different parte of the state, as well as differences in rainfall and temperature. The condi tions favorable for one variety may not ba so favorable for another. Much will depend also on the region in which the variety has been raised. A report of each test is given in the bul letin. Corn brought from outside of the state did not yield so well as corn raised within the tate. A notable ex ception to this is Beid's Yellow Dent. Early maturing varieties did not yield so well as later maturing ones. Yellow verities gave, on the whole, better yields than white varieties. The pro portion of corn to cob did not bear any relation to the yield of corn per acre, neither did the size of the ear. Some of the varieties of corn brought from other states, although not yielding remarkably well in thete trials, givo evidence of becoming very valuable varieties after they have been raised in this region for a suffi cient number of years to become well adapted to the climate. Of these, Beid's Yellow Dent, Boone County White, Learning, and Silver Mine are particularly promising. T. L. Lyon. Nebaska Experiment Station. " The most satisfactory way that I have found to kill gophers", says a correspondent to the State Journal, "is by use of strychnme. Buy two bottles of crystalized strychBine: It costs 25 cents per bottle. Have your druggist pulverize it. Take a quart of large corn kernels and pat it to soak for thirty-six hours until slightly soft. Drain water off the corn. Sit down to the table with a small dish and with the point of a small knife blade split the end of the kernel ot corn, pry it apart a little, take a very small amount of strychnine on the point of the blade und insert it in the opening. Have a small tin box with cover and drop the kernels into it until full ; put the box in your pocket. When ever van see a gopher run him into his hole and put ' one or two kernels of the pnisnoed corn in the hole. That will fix him sure. "I make a busi ness of going over my place once or twice in the spring and place in all holes I find. Don't leave it on top of the ground as bird's and chickens will get it and it is sure death., By so doing very little damage is done. Two bottles of strychnine will rid your farm of gophers. Aftr a little ex perience anyone can prepare the corn very fast." The Farmer's Grain Company was organized at Bradshaw April :50th, to buy and sell grain, coal, lumber and all products raised or consumed on the farm. The company is to be incor porated with a capital stock of $250,00. to be issued in shares of $20.each, and a limit of twenty shares to any one K.F.D.sTo. 3. R.F.D. No. 3. (Correspondence) Rate Reed wa taken quite ill Sunday, necessitating a call for the doctor. At this writing, she is reported muuh better. Max von Gottberg, jr.'s dance was postponed Saturday evening; just why, we did not learn. H. O. Rodehorst is new on the road selling cafes for the Victor Look aad Safe Co. LoaisBehle has just completed a barbed-wire fenoe around his The report for the route during the mouth of April is: Mail delivered, 8,270 pieces; c collected, 5.684 pieces; oaaoellatioa f9,0C4; stamps and other supplies sold, $51.50. Julius Herman, who is employed at the Shell Greek roller mills, returned from a visit with his folks at home in Seward last week. The telephone oompaay is busy set ting poles along the road west ef the Meridian line as far north as Shell Greek. Most of the farmers along the line will have phones placed ia their homes. Peter Scamitt, the miller, expeots to have oomiaaaioatioas by phone with Columbus by Tharsday of this week. Owing to the fact that they were un able to get water oa the site selected far the new Lataaraa church society. tiles aorta of Oolsmbas, they givsa ap baildiag oa that loca Jast where they will build aow syjMaotaeemitely decided of the msmbers are ia fsvar af a loca tion jast a mile west aa SaaaTaruh'a comer. This would traly be a very desirable plaee as there is a aloe grove aroaadthe place. Some of the farmers along the roate are; simply disking their stalk fields and following with the planter. This is new to as, but they say it was done with good success last week. Everything along the roate is growing aioely. Alfalfa has made a wonder ful growth the last week. Winter grata is large oaoagh that when lookiag across a fiekl oae caa see it wave. Oats are a little backward, but are growiag rapidly. Most of the plowing is done and the farmers are rasaing their planting this week. Rev. Papenhaasen of Shell Greek Baptist charch is certainly something of a (renins. He has erected a mail post near his church which is the pride of oar roate. We do not believe that there is another one built us neat and convenient in the state. There are foar boxes attached to a revolving cross placed upon the post forty-eight inches from the groand. When the carrier arrives, he simply "stops at oae box and tarns the cross or wheel for the next box that he has mail for. The workmanship and the style and manner in which these mail boxes have beea put ap are sarely commend able oa the part of Mr. Papenhaasen. The Mail aad Breeze has aa apos trophe on Spriag which we think is worth paming apoa: Sweet spriag! Gaatla spring time! We hail thee with delight. It is the time when we take a barrel stave and rake ap old personalities with the town cow and the aged hen. It is also the time when we take up the over-ripe boot, gam overshoes, tin cans and things that send ap a sweet smelling smudge from the back yard. Yoa ma'am, we' hail thee like Sam Hill. Thou contest at a time when the worm works in the dried apples and the sorgham worketh in the barrel. At a time when ihe coal house is filled with emptiness and a quoram remaineth not in the potato bin. When our in terior department yenrneth for green things and cryeth out for spinach when there is no spinach ia the house. We thought thon hadst come last week, but we were fooled. Last Friday Old Boreas lashed his tail over the dash-board and came snorting down the hills from the north and nipped the early angleworm and the premature blow-fly. Bnt as we write, a striped hornet has come out of a crack in the wall and stands heating his stingers in the warm san. Pre sently he will go away in search of the pale faced dude with lilac tie aad linen pants. As soon as all danger of frost is past the town marshal will plant the dead cats, two in a hill, in the gloaming. Later on, the bamble bee will bumble, the doodle bug doodle, and the dtraddle bug straddle around. The pinch bug will whet his pinchers, and the skeeter will file his particular bill and get ready for busi ness. Who does not love the spring time, when the veteran hen scratches a frugal meal from the pansy bed, and all nature breaks out with joy and the whole family breaks out with measles. Sewataa Grove. From the Herald. F. W. Farrand of Columbus was in town Friday on one of his usual busi ness trips, and remained to attend Masonic Lodge. Louis Staab arrived home last Thursday evening after spending several weeks in Omaha and Colum bus, lie left again Friday evening, where he went to begin work for the Omaha Electrical company. A demonstration of the fact that it pays to advertise was brought to the writer m notice last week. A short, time ago a pony came to the farm of I. R. Postle, and as no one called for it, Mr. Postle inserted an estray notice iu this paier. Sunday Otto Bitter, of north of Creston, the owner of the animal, called on Mr. Postle and described the animal. Mr. Bitter was in town and said that he had spent a week in search for the pony and had given it up at last and perhaps if it had not been for the notice iu this paper he would never have recovered the animal. The building of the Leigh telephone system is likely to be commenced almost any day. Two carloads of poles are on the side track and some of the smaller stuff is in the freight house. Just what the delay is no one seems to know. Mr. Bell of Wayi e, together with a couple of Wayne gentlemen, who are to take a half in terest in the company, have not put in their appearance since the material arrived. Up to the preseat time no organization has been effected and it is likely that no further step will be taken antil the stockholders have a meeting and an organization ia effected. C. A. Randall, president of the First National bank, spent the greater part of last week on the road from Omaha to this city in his new automo bile. He says the only way for a man to acquire the necessary experience to become an accomplished "chauf feur" is to get an automobile and turn it loose, up hill and down dale, scoot across a level stretch of road.ata soft place in the road stop and crawl under the machine and sing gently while making an ante-mortem aatopsy of auto. It is good exercise, and one is absolutely free from the danger of sunstroke while in the recumbent posi tion. Mr. and Mrs. Randall and Mr. and Mrs. Gerhart arrived ia this city Saturday aboat 6 o'clock, all look ing as though they had enjoyed their outing, and their color was evidence of their haviag beea out. Mr. aad Mrs. George O. Johasoa weat down as far as Hamphrey in their automobile to meet Randall. Newman Grove Herald. Saw Xante Will he Istaelished. A. L. Davis, carrier on the Star roate which goes to Shell Creek, Bo heet and Oldeubaeh, is circalatiag a petition amoag the people south, east north of Shell Creek, for the of another route from Colambus, which will be kaowa as "BouteS". Mr. Davis has. seventy sigaers bow aad expects sooa to have the required oae kaanrai. COLUMBUS FRIDAY, MAY 1304 eiMNBUi INS awssrflsra mvnTsBBTusmfe VhTaESBa i. af " jJOruJi-n- . 9fr Jffsl 3 I Europe's Greatest Contribution FOR THE AMUSEMENT OP THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. UNQUESTIONABLY THE GRANDEST ARENIC FEATURE EVER INTRODUCED IN AMERICA Off DOUBLED D SEE CIRCUS MUSEUM AQUARIUM $1,000,000 MENAGERIE 3 RINGS 2 STAGES Real Roman HIPPODROME The Foremost Show of the World. YOU CAN NEVER AFFORD TO HISS THE Em FREE STREET, PARADE S! IN THE FORENOON WELL WORTH A JOURNEY OF 100 MILES TO INSPECT. TWO SHOWS DAILY AT 1 AND 7 R. M An Hour given to Witness the Animal and Museum Curios before ine Commencement of the Circus and Hippodrome Performance. DOMESTIC NEGLECT. The Traaety- ef Little Thlaas That Are Left Uae. The judge and spectators in a Kan sas City courtroom laughed when a husband testified that his wife gave him only "mechanical kisses." Then the lawyers devoted many min utes to the question "What is a me chanical kiss?" They decided that It was a salutation given only through a sense of duty, and then they laughed some more. They didn't go far enough. They might have- called it a tragedy. With most women affection lasts. It burns as strongly in old age as in "gold en youth. A caress means a world of joy to them. Borne men forget. They grow care less. Carelessness is often a species of selfishness. Once it was a privilege to press a lover's kiss on the lips of a wife at the dour when leaving iu the morning, again as a warm greeting that always marked the homecoming at night. And one morning the man forgot the caress and lost himself In business. And a shadow fell ou a romance, and the woman wept. She tried to be brave and sensible. She tried to laugh at the silly fear that he didn't care for her. She assured herself a hundred times that it was such a little thing and that It was natural for him to forget and that it was unreasonable for her to ex pect the joy of the honeymoon through life. She wiped away her tears and re solved to hide her grief and be kind, loving, patient. And the man never knew. Perhaps some day he went into court and com plained that he bad been the recipient of "mechanical kisses." Domestic neg lect isn't always confined to lack of food and clothing. Cruelty doesn't al ways take the form of physical abuse. When men learn to think, when they remember that tb'e little attentions of ten mark the difference between joy and sorrow In a woman's life, there will be more real happiness In the world. Milwaukee JournaL STAGE LIGHTS. Thi'lr Varies Vea Mi the Hi hr Which They Are Kum. Lights play au important part on the stage of the modern theater, and they have many uses. The spot light, for Instance, Is employed to cast a cir cle of light upon the stage where a sin gle person is to be brought into espe cial prominence. It consists of an arc electric light Inclosed in a cylindrical hood about the diameter of a stove pipe and provided at the open end with a condenser lens for the jinrpose of concentrating the rays uponVsmaU' area. A flood light is an arc in a rectangu lar box painted white upon the inside to serve as a reflector. It is supposed to flood the stage with light; hence Its name. Bunch lights are clusters of gas or Incandescent lights either arranged within a. reflector or exposed naked. They are used back of a scene behind doorways, where light is needed off the stage to represent the illumina tion of that part of a dwelling not shown. For the same purpose "strip" lights are used rows of incandescent lights fastened to a strip of wood pro vided with a hook, by which It may be hung to the back of a scene when required. "Side" lights are Incandescent lights Larranged on either side of the prosce nium arch. Sometimes they are built within the arch or they are arranged to be swung outward when the cur tain Is raised. The footlights are familiar to all, and the "border" lights are those hung over the stage directly above the scen ery, shutting" off the top of the stage. These are arranged In a trough like an Inverted "U" to cast their light down upon the stage. These are practically all of the lights used upon the stage of a bouse, though magic lanterns are employed at times for the simulation of water effects, moonlight ripples and lightning. The old fashioned calcium, aafag the oxyhydrogen gas, is so sel dom employed In the modern theater as to call for no comment GREAT C0IS0U0A1E3 SHOWS as as TMMKMIir i EaalUh Axes at Haatlaar. At the battle of Hastings the corps d'elite of the English urmy were ne coutered with sword and shield, and iu addition to this they bad hung "great hatchets ou their necks, with which they could strike doughty blows." Whenever a special deed ot valor is credited to an Englishman lu that battle, with one exception, it is due to the ax be bears. And now what were these axes that dealt such deadly destruction on the Norman knight? As to this we are left In no doubt. Time after time does Wace call them "great axes." The bead alone in one instance was a foot in length. And the Bayeux tapestry out of about twenty axes represents all except some three as having long han dles. Hardly ever do we find iu the tapestry the short ax for one hand. Contemporary Review. Adarialsteriaa- Ether. The most common mistake made by beginners In the administration of ether is that of forgetting to lessen the proportion of the substauce when full anwthesia is established that is, con tinning to make their patients respire an atmosphere as highly charged with its vapors as when getting them under its influence. It is a matter of sur prise to physicians how very little ether will often suffice to keep a pa tient well under its Influence toward the close of an operation, and this small quantity will always postpone vomiting until the operation is com pleted. Medical Review. Glass Cays. The first glass cups were made at Alexandria. Some were colored like Bohemian glass and' decorated with glass pastes, imitating precious stones and cameos. Some were opaline, oth ers clear as crystal and still others formed of opaque layers welded to gether like the famous Portland vase. In which the white upper layer had been cut away like that of a cameo, leaving a blue ground around the fig urea. Celoairt Bates. During March and April the Burling ton will sell one way tickets to the Pacific Coast at very low rates. Here are some of them: $25.00 to San Francisco and Los An geles. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $22.50 to Spokane. $20.00 to Salt Lake City, Butte and Selena, $16.75 to Big Horn Basin, Wyoming. Proportionately low rates to hundreds of other points. These rates offer an excellent opportu nity to see the great Northwest which presents unusual attractions to the homeseeker. It possesses the iron and lumber of Michigan, the wheat of Min nesota, the wool of Ohio, the fisheries of New England and a seaboard rivaling the Atlantic Coast If you will tell me where you are going I shall be glad to give yon full informa tion abont rates and train service and send yoa advertising matter descriptive of these wonderful sections. J.Francis, General Pssseager Agent, Omaha. 8t Excursion to Big Horn Basin. The next excursion for the Big Horn Basin, Wyo., will leave Colum bus on May 17th, at 4:30 p. m., over the Burlington. Be ready to go along and see some of the finest country in the west. $18.00 for the round trip. Free teams and carriages to show you what irrigation ia doing in the Big Horn Valley. For all information call on, or address, F. T. Walker's Rtal Estate Af eney. Agents for Hanover Canal Company's irrigated .Laacu. Yz MILE HIPPODROME TRACK What Bocomes of It If a man eats two pounds daily, near two pojwsds daily must in some way pass from his body, or disease and a premature death is a speedy and inevitable result. The food that is eaten must contain the ele ments necessary to supply nutriment to the system and free from all substances that bind the bowels. D PRICES if eaten daily there will be a daily action of the bowels ; waste removed, nutriment retained. Nature's food for man. Served hot or cold. hkMb MriHm Em d KfHta mt Mi b.Etf Dr. Price, the creator of A For tfOt OTTAWA Cylinder Corn Shelter Can do mure and better work than any other aholler sold. Our wagons will cot scatter yourgrain while on the road to market or overtax your hurseti with needless heavy draught. Buggies and Carriages OF THE LATEST AND BF8T MAKES. All Kintb of FARM IMPLEMENTS. Come and look onr stock over before buying : : : : & Klacksmith work and Horse Shoeing done on short notice. LOUIS SCHREIBER. GARDEN SPOT OF Tilts EARTH. The fertile soils of eastern Ore gon or WflBhington yield in over flowing abundance and in the highest perfection, every grain, grase, vegetable and frnit of the temperate zone. To enable pereonn to reach these favored localities without unnecessary expenditure of time and money, the Union Pacific has put in effect Itound Trip Home seekers' Excnrsion rateti as fol lows from Missouri River, April 19th: 432.00 to Ogden and Suit Lake City. 434.50 to Butte and Helena. 444.60 to Spokane. Also One-Way Colonist Rates every day until April 30. to many points in the states of California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, and Utaha. For full information address E. L. LOMAX, G. P. nnd T. A., Omaha, Neb. innniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FOR HATCIIINU FROM BKST I.AVKCS IN TUB WOULD. Risi Cub Brown Lighiris. J 1 Alsi Barrel Ptymtb Ricks. 1 $1.50 Per 15. t2FYirU loettteil S Mocks euxt of St. Mary's llospitut. MARTIN SCHILZ, Prnp'r, C'olumbiu, AVfcr. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I II Tormadaet ! Cyclones ! I have two good old time insurance companies which insure against torna does and cyclones. The rate is very cheap. See me if you want some pro tection. J. M. Cortis. aTotice. Series "N" of the Columbus Laud Loan and Building Association is now open for the subscription of stock at the office of the secretary. H. Hockenberger. Classified Advertising. " ir.""fraiW "ForRent:' "For Sale," "Lot" "Found,'1 and other special notices under this head are charged for at the rate of one cent i tmrd each insertion. Itut no atlvertitment taken for test than tic. Send money with copu um these accounts ore usually too small to be carried to our ledger. WANTED-C0W8 to Future-Parties want in pasture Bar town for cown, leave oraera at once with Bert Kaatnn. nprl-3t ROOMH Two front rooms, furnished or unfnr oiohrd; with or without boanl. Inquire at Journal office. lp FOR SALE On time or (or cash, two good dwelling housps with lots and good improre- inents. Will sell both or Mparately. B. P. Daffjr. FOR SALE Four Berkshire sows, registered; eleven November Puts, eligible to register. Qaality the best; prices right. Journal omce. FOR BALE Eggs for sale from prize winning Kmbden geese. Toulouse geese, W.H.4M.R tnrkAva vhits miituMa. Peking ducks, colored Moscow ducks. Partridge cochins and buff rocks. Inquire of Mrs. J. C. Dawson. R. r. D. Mo. 4, Colambus, Nebrasl-a. Tel. Q 151 . FOR8AEE "Billion. Dollar" grass seed. In qeire of Ferdinand Voitrt. St. Edward, Nebr. Seed also oa sale at Grays' and Herman Oenl rich's. Columbus, Nebr. aprlttf FOR HALE-4 Berkshire sows, registered: II November pigs, eligible to roister. Qaality the beat; prices right. Journal office. LOBT-BoBMwhere ia west part of Colombo, a leather cane with steel rod through center aad brass plate on top. Finder wiU be rewarded on leaving easts at Ziaaecker' barber shop. Ales. soHiasBt. myUIt rVspared ay HUGE CEMEJunNM OMPAHY . Cakaae, Masts. FOOD - .& Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and Sale at Gray's Department 1 To Any Part of the (Sty I TWIO accommodate our regular customers who iiu&teil on our milk r -- auil cream and others who could not come to our place after it, we concluded to put on a delivery wagon and go after busine. On T March 1, we purchased O. D. Butler & Son's delivery outfit and can ? now deliver to any part of the city X Pure Sweet Fresh Sweet Cream. (Plain or double strength for whipping.) Fresh Buttermilk, Creamery Butter. AU of our Milk and Cream is patuerized, thus insuring better keeping qualities. To insure delivery get your orders in either the day lefore or early in the morning. Columbus Cream Co. .i-SSf-SHS--??- tiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiniiiinin i We Lead, Others Follow! I In Painting and Decorating, we are prepared to give our patrons the best. Have the very latest and most stylish in Wall Paper DeeoratioHs and au "up-to-date" decorator in charge of this department. All work guaranteed and prices right. AaySee us lor estimates i Q-. 33. aEa:ei"b &z, Co. I Plan Tour Trip Early During 1904 several back East at greatly be offered by the Chicago. If you wsnt to be kept posted regarding low rates, dates of sale, stop-over privileges, and train service, ad vise ma the probable time and destination of your trip. Through train service from any point on the main line of the Union Pacific Railroad to Chicago every day. Polder free. F. A. HASH. Gaaoral Western Acaat. UNION $45i22 ROUND TRIP FROM COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA TO CALIFORNIA And Return. Tickets oh Sale April 23 to May 1, inclusive. Sixtctn hours quicktr than any other Mno to the Pacific Cooat. y s For fall iafornatioa, call or writ W. H. BEJVHJM, Agent. It's Delicious Flavoring; Extracts. Store. 7 r T r r ? r r T ? T 5 IIIIIIIHIIIII HI opportunities to go reduced rates will Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. 1624 Farnam Street PACIFIC -: rv - y -."'S'riSl V" m . ' - c &tS-r. i i'ii-vjC?' -22. 2. . SsttBsasSsSg&aawaaiU. .vr..,. i7sSfjfhSlSSS!iS.4 '-o"i,l V.VA- ."-T" : 3i"- jiti'i "&L?-..rf. ". - -. . Ba - .- i. ,-v - s&?trts''su; '-ttA-j?&gzL;z-S3--jszxii r. -; - ' - w. -, fM3a,l7T... r . - - nr-zr-n r ; &&9&ZZ3S&S&&mF 4 il 3sfcB J aawpsgaaasasaaavaBBSBi .i.iwi iifagw. :-,?:- Hr" JT.T- i'pii ii tMsi iimsmi tfr c Til TlTiiii fusil i MMHBMaWSBMnwaBlBBBSSSBBBWBWsiB