The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 30, 1904, Image 2

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EkabusbkdMay U.167C
Columbus gouruaL
Columbus, 3Vlr.
Katered at the Portofficc, Colambos, Nebr., m
Moad-claaa mail matter.
iMMtVauM&ars 7 a". X. CTMIS CO.
tems or scBaoBirnoH: mail, poctaga unpaid H.M
HlX sm0athS !?
0"tt Subacribera of tha Joar-aal:-Please
look at tha date oppo
site joar name on the wrapper of
your Journal or on the atargiB of
The Joarnal. Up to this date, yoar
abecription- is paid or accounted
For Mayor. ---
For Clerk...
For Police Judge.
For Treasurer
For Engineer
.acocst boettcheb
. . . . Willi ax Bkckeb
J. M. Cobtis
Beet J. Galley
It. L. Kossiteb
Firet Ward ArorsT Dietriohs
SocondWard A. W. Cube
Third Ward C. C Gpay
Members School Board E.H. Nacman
Xefaelican County Canrt&tian.
Uepnhlican voters of I'latto county, Nebraska,
are hereby notified to meet in their respective
precincts and wards on Saturday, May 7, 1901,
from 2 p. m. to 4 p. m., for the purpose of select
ing delegates to the county convention, to be
held at Platte Center, on Saturday. May II. 1901.
at 1 o'clock p. m., of that day, to choose dele
gates to the republican state convention, and
delegates to the republican third congressional
convention, for the further pun" of nominat
ing candidates for county attorney, delegates to
the twenty-fourth district rcreseuttiveconven
tion. delegates to the tenth district senatorial
convention, to nominate representative for dis
trict numlier twenty-four, to select officers and
members of the central committee for a term of
two years, and for such other business ns ma"
come before the convention.
The township meetings willialso nominate
local officers. j
The several wank) and precincts will be entit
led to 2 delegates for each want arid precinct, and
to one delegate for each fifteen
otes and major
fraction thereof cast for Jndg
Barnes at the
last general election, and w
ing number of delegates:
City of Columhns
.re the follow-
Firet wan!.
4 Id
Second ward
Third ward..
A Creek.
4 Tolambus township,
Burrows 3
VMonroe. 7
v Joliet. f
Shell Croek.Tr 4
St. BemanL 5
Wooilville. G
Walker 7
Grand llraawia " 3
""a ssaaasssa1
Edwin Ho ike. Chairman.
Garbett, Secretary.
lefaelicui Csngreariwud Convention.
The republicans of the Third congressional
district of Nebraska are hereby called to meet in
delegate convention at the opera house in the
city of Colnmbns, Nebraska, on Tuesday, May
17, 1901, at 1:30 o'clock in tho afternoon for the
purpose of placing in nomination a candidate
for congress from the Thinl Congressional dis
trict to be voted for at the general election to be
held in the state of Nebraska on tho 8th day of
November, 1901, for the election of two delegates
to the national convention to lie held in tho city
of Chicago on Juno 21, 1901, and for the transac
tion of such other business ns may ivffularly
como before said convention.
The basis of the representation of tho several
counties in said district at said convention eliall
he tho votes cast for tho Hon. J. J. McCarthy,
candidate for congress at tlte regular election
held on November 4, 1902, giving one delegate
for each one hundred votes or major fraction
thereof so cast for the said J. J. McCarthy and
one delegate at largo for each county. Said
apportionment entitles the several counties in
the said district to the following representation
in said convention:
ill L
s s)Yw
Antelope 13 Knox it?
Hoone 14 Merrick 10
Hart 15 Madison 15
Cedar 13 Nance 10
Colfax io Platte 11
Cuming 12 Pierce V
Dakota 7 Stanton !
Dixon 13 Ttiurfcton 7
Dodge a) Wayne. 10
Total in
Dated Norfolk. Neb.. March 3, 1901.
F. D. Pales, Chairman.
Jack Koknkjstkin, Secretary.
Ofieial Call for Republican State
Convention. -
The republicans of the state of Nebraska are
hereby called to meet in convention at the Audi
torium in tlie city of Lincoln, on Wednesday,
May lei. 1904, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the
purposeof placing in nomination candidates for
the following offices, to bo voted for at the next
general election to be held in tlie state of Ne
braska, November 8, 1901, viz:
Lieutenant governor.
Secretary of state.
Auditor of public accounts.
Superintendent of public instruction.
Attorney general.
Commissioner of public lands and buildings.
Eight electors of president and vice president.
And toeleet four delegates at large and four
alternates to the republican national convention
to be held in the city of Chicago, 111., on Tues
day. Jane 21, 1901; and for the transaction of
each other business as may regularly come be
fore said state convention.
The basis of representation of tlie several coun
ties in said convention fchall be the vote cast for
Hon. John li. Barnes for judge of tho supreme
court at the general election held on November
3, 1903, giving one delegate for each 100 votes or
major fraction thereof so cast for said John B.
Barnes, and one delegate at large for each county.
Said apportionment entitles the counties men
tioned below to the following representation in
the convention:
Boone 13 Butler 14
Colfax. Madison. 19
Memck 10 Nance.. i
Hatt.. 10 Polk 9
Stanton. 7
H.C. Lands iv. Chairman.
A. B. Allex, Secretary.
Sekatob Dietrich has introduced a
bill to amend the homestead laws so as
to authorize the leasing of public lands
in Nebraska for grazing purposes.
Sexatok Gamble stated Monday that
the Bosebud bill, opening to public set
tlement 416,000 acres in the Bosebud
reservation, would be reached by the
senate some day this week.
The sooner the Fremont power canal
is built the sooner the residents of this
section will reap the beneGts from the
proposed Loup project, as there will
soon be a demand for both. Build the
Fremont canal.
Whek Nebraskans visit the World's
fair and look upon those colossal pieces
of acalptare, "Cowboy on Horse, Best
;" "Pioneer on Horse;" "Buffalo
Deace;" and "Step to Civilization," they
wfll be justified in swelling up with
pride, for the man who wrought them is
Solon Borglam, once the Nebraska boy,
bow the great American sculptor.
Ore of the most destructive prairie
ires in central Nebraska raged in Loup,
Bock and Kaya Paha counties last week,
aad another equally as severe started in
Wheeler coanty and in a path, seven
aulas vide into Holt county, threatening
the towns O'Neill,. Amelia, Chambers
aad other places. One fire started from
thrown from a Northwestern I
The loss wiU exceed flOOOOa
With this iemin of The Joubxal- the Turner family will transCsr all their
interests ia the plant to Mr. Kennedy of St Edward and Mr. Abbott of Fre
mont as stated ia our last issue After nearly thirty-four years of newspaper
work under the same firm name the paper will be turned over to two eater
prising yoaag mem whom we feel confident will meet the needs of the public
as the years go by and the town grows to become the best city in central
May 11, 1870, The ocbnal was established by M. K. Turner & Co, the
members of the company being Allen C. Turner and his son Moses Kennedy
Turner, who came directly here from Cadiz, Ohio. The senior member died
in 1891 and M. K. Turner passed away in 1902. Since then, relatives who had
been connected with the working force of the offlce have continued the busi
ness in the same firm name.
In reviewing the years of the existence of The Journal would be to give
the history of the development of Nebraska, for a local paper was not limited
to one county and its surrounding territory, in those early days.
The Jourkal in the early days chronicled the news not only of Platte,
but Madison, Stanton, Merrick, Polk, Butler, Dodge and Colfax counties.
Omaha was thought and spoken of as a near-by town. Settlers from where
Oakdale and Norfolk are now located, came to Columbus to do their trading,
and one of the features of The Joubnai. was to give interesting and truthful
accounts of the country, in an effort to encourage immigration.
With the exception of the Golden Age, a paper which was published just
twelve issues in the year 1S66 in Columbus by C. C. Strawn, and another, the
Platte Valley Journal, of one year's duration by O. T. B. Williams, The
Journal is the first publication in the city, and probably the oldest in the
state west of Omaha which has been maintained under tbe same firm name. "
The press now used to print the pages of The Journal is one which was
used by E. Bosewater for the first issues of the Omaha Daily Bee, which was
established in 1871. The press today, like much of the machinery made in
those days, seems to be as good as new, and turns ont as clear a print as any
of the latest inventions.
In the opening announcement of the publishers of The Journal, they
stated that the paper would be conducted along independent lines, that is
"saying what we think on any subject which we choose to write upon without
feeling under any obligation whatever to do our thinking second handed."
This policy has been continued throughout all these years.
Politically. The Journal has always represented republican doctrine, and
has endeavored at all times to advocate the best interests of that Grand Old
Party, which we believe represents today, as it did thirty-four years ago, and
has done continually during all the intervening years, the best interests of the
whole people of the United States. The publishers never contemplated
changing their political views, for the reason that no other party at any time
seemed to meet the needs of the many as did the republican.
To our correspondents who have assisted us very materially in the gath
ering of news, we wish to say that yours is an important place to fill, in the
maintaining of a country newspaper. .We have not had a great number of
these, but to all, and especially those who have faithfully looked after our
interests in the country districts, we most heartily extend our thanks for the
time and patience you have taken in our behalf. J. S. Truman of Genoa has
for thirty or more years past furnished this paper with the government
weather report. J. H. Drinnin, Mrs. Stevenson, H. B. Beed and W. D. Benson
have all helped to make the columns interesting by their clean, flpinted and
newsy letters and we earnestly commend you to the new publishers, who
solicit the aid of all in their endeavor to give the public all the newa
In this connection we wish to also thank Mrs. Hattie Boydson who, in the
early years of TnE Journal's existence, contributed many poems to its pages,
and to Mrs. Mary Boird Finch, also a poetess who has all these years occa
sionally brightened the columns with her beautiful verses. Both these ladies
have been highly honored in the field of poetic journalism, and we are proud
to say that their early work was with this publication. A. C. Tyrrell, now in
Asheville, N. C, was one of the faithful friends in former years who will le
remembered by many of our readers.
In reviewing the past, an interesting feature to us has been the very
pleasant associations with our contemporaries. The friendliest feeling has
always existed between ourselves and others in the same work, and in tho
future we will ever look back with tender thoughts to those happy social
office calls.
The following named papers have been launched in this city at different
times since the first issue of The Journal, mentioned in the order of their
starting the publication: Columbus Era, established by W. N. Hensley, and
now the present Telegram property; Republican, F. P. Burgess; Independent,
Em. J. Potts; Gazette, by the Burgess family; Platte Valley Democrat, Went
worth & Son; Wochenblatt, now the Biene, Dr. Schonlau; Sentinel, A. L.
Bixby, now the Argus plant; Columbus Leader, W. M. Hutt; Times, W. B.
Dale; Edict, Walker & Ewing.
To our subscribers and other patrons we wish to express sincere thanks
for substantial encouragement, without which no business can exist. We
have our shortcomings, and you have been kind in overlooking them. We ask
equal forbearance toward our successors, and that not one reader will be lost,
but many gained.
The Turner family will continue to make Columbus their home and retire
from newspaper work to engage in other occupations.
To Wallaces' Farmer an Iowa corres
pondent writes that in looking over his
seed corn he finds that on some ears
where the corn is firm and the cob very
dry and the kernel looks clear the end of
the kernel shows a spot, and be wishes
to know whether kernels of that kind
are good for seed.
The black spot occurs when the tip of
the covering of the germ is removed be
cause of complete maturity. We would
not reject ears of this kind unless we had
a superabundance of seed. If the weath
er conditions should be normal these
grains will grow but if the ground is
cold when the corn is planted and ger
mination is delayed, bacteria may find
entrance and the stalk may be weakened.
In short, these black spots show damage.
Whether we wonld plant these or not
would depend on whether we had suffi
cient seed without them.
Further, he says: "In your issue of
February 19th you say after four days
look at your corn and see how many ker
nels have two sprouts. Do you mean to
say that if I plant some corn and each
kernel shows but one sprout that that
corn will not be safe to plant?"
There is but one germ in each grain of
corn planted, and hence, strictly speak
ing, but one sprout. This sprout, how
ever, turns both up and down, and both
the upward and downward parts of it
should be fully developed. Grains which
show this vigorous development of both
the part of the plant that is intended to
go into the air and the part that goes
into the ground should be preferred
above all others. The more vigorous the
corn, the more clearly will be developed
this two-fold sprouting.
Almost within the limits of the little
city of Louisville, this state, is located
one of the most wonderful and wealth
iest Kaolin banks in the world. Twenty
years ago the product of this bank was
shipped abroad to be used in the manu
facture of high grade chinaware, but
never on an extensive scale, and prac
tically no effort has been made to devel
op tbs'bank. So far as known there is
no other Kaolin bank which will com
pare with it in the United States, except
one in New England, which has proven
a gold mine to .the owner.
"Dan Patch," the famous pacer, has
been secured by the management for an
appearance at the state fair at Lincoln,
August 30. .The cost of the appearance
is said to be double that for Crescens,
which was $L000.
Saturday night after moonrise the
Japanese attempted to block the en
trance to the harbor at Port Arthur.
Four fireships were sent toward the port
conveyed by a torpedo flotilla. Toward
2:15 a. m. the approach of the enemy's
ships was perceived by the guardships
and batteries, which opened on them
heavily. The fireships were preceded by
torpedo boats and followed at a consid
erable distance by larger ships, which
opened fire on the forts, supporting the
action of the fireships and torpedo boats.
Owing to the heaviness of Bussian artil
lery fire and the holding of Bussian tor
pedo boats the fireships did not reach the
entrance. Two of them grounded on a
reef under Golden Hill, another sank
behind the first turn of the channel,
struck by a torpedo from one of the
Bussian boats, and the fourth sank its
bows touohing a Japanese steamer sunk
in the previous attempt off Majatscha
naja Goroda, The entrance to the, har
bor remains dear.
The Nebraska Farmer will open a new
department April 1, called "Nebraska's
Resources and Industries." This depart
ment will embrace all that the title im
plies. Contributions relative to real
estate transactions, land values, immi
gration, organization and development
of local agricultural enterprises, advan
tages for homeseekers and investors,
examples illustrating notable success in
farming, dairying, horticulture, live stock
raising, worthy achievements of success
in any industrial line, are solicited from
all persons interested in presenting Ne
braska's resources and advantages to the
homeeeeking public.
Accordino to the new year book of
the Nebraska State Federation of Wo
men's Clubs a great deal of philanthrop
ic work was done last year. The Syra
cuse club gave $575 to'a library fund.
The club at Albion gave $100 in money
and $25 worth of books to the library.
The Omaha club supports several worthy
charties. There are 119 clubs in the
federation, twenty-two of which were
admitted during the year. The entire
membership is 4257.
The friends of the University of Ne
braska have raised the third of $100,000
which John D. BockefeBer said must be
a condition under which he would give
the other two-thirds for a university
temple. The proposed gift has been
opposed by many Nebraskans, who did
not want to accept Rockefellers money,
and tbe matter trireatened to become a
campaign issue. The temple will be
bailt soon, on the aniversity campus. J
Liacabi Letter.
Warden Beemer has purchased a
thousand yards of gray woolen cloth to
be made up in suits for the "good"
boarders at the penitentiary. The Ne
braska prison will be the only one in the
world 'to operate under the "promotion"
system. The west cell house will not be
ready for many weeks but Warden
Beemer wishes to have his arrangeaents
completed so that when the big, new
clean room is ready for occupants tbe
better behaved convicts can doff the
stripes and leave the gloomy old quarters
for a more airy and cheerful abode.
In an open letter signed by J. L. Teet
ers, tbe regents of the state university
uphold Chancellor Andrews in his deter
mination to accept the Rockefeller dona
tion. One paragraph of the letter is of
great interest and will be received with
satisfaction by all friends of the chan
cellor whether they coincide with his
views or not. This paragraph replies to,
the repeated insinuations cast by an
Omaha paper and based upon the pur
chase of certain Intn adjacent to tbe
university campus.
Last winter the legislature was asked
to appropriate $8,000 for the purchase of
real estate near tbe university, neither
the number nor the description of the
lots being given. Later it was discover
ed that but $5,000 was expended in this
way, and while no direct accusation was
made, the public was led to believe that
the chancellor had received $8,000, ex
pended $5,000 and placed the balance
where he thought it would do the most
It is explained that the $8,000 was
asked for with a view to picking up stray
lots here and there near the campus, that
$5,000 has been so invested and that the
remainder of the appropriation remains
in tbe state treasury and will remain
there until the board sees fit to invest it
in other property.
The regents also explain that the con
stitution of the state, as well as acts of
the legislature leave the board no option
but to receive all donations made to the
institution. Tbe board's interpretation
of the law in this respect is hotly disput
ed by those opposed to accepting the
offer, and the verbal war goes on merrily,
but with the charges of fraud in the real
estate deals happily eliminated.
.March 23, the distributing car of .the
Nebraska fish commission left the hatch
eries at South Bend with a consignment
of 200,000 trout fry to be "planted" in
the small streams tributary to the Nio
brara. The first stop will be made in
Antelope county and the last in Sioux
county, near the Colorado line.
State Veterinarian Thomas has recom
mended a lime and sulphur dip for cattle
infected with lice, mange and other
troubles of that nature and insists that
tbe sanio 6ball be applied the moment
tbe ailment is known to exist in a herd.
The statutes gives tbe veterinarian
authority to prescribe treatment and
fixes a $50 penalty for refusing or neg
lecting to follow his suggestions.
The very strained relations between
the two wings of the Nebraska democ
racy and the fact that Lee Herdman is
the recognized leader of the anti-Bryan
forces have brought on rather a warm
little war between that astute politician
and a number of tbe "regulars" a war
of epithets, charges, counter charges and
absolute falsifications chief, and most
prominent among which, is the absurd
story that a republican supreme court at
the behest of the Hill-Harriman inter
ests, has promised to retain Herdman as
clerk so long as he continues to oppose
Mr. Bryan and stirring up strife within
the ranks of his party. This preposter
ous statement was invented by tbe Bryan
followers and has since been published
with reservation by a few republican
Contempt proceedings might be in
order if such statements were not be
neath the contempt of any court.
Tho republicans of the first district
convened at Lincoln last Tuesday, nom
inated Congressman Burkett for a fourth
term, endorsed John L. Webster for vice
president, and C. H. Morrill for national
committeeman, chose Judge Barton of
Pawnee City for presidential elector and
W. J. Crandall, Lincoln, and Frank E.
Helvey, Nebraska City, for delegates to
the national convention.
The work of H. C. Lindsay as chair
man of the state central committee was
commended, and a resolution urging his
appointment as United States district
attorney for Nebraska was unanimously
The contract between the Fremont
Canal & Power company and the J. F.
Kelley Electrical company of New York
for the financing and engineering work
on the proposed power canal has been
extended until April 1. As originally
drawn, the contract expired March 15,
but the Kelley company has been allot
ted two weeks more in which to accom
plish tbe undertaking.
The last to withdraw from the guber
natorial contest is W. H. Harrison of
Grand Island, leaving a clear field to the
present incumbent, J. H. Mickey, for a
re-nomination. It is well. With a unit
ed party and tbe standard bearers Roose
velt and Mickey there is no reason why
the state of Nebraska should not give a
republican majority of 25,000 or better at
the November election.
: : LOCAL : :
Morth lebraska Teachers' Associa
tion. This week will be a busy one in Colnm
bns. The teachers from 'the north part
of the state will be in the city as our
guests. The program for the three days
has been well prepared and our people
will miss much if they do not attend.
The day sessions will be free to the pub
lic and a membership ticket, for which a
charge of 50 cents will be made, will
entitle any one to the two lectures, on
Thursday and Friday evenings.
On Wedneedsy evening the annual
declamatory contest will be given to
whioh a separate admission will be
Wednesday afternoon the first sessions
will be held in the High school building,
and among the Columbus people repre
sented will be: violin solo,. Walter
Boettcber; patriotic song, 100 pupils of
Columbus; discussion of tbe subject on
manual training, Balph Turner.
A reception will be given at the home
of Mrs. L. Gerrard Wednesday afternoon
by the Columbus Woman's club, at which
time all the members are expected to be
present to meet the strangers.
Thursday morning at 9 o'clock will be
the first pension in North opera house.
Mies Maad Galley will reader a violin
solo, aad miss Eulalia Rickly a vocal
solo efrriajr this session.
Thursday afternoon the meetings will
be held in the High school bailding.
The' high sohool section, the grade sec
tion, the county superintendents' section
and the drawing section will all be held
in different rooms of the building.
Superintendent Leavy will talk in the
superintendents' section on "The Town
ship School System versus the Independ
ent District System" and Miss Marion
Smith will conduct the drawing section
Thursday evening at the North opera
house the following program will be
given: Violin solo, EmilSchwarz; quar
tette, Columbus ladies; lecture, "Japan
Up to Date," Frank. B. Roberson; vocal
solo, Miss Ethel Galley.
Friday morning at the North opera
house a general session will be held and
the Columbus representative will be
Herman Zinnecker, who will give a
violin solo.
Friday afternoon the different sec
tional meetings will be held in the High
sohool building and the primary section
will be under the supervision of Mrs.
Friday evening, whioh will be tbe last
gathering, tbe music will be rendered by
home talent and W. W. Stetson, state
superintendent of Maine will deliver the
lecture of the evening.
Miss Edith Cogswell of Chicago, a
reader and impersonator, and Mrs. Grout
of Rockford, Illinois, who are both on
the Friday afternoon program, are high
ly recommended.
Miss Marion Smith, tbe Columbus art
teacher, will conduct a drawing doss on
Thursday and Friday afternoons. This
department will be free to tbe teachers.
One of the most interesting features of
the session will be an exhibition of work
by the Columbus schools, showing the
manual training and tbe art department
features of tbe schools.
Law Breaking in Ctolnjabus.
Sunday evening tbe ministers of the
Presbyterian, Methodist, Congregational
and Baptist churches preached upon the
subject of law breaking in tbe city of
Columbus, and as there was a desire
among many to hear these discourses, we
herewith summarize the sermons. ,Bev.
Halsey said:
"Patriotism should begin at home and
defend tbe home. Environment has
much to do with the making of character.
Tbe home environment does and must
extend beyond the four walls of the
dwelling. AU .parts of our 'home city'
should be such that our boys and girls
may go and come without danger of evil
influence. What parent has not high
aspirations for his offspring? He would
see realized in them the ideals he has
failed to reach. They must have better
opportunities and environment" He
then spoke of the notorious breaking of
law by saloon keepers, venders of tobacco,
dice-throwers, Sabbath desecrators and
others, with impunity. He asked if there
were no public prosecutors sworn to
enforce law? He suggested that right
minded citizens should wait' upon tbe
incoming administration and pledge
themselves to support tbe mayor, coun
cil, police officers and others in tbe strict
enforcement of law.
Bev. Luce used tbe following lino of
thought for his discourse:
"Scripture lesson Ezekiel 22d. Law
breaking one of our most common sins.
Rules of home disregarded; disorderly
conduct in schools follow; city ordinan
ces defied; state laws broken, and nation
al laws violated. 'Uncle Sam' generally
obeyed until recent years, men of wealth
and high position break the laws without
fear of conviction or much humiliation.
See the Northern Securities Merger case.
It is decidedly a flagrant breaking of the
Sherman law; but tbe attorney general
declares that The government does not
mean to run amuck.' We need develop
ment of the spirit of true law-enforcement
till the sentiment of our manhood
Bhall demand and carry out its enforce
ment The spirit of insubordination is
seen on every hand, in home, in school
and country. Strikes are lawlessness;
so are mobs; whether among men and
women or among boys and girls. See
the strike in the York school. Colum
bus is not the worst dty, but that is no
excuse for our allowing lawbreaking.
Officials in this dty or country must
have the public opinion to sustain them.
I call your attention to the laws that are
broken in this city, not all of them, but
some of them: Gambling places; in
stores and shops frequently by dice and
other ways. The spirit of getting some
thing for nothing is abroad; the children
are started in these ways early in little
things, but they grow. Gambling is a
curse to a people whether the operators
are successful winners or losers. The
saloons keep open at unlawful times and
on the Sabbath. I am told there is at
least one that does not open on Sunday.
I do not admire his business, but I do
commend his character as a law abiding
citizen. According to tbe laws of this
state the saloon that complies with tbe
laws is to be protected, and I advise
everybody to see to it that tbe lawB are
kept, whether he be prohibitionist or
saloonist The saloons do not keep the
laws as a rule in many other
respects, namely, tbe having of screens
or something that is effective to that end ;
many of them sell to minors on Sunday."
Rev. Ulmer in his sermon showed "By
reading extracts from the statutes of
Nebraska and the dty ordinances, which
deal with tbe sale of liquors and tobacco,
with gambling, billiards, obscene litera
ture, houses of ill-fame and the desecra
tion of the Sabbath, how tbe laws are
habitually and unrestrainedly broken.
That such lawnessnessmust generate an
immoral and anarchistic atmosphere
which greatly endangers the morality of
the rising generation; and that practi
cally the only thing we can do for tbe
immediate future is by moral suasion to
bring such a pressure to bear on our
official representatives that they will en-
ah lanarsi eattfl nnliiiefiflaa "
We were unable to procure notes from
Bev. Munro as he went to Norfolk Mon
day, and will not return before the latter
part of the week.
Tnraaaees ! Cyclones !
I have two good old time insurance
companies which insure against torna
does and' cyclones. The rate is very
cheap. See me if you want some pro
tection. J. M. Curtis,
Ml' 111
Clerk of Court Gruenther is in Omaha
Editor BurrusB made a business trip
to Omaha Monday.
F. M. Cookingham of Humphrey was
in town Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Heater returned
home Monday from Kansas City.
Albert Becker came home Friday from
Chicago to spend his spring vacation.
Mrs. Stevens of Boone and Mrs. G.
Wilson of Genoa were in the city last
Will Eimers now of California, former
ly of Humphrey, was in town a few hours
Mr. and Mrs. Mills of Osceola attended
tbe funeral of their niece Miss Myrtle
Mills last Thursday.
John Becher was in Omaha lust week
visiting his mother who is very sick.
He left her somewhat improved.
Fred Saffron, who is attending a phar
maceutical college in Omaha, spent
Sunday at home with relatives.
Mrs. Cbappel of Omaha returned home
Wednesday after visiting her mother,
Mrs. M Kuntzelman, and other relatives
for two weeks.
Mrs. M.A. Nicol returned home Thurs
day from the west where she had made
an extended visit to Oakland, California,
and Beno, Nevada.
Miss Stella Krause of Genoa visited
her aunt Miss Bertha Krause, Friday, on
her way home from Bellevne where she
is attending college.
Miss Nina Bonara went to Bising City
and Miss Lichtenber to Cedar Bluffs
Friday after school, to spend a few days
with relatives, during spring vacation.
Mr. and, Mrs. Tbarpp arrived here
Friday from York and will remain until
they have decided where to locate a new
homo. Mrs.Tharpp will be remembered
here as Miss Anna Nicol.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dack and Mr.
and Mrs. Karr returned Saturday from
a two months trip to tbe coast states.
The Karrs went through to Omaha
where they will visit a few days.
Don't pay rent when you can buy a
borne for the same money. We have
purchased a number of residence lots in
the north part of the city and anyone
wishing to lease n bouse for two or more
years or who desire to buy on easy terms,
we will accommodate you.
C. J. Scott k Son.
A few thoroughbred yearling Short
horn bulls. Arnold F. II. Oeiilrii'h.
Columbus State Bank,
Charter No. 17.
(Incoritonileil) Columbus, ill the State of
Nebruxku, at the close of busi
ness, March. 17, .'.
Loans ami discounts
UvcnlraftM. wour-l anil unsecured
$217,17t; K
Stock, securities, judgments, claims,
JiankinK house furniture ami fixtures.
Other real estate
Current expenses nnil taxes paid
Due from National. State anil
i.ew; -to
11.120 74
K.yor. 67
Private Honks anil Hankers
Checks ami items of exchange;
20.203 !1
4,731 HO
5.1WI 00
4,400 00
:. uo
.... 35,ftT? 07
j Currency
.. ohl
Total cash on hand
Capital stock iiid in $50,000 00
Barplusfund 3.0U0 00
Undivided profits 20.83J 00
Individual deimsits subject
to check 81,823 45
Demand certificates of de-
mtfit 25 4fiK t!t
Time certificates of deposit.. 101,753
Due to state and prhate
hanks and bankers 1.180
210,558 42
Statk or Nebraska,
County of Platte Jb8-
I, II. A. Clarke, cashier of the n'.mve-named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is correct and a true copy of the report
made to the State Banking Board.
II. A. Clarke, Cashier.
M. Bruooer. Director.
Leander (erruu. Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21th
day of March, 1MM.
Notary Public.
In the conntv court of Platte connty. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of M. K. Turner,
deceofced. Notice of final settlement and ac
count. To the creditors, heirs. lpBitees and others
interested intheestateof M. K. Turner, deceased.
Take notice that Kliza J. Turner. J. A. Turner
and Martha Tnrner have tiled in the county court
a report of their dointcs as executors of the
estate of M, K. Turner, deceased, and it is or
dered tint the same stand for hearing on the 11th
day of April. 1901, before the court at the hour of
It o'clock a. in., at which time any person inter
ested may appear and except to and contest the
This notice is ordered Riven in The Coi.umkc
Joithnal. for thre consecutive weeks prior to
the llth day of April, lt04.
Witness my hand and the ma1 of the county
court at Columbus this 22il day of March, l'JOI.
f , John KVTTF.H1MN,
I seal, j Connty Judicc.
In the connty court of Platte county, Nebraska.
In the matter of the etate of Allen C Turner.
deceased. Notice of final settlement and
To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others in
terested in the estate of Allen C. Tnrner, deceas
ed. Take notice that E. M. Jenkins lias filed in
the connty court a rejort of his doings as admin
istrator of theestateof Allen C. Tnrner, deceased,
and it is ordered that the same stand for hearing
on the llth day of April, WW, before the court at
the linnr of 10 o'clock a. in., at which time any
person interested may appear and except to and
contest the same.
This notice is ordered given in the CoLCJf ECS
Journal for three consMjutive weeks prior to
the llth day of April. 1901.
Witness my hand and the seal of the connty
court at Columbus this 22d day of March. 1X01.
, 1 John Rattebmax.
19EAL.J County Judge.
In the connty court of Platte connty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Margaret T. Tur
ner, deceased. Notice of final settlement and
account. ...
To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others in
terested in the estate of Margaret T. Turner.
Take notice that K. II. Jenkins has filed in the
connty court a report of his doing as adminis
trator of the estate of Margaret T. Turner, de
ceased, and it is ordered that the same stand for
hearing on the llth day of April. WW. before the
court at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at which
time any person interested may appear and ex
cept to and contest the same.
This notice is ordered given in The LOLCXBrs
Journal for three consecutive weeks prior to
the 14th day of April. 1901.
Witness my hand and thf seal of tho connty
ourt at Coluinbas this 22d day of March. 1901.
, Joux IUtterman.
I heal. County Judge.
In the county conrt of Platte coanty, Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Frank C. Turner,
deceased. Notice of final settlement and
account. ... ...
To tlie creditors, heirs, legatees and others in
terested in the estate of Frank C. Tamer, deceas
ed. Take notice that K. H. Jenkins has filed in
the coanty coort a report of his doings aa admin
istrator of the estate of Frank C. Turner, deceas
ed, and it is ordered that the same stand for
hearing on tlie llth day of April, 1904, before tbe
court at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at which
time any person Interested may appear and ex
cept to and contest tho same. m
This notice is ordered given in the Colcxecs
Journal for three consecutive weeks prior to
the 14th day of April, MM. . ,
Witness Bay hand and the seal of the coanty
coart at Colnmbns this 22d day of March. WW.
, , Jons Katterxan,
t8IAI-4 CottRty Judge, i
To Any Part of Hb City
t"i ieiaaeaisi on o wj-w t
rppO accommodate our regular customers who insisted on our milk
-"- and cream and others who could not come to our place after it,
we concluded to put on a delivery wagon and go after business. On
March Uwe purchased O. D. Butler & Son s delivery outfit and can
now deliver to any part of the city
Purr Sweet Milk,
Fresh Sweet f 'ream,
(Plain or double strength for whippias;.)
AU oi our Milk and Cream
t keeping (jualities.
v To insure delivery get your
early in the morning.
Wheat, new
Oats f bushel
Bye y bushel
Hogs $ owt
Fat steers f? ewt
Stock steers 3? ewt
Fat cows V ewt
Potatoes V bushel
Butter I? I
EtfKB $f dozen
.. 32
.. SO
.. 35
. . 4 70 4 80
. . 8 25 4 25
.. 2 506 3 50
.. 2 256 3 00
. . 15&1S
.. 136
Brnu, bulk 80
Shorts. !K
Chop feed, bulk 85ft
Chop com, - 80
Markets corrected every Tuesday af
ternoon. J D. ST1RF.S,
Ottre, Olive St.. foarth door worth of fin
MMltttftillff f'MUMrTfg ft!
I IVwnnpBnBBBjw'BjnjnBBBWj W SkRJwSBHVVJBsSL ,vflPnl
General Repairing on Short Notice,
: on Short Notice.
Tenth and North
ers are high scorers. If want util
ity and show birds give us a trial order.
We handle all varieties of fowls fooad
in any high das poultry jard.
J5(':i.h must accompany orders when booketl.
W. II. SWAirrSLKY. Manager.
Route 2, 'olumbus, Nebr.
ii illinium, ii ii i n i n
Risi Cirt Onwi Ltgfciris.
Alsi Barn. PlfMith Ricks.
Per 15.
t3?Yunl htcutnl .7 hlitcksruit of St.
Mary's llmpitul.
MAKTIN SCM I J!, Proit'r,
4 Cotiuitbui, Xrbr.
Osteopath ie Physician, $
Columhns, Nebr.
J. Nebraska 'llione A 111. Indepemlent rf.
4. '1'hone No. 73. Office, Barber block.
! He will cure all your ache and pains;
he cures when modicino fails.
How good fAfJbread tastes
so good one could afaaost stake a
meal of it. You kaow the flavor
the wheaty flavor, sweet as a
at. Do yoa kaow the secret?
It's in the yeast. Good yeast
good bread. Poor yeast poor
bread and iadjgestioa.
The homemade bread of the
American housewife leads the
world. The secret of it
WW a purely vegetable H
yeast, made of the fiaett V
m auk. hops, coca, aad other H
teakhful iagredieats. ia the
cleaaestaadbest-eqaipped yeast I
factory m caJsteace. Yeast Foam
I is the only yeast that preserves I
m the bread aH the delicious fla-
vor aad nutritive qualities of the I
I wheat. Try it. I
I The stent urn the yeast. I
I Sold by al grocers at 5c a I
I package eaoaga for 4t loaves. I
If yoar grocer does aot keep it.
sead as his same aad yours oa I
I a postal aad we wfll mail yoa I
oar book. "How to Make I
Bread.' rw.
is pustuerized, thus insuring better
orders in either the day before or
Columbus Cream Go. i
t . 1
S ' IU,
We have a customer anxious
to buy a farm of 120 or 100 ! '
acres close to Columbus. He
will allow the present owner to '
retain possession this year. It
must be good land, fairly well ?
improved. :::::::?
Has just received
a new stock of
We invite the pub
lic to look the line
over before buying.
J Rtf its' SfaMflMf ruisft. J
Sold ia all shades, ia weq led
by any painta or other stain.
A registered pharmacist will
compound all prescription.
Call OB aa.
Manager. A
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II II I II HI
Cyliilir dm Shillir
Can do more and better work
than any other shelter sold.
Oar wagons will not scatter
yoar gnua whileon the road to
market or overtax yoar horses
with needless heavy draught.
Biggies ami Carriages
-All Kiwis of-
Coaw aad look our stock
over before buying :
arBlaeksaith work aad
Harse Skating Ane ra short
From GwIumIhis. N..
Etiij lay fit Mm Pacific
Xarrk Ut fa Aptll SStk, 1MM.
To San Francisco, Los Aa
geles, Sni. Diego, aad away
other CaliforaUk poiata.
To Everett. Fairhavea,
Whatcom, Vancouver aad
Victoria via Uaatiagtoa
and Spokaaa.
To Portland or Astoria, or
toTacoma aad 8aattla,Tia
Huntiagtoa aad PorUaad
or Haatiagtoa aad flaokaaa
To Ashland, Boasbaia;. Ea
saasuAlrsMiwaxl n.i :
awlaBwwwSBJM BVsmaL.. .J
Oregon, via Portlaad.
To SnokaM .11 : 1
diate, auua aad hraaeh liaaa
.iI-riT? "" teraa-
$20.00 ToBattAMcoadBeW
aad au latarassdiate auaaj
Una poiata, iaeladtaa?
- ummr,
$20.00 J Owia.
uu an
oadelaaa rataa
. ih
v i
: ".-4
- !
- - . : II
- .i
V -
. $
1 ---.'!
am - bw
"I -... -ft
a " J
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V'- SM
Br ".'
aria V
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ab.gA-ad -
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