The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 23, 1904, Image 1

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The Old
is the best thing we g
have to offer. Other
Inducements are of
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ance. Upon this bo- g
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your business.
Columbus :
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Ctffio and Mddtic
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All Vessels on the dutside Keep Up
Steam for Emergency Believed
that Vice Admiral Makaroff Wiil
Adopt th. Offensive.
LONDON A corresiKindpnt of the
Daily Mail at New Chwang says that
after the removal of the battleship
Retvizan four Russian steamers, the
Harbin, the Hailar, the Ninsuta ami
the Sungari. were anchored ai tlie
mouth of the entrance to Port Arthur
in proper w.sition and sunk. leaving
only a small channel available. Vice
Admiral Makaroff having previously
ordered tne whole fleet to remain out
side with steam up. economy of coal
being unnecessary.
This dispatch, which is prominently
displayed by the Daily Mail, and
which the correspondent says is "on
Russian information." is. if true, news
of the first importance, confirming the
idea that Vice Admiral Makaroff will
adopt the offensive and make a des
perate attempt to bring together Rus
sia's scattered naval forces and en
deavor to inflict damage upon the
Japanese navy.
m F BaW LncBnunnnnm. m V J"'J';?ygy "mTaj ,' Vtfc
Admiral l(iu is, according to the best obtainable information, in com.
mand of the Japanese squadron which bombarded Vladivostok and is
searching for the Russian squadron cemmanded by Capt. Reitzenstein, if it
has not already met and destroyed it, as reported. Admiral Uriu is a
graduate of the United States naval academy and his wife was graduated
from Vassar.
The story must, however, be view
ed cautiously, the only approach to
confirmation from any other quarter
being in a dispatch from the corre
spondent of the Daily Telegraph at
Yin Kow. whicli says: "Vicp Admiral
Makaroff has issued orders that the
saving of coal is unnecessary, but the
big gun ammunition in the fort must
not be wasted. Evidently the ammu
nition is running short."
There is no other news to hand on
the subject.
The Daily Telegraph's Tokio corre
spondenl sends an unofficial rumor
that the Japanese have occupied
It is remarked that the British
newspapers all regard Vice Admiral
Togo's report that he has laid mines
at Port Arthur as a mere bluff and
they say that such a feat would be
im possible under fire.
The Daily Mail thinks that If Vice
Admiral Makaroff closed the channel
it was in order to prevent the in
gress of Japanese torpedo boat de
stroyers, as was done at Wei Hai Wei
during the Chino-Japanese war.
-It is a subject of unceasing remark
and conjecture that nothing has been
heard of the Vladivostok squadron,
and it is beginning to be believed that
it is really inside the harbor of Vladi
vostok. The Standard's Tokio correspond
ent says that according to a dispatch
from General San the Russians are
believed to be withdraving.from the
northwest frontier of Korea and con
centrating at Vladivostok.
Seligman Gets Five Years.
DES MOINES. Max Seligman. a
clever insurance swindler, who de
frauded the Equitable Life Insurance
company out of several thousand dol
lars by false representation in secur
ing notes which the company cashed,
was sentedced to five years' impris
onment. Would Protect Chinese Railway. '
TIEN TSIN. The British consul i
aere has filed a protest with Sir Er-J
nest Satow, the British minister at'
Peking, against the projected aban-
donment of New Chwang end of the!
Chinese railway by its directors and)
the management in Great Britain.
The reasons given by the consul for
bis action are that the British gov
trrjment had previously made known
its intention of protecting m the road
and also that its abandonment at
this time means the probability of its
destruction by the Russians.
Russians Lost Sixty-five.
TIEN TSIN. Information from an
official who was an eye witness to
the bombardment of Port Arthur on
Wednesday and Thursday is to the
effect that the Russians had twenty
five killed on the battleship Sebasto
pol. twenty on the Retvizan and
twenty in the town. The Russians
assert that their damaged cruisers
bare bees repaired and are against
ready for sea. The battleship Czare
vitch will be ready in a few days.
There is iio dock here capable of tali- j
ins la the Retvizan. !
Order Regarding Payment Under the
1880 Act.
Pensions Ware, with the approval of
WASHINGTON. Commissioner of
Secretary Hitchcock, has issued an
order making the following change in
pension rating:
In the adjudication of ' pension
claims under the act of June 27, 1890,
as amended, it shall be taken and con
sidered as an evidential fact, if the
contrary docs, not appear, and if all
other legal requirements are prop
erly met that when a claimant has
passed the age of 62 years he is lis
abled onc-na.f in ability to perform
manual labor ami is entitled to be
rated at (! per month: after 3 years
at $8 per month, after G8 years at $10
per month, and after 70 years at $12
per month. Allowance at higher rate,
not exceeding $12 per month, will con
tinue to be made as heretofore, where
disabilities other than age- show a
condition of inability to perform man
ual labor.
This order shall take effect April
1", 1904, and shall not be deemed ret
roactive. The former, rules of the office fixing
the maximum and minimum years at
73 years, respectively, are hereby mod
ified as above.
Committee Sees Private Report.
The special committee of the house
on the postoflice report has, it is said.
received the report known as "Exhibit
Q." This document has never been
made public and the feeling created
among members by the thorough man
ner in whicli the special committee
is dealing with the task assigned it,
is growing somewhat intense.
Revelations of "new deals" are hint
ed at in the cloak rooms. In the mean
while the special committee is car
rying on its work behind closed doors.
An all-day session was held today.
May Grade Consular Service.
Senator Lodge was authorized by
the senate committee on foreign rela
tions to make a favorable report on
his bill to grade the consular service.
The bill was materially amended and
as approved iy the committee pro
vides that vice consuls may be ap
pointed to perform the present duties
of consular agents and that the latter
grade shall cease. Provision is made
that there shall not be more than two
consul generals of the first class at
$2,000 per annum; eight consul gener
als of the second class, at $8,000; thir
teen consul generals of the third class,
at 16,000. and thirteen of the fourth
class, at $5,500 eac:. There will be
thirty-seven consuls of the first class,
at $5,000; thirty-five of the second
class, at $4,000: sixty of tne third
class, at $:i.O00; forty of the fourth
class, at $2,500; thirty of the fifth
class, at $2,000, and fifty of the sixth
class, at $1,800 each per annum. The
bill regulates all fees, official or unoffi
cial, and provides for the performance
of notarial acts.
No Nursery at the Fair.
ST. LOUIS. Announcement was
made Monday that the board of lady
managers of the World's fair had de
cided to abandon the project of estab
lishing a model day nursery at the ex
position to care for the infants of
visitors. The cost was estimated at
$50,000' and it was decided not to ex
pend that amount.
Russian Captain is Shot.
NEW YORK A telegram from
Lemberg. forwarded by the London
Times correspondent at Vienna, scys
that Captain Leontieff. of the Russian
general staff, has been arrested at
Warsaw for having sold to a foreign
power a list of the secret agents
maintained by the Russian general
staff in the frontier districts of Rus
sia, on the west. The discovery was
made through the delivery of a
money order to another person of the
same name. Leontieff is reported to
have been shot.
Engineer Receives Honors.
TOKIO Engineer Minamisawa, the
heroic officer of the torpedo boat de
stroyer Kasumi. has been honored for
his gallantry. He has, been given the
order or the Kyte. the order of the
Rising Sun, and promoted from engi
neer to chief engineer. The order of
the Kyte is the Japanese equivalent
of the British Victoria cross and the
American medal of honor. Chief En.
rneer Minamisawa is the first to
whom the Kyte has been awarded for
heroism in war. It is improbable that
lie will survive bis wounds.
Evil Effects of the Great Combinations
Recited Means Al.eady Existing te
Curb Trusts Ought to Be Rigidly En
forced. WASHINGTON, D. C Representa
tive Hearst of New York on Friday in
troduced resolutions providing for an
investigation of the trust Question by
a committee of five members of the
house. The resolutions contain ten
clauses, reciting the evil effects of
trusts oh the country, among them be
ing the following: .
"Numerous illegal combinations
known as trusts have been formed to
absorb or eliminate competition and
establish virtual monopolies with a
view to controlling production and
raising the price of their products.
"Such extortionate trusts as the
beef trust and the coal trust and the
ice trust have arbitrarily increased the
cost of the necessities of life to the
"Such specuative trusts as the ship
yards and the steel tmst have inflated
their stock to many times its actual
values and sold to the public, transfer
ing the people's money from banks and
legitimate Investments into the pock
ets of trust promoters and speculators.
"Industrial unrest has been foment
ed by the increased cost of living and
by the consequent necessary efforts of
labor to make its wages keep pace
with the Increased cost of living.
"Such trusts as the steel trust, in
spite of the increased cost of living,
have ruthlessly cut down the wages of
hundreds of thousands of employes in
order to pay dividends on watered
stock, and other trusts have wholly
collapsed, throwing hundreds of thou
sands of workmen out of exployment.
"The' purchasing power of the com
munity has been diminished by the ac
tions of the trusts by unsound methods,
which have misled the people, swin
dled them and robbed them of their
"All classes of the community are
being made to feel the evil effect of
of the unrestrained greed and lawless
practices of the trusts."
The committee is directed to inform
the house fully on the trust situation,
to the end that more effective laws
may be prepared and passed by con
gress, regulating and restrictly com
binations. The committee is empow
ered to send for persons and papers.
An additional resolution states that
"It is the sense of this house, and it
does recommend, that the laws al
ready existing against the trusts be
in the meanwhile enforced by the ex
ecutive branch of this government and
the legal representatives thereof."
The resolutions were referred to the
committee on rules.
Information Asked Regarding Recent
Pension Order.
WASHINGTON. The senate adopt
ed the foUowing resolution offered
by Mr. Overman:
"That the secretary of the interior
be and he is hereby directed to inform
the senate:
"First Whether an order has re
cently been issued enlarging the pen
sion act of June 27, 1890. and amend
ments, as to disabilities of applicants
for pensions, and if so to send to the
senate a copy of said order.
"Second By what amount, if any,
will said order increase pensions annu
ally, particularly when the same shall
become fully operative."
The senate passed the house bill
approving the act of the territorial
legislature of Arizona authorizing a
bond issue or $100,000 for the enlarge
ment of the insane asylum of the ter
ritory. The bill authorizing the incorpora
tion of the American academy in
Rome was passed. The senate then
went into executive session and later
adjourned until Monday.
Bill Introduced in the House Fixing
WASHINGTON. Two bills were
nitrodttced by Representative Birdsall
of Iowa. One authorizes the post
master general to allow to postmas
ters in third-class offices, out of the
surplus revenue of the respective
offices, an amount for clerk hire in
addition to allowance for "separat
ing service," as follows:
In offices where the salary of the
postmaster is $1,900, $600; where the
salary is $1,800, $500; where the sal
ary is $1,700. $400; and where the
salary is $1.C00. $300.
The other bill authorizes the post
master general to designate offices at
the intersection of mail routes as
distributing or separating offices, and
making reasonable 'allowances for
clerk hire for this work.
Miner's Vote to Acceot Scale.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. The tellers
completed canvassing the miners' vote
this afternoon. Total vote cast 165,
887. For accepting the scale, 98,514;
against the scale and in favor of a
strike. 67,373. Majority against a
strike, 31,141. Secretary Wilson of
the United Mine Workers said a meet
ing of the joint tgjiscale committee
would in all probability be called for
Indianapolis next Monday, when the
scale would be signed for two years
and arrangements made to meet in
joint convention two years hence,
A Change to Take Place In Office af
U. S. District Attorney.
WASHINGTON Williamson S.
Bummers, United States district attor
ney for Nebraska, it Is said. Is slated
to lose his official position within a
abort time, The president is said to
have given assurances to that effect
to Senator Dietrich and Edward Rote
water. The removal will not take
place until after the senate commit
tee shall have concluded the Dietrich
investigation and had its report acted
ppon by the senate. Harry G- LJadsar
Will probably be Summers' successor.
la for the Benefit of All Legitimate
WASHINGTON The attorney gen
era!, being asked concerning; the mer
ger decision, said:
"My views of the decision cannot
be better expressed than in the lan
guage of one of the best known rail
road presidents in the United 8tates
upon the decision in favor of the
'government by the court below. He
said: 'The decision is sound law,
good and for the benefit of all legiti
mate interests and for the country's
welfare, and it voices the judgment
of probably nine-tenliis of the most
conservative business men of the
i "As to the bearing upon other rail"
roads, I have this to say: The gov
i ernment- has never claimed that the
law is any broader than its language
plainly indicates.
"During the trial and argument
the government paid no heed to the
defendant's contention . that, the
makeup of substantially ail the great
American systems of railroads was on
trial. The government's position was
tnen, tnat tne question before tne
court 'was as to the validity of the
Northern Securities device."
Why He Failed te Callven President
Morales at San Deminge.
WASHINGTON. Admiral Dewey,
who with, several members of the
general staff and Assistant Secretary
Loomis of the State department, are
now at Havana, has teleggraphed the
Navy department the reasons why he
failed to Call on President Morrles
of San Domingo when the party were
in San Domingo waters several days
ago." The failure to visit caused con
siderable surprise at the time. It ap
pears that there was fighting n prog
ress in the vicinity on the dav the
party was there and for that reason
the admiral did not deem it advisable
to make an official visit. During the
forenoon there were several casual
ties in San Domingo city from the
fighting then in progress. This was
caused from shots crossing the river,
through which the boat must pass,
and as more fighting was expected
during the afternoon the admiral
gave up the projected visit. The ad
miral, however, sent his respects to
President Morales by United States
Minister Powell.
Hill Saya They Would as Seen Go to
Mars or the Moen.
NEW YORK. In regard to the re
port that i he Northern Securities com
of Canada was to be the successor
of the Northern Securities company
of the United States, President Hill
was quoted as saying:
"We have as much notion of incor
porating a company in Mars or the
moon as in Canada. We intend to
conform to the law."
Later James J. Hill gave out the
"Until the full official copies of the
opinions and decree of the supreme
court have been receivedf and our
attorneys have had an opportunity
to advise us as to our course of pro
cedure, the officers of the company
can make no further announcement
than to declare their purpose to
promptly and fully follow the law as
now interpreted."
No Change in U. 9. District Attorney
at Present.
WASHINGTON. While at the
White house Senator Millard talked
to the president about the case of Wil
liamson S. Summers, United States
attorney for Nebraska, whose re
moval from office it is said, has been
promised by the president to Edward
Rosewater of Omaha and Senator
Dietrich of Nebraska. Senator Mil
lard put the matter to the president
in such a way that no change will be
made in the office for some time at
least, and Summers will remain where
he is until Senator Millard Is fully
agreed that he ought to be succeeded
by someone else. Senator Millard has
not yet reached the point of assent
to this proposition.
It is said there is no question that
Summers will eventually fail of reap
pointment, but the president will not
care to hasten his removal until Sen
ator Millard is willing.
As te Lieu Land Entries.
The house committee on public
lands agreed to amendments which it
will recommend to the bill reported
to the house January 21 prohibiting
the selection of timber lands in lieu
of land in forest reserves. The amend
ments agreed upon allow owners of
lands In forest reserves, which lands
have not been denuded of timber, to
exchange the same for other vacant
surveyed unmineral lands subject to
homestead entries. The purpose of
the bill is to prevent persons rrho have
acquired timber lands and denuded
the same from exchanging such lands
for valuable timbered lands elsewhere.
The' amendment prevents an injustice
to persons who have not denuded their
holdings In forest reserves.
Russia Warns the Chinese.
LONDON. The Standard's Tien
Tsin corespondent says that Paul Les
sar, Russian minister to China, has
renewed his protest against the dis
patch of Chinese forces outside the
great wall and baa intimated that un
less they are withdrawn Russia may
be compelled to act on the assumption
tbat China is abandoning' her neutral
ity. The minister is also reported
to have renewed his threat that on
the slightest movement on China's
part Russian troops will march on
Civil Service in the Philippine.
WASHINGTON, The president has
issued an executive order applying
civil service rules to the service of
the war department in the Philippines
and also classifying employes in that
service specially commended.
Graver ia Sixty-Seven.
PRINCETON. N. J. Grover Cleve
land quietly observed his 7th birth
day at-home. There was no celebra
tion except that he received some of
his most intimate Princeton friends,
who calledd to offer congratulations.
Russian Beat is Completely Wrecked
by the Marine Bomb Damage is
Being Dene by Bombardment of Pert
CHE FOO. Whi!e entering Port Ar
thur the Russian torpedo boat destroy
er Skorri struck uimu an unplaced
mine and was blo-rn up. Four of the
crew were saved.
Viceroy Alexleff wires a report con
firming our account of the damage
done to Port Arthur during the bom
bardment of March 10. He says the
story of a fire there is "a base fabrica
tion." The United States cruiser Cincin-'
nati arrived at 5 p. m. from Chemulpo,
reports everything quiet, with no
news from the front. At the request
of Minister Allen the cruiser brought
two former Corean officers, who had
left Corea in consequence of their
friendship for Russia.
Warnings have been received here
confirming previous reports to the ef
fect that the Russians have laid
mines along the Laio Tung peninsula
and tbat neutral vessels are obliged
to show their colors five bilometers off
shore and await a Russian pilot.
NEW. YORK. Three Norwegian
steamers the Brand, Argo and Selre
stad, released a few days ago by the
authorities at Port Arthur, have ar
rived at Shanghai, according to a
World dispatch from that city The
captains, who were put uuder oath by
the Russians to reveal nothing they
saw. refuse to speak of affairs at Port
Arthur, but the correspondent asserts
that members of the crews willingly
told what they know. During the bom
bardment last Sunday the Argo lay
alongside the battleship Retvizan in
the harbor, and one of the Norwegians
confirmed reports to the effect that a
Japanese shell fell on the Retvizan's
deck, where it exploded, killing nine
teen officers and men.
Scarcely a residence in the new part
of the town escaped damage. Many
of the inhabitants attempted to con
struct rude i bombproof shelters. One
shell fell among a crowd1 of sightseers,
who gathered at a point of vantage
and were gazing out to sea at the at
tacking fleet. The shell killed twenty-five.
Three government clerks were killed
while hurrying from the port admiral's
A cruiser lying at anchor a cable's
length from the Retvizan. probably
the Diana, was struck on te water
line and set on fire. The sailors de
clare that eighty persons on board
The supply of food in Port Arthur
is still sufficient for the needs of the
garrison, but it is entirely under the
control of the military authorities, who
issue daily rations.
People Send Messages Showing Pleas
ure Over the Merger Jurors.
WASHINGTON Messages of con
gratulation from all parts of the coun
try are being delivered to President
Roosevelt by telegraph, by mail and
in person on the supreme court's de
cision in the Northern Securities case.
President Roosevelt personally con
gratulated Attorney General Knox
Tuesday after the announcement of
the decision ami at the cabinet meet
ing be renewed his congratulations to
Mr. Knox. In his cordial expressions
he was joined by the attorney gen
eral's fellow cabinet members.
The attorney general, just before the
cabinet meeting, declined to Indicate
what action, if any. he might take in
the future in following tip the su
preme court's decision. He would not
say whether he bad formed any plans
looking to prosecutions of further ac
tions under the Sherman anti-trust act
or not. Thus far he has not had op
portunity thoroughly to digest the deci
sion of the court and until be has
considered it carefully he will not de
termine, much less indicate, what fu
ture action he make take.
Money for the Lewis and Clarke Ex
position. WASHINGTON The house com
mittee on industrial arts and exposi
tions considered in an all-day session
the report of its sub-committee on the
senate hill appropriating $1,750,000
toward the Lewis and Clarke exposi
tion to be held at Portland. Ore.
The sub-committee cuts the appro
priation to $200,000 for a government
exhibit; $225.000 ' for government
buildings; $25,000 for an Alaskan ex
hibit; $25,000 for a Philippine exhibit,
and authorizes the coinage of. 250.000
souvenir dollars. These dollars are to
sell at $2 each and the profit will go
to the exhibition company. The full
committee will consider the bill again
Russia Looking fer Contraband.
PORT SAID, Egypt. The Russian
armored cruiser Dimitri Doaskoi is
visible from this port patroliag in
search of vessels carrying contra
band of war. It mistook the Italian
armored cruiser Marco Polo for a
merchantman and stopped It by firing
a blank cartridge across Its bows.
On discovering its mistake the Dimi
tri signaled apology. The Donskol
stopped the Norwegian steamer
Standard this morning. It is said that
the Standard was within the three
mile limit.
Supplies fer Russian Wounded.
PARIS M. Nelidoff, son of the Rua
sian ambassador to France, has gone
to 8t. Petersburg, taking a large
quantity oz supplies for the Russian
wounded presented by the French
women's organizations. The latter
are also sending a complete equip
ment for a field hospital of 100 beds
These organizations are giving fetes
throughout trance, that at Cannes
under the patronage of Grand Duke
Michael and Prince Segre Galitzin
yielding a large sum
The Fortification Measure Has
WASHINGTON The senate pass
ed the fortification appropriation bill
Tuesaay after a three hours' discus
sion of the amendment authorizing
the purchase of an experimental tor
pedo boat and the provision for the
purchase of sites of defense works in
tha Hawaiian islands. The torpedo
boat provision wan stubbornly fonht,
but the amendment suggested by the
committee on appropriations was re
fined. The Hawaiian provision,
which had' been eliminated by the
committee, was restored and the sum
increaseil from $200,000. as fixed by the
house, to $526,100. Several other
bills were passed. One of, these ap
propriates $1,000,000 for a public
building at Atlanta, Ga.
in respoase to a request from Mr.
Ixdgc. Mr. Perkins explained the rea
sons which actuated the committee
in striking out the house provision
of the bill, appropriating .1300.009 for
the purchase of sites for defease of
the Hawaiian islands saying that the
committee's kction had been due to
the fact that the government had no
option on land for thfs purpose, which
might have the effect of placing the
government at the mercy of real es
tate owners. He also said the
amount named was not sufficient.
Mr. Spooner and Mr. Foraker took
the position that on account of the
outlying position of Hawaii, the Uni
ted States should be prompt in pro
viding for its protection, and Mr. Per
kins said he was willing, if a sum
sufficient to accomplish the purpose
sought could be secured. In accord
ance with Mr. Perkins' suggestion.
r. Spooner offered an amendment
appropriating $526,100. instead of
$200,000. This amendment was ac
cepted without division.
By common consent the senate re
sumed consideration of the torpedo
amendment, and Mr. Gailinger offer
ed a substitute, providing for compe
tuion, insuring a vessel of the type
desired. The amendment wA defeat
ed. 17 to 36.
The fortifications bill as amended
was then passed and the senate went
into executive session.
Court Holds the Northern Sccuritiea
Company a Trust.
WASHINGTON. In the United
States supreme court Monday an
opinion was delivered in the merger
case of the United States against the
Northern Securities company in favor
of the govenrment's contention that
the merger was illegal. The opinion
of the court was handed down by Jus
tice Harlan, and it upheld the decree
of the circuit court for the district of
Minnesota in every particular. Four
of the justices dissented from the five
constituting the majority.
The division in the conn was due
to a difference of opinion as to the
right of the federal control of the
state corporations. The majority
opinion holds that congress- has a
right under the constitution to con
trol interstate commerce, no matter
by whom conducted, while the minor
ity of the dissenting opinion was based
on the theory tbat in the present
case the effort is to regulate the own
ership and is not interstate traffic.
An effort was made by the court
to prevent the knowledge of the fact
that the opinion was to be rendered
Monday from getting to the public,
but, nevertheless, it was quite gen
erally understood among attorneys
and others for an hour or so before
the convening of court Monday that
tno decision would be announced.
When, therefore, the members of the
court filed into the chamber at noon
they were met by an expectant crowd,
which filled every seat, both inside
and outside the bar.
Investigating Effect of Chilled or
Frozen Meat.
LONDON. The question was raised
in the house of commons toda
whether chilled or frozen meat baa
any injurious effect on consumers,
and especially whether such meat
contributes to the increasing number
of cases of cancer in the United
President Long of the local gov
ernment board said that white he had
no information to the above effect.
he thought the matter might prop t
erly be referred to the royal commis
sion of inquiry into the causes of
cancer, which is now sitting.
Propose to Make Two States Out of
Four Territories.
WASHINGTON. The statehood
problem was takec up by the sub
committee of the house committee on
territories, recently appointed to draft
statehood bills for Arizona, New Mex
ico and Oklahoma and Indian Terr!
tory. The bill making a state of the
first two was practically completed.
The difficulty of adjusting the taxa
tion and other questions with regard
to the admission of Oklahoma and
Indian Territory as a state are next tc
be taken up.
Lining Up for the Fray.
WASHINGTON A call was issued
for a caucus by the republican mem
bers of the senate and house, to be
held In the hall of the bouse Monday
evening next at 8 o'clock to elect
members of the national republicar
campaign committee.
Three to One Against Strike.
SEELEVVILLE. Ind. The seven lo
cal unions in this vicinity Tuesday
voted against going on a strike. The
majority against striking is estimated
at? three to one.
The Service Fension Bill.
WASHINGTON That action on
the service pension bill will not be
taken during the present session of
congress is practically the decision
reached by the leaders or both
ftepert Net Confirmed.
SEOUL Persistent reports are cur
rent to the effect tbat the Russians
have burned and evacuated Port Ar
thur and Dalny and are retiring up
'he peninsula.
Brief Telegrams
At Rome twin, were recently bora
to a couple, both of whom are over 70.
By-products of. oil refineries are ex
pected to make excellent fuel for
An engineer, fireman and brakeman
were killed in a collision between
Canadian Pacific and Boston A Maine
freight trains near leanoxville.
Illinois rural carriers send many
letters to Senator Cullom seeking In-,
creases ia pay and protesting against
their agency rights-being taken away.
Assaults of citizens and intimida
tion or voters at .the democratic pri
maries at- Si. .Louis are being made
subjects of an investigation by the
grand jury.
Bulgaria aad Turkey have entered
into an agreement by the which the
porte promises aa extension of re
forms, which virtually meaaa peace
for the Balkan states.
The new grand jury, which baa
been holding sessions at Milwaukee
for six weeks past investigating city
and county alleged Irregularities, re
turned a number of indictments.
The transport Sheridan sailed from
Manila for San Francisco with 59
enlisted men of the Eleventh cavalry
and a battalion of Philippine scout. .
bound for the St. Louis exposition.
The report from New Chwang that -'-four
Russian steamers have been
sunk at the entrance to Port Arthur
after the removal of the battleship
Retvizan, is authoritatively denied.
Reac Admiral Walker told the
house committee on interstate aad
foreign commerce- tbat he expects .
work will be commenced on the Pan
ama canal within two or three
E. B. Critchlow. formerly assistant
United States attorney for Utah, tes
tified tbat the Mormon church uses
ostracism to enforce nbsolnte obe
dience in all things, business and po
litical. An autograph letter from Thomas
Jefferson, written 100 years ago to the
Indians of the louisiana Purchase,
has recently been unearthed from the
archives or the Sac and Fox Indians
in Oklahoma.
Prof. Frank Tbilly, Ph. D.. of the
University of Missouri, has been
elected Stuart professor of psychol
ogy at the meetiBg of the trustees of
Princeton university, in place of Prof.
J. Mark Baldwin.
A Iondon paper says that in tae
matter of clothes the House of Com
mons is the most correct assembly
of legislators in the world, nnd the
American House of Representatives
the most astonishing.
Captain Robert Smith, widely
known as commander or the whale
back passenger steamer Christopher
Columbus, is dead as the Chicago hos
pital as the result or aa operation
for the removal of aa exophtbalmio
The executive committee of the
woman'a republican stnte ceatral
committee has called a state conven
tion of republican women to be held
at Springfield. 111.. May 11. the day
preceding the republican state convention.
First Lieatenant Arthur G. Harpley
of the Twelfth cavalry, having been
tried by n general court-martial at
Maaila aad found guilty of serioun
charges affecting bin moral character,
has been sentenced to dismissal from
the army.
The German branch of the Evan
gellstical alliance protests against the
readmission of the Jesuits to Ger
many. The alliance points out tbac
Protestant bodies all over Germany
have passed sctrong resolutions
against the step.
Prof. Oscar Lovell Triggs, whose
radical ideas are said to have cost
him his position at the university of
Chicago, took a parting shot in the
March number of the Ph'IIstlne. The
tendency of the modern college is
criticized severely.
Herman Remert, farmer, living near
Heizer. Kas., while temporarily in
sane, killed his wife and then him
self. While Mrs. Remert was pre
paring a meal, Remert stepped up to x
her without warning aad fired a bul
let into her temple.
Invitations have bee sent to. rifle
men in the United States and various
foreign countries requesting the ap
pointment of teams to participate ia
the match for the Palma trophy,
which represents the military team
championship of the world.
The Maryland bouse of delegate?,
by a party vote oi 64 to 2i has passed
the bill proposing a constitutional
amendment limiting the franchise' in
Maryland the purpose of which Is to
eliminate the negro vote. The mea
sure has passed the senate and now
goes to Governor Warleld for bis
The University of Viennn has been
closed in consequence of threats of
disturbances among the students. The
German students were much incensed
at the demonstration of the Czechs
against their German comrades ar
Prague, Bohemia, and threatened re
taliation. Lucien W. Perkins, a machinist
who escaped from the insane asylum
at Elgin. 111., and who followed Miss
Auten, daughter of n Chicago' capital
ist, across the continent in nn effort
to renew his unwelcome attentions to
her, has been adjudged insnne in the
probate court, at Los Angeles.
Public Printer Palmer indicates to
the house committee on appropria
tions tbat he will introduce linotypes
in th government printing offices
this year.
The plant or the Maritime nail '
works at St. John, N. B.. was burned
with a loss estimated at $50,000.
.Rev. Wilber F. Crafts is accused
of a deliberate falsehood by Repre
sentative Jenkins of Wisconsin dur
ing a bearing on the original pack
age bill.
Income tax bas been introduced for
the first time in Montenegro, ard la
causing much discontent.
A scientist comes forward wtth tba
statement that calves really prefer
milk treated with formalin to the pur
article. Scientists aad calves are we
epme to their opinions, so long as
they don't meddle with the babies.
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