The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 13, 1904, Image 3

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    " "" .. ., " " s. ". """" ? '"'"'SmwmWsBB!
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S Wife Cash Store??,?
15c Handsomelv Decorated Semi
A hand-ome blue Semi Porcelain dinner pattern, a single piece
10 Apiece et at a big reduction. A few of the prices:
v- or
U0ti per daz. Cups asd
Sancers. sal price - . . .
$L3d per cor. -s-isca Dii2t?r
Plar. sale price. . .
SU1Z per daz. 7-inch Brsin
PJars !it- price . .
E 1.00
25 Pounds of Sugar for SI. 00.
With every S3.00 purchase in any department, except in the
grocery department, the purchaser will get 25 pounds best granulated
-near for S1.00.
Groceries, except where mentioned, the Pri
ces are Good Every Day:
23c bottit Snyder's Home ilade Ketchup
SOe Snyder's Oyster Cocktail Sauce.
23c Baking Powder. .
12c Golden Wax Bean, very fine, per can .
20e cake VJ-podfed Walter "Bakers Chocolate '.
40c 1-pound W. H.Baker's Chocolate
25c 3 1L pkSoda Crackers
23c 3 bbl American Ginger Snaps
Chick Food per 3
44V 12 oz. Royal Baking Powder
31 hr Package Search Lacht Matches
40c Cream Cans at 35c.
?2rCampare these prices with the credit stores and see for yourself
that the credit stores are from 20 to 23 per cent higher oc the same goods,
which means a loss of -?3.00 on every $23.00 you purchase on credit.
Bring ns your batter and egss: we pay the highest price.
Dry Goods Department.
Shirt Waist Suitings in all the latest styles and weaves,
regular 20e to 40c suitings go at 15c to 30c
Silk and Xab Novelties for waists and suits. 30c value, at 45c
White waistmgs m Piques. Oxfords. Etamines and Brocades,
large assortment in Champagne colors, 35c to 60c values. 25c to 50
Fine assortment of colors in Danish Cloth this is half wool and
extra good quality, a 20c value, our price 15c
0)c Mohairs in black, white and cream per yard ..47c
UIOO. SU jJTTX; C" uuc Vfii cci; , uc&(
4Tich Voile Cretie 3L50 oualitv at per
42-inch black and colored Voile, 90c
"4-inch colored Mohairs, extra value
Straw Mattings.
: Lare assortment, very neat patterns,
at per yard
Hulst's Cash Store.
Both 'Phones 26.
Maybe we have everybodys trade hut
yours, we know and yonJcnow yourself, we
can fill the hill money-saving for you.
There isnt another store in Columbus
half so shoppingly pleasant as Grays there
isn't another store in Columbus where you
can get more courteous and quick attention
than at Grays there isnt another store in
Columbus that gives you a more comprehen
sive selection of fresh, new, clean, sweet and
up-to-date merchandise of every description,
of every character and tond there isn't an
other store in Columbus that cuts deeper
into prices.
Dr. PriGe's Wheat Flake Gelery Food
Palatable. Nutritious. Easy of Digestion and Ready to Eat. Food
for the azed. food for the young, food for tae children and food for invalids
Prepared by a scientific process under the personal super
vision of Dr. Price, the well-known pure food authority
and onginatcr of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder and
delicious navoring extracts.
Price per large package
Tkt Genuine 6rawf ord Cheese
If you have been buying Cheese of
established. If vou have cot. have an order for jast one pound and we will
always have you for a steady cheese customer. CBAWFOBD UtlKKSE
shows a uniformly excellent quality. Not oaly the heat tfcssae Mid ia Co
lumbus but the best cheese obtainable. 1 A.
Price perlb IOC
M S s s s s 1 fci
Is merely on deposit, subject to your satis
faction, when buying
Pillsbuiy's Best Flour
You take no chances an
IM 11 nil 1 It has proves itself a
gad tkoasands of -hoasewives wao will
m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n i i 1 1 1 m i lj;
Porcelain Cream Pitclier 10c
Vegetable Dish
SL2J per daz. 6-incb.TmPlmtia QV
wis price VH
5c per daz. S-ioea. Pie Siateat 7fkf
mie price .- -. V
TOc per daz. asscer Diaeee A Kp
a!e price . .- TX"J
.... 9c
. . . .13c
.w fc., w. gj...-. . vaw i
yard SL25
quality, at per yard ac
per yard 60c
extra good values
.14c, 20c, 30c and 35c
Eleventh Street.
: i : i it :i 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 ni r
us its reputation with 70a has 1
bo other braad.
$1 .45
Columbus JouruaL
fFAll advertisement! in me Ileal
columns are charged at the rate of
cents a limtemekimwme. Heavy faee gue
double price.
Dr. Paul,
Alvin. E. Pool,
Mrs. J. D.Bnw wis ill last
Dr. YaHier, Osteopath, Barber block.
A Woman's Honor, Fiidnj, April
Helen McAllistsr ieaHicted with the
Dr. Giatzan, demtist, orer PoDockIs
niKng cards printed in the latest
style at this office.
Elm trees 7 to 10 feet high, for sale
by Albert Stecger. 2
The young son of Prank Beard is ill
with catarrhal fever.
Mies Nets Warden was confined to
her bed last week with the mass Isn
Miss Elizabeth Sheldon addressed
the Woman's club at Genoa today.
Bead Jowl ads. Thar are aew.
They coatain ssoaey savlag: offers.
The Orpheus society will have a
dance at their hall tomorrow evening.
Dr. Chas. H. Platz, aoaMopathic phy
sician and surgeon, poatoffice building.
Let us figure on all your Job printing.
We are especially equipped for it. Journ
al Miss Mollie Brady was taken to the
hospital last week to receive special
Drs. Martyn, Evaas, Gear Han
sen, office three doors north of Fried
hofs store, tf
Don't forget next Monday evening at
North opera house, the moving pictures
of the Russo-Jipaaeso war.
Walter Scott went to Omaha yester
day to represent the local lodge of Mac
abees at a grand lodge meeting.
"A Wosaan's Honor," Friday.
April 13th, keaefit of Co. K. Be pa
triotic and get your tickets early.
Mrs. F. W. Farzaad is saffering
fromaspxaiaad aakle, sastained while
aiightrf tram hex carriage Moaday.
John Toezek living five miles east
of town was unfortunate in having one
of his elbows dislocated Tuesday of last
All kinds of feed sold far cash at
the feed store of Ernst sV Brock on
twelfth street. Successors to Bert
Faimnsn apzl3-3tp.
Win. SchHz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the very
best stock that can be procured ia the
market, tf
Swift's Pride Soap is the safest and
purest soap you can use in your laundry.
It protects the clothes, yet cleans them
lay tfca Bast. The Tryhar Piana
leads them all in construction, finish,
durability and price. Sold on monthly
payments. Auditorium Music Co.
Splendid open sir coaeert in front
of Pollock's at 3:30 next Saturday, given
by.ths A1'" Miastrsls, who play in
North opera hoaae Satarday evening.
The Swartaley & Co. poultry and
stock company are much encouraged by
the opening of their spriag trade, ship
ing stock to many places oat side Co
Iambus Miss Marion Smith, the public
school art teacher, went to Gaatha
yesterday to spead two days risitiBg
the art department of the schools
in that city.
Don't send away for your engraved
wedding announcements or invitations,
Leave your order at The Jocbxax. office
and we will guarantee satisfaction. Call
and see samples.
The Schostag agar factory open
ed ap Xaesday after beiag closed
on aeconat of tae dall ssasoa ia that
Irrmnss The factory opaas with
eight workmen.
Mies Emma Zinasckar has accepted
the position of cashier in the Gray dry
goods store, taking the place of Miss
Stanfferwho rasigaed. Miss Ziaaeeker
began work Friday.
If yoa- are not a regular eaetoawr at
the uLive and Let live'7 meat market,
give it a trial aad yoa will he satisfied
that the quality of meat sold there is the
bast and the prices lowest.
J. tJ. Gietaan was sroaght heme
from Oeatarl City Mtmday where
ae was takam seriowaiy ill met week.
He is bow at the home of Frad
Roberts saffering from coigsafion of
the Kver.
Will Farraad eatertaiaed the saa-
xn the high school Friday
at his home. The
of flags of different
of cities, islands, etc, provided the
The grade taaght by Miss Lichee -berg
in. the sscoad ward baildiag was
obliged to movato the room occapiadby
Mrs. Mace Friday, 00 aseoaat of the
furnace not working properly, aad not
aaatiag theboilding.
people af the
char oh
let Ca
Friday evaaing at
lumbaa. The
playing flinch and
served at a late hoax.
The new brick wall in the rear of
the old Morremay hnflding, now owned
by Mr. Johnson of Tinrnln, who is add
ing a ateoad story to the haildiag,
toppling over in the wind
Friday before workman braced it.
has the following to say ahont a Co-
inmbmi bay, gummnri of W. T.
"George En amir is a new dark
employ af the asaea af W. J. Haaly,
fzaight andttormrtha Santa Fe B. E."
Seth Bran whom taacaiag m mat
rict SB, twaive aulas north af town will
of anaoainamt Friday,
will aegivBB by
kmd m Ce-
Tshi j ibi fiilsij Mi aarn toBWBTt
Bae Mrva Iivary hnrn. Wa win pay
in, vatav l' r
emv sa, arawawjy aaaaaan mjraaamnV.
T -.-. .1 ia- sa aBSBW am Sk mW e hw mmw
.aarmanaaa. m s i-ka . amavatt Mm tm m j
Co.mamUaB. S?SjS5. Hj?L? mwin. Be was mhaa to tae Lincoln f
,w .... . . ahaaaaansaf CaaLFim SaaraaaaX. . .
Pf-Ti. C. Taaa. HoBMeaaasac anvaw vn , . . . .. .. aaykam bMbt. I
5 . , T r M'- aaam se au, w anam. . . .. '
aso.uHBv.a Gnlkry; X eansa. UBanny xanmaar cecnar mysnewxu
Mm,G. T.Everett is oaa of the many m-!- wm nf . fa- htoanBitne ahariff oat saon to X
mmw BBBB.em. amw wma amtamaamaBBM mv ggaSw - - - a - I - - T
was a Cetaaibiis visitor Sanday. rrkai iTTTn m- tw i..Tr.. Braswrnminm anrOcnlaxiy Backward 4.
65. u-Bii.iBBMj m,bi ea taa imiiing aavaamn of rsias Distress
L WTL - -- i , - , .a "Xsv amwamBBBm anwsn. r T"-.! ' amami aamvamaamaaw lamaaBBmv Aamaagai ,
Tnavary latest in vnatiag earda. It name atora osamrs a Qraad Tsisad. m . .
-I not fail to aee oar Moot anivan. Pwkm-Grmi Ismnd, and iassna a.r s-
isad steal mill far tSLOa ADasaaUaV waoamfal m givmc conaarts ia many "yj f " t
Son. tf insaslaiimiksiil taa state. S.L!" yanahij. waacs ha wm
-Dr. Mclean's method of making -Banry Ianar has mavad ais ?!j"" hJ!?!f T j!ST
.t. m - - -- f 0 U2. mfawmfsBW ! amTBBBBHli7 bJSbWbVTaI VbbwBXBBU r
mlM lWffimn TJgLltaV figmBBwml tmwmfZl flml tssTa ft"lT wD BbI O Hi llmrffikl ZHBmsaaBswant. - , . -
auualitvwiAlrnhL raawatfr parwrnaad by K. a Halm. 3ntnrnay naddacxaedwp- t
Lands m Beoae, Snerman, Baak m . . . . n mam af ahant forty years and lived
and Caster counties for sate or rrrhsaga. ? ,fcm?w 'T "' TV with ais motner i. tnVoata parVcf ?
and Caster counties for sate or
Becher, Hockeaberger 4r Chambers.
and vacant lots in all
parts of the dry for sale on
Becher, Eoekanberger k Chambers.
We print programs and invitations
of all kinds. Ton can get expert ad'
and the very best work from the JoaraaL
Prazier was on the market
Tuesday with cattle, and Fred Stenger
took four car loads down Monday night.
Mis. F. Brodfoehrer fell on the porch
at her home last Wednesday and as a
result is suffering from the fraetnre of
two ribs.
Pictare safe at von Bergens, April
lath to 20th. Pictures from 40c to
$1.15 will as said at 15c. Sat show
window. nprlS-lt
G. O. Barns-is bailding an addi
tion to ais horns on seventeenth street.
It will be fitted ap with modern im
provements throughoai.
Steve Rich of St. Edward was in
town yesterday and pnrrhsawd a fine
driving horse of Dr. Gleason. which he
drove home the same day.
Mrs. Anna Parks left Moaday far
Ord where she expects to make her
home in the future. Norman has re
turned from California and has a posi
tion at Ord as painter.
Barred Plymouth Bocks exclusively,
"Orchard strain,' bred for size and lay
ing qualities. Farm ranged. Eggs 15
for 80c; 30 for $1.50. Hetty K. Truman,
R. F. D. 1. Genoa, Nebr. 8
Miss Settlamyer, a returned mission
ary from Japan, will give a lecture
x'harsday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the
Presbyterian church. The pablic is
invited. No arimisBinn fee.
Sam McFarland. who sold his inter
est in his saloon to his partner, James
Nevels, a few weeks ago, will leave this
week for Lexington where we understand
he will engage in the saloon business.
If the advertising agaat of the
Jonrnal doeaa!t gat aroanst' to see you
soon enough, call as up and we will do
the rest. We reach the people and we
pay special attention to ad writing.
L. F. Haverland who has been em
ployed with the Auditorium music com
pany the past six months, left yesterday
for towns in the southern part of the
state, where he travels for a furniture
house. He will continue to make Co
umboshis headquarters.
The home of Will Swartaley, five
miles north of town came sear burniag
down last Wednesday. Mr. Swartaley
had started for town but a few minntm
when his son Eugene discovered fire
around the chimney, and by carrying
several buckets of water soon extin
guished the ftaTTiag,
Mr. and Mrs. Huffman, Charles
Doody and Wm. Biley all of Platte
Center start overland this weak for
South Dakota, where they have taken
homesteads near Pierce. Nearly thirty
people from in and near the Center have
filed on homesteads inthe same neigh
borhood. Here is a copy of a Western Union
telegram that explains itself: Manager
opera house, Fairfield. Nebr., March 15.
The Alabama minstrels are a first-class
company, pleased a big house here and
you can fully recommend them. Signed,
George Stevenson, manager Hastings
opera house. At North opera house
Saturday, April 16.
The public library will soon have a
set of valuable reference books on their
shelves in the way of a library of his
torical characters and famous events by
Spofford. There are twelve volumes in
the set. The board has also ordered
books of fiction to the amount of about
$200 which will be ready for the public
within a few weeks.
Boy A Slattery, a former Columbus
boy, filed an application for water right
with the state board of irrigation m
Lincoln last Wednesday. He wishes to
build an irrigation canal two miles long,
tapping Dead Horse creek in Dawas
County. The proposed canal will irri
gate ISO acres of land and will How two
cabic feet per seeand.
Rolla Hall was one of the fortuaate
contestants for a trip to the World's
Fair given by the Omaha Bee last weak.
He stood second ia the list, the fiat re
ceiving something like 8,000 votes and
BoIIa sending in over 1L0GQ. Caiambaa
has been partaeuiarly lucky, m the first
two weeks of
and Mr. Hall winningapme
Merton Allen of St Edward
E. C DeVore af Primrose
ant callers at the Jonrm
Friday afternoon Mr. Allan
ronte to Omaha to attend the
of theKaigats of
DeVore, meaagir of the
Bradford Lamaar Go's.
yards at Primrose, was in
Will King af Boone
son af St. Edward were pleaaaat sail
are at the J
iney lenwmaii the wn
.necner, nocaeanerger ar ;nsaiosrs - " ?. ' '. - - Ooj, (baa.
r- s .an BBBmampwi mwmmwm nnimnrT m up a man wrwmaam
oface mat
axnal aee teat weak.
tar that thay
had jam parchased a grocery ami can-
thay wonld mhe charge af the heat
nam ahont April 15th. These two
earn in their mtsrpi imi at Hooper ie
Bneuves of Mrs. J. H. Been aa
Bi i mail i Calif., have written to
wVwmWaBranl mwmwmV ftmwm mVm aajaagaammanaV a SBBBBVmmWmm
iioail i wifh hi i ijej. Mrs. Bend was
eUigne to have ana eye iKiijil ay
asJsK. Whan Mr and Mm aaal em
wawmvBJ WBBBigjwn aw fyv jMsmwaaa
atirn A !; BsT. mTi i k aaaM 1MB
-C3nMmrmw PfrffBgsmt IltTaTm bbbbwSP ObbbTsWIbbI
kmrnm whn rnrtw - eanmmsY wMarwmaaW earn. V0 &
wmOgff - . XXeBBBBmmwmwJ , sTAnHVI TaBUafaBBBvMl
JoaxmaL whien are aad wiin iatarsat
for tme Mfcai liaii Wham ka aamB aBBaa
uaeM- a- HkiBMieB mmmzmmmm bm tb m
awiiiBa ins racarea sor ine guvaca-
the only weather report-
Nehraeka. Now nearly
in the smte has its re
by Bev
Bride and greom were widow
widower livng on nearby
C. K. Davias writes fromKi
that he is well pleased with his new
location- He is baUding a aarn 33x40
ft, wirb a large hay mow On his farm
he has fifty acres of alfalfa. He be
lieves the soil on his farm is similar
to that on the Sheldon farm on the
blaffs north of Col urn baa. They live
only five blocks from one of the ward
schools The Kearney people have
shown a great deal of iaterest in the
stock farm and the Device family be
lieve they have made
D. Her, known to many Cob
bos people, died Friday in Falterton
after a short illness. His wife came
through here Friday from their home
in Colorado, bat did not reach the
bedside of her husband until death
had come. Mr. Tier, leaves besides his
wife, three chiloran. Chris, Josie,
John Homier, and Mrs. Mary Hanger
ford, ancle, brother and sister respect
ively, of Mrs. Her, all went from here
to Fallerton to 'attend the funeral.
The nerejeft Colorado about one
If you love good singing, music,
dancing, and the fanny work of come
dians you should attend the minstrels
Saturday night at North opera house.
This is the original ''W Minstrels,
and when you say that, you say all there
is to say favorable to minstrelsy. This
company have the cleverest novelties,
latest songs, newest dances, and funniest
comedians of any of tear,, and an even
iag spent in their society will cure the
worst case of the blues or an attack of
the grip. Be sure and don't miss this
the best show of the season.
W.B. Heater, a Lincoln contractor,
was in Colamhas Satarday on his way
to Lincoln Mr. Heater ia directing
the work of re-bnilding the Norfolk
asylum, rinrssaetisg the Capital City
Brick A Pipe Go. of Dee Moines, la.
which company has the contract for
the four buildings wnich are to he
erected at Norfolk. He reports that
the work hi progrfmiag nicely with
sixty men employed Mr. Heater is
the contractor who bails W. J.Bryan's
Lincoln, and as a memento
a fine gold watch inscribed.
"W. J. Bryan to W. B. Hester, in
Memory of Fairview."
A telegram was received early this
morning telling of the death of Mrs.
B. P. Scifisld at her home near Stu
art. No further particulars are
known, bat relatives here suppose that
ill long- About two
ago In Scofield Buffered from
trouble affecting her heait, and it is
thought that may have bean the cease
of her death. Mrs. Scofield was about
sixty years old end leaves her husband
and seven chiktren to mourn her
The children are Fred, Carl and
Geo, Winakrw of Columbaa;
Knox, Frank, Misses Battle and
ate, ail at home near Stuart. Mr.
Mrs. Winakrw mat Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Scofield left toeny noon to attend the
The different departments of the
Woman's Club will hold their last
meetings of the year within the next
two wean, whan new ameers will he
sleeted. Ten TTlmeij TiibbiImbsi mill
their bemaees aamion at the
of Mrs. Pan!
m old settler
who has hved in Columbus
four years, died at his home ia
of town Wednedsy
of paralysis. Mr.
wee born
29, 1982 ha
end seme to
directly to Cel
ial879,eettliag on
ssuth of Columbaa,
he fived until 190,
dty. Mr. Bead
2Llto Miss Maria Body,
with five i
at 2e'
ar in northern
every caamty
The Jaaraal miled mat week to
miialmi the amrrmge of Henry Bah
kwaknnaMm. Anna Oshehert, both
moay was performed Msmmvv after-
met week at the home of the
H. Miamler, a nam
Mrs. Gaerand Mini Whitmeyer yester
year heofcv with a frr rheng ns was
bnasessee an lei an stehorate six
the sighul iiimfliniiemar aH praams.
The mat mseting af the year in this
aeparmaaat will he held in two weeks
-Beiaaard Bead,
t of W. F. Mnetina vs. W P
G. F. Boat and T. C. Baid
filed in district court Wedneaaav
the justice court at
far the nmiariff The def sa
in this case are Sauce county
who collected a jedgmeat for
the plaintiff . The matter of cammim
tan due the defendant is the chief
An essction conmet case xrom
roe ie on tie in the county court. C.
W. TTnllingehi ail asks to have Wester
IE. Cote ousted as vilmsw true
that he himeelf be given the
The complaisf sets forth that, where
as fifty votes were cast in the village
1st Monroe, of which Cote nnhrMl
twenty-six and TTnliBgahaaiT twenty
four, three of the votes were illegal,
a sefflcieat number to unseat Cole, if
the complainant can prove that the
seme were cast for the defendant
The M Street controfersy has been
decided at last. Jadge Manser holds
that the act of the Territorial Leg
islature af 1886 and the ordinnce of
1877 granting M Street to the railroad
company prevent the city from open
ing the street for public use without
condemnation proceedings. This
means if the ease is carried to the
higher court that M Street will re
main a closed street for some time.
We are informed that several import
ant points were not passed upon by
the court, but apparently the principal
contention has been decided in favor
of the railroad company. We are not
familiar with the history of this con
troversy, but would like to see all oar
streets in the center of our city open
ed to public travel. A great railroad
iiwsai like the Union Pacific can
do much toward the development of a
city located as Columbus is, and we
can afford to be fair, and even gener
ous, without injury to any of our citi
zens. If the railroad company is to
enjoy the privileges claimed, it is high
time to give us a mare commodious
pBaanarsr depot, aa well as freight
haadtiwg facilities. Mare labor can
be employed here and the pay roll in
creased to the mutual advantage of
the company and the city. Ic is time
to get busy and secure some return far
our liberality.
lailread lews.
Workmen are peintieg and renovat
ing the Union Pacific passenger sta
tion his week.
Gay Childress, an employ in the U.
P. switch yards was off duty last week
on account of illness.
Louis Baney is home from Kinttsff
City visiting lite father, conductor C. S.
Baney of the B. & M.
A new time card will go into effect on
the RiM. system April 10th. The Columbus-Lincoln
time will not be effect
ed by the change.
L W. Holmes and wife, who have been
teiting Mrs. Homes' mother, Mrs.
Stoveeek, returned to Bavenna Thurs
day of last week. Mr. Holmes was form
erly a fireman on the Columbus-Lincoln
branch and is now employed in the
yards at Bavenna.
A lot of Union Pacific officials came
over from Columbus, Tuesday and look
ed around and that fact, coupled with
the washouts and disarranged train
service north of the river a few weeks
ago, has revived the old talk about
possible trades between the B. M. and
TJ. P. Butler County Press (David City.)
Ic is rumored about town that the
D. P. company ie contemplating im
mediate action in the matter of the
erection of a large freight house in
Ooinmbus in the near future. Aa
official of the company is said to have
iatimared as much white here last
Satarday. A party at high nfwia
of the road were going over the ho
inn special train test ween.
Sam Bond, the veteran brakeman on
the branches oat of this city, returned
Tuesday from a sixty-days vacation and
resumed am place oc the Norfolk passen
ger Wednesday, and is now ynfrfg ant
the stations in his usually cheery manner
end admonishing psBsengers not to for
get their packages. His vacation was
paseed with friends and relatives ia
Wmeonsic and he reports a very pleas
ant time.
Columbus was formerly one of the
hsntest places to get advertising from
the ssarchants in the state. Now every
paper in the dty seems to be full of ade.
The way they pitch in they will soon
swallow the better part of the trade from
adjacent towns. The first thing we know
Bixby will be coming back to Columbus
to run a paper. There is much in telling
what yoa are doing aad telling it welL
We are eeetag this almost every day in
Monroe, where people are coming here to
trade for the first time. Thereisaotanv
to advertiee. but
is beiag done and if keot an Mon
roe will soon be the beet piece for the
fsrmer in the county. Bepublican.
The following interesting piece of
news was publmhed in the Saturday
daffies: -Captain Juniue N. gm
army, now on duty in the Philippines,
has been relieved from duty in that
oiviBiaa aad is ordered to proceed to St.
Loam aad report to Lieutenant Colonel
Abiel L. Smith, chief purenaamg' com
mimaryof the Northern Military divis
ion, far doty, fiprsie Kihea will de
part from the Pailiswaea about Mavtt.
auuaa wiu ae
major of the Ftcet 1
t general of
miniriiiiiiiiriii tiiiiiiiiiniiniiniinniiiiii
Freshness is a quality which mlwmys
plesaes, especially when it is enmTO
ciated with an article of diet. We
are enabled to keep our groceries
fresh because they are constantly on
the move. We carry a special line
of staple and fancy groceries such as
are not usually found in smaller
stores. Our staple goods we buy in
quantities for cash and can therefore
assure you prices as low as reliable
goods can be sold for. We
this week a car load of
Minnesota "Gold Medal" Floor, f
Garden aafJ
a Gwtaplvjte
Tour Patronise Solicit!.
M-'I' M"
New Spring
d Simmer
We wish to announce to the people of
Columbus and vicinity that our new line of
Spring and Summer Dress Geeas has just
arrived and we are now showing one of the
largest, most complete and best selected lines
. . . Summer Wash
?n rfiA nitv in -ill rfiA l-irpr nnvplrip
.tut. W.Hy - ... .. ....... .- . -.
Dress Braids
Call eta Itsptst Tbfse Nn
Lawn, lull Reverie stripes. Voile Conie, Fauna Batiste. 3Iercerized -a
Campanala. Cloth and .Mercerized TTrsula Lace yovelries. Also a
complete new line or" French and Scotch Gingham.?. JLuirt Cloths,
Chambrejrs and Percales in all the late patterns and colors.
Men's and Boys
did assortment to sellect from.
pets. Mattiags. Art Squares,
and Fixtures.
J. H. Galley,
505 Eleventh St.,
You are Besiectfully Invited to look over
Our New Spring Goods.
OUB CLOTHING is made up in the best
of workmanship, latest styles, perfect
fit and lowest living prices We offer
you real bargains. : We keep everything
that's good in the GENTS' FURNISHING
GOODS line in great variety.
We call yonr attention to our complete line at
Thev are espciallv made for a? of the best
material bv the foremost manufacturers of the
country and we sell them no higher than
inferior shoe are old for. :::::::
We Repair Sboes Neatly aid Prevail?
411 Eleventh St., Columbus, Nebr.
Fktte Center.
B. H. Schroder ia the owner of a new
three-minute t""
Ms. Joseph Heozgeler vieited her
daughter WW Shoemiker thia week.
Ma. Beoder of Fremont visited her ,
sister Mrs. Huirhes a few days last week, t
The new wheat bin which has been'
added to Cosairt's mill is nearly com-1
pltd. I
At the town meeting last week the foJ-,
lowing members were elected: L. E.i
Hoare. P. J. Biley and Bobt. Wilson.
The school board met Saturday even
ing for the purpose of electing teachers.
Tae entire force of the nresent-vear was
Mr. and Ma. L. E. Hoffman, Willie
Biley sad Chas. Doody will start Tues
day for their homesteads near Pierre. S.
D. They intend to make the Journey in
covered wagons.
BL MBipu, H R. Hoffman and Eob't.
Wilson went kuntzng Friday, regardless
of the Waxard. They took tae train to
trom taere to the n
with a few ducks
Frswer Seats,
Asset iieat.
i-frv-:-: : : : i : 1 1 u i : r i
i unit i
Dress Goads . . . i
rvmiTrincr nf TmtrTrs Tpfwin
w, ,,- -.w--, v. - V ..
Ladies' Neckwear
Pocket Books
64$ mk 6tt (tar Pnets.
Spring' and Summer Clota
ffiir just arrived. A soleo-
: ; : We carry a complete lice of Car
Rs?s. Lace Curtains. Window Shades
Columbus, Nebr.
L. So. L
inarnstisg nogs
Jo he
! last Tuesday.
The wheel was blown off
from Mr.
Brjan's wind mill Friday.
Mrs. Lacey of SUtbt Creak ia Tisttio?
her brother BL Claybttrs.
Our genial mail carrier did not vsc tare
cut Friday owing to the severe weather.
The dance at Henry Claybura's last
Friday night aid not materialize owing'
to the weather.
Charles Watts returned Tuesday from
a few days' hunt oc the Platte, bringing
with, him several ducks.
Mrs. Godfrey is very sick at tae home
of her daughter Ma. Bryan. Dr. Davas
' of Genoa artedanne.
seen weeding their way heme wa. da, bar
ing- accepted the heaattality of tneaear
eet place of refuse durisc the storm.
liTnm Tli urn mis eeanitsrsianhnmn
from eehoal at Platte Center, one ae?
and ran thianaji three wire mnaeavbnt
" -i
-stopEa-k. ,,
jnBjmi' "si.