The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 09, 1904, Image 3

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T ""-
r n f t ii i yt j mn irraj-m mrm
f cbniary 22, 1904,
Big Reduction Sale.
Mr. Adams' interest
in the firm of Hulst
(Si Adams, I shall,
beginning' Monday, Feb.
22d, 1904- in order to re
duce stock and make
room for spring stock, of
fer in this sale many gen
uine bargains. &fe prices
will surprise you and will
move the goods very fast
as in marking these goods
I have disregarded cost
the prices will speak loud.
The entire stock of Dishes, Glassware,
etc. must be cut in two in the next thirty
days. The prices we are offering them at
will do it tooCome early First choice is
In this department the prices are very
attractive Investigate you will surely buy.
This department offers many big bar
gains. The stock must be cut down to make
room for spring goods prices are what will
do it. Don't fail to take advantage of this
great sale.
Quality guaranteed, prices the lowest, all
we ask is compare our prices with the credit
stores it will make you a regular customer
at this store.
;gThaniring all customers for the libera! patronagw extended Hulflt Jc
Adams and asking a continuance of some ae well as extending a cordial
invitation to all others to call and get acquainted. I am yours truly.
Hulst' s Cash Store.
Both Thones 26.
Baker's Chocolate at 15c per cake.
This 15 per cake is where all the trouble
comes. One of our credit stores has always
charged you 20c or 25c for the same article.
They don't- like this 15c price. We have
been selling Baker's Chocolate at 15c per
cake and will continue to do so regardless of
the attempt of one of our competitors through
the United States court to stifle competition
Week's End
Tg U azid 12.
12 dozen bottles of high-grade Pickles
consisting of Gherkins, Sweet Gher
kins, Chow Chow, Sweet mixed and
Picalilli worth 10c, all to go Friday
and Saturday at
Wont freeze, wont break, wont
spill, wont spot clothes, worth 10c
and equals 20 cents worth of any
kind of bluing. To start this we will
sell it Friday and Saturday tor -
give an Extract of Beef
Our Grocery department, commencing Monday morning, March
14th. and. continue all week- They will give something new every
car,, showing the various ways Beef Extract can be made use of. "We
invite evervone to attend every Hay as something new will be shown
and something new can he learned-
WMgmm EvrvlMd 6mm.
Eleventh Street.
THAT we have been
quite prominent in the
Chocolate business
lately. This is because
we are always in the
lead on low prices.
We have been selling
(St Company will
jm - . t
t - -r ar m-ra-- , ,,,t,,fcfcl wig pia an the Hagal aSeya m thw ahlg when they tildt ham I sat they
J WaJamaX. MaBCata, ana. njamilas ftaaheGesamawaBsarwoamtommtsat mi tsi lul Tawilnli lisiabsu The
"M"M""M"" ftiZfMiifiMsMBihT Hi i. tae "" CIi tn - - Draamaf Mars" was tke
L eolxmiu ore charged at fac rase ef J I , trndtmrntmrntarngtammmatfn rsd. the slsetmeal saasets haaag beyoad asm-
4V . j. yj- -y . yy I A gal1 ' assssssrW Heat ssasaasau XsbUBJBbT .sfmmm maTa - - BfalVaBfagassf gga aaawg nffam fft. BBBaacBBPasv asaarl
t Dr-L.C.Toss, ffi i itsii ahyai- nackaahmgm ir Hisaihsis for several 1 art mora thaa plsassd. Gaa Sam
f MDrXwaUv 0sassftSsggtC f- stisalBaBBjy AaHVHasV m, ,
tT -t - ' - - tbbbU. &- aBBssssBsl BBBBBmsjBsW assssscwAsa itmasKBsgajeV asaUlflaBBar masasPm aasasaF aBssaaw aaVaaCVaTPaav saV jarVsammgaasV asm atssBBr Par""" aataa
4. Alvm E. Poai, vwiTTTmt Imsmt CS. ... -; . --, . - . - - . -mrm i
j. Xamimasy" tram uaaaagaL asems. mmpaame saamv Jams uassy wey. ic 9.
y TW fXm fB AO VbZk'a e js aSAffbtt &&
X ay ta yaamg oaaaratar or Jfraa m m. im " avw tMm.
4 waBtaov iBuam toeaamiaa oar aaw 7 - yt-- m wi--ft.... - -
T ti tx.. : .1- - i. mr-aacaarwiu leaatartsramiarmaia suceasmoa
V MSI, r !! b mtt HL B H m .fci . T ' "
- '"'W" ! li.w itsraamBorthaftewmhawiIlcoatmoe
X G-A-Saottwaataaamsicklaatwask u work at mtsrvam m tke ahew.
. wita erymaems ana sou a very sarx w.ri twi. 1. i -
!t daace praaarty from A. TTafght aow
- w- w ". w -w i mi ""' ummmtm fc-TX Tth. at tSISII
Tifoln. wat in tow W
A-H. Haaaxacor:
tke city on boamaaa Friday sad Saiarday.
Dr. Ckaa. H. Plate,
and anraaua,
-Ma Sail Bmttw at Caatral City
again at work in Fillawaa
Ear. Frank of
a hnainaai vaaior ib uoimauMa
Dr. MrKaan is parking a
materials preparatory to taking a trip
to Iowa.
Miss GrhYata aaa armad firaai St.
Joseph to engage in the aulliaery store
of Ms. Jay.
Drs. Martya. Evaaa, Gear k Haa
eecoaaee tkree dooca aorta of Fried
hofs store- tf
Jasper Nicaok caaie down from
Randolph Tknraday to visit his wife and
baby for awhile.
P. J. McCaffrey, caief engineer at the
waterworks, made a bruin trip to
Omaha last week.
C. E. Chapin, the popnlar ramar
near Oconee, waa a business visitor in
Colnmbos Saturday.
To rent, a small boildiag eaitabie for
shop parposes. In good locality. In
quire at JocasxL office.
Mrs. Kargoa sold her farm of 283
acres in Loup'townahip to Peter Stec
lest week for $26 an acre.
Did yon hear the robtaa aad meadow
larks warble Sunday last? Their appear
ance is a sare indicatioa-of sprag.
Johnny Glyna, engineer on the Union
Pacific, and an old-Uaae Ooiambas boy,
visited with relatives here Sanday.
Miss Vina Nash, eae of the bnsiaeat
college gndastas, has sacored a position
in a bank at Monroe, her hosM town.
Residences and vacant lots in all
parts of the city far sale on easy tense.
Becher, Hoekenberger Jfc Chaaabera.
Joe Dretsbach waa up fraai Oatsss
a few days last week on a Imaliat trip.
He was the guest of D. D. Bray while
in the city.
ft raid Fekraary sale at the
White Froat Dry Gis stare.
Tom will lese aiwBej if jam aaisg
this sale.
Wm. Schilz makes boots and shoes
in the best styles, and nasa only the vary
best stock that can be procured in the
market, tf
Mr. Goodwin of Genoa was in town
one day last week with six Genoa reai
denta all going to South Dakota to take
During the wind storm last Wednes
day night the wind mill on the Kipple
farm east of town was blown down aad
broken to pieces.
The Degree of Honor, am auxiliary
to the A. 0. U. W have organized a
lodge in this city with a aMsaberaaip of
twenty-three ladies.
Mia. W. 5. Jay returned the first of
the week from Erie, Colorado,
was called from Lincoln by the
illness of her aster, Mrs. Batcher.
lay the eat The Tfyfcee
leads them all m constraetioB, finish,
durability and price. Sold on auntarj
payments. Auditorium Maatc Co.
Mr. aad Mra. Skall Clark of St Ed
ward earn down Wednesday to coast It
physusana in regard to Mra. Clark
health. She is a grandchild of Mra. H.
J. Hudson.
W. L. Cheaoweth returaed home
Wednesday from a tea days' baaaaaas
trip to Chicago. Ha visited Prof, and
Mrs. Weaver in Morrtaon. TTIiaois, on
hie way east.
Misses Mamie Elliott and Dorothy
Post gave a social at the Elliott hoaae
Friday evening; for- the beaefit of the
young people's society. Fliaearaad pa
were the lainaamenrs,
If you are not a aagalar i.satuanii at
the -Live and Let laws'
give it a trial and yon will be
that the quality of meat sold
beat and the prices lowest.
Henry Sturgeon
day afternoon from
the Platte wagon bridge a short
before it went oat, aad at that
ice showed no signs of breakxag
The Mao
members at tkatr niwiliaa- last W
day, making a total aHaahacafcia in
local lodge of 102. Dariag the
month forty-two new aMsabera have b
Will HaU aad Mies Ft hei Elliott
both Columbaa
of a free trip to the St.
the prise to ha gxvam by the
Jowraal to ssai
Lsautaan faaury
to tkatr aawly
to the
vacated by Mr-
old Baxsam place aotrta of
-Fred Steager left
Sataoaal City, Cahloraia.
Liacoln, was in town Wsdmrnday. d aUi auH for ICwlflL A.DamlIk , L j
A-H. Heaaxawof FaUartoa waa m Bm. tf ,. . -, .
X thi 1 ii 1 hi Tiiimii finai inBtBiilai Tkwr teH tbev havtabsaastioda j .u- t r. ., -, - -
j. j sewn, uu tarn aeism wui oe reaoooeiea 1 aahesaa
X Dr.ChmvH.Platz,biaaanMfhii-phy- riS-JmOB Amm' "T md fta--" ith modern imprrre-
ahaan and anrgmm, pisfislM bagldaagv AKuy' K mmtm hefere Mr- Fackiaa takes pos-
T Mmi 5ml fiarria of Central City rf,J"T" T. ammoa. xr
T again at work m Fillmaaa siiTliaary ..7 - Tha Calambaa Cream rnmpaa
-Eev. Frank of Shermaa towaaaip . "T ".!S?!?7,T
a . - frasn the I mrntn wsaateatiarv aad m at
Mrs. Garafiaa Seaaaar. aad hat aaaar,
Mra, DeFard. Fzaeat Staaajar, waa
TTiwta, whirh wiH aaajaa aernag aaaaaBai
Aarill- Taassa isaaawilaaaaaaaar
4. is! iiTTiii aaiisi Ij tsaraaaa-
i-f- k mmmm- ib ihi ! tm MBHB. m Bb mmmK H. wm bhmhmi xwaazv aaac zmmrr aim,
T -- - - - Ttrnmrnln. ! il . i
aaacuatercouatim toraaJaaremmaaam. taa Oaawaiis dealers eaa
Becker. Hnrkaaiwrgat Chamhsw. faxmere eenld
Mra. H. J. Osaaer is takaag Prof.
plane in the baauaaa eoQege
duriag the latter's absence from the city.
Miss Striiablingwasnaabletoattaad
to bar work in the Gray iiiiTiraeij de
partaMat on account of sirfciiesa, Satur
day and Monday.
Bev-Shick of Dakota City, ia ia the
city and will assist Bar. Lace in holding
services every evening this weak m the
Methodist church.
E. C. Halm who has bean seriously
ill since last Tuesday, has steadily im
proved since Friday and is now thought
to be an the road to recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brady Smith
west of town, are the very happy parents
of a twelve pound daughter which ar
rived early Tuesday morning.
J-M. Curtis, who is attending federal
court in Omaha came up to spend Sun
day at home. He expects to retarn Wed
nesday or Thursday to remain.
Editor Howard returned Saturday
from a trip to Oklahoma, and left Mon
day for Lincoln where the democratic
editors of the state are in session.
.Last aunaay was an ideal spring
day bright and balmy aad dtkena gen
erally took advantage of it by spending
the day out doors driving or walking.
Company will meet next Thurs
day evening for the purpose of electing
a captain, to fill the place of Lee Bolline
who resigned theomee several weeks ago.
C A. Beardaley, who has been con
fined to his home the past six weeks by
airiness, was able to visit his place of
business one day last week, the first time
since taken ilL
The Pearl Boneateel land six miles
northeast of town was sold last week to
Koch Broa, of Craston. The farm con
sists of 120 acres with no improvements
to speak of, the consideration being
A fint "lean concert company has
been secured for a date at North opera
house March 23, by Manager Saley. The
New Orleans Colored Concert Company
are among the beat of traveling enter
tainers. All roads led to the riven Sunday.
The perfect spring day, aad the pros
pects of the Loup breaking up, aad the
wrecked Platte wagon bridge, drew the
attention of hundreds of m'gfa faweni all
D. McDuflee, who fell tea feet while
at work at the B- & M. round house sev
eral weeks ago, is again around town, but
will be unable to go to work for at least
two wiwks, His worst injuries ware to
Mr. Crampton, who waa forawriy
soloist m the Gunaalans church in Chi
cago, will give a song recital next Mon
day evening hi the Congregational
eanrch, uader the auspices of the Chria
tisa. Endeavor.
Judge Beeder, the new district jadge
presided at the reseat term here. Mr.
Seeder is net a stranger to our people
aad hence the change made oa the beach
ia one very satisfactory to bar and liti
gants. Fullerton Journal.
Prof. Oevenger returned to his
school duties Friday after several days
His stadias in the High school
taaght by Bev. Halaey. Mam Gra
ham was ako 01 part of last weak, aad
Miss Borer taaght in her place.
The wires for the Iadeaendeet tele
phone across the Platte river were torn
down with the bridge last Tuesday, bat
the bmb sBL'caaaad ia getting theat ia
by Saturday night, rowing
the river te connect the wires.
Mrs. Gilmore aad daughter Neta aad
Battle Creak, Malagas, where they ex
pect to make their future hoaae. The
faaulj had bean gaeata of
era! days before depert-
iag for the east.
J. G. Wasriar underwent aa
at the
Dr-Fsss havjagcaaafjeof the
The pataaat hi doing aa wallas
ha watt be eaaaaaQad t
The Sunday dostmted Omaha law
of the math-nils taaght m the bfiad
saaafflaatratsd ay ah t aim tram the
mterssfmg ban, as the aehael grw aa
-J The Watte river wagaa bridge will
ha i lii 1 1 aa seem aa pOsae; mm he
aaeared. FeUssslaly tarn a at ham-
weak, aad Jaabm Eraat ami Learn KaU,
FreLWasaea left Friday far Daam
aaavlsam. esfiad by taw death at has
brother, 1L L. Wasaaa, whe amd aftara
asmv asamamv Bar manm Bsaasaw. Jar-
Batler A Son. The Batlars will
the hard af. cows and sail the milk to the
Cream company. There ia almost a
far milk and ereaaa than
supply, aad
ssraiwa good income by
of the dairy- department
on their farms.
The extremely daaty weather we
havaexpsrhmrad the past weak has been
exeaadiagiy aanoying to the merehanta
who find their goads ia bad condition
after such days aa Wedaeaday and Fri
day. Much of the- trouble could be
averted by more nee of the sprinkling
wagoaa, and eoamdarable complaint has
been heard about town because they had
not been in operation.
Omaha Daily Beer "Mr. Crampton
possesses a beautiful voice, which he
uses welL He is an artist of sterling
gifts, honest artistic tone production,
intelligence and feeling- Mr. Crampton
can give "pointers" to many men with
greater names, as to what constitutes
the art of singing as applied to the con
eert stage." At the Congregational
church Monday evening, March 1-L
Mra, Coffey and family came down
from near Monroe where they have been
living several years, aad moved their
household goods Friday to their farm
eight miles soot beast of town, recently
purchased by John Coffey. The place a
known as the Clem Watkxna farm. On
account of the Platte bridge being out,
they were compelled to ship their gooda
by train from Columbaa to BeHwood.
A wrestling match is advertised to
take place at Orphean opera boose Thurs
day evening of this week. They my the
contestants are well matched and the
event promises to be very interesting.
Peter Booney, gripman of Chicago will
meet John J. Holden of Omaha in a
catch aa rstrh-can style, beat three out
five falls. Good preliminary events are
also promised. Admission to any part
of the house 50c
The city school board met Monday
afternoon. Bills were allowed and the
city treasurer's report was accepted.
The committee on teachers reported
that they had presented to all merchants
dealing in tobacco, eta, copies of the
laws prohibiting the sale of tobacco,
cigars and cigarette paper to minors.
The committee an supplies was author
ized to make the necessary preparation
for the graduating exereieea.
Thomas BraniganandH. J.Hendryx
have made an amicable settlement 'of
their affairs, and Mr. Branigan Monday
purchased the buildings and Iota from
Mr. Hendryx. Jaat east of the Orpheus
opera house. The conaideration was
about $3,000. Mr. Branigan will move
his horses from the barn on Olive street
which he has occupied, to the newly
purchased property where be will carry
en his bosinesB of sailing horses.
The county supervisors were in ad
journed session from Wednesday to Sat
urday noon, when they adjourned to
meet again Juae 13. Aside from the
regular routine of bmaneas. there waa
nothing of particular busiest before the
board. Bide were received from five
different companies for the construction
of bridges throughout the county, and
the contract waa let to the lowest bidder,
the Standard Bridge Co. of Omaha.
Platte county land selling for S&0
as acre has come to be a very common
thing; observes the Humphrey Demo
crat. Last week Nick Fehriager sold
bis quarter aectioa Bear Tarnov to John
F. Tworek for S123 or 181 per acre
About four years ago Mr. Fehriager
bought the lead far 64 par acre and hi
those few-years the land has more than
doubled in price. Eighty-one dollars
par acre is the highest price yet paid for
Platte eosmtysofl.
You cannot keep well posted upon
the Baastaa-Japaa war without a good
Tma Jomsuigivea, for only S3.-I0.
yearn saheerintioa to Tkz Jocksx.
aad an atlas whscb if bought at a book
stare would east yon $12. This book not
only cimtaiaa large mapa and charts of
all countries ia the world, but gives the
to the Iaateensse
hi the United States.
Call sad ask to sea it, even, if you do not
mtead subaerihtag for the paper.
The Gaa Sam American Miaetrela,
ims tif The i liiiai eat blaak corkargaaiza
tiaaaoa the read, waa the attraction at
the Aaoiteriam last ahakt aad proved a
to those who were for-
The eampasyv while mat aa pretsatioua
dean aa eimy am I riralsr The vocalists
are all gasd aad the mnialtim among
the bant ever mam with ammatrel eam
anay. rmanstssM, Ala. At North
aaas to Tax Jecaaut far anMinrhm
bemGammc laySthwj n sag i sf eamd
efFaaakaaiLywmDiihmaiis Bail from
Capt.A-H-Hardy,wao ia wail knows
to Columbaa people, gave a free exhibi-
of bis atoll with revolver and rifle
of h
shown, among others
the fring of two shots in each rapid
that the aye or ear could not
detect bat oae. A plate of steel one-half
iach thick was thrown, iato the air
aad pmread with a soft lead rifle ballet.
Mr- Hardy does thai work as an adver-
it for a cartridge house.
Last week's rtsfliM gave extensive
to an article m regard to a canal
advanced by&aaaeaCiry
They contemplate coaaecting the
of North aad South Dakota, Nebraska.
sad Oklahoma with the Gulf of
by a navigable caaaL They
would have the govern meat boUd the
canal and believe the scheme would be
valuable for power purposes as well as
for shipping grain. The proposed route
would run some where west of Columbaa,
so that we may yet have the beaefit of a
great canal.
O. L. Baker waa out north of town
last Wednesday morning when Union
Pacific employes were blasting ice north
of the railroad bridge, and at the Henry
Bickert farm ten miles north they could
hear the reports aa of distant thunder
When they got to the Henggekr farm.
Mr. Henggeler had heard the sound and
thought of the dynamite. On the bluffs
north of town the sound was carried
plainly and windows rattled in the frames
by the explosions. At the river, hun
dreds of people went to the bridge to
witness the spectacle.
The county judge granted marriage
licenses to the following parties during
the last week: Henry Tonkie of Bich
Iacd and Flessie Drinnin of Columbus;
James E. Weidon and Nellie F. Finch.
both of Woodvilie; Charles Bornman of
Albion and Mary A- Avery of Sc Ed
ward; August Leffers and Meta Erase,
both of Oldenbuschr Edward M. Hill
and Lealia L. Qayburn. both of Monroe;
Joseph Mock and Martha Hange, both
of Lindsay. Mr. Tonkie and Miss Drin
nin were married Tuesday afternoon of
last week by Judge Batterman and Mr.
Bornman and Mrs. Avery, Thursday by
Judge O'Brien.
Word reached Columbus Monday of
the death that morning of G W. Fulton
at his home in Campbell. Nebraska. The
message did not state particulars more
than that he waa sick about three.days.
Mrs. Fulton's two brothers. Jonas and
Henry Welch, left this Tuesday morning
to attend the funeral. Mr. Fulton was
one of the old settlers of Platte county,
living at one time on what is known as
the Discbner farm northeast of town. A
few years ago he moved to Franklin
county where he and his family have
since resided. Mr. Fulton will be remem
bered as a good citizen and his friends
will mourn his departure.
Peter Rooney. the famous Chicago
gripman, and John J. Holden, of Omaha,
will meet in a wrestling contest Thurs
day evening in Orpheus opera house.
Booney is well known to all sportsmen
as one of the most scientific and suc
cessful wrestlers of this country. Mr.
Holden has for a number of years been
fireman on the Union Pacific railroad
and ib now on a run from Omaha to
Grand Island. He was teacher of wrest
ling and boxing in the T. M. C. A. gym
nasium at Omaha far some time and has
a large number of friends here who wish
him success in this contest. The catch-as-catch-can
style will rule.
Mrs. George FairchHd received word
last week of the death on the 25th of
February of Mr. Warren Nichols, the
husband of Belle Dougherty, who was a
resident of Columbus and quite well
known to many people here. Mr. Nich
ols was an employe of the linseed oQ
mills in Kansas City. The letter does
not state particulars but simply that he
was killed by a train and that the body
would be taken two weeks later to
Omaha far burial where bis widow and
two children would go to reside. The
two children were both sick as the time
with measles. Mr. Nichols was slightly
known here, bat was better known in
Humphrey where he resided.
The Nellie Peck Sauadera Company
appeared at North opera house Saturday
evening and gave undoubtedly one of
the best concert entertainments ever
rendered in Columbus. Each of the
eleven people composing the company is
an artist. The audience fairly went wild
over the violin solo by Josephine Gam
ble, who was recalled tune and again, an
unusual thing for Columbus people who
do not seem to favor instrumental music
as well as the voice. Sunday morning
at the Methodist church, the congrega
tion enjoyed a treat in listening to two
by members of the company. Miss
soprano, rendering one selec
tion, sacred words to the tune of "Annie
Laurie" and Mr. Clark, baritone, singing
"Jeaaa, Savior, Pilot Me."
The Platte county teachersr institute
will be held in the High school bnffmng
in Columbaa one week, hegiantng June
13. The examiaatioas will be held
immediately before or after the tastitute.
Swat. Larry thiaka he has a splendid
of instructors in the following
atlemaB: City Saperinteadent
Fulmar of Beatrice, who was oaecf the
tsachan last year; City Superintendent
CKCoeaor of Norfolk, who has been here
many tlmea and who ia a favorite with
many fsarhew, and State Swperrntead
eat H. B.FattaBgxll of wlrhfgan who as
alao editor of a achool paper. Prof.
Laavy wamea to impress upon the minds
of the fasrhfrw of tke county that the
North Nebraska Teachers' aann'irfnn
will meet hare the last two days of Marsh
and April 1 and that this may be the
of so great importance to
in the city for a lamer thee, as at
that ao
a meetos: it waa deadest
town should have the session
ti iiiiiniiiiiiiii 1111111111111111111111111111111
it .
We have a large assort
ment of Garden Seeds
that will grow. In bulk
and in packages
ffeonSp Cray, qdvi, Eta.1
We have just received a carload of
fine Colorado Potatoes for table
ray Bgatz I Co.
13th Street,
11111111111111111111 iiiiiniiiiiiiiiinimniiiim
Nit SpriRg
ad Snitr
We wish to announce to the people of Z
Columbus and vicinity that our new hne of Z
Spriftf and Summer Dress Gaam has just Z
arrived and we are now showing one of the Z
largest, most complete and best selected lines
i . . . Summer Wash
in the city, in all the latest novelties, consisting of Demities, Persian
Lawn, 31all Reverie i-tripts. Voile Corde. Fauna Batiste. Mercerized
Campanula. Cloth and Mercerized Ursula Lace Novelties. Also a
complete new line of French and Scotch. Ginghams, Madris Cloths,
Chambrevs and Percales in all the late-Datterns and colors.
Dress Braids
Call . Inspect Ttoss New
Men's and Boys SSsgSTSS:
did assortment to sellecs from,
pets, ilattiaas. Art Sunaree.
and Fixtures.
J. H. Galley,
505 Eleventh St., Columbus, Nebr.
You are Respectftilly Invited to look over
Our New Spring Goods.
OUR CLOTHING is made up in the best
of workmanship, latest styles, perfect
fit and lowest living prices We offer
you real bargains. : We keep everything
that's good in the GENTS' FURNISHING
GOODS line in great variety.
"We call your attention
Thev are especially made ror u.- of the best
material by the fi )rernjst manufacturers of the
country and we ell them no hurber than
inrerior shie are -oiii fir :
We Repair Shoes Neatly ait PrwsptlT
41 1 Eleventh St., Columbus, Nebr.
111111111111111111111 1 iiiiiii iiiiiiiniiiiiiimiiii
I We Lead, Others Follow! i
Ia Painting and Decoranng, we are prepared to
give our patrons the bZ. Have the very latest
and most stylish in Wall Paper Deewratfoas
and an up-to-iate decorator in charge of the
department. AH -work guaranteed and prices
riffht- amTi1!1 as for estimates
iii 1 n
Mis Br
stock: of-
Columbus, Nebr. J
Dress Qtrts ... I
Ladies' Neckwear
"Pocket Books
6nds ni 6tt Ow Friets.
We carry a complete line of Car
Lace Curtains. Window Shades
to our complete line of
11 11 1 1 11 1 11 iiiiiii inning
the work csb ssTbrd
k is hoped all will avail
rfS--mtk :..-rx-k?i .