-SP'fTrf "5 ??"', "BUjif r " T""." ' Vr-5??55? Stf'IWWt' " " w"i ""' ;f ,. " - - - v v " 1 "--' I-:' I6" - .. U- .: p : - WITH li&kI Ainms The Faded Tintype. Beneath the weisht of many years his aged back was bent. ..- But from his gentle big bine ee3 there shne a Hht that lent A radiance to his old face, and as a seai he took . , . He glanced about him with a smue then nought his pocketbook. And everyone who gazed his way Wished that his car fare they might Py For that one cheery look. His clothc. though old and worn, were clean and iatched with loving care. His trembling hands In home-made gloves: the well-combed fringe or Beneath hi almost furless cap all told or. someone who ..,, Lo-ed tills old man as much as wncn life's partnership was new. A moment more and lie unwound The string with which his purse was bound , And brought his wealth to view. A scrap of clolh. a pencil small, a key and next a dime And then he stopped: in happy thougnts he seemed lost for a time: A faded tintype, that was all a sweet old woman's face. And yet Iw kissed it softly ere he put it back In place. . And then we knew what made his me So happy just a faithful wife Gave his old :ige its erace. Cincinnati Times-Star. Gen. McClellan for Peace. The- Baltimore Sun of Jan. 11 says that the following communication, ad" dressed to a gentleman in Baltimore, makes a very interesting contribution to the political history of the civil war. to the effect that Gen. McClellan in 1862 sought an interview with Gen. l-e with the supposed purpose of making peace over the heads of the governments at Washington and Rich mond: Bishop's House, 222 East Harris Street, Savannah, Ga., Jan. 3. 1862. My Dear Friend: Your letter of the 1st inst to hand. My recollection of the conversation to which you refer is clear. Gen. Longstreet told me more than once that immediately after the battle at Sharpsburg, or Antietatn. while he was in Gen. Lee's tent, the genereal handed him a letter which he bad just received from Gen. McClellan, the commander of the Federal armies. Gen. Ijee gave Gen. longstreet a copy of the letter aud asked him to give it his serious attention, and on the fol lowing morning advise him (Gen. Lee) what he ought to do in the mat ter. The letter from Gen. McClellan -proposed an interview between him self and Gen. Lee. Gen. Lougstreet said to mc: "I told Gen. Lee that in my judgment there was no other con struction to be placed on it save one, and that was that Gen. McClellan wanted to end the war then and there." Gen. Lee said: "That idea occurs to me also, but President Davis, and not Gen. Lee, is the one to whom such a message must be sent." Gen. Longstreet took the letter to his own quarters, where he found Gen. T. It. Cobb of this state. He gave it to Gen. Cobb, pledging him u observe secrecy with regard to it. but not saying a word as to the construc tion be placed on it. After reading the letter attentively Gen. Cobb said there was no doubt in his mind that Gen. McClellan wanted Gen. Lee to help in the restoration of the Union by marching to Washing ton with the combined forces. Gen. Longstreet told me of the circum stances more than once, and always added that he thoroughly coincided in Gen. Cobb's views, but that Gen. Lee. for the reason stated, declined to meet Gen. McClellan. The copy which Gen. Lee gave Gen. longstreet was sent after the war to Col. Marshall. I tried to get it from Col. Marshall, who told me he had mislaid and could never find it. I do not know, of course, what became of the original letter. I forgot to say that Gen. Longstreet strongly advised Gen. Lee to meet Gen. McClellan in order that he might know definitely what McClellan wanted. i have this moment heard of Long streets death Saturday at Gainesville. He often came to visit me when I lived in Atlanta, and we often talked of the war and its sequel. I recall very distinctly a reply he made to me one day when I said: "Well, general. you and I are both glad to-day that we have a united country, and perhaps in God's provi dence it is as well that we were de feated even though we were clearly in the right" "I do not believe in placing the blame on the lord," said Longstreet. "We ought to have whipped the Yan kees, restored the Union and settled the negro question ourselves, but we had a big load to carry in some of our own leaders." Very sincerely, your friend. Benjamin J. Keiley, Bishop of Savannah, Ga. Confederacy Lavish With Titles. The Confederacy was lavish in the bestowal of military commissions of high. rank. It had more than twice as many full generals as the United States army has ever had in its entire existence. Only three men have held that rank in the United States service. Even Washington never held it. The Continental Congress commissioned him General and Commander in Chief of "the army of the United Colonies." He was commissioned Lieutenant Gen eral July 4. 1798, and never held a higher rank. An act of Congress March 3, 1799. created the office of "General of the Armies of the United States." but it was 'never filled. Knox. St. Clair. Wayne. Hamilton, Dearborn. Brown, Macomb, McClellan and Halleck held only the rank of Major General, al though each of them commanded the -army of the United States. James Wilkinson, who commanded it from 1800 to 1812, was only a Brigadier Gen eral. Josiah Harmer. who was in com mand from 1784 to 1791. was only a . Lieutenant Colonel and Brigadier" by brevet The first full General in the history of the United States army was U. S. Grant. He was given that rank . in 1864 and was succeeded by Sher man in 1869, who was succeeded by Sheridan in 1883. These three are the only officers. Schofield. who succeed ed Sheridan in 1888. was given the rank of Lieutenant General by Con gress previous to bis retirement Kel son A. Miles also retired as a lieuten ant general, and so did S. B. M. Young when Major General Chaffee succeed ed to that rank. - The number of Generals in the Con federate service was eight This equals the number of Lieutenant Gen erals la the United States amy from Washington to Chaffee. The Confed eracy hat. nineteen Lieutenant Gen erals. Grant was the only Federal who attained this rank during 'i y ' ' wgm hSbh THE the war, though at the beginning of the war Gen. Winfield Scott held this rank by brevet. In the Confederate service the pay of officers was us follows when they could get it: General, rer month. $500; Lieutenant General, $450; Major General, $350; Brigadier General, i $301; Colonel, infantry, $195; Lieuten ant Colonel. $10; Major, $150; Cap tain, $130; Lieutenants. $90 and $S0. In the cavalry, artillery, and engineer corps the pay of Colonel was $210 per month, and other officers in propor tion. In the cavalry privates were supposed to receive $12 a month, and in the artillery and infantry $11. Nashville (Tenn.) American. Found After Forty-two Years. After a separation of forty-two years. brothers accidentally were reunited just before reaching Los Angeles on a railway excursion. Away back in Vermont, when the civil war broke out, Joseph Wheelock, Thomas Wheelock and Abner Wheel ock lived on a farm in Rutland coun ty. Thomas, who was 24, and Joseph 21, were rivals tor the hand of a girl living on an adjoining farm. When the war broke out in 1861 the two brothers enlisted in the same company and regiment of Vermont vol unteers. While home on sick leave Thomas Wheelock married the girl his brother considered engaged to him self. Joseph blamed his family for per mitting the marriage and swore, he would have noting more to do with any of them as long as he lived. He re-enlisted in tkeUnited States cav alry and never so much as sent a word home. His family in Vermont has consider ed him dead, understanding that he was killed in Georgia during Sher man's famous campaign. He was not even with Sherman, however, but put in the last days of the war in Mis souri, afterward settling near Spring field. III. He never married. When Joseph Wheelock left home Abner was a mere boy of 13. It was these two that met under such pe culiar circumstances on the colonist train coming through California. Jo seph now is 63 years old and Abner is 53. They bad held their brief conver sations several times during the four days they had been traveling together in the same car, but not until late Saturday evening, after most of the other tourists had retired, did the two get to exchanging confidences. No person on the car seems to have known just how it came about, but they were roused from their first light sleep by the noisy rejoicing of the twit brothers. While trying to sup press their loistcrous glee the mem-' hers of Uu train crew learned the romantic story. Both sat up all night and talked. Several times the conductor in charge urged them to go to bed, but they finally went into the smoking com partment and talked until broad day light. When the train pulled into La Grande depot they still were talking and appeared as happy as two school boy chums. Ios Angeles Times. Old Army Nurse Is Dead. Mrs. Mary R. Wheeler, who recently passed away at the home of her daughter in Beloit, Iowa, was one of the heroic figures of the civil war. She was nearly 86 years of age at the time of her death and ws known as "Mother" Wheeler. No army nurse rendered more service to the sick and wounded soldier boys than she. Born near Elmira. N. Y May 2. 1818, she became deeply interested in the war shortly after her marriage, and at the time of the battle of Bull Run she left her home fh Pennsylvania and went to Washington to look after the sick and wounded. With the dying echoes of Bull Run she began here noble work and to the end of the war was to be found wherever duty called. Her hap piest recollections were of Lincoln and Stanton, who soon recognized her worth as a woman of judgment and fine executive ability. President Lincoln never visited the army hospital without commending Mrs. Wheeler for her able and syste matic work. She remained in Wash ington until the bloody work in front of Richmond called her to Fortress Monroe, where she rendered valuable service. With the improred condi tions in the northern hospitals Mother Wheeler was ordered to help organize the hospital service and was in charge of a hospital at Holly Springs, Miss., in December. 1862. when that great supply depot was captured in Grant's rear by General Van Dorn. Mother Wheeler during the war was kept as signed at various posts and was in charge at Mobile when that city was taken. She was in receipt of a pen sion from the government for her valiant service and went to Iowa in 1872. Longstreet' Coolness. There are many interesting stories that cou'd be told of the ex-Confederate Gen. James Longstreet. An Eng lish officer who was present at the bat tle of Gettysburg and who was permit ted by Longstreet to be near his head' quarters told of this incident: "When I got close up to Gen. Long street I saw one of his regiments ad vancing through the woods in good or der; so. thinking I was just in time tc see the attack. I remarked to the gen eral that I wouldn't ha missed this for anything. "Longstreet was seated at the top of a snake fence, and looking perfectly calm and unperturbed, and he replied, laughingly. 'The devil you wouldn't! I would like to have missed it verj much. We've attacked and been re pulsed. Look there.' A few moments later, while the Con federates were still retreating undei a heavy fire of artilllery from the Union troops. Gen. Pettigrew reported to Longstreet that he was unable tc I bring his men up again. Longstreet turned upon him and replied in a most sarcastic manner: 4Very well; never mind then, general, jest let them re main where they are; the enemy's going to advance, and will spare yon the titrable.' " - Feared Curtain Lecture. A Soath Portland (Me.) r-tn asked Deputy Frith to lock him up ovei night, as he had "blown In" $71 in some unknown way and was afraid to go home. rsb ' wsnnVsK-Z--9n AnHI gr---BSSWY UH BjHr BBBBBV . jBr3WNSgJBs4Jfipn t Money in Gr, As a great deal of hay is harvested In the territory in which the Farmers' Review circulates, we believe that many of our readers will be inter ested in the address of Mr. George M. Clark before the Middlesex, Conn Pomona Grange (of which he is a member), on the subject, "Grass as- a Money Maker," from which 'we quote the following: "I will try to tell you in a few minutes, what I have found in eighteen years' cultivation 'of grass. "In the first place In the.productkra of all kinds of crops we must have more intense cultivation. Clark's Cut away Harrow will do it, so will other harrows, but it must be done. No matter what the crop, the more we cultivate the better. As the results of intense cultivation on poor land, what farmers here call worn out land, with hay figured at $8.50. per ton. $20 a year per acre can be made; at $18 per ton $80 can be made. An average of over $50 an acre per year, and s is a very sure crop. I sow red- top and' timothy in equal parts, 14 quarts each kind of seed to the acre. They grow well together and produce a ton and a half more hay to the acre when thus sown. My first experience on sixteen acres in two crops pro duced over 100 tons, over six tons to the acre. On one flat section of seven-eighths of an acre covered with clay gravel hard-pan, no vegetation on it, at one seeding, in fourteen years, twenty-eight crops, produced 114 tons of dry bay, a net profit of $1,200, over $85 per year. A section of five-eighths of an acre, in two crops this year, gave a rate of 21,400 pounds to the acre, at $16 per ton, gave a net profit of $117. Not a year in the eighteen but what some one or more acres of this field have produced more than six tons, sometimes over seven tons first crop. Again, there never has been a year in which less than six tons have been grown in two crops. That is not due to favorable conditions to start with, it is due to intense cultivation, fertilizer, and care. The outside cost of bay does not exceed $2 for labor, $3 for fer tilizer, total cost per ton for well dried hay in barn, $5. The most re markable sample will be shown this year from a quarter acre section where the first crop cut was over four feet in height and weighed 2,471 pounds. Second crop cut this year from same field was over three feet high and weighed 2,240 pounds, mak ing 7& feet in height Each crop was fully headed and blossomed. The third crop did not blossom, but weighed 1.750 pounds, at the rate of 3 tons to the acre. The total weight of tl,e three crops from this quarter acre section this year was 6,401 pounds, or at the rate of 25,644 pounds per acre, and a total growth of over nine feet. This quarter acre section at $16 per ton produced a rate of $136 net profit per acre. The gen eral average of my field for eighteen years has given a net profit of over $50 per year per acre, hence i say we can, if we will, make money in grass culture. Farmers' Review. Yield of Irish Potatoes, 1903. potatoes (mtsa), States and Ter ritories. Yield Prodoo tton. Acreace. per acre. Acres. 87.077 18.277 26.990 2S.874 G.764 29.322 394.870 57.684 ,244,153 v 6.180 28.513 49.520 24.641 8.555 8,628 3,489 9,643 5.63S 8.140 26.437 23.073 25.085 31.22S 36,165 161.947 268.230 t 77.888 143.369 252.522 140.015 162.741 86.977 72.143 80.599 32.437 24,200 12.904 3.665 80.758 . 1.297 "ii,776" 2.522 11.672 29.411 35.367 46.536 10.227 9.111 Busk BuMktU. 17.067.6tt2 1.791.146 3.689.420 2.771.904 845.500 2.814.912 35.143.430 5.710.716 22,217.923 519.120 1.995.910 4.159.680 1.6S0.947 - -692.955 629.844 286.0S8- 646.081 462.070 . ' 407.009 1.771.279 1.615.110 1.655.610 2.4W.080 2.640.045 13.441.601 20.921.949 6.919.483 10.322.568 14.646,276 8.960.99 9.113.496 5.740.482 4.184.294 5.158.336 ZtBDDttSB 2.032.8W 2.271.104 612.065 7.359.918 .'U2.W "08052 295.974 1.867.520 4264,595 3.784.289 6,049.680 i 797.706 637.770 Maine ... 195 98 138 96 125 96 89 99 91 84 70 84 67 81 73 82 67 82 SO 67 70 66 80 73 83 78 76 72 58 64 56 66 58 64 89 84 176 167 145 87 nr 160 145 107 130 78 70 New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts .. Rhode Island Connecticut .. New York New Jersev Pennsylvania. ..I uciaware ... Maryland Virmnla North Carolina.. SojthCaroliaa.. Georpa. Honda. ....... Alabama...... Mississippi .... Louisiana ..... Texas Arkansas........ Tennessee ... West Virginia .Kentucky ....... Ohio Michigan.... Indiana ..... Illinois .. Wisconsin..... Minnesota Iowa .. . Missouii Kansas Nebraska South Dakota North Dakota Montana Wyoming .... Colorado .... Hew Mexico Arizona Utah Nevada ...... Idaho Washington Oregon . California Oklahoma Indian Territory United States . 2.916.855 84:7 247.127.880 Trial Orchards. A good many trial orchards are be ing established in our, western states, ana are being planted with all the different varieties of trees and canes that bear fruit Great lessons are be ing learned from them. On some of the soils our best and hardiest varie ties fail, while other and supposedly weaker -varieties do well. The strik ing fact about these orchards is that the people living In the locality In which they exist do not as a rale get very much from them. This Is not due to any lack in the management of the orchards, but to the lack of enterprise on the part of the people that are trying to grow fsuits in those localities. The fruit growers of the states in which trial orchards exist will find it greatly to their advantage to make occasional trips to the or chards in which rarities of fruits and cultural methods are being tried. They will thus save themselves many costly mistakes. Room for the Litters. A swine breeder says that in rais ing ;igs one should have a house and separate lot for each sow and her Ut ter. This may be demanding a little too much, but it may. be that the best results can be obtained only in this way. If one cannot give a separate lot to each sow, he can at least give a separate house Fortunately a hog house need not cost much. Some of our experiment stations have a bouse, for each brood sow, but give them only ono large lot, in which to run. While the pigs are so young that they take only their mother's milk It is better to keep the litters separate, bnt when the pigs have become old enough to eat slop made of milk, ship stuff and the like, the litters stay be allowed to nut together. Name Cruiser for Writer. The latest armored cruised in the French navy will be named Ernest Renan, after the distinguished writer. Old silage Is better than new. The fermentation Increases Its digestibility. Vdtorszszi 1 1 POU Ll IEY 1 Iowa 'Dairy Interests. The factories for the making of renovated batter in Iowa number ; 13. Seven 'of them renovate over half a million pounds each annually. Some make not more than 60,000 pounds annually, while one of them is said to handle not less than 2.260.000 pounds. The number of creameries reporting to the dairy commissioner was 661. During the twelve months covered by the report these creameries received 17506,837 pounds of milk and .. 626,449 pounds of cream. Out of this was made 59,642,487 pounds of but ter. This butter was disposed otas follows: To" patrons. 3,924,489 pounds; In Iowa, 3,945,978 pounds; shipped out of state, 51,772,620 pounds. The average production of the creameries reporting for the past four years was: (1900) 104,918; (1901) 105,491; (1902) 104,152; (1903) 97,770 pounds. The leading dairy counties of the state are. In the or der named: Bremer, Delaware, Chick asaw, Fayette, Lucas. The cow cen sus for recent years was as follows: (1895) 1,087.250; (1900) 1,295,960; (1901) 1.382,242; (1902) 1,423,348; (1903) 1,370,082. These cows had an average, value of $23.48 and a total value of $32,181,179. The creameries that reported have 72,710 patrons. In 194 creameries commercial starters are used. Tests fbr acidity are used in 189 creameries, and in 293 the skim milk is pasteurized. Skim milk weighers are used in 275. The aver age number of patrons to each cream ery is 110, and of cows 862. The poorest paid butter-maker in the state gets $20 per month, and the best paid gets $125. The average Is $59.38. This shows an improvement over pre vious years. In 1901 the average was $53.80, and in 1902 it was $55.72. The skim stations in the state number 67. Number of hand separators in the state, 16,841. There are 38 cream eries that use only cream from band separators. Grass-Made Butter Preferred. Reports from England indicate that the English buyers of butter very much prefer butter made from fresh grass rather than from any other kind of food. This is the report of agents for various firms, but whether they really understand the situation may be not entirely proven. The hint has come to the agents from the great influx into the English market of but ter made in New Zealand, Australia and Argentina. This, winter over 70, 000 boxes of butter from the Austra lasian colonies had arrived in England by the end of January. This butter was placed on the market at a time when held butter from various Euro pean countries and from Canada was appearing on the market. The result was that the held butter, though of good quality, was crowded to the wall. Then large quantities of this grass butter came in from Argentina, and the trouble of disposing of held butter increased. The Danish butter, although freshly made, also felt the effect of the competition 'rom the sunny south. Perhaps this has been elt more keenly this year than evei before. At least the competition Is jarring the sensibilities of the Euro pean bnttermakers into a conscious, ness of the fact .that the matter of transportation is the great one with the butter market As soon as the antipodeans can get their butter to market in good time and at low cost they will supply that winter market with summer butter. Were it not for the cost of transportation, the winter made butter of the north would come into direct competition with the summer-made butter of the south. In such a case it would go hard with the wintcr-maae butter. More Silos. A silo census would be a good thing, especially if it could be taken every year; for then it would show the progress of silo building from year to year. This would act as a stimulus to those 'that never do any thing till they see how much other people are doing in the same Hne. From some of our states come good reports of new -silos going up in all directions. In Illinois, however, we hear little about silo building. The milk condenseries are quite numerous in this state, and they do not permit the use of silageby the people that furnish them milk. It is somewhat of a surprise to find that the silo is rapidly invading the Pacific coast re gion, where the Idng grazing season would seem to make the silo of less value than in the country east of the Rockies where the winters are long. The people that are building' them in the region mentioned say that even for the holding of alfalfa .the silo is a great conserver of feed, as it saves all the alfalfa leaves that are lost by the usual methods of handling cut .alfalfa. The waste with corn fodder is also done away with in the use of silage, as the -cattle eat all the silage, while they leave a very large propor tion of corn stalks and other rough age given them .in a dry form. Which all goes to show that we should build more silos, so that we can make the most of the feed we have. Farmers' Review. Meat as Seen by the Butcher. At the last meeting of the Illinois Live Stock Breeders' Association, held at the Illinois Agricultural col lege, several hundred people gathered in the animal judging room to witness the meat-cutting demonstration. Mr. Samuel White, a Chicago butcher, made the demonstration. The stand ard rib roast (including seven ribs) ij the part that is injured most by be ing too fat. Much of the tenderloin used in hotels and restaurants' is taken from "canners," as the butcher can't afford Jb sell the tenderloin from high-priced meat, as it forms the best part of the porterhouse. In America the choice cuts sell at a high price because there is little demand for the rest of the 'carcass. Porter house and sirloin can be bought cheap er in England than in the United States because there is a greater de mand for the other parts of the car cass. Chuck brings about 6 cents per pound in Chicago and 15 cents in Lon don; while porterhouse brings 25 cents in Chicago and from 15 to 20 cents per pound in London. The American butcher has' to make his profits from a small part of the carcass, while ine English butcher stakes his profits from all parts of the carcass. Porter house steak is an American term and is not generally known in England. A Expensive Telegram. Sending telegrams io Bay of Islands is rather expensive, for, a Gloucester (Mass.) man paid $50 to havea dis patch delivered from Birchy Cove to one of his skippers in the Humber river. - - ,c-c.rVv3---4r''"-;' Derklftfls. This English bird is one which may be considered an Ideal bird for.sjesn era! purposes. It Is aAardy'fowlnnd, can stand almost any amount of, cold weather, .providing the, ground is not' damp. This is proved by the fact that' they do well in the northern part of. Scotland and in the extreme north of Ireland, among the Cumberland Hills, and in other places equally as cold and exposed. This should be remem bered by those who contemplate rais ing them, tlat the soil must not be damp if success is expected with. Jfo JDoiKifqs - them. The Dorking is one of the old est of domestic fowls, it not the, old est There" are no definite records to show when it first lived in England or whence it came, but the supposi tion is that it was carried to England by the Romans, who evidently pos. sesssd fowls of similar characteris tics. The chief distinctive mark of the breed is the presence of a fifth or supernumerary toe, springing behind, a little above the foot, and below the spur.. Rqud. Roup is a disease that .is not feared by those that have. never had it in their flocks. A person will sometimes raise' poultry for many years and never have a case. It is our belief that It is possible to keep the disease out of the flock altogether by using due precautions. Bad weather condi tions seem frequently ito be the cause of the .disease, but it is certainly due to a germ, and however bad the weather the disease could not come without the germs being present. But even if the germs are present they may not find a chance to develop with out fie assistance of filth, dampness and drafty roosting places. The way to keep roup cut of a flock is to keep the henhouse clean, 'supply it with an abundance of light, have it so tight that the fowls wHl be exposed to no drafts, and then be careful about In troducing new birds. New fowls must be purchased now and then,' but such or.es should be kept by themselves and away from the rest of the flock for a month after purchase to make sure that they are healthy.. When the disease is once introduced it is likely to prove a very stubborn visitor to eject Prevention is far easier than cure. Roup is frequently very destructive, but at other times the disease seems to be mild in form,' carrying off no birds at all; This has led to the suspicion that there are several dis eases that we ignorantly named roup. We are certain that; there, are at least two, one being common in winter and. the other most fatal in summer. The bacteriologists are working on the diseases at the present time and may ultimately bring light out of the dark ness. But with our present knowledge we must treat al) of these diseases as one and call them simply roup. This word is an old. one and means, "to cry out"' It .was probably given to this disease because birds affected with' it cry out A synonym is the "Pip." When 'this disease gets Into a flock the losses from dead birds may be great; 'but-the Incapacitation of the live birds -may -be even greater. One ' man claimed to us that he had a recipe that had cured his flock of roup. It was quite an extensive com bination of drugs that were made up into pellets. Each bird had to be caught in turn and have the pellets crammed down the throat It took several months in the winter to cure the flock, and this work had to be done just at the time when the fowls should have been laying eggs. "But," said the man, "I cured them anyway, and -without losing a- single fowl, but I didn't get any eggs till the middle of the next- summer." It may well be doubted if the cure, was worth the trouble. Doubtless it would have paid better to have chopped off the heads of the well fowls as soon as it was apparent that the disease was likely to take them. Roup is Indicated by the birds hav ing swelled heads, watery eyes, nos trils clogged with matter, by diarrhea, and by a high fever. r Sometimes all symptoms 'except fever and diarrhea' are -wanting. It is better to kill cheap birds that are sick than to doctor them.- But if it is desired to doctor them, their heads and throats should be washed in antiseptics and the well and sick birds should be separated. Surround Milk with Pure Air. At a dairy convention where butter was being'exhiblted the Judge, a first class expert, found two samples of butter that had'a strong flavor, but dif fering very greatjy from each other and from the flavors usually met with la butter. Later the judge visited the creameries in which the- butter had. been made. There the mystery was solved. In each place he found a smell In the butter-working room simi lar to the flavor that had pulled down the scores on the butter. The cream eries were cleaned up till the smell referred to disappeared, after which there was no further trouble with tb bad-flavored butter. How often on the farm is the butter ruined by the smells' that surround the milk while it is exposed to the air in the ripening process. Much of the cheap butter that goes to the corner grocery and is1 thence sent to the buyers of stock for the renovating factories is butter that' has been made from milk and cream that has been exposed in the cellars of the farm houses or in the kitchens to' odors that are 'undesirable in butter. Either the milk must he kept out of ; the cellar or the' .vegetables must be pat elsewhere. It. Is a mistake also- to have the cream, ripening in thai Aura in the kitchen Jn which all kinds of food are being cooked. Milk and sream must be' surrounded with pure sir If good batter is to he mad - mmmmmmmmmmmm7' BwBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSn . smmmmmmmmmmnBsiir. SSmvssssjmvsssssssssjtmupS-aj. wMfc - iJBf" "? f X"' 'LIVE-IN AVAtE ,TATE. Mengellai Race Has Made Little AsV . Vanfe In Centuries. 9sJnejee.re race'of Mencoliane In habiting the, shores of the. Arctic oceau. mslntla themselves by hunt .ng and 'flshtag. They make" use of the san)e implements in bone and stone, besides cherishing the same su perstitions, as were current in .the stone age' among the inhabitants of .western Europe. They clothe them selves in reindeer skins. In ine weath er 'they wear the hair outside, and when itjis weMhe tunic is reversed. This interesting race is gradually dy ing out, owing partly to the scourge of smallpox which makes ravages among them, and also to their fond ness for raw spirits, .which leads them to degradation and misery, as the Rus sian merchants take advantage of this to cheat them when bartering for val uable skins and walrus teeth. In fact, to such an extent do these trad ers dupe them that the Samoyeds sometimes are reduced to a state of famine and have recourse to cannibal ism. This seems to account for the name Samoyed, which was given them by the Russians, and which signifies in their language self-eating. Every year in mid-Lent .these queer-looking people travel down in their reindeer sledges from Archangel to 8t Peters burg and. take up their abode tempo rarily on the frozen river Neva, where they build themselves circular buts wmposea or a framework of poles, over which' are stretched reindeer Vikins. Here they traffic for the prod ucts of civilization. THEY WANTED A CHANGE. Elderly Ladies Were Tired of Their Ufelsnf Companions. One of the tenets of modern scien tific philanthropy is the provision of small private cottages for old couples whose destiny would otherwise be the poorhouses, where the sexes are sep arated. The belief has grown that the" old persons would be much happier If they could live in their little cottage together and apart from the rest oi the poorhouse inmates. In the poor houses, as they have been conducted Jn.the past, the old couples have only .been permitted to call on each other during certain hours of the day. But philanthropy, even of the scien tific variety, rarely meets with the reception expected, and this rule proves particulcrly true in the case of one agent, who, armed with the new offer of the charities commission, went out in search of impoverished old couples eager to end their days in each other's company. When the agent returned he wore a dazed ex pression, which deepened when he made his informal report of the ex pedition. The old men said they didn't mind living with the old women." he an nounced, "but the old women kicked like steers. They said they'd lived with the same persons all their lives and they'd looked forward to a little change when they went to the jwor house." New York Herald. Adieu to Girlhood. uuw. waKou on summer dreamless sWn morns from wm.d im:i ha.nds aml a" nuloscput He. A-tremble with chcen the dawn. lie:ujn the f yS yon"8 hird' or t,nk,f of l,,c Beyond the hill. oh. then from far n IK n and Dear soft-winged draw rich. presences, unseen. And tides of yearning wonder o'er sweep. me But yestermorn, before came the soft wine? Jn the expectant creDt dawn, wild music Within my soul: and. . me Rwcnt unsought, pas' Thy ousVm"0 eyes mld swift """" Then, then. I could not prav wept. Burned and bewildered bv shame. but Ions I a sudder Century. 31. Cannah in February - An Arab Spy Outwitted. Once at least, in Egypt, the loss of his eye in an earlier campaign proved a great service to Lord Wolseley and his army. He could get no informa tion of the enemy's strength of posi tion, says the London Onlooker. An rab was captured prowling around our outppsts aud was brought before him. It was ten to one the sullen fellow knew everything. Lord Wolse ley questioned him. The fellow an swered never a word, standing stolid between the. two soldiers. At last a happy idea struck the general. He said in Arabic: "It is no use vonr refusing to answer me, for I am a wizard, and at a wish can destroy you and your masters. To prove this to you, I will take out my eye, throw it up, catch it and put it back in my head." And, to the horror and amaze ment of the fellow. Lord Wolseley took out his glass eye, threw it up, caught and replaced it. That was enough; the Arab capitulated, and the information he gave the staff led to the Arabi's defeat: Seattle's Trade. The local vessels plying to Seattle during the year 1903, according to the figures in the annual report of the har bor master carried in the aggregate nearly 1,100,000 passengers in and out of that port, while that city shipped coastwise and to local ports merchan dise to the value of 132.171,785, and received merchandise to the value of $23,244,987. British Wheat Imports. The importations of wheat at pres ent into Great Britain amount To 170,000,000 bushels a year. Of that quantity 57,000,000 bushels come from her colonies. In Canada, SoutTi Af rica and Australia there are gran aries to supply the world of that 170, 000,000 bushels. Australia sends now 32 per cent of her 57,000,000-busheI crop. Brittle Finger Nails. ,,. For the people who are troubled with brittle finger nails there is only one WT4 to cure them, and that Is to begin at the root of the evil and feed them. Before retiring rub the nails freely with sweet nil or vaseline and wear loose kid gloves. The gloves should be perforated at the palms and the middle of the fingers to admit a free circulation of air. Wear gloves whenever possible while sweeping and dusting or doing other coarse work, for the texture of the skin is thus preserved and damage to the nails prevented. After washing dishes wash the hands in clear warm water, rinse in cold water, anoint the nails with a little vaseline and wipe away all surplus. Keep up this treatment of the nails daily for a month and you will see a marked improvement Workers Lose Long Strike. The great textile strike at Crim- mitschau, Saxony, in which 10,000 men held out Ave months for higher wages' -and a ten-hour day, ended In ue comlte deret the surrem ear of the strikers. --- v,-. NEBRASKA ANKERS UNION It SOLVENT. 9 Referee Says. However. Must Chanee Method of Transacting Business. . . LINCOLN The Bankers Union .of the World will have to change its present methods of doing business in several instances if it is to continue as an organization, should the report Ied by Referee Ryan in the supreme court be Jthe decision of the court The report lads for the state in most intsances. though it denied that that evidence sustained the allegation of the state that tho company was in solvent. It denied also that the evi dence showed that President Spinney had drawn a larger salary than he was entitled to. Referee Ryan held that should the company continue to do business it should be enjoined from allowing its ofllcers to appoint a board of directors; it should be enjoined from payiaf to President Spinney and President Spin ney should be enjoined from receiving commissions on. .business done the company should be enjoined from withholding information regarding the order that may be required by the auditor; the company should be en joined from merging- into its order other companies. Deputy Attorney General Norris Brown, who prosecuted the case for the state, is well satisfied with the report of the referee and will file a motion for judgment upon the find ings of facts submitted. UNPROTECTED STATE PROPERTY. Fire at the State Capitol Weuld Cause a Great Loss. LINCOLN. Millions of dollars in state property lies unprotected in Ne braska's capitol building, a veritable firetrap, and in case of a conflaatkm the loss to the taxpayers would soar up into seven figures. The state carries no insurance. There is a provision in the statutes for this, but tho legislature has not made an appropriation for several years. The oiled woodwork, the draughty corridors and the peculiar construction of the dome renders the capitol dangerous should flames once get a start. Fire experts declare that a blaze not stamped out at once would soon be beyond control. Books valued at more than $1,000,- 000 lie on wooden shelves unprotected from fire. Supreme court opinions are stored away in the building and their loss would cause much litiga tion. Land titles, abstracts and legis lative and public records are poorly protected in antiquated vaults. Students and visitors to Lincoln flock to the capitol dome. Many of them smoke and stubs of cigars and cigarettes can be found strewn along the rickety steps leading to the dome. Two water tanks are located on the roof of the capitol. but for a long time these have not been connected with hose. Want a Receiver Appointed. LINCOLN. A large number of per sons interested in the suit of Henry C. Rowntree against the National Lit! and Trust Company of Chicago have joined with him in asking that a re ceiver be appointed to take charge of the assets of the concern now in the hands of the Iowa state auditor. The suit was started several months ago and the petition of intervention was filed a few days ago. Machine to Hang Paper. PAPILLION, Neb. It is not often that a preacher turns inventor, but Rev. J. A. Holmes of Gretna is an ex ception. He has invented a machine to be used in hanging paper. The pa per is placed in the machine, a crank is turned and the paper is pasted, trimmed and hung neatly on the wall. With this contrivance about 200 rolls of wall paper can be hanged in a day. Water ar.d Light Statistics. The Department of Labor is just now busy collecting statistics regard ing water works and electric light plants, throughout the state. When completed the tabulation will show whether the plants are owned by the municipality or by private parties, the cost of construction, the cost of light or water to the consumer, the amount of bonds issued and other matter that may be of interest to the people gen- orally: Return Fox to Asylum. PAPILLION. Frank Fox, the in sane man who escaped from the Lin coln asylum and created so much ex- citemeht in Fort Crook by his mur derous actions, later attempting sui cide, has been returned to the asylum at Lincoln. Deputy Treasurer to Resign. TECUMSEH Deputy County Treas urer A. P. Libby will shortly resign and remove to Cody, Wyo., with his family. Mr. Libby has bought a farm near that place. Making Trip to Jerusalem. YORK Rev. and Mrs. W. Medlar and Mr. and, Mrs. C. C. Cobb left for an extended trip abroad and will be gone some time. They sail from New York City on March 8, gaing to Jeru salem and Italy and many other in termediate points of interest. Rev. Medlar of the Congregational church here is a delegate to the world's Sun day school convention to be held at Jerusalem on April 18. 19 and 20. Mr. Cobb is one of York's successful and pioneer merchants. The party will re turn about the middle of May. Militiamen to Go to School. Gov. Mickey has recommended that these members of the National Guard be sent to. Leavenworth as students in the general science and staff school at that place, the government to pay all expenses except for books, and heat and light for one year: Captain Eberly of Stanton, Captain Peebler of Nelsofa. Captain Samons of Kearney, First Lieutenant Davis of York, First Lieutenant Hervey and Second Lieu tenant Guy C. Furay of Omaha, and Second Lieutenant I. S. Johnson of Co. B, First regiment. Grand Army at Beatrice. CEDAR RAPIDS. A thief entered the barn of F. M. Tully, who livea at the edge of town, at about 2 o'clock in the morning and stole his riding horse, saddle, bridle and blanket. There is no clue so far as to the thief. Plans for David City Chautaueoa, DAVID CITY. Hhe fourth annual session of the David City Chautauqua assembly will be held in Chautauqua park; July 23 to 31 inclusive. E. Wil liams and G. W. Gates will again have the management of the assembly. J '.'V" STATE NEWS I - ;i3eaeva to talking nthe matter of Baudlug ai Actlag under orders from Hayot Saultz, Chief AeheafeHer of Beatrice aetifled owners of slet nutchines tc cease operating them at oave. Harry Vernon, while switching-a cat at Lodge Pole, met with a serious ac cident by Laving hts right foot and left leg cut off at the thigh. . Adolph Meiake of Grand Island, aged 50 years, fell and was instantly killed, apparently while ascending into the hay loft of hie bam. The Harlan County bank stock for merly owned by Ed L. Wlttels was sold last week to Edward S. Ftor of Omaha, who will hereafter manage the bank. The Provident Accident association of Omaha is a new mutual accident Insurance company that filed articles of incorporation with the secretary ot state. The Hastings Commercial club has completed arrangemeats with Emer ick Bros, of Blue Hill whereby the latter flrm will transfer its plant to Hastings. Nebraska physicians must report all cases of contagious diseases coming under their notice, declared Attorney General Front in a report fled with' the state board of health. While cleaning a revolver Frank Stanley of PlattsaMuth had the mis fortune to shoot himself In the left leg. The bullet entered just above the knee, inflicting a paiaful but not ae rious wound. Jeff Beauchamp, a prosperous youag farmer living south of the river in Webster county, was arrested for set ting Are to about $200 worth of prairie nay belonging to his brother-in-law, George Drake. The little three-year-old daughter of Ab Sims, one of Hamilton county's most prosperous farmers, living seven miles west of Aurora, was strangled. She was found suspended from the cob house by her cloak. Ice has taken out the north end of the west bridge over the Republican at Superior. The bridge was under repairs at the time and the work will necessarily be delayed, besides caus ing a loss to the county. The local loan nnd building asso ciation is now an assured institution for Humboiot. parties representing nearly 250 of the subscribed shares having met and completed organiza tion by. selecting nine directors. Sheriff Ress of Lnucaster county is looking for A. H. West, a machinist at the Havelock shops, who disap peared recently. West was the treas urer in a social event to be given for local improvements, and with him dis appeared $65 of the funds. At Columbus Mike Mostek. who was convicted of assault with intent to commit rape, wns sentenced by Judge Hollenbeck to three years aad six months' penal servitude in the penitentiary at IJncoln. no part of the time to be solitary confinement. James Malone. a special detective for the Burlington road, arrived iu Piattsmouth with Charles .E. Holmes, who is wanted there on the charge of perjury. Holmes was switching In the railroad yards in Springfield. O.. when arrested. His wife was with him. Clay county last week held its first farmers' institute. It was a success aad well attended. Tne citizens of Clay Center, where the institute was held, provided entertainment and the -lectures were very entertaining and Instructive. Helen Bechler, aged four, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bechler, who live a mile and a half north of the Ev erett store, in Dodge couaty, was crushed to death by a ten-inch log falling upon her. The accident occur red at her home. The child lived but fifteen minutes. The extensive grain. lumber and coal business of If. Hunker A Bro. in West Point changed bands last week, Weller Bros, of Kansas City becom ing the purchasers. This is one of the largest and oldest established lum ber yards in the Elkhorn valley. Hun ker Bros, having established it some thirty-five years ago and have run it continuously ever since. The state board of public lands and buildings will accept an offer of the Van Dorn iron works to put 240 cells in the state prison for the sum of $80, 000. The members had made a con tract to allow the concern to place 159 cells in the penitentiary for $69,030. State Auditor Weston refused to issue the warrant, claiming that the lepls lature meant to pay $333.33 for the cells and the state board had contract ed to pay $442.50 a cell. The Fulton bloodhounds of Beat rice were hurridely called to Seneca. Kas., the other day, where they were wanted to run down two men who had broken jail and who were being held for the robbing of a bank at Golf, Kas.. some time ago. The Burlington made a big cut in its force of workmen at the Piattsmouth shops, 102 men being laid off. The men were taken out of the coach, paint, machine and tin shops. The foice, which has been about SCO for nearly a year, has thereby been reduc ed to less than 500 men. Briefs in the appeal of the Miles will case were filed in the supreme court. Samuel Miles is dissatisfied with the recent ruling in the district court of Richardson county, refusing him a new trial to present evidence alleged to have recently been discov ered. Charles Vavra, a student of the state university, was fined $25 aad costs in police court on the charge of stealing a book valued at $2.75. Ac tion by the university authorities will probably follow. His home is at Ex eter and his parents are supposed to be spending the winter in Florida. Joe Hines, a young unmarried man living nesr Morse Bluff, was badly wounded by the accidental discharge of a revolver. He was handling the , weapon in a dry goods store at that place when it went off. sending a bul let into his caest in the region of the heart. The two-year-old son of W. J. Wnl ter of Kearney met with a painful accident. Mr. Walter was HelHng some cough syrup. While hts back wss turned the little one pulled over the vessel containing the boiling li quid, spilling it over his face, arm and chest. He was terribly scalded, the skin peeling from the flesh tn places. A little sob ot Mr. aBd Mrs. Charlen Sapp, living la Todd Creek nreejuct Gsge county, was attacked by a vi clone cow, aad before the sasma) coald be driven off the ehHd had t -' ceived severe injuries, f NJ &--1 SJ .- - te- - - - nmmmulr?..-- -.vv..- BnmmmUBMm i ' VTaMjfijr-'1 -- - BSSfcWfi i i- " p.Tl M)1fcijVT)frt- .1.. ,.. .. nr.j,, ,1,1 , .--- -- -Vl- "-'? U.JU1 . ?A "4., SLlV i-lsft-w teMjy&j&aei-Ji - . .-'.J jAE-'tJNSWiiMA $j'$eHtL, iw 'rii'2&t' - !&&& iiikMLIH i mmneuap T! JZVtTJZ p.ganwj" Mjpmwpi m JrrK.?'Vt&Mai!?13?&2xu?l.!Ltu'm'm HiHH&Stli;kis.i:A!r.. . J. '" 'i.wiaBW-MMUJ. n n.i,mi iiumihii I i . I HMaiaBWBJgBBI