The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 30, 1904, Image 3

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vSaVisnt II. I .1 1 .
lsl s ra More
Queensware. x
15c Handsomely Decorated Semi
A handsome blue Semi Porcelain dinner nattern. a single niece
." . i or 100-piece set at a big reduction. A few of the prices:
-zsrarzr" si.4u
r-iMh Breakfast
pncB ...
? 25 Founds of Sugar for $1.00..
g. With every $3.00 purchase in any department, except in the
' ' -X grocery department, the purchaser will get 25 pounds best granulated
' x sugar for $1.00.
. ? Groceries, except where mentioned, the Pri- $
. ces are Good Every Day:
.-." 25e bottle Snyder's Home Made Ketchup
. V an flavJw1. Omn niW.;i sun.
I t -X sjeay .N"asataup AUWUVl. .
":.- 12Ue Golden Wax Beans, verv fine,
; '.X 20s cake Jfpound Walter Baker's Chocolate
"- 40c 1-Mound W. H. Baker's Chocolate
r' 25c S 1 pks; Soda Crackers f
::' X 25c 3 bbl American Ginger Snaps 7. ..
. Chick Food per l
"" 40c 12 oz. Royal Bakinc; Powder
:X Sue" Package Search Light Matches
. . 40c Cream Cans at 35c.
QTCompare these prices with the credit stores and see for yourself
that the credit stores are from 20 to 25 per cent higher on the same goods,
which means a loss of $5.00 on every $25.00 you purchase on credit
Bring' ns your bntter and eggs; we pay the highest price.
Dry Goods
Shirt Waist Saitings in all the latest
regular 20c to 40c suitings go at
Silk and Nub Novelties for waists and suits, 50c value, at
White waisttngs in Piques, Oxfords, Etamines and Brocades,
large assortment in Champagne colors, 35c to GOo values.
Fine assortment of colors in Danish Cloth this is half wool and
extra good quality, a 20c value, our price.
- JSOs Mohairs in black, white and cream per yard
Black superfine Voile, sold everywhere for $1.25, our price
4frinch Voile Crepe'$L50 quality at per yard
42-iach black and colored Voile, 90c quality, at per yard. .
364ach colored Mohairs, extra value per yard
Large assortment, very neat patterns,
at per yard
Hulst's Cash tStore.
Both 'Phones 26.
Of all sorts are now the rage. Don't lose
your head in the excitement, hut hear in
mind that our line of furnishings for the
inner man was never more complete than
now. Here are a few suggestions for Easter:
CELERT nice, fresh and crisp.
STRAWBERRIES from Sunny Texas, nor
will the price take away your breath, ttfk
per box only ZUu
Fine large GRAPE FRUIT 0 -. 0
Price 3 for 25c
Per peck
from selected nuts by a nut cracking ma
chine made for this purpose. This per
mits 95 of the meats to be easily extract-
. ed by hand with a much smaller percent
age of broken meats than can be obtained
by hand cracking. For dinners where
nuts are used nothing can compare Put
up only in one pound air tight
cartoons. Price, .
aawVaaaV "
per bottle.
taciatsa a Chili
at itisassBMSi pare daady
th. MUNAUUtl
iB ! it every tii
rp-' i-r . aaaai . - aaai " m mm m . - . aaamaavaaaaaaaac a aw aw ai aa a i wmu a--
av -. r -? v - cowan csnjaresi or. ue Bandar school direction of the frolamhus In aawt 7r - . 7 ". -..
areVrffar. : - v - - -ni-rTm ,.. .rTr "TT.. . """ - uulil' m side af the treat Fimatartadrm..- appsaatsss
Batr.3&ii ailHllO YOU INTEND TOTBT'lT? Tom surely know the way wm gw w ogrsaa a ine wuieciaaa Basal as the urpheua opera house swat w -.VLr7 - -
mtSi-m WW aaua aauar s assu: dbuuhhi evavy amw,o.i . oompso. aj -- u- nr im aaumai Dcawto- Monday mgau xnaotoset in giving the ..TJ " Z.-,-7. . ' Mraai sa aateeaoiatie to HV itr,.. , IIIL lMMMl f OX
aj- visw, i-am ' . .9 . .? - i :n . - a-i.. :ii i- m .. . . -. . ... .... ! innmiwi hum m tmw ---"
m t m t u m h u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ti
Prion II-
Porcelain Cream Pitcher. 10c
Vegetable Dish....
SUn per doz. 4ach Tn Plates
85c per doz.'&4Bek Pie Plates'
uaBnB fvruB
70c per doc Saacer Dishes
mlm? prtvCx
. . . ..20c
. . . AfC
ner can
styles and weaves,
15c to 30c
.25c to 50
extra good values
.'... 14c, 20c, 30c and 35c
Eleventh Street.
Is sure to satisfy the consumer. It is always fresh
and delicate absolutely pure there is positively
no "store taste" about Yacht Club. It is like the
best home-made mayonaise, creamy in consistency,
and imparts the most appetizing relish to salads,
meats, fish, vegetables, hash, baked beans, etc., etc.
lOc, 30c, 50c.
A highly concentrated extract o?
fresh Mint. Can be reduced with
water to strength desired. It is a
hamateroa roast lamb, mutton
Columbus gtfuroaL
XWAtt advertisement in the local
columna are charged at the rate of 5
cent a line each iance. Heart face ttP
double price.
Dr. Paul, dentist.
Easter goods at von Bergen's,
-AlvinE.Pbol,violiaist. Thonefe
Dr.' Talker, Osteopath, Barber block.
Dr. Gietzen, dentist, over Pollock's
Bishop Williams of Omaha was in
town Thursday.
Callingcards printed in the latest
style at this ofioe.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jaspsr Nich
ols, Friday night, a sou.
F. T. Walker returned today from a
business trip to Cedar Bapids.
Frank Matthewa of Schayler waa
here to spend Sunday with his family.
B. P. Bock eggs for sale at 50o per
setting of 13. d.Morrow,B.F.D.2.
Dr. Chas. H. Plata, homeopathic phy
sician and surgeon, postoffke buildiag.
Many children in the city and sur
rounding country are afflicted with the
L. J. Lee moves his family this week
to Kansas City, where he wiI engage in
Drs. Martyn, Evans, Gear" Han
sen, oalce three doors north of Fried
hofs store, tf
To rent, a small bnilding suitable for
shop purposes. In good locality. In
quire at Jotmjf At office.
J. E. Kaufmann is bnilding an addi
tion to his residence in the way of a
bathroom and sewing room.
W. a Ernst and wife left for Bock-
ville, Nebraska, on Monday, where they
will make their future home.
' For fancy Esster goods, opal ware,
chickens, rabbits, novelties and candies,
go to von Bergen's, Eleventh street.
Residences and vacant lots in all
parts of the city for sale on easy terms.
Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers. '
The 44-piece dinner set given by the
Elevator Boiler Mills was won by Mrs.
Anna C. Lehmann, the lucky number
being 57.
Win. Schilz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and uses only the very
best stock that can be procured in the
market, tf
C. K. Davies left Monday with one
car of stock and a car of household goods
for Kearney, where he will make his
future home.
Next Mondsy night for an enjoyable
time be sure to attend the mask ball
given by the firemen. If yon dance you
can't afford to miss it.
For every laundry purpose use
Swift's Pride Soap. t It is the most effect
ive sgent of clothes cleanliness. Proves
a weekly wash-day welcome.
Mrs. John Hoffman and children
leave some time during the coming
month for Sparta, Wisconsin, where Mr.
Hoffman is engaged in business.
Buy. the Best -The Tryber Plana
leads them all in construction, finish,
durability and price. Sold on monthly
payments. Auditorium Music Co.
Don't send away for your engraved
wedding announcements or invitations.
Leave your order at The Jocbnal office
and we will guarantee satisfaction. Call
and see samples.
Joseph Henggeler of Bismark town
ship is favorably spoken of for represen
tative to the legislature if he should
accept the nomination. He would make
a first-class law maker.
If yon are not a regular customer at
the "Live and Let Live" meat market,
give it a trial and yon will be satisfied
that the quality of meat sold there is the
best and the prices lowest.
The general meeting of the Woman's
club has been postponed from April 2 to
April 9, when it will meet at the home of
Mrs. J. G. Beeder under the leadership
of the Shakespeare department.
F. T. Walker will leave April 1, with
a number of men from Cedar Bapids)
David City and other towns,! or atrip to
the Big Horn Basin. There will be sev
eral Columbus land seekers in the crowd.
Jacob Brock, who, in company with
O. Breece and others went to California
some two months ago, has arrived home
again and thinks that Nebraska will
answer his purpose just aa well as the
western state.
Ed. Kornatz went to Norfolk Mon
day where he will attend the North Ne
braska German Lutheran Teachers' asso
ciation meeting held there this week.
Mr. Kornatz teaches the Bartels school
five miles north of the city.
Bring your poultry and eggs to
Swift & Co. Will pay yon highest cash
price each week. Hens 9c !., springs
Co to 8c I), eggs 12o per dozen.
Watch for onr prices in this paper each
week. Just across from the Bee Hive
livery barn.
While passing along the street near
Hockenberger'a residence last Tuesday,
Mrs. J. D. Brewer was attacked by five
angry dogs. 8he was thrown to the walk
and her clothing badly torn before
assistance came.
Herman P. H. Oehlrich had a public
sale of horses, cattle and niachinery on
his ranch near Bichland hart Wednesday.
A large crowd waa pressat and the sales
were good. One heavy team of work
horses sold for $290, and a team of driv
ing horses for 250.
Qaite a consignment of stock left
this point over the Union Pacifie for
Sooth Omaha Monday evening.' Among
the shippers were Henry Baas with
three care cattle; Jim Frazisr. two ears
cattle; Wiggins k Lewis, and W. F.
Dineen, each a car of hogs.
In the Baptist church next Sanday
Bev. Ulmer wpll preach in the'momimg
upoa roe saojecs Tine asarrectoa of
Christ"; in the eveaiag the theaaewiU be
prograiu of music has been prepared f or
the serrV beginning at 7:30.
A .
Dr.L. a Voss, IfomsofithM physi-
Born to Mr. and Mrs. F, Asehs, Tues
day, March 22d, a son.
Mrs. Wat. Matsoa baVbseiT quite
sick the lost two weeks."
rrCigurg . fee at Bagel's
Bwwlteg Alley. 2t
Do not fail to aa oar 84oot galvaa
ised steel amill for tmoa A.DnsseUV
8on. tf
Thoaus Braaigan started for the
wast part of the state Saturday, on
Dr. McKeaa'a- method
alaaunum pistes placei
equality with gold.
Miss Lizzie Gibbins will eagage to
do sswing in the city. Address inquiries
in care of Ed. Morrow, Boate 2.
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Nswkxx expect to
move next week to Omaha where Mr
Newlon has accepted a position.
Lands in Boone, Sherman, -Buffalo
and Caster counties I or ssls or exchange.
Becher, Hockenberger & Chambers.
Julius Pbillipps of Genoa waa in
town Thursday and waa a witness at the
bowling match that sent hit home team
,to defeat. -
A special inspection train waa bars
Monday, accompanied by officials who
examiaed all the Union Pacific property
in this city.
Bev. Wagner, the German Methodist
minister who went to Omaha ton days
ago, where he underwent an operation, ia
reported aa slowly Improving.
The Epworth and Janior Leagues of
the Methodist church will send to the
Methodist hospital in Omaha a large
shipment of eggs aa an Easter gift.
W. W. Stetson, state superintendent
of Maine, who will lecture bere Friday
evening, is one of the talked of men for
the position of superintendent of Omaha
Fred Tonng of the Genoa Leader
was in the city Thursday and took part
in the bowling match. We acknowledge
a pleasant call from onr old-time friend
Friday morning.
Barred Plymouth Bocks exclusively,
"Orchard strain," bred for size and lay
ing qualities. Farm ranged. Egga 15
for 80c; 30 for $L50. Hetty K. Truman,
R. F. D. 1, Genoa, Nebr. 8
In the nineteen years of the annual
meetings of the North Nebraska Teach
ers' association, Columbus has entertain
ed it three times: in 1888, 1894 and 1903.
Let us make 1901 the best of all.
Judge Albert and B. W. Hobart will
form a partnership in the practice of law.
Mr. Albert retiring aa one of the supreme
court commissioners April It, will give
him time to resume his law practice.
George Willard of StEdward waa
here last week and purchased the farm
south of town known as the Sturgeon
puce, and of late years owned by Mr.
Key. Mr. Willard purchased the land as
an investment.
Flagmsn on Olive, North 'and L
streets, crossing the Union Pacifie tracks,
have been ordered to remain at their
stationsfrom 7 in the morning until 6 at
night, and will be required to take their
dinners at their post of duty.
Arthur Pohl of Columbus, who is
now at work "in the store of Diers Bros.
k Co., will move his family into the
bnilding west of Henry Fox's place,
recently vacated by H. H. Wolken and
family, says the Humphrey Leader.
Merv Kuntzelman, as a breeder of
stock, certainly has a combination with
something more than luck in it. Last
week nine brood sows brought him
ninety-five pigs, and an incubator set
with 118 eggs, hatched out ninety-five
Supervisor Held informs ns that
they expect to have the Platte river
wagon bridge in repair, ready for teams
to cross, next Fridsy. The high winds
the past week prevented workmen from
completing the job aa soon as they
Hans Elliott and H. Murdock came
up from Columbus and made a business
trip over to the Shell creek valley....
Mrs. Fred Eliasand Mrs. A. C. Anderson,
of -Commons, attended the funeral of
Miss Anna Frederich Tueedsy. Hum
phrey Democrat.
Mrs. O. A. Speioe entertained twenty
four ladies Saturday afternoon at her
home in the eastern part of the city in
honor of Mrs. A. J. Arnold of California.
The afternoon was passed in. pleasant
conversation and at 6 o'clock a three
course dinner was served.
v The New Orleans Concert Co. which
was advertised to appear here Wednes
day evening, had some disagreement
among themselves in a town in the .east
part of this state, and failed to show up J
here. They are trying to make a later
engagement with Mr. Saley for an enter
tainment. A mistake occurs in the printed pro
grama of the North Nebraska Teecbera'
association. It states that the reception
Wednesdsy afternoon given by the
Woman's club will be held at the High
school building, when it should read at
the home of Mrs. L. Gerrard.
'Fred Mesdel has been circulating a
petition asking that a rural mail route
be established out from- Duncan. Aa
not yet mapped, the line would be north
from Duncan to the Loup river, west six
miles, south two and one-half miles and
back to Duncan. The above plana are
subject to change, however.
John Schmoeksr has taken charge of
the poultry business established here by
E. F. Yoankin a few years ago. Mr.
Younkin left last week for Grand Island
where he will engage in the ssmeUne of
work as when here. ,Mra. Younkin pack
ed her goods last week preparatory to
leaving in a few days to join her hnabaad.
Albion, BkwmfielcL Cedar Bapids,
Creighton, Fallerton, .Lyons, North
Band, Norfolk, Ponca, 8ohnyler, South
Omaha, West Point, Wisnsr and Colum
bus will be represented? in the drrlais
tory contest this Wednesdsy evening.
Miss Pauline EUaa will represent our
city. Admission 25 and 35c
Doat forget the mask ball
TW Nebraska Csatrsl
Loan assoeistioa has tied a petitioa ia
distriet eoart for.s jndgaasat in the sum
of a.W against Jasasa Jeakiasoa and
Sarah L. Jankiaaon. The nlainthT
olaiass the above aaaount dae on money
borrewed. v
friends here Saturday.' He had
been srteadiag to his farm iatereste in
Bailer aouaty, and was an his return
koaaa. Mr. Leckaer siprsssus himsslf
frssly in saving that he has great hopes
for the future development of Nebraska.
The aaarriage lineusss issued during
the past weak were to the fallowing
parties: Wau Brunken aad Miaaie
Hauaaaa, both of Lsigh, Adolph Bap.
preeht of Columbus and MagflalMia
Mahiharget of Oconee; aad Joseph Al
bracht aad Jossphine Kortb, both of
St Barnard."
Mrs. Emma Baraum'a new house is
shnost eackajsd....At the village pri
mary, held Mbnday evening Wm. Web
ster, John Troalove and G. W. HoUings-
head were nomiaated for trustees for the
term of two ysara. a W. HoUingshaad
waa chairman aad R G. Strothsr secre
tary of the prisasry. The election will
be held Tuesday, April 5. Monroe
After the spring trade ia over, J. F.
Berney will tear down the present baild
ingaon his lots on Eleventh and North
streets,, snd will erect a two story fire
proof bnilding, 44x88 feefon.tbe same
IsajLl Mr. Berney is enlarging hia build
has; ia order to have storage rooms for a
stock of carriages of sa eastern factory,
which will make Colambaa a distributing
point for towns along the branch roads.
Never before in the history of Colum
bus baa the outlook for building appear
ed aa bright as at the present time. One
contractor of the city telle us that be has
now orders for six months ahead with
more, in contemplation that will keep
him busy for the whole year.; Moat of
the buildiag so far contracted for is for
residences, snd just now carpenters seem
to be in great demand.
'Walter Henry of Bellwood was in
town Monday. He tolls us that he has
sold his meat market in that town. He
leaves today for southern states, will
visit St Louis, Hot Springs, and goes ss
far south aa Texas. Should he find a
suitable climate he will invest in propr
erty, snd may possibly make thst section
his home. His object in going south is
to improve his health.
Miss Eva Walker left Saturday for
Watertown, South Dakota, where she
will attend .the wedding of her uncle,
Dan Condon, as bride's maid, on April 6.
Dan will on that date be united in mar
riage to Miss Gertrude Morrow of Water
town. Mr. Condon ia engaged there
with'' the Cudaby packing company.
Miss Walker will visit in Sioux City on
her return home from the, north.
J. B. Gietzen has sold his residence
in Highland Park addition to David
Thomas, from near Platte Center, who
will move hia family here April 8. The
consideration waa $2,000. The Gietzens
will reside with Fred Boberts and family
until May 1, wheri they will move to the
Thomas Adams residence. Mr. Gietzen
expects to build a home during the sum
mer on his lots just north of Mrs. B. H.
Henry's residence. '
Deputy Food Comunssionsr Thomp
son has ordered returned to the whole
sale merchants sixty -five barrels of
vinegar that analysis proved to be adul
terated. The vinegar waa discovered in
stores in different towns snd among them
Colambus. The analysis made by State
Chemist Walker showed that none of
the vinegar waa the pure cider article
and that all of it had been artificially
colored, and waa grain vinegar.
The fire department has received a
hose expander, a contrivance made to be
used in repairing worn out hose. They
also have a new'ladder. The firemen are
working hard to arrange for their big
state convention next January, and at a
meeting of the board of control Thurs
day evening the Hookies sent word that
they would donate the department about
one hundred dollars to be used for enter
tainment expenses at that time.
Boy Paschal, son of Joseph Paschal,
a foraier newspsper man of Columbus,
baa been visiting old time friends in the
city the past week, snd will leave in a
few daya for Lincoln to attend business
college. . Roy saya the family ia on a
farm, forty miles from a railroad, their
postofnee being Redmount Oklahoma.
Boy ia the guest of Chester Ernst while
in. the city. Since leaving Columbus,
another son has come to bless the home
of the Psschals.
Upon invitation of the members of
the city council, Mr. Childs, representing
Fairbanks, Morse k Co., of Omaha, met
with that body laat'Wednesdsy evening
to consider the cost of putting in an
electric lighting plant in connection. with
the city waterworks Complete figures
were not submitted, but the estimate
waa made that to install a modern light
ing system of fifteen 'street lights and
thirty-two incandescent lights would
cost from $400 to $5,000.
On Wednesday evening of 'hut week
the Columbus team of bowlers consisting
of D. a Kavanaugh, HsgeL Drake, Gre
gorian and'Fanble met the team from
Humphrey in n friendly contest of three
games at the Hsgel allsys in this city.
The games were very interesting from
start to finish and drew a large crowd of
spectators, the Colambus boys defeating
their opponents by the score of 2427 to
239a Humphrey was ' represented by
Jens, Smith, SoU, Diers snd Byan.
Last Thursday tramps camped all
night in the Bean school houss two miles
southwest of town. At least that ia the
supposition from the appearance of the
premises Friday morniag. Finding the
coal house securely locked they tore off
siding from the shed to use for fuel.
Miss Bertha Scbupbseh ia the teacher,
and as she was going to school she met
twoiadividaala not far from the build-
whom aha now behaves were the
oecupaata of the house over night
While a light extra was traveling
over the Union Padac early Sunday
aaorniag, the conductor and brakaman,
the oaly people in the eaboose, expe-
asvare shaking up they will not
forget In creasing at bridge 78,
just wsst of tW Loup rirer, a rail broke,
-'.- . -- -
. n .
All sahSrintiaa In Tarn JTmmiT. will
be payable after' April 1, to Missis.
Abbott Ksaaedy, who have purehassd
U .plant, including the ewsseripeiou
list aa it stands. The data printed op
posite your nasM teUs the tiaae to which
your paper has been accounted for.
All advertising and job-work done in
theoanee up to April 1 will be payable
Mr.aad Mrs. LeeBeaty andjson Gay,
of Cedar Rapids, visited lalativee here
Thursday. They came overland to
WattavOle, where they have been staying
n few daya with forsftsr neighbors.
Mr. snd Mra. a J. a Irwia of Creigh
ton, who were bere to attend the funeral
of 8amael Galley of that city last Tuns:
day, left Wednesday for a business trip
to St Joseph. Mrs. a A. Bickly, Mrs.
Samuel Galley aad two daughters, Amy
and Martha, returned home to Creighton
on Wednesdsy. ,
Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Smith and son Leo
of Browns Valley, MiniL, were in the
city a few daya visiting Mrs. Smith's
relatives the Bickly snd Matthewa fam
ilies. Mrs. Smith will be remembered
here as Miss Enor Clotber. They were
on their return from n three months
trip to New Orleans, California and
other places of interest and left here
Monday, going to Albion to spend one
day with friends. Mr. Smith ia a banker
in his home town.
Postmaster Kramer has received
notice thst the order to establish a rural
route number 4 out of Columbus which
had .been ordered to start April 1, has
been rescinded. The route, however, has
been reinspected, snd it is still hoped by
those interested thst it will be estab
lished. The prevention to the first plans
is supposed to have come from Platte
Center, the Signal of that town claiming
that the route would be n direct injury
to the postoffioes at Oconee and Platte
Harry Lohr leaves here the 13th of
next month for Marshalltown, Iowa,
where he will join the Eastern Iowa
League baseball team of that place.
The position be will occupy has not been
assigned to him yet but he will most
likely fill the pitcher's box. Harry had
great success on the Columbus tesms
and last year was one of the paid players
on the Creston, Iowa, team. The posi
tion he Will hold this season is in the
way of an advance and hie Columbus
friends wish him the best of success.
The Genoa bowling: team played
against Columbus on the Hsgel alleys
Thursdsy evening in this city. The
game waa interesting and resulted in n
score of 2517 to 2443 in favor of Colum
bua. This was the first game the Genoa
boys had lost and they have played
eight games with outside players. They
have beaten Colnmbue twice, but Thurs
day lost their first game. The Columbus
plsyers were D. C Kavanaugh, A. Drake,
Will Gregorius, James Fsuble and Jap
Nichols. The Genoa players were Al.
8tocks, August Johnson, F. Osborn, C.
L. Harris snd Fred Young.
G. W. Johnson, a bnilding contractor
of Lincoln, has purchased the Morriesey
building on Eleventh street, vacated a
few months sgo by Henry Herchenhan,
and began Thursday to make substantial
repairs on the same. He .will add a
second story to the bnilding, put in an
entire Jiew front with a stsirwsy on the
east side leading to the second floor and
a large opening on the west side for the
first story rooms. The interior will be
put in first-class shape for store room
purposes. Mr. Johnson has had several
offers to rent the place, and will rush the
work as rapidly aa possible.
A fierce wind, raising smoke, dust,
cinders snd every small article in its
path, reached here auddenly Thursdsy
noon from the west in less than fifteen
minutes notice, snd for a short time it
waa almost impossible to distinguish
objects across the street The worst of
the storm waa past in ten minutes, but
a decided drop in the atmosphere waa
noticed and Saturday morning at 6
o'clock the thermometer marked aero.
During the storm the smell of smoke
waa noticed, which is thought to have
come . from tbe big prairie fire which
raged in western counties of the state.
Hia. Minnie Erumland, wife of Ger
hard Krumland, died Monday evening
after about three weeks' serious illness.
She had been ailing since Christmas on
account of a severe cold. Mrs. Krum
land came to Nebraska directly from
Germany some time sbout 1869. She
was married in this county to Mr. Krum
land, who survives her, and by whom
she leaves seven children, Mra. Gerhard
Mueller, jr., William, Theodore, Adolph,
Otto, Eddie and Emma.' She also leaves
sisters, Mrs. Henry Lners of Columbus,
Mra. J. H. Hellbusch and Mra. William
Hoefel and one brother, Herman Krum
land. The but three all residing
Grand Prairie. Mrs. Krumland
nearing her fiftieth year, and has lived
since her marriage on the homestead
farm north of Peter Schmitt'aon Shell
The following information from Lin
coln was printed in today's dailies, in
reference to a former Platte Center
young man, brother of Blake Matter:
"John G. Maher, member of the Herd
man element of democrats, has been
rsssoved from his position as court re
porter for the Fifteenth judicial district
and in hia puce C B. Scott, vice chair
man of the democratic state committee
and a radical Bryan democrat, has been
appointed. The removal and appoint
ment waa made by Judge Harrington,
populist, for the reason, so it is reported
here on good authority, that Mr. Maher
advocated at the democratic state com
mittee meeting the holding of one con
vention at a late date, Judge Harrington
acting under orders or upon advice given
him by friend of Mr. Bryan. The re
moval of Maher ia believed to be the
of a crusade by the Bryan
aU democratic or populist
who have in the4
i opinion that could be
aategouistio to Mr. Bryan or
With these men out of
T 0e;fcsimni aj liml'sMsfl
-v r " t
We have
ment of
that will
and in packages
ftnSS, WOTJ, inatffW Etc, !
We have just received a carload of
fine Colorado Potatoes for table use.
Henry Ragaiz X Co.
X 13th Street,
illinium inn iiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnin
New Spriig
and Sumer
We wish to announce to the people of
Columbus and vicinity that our new line of
Spring and Summer Dress Geetfs has just
arrived and we are now showing one of the
largest, most complete and best selected lines
ll ... Summer Wash
in the city, in all the latest novelties, consisting of Demities, Persian
Lawn, JHull Reverie Stripes, Voile Corde, Fauna Batiste, Mercerized
Campanula, Cloth and Mercerized Ursula Lace Novelties. 'Also a
complete new line of French and Scotch Ginghams, Madris Cloths,
Chambreys and Percales in all the late patterns and colors.
Dress Braids
Gall Mi lispict Twisi Hi
Men's and Boys'
did assortment to sellect from,
pets, Mattings, Art Squares,
and Fixtures.
J. H. Galley,
505 Eleventh St,
Tou are Respectfully Invited to look over
Our New Spring Goods.
OUR CLOTHING is made up in the best
of workmanship, latest styles, perfect
fit and lowest living prices We offer
you real bargains. : We keep everything
that's good in the GENTS' FURNISHING
GOODS line in great variety.
"We call your attention
They are especially made for us of the best
material by the foremost manufacturers of the
country and we sell them no higher than
inferior shoes are sold for. :::::::
We Repair Shoes Neatly aid Prmptly
41 1 Eleventh St., Columbus, Nebr.
1 We Lead, Others Follow! I
In Painting and Decorating, we are prepared to
give our patrons the best. Have the very latest
and most stylish in. Wall Paper DeeratiM8
and an "up-to-date" decorator in charge" of this
department. All work guaranteed and prices
right. t&'See us for estimates
-- T2.
a large assort
Garden Seeds
grow. In bulk
Columbus, Nebr. i
Dress Goods . j
Ladies' Neckwear
Pocket Books
6nis and tot Off Pricts.
Spring snd Summer Cloth
ing just arrived. A salea-
We carry a complete line of Car
Lace Curtains, Window Shades
Columbus, Nebr. f
to our complete line of
eiTo Sz, Co. 1
- -:-.
. :
. !;
.:- A
mm -V
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, i'
-: -: -- U
v l MfSt 1
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K felaiffiSlaiS& I ljSZrZr1 -toraaoatokalpdy ZZZZ Tth these semTomTof . TRY I HO I 1 M '
KfeSliSs---- JW JOB WORK.,
k -i. .jiBaaaaaaaBaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaBaaai cum. iitmmtf)tnttjitmimt. tutUwmbntmMtwimm, 'iwmijIm ,- . 1
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