The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 10, 1904, Image 4

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&&F&S-!m 'lFZVimr?fW'$H- iBry 7gy.sgitgn"-
win theH
New and Afterwards,
kaa&s upon the breast.
tva pale feet crossed la rest
xas race ta won;
Tm eyes with coin-welcnta shut.
ail wars csaee;
P8 where grief Is mate.
A....A.. n n. -
mm mt nmrr-"
a scar we oftentimes, mourning our lot:
Goa n his kindness answerem noi.
"Two 'bands to work addrest
Aye Cor His praise;
Twa feet that never rest
Walking Wis ways;
Two eyes that look above
Tbrouch all their tears;
Two lips still breathing love.
Not wrath, nor fears;" ,.
So pray we afterwards, low on our knees.
Pardon those erring prayers! Father hear
Dinah Maria Mulock Cralk.
Just Before Gettysburg.
Writing to the Philadelphia Ledger.
George R. Prowell of York, Pa., gives
the following recollections:
Aa article which appeared In the
Pablic Ledger, and signed by H. C
Potter at the cavalry engagement at
Hanover, Pa.. June SO. 1863, deserves
attention. The facts which governed
the legislative committee of appropri
atloas concerning this battle are
Soaad la volume 27, parts I and n,
War of Rebellion series, published by
the government These volumes con
tala the oflcial reports of the battle,
seat to their superior commanders by
MaJ. Gen. Kilpatrlck, on the Union
aide, aad MaJ. Gen. J. E. B. Stuart,
oa the Confederate side. These ofl
cial reports and those of Gens. Cus
ter aad Richmond, each of whom com
manded a brigade on the Union side.
aad Gens. Chambllss and Fltzhugh
Lee. on the Confederate side, are the
evldeaces of what took place in Han
over. Jane 30, 1863. the day before the
battle of Gettysburg opened.
The Union loss, according to these
reports, was ten killed, sixty-two
wounded and about 100 captured. Gen.
Kilpatrlck states in his report that
he had 4,000 men under his command
of two brigades, each having one bat
tery. Brig. Gen. Pennington, now of
the regular army, commanded the bat
tery belonging to Custer's brigade of
Michigan cavalry. Farnsworth's
brigade, afterward commanded by
Richmond, had also a battery of six
guns, in charge of Capt Cider. Ac
cording to their own reports, six of
these guns were planted on the
heights. 200 yards north of Hanover,
aad played on the Confederate bat
teries, south of the town for two
hours. Gen. Stuart does not give an
oflcial statement of his loss In this
battle, but Gen. Payne, now residing
la Virgiala. told me a year ago that
their loss in killed and wounded was
not less than 100 officers and men.
Adjt Gall of the Fifth New York
cavalry was among the killed. Gen.
Payne, mentioned above, then com
manded the 8econd North Carolina
regiment, known as the "Black Horse
According to his own statement, he
waa captured while leading a second
charge into the town against Farns
worth's brigade. He was taken as a
prisoner of war to the headquarters
of Gens. Kilpatrlck and Custer, in a
hotel n Center Square. Hanover. After
the enemy made the first charge Into
the town they held it for one hour,
and were driven out by the commands
under Farnsworth and Custer. When
the fight opened. Kilpatrlck. com
mander of the Union forces, was at
the head of his division, six miles
northeast of Hanover, at Abbotts
town. When he heard the roar of
the guns, he ordered the whole line,
aix miles In length, to countermarch
to the scene of the action. He. him
aelf. rode across the fields, his horse
jumping the fences, until he arrived
at the edge of the town. These are
facts stated by the general himself In
ma address delivered to the citizeas
of Hanover shortly before his death.
Gen. Stuart commanded the entire
cavalry corps of the Army of North
ern Virgiala. under Gen. Robert EL
Lee. Two-thirds of this force was at
Hanover on June 30, 1S63, according
to his own statement, written a few
weeks later. The fighting on the part
of the Confederates was done by Gen.
Chambllss' brigade aad the brigade
commanded by Fitzbugh Lee. Gen.
Wade Hampton, wjo brought up the
rear of Stuart's forces at the time of
the battle of Hanover, was guarding
a train of 100 baggage wagons, which
Lad been captured a short distance
northwest of Washington a few days
before. He did not participate in the
eBgagemeat at Hanover, but arrived
Just after It had ended. Capt Cable,
mow living in Virginia, was then an
aide on Gen. Stuart's staff. He states
that he was seriously wounded by a
saber cut over the left shoulder, while
leading a charge when the battle be
gan. At the same Instant several Con
federates were killed. They were
buried near the spot where they fell,
but their remains, in 1866. were re
moved by their friends to their for
mer homes in the South.
At this time, June 30. 1863. Gen.
Stuart was cut loose from communi
cation with the Army of Northern
Virginia, under Gen. Lee. In order
to protect his wagon train and his
mounted men. he made a tour through
Jefferson and New Salem. When he
arrived within sight of York he heard
that Gen. Early's division, with 9.000
men of Ewell's corps, had fallen back
from York toward Shippensburg. He
proceeded northward with his three
brigades to Dover, seven miles north
west of York. Here, on July 1. the"
day the battle of Gettysburg began, he
paroled 140 Union prisoners whom he
had recently captured at Hanover and
vicinity. It was at this point that
CoL Venable of Gen. Robert E. Lee's
staff, attempted to reach Stuart at
Dover and order him to move toward
Gettysburg, but he was unable to pass
through Kllpatrick's line, which was a
few miles to the west. Stuart was
still WMoaadoas of the whereabouts
of the remaining part of the Army of
Northern Virginia. He proceeded
northward through Dillsburg to Car
lisle, where his advance, under Fitz
bugh Lee. shelled that town and
baraed the government barracks
there. Meantime the battle of Get
tysburg was In progress. Stuart then
hastily marched toward the scene of
the battle, arriving there on the even
tag of the second day. It is this fact
that gives importance to the cavalry
engagement at Hanover, and makes it
one of the most historic spots In
aowtheru Pennsylvania. It is this fact
that led the Pennsylvania legislature
oae year ago to pass a bill, which
waa signed by the governor, appro
priating 17.500 for the erection of a
cavalry statue, or monument, in Cen
ter Isjuare. Hanover, where a part of
the haad-to-haad fighting took place.
Of the sixty-two Uakm soldiers
I wounded, the official report shows
that thirty-two were saber cuts. Gen.
Pleaaanton, who commanded all the
cavalry of Meade's army at Gettys
burg, stated to me, at his home In
Washington, In 1892, that the engage
ment at Hanover was in every sense
a battle, and was one of the chief
causes that decided where the great
contest between the invading army,
under Lee, and the Army of the Po
tomac, under Meade, was to take
place. His headquarters on June 30,
1863. when the fight took place at
Hanover, were sixteen miles to the
southwest, at Tarrytown, Md., and
near the headquarters of Gen. Meade,
the Sixth corps, under Gen. Sedg
wick, waa twelve miles south of Han
over. Gen. Slocum, with the Twelfth
corps, was at Littlestown, seven miles
southwest of Hanover. These facts,
obtained from official reports, will
show the condition of affairs when
the battle at Hanover ended and Stu
art found himself In close quarters
and In danger of capture.
One Christmas Week.
"Speaking of Christmas week." said
Sergeant Sam Grimshaw, "companies
B and C of our regiment, the Fifty
second Ohio, were on picket duty on
Christmas eve, 1862, on the College
pike, west of Nashville. It was cold
for that latitude, and we had a good
fire. Doc Mercer wrapped up In his
blanket, and lay down, feet to the fire.
As he went to sleep he straightened
out. getting his feet so close to the
fire that the heat drew the soles of his
shoes off, and almost blistered his
feet. When he awoke he couldn't
grasp the situation and jumped up and
went through so many contortions
that the boys thought he had gone
daft. They didn't know he had hot
feet and at first he had little sym
pathy or assistance. But when the
boys understood the case, Doc waa
well cared for and went to camp the
next morning with his feet done up in
"While Bob Mercer was standing
his trick on the pike, between 8 and
10 o'clock p. m., there came to the
lines, from the city, the colonel of a
cavalry regiment, camped that night
out near the college. The colonel had
gone to the city on a pass in the
afternoon, had overstayed his time,
and was returning without the coun
tersign, but pretty well loaded with
commissary whisky. He undertook to
ride through the lines, whether or no.
and Bob pulled down on him, but his
musket missed fire. The two men
standing with him came to a ready,
when the colonel sobered on the In
stant, wheeled his horse and wanted
to know If they were going to kill
him then and there. Mercer answered
yes. If he tried to force his way
through the lines. He went back to
headquarters and in about an hour
came out with the countersign. Who
was he? We never knew. The cav
alry regiment was at the college,
ready for the advance the morning
after Christmas, and went out of our
range to do a good deal of fighting in
the next week." Chicago Inter Ocean.
Sheridan's Ride.
The claim made by George MIxell
that he started Gen. Sheridan on his
famous ride is criticised as follows
by a Chicago Chronicle correspond
ent: "The letter on Sheridan's ride re
cently published contains more mis
statements or inaccuracies than Is
often printed in such small compass.
Such statements are now passed for
facts and a generation has grown up
which, while much interested in the
history of the war and, in fact, eager
to read reminiscences of the actors
In that mighty struggle, has not the
means to differentiate fact from fic
tion. "In the first place, the writer of the
story places the historic Cedar creek
near Winchester,' when it is twelve
or more miles from Winchester and to
the south. 'City Point, where Grant
was at the time, is about twenty-five
miles south and west of Winchester,
in West Virginia.' Think of that!
The story has Sheridan leave Fairfax
at 2 o'clock in the morning, when
Sheridan In his memoirs aays that be
left Winchester at about 9 o'clock In
the morning.
"This man says he (the teller of the
story) was at Fairfax, 'and gleefully
relates how Sheridan seemed put out
when he heard the sounds of can
nonading, as If distant thunder, when
aroused from sleep.' No wonder this
incident is the old veteran's most
treasured memory of the war,' and.
again, no wonder 'he delights to tell
bow he sent Sheridan galloping down
th- valley at 2 o'clock in the morn
ing of Oct 19, 1864.' Sheridan went
up instead of down the valley."
Pat's Advice,
When Grant's army left Milliken
Bend, on the Mississippi river, to
march by Vicksburg and eventually to
cross the river at Bruinsburg, the
roads were almost impassable, and
teams, pack mules and men were plod
ding along toiling with all their pa
tience, patriotism and endurance. Our
attention was attracted to an unlucky
cook whose overburdened and poorly
fed mule had fallen with its load of
blankets, camp kettles, mess pans,
skillets, etc., and was floundering half
burled In the mud, the disconsolate
cook still holding on to the rein. An
interested group of soldiers had gath
ered around and, presently an Irish
man came up and was eyeing the
situation with keen interest The cook
broke the silence: "Pat, what would
you do?"
"Well," said Pat, "I think I'd turn
him over and sop him on the tother
New Governor at Leavenworth.
The board of managers of the Na
tional Homes for Disabled Volunteer
Soldiers has appointed CoL Sidney G.
Cooke to the governorship of the Na
tional Home at Leavenworth, Kan.
The former governor, Co. J. G. Row
land, died a few months ago.
Old Timers Did Good Work.
Truman Newton of Vergennes, Vt,
has recently shingled his house, the
first time it has needed it In sixty
two years. The shingles that were
on it were made by his father, and
were put on with old-fashioned nails.
Mule'a Long Service.
Will Beesnor of Henry County.
Mass has a Missouri mule that Is 36
years old. The animal still does its
share of farm work.
1 'rriiii
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Indiana Corn Grousers Meet.
The Indiana Corn Growers' Associ
ation met at Indianapolis early in Jan
nary. A number of very Interesting papers
were presented and much of the time
at the first session waa devoted to the
discussion of a score card, Indiana's
exhibit at the world's-fair and the
raising of corn for feeding purposes.
One of the most Interesting talks was
that by F. H. Rankin of the Illinois
agricultural college. He insisted that
the score card Is of Importance la that
it calls attention to the ossentltl
points to be observed In the selection
of seed corn. According to the Illinois
score card a perfect ear should be 10
to 12 Inches long and 7 to 8 Inches
In circumference. The ear should
yield 88 per cent of grain. It should
taper but slightly and should be well
filled at both ends, with straight rows
and wedge-shaped grains. Corn grow
ers should select seed ears of the
same color, uniform In size, with
grains as nearly of the same size as
possible. Mixing should be avoided,
and the best way for the fanner to
improve his corn is by very careful
Prof. A. T. Wiaacko, in discussing
the breeding of corn, stated that the
experiment station at Purdue la bow
carrying on a number of breeding ex
periments In Increasing the different
constituents of corn. If a farmer
wants to raise con to sell to a starch
factory, he abould select seed In which
there Is an unusually large amount of
starchy matter In the kernel. For feed
ing and fattening, con should be se
lected with large hearts and a con
siderable percentage of protein.
Feeding cattle for the best markets
was discussed by A. O. Lockridge. He
advised selecting two-year-old steers,
with special reference -to their ability
to produce high-priced cuts of meats.
When preparing animals for export
trade farmers should use whole corn
which has been crushed or soaked, as
this will be made use of freely by
healthy animals. The ration of fat
tening cattle should be a varied one,
to keep up the appetite and induce
animals to eat large quantities. He
does not believe In feeding silage
largely to animals intended for export,
but prefers plenty of bluegrass pas
tures. Fattening cattle should be de
horned with a saw and should be sold
when they reach 1.400 pounds.
Prof. J. H. Skinner of Purdue uni
versity suggested that clover hay,
bran and other protein feeds should be
fed with corn, in order to make beef
most economically. Great care should
be taken In feeding young animals to
supply the elements most essential to
rapid growth.
At this corn growers' session farm
ers and stockmen were urged to at
tend the second corn school and stock
men's convention, held under the aus
pices of the Corn Growers' associa
tion at Purdue university, Jan. 25 to
30. The best authorities on corn grow
ing in the middle west will be present
and give instructions.
The following officers were elected:
President, H. F. McMahan of Liberty;
vice president, B. F. Maish of Frank
fort; secretary, Scott Meiks of Shelby-
Growing Peanuts.
The peanut as a forage and pasture
plant Is rapidly, and deservedly, be
coming popular with the Texas farm
er, says B. C. Pittuck In a Texas bul
letin. Being a legume, it exercises a
beneficial effect on the soil, and at the
same time furnishes a highly nitro
genous feedstuff, greatly relished by
stock as green feed or as hay. Pea
nuts are partial to loose soils of a
light color. The land should be well
drained and not too rich In vegetable
matter. Barnyard manure should be
used only In small quantities. Phos
phoric acid and potash are the main
elments of plant food required by the
peanut for best results. To much lime
in the soil will result In a large per
cent of unsalable nuts. Wood ashes,
Kainit, cotton seed meal, add phos
phate and the manures will be found
profitable applications when used ju
diciously. Dark soils have a tendency
to produce dark-colored nuts, and
light soils light-colored nuts, the latter
having a higher commercial value,
though for feeding purposes the vines
and nuts are practically of the same
value. Peanuts should be planted early
in the spring after all danger of frost
is passed, in rows three to three and
one-half feet apart and eighteen inch
ea to two feet apart in the drilL The
land should be finely pulverized. For
pasture and forage purposes the Span
ish peanut Is most generally used, as
its habit of growth is more upright
than the larger sorts, and consequent
ly much easier harvested. The gen
eral method of flat cultivation given
the corn crop will answer every pur
pose with the peanut Keep the weeds
down and stop the cultivation as soon
as the nuts begin to form. Peanuts
should be harvested before frost, as
the crop will suffer serious injury
when subjected to such conditions.
How Trees Breathe,
Besides giving out oxygen In assim
ilation, trees also take In oxygen from
the air through their leaves, and
through the minute openings In the
bark called lentlcels, such as the ob
long nised spots or marks on the
young branches of birch- and cherry
and many other trees, says a student
of tree life. All plants, like animals,
breathe; and punts, like animals,
breathe in oxygen and breathe out
carbonic acid gas. This process of
respiration or the breathing of the
tree goes on both day and night, but
it is far less active than assimilation,
which takes- place only in the light
Consequently more carbonic-acid gas
is taken into the tree than is given
out nd the surplus carbon remains
to be used in growing.
Too Close Tree Planting.
We should make 32 to 35 feet the
minimum distance apart In planting,
and ww will always get better results
from 50 trees to an acre than from 76
to 100. Trees planted too close will
not do well when they get to bearing
age. The branches Interlace and abut
out the sunlight that should get In
about them, and If yon could see the
roots, they are Interlaced far worse
than the branches. Then, it Is im
possible to spray such an orchard
properly. G. C. Caston. .
The greatest nations of Europe
strain every effort to make science
the handmaid of war. Let It be the
glory of the American people to make
science the handmaid of agriculture.
Jerry Rask, ex-Secretary of Agricul
ture. A woman will always boil ever if her
husband will refrain from getting hot
when she begins to roast him.
& 'Li
Some Feeding .Points.
In an Oklahoma bulletin we tad the
following conclusions on the value of
various substances for feeding: Where
corn can be raised with reasonable
certainty of a good crop it will be
found the best fattening food. Its
fodder and stover are also valuable
foods, although the long time after
ripening before winter feeding begins
causes more loss in the shock and
much more to the standing stalks than
In more northern states. As the ker
nels become very hard when thorough
ly dried, grinding the com is a help:
soaking is a fair substitute for this.
Where hogs follow cattle there is lit
tle loss when either ear or shelled
con Is fed. Kafir con Is a healthful,
palatable and nutritious food, but Its
feeding value Is somewhat less than
that of com. As shown both by feed
lot trials and by digestion experi
ments there Is a great loss In feedlag
this grain unthrashed to cattle In
some cases of sixty per cent but hogs
will utilize most of this waste. There
is little difference In the waste wheth
er the grain Is fed unthrashed or
thrashed. In some cases, at least, the
loss Is greater when soaked grain Is
fed than when It Is fed dry. In some
trials steers fed Kafir meal made bet
ter gains for a long time than did
those fed con meal, but this was not
true In any extended period. Hogs
digest the unground grain better than;
do cattle. In general hogs have made
gains from four-fifths to five-sixths as
great when fed on Kafir as when fed
corn. Sheep seem to digest Kafir bet
ter than any other class of farm ani
mals. Kafir stover apparently has
practically the same feeding value as
con stover and often Is In better con
dition. Running the entire stalk
through a thrashing machine puts the
stover In excellent condition. Alfalfa
Is the best hay for either horses, cat
tle or sheep and Is a help to hogs dur
ing winter.
After the Pigs Came.
As the little fellows get older, they
drag more heavily on the parent, who
should now be fed liberally, says a
Canadian swine raiser. When they
show signs of picking for themselves,
a few grains and sliced roots may be
thrown to them on a clean floor, when
the mother Is out Or have a room
partitioned off, and an opening for
them to creep through, where they can
eat without molestation, or drink from
a small trough. Do not give them too
much food, or let It lie and become
stale. Feed the mother well, and this
is a very good way of feeding them.
They may be weaned any time after
four weeks. Eight weeks old Is a
good time to wean them. In weaning
them the sow should be let in with
them at least twice, a day or two In
tervening. At this time they demand
your most particular care and atten
tion, as by exposure to cold and damp,
over-feeding and under-feeding, it is
possible your hopes may be blighted.
Feed warm milk, slops from the kitch
en thickened slightly at first with
shorts, bran, and a little oat and barley
meal. Feed grain sparingly for the
first one hundred pounds of their
weight Give them all the roots they
will eat also a little clover, green or
in hay, and an occasional feed of
ashes, sulphur and salt Oats, barley
and peas, mixed and chopped make a
good feed, but rather expensive. Give
less of peas at first and Increase as
nearing the finishing period. One of
the best lots I ever had was a spring
litter fed on soaked peas, slop thick
ened with a little shorts, and finished
on grass.
Live Stock Husbandry.
One of the important foundation
stones of agriculture is live stock hus
bandry. By many this is believed to
be the most profitable branch of farm
ing. Some practice the feeding of all
they grow to live stock raised on their
farms. Certain it Is that the nation
that tries to farm without live stock
runs the chance of impoverishing its
lands. This has sent more than one
nation into decay. Still, to raise live
stock successfully one must have a
good brain and lack laziness. There
are some farmers that hold to grain
growing because they have to work
only a few months out of the year
and have the balance of the time In
which to rest Such men are blamed,
sometimes because they do not go in-
to stockraising in addition to grain-,
raising. The probability Is that If.
they did go into the raising of stock-'
they would neglect it and so lose,
money. By bad methods It Is easy
to lose money rapidly in stock-raising.
Every man that is willing to study his'
work and has had experience In the
general work of farming can go Into
the business of breeding and feeding
farm animals with good chances of
success; but before taking such a step,
the full cost should be counted.
The Unbalanced Ration.
The fact should not be overlooked
that there are cases where the bal
anced ration is not the most economl-'
cal. This will be influenced by the
relative market price of feeds and the
animals that are to be fed. For In
stance If con is very cheap the feed-'
er will not be justified in paying, high?
prices for mill stuff to feed In very!
large quantities to fattening steers,?
unless It be for the finishing period.,
The carbohydrates that he would;
waste are too cheap in 15 eent con to;
justify him in buying high priced pro-'
tein to save them.' But generally, feed:
containing enough protein at a rea-:
sonable price can be had on the farm1
at a price that will justify an approxi-!
mate balanced ration in the majority
of cases. Besides the loss of food!
nutrients, there are detrimental results
caused by an unbalanced ration. Grow-1
Ing stock are stunted; dairy cows are'
dried up, in breeding stock the animal
system is weakened, etc For 'such!
cases as these the balanced rattm wtit'
pay even if it is necessary to purchase
such feeds aa oil meal, etc, that are!
generally considered high priced. F.'
C 'Burtis.
First Laying of Ducks.
From the Farmers' Review: Our ex-;
perience with ducks Is that they do
not make any nests at the first laying-'
or early In spring, and If It Is desired
to get these eggs, the ducks must be
penned up every night an they lay
very early In the moralag. If run
ning out they will lay In the brook
or wherever they may be. Later in
the summer some of them win make
nests and will probably get ' broody
Straw or' leaves or almost anything
will serve as material out of which
to make nests. Charles Smiley,
Parke County, Indiana.
Catholics in America.
There are about 11,000,000 Catholics
la the United States.
rOt . .wf Ctm. Aa
sfiie-J jfta&r- k-asnteflfc?
mPlmmmWtiLmmWamm sfaCaV-"BMV'
Value. of Style in Fruit.
Benjamin Newhall, a Chicago fruit
commission merchant, In a paper con
tributed to the last session of the
Illinois state horticulturists, said: .
Quality pays; style pays still bet
ter; and both together best of all. You
growers know this, but probably we
dealers realize It even more fully.
For Instance, recently we received a
carload of apples most of which sold
at 19 per barrel, but in that car were
some that sold at 11.50 per barrel.
Both were called No. 1, but the $9 ap
ples were high in flavor and color,
and perfect as to shape, pat up in an
attractive package and finely packed.
The $L50 apples were sound, but were
dull and uninviting in color, of poor
flavor and put up in a slovenly look
ing package and were poorly packed.
We sold Seckel pears at $8 and $2
per barrel this fall on the same day.
and we got full price on both. It was
quality and style that made the differ
ence. Not once, but many times we
have sold Jonathans, sound atd fresh
ly received the same day at $2 and
110 per barrel. In fact, this very
thing is one of the chief annoyances
of our trade. Few shippers realize the
value of just a little of Nature's tint
ing on the skin of an appls or how
slight a difference In this line will
mean a difference of from 60 cents to
$1.00 per barrel In the price.
"You say you sold John Jones ap
ples at $5 straight and for mine you
got only $4, both packed by the same
man on the same day, the orchards
within a mile of each other. How is
this?" What a hopeless task to reply
to such a question! "My apples were
just as good as his, just as large, just
as smooth, just as carefully packed,
with just as good cooperage." All
this Is true, my friend, but they were
worth $1.00 per barrel less in our mar
ket just the same and are harder to
sell at the difference. And why? It
is excellence set off by style. That is
why the fruit from sunny valleys of
the far west outsells the best selec
tions of the middle west It may not
have more Intrinsic merit, but It has
Quality pays. Choose your varieties
wisely; take pains with your orchard
treatment Study the market needs:
but above all cultivate style in fruit
packing and package, and when to
this style you add quality, you have a
combination that will sell your fruit
at prices that will often surprise you.
Forest Regeneration.
The object of forestry is to utilize
to the fullest possible extent the prod
uct of forest land, and at the same
time to maintain the conditions which
render forests beneficial, says a re
port of the Rhode Island station.
Utilizing the timber is as much a part
of forest management as is inducing
the growth of trees and protecting
them during their growth. The Im
portant consideration of how to re
place the trees when cut Is known as
forest regeneration. Two methods are
available, the artificial and the natur
al. Artificial regeneration may be by
means of seeds sown and covered by
band or by means of planting trees.
Both these methods are too expensive
to be used except where no others
will succeed. Manifestly on the open
prairies they are the only methods
available when forests are to be start
ed on land where no trees now grow.
Natural regeneration is the more com
mon method, and the one more practi
cable under normal forest conditions.
It may be by means of shouts or by
means of seeds. The former utilizes
the vigorous shoots which spring up
when most broad-leaved trees are cut.
The resulting growth is known in for
est literature as coppice. The method
cannot be used with conifers, and not
all broad-leaved trees can be depended
upon to send up satisfactory shoots.
Such shoots make a more rapid
-growth in their earlier years than
.seedling trees, but they generally at
tain their best development within
thirty years and are not suitable for
the production of large, long-lived
trees. Coppice growth, therefore. Is
adapted only to short rotations and
the production of such classes of tim
ber as basket material, firewood,
fence posts, telegraph poles, hop
poles, etc. In the regeneration of for
ests by seeds nature is again ready to
help, for she contrives many ways in
which seeds are scattered that they
may find places to grow. The wind is
ever ready to carry them, and natur
ally the trees which become most
widely scattered are those bearing
light seeds with some kind of append
age enabling them to be easily carried
by the wind.
The English "Crab."
A recent report of the Virginia sta
tion says: "This variety is only a
small form of the common apple. Tree
hardy but a slow grower; upright,
forming a roundish head. Trunk meas
ures 12 inches at base and about 11
Inches at head. Planted In 1891 Thus
for has not shown susceptibility to
disease. First bloom noted in 1895,
aad trees bore a small crop that year.
Small crops produced again in 1897,
1899 and 1901. At no time has this
variety bone a heavy crop. Fruit
burger than ordinory crabs, dull red
In color and of excellent quality for
eating out of hand. This is a winter
variety and will keep till January if
storage conditions are favorable. It
has value for amateurs, but we do not
recommend it for general planting.
The Present Stock Feeder.
There was a time when the feeding
of live stock could be carried on In an
Ignorant and haphazard way and yet
afford the feeder a profit That was
In the days when land was cheap and
then was little market for grain,
chiefly because it could not be hauled
to where It was needed. That day has
passed, and both land and grain are
In demand and showing a strong ten
dency to rise still higher. The hap
hazard feeder long ago went out of the
business on account of non-success.
The successful stock feeder of the
present day is able to discriminate
between good and poor animals and to
teU the difference between good aad
poor feeds. He Is able to sit down and
combine a ration that will give the
best possible results. He no longer
believes tnat one kind of hay is worth
aa much as another kind. And how
came he to know these things? By
taking .heed to the work done by the
scientist in the analysis of the differ
ent feeds. The first-class feeder of
cattle, no longer believes that timothy
hay Is the very best hay for beef mak
ing. He has' learned that clover and
alfalfa far' exceed it in value.
It'a the uncertainty as to whether
the mystery In a woman is false, fire
or the beacon light to bliss that ren
ders her so fascinating to a man.
Breeding Army Horses.
It is a well known fact to most of
or readers that during the recent war
In South Africa, Great Britain obtained
most of her cavalry, artillery and
transport horses and mules In this
country. It will be news to most of
them, however, to learn that our
horses proved more lasting and re
liable than those obtained In any other
country. It is even said that Ameri
can horses were found better than
those bought in Canada, which is dif
ficult to believe but is perhaps to be
explained on the score that Morgan
blcod is found in tie foundation stock
of many of the horses procured in our
own country, while Canada -cannot
boast of such capital foundation ma
terial. The old Morgan has given us
perhaps the best procurable army
horses. They had plenty of lasting,
staying abilities, good, sound bone,
fine, good-wearing feet and lota9 of
nerve for work, combined with docil
ity of disposition which is highly de
sirable. It is further alleged that cer
tain portions of the west have been
found peculiarly adcried for the pro
duction of sound, hardy army horses.
In Montana especially were found
hundreds of sturdy, fleet and sound
horses that gave, the best of satisfac
tion in the field and one naturally
turns to that part of the country as
most suitable for the production of
the class of horses in question. To
come to such a conclusion Is however
quite erroneous in our opinion. The
fact that Montana has given perhaps
the best class of army horses to date
Is largely explained by the fact that
the native mares have been of the
tough broncho sort used to hard liv
ing and exhaustive runs over exten
sive territories. Again the mountain
ous pastures in high altitudes have
developed good lung power while the
lime formation has doubtless bad
much to do with the production of
fine flinty bone and sound, tough
hoofs. There are many equally good
locations in the country for the pro
duction of such horses. Such districts
are found, where nitrogenous foods
luxuriate and where the climate Is
somewhat rigorous and the soil full of
mineral matters rather than rich in
humus. There are millions of acres
of such land in northern Wisconsin.
Minnesota. Dakota and Nebraska,
while over the line in the Alberta
country settlers may well assist in the
production of army horses of the right
type and character. It appears evi
dent that before long the government
will give special attention to this busi
ness of army horse production and
appoint ex-officers to work with a com
mission of expert horse breeders to
wards the selection, approval and reg
istry of stallions and mares suitable
for the production of the class of
horses required. The right sort is
said to be dying out, on the plains,
and it is time to commence stocking
suitable districts with the chosen
class of breeding animals for the
work in question. What the breeding
stock will be remains to be seen but
it is likely that preference will be
given to horses possessing some Mor
gan blood, although a full supply of
such horses will be hard to find.
When such have been located it is
proposed to register them and pro
vide for standard fees to be charged
for the service of the stallions upon
approved mares also recorded and to
keep track of the progeny which will
be bought for the army at fair prices
to be decided by market values at the
time of purchase. Montana should
take a lively interest in this proposi
tion, but the other districts we .have
indicated should certainly have a share
of the business and should the govern
ment decide to establish breeding
farms in suitable districts we would
like to see one placed In each of
the locations we have suggested.
We do not mean that these are the
only desirable locations for such
breeding farms but we do consider
them eminently well adapted for the
production of the class of horses
needed in the army. The soil and
climate are just what is required and
the horses there produced will cer
tainly be sound in wind and limb,
possessed of stamina and vim and
sufficient size to meet all of the re
quirements. We understand from the
Chicago Tribune that Representaive
McCreary has introduced a bill in
congress looking to government en
couragement and partial control of
this class of breeding. Farmers' Re
view. At. Farrowing Time.
In an address to Kansas farmers
John Cownie said: Have your pigs
come about the same time within a
week or two so that they will all be
of one age and one size. That is one
great secret in successful swine rais
ing. It will save a great deal of diffi
culty at farrowing time. I used to
have a great deal of trouble at far
rowing time in losing sows. I remem
ber one year I lost fifteen sows that
could not give birth to their pigs.
You have all, no doubt had trouble
of that kind. I have lost some valu
able sows, finely bred, because they
could not give birth to their pigs. At
that time I did not know what was
the matter. Now I know all about It
That may be saying a good deal. But
I never lose a sow now In farrowing
not one. There is no grain produced
that is more fat-producing than con.
We fed our young hogs altogether too
much corn. The reason that these
sows died was that they had been fed
too much corn and their pigs were too
large and fat, aad they could not
give birth to them. I had fed con, as
my neighbors had done. Now I scarce
ly feed an ear to my brood sows. They
are cot fed a great deal and there Is
no trouble in farrowing; haven't lost
a sow for a dozen years. I feed a sow
to make bone and muscle. I am not
feeding the sow then; I am feeding
the embryo pig, and what I want In
that pig is bone and muscle. I remem
ber once I had fifty sows farrow In
two weeks; had as fine a lot of hogs
as I ever raised. I was proud of those
Difference in Soil.
One field of a farm may have a soil
that will hold but half an inch of
water, while another will hold two
inches out of the ten inches that may
fall. Crops grow differently on these
two soils.
The finest class of animals of any
bred will deteriorate if poorly fed and
cared for. This is the real cause of
many a man's failure to get oat of
highly-bred .animals as much as he ex
pected. Prof. Shaw says: The. breeders of
the Saxony. Merino sheep obtained a
finer staple in the wool than did the
breeders of other types of Merino
sheep, but they did so at the sacrifice
of vlvnr.
bEbbbbk2bbsI sasm k JSaassa I aH mLsssnam I
Measures Distance at Sight
A rather interesting distance-measuring
telescope has been recently pat
ented which would seem to have
many practical applications. The fact
that the distance of an object say a
ship at sea, or a spire seen above the
housetops may be determined in
stantly and without calculation by this
device places the glass In a class by
itself. The instrument is based on
the law of optics, that If the same ob
ject be viewed simultaneously from
two different positions, the distance
between the two lines of vision will be
proportional to the distance of the ob
ject In other words, the angle form
ed by the two lines of vision will vary
as the distance. In practice, a long
telescopic tube Is provided with two
reflectors about thirty-six inches apart,
and an object glass which receives the
two reflected images of the object ob
served. These Images, owing to the
disposition of the reflectors, appear
on the object glass one above the
other, and the horizontal distance be
tween them is proportioned to the dis
tance of the object A micrometric
scale determined by actual measure
ment for one point, say a mile, and
computed for the other distances up to
the limits of visibility is superim
posed on the object glass, so that the
distance of the object viewed can be
read off accurately. For convenience
Distance-Measuring Telescope.
the telescopic tube Is supported on a
standard In such a maaner that it can
be readily lowered, or raised, or ad
justed instantly to any part of the
horizon. Suitable lenses are used to
enable distant objects to be viewed
without effort
Invented by a Woman.
It Is so easy In cities and towns
whenever a loaf of bread Is needed to
slip out to the store and buy a fresh
one that comparatively little baking of
bread is done in the homes of the
country nowadays. Once ia a while
some one will complain that baker's
bread Is not as good as home-made,
and call for the latter, but the excep
tion to the rule Is so slight that It
makes no Impression on the enormous
quantities of bread that are baked in
the large factories every day. Indeed,
the demand for the manufactured
product has grown to such an extent
that it would be almost an impossibil
ity to find bakers enough to knead the
dough by hand in the old-fashioned
way, and machines have had to be in
troduced to mix up the flour and wa
ter and rising material. One machine
shown in the drawing has just bean
designed by a v.-oman for this work,
being operated on much the same prin
ciple as the old method of using the
fists in doing the mixing. The driv
ing shaft is geared to the dough con
tainer, so that the latter is revolving
constantly, and each plunger has a
cam body on its upper portion, which
is grooved on its face in such a man
ner that the plunger rises and 'falls as
the shaft revolves. When it becomes
necessary to remove the mixture from
the container the plungers are ele
vated simultaneously by means of the
counterpoise weight, the gear wheels
which revolve tho plunger shafts be
ing disconnected as the plungers rise,
and remaining out of gear until they
are again lowered into the mixing
Maria E. Beasley of New York City
is the inventor.
Electricity a Disinfectant
An Italian scientist claims to have
established that electric tramways are
great mediums in the disinfection of
towns. He points out that the electric
spark, which is so frequent an occur
rence to the overhead trolley, and the
emlssioa of light from the car wheel
when the rail is used for the return
current transform the oxygen of the
air into ozone which has a purifying
and disinfecting influence. The high
discharges, he says, are frequent
enough to influence greatly the atmos
pheric constituents, especially where
the line passes through narrow thor
oughfares. They become antiseptic
With the Scientists.
The Smithsonian Institution's ex
pert pronounces the meteor which fell
at Lodi, Cal.. not only genuine, but the
largest ever found in the United
States. It weighs between ten and
twenty tons.
Dr. Johnstone Stoney has calculated
by application of the dynamic theory
of gases that any water vapor intro
duced into the atmosphere of Mars
would escape into space, the gravita
tion there being insufficient to retain
M. Bernard reports that he finds ar
senic is a constant constituent of the
organism, and that all parts of the
hen's egg contain appreciable quanti
ties of arsenic. In the l-200th of a
milligramme found In one egg from
one-half to two-thirds is found in the
Tiffany's diamond expert recently,
during a lecture in New York city,
showed radium glowing through a
glass tube, a rubber tube, a piece of
lead pipe, a piece of iron pipe, three
copper cylinders and a Jar of water,
the wonderful substance apparently
shining as clearly through ail of these
substances at once as it did through
any one of them.
None for Her.
"Really, Mrs. OToole," said Mrs.
Naybor, "you should send little Denis
to the kindergarten."
"Phwat koicd av a thing is that?"
demanded the contractor's wife.
"Kindergarten? Oh, that's simply
German for "
'Enough said. ma'm. Oi'll hov no
Dutch in moine. thank ye koindly,
ma'm." Philadelphia Ledger.
Prof. Lapworth. regarding the moon
with a geologist's eye, feels convinced
that It Is an active and living world.
Invention of Practical Value to the
Many a housewife and museum
curator has had good reason to regret
that drawers as a rule are neither
dust nor vermis proof. To have your
treasures, whether they consist of
linens, books or unreplacable speci
mens ruined when they were appar
ently secure from anything less than a
fire is disheartening to say the least
Two Swedish inventors of Providence,
realizing the field that exists for a
dust and insect proof drawer put their
ingenuity to work and have evolved
a very simple but effective construc
tion. The essential feature of the
construction Is a wooden or metallic'
cover for each individual drawer.
Three edges of this cover, the sides
and the rear, are provided with a"
downwardly extending flange, adapted -to
close ia the sides and back end of
the drawer. The front edge terminates
under a flange forming an integral
part of the supporting framework.
This cover Is pivoted at some nearly
central poiat, aad as a drawer is
withdrawn beyond this pivotal point
the cover drops down at the back and
raises correspondingly in tho front,
aad aa a drawer is withdrawn beyond
this pivotal poiat the cover drops
down at the back and raises corre-
HBBaaflMBsflBsllf JKTMAtss7B
I I p
spondingly in the front, allowing the
drawer to be entirely withdrawn with
out displacing the cover. The draw
ers and cover may be made of wood,
metal or aay suitable material.
Russian Poplar Splitting.
W. R. M. Russian poplar trees 8
years old, about 18 feet high and 21
inches ia circumference are commenc
ing to split from the bottom: the
largest one is split about 4 feet and
about 2 inches into the tree.
Ans. It Is rather difficult to say .
what causes this bark splitting of the
Russian poplar, but it is more likely.
to be due to climate difficulty than ''.
anything else. If you find it mostly -on
the south and west sides of the
tree, then this surmise may be con
sidered to be confirmed. This bark -splitting
Is caused by the rapid thaw--Ing
and subsequent freezing of the sap
early in season. Ice crystals are form
ed beneath the bark which destroy the
tissues aad lift the bark from tho.
wood. The remedy Is to shade tho
tree on that side. No system of band- -ing
will be satisfactory because a
band would simply strangle the tree.
If the split extends through the wood
and is likely to divide the treo. tho .
two halves can be bolted together by
using ordinary bolts of a length suffi
cient to clear the diameter of tho
trunk. The holes can be bored, the -bolts
driven through and the burrs
put on. The new growth will soon
cover them up. When the bark pecte
up roughly and curls outward, it is
best to trim it down somewhat
smoothly on the sides and dress it
with paint or grafting wax.
Plastering a House With Cement
D. McL. Would you recommend
plastering the outside of a house with
Portland cement and sand? Would
it be likely to crack?
By using Portland cement to plaster
your house, it would make a far better
Job than doing it with lime, for Port
land cement would stand the weather
far better. All cement work, where
it has a large surface, or where the
walls are of a considerable length
without any joints or openings la
them, are apt to .crack, and plastering
will do the same, especially where th
heat of the sun is great. Rough cast
ing or plastering on the outside used
to be quite common, but of late yean;
it is seldom done.
Peppermint Culture.
J. C. R. Will you pleasa give data
about how best to propagate pepper
mint whether by seed and cuttings.
or seed alone, and how cuttings ere
Ans. The peppermint is propagated
exclusively by sets which arc in real
ity cuttings of the running root stocks.
These root stocks are cut into short,
lengths and arc sown in drills fifteen
or eighteen inches apart. The soil
should be rather moist and cultivation
the first year should be as thorough
as if one were growing carrots' or
beets. The crop ought to be renewed
every three or at most four years;
that is to say, the field is likely to run
out in that length of time.
Drying Damp Grain.
A farmer who had a quantity of
damp corn on his liand.s discovered
that it could be quickly dried by plac
ing drain tiles in the crib along with
the grain. After a layer of a few feet
of corn he places a layer of tile a few
feet apart. They can be inserted
either horizontal or parallel, with
sticks running through to keep them
in place. The tiles permit a free cir
culation of air through the grain and
absprb a large amount of moisture.
The scheme Is said to be admirably
adapted for cribbing soft corn, and
the grain always dries out without tho
least heating. The scheme is also ap
plicable to a bin of damp oats, buck
wheat or other grain.
Hens Eating Eggs.
E. R. What is a good method of
curing hens of eating their egg3?
Ans. First of all. have darkened
rests so arranged that the hens havo
to make two or three turns In their
way Into the nests; then place four
or five crockery eggs or round stone3
painted white in each nest If this is
not enough, pare the points of the
fowl's bill until they are tender, so
that they will not enjoy pecking a
crockery or stone egg.
A Driven Well in Quicksand.
J. M. T. In driving a well, would
it answer to cease driving when quick
sand is reached, or should it go
It is rather hazardous to have quick
sand at the bottom of a well. It would
be much safer to pierce the quicksand
deposit and reach a more stable ffcr
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