illilipf sy -. r V5PH" ."P "(ei H ssav -' 3w -. . - . t. -- - - . . - w . vrfsv B " " -a. : -. . - ; . . .. - t . ... . "-. , , -. " - !:. .! ' ;i . ( . i . W t rsrwrr . ii. '' ' - -. """ 'J: - - - - - ------ -- ----r- - - - --'-- - ,. I uallmed aoae. ti- BEE EESsm MWMS I llllll sT-l IrT I W which fact I hive ascertained QVSSftSft II fflftStt Willi inf B SSSi t? ti . cotete. dUbK- E . XHOTCrtl -- T&GSBIA &!'JrW.rAlFci4C rect Nellie Ifomaker. Venae Sam. sntM11'! II tfliE I ' Ii-. IGMLFratl .l . . SdZJO ?r iM. ,I.vLikjI - wiMrt. - -dWmrSd.-Jm3i f - about il Z253KS m V llv A IsWImvl kgSW 'rTT- W:" ; -a?vi-rfcjrt if. vAsui mi m tsH niium;! gskjp -w- - ;. iMtntta. bw ji. rw iMiMFTriitxj W' pwuh gc aT-wiyWi sY' am nm ml jnalsTP'iBae.l B w li ftM swai si KKimSAf W A nm nm umm wM wuw nYrn 45s;t Cmi a a Poultry Feed, rnwi - m EI - ' Fr a Hero's Grave The tuner tttln to resonance again The foreat lore . But lie who heart housed wind and sun and .rain. Awakes no more. They laid upon his breast a crown of thoru , . With roses twined. For os, who braved so many stormy norns His peace to find. Now. -Mother Earth in her reat. tender inn aun wwi mxr. .,, varue That sons disturb, nor touch with au alarms, His quiet sleep. He was so tired, he waited Death's re lief. A weary while throuah Yet we who loved him may not tnrouu our arlef Forget his smile. nim- -Charlstt e Seeker in New Orleans Times Democrat Started ShcrMan on Famous RM The aaaa who started Gen. Fnii Saeridaa oa his famous ride from Fairfax Station to Winchester to win back a battle that was lost, lives in Warreasburg. a village In this coun ty., and his name is George MUeii. says "a correspondent of the Chicago Chronicle, writing from Decatur, IlL This incident is the old veterans most treasured memory of the war. and he delights to tell how he sent Sheridan galloping down the Shenan doah valley at 2 o'clock in the morn lag of Oct 19. 18G4. -I was a private in the 202d Penn sylvania," says Mixell, "and Col. Charles Albright commanded our regiment We were on duty at Fair fax Station, twenty-five or thirty miles soathwest of Winchester, in old Vir ginia. Near Winchester runs Cedar creek, near which Sheridan's army was in camp. City Point, where Grant was at the time, is about twen-ty-tve miles south and west of Win chester, in West Virginia. "Yoa know Sheridan left his army to visit Gen. Grant and have a confer ence with him. He did not think Early, the Confederate leader, would surprise and rout his army; be didn't think Early was strong enough. So he took plenty of time and was in no harry to return to his command. That is why he came by Fairfax Station. "It happened that I was on guard duty at the headquarters of our colo nel the evening Sheridan arrived at the station. Col. Albright had his headquarters in a large house near the railroad and I patrolled the porch. -When Sheridan arrived be was aloae and came up on a black horse, not a Urge one. but a magnificent ani mal fall of spirit and splendidly pro portioned. He dismounted in front of the house and started to pass me. but 1 stopped him, not knowing who he war. bat just then my colonel came out and welcomed him and I saluted. "He spoke to me pleasantly, and that's probably what gave me courage to do what I did later. Sheridan went into the house and was soon in bed, I guess, for it wan late when be came. I .continued my watch without any-thiaa- unusual hanuenlnc until about 2 o'clock in the morning, when sounds I of cannon firing came from the direction-of Winchester and some other sentry called to me that he thought Sheridan's army was in a night battle. "I knew this was unexpected and something told me to call my colonel aad Sheridan and I woke them up. Sheridan jumped out of bed and baked what was wrong and I told him. He ran out on the porch in bis shirt, listened a minute, made some strong remarks and called for his horse. "While the animal was being brought he was getting Into bis clothes. He Jumped on his horse, or dered my colonel to get bis men out and galloped off. He was alone then and If he had a guard he picked them up ia our camp. He may have left a couple of his men there when he came up to the colonel's house. I never heard anything more about his ride except that he got there and found his army on the run and made them stand up and fight Our regi ment did not get in the fight because it was over before w got there and we were stopped on the way." Mr. Mixell gleefully relates how Sheridan seemed put out when he, heard the sounds of cannonading as of distant thuader when aroused from bed. Fer the Yeueeer Generation. The younger generation little know the conflict trials and persecutions endured by their fathers for the pres ervation of the blessings which they now enjoy, says a writer in the Philadelphia Ledger. Had they come up through the days of Horace Greeley. William Lloyd Garrison. William V. McKeaa. George W. Childs. Colonel Fitzgerald, of Philadelphia. Charles A. Dana, of the New York Sun, and such revered editors as A. S. Barber. Sr., and A. S. Barber. Jr.. of the Woodbury Constitu tion; Harry B. Paul, of the Camden Review; Siaalckson Chew, of the West Jersey Press; Bart L. Bonsall. of the Camden Post; A. L. English, of the Atlantic City Review'; Thomas E. Hawkins, of the Cape May Star, and a host of others who cannot at pres ent be brought to mind, they would be better fitted to appreciate the gift oi freedom headed down to them with dcaa hands and pure hearts as a sacred legacy. Very few of these leaders of thought that shaped the educational course throughout the civil war remain. Near ly all the ministers of the Gospel are dead: the makers or law have de parted; nearly all the Supreme Court judges have passed away; very few -doctors that were distinguished in ' practice tea years ago remain, and it seems a fittiag tribute, as we notice them passing, to call attention to the fact in-order that their memory shall he perpetuated and their light shine upea the pathway of a younger gea eratJoa. The deaasing of the blood by the sacrifice of such noble lives has caused religion to assume the asceadency and aaiae with a more intense eff ulgency aad spleadpr than ever before. I do not believe a greater height has ever heea attained ia religion and educa tion, fa the recognition of the rights ef man aad individual. A great deal still remsias to be done. Let nil Grand Army men see that -survivors of the civil war be added to their aambers. that the rap idly dinlaishiag poets may be replen ished tad perpetuated. Let the Sons of .V-twaas urge upon their fathers still living the necessity of giving this consideratioB. Aad let brethren, who are bow to the fullest extent the ef freedom that have Jipenec fraR. see that then- children are taught from what aoarea these blessiags bare emaaated, that it nay be haaded dowa and perpetuated as a sacred history Drummer Bay of Shileh. If he lives until 1915 the last om cer on the active list of the United States army who saw service in the civil war will go upon the retired list This will be just fifty years after the close of the war. The "Old Guard." as the civil war veterans now holding commissions in the United States army are known, is dwindling rapid ly, the recent retirements having re duced then- number to seventy. Two of these veterans, who occupy impor tant positions, will not retire for sev eral years yet One is Judge-Advocate General George B. Davis, owho will remain in active service until 1911, and the other, Commissary Gen eral John F. Weston, who does not re tire until 1913. The last of the Old Guard," if he lives, will be Lieut Col. John L. Clem of the quartermaster's department who will be eligible for' retirement on account of age, Aug. 13, 1915. This officer, who is depot quarter master at San Antonio, Tex., is the -Drummer Boy of Shllob." Few who served in the great struggle of the GO's have a more dramatic record. He was an orphan when the war broke out, in 1861, and. although but 10 years of ace. tried to follow the troops to the war as a drummer boy. Time and again he was refused, but' in May. 1863, he succeeded in secur ing a place with the Twenty-second Michigan volunteers, and accompa nied that regiment as a musician and lance sergeant He was at last in the army, although not quite 12 years old. At the battle of Shiloh, or Pitts burg Landing, his drum was shot to pieces, and his gallant conduct earned for him the title of the "Drummer Boy of Shiloh," since woven into verse and drama. At Chickamauga he threw away his drum and carried a musket and it is related of him that when a Confederate soldier called on him to surrender and rushed at him with drawn saber, little Johnny Clem used his musket to sucb advantage that the Confederate was left on the field and the drummer boy escaped. Col. Clem was mustered out of the volunteer service in September, 1864. He returned to his home in Ohio, spent several years at school, and finally received an appointment to the army from civil life in September. 1872. He recently came into public notice by his indignant disclosure of an attempt fb bribe him by a con tractor sending him a box of cigars in which was concealed a one hundred dollar bill. Clem will be the last of the "Old Guard." and will undoubted ly retire with the star of a brigadier general. Philadelphia Press. The Heroes of Port Hudson. In a letter to the New York Sun i George E. Abbott of Brooklyn says: "Mr. J. l. uunuicis leuer in ine Sun of Nov. l. is in the right spirit. The government should redeem the promise of Gen. N. P. Banks to the heroes of Port Hudson and appropri ate the money to have a medal of hon or struck off for the surviving mem bers of the 'forlorn hope.' "On June 14, 1863, an assault was made on the Confederate works, in which the Union side last 203 killsd and 1.604 wounded. The Confederate loss was only 22 killed and 23 wound id. After this bloody repulse Gen. Banks called for volunteers to form a storming column, and over 1,000 men responded, led by that gallant gentle man. Gen. H. W. Birge. The fort sur rendered on July 8, and the sacrifice of the thousand was not called for, but they certainly deserve the medal for their good intentions. "It would cost the government but a small amount now, as a great many of the thousand have answered their last roll call." Ellsworth's Zouaves. Ellsworth's Zouaves were recalled a few days ago to the minds of all who remember the incidents of the early days of the civil war, when it was an nounced in a Washington dispatch that the war department had received from William Clausen of New York. the old flag of the First New York Fire Zouaves, the regiment raised and-commanded by Col. Ephraim Elmer Ells worth at the beginning of the war. It was the same flag that Ellsworth hoisted on the staff of the Mansion House at Alexandria. Va., on May 24, 1861, after he had torn down the rebel flag, which Incident cost Col. Ells worth his life. Mr. Clausen came into possession of the flag as a gift from Andrew Govan, who was quartermas ter of Ellsworth Post G. A. R., and he asserts he has documents to prove that it is the flag represented. The gift to the war department was made on condition that the flag should be added to the war collection in Cullum Memorial Hall, at West Point New York Tribune. Morgan Visits Old Cell. Standing at the door of his old cell. No. 21, at Columbus, Ohio. Col. "Dick" Morgan. of Lexington. Ky., this week set at rest the forty-year-old story that Warden Merlon, in charge of the old penitentiary, had helped Gen. John Morgan and his officers to escape. Col. "Dick" said Merion was true to his trust and had not aided at all. He declared the Confederate prison ers dug the tunnel from his cell to the outer world without collusion -of nny one of the prison officials. "Dick" had exchanged cells with his brother in order to permit the latter to escape. Mrs. Morgan accompanied her hus band and was deeply interested in the scenes of his early privations. Veteran's Death Due te Accident. Comrade Henry Kissenger, past de partment commander, Grand Army of the Republic of Ohio, who died recent ly, enlisted when 17 years old ia com pany B, Ninety-third Ohio iafaatry. He participated ia raaay battles, and was severely wounded at Missionary Ridge. In 1895 he was elected senior vice commander, aad in 1897 com mander of the department of Ohio. On the day of his death he was assistiag to form the parade at Dayton, where au-aftemoon reuaiea of the soldiers and sailors of '-southweetera: Ohio was taking place.'whea his horse sudden ly reared, falliag over backward aad inflicting injuries from which he died wlthia the boor. The English laagaage is much la tme in -Panama, especially oa the At lantic aide. Cam as a Fauttry Feed. While we have for years dou all la our power to check- the too- frae use of corn la tha poultry ratloav-w yet regard 'it as ome of .the moat im portant feeds for poultry.- Fed for six months at a time aad as a single ra tion it la almoat always used at a dis advaamge. Con fa badly over-aal-aaced on the carbohydrate alaa. aad its constaat feeding, not only injures the Internal organs of the bird re ceiving it, but It ia to a considerable extent washed; aa the fowls can digest only about 'so much of this klad of matter aayway. The balance must go through ia a partly digested state. This may be the cause of the iates tiaal disturbances that are sometimes the result of Its contiauous feeding. The man that feeds corn aloae 'is put tinginto each fowl each year a good deal more' money' than is necessary. In some cases this may amount to as much as 25 cents per bird per year wasted, and worse.- On a lock of 100 fowls this. is quite aa iteni. But feed corn In conjunction with other things and all wUl be well. Fowls vary greatly in the elects upon them of the com fed. The young and growing birds, especially those that exercise a great deal, show less elects of its use than the older birds. This is largely because. the fowls in exercising burn up more of the carbon contained in the food by means of the chemical action going on in their lungs. The old hens are less active and cannot use the carbon in such great quantities. The result is that tbey lay up unnecessary fat and in time get too fat' to lay well. This Is a condition hard to cure. The writer once bought a dozen Plymouth Rocks to add to his flock. To his surprise they did not lay an egg till the winter was about half over. He surmised that the birds had been fed on noth ing but corn for a long time before the purchase was made. He asked the former owner about it and found that this was true. These hens were all old birds; that is, more than IS months old each. When a fowl is to be fatteaed for market for the American market at least corn is the proper food for her. If kept somewhat closely confined she will put on weight very rapidly. Sucb a bird might not do for the foreign market where 'they want flesh rather than fat But the American buyer is not particular. He says that a very fat bird is a tender bird, so he buys the bird that is fat and throws the surplus fat away. The fat bird sells the best,. and the city retailer never complains if the birds are fat The country producer therefore has no al ternative but to make all the birds he sells as fat as the market demands, and corn is his great ally in doing this. When corn is to be extensively fed we believe it is better to feed much of it in the form of corn meal and made into ' a pudding at that The moisture content of such a mess is worth considering. It takes a great deal of water to ' carry the food through the intestines, and when drj corn is fed, it must frequently be the case that not enough water is taken to properly do this work. If the fowl fills up on corn before going to roost there is co opportunity to drink be fore morning. This must frequently result in a disarrangement of the digestive organs. This view of it would rather favor the position of those poultrymen that say that the soft mash should be fed at night and the whole corn in the morning. The matter is certainly worth thought anu investigation. Cost ef Feeding Hens. From the Farmers' Review: During the last week in January of the year now drawing to a close I weighed all the grain and other kinds of feed my flock of 205 chickens consumed and estimated its value at what might have been obtained for it in the local market Although the aggregate sum amounted to more than one who had never investigated the subject might have expected, yet for each individual it was surprisingly small. I selected this particular time because I was then feeding only mature stock and because there was then nothing to be obtained from outside sources. For these reasons I expected to be able to make a fair estimate of what it cost me to keep my poultry duriag'the winter. The results quite agreed with those obtained from former estimates based upon similar investigations, and I felt justified in computing the en tire year's cost therefrom. Of rye I fed 30 pounds, which was then worth 45 cents per bushel; of oats 76 pounds at 25 cento per bushel; wheat, 20 pounds at 60 cents per bushel; soft corn, one bushel worth 35 cents, and ground feed, 20 pounds, at (1.00 per 100 pounds. I also fed a generous quantity of ground bone and chopped vegetables, besides what skimmed milk they would driak every day, which I estimated at 10 cents per 100 pounds. Altogether the total cost for the week was about 11.65 for the 205 chickens, or about 4-5 of one cent for each individual or a little less than 4 cents a month, which, at the same rate would amouat to something near 45 cents for an entire year. This esti mate seems incredibly small, but ia reality It Is still too large; for during the summer months the flock obtaiaed enough from the range to materially lessen the cost of their maintenance; yet as little as it cost for one, it must have cost me for the 205 .at least $80 for the salable grain they con sumed. Besides this, they probably obtaiaed about the stock yards and horse stables a considerable amount of scattered grain, but since this was not salable aad much of, it would oth erwise have "gone to waste," it i eed not be reckoned here. -iDuriag the week specified I gart ered nine and one-half 'dozens of eggs, which I sold for $1.71. or C cents more than the value of what the flock consumed. Although this was quite a falliag off from the aumber of eggs usually produced (owiag, no doubt to a protracted cold spell -foe a time previous it' was still" ia excess of what It cost to maintain the flock for the same time. From trie above in vestigations aad coasequeat estimates I have drawn this coaclusiba: That from twelve to fifteen eggs daily the year rouad will malatsla a farm flock of from 150 to 200 bees; all above this should represent the. profit obtained. Actually, I believed that the average farmer's family consumes eggs aad poultry enough to compensate for the cost of Iwwplmi their flock, and that all that ia soli usually represents no more thaa the real profit accruiag from the tevestmeat Certaialy oae la act justified la bas in c the estimate of, aa entire year's raiieas upon the amount coaaumed la We are glad to note that at of the dairy caseatkma hafaa held this whiter, at wa!c! exhibits of but ter aad cheese are made, oae feature oa the program Is a coafereace be tween the judges aad the makers of butter aad cheese as fb reasons for their acoriaga. Hitherto judges have rendered their dectaloae aad this has been the end of their work. The ex hibitora aad the spectators could guess as to the reasons for the low scores aad the high scores. The' men that so,;, the low scores west home aad made the same old Manners that had resulted ia their butter entered for Prizes act gettlag any. it has long been believed by progressive dairy men that, the exhibits of dairy prod ucts should be made more Instructive by the judges explaining to the ex hibitors aad audience generally why they made their dectoioas. Of course this is not aa altogether pleasant thing for the judges to do. aa it opens them to more criticisms than other wise. For if all the exhibitors know on just what points the jadges made their decision many of them are bound to. disagree with them, aad this will give rise to numerous criticisms. Bat we believe It Is the right thing to do. even though it is hard on the judges. They must be willing to sacrifice themselves to public good. The ex hibitors themselves must not be too exacting in this matter. They must re neater that all such decisions are a uatter of judgment largely, aad that fixed standards are impossible. The maker, of butte- may use aa amount of salt that will viease himself, but the butter judge Must mark fte saltness up or dowa as, it corresponds to the requirement of the market in which he has received his' experience. 7s know that different cities of the world have very different standards la this respect So it goes as to color, flavor and so forth. But there are some things oa wh!c there is considerable agreement Among tuese is the presence of weedy flavors or flavors resulting from the butter haviag been exposed before or after churning to smells of various kiads. Where these are. detectable at all In the butter they of course are just cause for marking off the exhibit Men differ very greatly in the keen ness of their senses of taste and smell. The fanner that has made the butter. beng accustomed to the smells of the barnyard, the weeds in the pastures, and a multitude of smells of vegeta bles aad grasses, may not be able to detect such in the butter, while those not accustomed to them detect them at once. The butter aad cheese judge must be keen in such matters. These conferences of the judges with the makers of butter and cheese are sure to be helpful to both. The Naming of Farms. Until within recent years the cus tom of naming farms was little prac ticed, at least in this country. Here and there a far-seeing man would give a name to his homestead and proceed to make it famous, for the purpose of Increasing his revenues derived from a good reputation. Recently, how ever, we have noted a very great in crease in the number of named farms. That this practice has a certain value can hardly be gainsaid. A man will hardly trouble himself to name his farm if he is only waiting for a chance to get out of farming' and into some thing else. The naming of a farm in dicates a tendency to permanency on Jie part of the owner. It Isnds tune to' his establishment provided he is able to sustaia the role he has be gun to play. When we learn of a farm being named we expect to see some indications of enterprise,on the part of the farmer. It would hardly be In keeping with n nice name to have fences tumbling down, the barn un palnted, rubbish scattered about the dooryard, and everything at loose ends. We expect and generally find that the owner of the named, farm Is tryiag to make his farm more than an ordinary one. It Is generally well fanned and kept in tidy condition. Frequently we find the produce com ing from it of a superior quality and put on the market in the best of con dition. Before Farrowing. For some days previous to farrow lag the sow should be iatroduced to her room to get acquainted with it, for to be shut iato a strange place the moment before the birth of her litter, they sometimes are dissatisfied, get restless and cross, aad endanger the Uvea of many, if not all, of their prog eny. Just before farrowing do aot feed too much cold raw food, or a surfeit of grata, but feed warm aaah, bran, shorts, or a little oata or bar ley chop, some warm milk, or whole some slop from the house, and a few roots. The same diet will apply after farrowing, but do not be la a hurry to feed for a few hours, nor intrude into herjapartment with too much noise or bustle. It worries aad excites her. There are liable to be great damages and loss incurred by the sudden rising to bid defiance to an unwelcome in truder. It ia very Important both be fore and after birth to see that there Is not too much coarse beddiag. It will be bunched by the mother, and the little ones will not be able to get arouad easily, aad may, get crashed by her. After a few days she may be let out alone. Too much coaflaemeat is not good, and being abut up with her young she is liable to throw them around and hurt them. Wm. Bunt Coal Tar Colors Prohibited; The food commissioner of North Dakbta has sent out a circular prohib iting the use in that state of batter colors founded on coal tar dyes. Some of 'tjiese dyes are called analine, but it matters not what the aame given them be, they will not be allowed to be used in food articles, If 'the state can pre vent it Ihere is really no necessity for .the use of these dyes, which are geaerally regarded aa ia a measure harmful to the human system -when used la food. There are vegetable col ors that are just aa good, but which have;been drivea out of the market to seme exteat by the cheaper dyes nsisnartarrid from coal tar. This law toes.mto effect oa April ,1, 1904. A similar ruling went iato efect hi Min esota on January 1st We may ex pect to see a similar rule put iato ef fect la all of the states haviag dairy aad food There is something fine ia the idea of love at first sight It usually meant the first eight of real tove-the divine clearance of worldly haae.frem the eyes of the lovers. There are but fifty Medea, mills Hall If a mast baa aot selected his pota toes for seed when he waa harvestias them ia the fall, heat least should aot permit the winter to "pats' without doing it in the cellar. -Tab potatoes that are to be used for seed should be given better treatment thaa ia usu ally accorded the potatoes that are used for the family, table or that are sold from time to time. Ia the first place it ia advisable to select for seed the,-potatoes that have the best shape and, sixe. A man. may make a selec tion oae year aad not realise that his crop is aay better thaa the crop from small aad gety Med. But ia the course of several years' selecUoa, the results are easily discernible. Ia fact, it is quite generally believed that po tatoes "run out" only because there is a tendency to select the poorest for seed. The potato grower may take it for granted that selectiag seed does count in the long run. We know that oa many farms the small potatoes only are saved for seed. This is especially the case when there are a great away of them aad there is a strong market demand for good-sized smooth potatoes. The bias of potatoes are picked over again aad again, the best potatoes always being selected. We have seea bias In which the only potatoes left at planting time were very small ones, ana these were used for the new en p. The farmer should set himself againut the temp tation to sell off his best The selec tion should be made early ia the win ter, and the potatoes saved for pleat ing, placed in tight, barrels or boxes and kept in as cool a place as pos' sible to prevent sprouting. When ex posed to the temperature and the heat of the ordinary cellar potatoes begin to shrivel aad to sprout by .midwinter. The flrst sprout is always the best oae the potato can send out, and it aeeds to be kept back till the tuber is in the ground. If the package la kept so tight that the air cannot circulate among the tubers, something will be gained, even if the temperature can not' be controlled. However, the tub era so pat away should be examined from time to time to see if sprouting has begun, in which case the potatoes should be promptly "sprouted." There are some conditions where the crop harvested should used as a source for selecting potato seed. One of these Is where the crop the previous year has been lessened by the late blight This blight strikes the potato tops in late summer sad checks growth. The resultant pota toes are generally small, as the tops were killed before the tubers had fin ished growing. The tubers them selves have In them the micelium of the. fungus that made the trouble and will carry over the disease to. the new crop. When this Is the case, rot ap pears in the tubers stored in the cel lar; for blight in the field and rot in the cellar are one and the same dis ease manifesting itself in a different way. In such a case it will pay the grower better to buy seed, even at a high price, than to attempt to use seed from the potatoes he has. All growers of potatoes should work toward a smooth potato, as such a po tato is of-more value for the table and for market than any other. We have to-day very. much .better potatoes than we had a generation ego. It will be remembered that at that time a good many varieties of potatoes gave tubers of very irregular shape. Some of them that were fairly smooth in contour yet bad a good many "eyes" and these were set deeply ii-to the flesh. In both cases the paring of the potatoes meant a great loss of the edible por tions. During the last twenty-five years the potatoes have become smoother and the eyes are nearer the surface or on, a level with it, so they can be. pared off with very little loss to the substance. The selector of seed should bear this in mind. We should not only improve our potatoes by the Introduction of better varieties, but we should constantly improve by se lection the varieties we havo Destruction of Weeds. Much interest has been shown at a' number of the agricultural experiment stations in the possibility of weed de struction by means of chemicals. As long ago as 1895 it was found at the Vermont Station that the orange hawkweed, a serious pest in pastures and meadows, could be destroyed without injury to the grass by sowing salt over the bind at the rate of 3,000 pounds per acre. Many experiments have siace been conducted at the same station with other chemicals for the eradication of weeds in walks, drives, courts, etc. Among the chemi cals tested were saltcopper sulphate, kerosene, !;verof-su!phur, carbolic acid, arsenic and salsoda, arsenate of soda, and two commercial weed v kill ers, the active principle of which ap parently was arsenic. The weeds which it was sought to destroy were plaataias, dandelion, chicory, rag weed, knotweed and various grasses. All the chemicals were applied in so; lutkm except the salt As In the case of the hawkweed experiments, salt waa found efficient in destroying all the weeds when applied dry and in large quantity. When salt is used for this purpose adjaceat lawns should be protecetd against washing, or they may be lajured. Crude carbolic acid, 1 plat in 4 plats of water, applied at the rate of 8 gallons per square rod, was very efficient The various ar senical preparations proved valuable as weed destroyers, aad choice be tween them was largely a matter of expense. All things considered, the arseaate of soda and the carbolic acid solutions proved the most valuable chemicals for weed destruction under the conditions of these experiments. Seme Fianta That Need Lime. There are some plants usualy growa in our gardens 'hat must have lime if the son Is acid, or they will do noth ing. It may wall be taken for greet ed that most of the pleats, in our gardens will aot do well where acid is present A soil does aot have to be-low to be add, though this is a coauaoa impression. Add soils are frequently found oa the sides aad the tops of hills. Bad sorrel growa oa an acid aoU, aad it ia usually found on Wga aad dry mad. The experiments carried oa at Kingston. Rhode Island. areao valuable that they should aot be pasted over la alienee. -They show the absolute nteletsnett of plaatiag such thugs as poppies, oa soils con tabtiag much add, whether such acid comes from the decay of vegetable matter or from the use of too much sulphuric add ia the application of commercial fertilisers. la the case of poppies the results of limlag were very striking. Of oae plot, fertilised with sulphats of mmualn, the limed portion yielded 22 hfossoms aad the Oi the other plot, fer tilised wkh attrato of soda, the aa Umed pottioa gave three bloatotms aad the limed 100. Sack of oar readers aa have tried to grow popples oa their soU iistti iitsafilij will do watt to try again, addtag some lime, aalag U pounds of Hme to the square rod. are very susceptible to the preacacs of add aad refuse to do well oa soils so impregnated. Ia the referred to. the pump kins oa unlimed soil where sulphate of ammonia was aesdV yielded only L5 pounds, while oa the limed plot with the same fertilizer, the yield waa IS pounds. Even where aitrate of soda waa used, the unlimed plot yielded 28 pouada aad the limed 47 pounds. Squashes will staad acid a littte better thaa pumpkias, 'but oa the Klsgstoa soil liming Increased the yield about SO per cent- . Two Uada of curraata were tried. Fay aad White Dutch, but these gave approximately the aame results. The sulphate of ammonia plot gave, ua- limed, 110 pounds of Fay currants, while the limed portion gave 4.5 pounds! On the nitrate of soda plot, the unlimed portion gave 2.25 pounds aad the limed 7.00 pounds. In the case of White Dutch currants, the sulphate of ammonia plot gave, un limed, 5 pounds of currants, and limed, 11.5 pounds. On the nitrate of soda plot the unlimed portion gave 5 pouada aad the limed 15 pounds. With raspberries the results were Inconclusive, liming giving fairly good resulte with the Cuthberts, but prov ing detrimental to Ohio Blackcaps. Asparagus proved itself hostile to acid unneutralized. On the sulphate of ammonia plot, the unlimed portion yielded no tops, but the limed portion yielded 5.87 pounds. On the nitrate of soda plot, the unlimed portion yielded 1.01 pounds and the limed' 9.62 pounds. The growth and vigor of the plants upon the limed nitrate of soda plot were very much greater than upon the limed plot that re ceived sulphate of ammonia. Liming is a help to pansies on acid soils as waa proved by experiments. With Canada peas the results were remarkable aad It may be assumed that all varieties of peas would give the same results. The peaa upon the limed portions were much better thaa upon the unlimed ones, both as to vig or and color. The plants oa the un limed portion were sickly end their foliage waa yellow. All the plants were removed carefully from the soil and their roots carefully examined. On the roots of the pleats from the unlimed ground few nodules were found. In striking contrast to the plants from the unlimed plots, it was found that with almost no exception each plant from the limed plots was supplied' with abundant nodules. The few nodules that were found upon the roots of the unlimed plots were fre quently of urge size and tended .to grow in dusters, while upon the limed plots the nodules were smaller and much 'more evenly distributed up on the roots. The liming had made possible the increase of these nodules due to the nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Swine at Ontario Station. A report of the Ontario statioa says: Our swine comprise representa tives of the Yorkshire, Tamworth and Berkshire breeds. This Is quite as many breeds as we can handle to ad vantage. Representatives of the Chester White, Duroc Jersey and Po land China breeds have been fed in the experimental piggery. Feeding Swine. Breeding sows are fed sparingly on a mixed meal ration consisting generally of ground oats, barley and peas, the oats constituting about half the mixture. In addition, tbey' receive a fairly liberal allowance of pulpe'd roots, which is decreased as farrowing time approaches. Before feeding, they are given a drink of wa ter, and tnen the meal is fed on top of the pulped roots. Sometimes the meal aad pulped roots are mixed a day in advance of feeding, but either plan seems to work well. Growing pigs, four months old and over, receive the same meal mixture as the sows, but in the place of roots, they are fed the refuse from the college kitchen. The 'meal is fed dry to these also. Small Jigs are fed about equal parts of fine ly ground oats and middlings, togethei with skim milk when such is avail able. In this case the meal is mois tened with the milk. They arealsi accustomed to eating roots, mangels preferred. Our sows are turned into a large shed adjoining the piggery, for a few hours every afternoon. A very little whole grain of some sort is scat tered broadcast over the floor of the shed to induce the sows to take exer cise. Feeding Methods. In the past the price or corn has been so low that American stockmen have been wasteful in their feeding methods. One cause of the low price of corn was the low price of land, which meant a low cost of crops grown upon it The steady rise in the price of land has made the cost of corn production much greater than before, and It is not at all likely that we will ever see corn very low priced again. Therefore the methods of feeding stock must be changed. The common feeds must be more fully-utilized and every new feed tbat promises anything must be investigated. Soiling will doubtless have to be more largely practiced.- Principally we must cut down the amount of corn fed daily to each animal to the point where a certain amount of grain will give the greatest possible result Experiments have shown that this point is far be low the consuming capacity of the ani mal. In days of very cheap corn it was the practice to shovel out to each animal all the ear corn tbat could bo eaten. It was assumed that the greater amount of corn eaten the greater would be the profit from its consumption; that no matter how much corn was given, the last pound was as fully utilized as the flrst This we now know, to be an error. Lime as Acid Neutralizer. The use of lime on land has not been largely encouraged by scientists in the past though it has been used to a considerable extent in isolated locali ties. It was at first considered from ,the standpoint of plant food, and as such of course could not receive a very enthusiastic support from men that had found out by various tests that there was already in the soil more lime than the plants could use. But when the soils of the various states came to be examined for acid it was found that many of them were so strongly acid that some of our most important pleats would not grow oc them satisfactorily. In the soil sur veys carried on during the past three years la Illinois it has been found tbat one-third of the soils of the state are so strongly acid that they will not grow red clover and other legumet. successfully until treated with lime. Of the other two-thirds of the state. some of the soils are slightly acid and would be improved-by aa application of lime.' NEWS IN THE STATE IN A NUTSHELL. Fire visited Sidney destroying $20, 000 worth of property. The Sarpy County Teachers asso ciatioa will hold -its meeting ia Pap'.l lioa February 6th. - Zeph Camp, for eix years sheriff of Keith county, died last week at his uome at Ogden, Utah. The Sarpy County Poultry associa tion will hold its first annual show ia Papillkm February 3, 4, aad 5. Fraaz Krueger, a farm head of somewhat unsound mentality commit ted suicide st Hooper, by taking strychnine. Walter S. Crow, an Adams county pioneer farmer, died of blood poison ing, resulting from a wound from n bay knife, aged sixty-eight. Senator Millard has nominated for an assistant paymaster in the navy William I. Balone of Omaha. Mr. Ma lone will have to take an examina tion before he is selected. ,M. Bauer, veteran fire chief of Ne braska City, who was elected presi dent of the Nebraska state firemen's association, was given a monster re ception on his return home from the convention. A case of smallpox has been report ed in the home of William Seikotted. ten miles west of Papillion. The di sease is of mild form. The mumps have been epidemic in the western and southwestern part of the county for several months. At a judicial sale a bid may be left with the sheriff and considered on the day of the sale. This is the effect of a supreme court decision in the case of G. H. Vradcnburg against F. A. Johnson. In this case the successful bidder was not present. T. F. Reynolds, the 19-year-old soa of Theodore W. Reynolds, residing three miles northwest of Kearney, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head in a room at the hotel Holt in Kearney. No cause has been discovered for the act. The central Nebraska Chautauqua assembly will' hold their fifth aa nual session at Fullerton from August 18th to August 28th, inclusive. The citizens of Fullerton are awake to the importance of this assembly and have taken the initiative in the matter by subscribing a guarantee fund of j, 000. The regular annual meeting of the Shiloh veterans' association of Ne braska will be held in Beatrice, be ginning April 6. At the close of the annual meeting last year in Lincoln the president and secretary of the as sociation were instructed to choose the time and place for holding the next gathering. The supreme court has decreed tbat the Burlington Railroad company must pay to Leo Krayenbuhl of Merrick county $9,000 for the loss of a foot. A jury in Merrick county first fixed the damages at $18,000, but the dis trict court cut this down to $12,000 and now the supreme court cut out $3,000 more. Saline lands are not a part of the school lands and no revenues deriv ed therefrom should become a part of the educational funds of the state. So decided the supreme court in the case of James H. McMurtry against G. Engelhardt. The suit arose over a disputed lease of saline lands involv ing the site of Burlington beach. The various sheep feeders of the territory immediately around Schuy ler are feeding 56,400 sheep, the cer tainty of feed being supplied here hav ing resulted in the establishment of the business upon a firm basis. Grain is hauled in from as far as fifteen miles because of the prices above the usual market, that are paid. The feeders pay 1 cent more than the shippers. Governor Mickey at the request of the governor cf Connecticut has ap pointed delegates to a meeting of men interested in good roads, to be held in Hartford. Conn., February 10 and 11. These are the delegates: M. L. Fries of Arcadia. J. H. Umstead of Fullerton, P. F. Beghtol of Bennett, C. C. Weed of Vesta, J. M. Cravens of Armour. A number of letters have been re ceived by different Tecumseh parties which come from a prominent citizen of Havana. Cuba. The letters ask whether or not there is a reward for the return of Charles M. Chamber lain, the absconding cashier of the failed Chamberlain-bank of that city, and if so the party desires particulars. There is a reward of $1,200 for the con viction of Mr. Chamberlain. Sheriff Mincke of Washington county returned from a trip to Waun cta. Chase county, bringing Ralph R. Benedict, principal of the schools of that place, who was arrested on a charge preferred by Miss Lc3sie M. Drown, who resides with her parents residents cf Washington county. He pleaded guilty and was bound over to the February term of court in the sum of v.000. Miss Drown was in court with her cne-month-old baby. William J. Cantrall and Frank Can trail, who were arrested at Stockville charged with shooting and injuring two horses of Frank D. Murphy, had their preliminary examination and bound over under a bond of $500 each to appear at the next term of the dis trict court. The following is a list of the mort gages filed and released In Sarpy county during the year 1903: Farm mortgages filed, 113. $209,993.43; re leased. 98, $218,028.50. Town mort gages filed, 76 $37,611.75; released. 42, $15,119. Chattel mortgages filed. 264, $101,314.70; released 114, $64,569.31. The Cass County Board of Insanity examined Mrs. J. W. Richards, who resides two .miles west of South Bend and ordered that she be taken to the State hospital at Lincoln for treat ment Sheriff J. D. McBride aad his wife accompanied her to that institu tion. The combination sale of hogs, at Superior, held January 21 and 22, in which the herds of seventy breeders were represented, each sending two bead, was a great success. In the number of breeders represented it was the most important sale ever held in the state. E. L. Smith of Lincoln was a-varded the handsome silver loving cup at the state poultry show for the best display of White Wyandottes. The bricklayers' union of Nebraska City held their annual hunt, securing 158 rabbits and about as many squir rels. Abram Ratzlaff. a Russian farmer, living near Charleston York county, was adjudged insane and sent to the asylum for treatment. The Modern Woodmen of America ' have just completed a new brick store building and hall at North )xup at a cost of $7,000. NEBRASKA THE STATE SCAVENGER LAW. Claim That it ia Veld and Cmmet be Enforced. LINCOLN. Savage aad compre hensive argumeats have beea filed In the scaveager lav passed by the last legislature. The brief was filed oa be half of the plaintiff ia the city of Be atrice against W. W. Wright couaty treasurer. The suit is an original application for aa injunction to prevent the couaty treasurer from issaiag tax sale certi ficates agaiast property recently sold in the city of Beatrice under the pro visions of the five-year dellaqueat tax act A similar suit has been filed by J. W. Woodrough of Omaha. "The legislature shall have no pow er to release or discharge any county, city, township, town or district what ever, or the inhabitants thereof or any corporation or property therein from their, or its. proportionate share of taxes to be levied for state purposes or due aay municipal corporation, nor shall communication for such taxes be authorized in any form whatsoever." .. The attorneys declare that the legis lature is inhibited from releasing the property owner from aay portion of his tax or compromising the claim for him. The attorneys cite cases where, they declare, the same principle was Involved. They claim that the decis ions of the Nebraska court have re sulted disastrously to any such legis lation. FATHER TRIES TO KILL SON. Thomas Feck of Garfield County Must Serve Two Years. BURWELL. Thomas J. L. Peck, an old resident of Garfield county, was taken to the penitentiary at Lincoln to serve a two-years sentence for at tempting to murder his soa, William. He was tried aad convicted at the October term of district court, but has been out since on bond pending tne decision of the court on his motion for a aew trial, but the motion was over ruled. Enemies Help Each Other Out FREMONT. A rather unusual event happened in the district court here. The case of Henry Has3eman against J. H. Meyer and Charles Lucking was on trial for the second time. The parties are near neighbors, but have not been on good terms for years. Bath Hasseman and Lucking are Ger mans and wanted to take out final citizenship papers, but each was short one witness. Finally on the sugges tion of a mutual friend each agreed to become a witness for the other. So each swore to the good qualities of his neighbor in spite of their differ ences. Deuglae County Pays Up. LINCOLN. Douglas county has oald into the state treasury $16,563.09. the amount of its unpaia balance of taxes. This manes In all twenty-two counties that have made settlement with the state treasurer. From now on there will be more money in the treasury for the redemption of war rants instead of a stringency, as dur-" ing the last two months. . Preparing County History. The old settlers of Wilbur in Saline county are talking of organizing a his torical society to dig up and preserve a record of things that happened in that county and of those things that the old settlers took part In years and years ago of which there is now no official record. New Enterprise at North tcjp. NORTH LOUP. A farmers' insti tute has been organized here with a large membership. It is rroposed to have lectures from the state univer sity at different times through the year. Andrews Makes Denial. Chancellor Andrews of the State uni versity denied the statements publish ed in a Nebraska morning paper and the eastern press that lie believed as society became more enlightened it would cause to be put to death crip ples and weaklings that skilled physi cians had decided could not recover and whose lives were wrecks. Leap Year Club at Norfolk. NORFOLK. A leap year club has been formed by young women of this city. A set of rules have been adopt eJ. Eacn member must propose to at least one man during the year. They are not allowed to spend more than $ir a week in "rushing." Any man who rejects a member is to be roported and put on the black list of the order. Think Fruit Uninjured. TABLE ROCK. For the last three or four days the ground has been cov ered with an inch or more of smooth ice, caused by the rain freezing at it came down. Fruit men here do not seem to think the fruit injured. Thirty-Two Horses Burned. OMAHA. Fire, believed to be from incendiary origin, destroyed the St. Mary's avenue livery stables, of which Nathan E. Dillrance was pro prietor. Thirty-two horses were burn ed to a crisp and another was so bad ly turned that it had to be shot. The total loss is estimated at $8,000, the greater part of which was sustained by. Mr. Dillrance, as the building, own ed by William Kmg or the Krug Brewing company, was estimated to be worth not to exceed $1,000. Mr. Dill rance carried $1,000 insurance. Engineer Graybill Killed. ASHLAND. Burlington passenger train No. 12, eastbound, jumped the track near the entrance to the Ash--land yards killing Michael J,. Graybill of Lincoln, engineer of freight train No. 30. No. 12 was about fifty minu tes late. The engine and mail car passed the frog in safety, but the rear end of the baggage coach jumped the track with the cars behind it. Several windows were smashed ia the bag gage coach and other coaches left the' track .but no one was injured except ing Graybill. Heme Builders Prosperous. LINCOLN. The report of the con dition of the state building and loan associations of the state compiled by Secretary Royce of the State Banking board has been received from the printers. The report shows that while the number of associations reporting is the same as last year fifty-eight there has beea a steady growth both in business aad membership. The la crease is assets at the close of busi ness June 30, 1903, over' the previous year wis $585,135.61; kwas, $614,059. 44; shares ia force, 153,424. r? :i 1 Y! i -4 sSr- ,sc4 -V' .7 &' 1 . .:V A -ts.. i!' .&a