The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 30, 1904, Image 1

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Columbus g
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A Weekly RepubUoM
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Secretary Corteleyou's Department
Will Make the Investigation With
out Assistance Alaska Anxious Con
cerning Its Interests.
WASHINGTON The department of
commerce and labor, through the bu
reau of corporations, is making an
investigation into the operations of
the beef trust. A part of the investi
gation is being conducted in accord
ance with a resolution passed by the
house of representatives recently.
Prior to the adoption of the resolution,
the department, through its regular
channels, had collected certain infor
mation concerning the beef trust. The
resolution-which was drafted by" Rep
resentative Martin of South Dakota,
requested the department officials to
ascertain, if possible, the cause of the
difference in price between beef on the
hoof and dressed beef. It was pointed
out that western stockmen believed
that they were being discriminated
against by the trust and that the
markets of the countiy were being
manipulated to their detriment.
Neither Secretary Cortelyou nor
Commissioner Garfield of the bureau
of corporations will discuss the inves
tigation in any way. It is made per
fectly clear, however, that this inves
tigation, as well as all others conduct
ed by that department, will be made
by the officials of the department
themselves, without assistance; that
x I
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Russia has fleets at Kronstad on the Gulf of Finland and at Odessa and Se
vastopol In the Black Sea. To obtain a passage for the Black Sea fleet through
the Dardanelles would relieve the big armored ships Kriax Potemkine and Tav
ritchesky. 15.500 tons: Ekaterina and Clsma. 11.0W each: Sinope, 10,000: Trla Svla
titellla. 13,200 tons: GeorRl Poblednosetz. 12.000. The Dvenadzat Apostoloff and
Rostislav. about 9.000 tons each: ten torpedo catchers, and about twenty-five tor
pedo boats, a force which would turn the vital question of the command of the
ea In the Far Hast in favor or Russia. To drop down the Gulf of Finland from
Kronstad. cross the Baltic, pass through the channel and across the Medlteran
ean Sea to the mouth of the Suez Canal with the many delays of traffic and the
weather would require almost two weeks. The run from the Black Sea ports could
be made in as manv days. After Port Said the route of the fleets would be th
same. The harbors of the Gulf of Finland are ice-bound. As time would be
Russia's greatest all. to secure the release of the fleet would mean freedom of
the sea again for her'in Japanese waters. In the picture are shown the forts
which guard the height of the Dardanelles. In the map the route of the Black
Sea fleet is shown in the dotted line and the home squadron in a heavy line.
the department will not stoop to detec
tive work in the conduct of the in
quiry and that the proceedings will be
devoid of any spectacular features.
There will be no public hearings and
publicity will be avoided so far as pos
sible. The pending investigation is being
conducted by Commissioner Garfield,
under the direction of Secretary Cor
telyou. Beyond that fact, practically
nothing is obtainable. Whether the
results of the investigation are to beN
made public at its conclusion will de
pend entirely on President Roosevelt
Alaskans who have been in Washing
ton all winter pressing the claims of
that territory for remedial legislation
fear now that congress will adjourn
without according their claims the at
tention which in their opinion they
warrant. They have seen the president
during the winter in the interest of the
legislation they are seeking and today
several of them called at the White
House again.
Cub Lion and Elephant's Tusks Safely
at Washington.
WASHINGTON In charge of keep
ers from the national zoological park,
the cub Hon sent to President Roose
velt as a present from King Menelik
of Abyssinia, arrived Saturday from
New York. The keepers also brought
the two fine elephant tusks, the other
present from King Menelik. and the
hyena which was imported for the col
lection at the "zoo." It was Intended
to .take the lion to the White House
in order that the president and fam
ily might see it. but it was deemed
advisable not to do so. The lion and
hyena were taken, therefore, directly
to the "zoo." The tusks were taken
to the White House. Later they will
be placed in the national museum.
Bermuda Lilies Are Coming.
NEW YORK. The first steamship
load of Easter lilies has arrived from
Bermuda. This consignment was
mainly for the far west and as soon
as the vessel docked, express vans
transferred the flowers to the railroad
station and they were started to their
destinations. There were thousands
of crates in the cargo, requiring the
most delicate handling. It is expected
that more of the flowers will be
brought north this year than ever be
fore. Naval Captain Commended.
WASHINGTON. Captain Royal B.
Bradford, commanding the battleship
Illinois, is warmly commended in the
report made public o' the finding of
the court of inquiry which investi
gated the collision of the Missouri
and Illinois off Guantanama for his
splendid seamanship, which, the re
port says, saved the Illinois from
what would almost inevitably have
proved her total destruction had it not
been for the excellent judgment shown
by her captain at several critical mo-Beats.
Cattle Raisers Permitted to Shew Al
leged Discrimination.
WASHINGION The interstate
commerce commission on Monday an
nounced its decision in the case of the
Cattle Raisers' association of Kansas,
complainant, and the Chicago live
Stock exchange, intervenor. against
the Chicago, Burlington Quincy and
other railroads entering Chicago. The
commission holds that the statute of
limitations does not apply to the suit
of the members of the association ror
damages and defines the procedure to
be followed in procuring reparation
through the commission.
The complainant and the intervenor
are -given laave to show to what ter
ritory the through rate reduction of
1S96 applied, and if it appears that
there was territory to which such re
duction did not apply and from which
no reduction has been made, defend
ants will be allowed to show, since
conditions may have changed subse
quent1 to the maldns; of the original
order, that the through rate from that
territory is reasonable and just, not
withstanding the addition of the ter
minal charge of $2 per car in Chicago.
Lost Papers and..ftate Court Can't
Restore His Rights.
WASHINGTON The supreme
court of the United States, in an
opinion, by Justice Brown, affirmed
the finaing of the court of claims in
the case of Charles Gagnon against
the United States and the Sioux and
Cheyenne Indians, an Indian depreda
tion case, involving the question as
to whether a common law court has
jurisdiction to enter a judgment of
naturalization in a case in which it
is alleged that naturalization papers
had been granted thirty-three years
?go, but of which no record remained.
The point was decided in the nega
tive. Gagnon, claiming to have lost
his naturalization papers, applied to
the district court in Richardson coun
ty Nebraska, where he claimed to
have been naturalized in 1863, to de
clare him a naturalized citizen. This
the court did, notwithstanding no rec
ftrd of the former proceeding was
found. The court held this process
to be irregular and refused to allow
the claim.
French Premier Says He Has No In
tention of Resigning.
PARIS In the course of an Inter
view Prime Minister Combes denied
the reports that he will immediately
retire from the premiership as a re
suit of the recent cabinet reverses.
M. Combes says he recognizes that the
situation of the ministry is delicate,
but that so far as he is concerned, he
proposes to pursue to the end the work
lie has undertaken without deviating a
hair's breadth from the course he
This statement is interpreted as ap
plying to the work in connection with
the pending law for the supression of
the teaching orders, which probably
will be passed in a fortnight, when the
premier main work will have been ac
complished. Wheat Crop in Good Condition.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. Reports re
ceived from all parts of the Kansas
wheat belt show that today's heavy
rainfall was general. Santa Fee head
quarters at Topeka has advices that
wheat everywhere is in good condi
tion. Kansans Ask Big Appropriation.
WASHINGTON. A large delegation
of Kansans, comprising senators, rep
resentatives and prominent citizens of
the state called at the War depart
ment and were heard at length by
General Mackenzie, chief of engineers,
upon the pending proposition to
straighten out and change the course
of the Kaw fiver .with a view to the
prevention of a repetition of the ftocd
which engulfed part of Kansas City
and other Kansas towns. The dele
gation wants f 1,500,000 to begin work.
Exposition Officials Deny It.
ST. LOUIS, Mo. When shown a
dispatch from New York to the effect
that a concern managed by J. D. Mc
Gregor proposed to furnish a large
number' of non-union persons to fill
employment contracts with the
World's fair, Walter B. Stevens, sec
retary of the exposition company,
said: "The exposition company has
no knowledge of McGregor and his
plans. There is no agreement between
concessionaires and tie World's fair
as to the employment of labor, union
or otherwise."
kl iL V.' 1
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It is Scored in the Minority Repert of
the House Committee Passage of
Measure Would Result in Holding
Up the Government.
WASHINGTON Representative
Stevens (Minn.) filed the favorable re
port authorized by the house commit
tee on merchant marine and fisheries
o- an amended senate bill "to require
the employment of vessels of the Uni
ted States for public purposes."
The bill requires all government
supplies transported by sea to be car
ried in vessels either owned by tb
government or flying the American
flag. The report bases the necessity
for the bill on the ground that it
never is safe to depend on foreigners
for the defense of our own country.
It says that the United States now
owns thirteen passenger and freight
transports, and that should these be
inadequate for the necessary trans
portation of government supplies and
troops, ships flying the American fas;
only may be used in addition; that
the government cannot expect Ameri
can ships to be available in an emer
gency. The views of the minority, of the
committee, prepared by Representa
tive Lucking (Mich.) and signed by
Representatives Spight, Goulden, Mc
Dermott and Lucking, declare the bill
to be a step in the policy of subsidiz
ing our merchant marine, for which
for seven years the most active, per
sistent, influential and unblushing lob
by has been hounding the life out of
both branches of congress. The re
port says that outside of the goods
transported in vessels owned by the
government there was paid in freights
for such carrying In the year 1901,
14,523,954, and that "this carrying is
done principally to the Philippines,
and, like the major portion of all our
war and naval expenditures of the
present day, has been rendered nec
essary by the ill-advised subjugation
and retention of those islands."
The report says the bill is a most
barefaced misappropriation of public
moneys, and adds:
"Of the seventeen vessels now en
gaged in this traffic on the Pacific, all
are manned exclusively (except offi
cers) bZ Chinese sailors, who work
for about one-third or one-fourth the
wages that American sailors receive,
so that the American sailors have
been completely supplanted by these
Chinese in the very Pacific ocean
companies who are pressing the I ill
and who are, in part, to get its gratu
ities." The report concludes that "in some
respects this bill is worse than any
pronounced subsidy measure which j
has been advocated in congress, be
cause it gives an absolute monopoly
to a few corporations and individuals
who may, and probably will, form a
combine and hold up the government
for all it will stand."
James Britt is Given the Decision in
the Twentieth Round.
SAN FRANCISCO. James Britt of
California was given the decision over
William Rothwell, better known as
"Young Corbett," of Colorado, in a
twenty-round contest at Woodward's
pavilion Friday night In the seven
teenth round Corbett's advantage was
apparent, but in that round Britt ral
lied and rained right and left blows on
various portions of Corbett's anatomy,
forcing the champion to clinch to save
The styles of the two boxers were
entirely different Britt fought for
the body most of the time, while Cor
bett devoted his attention to the head,
face and jaw. Britt weighed just 129
pounds, but Corbett's weight was not
made public, though it is understood
he was at least a pound and a half
below the agreed weight 130 pounds.
Reaches Understanding with Austria
as to Police Force.
LONDON According to the dis
patches received from Constantinople,
the porte and the Austro-Russian em
bassies have reached an agreement jn
regard to the organization of the
Macedonina gendarmerie under Euro
pean officers, so it is believed it will
not be long before the reform scheme
for Macedonia, agreed upon by the em
perors of Russia and Austria at their
meeting at Muerzteg, Syria, last year,
in support of which Austria has been
alleged to be mobilizing troops, will
be in full operation.
In an interview at Sofia, March 24,
Boris Sarafoff, the Macedonian leader,
said his party intended to await the
result of an introduction of the re
forms before launching a fresh in
surrection. Report Original Package Bill.
WASHINGTON. The house com
mittee on the judiciary on Friday au
thorized a favorable report on the
Hepburn and Dolliver bill, granting
the states police power over "original
packages" of intoxicating liquor com
ing into their borders as interstate
commerce. An amendment was adopt
ed stipulating that the bill should not
apply to persons receiving interstate
shipments of liquor for their own
personal use. Hearings on the bill
have been made during the last six
To Keep Down the Prices.
ST. PETERSBURG. According to
reports received here on Friday the
police have taken measures to pre
vent the proprietors of shops increas
ing the price of provisions. Several
of the shops have been closed and
the proprietors who increased their
prices have been prosecuted. Coun
trymen are bringing in supplies, which
fact tends to keep prices down. Peo
ple from Harbin say that the inhab
itants there are tranquil and have no
fear of whafc. the future may brins
Admiral Cooper Thinks New Chwang
Ne Place for the Helena.
WASHINGTON. To Admiral Coop
er, in command of the naval forces
on the Asiatic station? has been left
the decision of the question whether
or not the Helena or some other
United States naval veVel is to be
kept at New Chwana- as requested by
American interests there.
The Navy department has been in
formed by Admiral Cooper that he
has decided that the conditions are
not such as to warrant him in detain
ing the Helena at New Chwang. If
the town is attacked by the Japanese
navy the Helena would be in the line
of fire, and no neutral ship has a
right there if it can get away. The
Navy department has cabled him to
withdraw the ship, and it probably
will leave New Chwang for Shanghai
and start for Manila within the pres
mt week If the ice continues tosoftea
as rapidly as expected.
Railroads Not Liable for Damages to
WASHINGTON The United State's
supreme court again decided that per
sons traveling on railroads may not
secure damage in case of accident
when they ride on passes, and the dc
cision went to the extent of applying
the principle to such passengers as
were not familiar with the contract
usually printed on the backs of the
The case decided was that of John
D. Boerlng and his wife, Mearling
Boering, against the Chesapeake
Beach Railroad company. Mrs. Boer
ing was injured in an accident on
the road while traveling on a pass
issued to herself and her husband,
containing the usual stipulation of ex
emption from damage. It was urged
that she had not been made aware of
the stipulation, and that even if not
liable on general principles, the com
pany must be so on account of her ig
norance. The court did not accept
this view.
Forty Thousand Troops Drilled by
Foreigners Ready for Field.
PARIS The Figaro's correspond
ent in Berlin telegraphs that a Ger
man officer who has just arrived there
from Mancnuria says serious opera
tions in the far east will not be be
gun before the end of June. The
principal obstacle to Russian victory,
according to this officer, is the fact
that 40 000 Chinese troops, well
trained and with German and Japan
ese instructors, are menacing Russia's
lines of communication. Russia, with
the support of Germany, will protest
against this concentration of Chinese
According to the Tokio correspond
ent of the Petit PaIsienne official
confirmation has been received of the
destruction of the Russian torpedo
boat destroyer Skeri at Port Arthur
by the explosion of a submarine mine.
The correspondent says that the
mikado yesterday bade adieu to 495
officers who were leaving for the
Anarchists After Police.
ROME. Another anarchist outrage
was attempted, but the infernal ma
chine, which was placed on the win
dow sill of the residence of Police
Commissioner Binrt, was discovered
in time to prevent any damage being
done. The machine was id-ntical
the one which was exploded March
18 outside the residence of Commis
sioner of Police Laurent, and which
wrecked the- house, killed an artillery
officer. Major Papin, and fatally or
wounded half a dozen others.'
German Consul Gives Counsel.
YIN KOW The German consul
from Tien Tsin, at a meeting of Ger
man citizens, counselled all residents
of that nationality that they remained
at New Chwang at their own risk and
that in event of loss of property re
covery was doubtful; also that in the
event that Russia was defeated the
recovery of losses would only be after
a Ipng time, but if.Japan was defeated
recovery would be sooner. British
residents will protest against the ab
sence of a warship from New Chwang.
Death Pleases Officials.
WASHINGTON. Secretary Taft
and the officials of the War depart
ment openly express their gratifica
tion at the news of the death of Ma
cario Saky, the so-called president of
the Philippine republic. Saky secured
his freedom under the amnesty procla
mation and fled to the mountains with
a small forco of kindred spirits and
since has made considerable trouble
by attacking small villages and unpro
tected expeditions.
Ballantyne Again Acquitted.
MANILA. W. D. Ballantyne, ex
inspector of customs, has just been
acquitted by .Judge Ambler on a
charge of conspiracy to defraud the
customs by furthering the illegal en
ery of non-exempt Chinese. He was
tried upon a similar charge in January
last and acquitted.
President Will Touch Button.
WASHINGTON. Although Presi
dent Roosevelt cannot attend the
opening of the Louisiana Purchase ex
position, he nevertheless will be -a
participant in the exercises. He has
consented to press the button at the
White house which will start the ma
chinery of the exposition. This cere
mony will take place at 1 o'clock
(eastern standard time) on April 30.
The .deals have not been worked out
yet, but they will be in a few days.
The president probably will send mes
sage of congratulation.
Radium is Not a Cancer Cure.
NEW YORK. The radium treat
ment for cancer has been entirely
abandoned at the cancer hospital,
cables the Herald's corerspondent. It
was never viewed with much hop
there, and a few day3 ago the last
unsuccessful experiment with it took
place. Sixteen .cases have been un
der treatment, the longest period of
a single application having been three
hours, and the longest total time of
application having been about twenty
five hoars, and the only favorable re-'
suit was temporary cessation of pain.
Report that the Japanese Have Sunk
Seven Merchant Steamers in the
Harbor Demand in Connection
With Manchuria.
LONDON The Daily Telegraph
published a dispatch from its Tokio
correspondent, which says:
"On the night of March 22, the Jap
anese fleet renewed the 'attempt to
bottle up Port Arthur. Sixteen war
ships escorted seven merchant steam
ers to the mouth of the harbor and
under cover of the bombardment the
steamers were ran in and sunk in de-irad-
posltiona. -Taree hundred Jap
anese officers and bluejackets volun
teered for the duty. An official re
port is expected this evening."
The Daily. Telegraph's circumstan
tial report from the Tokio correspond
ent that Japan succeeeded in bottling
up Port Arthur on the night of March
11 is not confirmed from any other
quarter. The special despatches to
the other morning papers announce
no new developments, but throw a few
sidelights on the operations.
The Standard's Tien Tsin corre
spondent says that Viceroy Alexieff
renewed his demand for the with
drawal of all Chinese officers and sol
diers from Manchuria on the ground
that it would be impossible to conduct
the war properly.
The Daily Mail's correspondents
give from Japauese sources some de
tails of the condition of Port Arthur,
which were gathered during a recent
visit of a Chinese junk there. It is
asserted that a boom had been placed
across the entrance to the roadstead,
which was alive with mines, so de
fective and so carelessly laid as to
equally endanger both Russian and
Japanese vessels. The damaged Rus
sian warships, these reports say, were
repaired with such haste that it is
dangerous for them to leave their an
chorage. Eight battleships and cruis
ers and ten torpedo boat destroyers
are now uninjured and often leave the
harbor, but never go far from the
Japanese naval officers praise the
quality of the Russian torpedo boat
destroyers, which, they confess, have
done excellent work, but they declare
that the Russian shells are badly
fused and fail to explode, except when
they strike direct upon armor, and
that their charges of guncotton are in
sufficient to cause serious damage.
The Daily Mail's Shan Hai Kwan
correspondent says that the Japanese
are secretly engaging Chinese to act
as irregular corps.
Buffalo Bill" Testifies that His Wife
Tried to Poison Him.
DENVER. Colonel William F.
Cody ("Buffalo Bill") made a depo
sition before a notary in this city
Wednesday in the action for divorce'
which he has begun in Big Horn coun
ty, Wyoming. Colonel Cody will sail
for Europe shortly and will be absent
from the country when his suit is
tried. In the proceedings today Colo
nel Cody was interrogated by his own
attorney and was subjected to an ex
amination by counsel for Mrs. Cody.
"Mrs. Cody tried to poison me three
years ago," the colonel testified. "She
had frequently threatened to do it
We were visiting in Rochester, N. Y.,
during the holidays of 1900. and the
day after Christmas 1 was ill. I sup
posed the turkey and plum pudding
did not agree with me. She said she
would fix me up. She pretended to
give me medicine. It was poison. It
almost finished me for I was uncon
scious for some time. I think it must
have been an overdose, for it made
me vomit, and I suppose this saved
my life."
Colonel Cody related many in
stances of his wife's having humili
ated him at his "former home" in
North Platte by her conduct toward
Several Are Killed and Many Injured
at Indiana Harbor.
CHICAGO. One of the most se
vere storms this city has known in
years passed over Chicago Thursday
night. Great damage was done in the
suburbs to the south of the city, and
considerable loss wss sustained by the
people living to the north of the city
proper. The storm did not strike the
business portion in its greatest force.
The storm in the vicinity of Indiana
Harbor was one of the most severe
ever known there. Three people are
known to be dead, several are fatally
hurt, and at midnight several others
were reported missing and they may
be buried in the ruins of their homes.
A two-story brick building known
as the Barker building was blown
down and a number of people who had
sought shelter there were buried in
the ruins.
Remarkable Marksmanship.
WASHINGTON In a private letter
received at the navy department from
an officer on board the Kearsarge, the
following remarkable record made by
tuat battleship in her target practice,
just completed at Pensacola, is given:
One thirteen-inch gun made six hits
out of. seven shots in five minutes
and twenty seconds. An eight-inch
gun made ten hits out of ten shots
in five minutes and twenty seconds,
and a five-inch gun made eighteen
hits out of eighteen shots in two min
utes. Russian Towns Affiected by War.
RIGA, Russia. This district is feel
ing the effect of the war. The facto
ries are dismissing their employes
and the shopkeepers are refusing
credit. As a result there is consid
erable suffering.
Dietrich Introduces a Bill.
WASHINGTON. Senator Dietrich
introduced a bill to amend the home
stead laws so as to authorize the
leasing of public lands in Nebraska,
for grazing purposes.
President Schurman Talks ef Lawless
ness in the United States.
NEW YORK Iu an address at New
Rochelie President Schurman of Cor
nell university has discussed what he
considers the true elements of na
tional greatness and expressed the
truth that so far as physical power is
concerned our nation leaves almost
nothing to be desired. In referring to
our respect for law -and our regard
for the rights of others, however, he
"There has been in the last few
years more lawlessness than those liv
ing in the present generation can re
member. Lynching seems to go oat
apace. There are reasons given for
this, as a matter of course. Some say
it is because our children are not
taught religion in the schools: others
that it is due to the great immigra
tion to our shores. To me there
seems to be an entirely different rea
son for It. It Ir T tatnfc.due -ttr"sr
certain amount of race depreciation
I will not say race hatred, which some
how seems to be still very potent in
our blood. We still talk a great deal
of the superiority of the white race.
With an excess of passion, we still
talk of the inferiority of the people'
with dark skins. It appears that the
tiger is still in our blood and woe to
the man who stirs him up.
"We seems already to have forgot
ten some of the great principles for
which our fathers died and we have
become compelled to hear in the last
few years derisive remarks about the
Canal Commission Meets and Receives
Letter from President
WASHINGTON. Preliminary work
was begun by the Isthmian canal com
mission. The first full meeting of the
commission was held in the offices of
Admiral Walker, the chairman. The
session resolved itself into an informal
discussion of various features of the
preliminary work and of preparations
for (the first visit of the commission
to Panama. President Roosevelt en
tertained the members of the commis
sion and Secretary Taft at luncheon.
During the luncheon there was a gen
eral discussion of various phases of
the canal question.
General instructions to the members
of the commission were contained In
a letter from President Roosevelt to
the commission, under date of
March 8.
Rumor Regarding Russia's Vladivostok
PARIS The Echo De Paris corre
spondent at St. Petersburg says it is
rumored in naval circles there that
Captain Peitzenstein's Vladivostok
squadron has been ordered to overtake,
at a certain point on the Pacific, the
battleship and two cruisers bought
from Chili by Japaa and return with
them to Vladivostok.
The correspondent says it is ru
mored that Emperor William of Ger
many has refused to accept three cruis
ers built at Kiel and Stettin, on the
ground that they did not conform to
the terms of the contract, and that
Russia is negotiating for their pur
chase. The Russian general staff, the cor
respondent says, estimates that the
number of Japanese troops landed in
Korea does not exceed 75,000.
Several Officers at Port Arthur Suc
cumb to Strain of Bombardment
NEW YORK News has been re
ceived from Port Arthur that several
officers of the garrison, under the
strain caused by the bombardment,
have committed suicide, says a World
dispatch from Shanghai. The total
number of casualties in the town to
date is 25.
Marquis Ito has held a large recep
tion, which was attended by the for
eign legation officials, cables the Seoul
correspondent of the Times. He ex
pressed the belief that under Japan
ese guidance Corea will advance com
mercially and intellectually, it being
Japan's intention so to use its influ
ence that the Coreans will never re-
gret their connection with it. The
marquis will return to Japan March
Nationalists Win Victory.
DUBLIN. The nationalists in the
St. Stevens Green division of Dublin
elected Lawrence Waldron to fill the
vacancy in the House of Commons
caused by the death of James McCann
by a majority of 620 over the unionist
candidate. AVr. Waldron is a wealthy
stock Lroker. While he was not an
official nationalist candidate, he is
pledged to support home rule and the
proposal to establish a Catholic uni
versity in Dublin and to oopose the
present financial relations between
Ireland and Great Britain.
Death from Bubonic Plague.
JOHANNESBURG. Up to date the
total number of deaths from bubonic
plague is forty-two white and forty
colored persons.
' Coming to St. Louis Fair.
LONDON. A meeting of the com
mittee of arrangements for a visit of
the municipal officials of the United
Kingdom to St. Louis, of which Lord
Ciyveden is chairman, was held in the
chambers of the lords. Sir Thomas
Pile, mayor of Dublin, reported that
some hundreds of officials had applied
for particulars regarding the arrange
ments. The committee finally ap
proved the program. The party will
leave England May 1. and will visit
New York, Washington. St. Louis,
Toronto and other cities.
Single Statehood or None.
ROSWELL. N. M. The New Mex
ico Cattle Growers' association in
session here on Wednesday adopted a
resolution favoring a national leasing
law. The following single statehood
resolution was also adopted: W
are unalterably opposed to the union
of New Mexico with any other state
or territory. Union with Arizona is
noi'her desirable " nor practical and
we, the stock growers of New Mexico,
representing one-half of its taxable in
terests, stand for ringle statehood or
Brief Telegrams
A New York broker has obtained a
$12,500 verdict in a suit against Rus
sell Sage.
Leonard Wood is confirmed as a
major general in the Senate bv a vote
of 45 to 16.
W. H. Thompson has declined to be
a candidate for the Democratic nomi
nation for governor of Nebraska.
Senator Gibson introduced a bill to
repeal the desert land act and the
commutation of the homestead act-
The majority of the House subcom
mittee recommends the impeachment
of Judge Charles Swayne of Florida.
House committee on judiciary au
thorized a report on the limitations
statute leaving out the rest reactive
The British submarine boat was run
down by an ocean liner off Ports
SMMtki 9mk Its crew or eleven men
The Hob cub and two elephant tusks,
gifts of King Menelik to President
Roosevelt arrived In New York and
animal keepers have been sent to get
Secretary Taft informs the House
committee on interstate aad foreign
commerce that he favors the Loverlng
bill for governing the Panama Canal
I. N. Ford says mystery still sur
rounds the situation in the far East,
but it Is believed a general Japanese
advanci has been commenced Iu
Andrew Carnegie's gift of 150.000 to
Kenyoa college at Gambler, Ohio, la
said to be in recognition of Edwin M.
Stanton's kindness to Mr. Carnegie
years ago.
Reports that the Russians have
crossed the Yalue river on a raid of
Manchuria are confiremd. The Japan
ese await a batile on the south side
of the river. v
The bill making appropriations for
the Indian department shows a"groay
increase of $2,1 79.21:1 over the bill as
passed by the house: It now carries
a total appropriation or $9,821,405.
The Bavarian Courier of Munich
printed a dispatch from Rome saying
it is asserted In Vatican circles that an
agreement has been reached for the
establishment of a papal nunciature
in Berlin.
William E. Curtis writes of the
thousands that annually are slain in
India by snakes and wild beasts, and
tells of the crusade begun by the
government against the denizens of
the jungles.
The commissioner of the general
land office haw temporarily withdrawn
from entry under the reclamation act
two townships in The Dalles, Ore.,
land district and three townships in
the La Grande, Ore., district
Allen P. Lovejoy of Janesville, Wis.,
has just died. He leaves aa estate
valued at about $10,000,000 and was
the richest man in Wisconsin outside
of Milwaukee. His fortune was chief
ly accumulated in lumbering opera
tions. Acting Postmaster General Wynne
has received a report from Assistant
Superintendents Gould and Sawyer of
the salaries and allowance division,
recommending the consolidation of the
East St. Louis stock yards station with
the East St Louis office.
The House committee on elections
reports that A. D. Dantzler, a negro of
Iouuiu VaruuuB, whs nui viecieu ur
Congress, but ignores his plea that the
southern election laws are unconsti
tutional, on the ground that a ruling
would cause wide complication.
It Is said at the State department
chat instructions were sent Saturday
to Ambassador Motention at St.
Petersburg to call the attention of the
Russian government to the condition
Df the Japanese in Siberia in the hope
that the government will do all In its
ppower to enable them to return to
The house committee on industrial
arts and expositions adopted a com
plete substitute for the senate bill,
making an appropriation for the Lewis
and Clark exposition to be held at
Portland, Ore., beginning May 1, 1905.
The bill as reported by the house com
mittee reduces the appropriation to
The resignation of Major Seely, con
servative member of parliament for
the Isle of Wight division of Hamp
shire, which he announced in the
house of commons during the debate
on the liberal motion to cesure the
government for its policy regarding
the importation of coolie labor into
South Africa, is final.
Governor Carter of Honolulu has
called an extra session of the legisla
ture to meet on April 4 to consider
the finances of the treasury, which is
unable to meet the warrants drawn
upon it. For the present fiscal year
the appropriations exceed the income
by $1,500,000. The reorganization of
the territorial government on a less
expensive basis is now proposed.
A Manila dispatch says that the dat
to. Hansen, who wounded Major H. L.
Scott during an engagement in Jolo
in November last, has been killed by
pursuing troops. Everything is peace
ful now, with no opposition of any
kind to the American rule in the island
Df Jolo.
The Maryland senate has passed the
bill appropriating $23,000 to relieve the
destitution caused by the Baltimore
The consolidation of the Colonial
National and Union National banks of
Cleveland has been ratified by the
The senate on the 22d confirmed all
the array nominations held up pending
action on the nomination of General
Leonard Wood.
A Hearst club with 600 members
has been organized at La Salle, 111.,
by State Committeeman T. N. Haskli,
and Editor J. G. Doyle.
The Connecticut Republican state
central committee has issued a call
Tor the state convention to meet in
New Haven May 10 and 11.
The Paris chamber of deputies
adopted the socialist proposition to de
vote a week each month to the con
sideration of workingmen's legislation.
ft was not supposed that gum-ciiew-iaa;
had a use' till Minnesota recently
fanad it would soothe the insane. It
was supposed that Vermont would
furnish always the sprues of a nation,
ovt now it is found that the pulp mills
are chewing up all her trees. Here if
a palpable hitch in the economy of the
JBWurifl& J