The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 30, 1904, THE COLUMBUS JOURNAL--Supplement, Image 5
IWV-1- IPjlif ij,ii, r tt THE COLUMBUS JOURML--Supplement. VOL. XXXIV. NO. 52. COLUMBUS, NEBR, WEDNESDAY, MAKCH 30, 1904. WHOLE NO. 1,723. 'PW District Court. District court was in session from Monday to Thursday of last week with Judge Hollenbeck on the bench. Ernst & Schwarz were given a revival of a judgment against P. 8. Griffin. Augusta Piatt withdrew her suit for divorce from John Piatt. Citizenship papers were granted to Hewrich Kapels, Johan Thielen and Friederich Goehry. D. N. Newman was asked to make his petition more specific in his suit against Peter and Mary KozlowskL D. N. Miner was granted a divorce by default as his wife did not appear in court when the case was called for trial. In his suit for damages against the Union Pacific R. R Co. John T. Nelson was asked to make his petition more specific. Odelia B. Patech was granted a di vorce from Louis Patech by default She was also given the custody of the children. The Crowell Lumber and Grain Co. was given a judgment of $70 against Martin LuchsiDger. The case of Aggie Mosilonka et al vs. Louis Stull etalwas taken under ad visement. The judge granted a dismissal of the case of John Maslonka et al vs. L Gluck et aL That of Grant . Johnson vs. Charles Kopietz was also dismissed. David Thomas' motion for a new trial of his case against Owen Parry was overruled. The referee's sale brought about by the case of Wm. H. Kennedy et al vs. Margaret Kennedy et al was confirmed in the court and title granted. The widow, Margaret Kennedy, was found to be dead and the proceeds of the sale were distributed among the plaintiffs and defendants. The divorce suit of Stephen 8. McAl lister from Emma M. McAllister, was taken under advisement. Court was adjourned until Thursday of this week. Platte Ctmter. From tbe 8iBaL Mr. William Jones, nephew of Mrs. J. D. Williams of the Postville neighbor hood, after spending two years in that locality, departed Tuesday for Liver pool, England, from which point he goes to India to accept a government position. Government Postal Route Inspector Llewellan has been in this locality this week looking over a proposed rural route northeast and east from Platte Center. There seems to be a good prospect for the establishment of this route. A caucus was held last Friday even ing for the purpose of nominating three candidates for members of our village board to take the places of Wm. Bloe- dorn, D. P. Mahoney and C. J. Carng, whose terms expire. M. E. Clother, P. J. Riley and Robert Wilson were the gentlemen named for these positions. It looked for a time as though this would be the only ticket in the field, but last evening, after the time for nominating had expired, a petition, with D. D. Roberts and Lew Hoare as candidates was filed, and now it looks as though there was going to be something doing. Sural Eoute Mo. 1. Henry G. Lueschen has commenced work on his new house. Mrs. Gesine Aniens, who is making her home with John Ahrens, is very ilL Julius Wegner gave a farewell party to his friends at Will Hake's recently. Quite a number of farmers along the route have commenced spring work by cutting corn stalks. Henry Cattau has sowed his spring rye. Dr. Geer had an accident recently as he was leaving John Ahrens place to fol low a call to Humphrey. The front wheels on his buggy got loose and thus he lost control of his team. But the horses were re-captured after a short start, and borrowing a buggy the Dr. was able to proceed. WHEN IN NEED OF Briefs, Dodgers, Sale bills. Envelopes. Catalogues, Hand bills, Statements, Note heads, Letterheads, Meal tickets, Tnl Manks. w Visiting cards, Milch checks. Business cards, Dance invitations. Society invitations, Wedding invitations, taWttSnU. Call on or address, Journal, Columbus, Nebraska. MM ...& One of the most sensational sale of Dry Goods. Cloaks. Dress Goods. Muslin Underwear, Wash Goods, Stripes. No tions, Corsets, Hosiery, Laces, Embroideries, Trimmings, etc., will be offered to tbe public at auction witbout reserve, and without consideration of previous cost or value. Every dol lar's worth of goods must and will be sold at once. Look For RED FLAG Of the Auctioneer at F. H. Lamb & Co.'s; it will move AE have arranged to do something else. Can't spend all summer closing out this stock. It must go and go quick. Tou know our stock. It is a choice selection of fine goods, too good to be slaughtered at auction, but we must vacate soon. We do not dream of making profit on any article sold. Our only thought is to get out of business quick. m IE will be pleased to wait on you at private sale between the hours of auction. 3 W AUCTION I I As tbe Mighty Lever we have employed to move it. This will be the most determined slaughter of merchandise ever attempted in this city. Do not confound this sale with so-called special or clearing sales. This is a genuine auction sale to dispose of $15,000 worth of first-class depend able merchandise and retire trom business. We have engaged Mr. Gus. H. McMasters, merchandise auc tioneer of New York City to personally conduct this sale. Sale will open aitutrcLarsr APRIL Chance of a life time to buy brand spanker new foods, at your own price. Tou remember in "The oosier School Master" "Get a plenty while you are getting." If you are coming after goods, come after a lot of them. Don't make a trip to mill after a bushel of corn and come home with just a few kernels in your pocket. Don't be half-hearted in your buying buy a lot while the stock is complete. Be wise; lay in all the merchandise you expect to use in the next three years. How can you find a better DrVESTUEHT FOR TH M0NET2 Look for the Red Flag. Be with the crowd at the opening Saturday, April 2d. Doors open at 8:30 a. m. A chance to buy goods for less tban tbe cost of production. Achance that comes but once in a life time. Come Early So you will bave time to in inspect tbe stock. Pick out any article that you wish, band it to tbe auctioneer and be will sell it for you. &e highest bidder gets tbe goods. I DRY 2d, 1904. We Give a Prize to the customer bringing in the largest load of people to the opening of the Auction, Satur day, April 2d. Look for the tted - fn of the Auctioneer. Get in line for the bargains. It 11 Only Last a short time for we intend to make short work of it. We Appeal to all people who be lieve in makingtheir dollars go the far thest. This is a going sale. The goods goingatatiGtlon We are going out of business There Is going to be a big crowd The people are going to get good goods at their own price. F. H LAMB & C2.