The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 09, 1904, Image 1

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is the best thing we Z
hove to offer. Other Z
Inducements are of Z
secondary import- Z
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sis only, do we solicit
your business. Z
Columbus z
State Bank.
Demoted to the
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County of Platte.
Tbt State of
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Rest et Miiat
sfht Udl cf Ibcbbutb wx
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Btv Year, If Paid fa Adraoc
Copies Sent Traa t
any Address.
si si
Deprecates Effect of Estranged Rela
tions Between Two Nations and In
sists Prudence Must Ultimately Sur-,
mount Imoulse.
press hails with great satisraction the
American dispatches of the last few
days as indicating a change in the
disposition, of the Washington govern
ment toward Russia The Bourse Ga
zette and the Novoe Vremya Friday
morning discuss in a sober-minded
fashion Basso-American relatioas-aad
the danger cf a permanent estrange
ment. The Gazette says there is
something profoundly regrettable in
the present relations between these
two world powers.
""They transcend the bounds of com
mon logic The position taken by
America, since last June and the anti
Russian newspaper campaign in the
United States are so Inexplicable that
they seem like a nightmare. Since
the beginning of its history America
has inspired the liveliest feeling of
friendship and admiration among Rus
sians, and diplomatic and political ex
pressions of these feelings have been
continuous and constant. In Russian
social circles there has ever been a
veritable worship of the classic land
of liberty and the Americans have al
ways heretofore made Russian friend
ship u-e corner stone of their foreign
"Suddenly, as if an evil spirit had
broken loose, the Americans, despite
tneir practical mm of mind, began to
do everything to stimulate Japanese
aggressiveness and seem now to be
anxiously awaiting Japanese victories
in Asia, where important American
commercial interests are centered. As
a matter of fact, hostility between the
l nited States and Russia would be
as great a misfortune to civilization
in the twentieth century as was the
rivalry between France and Germany
in the nineteenth. The duty of every
right-minded man is to arrest the
growth of this animositv.
"Russian diplomacy owes it to the
Americans and to the whole civilized
world to do its utmost. We are not
called upon to re-echo hostile sounds
coming from berond the Atlantic, be
cause uatriendly sentiments do not
exist among us. The latest advices
permit tne belief that it will be much
easier to remove this misunderstand
ing than the enemies of Rnssia may
The Novoe Vremya says it does not
know whether the Washington cab
inet influenced such incidents as the
gift of S10.000 by Charles R. Crane ot
Chicago to the Young Czarina's fund
fcr Russian soldiers and sailors, the
pro-Russian Irish demonstration in
New York and the quieter tone of the
British press, but the paper believes it
notes an important cnange in Ameri
can official tactics, beginning with a
disinclination to favor tin Japanese
cable project followed by the report
of Secretary Hay s dissatisfaction with
the anti-Russian press campaign,
which disposition wes further proved
by his not insisting on dispatching
United States consuls to Anrang and
Mukden at this time, which quite
agrees with President Roosevelt's deci
sion to allow Mr. Morgan, appointed
United States consul at Port Dalny. to
remain at home for the present, and
not send the battleship Kentucky to
the scene of the hostilities in the far
Interstate Commission Files Report
Relative to Boundary Line.
LINCOLN Nebraska win exchange
L500 acres of land with South Dakota
for 5.030 acres. In brief, this is the
report of the boundary commission.
appointed by the legislature of the two
states, filed on Friday.
The commission fixed the boundary
between Union county. South Dakota,
and Nebraska at the middle of the
Missouri nver channel. Reniger's
cut-off accordingly shifts to South Da
kota, while Hall's survey and Sioux
Point travels into Nebraska.
The report of the commission will
have to be ratified by the legislatures
of both states and then by congress
before it will be legal and binding.
The members of the commission
were: J. O. Robinson of Hartington.
E. A. Lunberg of Wayne and C. J.
Swaason of Oakland, representing- Ne
braska, and E. C Ericson. S. H. Dixon
and J I JoEy for South Dakota.
In the Nation's Strong Box. f
WASHINGTON Today's statement
of the treasurybalances in the gen-
era! fund, exclusive of the J13.000,000
gold reserve in the division of re-j
demption. shows: Available cash bal-j
ance. Si25.-172,6Q2; gold. S10ai9,43L
The more you say the less people
England Gets Tobacco Trade.
RICHMOND. Va. A deal has been
consummated whereby the British- J
American Tobacco company acquires
the expert business of Alexander
Cameron & Co. and William Cameron
A Bro. of Petersburg in the United
States and the Melbourne. Sydney
and Adelaide. Australia. branch
houses. Conceraisg the terms of the j
dealer Alexander Cameron said that
he could give act details. ?s his
nephew. George Cameron, is-aov .-!
route to San Francisco from Australia !
wth all particulars. j
gt narnr Panians American. i
BERLIN Emperor Wflliaax. upctf
the request cf Ambassador Tower, has
pardoned Edward Engesser of Buffalo.
X. Y, sentenced at Baden for deser
tion, to six months imprisonment.
Engesser left the army in 1S70 as an
act of. youthful t indiscretion. He re-'
taned. to Baden in December last aad
vas iaimediateij' arrested and con
victed. Mr. Tower found that: the
ease- was within German treaty rights.'
but he faiieined Eagesser's petition
his trr TnT guilt, to- be
tae isspaiu'g
Will Net Resist Movement Reserving
Vice Presidency.
WASHINGTON The Star says:
"Senator Fairbanks will not resist a
movement to make cim the vice pres
idential nominee of the republican
party. If the convention nominates
him, he will accept. More than that,
he will not attempt to- discourage ef
forts looking to his nomination.
"It is only fair to say that no ex
plicit declaration, ly Senator Fair
banks to that effect has bean made.
The Indiana delegation in congress
was convinced today that Senator
Fairbanks had yielded to the solicita
tion of men high ir the councils out
side of Indiana to take second place
on the national ticket.
"Almost without exception his clos
est political iriends have advised
him. in his own interests, against ac
cepting the vice presidency Influen
tial republicans in the senate, such as
Spooner. Allison and Piatt, "hare
urged him to take it, on the ground
that he would strengthen republican
ticket, especially in financial circles.
and that his first duty is to his party,
rather than to his own political fu
Steamer Queen Takes Fire Off North j
Pacific Coast.
PORT TOWiSEXD. Wash. After
suffering the most harrowing experi-
ence from fire and storm that has ever
befallen a craft on the North Pacifls
coast, the steamer Queen put in here
Sunday to report the loss of fourteen i
lives. (
About 2:43 o'clork Saturday mom- .
mg. while off the mouth of the Colum-!
bra river the Queen caught fire in her
after saloon in some unexplained way.
With indescribable swiftness the fire
gained headway and threatened soon t
to envelop the whole ship. To add to
the horror the heavy seas running ,
meant death to any one sent away in
the lifeboats The flames became
more and more threatening until, when
it seemed a choice o" deaths. Captain
Cousins ordered the lifeboats launch
ed. They were manned by the crew
and oruered to remain close to the
ship. Into these the women and chil
dren were placed. Hardly, however,
had the boats been cast loose than, un
able to weather the fierce waves, two
Ci. them were capsized with the loss
above indicated.
C ngressman Hitchcock Intradues
One for Relief cf Marines. i
WASHINGTON Congressman Gil
bert M. Hitchcock of the Second Ne
braska district has introduced a bGl
fcr the relief of the members of the
First. Second and Third marine corps
and for other purposes. The text of
the bL'l is as follows: '
"That the claims for pay of the '
members or these corps who were mus
t red into the service of the United
States under th order of Major Gen
eral John C. Fremont, dated Septem
ber 12. IStil. and also the like claims
of legal representatives of the deceas-
ed members or the said corps shall
hereafter be referred to The court of
ciaims of the United States for exam
ination and adjudication."
The bill gives full authority and jur
isdiction to the court of claims to bear
and determine these claims and to en
ter final judgments upon all of the
questions of law and fact involved
ere in.
United States Officers May Accom
pany Army to Observe Operations.
WASHINGTON. The Russian army
formally has granted the request cf
the United States that certain officers
of the American army be permitted
to accompany the Russian troops and
witness their operations in the war
with Japan. Ambassador McCormick,
in a cablegram informing Secretary
Hay of this fact, states that the offi
cers cannot join the Russian army
before April 13, of the Russian calen
dar, .j
The officers who have een desig
nated for this service are Colonel J. 3. '
Kerr of the general staff. Captain Carl
Reichman cf the Seventh infantry.
Captain George Gatley and Captain
William Judson of the engineer carps.
An of the above are in Manila, except
Captain Judson, who is in this city j
and who leaves at once for St. Peters
burg. Chinese Troops in Field.
respondent of the Associated Presa at
Shanghai telegraphs that it is report-'
ed at Tien Tsin that 4.000 addSional
Chinese soldiers have been posted in
northern China and that the Chinese
government has recently placed large
orders for guns and ammunition.
Marcus A. Hanna Memorial.
CLEVELAND. O. The Marcus A.
H.nnna Memorial association was in
corporated at Cclnmbns by several i
prominent citizens of Cleveland. The -purpese
of the asaaciation is to estab
lish a chair of political science at
Western Reserve university in mem
ory of the late 3enator Hanna.
Japan Has Plenty of Maney.
PARIS The Liberie quotes Baron i
HayashL the Japanese minister to
Great Britaic as saying in regard to
tne repair that the United States
does not favor the floating of a Jap-f
anese loan in America. "Fortunate-,
ly we have no need of a -foreign Ioan-i
as cur own financial resources are suf
flclent The French Red Cross so
ciety has decided it has been stated.
to send to Japan. Besides two cam-
paiga hospitals, a large quantity of
lines, and cforhiag for the Japanese
Ysifitf eaHwtt Still Champa
dsco. Young Corbett. ehzatpioa
featherweight., had no difficulty te re
tains his laurels Monday nfgfrt de
feating; Dave SuIIiTaa of NesrTorfc
in the eleventh round of a scheduled
twenty-round contest. Corbett left
the ring without a- mark, while. os
the other hand. SaEivaa. received a
teniae Bearing, oaiy tie aseraJal ac
tion of Seferee Graney in stoppiac tile
contest saviac tie New- Yorker from
A Number of Piraeus Perish in the
Fire and Hundreds sf Pcapta
the Black Trail Are Destitute
Ravages of the EeJemcsts.
LAWTON, Okla. Five persons were
burned tb death and 3,000 square miles
of territory in Kiowa and Comaarhe
counties were swept by prairie fire
Thursday. Hundreds of people are
homeless and it is impossible to esti
mate accurately the financial Ioss ow
ing to the wide extent or country ef
fected. At Hobart. the county seat of Kiowa
county, the fire aprcached. from, the
east, destroying the stables and fifteen
race horses, fifteen residences', two
business houses and various small
buildings. Spreading to the southwest
the fire swept 75.000 acres of govern
ment, military and timber reserve
and Indian school, reserve, destroying
several Indians' houses and fbrty head
of government cattle.
Spreading westward the flames cov
ered miles of the homestead district;
destroying houses, barns and suck.
In this district five persons are re
ported to have perished in attempting
to protect their property. They are
Dr. and John Harmon, brothers, and
a man named Fischer. The other
two were women and their names have
not yet been learned.
Late at night the fire began moving
southward toward this city. At 12
o'clock, midnight, 5,000 people of this
city were battling with the approach
ing wall of flame. The advance line of
the fire was rullv two miles in length
and came in a semi-circle form.
A thousand men turned their efforts
to checking the grass borders of the
reservation at the city limits. Water
from every source, carried in every
conceivable way, was distributed along
this line and carried all around the
city limits. This served the purpose
of checking the advance line of the
fire, but was of little avail in hinder
ing the continued rolling of the fire
brands into the streets of the city.
In more than 100 places flames
arose from dwelling, barns and out
houses, but wherever a blaze grew
men were present to quench it with
water. As a result of the cool judg
ment of the fighters the city's loss was
only $10,000.
Stories are coming in ot how fami
lies layed out on the barren prairie
through the freezing night after the
fire storm had passed with, only the
thin clothes of their backs as remaind
ers of once prosperous homes. Hun
dreds cf people are destitute and are
suffering intensely in the cold and
with the excruciating pains caused
bv their bums.
Calls Down Scott of Kansas for His
WASHINGTON In the house a let
ter was read from Graver Cleveland
to Representative Webber of North
Carolina denying that C. H J. Taylor,
a negro, dined with him at the White
House wnQe he was president, as
charged by Representative Scott of
Kansas a few days ago. Mr. Scott
promptly offered his apology to the
former president, saying he never be
fore had heard the statement which
he had made denied. A. discussion of
the race question followed, during
which Mr Williams, the minority
leader, criticised President Roosevelt
for having invited Booker T Washing
ton to a seat at his table.
Representanv$ Webber said Mr.
Cleveland had been a friend of the
negro, but never had held out to him
the hope of social equality. Mr. Wil
liams' said that objection to the ap
pointment of a negro to a position
was met with the statement that
there could be no discrimination, but
asserted that a Cninaman would not
be appointed postmaster on the Pa
ciflc coast.
Japs Will Not Begin the Land Invest
ments for a Fortnight.
WASHINGTON The landing in
force of the Japanese on the Lla Tung
peninsula and the beginning of the
land investment of Port Arthur will
not be for a fortnight, according to
advices received here from what are
believed to be reliable sources. It
was expected thatthe attack upon the
fortress would take place yesterday
or today, but these later advices, with
out explaining the delay, show that
there has been a change in the original
Army officers heer think, that the
Japanese have decided that with the
railroad connecting Pert Arthur with
the outside world cut. thua preventing
supplies from, reaching the place, two
weeks privation will render final as
sault easier.
Moreover, as Port Arthur can be
safely left as it is for the time being.
the Japanese troops may be employed
instead in Northern Korea and near
the Yalue nver, where they are most
Senatar Gamsie Lsses Brother.
YANKTON. S. D. Hugh 3. Gamble,
brother of Senator Robert J. Gamble,
died in this eity Tuesday nigat of
pneumonia and other complications,
following a severe attack: at grip. He
is survived "by a- w2e. two daughters
Jennie and Edith and two sans
James and Hugh S-. jr. The latter is
at the Tome institute. Maryland, and
is expected Friday; with his uncle,
Senatar Gamble. Hugh S. Gamble
has resided here for twenty years,
coming- to this place from Fox Lake,
Law is UianslitutrsnaL
COLUMBUS, O. The supreme
COurt has iwaitWf nnmncriniHmwt ria
law which provides a penalty of $100
aae and six months' imprisonment
fcr any one who discharged a work
man, because he is a member of a
labor union. The case grew out of
the Amalgamated Steel Workers-'
strike of two years ago. whenD.
Spooner Brcckasan of Wellsville. su
periatemdemt of the aiiTTs of the Amer
ican. Sheet Steel rnainany,. discharged
Leonard. Shafer and was later iadicted
under tae section Basted.
f .Accomplish,
. "WASHINGTON If three bills that
S& now pending in congress become
ws there will be ojwned to settle
seat this spring, or next summer;
learlr 2JK-0.000 acres of fine lands.
seCrow- Iaads compose tne largest
scresce. -Next ro these are the Rose-had-
feservarjea. lands, about 416.00
feres,, and. the third Is the Red Lake
seaeryation in. Minesota. about 300.
Ort acres. The Red Lake Indian bill
ias' passed" both. Louses of congress
SB4 las received the president's sig
satsre. box awaits a proclamation
frsiB; kiau as to the manner in which
Hs-isiis shall be disposed oL. The
.Rosebud bill is pending in the sen
ate and just as soon as a favorable
opportunity presents itself the South
Dakota senators wiU put it upon its
BBSsagev recognizing that that is the
mty thing left for them to do, leav-Tjtg-tt
" JA-Ttse .preawlent Trhetlwr-he
shall veto r sign the same and spe
cify in his proclamation openins the
lands whether it shall be by sealed
bids or by competitive bidding, which
method he heartily favors.
Dr. Charles EL McChesney, Indian
agent at Rosebud. S. D.. is in Wash
ington to confer with Indian commis
sioner Jones regarding matters rela
tive to the conduct of the agency.
It is said that Dr. McChesney is really
here to enlighten the commissioner
and others relative to the true values
of the lands which through the oper
ations of the Bnrke bill it is proposed
to ooen to settlement.
He Is Formally Elected and Makes
a Speech.
COLUMBUS. O. Wednesday after
noon Lieutenant Governor Hardin?
formally declared that General Cbas
Dick had been, elected to the Uniteti
States senate for the short and long
terms in the place of the late Sen
ator Hnq at the joint session of the
legislature. The vote stood. Dick 174
and John H. Clarke 2o. General Dick
was introduced by 3Ir. Harding and
said In brief;
"No Tinn can fill, as Senator Hann
did. the place made vacant by his
death, but each and all of us can share
the task and carry forward his unfin
ished work. Nor shall we fully ap
preciate our loss, or the weight of his
burden, until we endeavor to taka it
up where he laid it down.
"Recent elections, state and nation
al, have registered the will of the
people unmistakablv. In view of this,
it becomes our duty to give to the ad
ministrations of Governor Kerrick. and
President Roosevelt that earnest and
loyal support which they merit and
which the people meant they should
have, and to uphold Senator Foraker
in. maintaining Ohio's splendid pres
tige, to which he and Senator Hanna,
by their able service and command
ing influence in the upper house of
congress, have contributed so sigsally
and so much."
Says that He Has Five Wives and
Eleven Children.
WASHINGTON Attorneys for the
protestants in the Smoot investigation
said they intended to prove that the
defendant is associated with a hierar
chy which practices polygamy and
connives at violations of the law anJ
that his very vote as a senator of the
United States is subject to the wish
and command of the Mormon church.
President Joseph 5. Smith confess
ed that he himself bad continued to
cohabit with his plural family since
the manifesto cf 1S90 and that he re
alized fully tnat he was violating
state laws. President Smith also tes
tified that Reed Smoot had to get the
consent of his associate apostles in
the church before he could become a
candidate for senator.
The confession of President Smith
was the sensation of the proceedings
Thursday before the senate commit
tee on privileges and elections. Mr.
amith said that the manifesto of 13S0
had lei- him and others with plunu
families in the unfortunate situation
of being compelled to defy the law
or desert their families. For himself
he had preferred to "take chances
with the law" rather than to disgrace
himself and degrade his family by
abandoning his wives and the chil
dren they had borne him.
Chartered by the Government and Lo
cated on the Grounds.
ST. LOUIS. To facilitate the han
iling of large sums of money during
ie exposition period, seventeen of the
largesr banks and trust companies
of St. Louis have organized the Bank
2rs World's Fair National bank, char
tered by the federal government and
capitalized at 1203,000.
The specific purpose cf the bank is
'jo have a convenient depository for
:he government funds, the gate re
jeipts of the world's fair and the con
jessionaires, and for all those that
wish to deposit their money for safe
seeping: The bank, which win be lo
cated inside the grounds, will cease
to exist with 'ne dose of the exposi
tion. Senate Passes Shipping Bill.
WASHINGTON. The senate Tues
day passed the bin requiring' the use of
American vessels in transporting gov
ernment supplies and took up the bill
prohibiting the use of other than
American vessels in shipping mer
chandise to the Philippines and re
lieving the interisland trade cf the
Philippines from the exactions of the
coastwise laws of the United States.
The first-mentioned requirement of
the latter blU is already in force in
effect, out this measure exacts it in
different form.
Could Reduce the Force.
WASHINGTON The force em
ployed in the government printing of
fice could be reduced SO per cent with
tae introduction of typesetting ma
chines, according to x statement made
1 before the house comaltiee en reform
is. the civil service by O. J. Ricketts.
foreman, of that institution- Mr.
Ricketts, however, refrained from
marmg any recommendation that the
machines should be introduced. Us
said tne wages paid to operators would
Be soBsewhat hiaaer than for haaaV
Assistant Attorney Generar Says
Would Haven Been Glad ta Have'
Brought Prosecutions As
to the"
Case of Perry S. Heath.
WASHINGTON The senate com
mittee on paste dees and post reads
heard Assistant Attorney General now making- a forced loan at Azua.
Robb of the postoflice department in. teTia apon foreign merchants for
advocacy of a bill to prohibit guessing S2 and sugar estates for SL0W.
contests, carried on ay newspapers, Americans are requesting that the
and circulars. The bill was prepared training ship Hartford be seat there
in the postoffice department and in-1 a the insurgents are destroying lives,
troduced by Senator Penrose. j aad property. They have even at-
During the course ot Mr, Robb's 'tacked the American consulate. Bosi-siaimiat-the-
snbject of the posiaflLcetness. has. been paralyzed, aad, teie
investigation was referred to, Sena- graphic communication, interrupted
tor Culberson asking if some men had WASHINGTON. President Morales
not been protected by the stanre of of the Duminicaa has been refused
limitation. i permission to blockade his own ports
Mr. Robb said that he believed that to keep out the revolutionists, as
such was the case. shown by the following report ot the
Senator Culberson then asked if Per-' Navy department, by Captain Miller.
ry S. Heath was not one of those pro-' commanding the cruiser Columbia,
tected by the statute. This morning (February IS) the
Mr Robb answered in the afllrma-' American three-masted schooner W.
tive, adding that on account of the po-' R- Perkins came in from the eastward
sition which Heath occupied, both offi
cially and politically, he would have
been glad to have prosecuted him.
Senator Scott, at this juncture. de-( lowed to enter by the gunboat Presi
clared that Mr. Robb was going out-' dente. and was told that he must pro
side his province in making such a' ceed to this port. Immediately upon
statement. He declared that the post-' rceipc of this information I comma
master general did not authorize him nicated with the minister, requesting
to make any such statement and him to communicate with President
would disapprove hi? doing so. Sen-J Morales and inform him that I
ator S'ott moved that all reference to! wouldn't recognize his right to block-
i r"- .T,T yr-S. z. m
the matter be stricken from th rec
ord. ne motion was carried by a strict
party vote.
Senators Cuioerson and Clay strong
ly objected to the proposition to strike
the statement made by Robb rrom
the record. Subsequently. Mr. Robb
stated that what he Intended to say
was that if the evidence had war
ranted the indictment of Heath, he
"wonld have been glad to see him
take his medicine. on account of the
high position he (Heath) held.
Robb also pointed out that in a pub
lic document presented to The senate
by Senator Hale, it was shown that
Mr. Robb expressed the opinion that
a suspicion lay against Heath, and
that there was not sufficient evidence
to warrant an indictment.
Alaramg Rimers Set st Rest by !
Statement cf Physicians.
MENTGNE. Francs. Contrary tc
the alarming rumors circulated in re-:
gard to thf health of Mr Kruger. for
mer president of thf Transvaal. Dr. !
Huysmans. his pbySiCian. says thar1
net for some yar3 has the health of
Mr Krugar been as good as at present. I
PARIS. The Mentone correspond-,
ent of the Associated Press says he.
saw Mr. Krugsr taking his usuai daily,
walk today and adds that he appeared
in excellent health.
Grants American Resuest.
WASHINGTON The Russian army
formally has granted the request of
the United States that certain officers
of the American army be permitted '
to accompany the Russian troops.
Filiaino Tcbaccs Workers.
WASHINGTON Secretary Taft
Monday submitted to the house the pe
tition cf the tobaceo vrorkers guild of;
the Pnilippiue islands, praying for a
reduction in the tariff on tobacco. The
guild is declared to represent GJ500
tobacco workers. The petition states
that these workers received twice the1
wages under Spanish rule thar they
do now. the daily wage at that time1
being 50 cents. Prices of the neces-j
saries of life, it is stated, have in
creased threefold under American
Russian Report of the Fight.
CHE FOO. A Russian official dis-k
patch says that the Japanese renewed
the attack on Port Arthur on the morning-
ot February 2S. The fleet kept
beyond the range of all but the most ,
powerful land batteries- The engage
ment lasted one hour, the Japasse
then retiring. Their loss is unknown.'
The Bassian cruiser Askold had one
gnu dismounted and two men injured. k
AtJow water on February 28 the Rus-J
siafis discovered a Japanese torpedol
boat destroyer which had been sunk
on, the shore of the outer harbor.
?si5ire rr y
CT " glT J!afi'ar' aasssfrFssTgTatlflffP Wk
-V'r--Lrl 9t bsPSBbtVVIsssssssbW.
Rss Attack U. S. Consulate an
Destroy Property.
t NEW YORK. Indications now are
that the Morales government will win.
to the Herald. The Morales forces
hare, however, aet reveraeai Gueta
,, ., OQ. Ai.,-i
. tUiU i. -UU IAW aWi J. Wfc -3,
General Zapata of the revolutionists
has been caught at Navarrate and has
been shot. The insurgents have re
quested aid and ammunition froas.
Hayti. which was refused. They are
and our boarding boat went alongside.
The captain informed me that he had
been warned off Macoris, and not al-
ade Macons and refnse entrance to
vessels flying the United States flag
The minister informs me that the
president demurred a: first, but finally
agreed to the fact.
SAN DOMINGO. United States
Minister Powell has been informed
that the insurgents at San Pedro de
Macons have secured the tugboat
Barro. belonging to the Clyde Line of
New York, and armed it. The Clyde
Line steamer Cherokee has gone to
Azua de Compostella, convoyed by the
United States training ship Hartford.
Maay arrests have been maae here.
and several politicians were sent out
of the country today on board the
steamer Julia, of the Cuba line.
E. C. Reed. United States consular
agent at San Pedro de Macoris is said
to be in danger Minister Powell has
taken steps ro secure the protection
of all interests. The situation here
remains' unchansed.
Enlist-d tne United States Navy in
Raby died Tuesday in the Piscataway
poor house, of wcich he had ben an
inmate for the past forty years. If
he had lived unal April I next, ac
cording to his own statement, he
would have been IS2 years old. He
retained his memory and would re
call many incidents of his long career
until very recentlv
He is said ro have been bam in
Eatontown Gares county. Nonh Caro
lina, on April 1 1772. In 1S03 he en
listed in the navy and served on the
.ship Constitution and the rngate 3ran
ajTnne. on the latter of which Farra
gut was a lieutenant.
Sal! fzr Anarchist Turner.
WASHINGTON In the supreme
court of the United States 3Ionday
an order was issued for the release of
John Turner on bail and settinz the
heanng of his case by the court for
April 4 next. Tamer is a British
subject .who was taken into custody
upon arival in New York last October
on the charge of being an anarchist,
and his deportation ordered. He was
detained at Ellis Island and instituted
habeas corpus proceedings'm the cir
cuit court fcr the southern district of
New York.
Egyptian Revenue Cutter Sunlc
PORT SAID, Egypt As a result of
a collision "between a Russian torpedo
boat and an Egyptian revenue cutter
at Kantara. in the canai. the cutter
was sunlc There were no casualties.
The Russians stood, by and saved the
crew. The canal will be blocked at
least twenty-four hours. Three ot the
four Russian torpedo boats which re
turnee; nere after having sailed osten
sibly far Algiers were considerably
weather-beaten. They were refused
a supply of coal and ordered to
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Brief Telegrams f
The new Japanese-Korean treaty,
whereby Japan guarantees tae lad'
pendence aad intecrity of Korea, was
signed February 23.
Flfteea hundred IocSed oat carriage
and wagon workers of Chicago accept
ed a 4 per cent increase in wages and
agreed to the open saop.
Senate committee has made a favor
able report on the noaunatioa. of H.
Smith Woolley. noasiaated for the as
say oslce ac Boise, Idaho.
Five young men of StillwelL L T
are dead and others are critically ill
as the result of drinking lesson ex
tract in large quantities for a stimu
lant. At the congressional electieas la
Cuba, the liberal uarinaaliats aiacted
fifteen coagresssaes conservativa re
publicans eleven and the moderate aa
tionalists five.
Charters ot 1,04)0 corporatioas doing
business in Illinois have beea cancel
led by the secretary of state for fail
ure to comply with the law which re
quires qymnat statements.
Ex-Senator W. A. Harris has written
some Topeka friends that under no
circumstances will he take the demo
cratic nomination for governor. H
wants to look after private business.
E. W. Hamilton, a wealthy real es
tate owner of St. Joseph, Ma. drop
ped dead on Edmund street. He had
been suffering with heart disease far
several weeks. He was 70 years ot
Russia has refused to recognize the
treaty by which Japan guarantees the
integrity and independence of Korea,
and Count CassinL the czar's ambassa
dor, had so informed the state department-Secretary
of War William BL Tafr,
who is a graduate of Yale in the class
of 1373. says in a letter to the Yale
News that exceptional apportunltle
present themselves to college mesi in
the Philippines.
The wall of a building in the course
of construction at St. Louis fell, bury
ing three workmen. Ail three were se
riously injure! and one may die. The
collapse resulted from the givina; away
of the foundation.
Emperor WUliam. It Is now announc
ed, will sail from 3remen March 11 for
the Mediterranean on the North Ger-
man Lloyd steamer Koenig Albert, the
vessel being occupied exclusively by
himself and his suite.
Three hundred millions of dollars
was computed as being the probable
ultimate cost of the Panama canal by
Lyman E. Cooley, the civil engineer,
who has made a personal examinatioa
of the proposed route.
Representative McDermott of New
Jersey introduced a resolution, ia taa
house amending the constitution by
limiting the number of representatives
in cougres after 1911 to 200, each
state to have at least cce.
It is reported that, upon the requt
of a number of deputies. Premier
Ccmbes has agreed shortly ta maa a
speech, outside of parliament, regard
ing French policy toward Russia and
sympathies for that country.
United States Consul General Guen
ther, in a report to th department
of commerce and labor, says that the
imports of American apples at Ham
burg from September 13 to December
27. 1302. amounted to 37,547 barrels.
Lord MSner. in an address at Johan
nesburg, revealed the grave financial
condition of the colony. He said a
deficit amountins to 5000.000 was
due to the shrinkage of railroad re
ceipts and the general paralysis of in
dustry. The French foreiza office announced
that a treaty of arbitration between
France and Spain had been signed.
The terms are identical with the re
cent arbitration treaties concluded be
tween France and Great Britain and
Italy and Great Britain
Phonographic records of Emperor
wniiam's voice, on metal matrices,
will be the first deposits made in the
phonetic archives that are to be kept
at Harvard university and in the Con
gressional library and the National
museum at Washington.
The state supreme court cf Penn
sylvania has decided that a purchaser
of stock on margm, who gave a due
bill to cover the margin, but who aft
erward repudiated the transaction on
the ground that it was a "bucket shop
or gambling transaction, must pay the
stock broker tha amount of the due
James Colzate, laborer and nullion
aire of Huney. 3tich. has been taken '
to the insane asylum at Newberry. Un
tn recently Colegat. who is 20 years -aid,
was a mine teamster. Then his
grandfather. James Colegate, sr.. died
in New Haven. Conn., and left him
Sl.000.000. Sudden riches tamed the
boy's brain and he may never recov
er sufficiently to enjoy his good for
tune. The discovery Is announced of a new
counterfeit 53 national bank note on
the National City bank of New York,
series 1SS2. check letter U Rosecraas
register. Jordan treasurer. This coun
terfeit is a photoeraph of the original.
The treasury and -bank numbers are
Drown instead of blue.
Prince Henry, the youngest sen of
Prince Henry of Prussia, is dead. He
was 4 years of age and had been Ul
for same time
Commander Winiam E. SewelL Uni
ted States navy, goveronr of Guam, has
reached San Francisco and is said to
be dying.
Russia's views of the question of
contraband of war win shortly be laid
before the powers. The technical
committee of the foreign office is now
considering the matter.
Benjamin H. Dresser, a painter, was
shot and kiUed b his wife at their
home at Texarkaaa, Tex.
The St. Louis circuit court of ap
peals handed down a decision to the -effect
that a person who loses money -is
a bucket shop transaction on mar
gins cannot recover
Advices from the Ksnawha. W. Va
coal fields indicate that there w21 be
a general strike of miners April a.
The Citizens' State bank of Hedricfc,
O. T has gone into voluntary liquida---tioa.
and the First State bank of Fair-Tie-w
has liquidated in order to na- -tionalize.
Father Antoa Josef Legrand. oace'
Episcopal bishop of Rome, died as
Wicfcita. Kaa, aged 77 years.
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