- , . : t t u i 1 1 m n H x 1 1 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 u m m ! CASH WJSBi'iltaL.HCaS!- wT- ' . v- T 'T - --"- -r - t, . t i 1ST'" J-lllr ;17310 bbbi ij . - -' j- "-; - - i IT 1. - - ..--vMMiiht ufc 'aTjb1 -1 - " -mrdfct"ic"iS'CSt "SSr -""CSHSHBiH msmmmsm' i ., .J ;..., ".I::r- ," , '""""""""I CsInmhnsisnrcaL -f-T-r .. 'SSSSSSSSSS Z aBBMaaBSSSSSMBSSSSSSWaMSiSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSlSSi iSBBaawaBBBaBBwaBBBBBBBBBBB bbbbbbpbbbt " -et . . . CasAsssL wbbbwl ! ". '.Bt JMsslMpsV i . - -- i "-ji A PEBSOWIL T' MENTIOH Groceries, Crockery, - . TALKS GLASSWARE. LAMPS. J . 1 r a- -& aj - w Laaawwaawn awnf" iiMJii a1 x ' "awawaiaBBnfj ssnwaawxwB- f gBa: j-gj- Sk -j-wJJlSj 'wwa ajBs XUbw W IK JaTsBwaaawaV XflBflHjJ' u ' ' ' " ' sbbbbwsbw? Bm fesss) BHbssV BSbssv 08sssHsVy a. UvSXVKBflsTd sjsWBa) WIS ssl WVE 9 .&. ""SeVbL 9Ibcssss - whssaBiwE sssflVBafe. wawawB. ssad Irwasl smss p""t V aae " " T e j J .Jn m assBBBB awna. A TahHiT nW -waawBBB sBBBWaBSBawnwapv awvawap eawawaV amwWJBa aaWawaBS eaa - VflH -,i.- u. !- bbsm- - v. Bsl Imr SssssssslflVl S ssssf . rr. . ; t t : - 4: .- x Lf " " - "- -;-t ''" " a r"1 A. C V. '.:- K-- .j. " " 7 - B " JF .. . - i ";. "f" E." " c 1 ....-: - r' L? t . .- : 'i --; ' h . - - --! ?..." . . 'I- . -! v r!... X i '.'. ! m LOUD The cash system has made us many new Mends who, together with our old friends, find it more profitable for them to pay cash. Why will it not pay you ? Investigate. Beginning Thursday, while they last, large juicy Navel Oranges 40c per peck. Best grade Kerosene Oil, 1 gallon 17c, 5 gal lons at 80c. 3-lb pkg 2s". B. C. oIa Crackers per package... 3-Ib barrel American Beauty Ginger Snaps Saratoga Flakes, per pkg . 2oc can K C Baking Powder "25c can Calumet Baking Powuer lic can Unrivalled Baking Powder 2nc can Hunt's Perfect Baking Powder 2oc can Shillings Best Baking J Powder 40c can Eoyal Baking Powder .. 40c can Dr. Price Baking Powder , 40c can Walter Baker-: Chocolate Toe Good Potatoes .. Ralston Pan Cake Flour per pkg Quaker Oats per pkg . I-lb can Baker's Cocoa. 4, -m:iiiwi, iiMiM.wgmiMn a.tke UntotAiML Ay iihta . ,- . tl fhlM un Hub 1 - --- : A ttkMMf "r". A-kKly. tf felnkw.i.tfri.i.U - -- . - i.. o.TMten T Ttr Ph TT TTbTt liniwuthii nhn a a wn.v i - - - - - i - - - a a .... . r - jBcaara jmmtm at l ili la w t -- ..,im. - JiBb UUP& DBJUi WW 1H IHBIWT " ' .J. K K Ja J ?- , - - BBcm. bae jmm kwv nu oumbbu- i jbbkszv Bvcaas izb wasH. ( t9VBdar. 7 Tk V- V n. . TT mA !? !! TH Vfwfc -- - - .. U X T Z i-.-!-. - ' - - , rV . WltBoBtt aadW.J.UMtam draw m X " " " aocui c rim- tw VeEai'i mcOod of ' so aHHZ . u.., c-- , : c : iJ r bf wm. a AiiB&BraHu slikw. 1 1 1 1 1 w in , fTfihinn to ! T k lfe"4 HmX.ILEafaBemtrfrel- I Wieaitar . . " .r itTi ! 'VnfMh ! ! ibiiiii z J mtkedsacIiM. KanaM, tod-r, Twdar, by tk Hriow " .'Try. f !T" r" fcn--M d.Y 1 BKMp UW BHMH. IZS Z i mi rul ii m lmUl QMnlidn- Attota a S. r !!? of Hob- : ion, 25 aad X wnla. wra safe at iln7 i ft ritn apw distnec i PoUoek'a. a01" vaak una hi:-. fwt ' . , . i oactMH oe u eny am im ear- " j "j : BMRnaa. Ssbho - - ;!. -n . ti. k I down Msadar aad it a of t : IDnnrratli mm aoaM mm . Ktpirhi (jaetaf raatrta d tW ramiag abomt Oithi (Wiitya mould eoKTxso yo that it ia to 20c 20c 13c 20c 20c 20c 15c 15c 35c 35c 30c 60c 9c 10c 23c vBB,Gaar aocth hoftoc. tf fiariarDMBBU aad Mr.Lonr to David Gty Monday to do ia tke slambiac lia. Horn, two yaarotd balk lor of KaaaMT Btaa, lade- ScHUL vaeaat Iota in all partaof taa city for aalaoa 6ompape These Prices With the Credit Stores. Investigate -If you Do you will certainly trade AT CASH STORE. 1 1th Street. Both Telephones 26. -s-h -y-:: : : i : : i : : r i"i' r r 1 1 r r 1 1 1 t Only a few day left for prapaatkn for the biff maak ball by taa HboaiaB, Orpaeaa opara boaaa next Monday nigat. Otto Macs was gnenabirtaday party Sunday aflat auan aad evening' by a number of her righhnr ladies. We are still per bushel above Ret for corn m on account. 3 tbe mar Week's End Sale FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Fe"bzv3.ar3r IS and 20- EDfE DELL PICKLES S Ierdoz -C ryFFDA BISCUIT 1 gTX 3pksfor 1VC 1 lb. FLAT RED ALASKA CHIEFTAIN SALMOX j per can JC LABGE FANCY XATEL OBANGES, all thie week AjT atperpeck "ywC If You Want Seeds Tbat Grouv Come to Us. If yon want stock free from fool or for eign seeds, we are the people. If yon want seeds grown in 1903, cleaned by our own machinery, here is the place. The best is none too good; yon know it; we know it. We Have tbe quality, tbe variety and tbe price. We can show yon the choicest of Bed Clover, White Clover, Alfalfa, Al sike Clover, Timothy, Bed Top, Bro mis Enermis, or Brome Graas,Orchard Grass, English Bye Grass, Meadow Fescue or English Bine Grass, Ken tucky Blue Grass, Dwarf Essex Bape, imported seed German Millet, Hungarian, Cane, Speltz, Buckwheat and Seed Corn. Our Butte Garden Seeds Are from the same -growers, Jerome B. Bice b Co, from whom we have purchased for the past eight years, always unding them true to name and germinating the best. We can furnish voai bulk garden seeds as cheap or cheaper, quality considered, as yon can. set by sending; toot order awar frost. Colambos. Investigate and see if we are not righr on this point aad jtnwT your lists and earalogae with you. GRAYS'. Gnri February sale at tfce White FrMt Dry Gatis stare. Xa will lase Maaey if yaa miss this sale. Wat Schxbi aiaaaB aoota aad aaoaa in the beat atylea, aad aaaa only tbe Tery beat stock that can be procaxad in the market, tf The prohibition alBaaoe will hold ita monthly meeting; taie Taeaday eveoinff in the Baptist chorcfa. A. utmcraui will be rendered. Fob Salk oa Bxst: Good aevec room hooae, with bam, hoc-pec, chicken boose, fruit bearing trees and large gar den. B. P. Dttftt. 3t Farms are being rented daring Feb ruary for the coaling year. Tax Jock sax, has blank leaser in stock which sell for a reasonable price. -ay taw last. The Tryber Piaaa leads them all in construction, finish, durability and price. Sold on monthly payments. Anditoriam Mask: Co. Hiram Bice of Albion left oae day last week for Los Angeles, California, to visit his mother who is SL The Bice family formerly resided in this city. The Orpheaa archest a of eight pieces filled an engagement furnishing the mtaric for a big dance at Leigh Friday night, returning home Saturday noon. W. A. Gale sold his 160 acre farm near Wood ville last week to J. W. Currier for $6,000. Mr. Gale leaves in March for (California there to make a new home for his family. L. H. orth, near Monroe, had the misfortune to slip off of a load of hay a few days ago and from injuries received to one of his hips, he will be laid up for a few weeks. If yon are not a regular customer at the "Lire and Let Live" meat market, give it a trial and yon will be satisfied that the quality of meat sold there is the best and the prices lowest. The battleship Baleigh upon which Lawrence McTaggart of this city is engaged, was reported in Sunday's Omaha World-Herald as having been ordered to sail to Chiaoao waters. Ma. F. W. Herrick entertained a few friends last Taeaday evening at a 6 o'clock dinner. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Scott, Mr. and Mrs.H.B. Mnaasr and Mr. and Mra. J.D. Stxrea, Marriage licenses were issued during the week to the following parties: Frank Taylor of Columbus and Stella Dickin son of North Bend; Henry . Mooller and Emma H. Doaach, both of Leigh. Frank Clark has purchased from Dave Mowery. his interest in the second hand store formerly owned by John Euaden, and will now conduct the busi ness for himaelf The transfer was made on the 6th of February. The Epworth League of the Metho dist church will give a leap year social next Friday evening at the hoaseof Prof. L H. BritelL The ladies have already demonstrated their ability at selecting partners for the occasion. The Indian school at Genoa will fur nish at the St. Louis fair the harness and tailor work at the Indian exhibit. Six Indian boys from these departments will go with the exhibit and remain three months at the exposition. The Osceola Beeord speaks in high praise of Mr. Alfred Tbaaaon'a ability in drilling for the home talent concert given there recently, and also says the epeeial ties by Miss Liliie Eraetof thia city were pleaasag aad wall readarad. The pupala of Prof. Pool will give a recital at the boats of G. O. Baxae next Monday evening. They will be assisted by Maw Ethel Galley and Maw Vesta Slater on the piano aad Maw Maad Burns will render vocal sslirtinns A-Haight has jisn hasiil from Mra. Young of Sea Diego, Califoraiaforaaady of Columbus, the reatdeaee property oa west TsTrtsaath atreat, bow occupied by L.J.Laa MtHssght will improve the and n-g? Ih'piVt hoate to rant. Jones, of Sc Edward, aaaaad tkrongh called by the death of He had St. Edward isaiilsst, ALSl of gallery. The Soldiers' and Sailors' Belief riiwwawjini of Platte eewaty aast lest SB; David MaBey, fa; Jeaspei Carters, 5; A. E. Fester, f5. wwbbY awaWM BBBrBBaaBBBBBt. JESSaB SjraBBwaTy Mm Ralph Boyd, two ilL Dr. McKean'a method planes equality with gold. Prof. Funk was eallsd to today, Taeaday, by the iHaaas of his mother. jaoge Jatterman inrairsiaaii a namber of his frisnds of the Catholic KaightB Saaday Lands in Boons, aad Caster conn ties for sale or Becher, Hockeaberger k Cfiaaihsrs H. G. Fricke of thai city has the contract for the new bock bafldingto be erected in Cedar Don't forget the ment at Orpheus opera hooae thai Wed nesday erasing for Mr. and Mrs.SactJsr. The Ladr Msrahass will give a 10 cent social at the home of W. H. Tan Alstine, Friday eveniag. All are invited. Both Bev. and Mra. Munro are con fined to the bed by catarrhal fever. The former was unable to hold day evening on aeeoant of the The case which has been on trial since district court convened Monday afternoon is that of Ida Lutzke against Theo. Steinbach. Frank Mackey and James Church, who were brought before Judge Cartis for holding Lnluia GoUisath in custody several days in January, were bound over to district court. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Pratt of Humphrey were among the visitors here Monday evening to wit ness Charles B. Hanford in Shakespeare's historical tragedy Bichard TTT District court began session Monday afternoon. There are about 110 cases on the docket and these will take the time of tbe jury about three weeks. Judge Hollenbeck on the bench. A. Loeb, formerly of Columbus, now teaching music in the Nebraska State Institution for the Blind, writes to Thx Jocssmx. that that institution contem plates giving an entertainment soon, in thia city. Hansen k Stone have filed suit hi district court against Charles J. Carrig, alleging that the defendant took unlaw ful possession of saloon fixtures and liquors belonging to the plaintiffs. The amount asked for is 2200 and costs. It is a little early for fish stories but true ones are in season any time. Last Sunday while iratfTi on the Loup river Lon Gutzmer discovered an eight pound cat fish floundering in shallow water and succeeded hi landing it, much to his satisfaction. Alderman F. A. Matarm went down to Columbus on Saturday last to spend Sunday with relatives and friends. He returned Sunday evening, and says that he considers that the city of Madison has a better lighting service than has the capital of Platte county. So says the Chronicle. Invitations are out for the thirtieth annual masquerade ball of the Pioneer Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1, which will be given at Orpheus opera hooae, Mon day evening, February 22. The boys are working to make this, as it has been every year since they started thirty years ago, the best dance of the season. CoL C D. Evans was in Lincoln Thursday to attend the reception of Governor Bailey of Kansas, which was given by Governor Mickey at the execu tive mansion. CoL Evans received the Kwpbsh governor at the state line, in behalf of Governor Mickey's military staff. Mrs. Evans accompanied her husband. John Byrnes, through his attorney, B. P. Duffy, received a few days ago, a draft far 9672. a portion of a $1400 share of an estate in Australia, which will come to Mr. Byrnes. The estate was that of a brother of Mr. Byrnes' first wife, and as she and her two children are both dead, Mr. Byrnes received this shave of the estate. David Thomas of Postville, who has been one of the prominent farmers of the county for many-years, was in town Monday. Mr. Thomas has ranted hie farm near Postville and also the Spar hawk place he purr heard a few months ago, aad expects to purchase a home in Columbus aad move here in March. We want 5000 pounds of live poul try this weak, and offer you the follow ing prices, good until February 23rd: Hens 8c; springs Sc; old roosters 3ic; ducks 6c; geese 4 Jc. Get your poultry in early and take advantage of these high prices as they won't last long. Just across from. Bee Hive hvery barn. Qsjir k Gaxsxsz, It 25 PoUoeka. of theeityare with Prof. Braaer of the ty aad hope to secure him 4, for twa they be wfll lecture in the aftacaaoa oa the aab- aad ia the evaaiag about ik BOB an authority subjects aad those who know of aas eatartaming held a banquet aad daace Saturday evening ia of the tweaty-seveath anni- of that orgaaixatioa. Bsw.Neu- marker gave the address of the eveniag aad Prof. Sike led the ibi kasha for dancing. To the daughter of the bib bets is dae the credit of the banquet which is reported the finest served for years. Them ware about one hundred present sad all spent a very enjoyable evening. Nick Adamy has purchased 160 acres of aaatare land lying just north of Mrs. E. J. Young's farm, which, ia part of the M. H. White dairy farm. The land wnich lies alongside a slough and has no improvements, was sold for S47-50 an acre. Mr. Adamy will fence the place hi for pasture for the present, but contemplates- at some future time to build a residence thereon and move his family from hai present home ten miles north of town. The Commercial club met Tuesday evening and elected W. A. McAllister president. The club decided to here after allow the secretary $100 a year for hia service! to find a suitable aataon to fill that im portant position. D. Schnpbach, wishes to establish a wholesale lumber yard here, but objects to tbe present high freight rates and at the called meeting of the club on Thursday Walter Phillips presented his case and plana to the club for consideration, and it is probable that efforts will be made to have a redaction from present charges on lumber. John Curry's team, hitched to a wagon loaded with shelled corn, was tied to a post across the street from Way k Cairn office Saturday afternoon and be coming restless, broke loose and took a lively spin around the corner and west on Thirteenth atreetpilling considerable corn over, the side of the wagon. The racing speed with a 50 bushel load of corn was not very enjoyable, so they slackened their pace and were stopped in front of the North opera house. No damage was done except the breaking of the doubletree and a few braises to Mr. Way, who stumbled in his chase after the team. F.W.CSvardof Saturday of Walker, oa am Osaaha. Mra. Frank Beaton of Omaha came up Saturday to visit a week with her mother, MmCoadoa. She was aeeoatpanied by her sob Harold. Mr. aad Ma. G. A. Sehroeder accom paaiedthe Nebraska grain dealers asso ciation oa a trip to New Orleans, expect- iag to he geae about three weeks. They left CotambuB Wednesday. Mra. O. T. Boaa left Friday for Los Angeles, California, where she will visit her brother Charles George. Mra.Boen goes wast hopiag to regain her health, aad expects to rsisiiw three months. Mr. and Mrs. H.F. MkOsax, who have, since leaving here last fall been living in Humphrey and Stanton, ware visiting friends Friday. Mra. Mielenz and chil dren went to Albioa Friday and Mr. Mielenz left for Chicago where he ex pects to find employment. riadgad Imlsr siif we willed values than we have furnished fords is now pat up ia cans. Ton gat taw was : vegetables, the beet of everything. If you waat a goad as you choose from a stock like oars. We Richelieu brands of canned geode aad particular Richelieu Canned Goods are the Beat Richelieu Maple Syrup is the Best Richelieu Roasted Coffee is the Best Try Sieheliea Gw4s aad he CwsiTiwCCw. Braag aaa aszxvw sv esMr wmk tha asaC The heat the i g-Our stock of FANCY CHINA DGHES is : awiag to the demand for the Holidays, bat we- have- o sohz at rau omcjfaiam wuue nmej ami, price is be favored with your patronage, we are I Hairy Bagaiz I k Charles B. Hanford made his third annual visit to Columbus Monday and played in the evening, Bichard TTT, by Shakespeare. Haafordis a great favorite here and was greeted by an unusually large audience which waa fully appre ciative of his excellent work. Upon in vitatian. several seketiona from Shakes peare were rendered at the High school by Mr. Hanford to the students. Eber Smith, brother of A. J. Smith, d appointed a committee I has purchased the residence property just west of the Columbia brewery, from John F. Sehroeder, one of the old settlers of this county, a retired farmer from Creston township. Besides the hooae sad two lots, Mr. Smith also purchased about one block of land south and ex pects to make the place his home, and may engage in farming on a small scale. Mr. Sehroeder left Wednesday for Balti more to visit an ancle, but will return soon and then arrange for an European trip. The couple expect to finally make their home in Ohio. aaaafaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa The Columbus bowlers who went up the branch road last Tuesday to play match games with Albioa aad Geaea were defeated at both places by the fal lowing acorear Albian 2401, Cdambaat 2181; Gaaaa 2437, Colaaabua 219L The team from hate i naawtiiT af G. J. rTagsI. D. C Karaaaaga, W.J. Gregorian, J. W. Faabieaad A. Drake. GolmaaaB Ban Walton, who left about two years sap sad haawadeGraad retaraed to that city wish has faasily eaaapeaaslaf wife and daaghtor and wiD. The C. B. Tombm uujpailj earner af BBBBBSBBBBBSBwa7 fjlsP tjBBBBTt tBBftVWwaBBBBB the A. O. TL W. lodge em WeaBBwasar sflgasv Feb. 17, at 8 o'deek, to whaam aD are soraaaQy atvitod. There wfi be a Mary Lsaky, Grand Csaaf af fieawraf theatoto, at seawlf af taa Dsgna af Wish, aw iiiliwj af taw 4. a IT. W. According to the Howelle Journal; some of the sons of Ham traveling with ttm yahi MTWtrwl fin grvf. tfcain It into trouble at that place by allowiag their appetites to get the best of them and raiding a chicam house. When members of the- company were accused of the theft the manager did not seem to be greatly surprised and made some remarks about "niggers" having a fond ness for chickens; he appeared to be anxious to right the matter aad said his cook would know whether or not any chickens had been brought into the car. That individual acknowledged that there had been and that they ware still in the wood-box. The matter waa settled by the manager paying the complainant three dollars for the fowls. Dear after all. The following mention o" the death of Jonas Hedman, well known to the old settlers of thia section was published in last week's Genoa Leader. Mr. Hedman waa 71 years old and died Monday of last week, as noted in the last issue of Tex Joxraurr '-The deceased was born in Sweden March 29, 1833, and came to this country ia early maahood. About thirty ive years ago he settled at what is known as TTfatskntoos, two miles east of Geaoa, where he resided until two years ago whan ha came to town. The only rela tives he has sa this country are several small grandchildren. His wife aad six children are all buried ia the Friends' st of town sad hia remaiaa laid beside these oa Wedaaaday, the funeral being held at the Friends' church on Wednesday afternoon. Bar. Tieknor soaductiBg the The city roBBLil of Clacks at oae of its mestisgs rsesatiy passed aad saprov ed the graatzac af right of way to G- T. EwjBBtt of this may for the erection aad of am Isdawaadsaf Tele- ale am the outside are wawdariag haw it waa aeeaaaaasBsed aa qaieJdy. The Oatka Zatoraoae aayar "Mr- Everett, abrupt? at tans msrtiT, aad hat aiaae Taw awasl aaawieaf QaKawaaaal mac hawe aaylasBS 1b rwaara. to the huaeaty ar later ?r j afMn Everett. And frees a aawaaaai asaaBeeawewewld aet doubt baa tfcws wtwaat aae year's time Claras The Schuyler Quill says that the chicory plant at that place to be reopened this year is the announcement beuur made by the present owners of the build ing. A meeting was held recently and it was decided by the interested parties to endeavor to regain what the have now in the building and machinery. J. W. Bush will probably be the head man of the new enterprise. He proposes to push the output of the plant and will be ready next week to make contract with parties who will raise the root. Ten dollars a ton will be paid at the factory on de livery. The cultivators to furnish seed, although they earn purchase the aesd from the chicory company, they having sent direct to Germany for a consign ment. It v claimed that the root will run from 7 to 10 tons to an acre and that parties raising it get good returns from their land. a- a a a a a X X a a : a- a a a a a a a a w a a a a : a a a a- a-w-a a a a a a a fl Winter W-ff Hat S ,. hat, ilanv giris fltwl a-"" Ot ', 'II be sur prised to "see how easy it is to make a stylish holding paving positions as milliners their start from The Designer's millinery pages a lesson by an expert in each number. Ta Dressmaking Instructions cuttmg fitting sewing trimming- have had remarkable suc cess the December lesson is on seam finishing aD. fashionable sorts every step of these instruc tions is illustrated by carefully made drawings. SiouZfit'i fou lixeti send a year's subsrip lianfar THE DESIGNER to same itzc prl tktit mm tnara? Shi Troulz iizni zi a diiigkifxl "TitiU Christmas gift ) cents z jeirW etna a ctty at our pattern Urpartmekt. J GALLEY, flajwwa. aaaa as aaaeaeaaaaaaaaaaaaa' W. M. Cornelius, Judge Sullivan, J. D. S tires and L Gluck were all at Omaha Friday attending the hearing of the case between the city and the Union Parinc railroad company in regard to the open ing of M street. The Union Pacific claims the street has been deeded to the company by the city and that it was long since abandoned for thoroughfare purposes, hecanee of tbe number of tracks of the railroad company crossing it. The attorneys for Columbus argued that the city had no right to deed the street in question to tbe railroad com pany and that the ordinances creating such a deed or granting such authority was without right, authority or prece dent, and was additionally invalid be cause it was not read the requisite num ber of times before passage and coaee quently any right guaranteed to the railroad company under such ordinance was wholly invalid. The railroad com pany made no argument on Friday, but were givea until today, Tuesday, to file their answer. They were not prepared for the irgamaar Had by oar attorneys. I The Irssssc ware called to the Thurston hotel Taaraday morning at 130, a blaae having been diacovered by the night dark. A refrigerator which is built on to the aorth part of the kitchen fnght. fin, from coal saaea that had been thrown near the wall and when first ssea by Frank Campbell, the clerk, had gained quite a headway. Mr. Campbell immediately ran to the 5brth street fire the beU and than hauled the tothehotoL The firemen were by the water hydraatat the hotel beiag froaea and wham they went to the oae at the park found it in the asaae auaditioa. They them ran to the Lacker comer two blocks east of the Thurston aad were compelled to attach extra hoae ia order to reach the blaaa. and seem TtingBBBsi il it. From the tim the first beU raagaatil the whistle aotxfyiac the public that the fire was eontrei, waa aot wore than thirty BwiBiBt thai iiTiira' rsawiiimi sail thenrssMB. Thedasa- to the amUdiag is saoat 1350. The to ton kitchen, which waa nBad with amnks, made the scare for the sasstyef the three-story brick stractare Bottled the fifty BWBBBB B CBW HilHB. fc SBSBflHT. SK bflW vBHS HSL BBVBQ tmaaa to ha an sated to leave the aaaTd-iiiillilmtisaMawtothaawy. CLEARANCE SALL We have too many We have made HatS, CapS, Silk eVIld WOOl sweapmgreduc- Fascinators, Shawls, Cor- tions on all at . rr -n i - j our lines : : sets, Han (1 kerchieft, Under- wear, Hosiery, Gloves, Blb- rxns, and Velvets, etc. etc. We prefer to sacrifice them cow and It's necessary give yau the benefit rather than wait to reduce stock. as a usual till the ecd of the season. J.C. FILLMAN. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW WE OFFER FOR FALL WINTER SEASON J. VERY C03IPLEXE USE OF Men's and Boys' Clothing Made in the bet style, finest fit, at price? not any higher than what others sell voa interior :rooL ibr. We carrv the largest line of GENTS' FUF.XL5HI"G GOODS a't a very lew price. Our shoes all made up for o.- especiallj by the foremost manufacturers of the country. A large stock to select from for man. woman and child. Yba will not ran the risk of getting shoddy or shelf-worn goods if voa bav of us. Repairing Neatli Mschliolz Bros. 411 Eleventh Street. afaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa T..r..j Rote Comb Brmcn Leonoras and Ibmed flu- mouth Rods. m. -a -a 'l"l"i-liZ I !! '1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;!.; Egg in. season. A. fmc Bamd Mock CoekgnUfor mile. Prices ipaannihle Theae birds were first prize winners at the Ijultry Scow iaot DR. R. A. VALUER, Osteaaataic Payskiaa, CoIumhcsy Xebr. -a t -a T -a i T a 'YarxU located 3 blocks east afSU . Morg't StxpUuI. MASTTT 3CSLLZ. Prop V. Coiumirus, J6r ::? 5ehrata 'Fhoa A HI. 7F!ianeSa.ZL OSkw. He will voaaH "A left. to Li w w -a w w I w a a Br- -a a -a a .. a a w ft ft v Bf aaaaaaaf Bf aaaayyaaaaa 1 Hill HI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hi 1 1 III II !.k y&iA t 3-t .n-Mtt,' fcate-. g-' i-r f tisAr'aa Wc WUBUUU