The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 03, 1904, Image 3

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rM -7-t - . ay . itSBIi .""
'-""TSSJMk ',
I ..
The cash system has made us many new
Mends who, together with our old frigjufa
find it more profitable for them to pay
Why wfll it not pay you ? Investigate.
Best grade Kerosene 5
for .
Best grade Kerosine 1
3-Ib pfcr X. B. C SIa. Crackers per package 20c
3-lb barrel American Beauty Ginger Snap 20c
Saratoga Flakes. j.r pkg. 13c
2;lc can K C Baking Powder. 20c
2-5c can Calumet Baking Powder 20c
!!.e ean Unrivallel Baking Powder 20c
2.1c can Hunt's Perfect Baking Powder. 15c
2i)c can Shillings Best Baking Powder 15c
40c can Royal Baking Powder 35c
40c can Dr. Price Baking Powder.. 35c
40c can "Walter Baker's Chocolate 30c
75c Good Potatoes m 60c
Ralston Pan Cake Flour per pkr 9c
Quaker Oats per pkg , 10c
i-lb can Baker's Cocoa 23c
Compare These Prices
With the Credit Stores.
Investigatelf you Do
you will certainly trade
i 11th Street
are still
bushel above the market for
corn on account or in trade in
all departments delivered at your
choice of Elevators in Columbus.
Week's End
-ETs'bzra.axsr S azid. S-
Here's a hummer 11 cases Dunkley's high grade Michigan
Fruits, all varieties, regular price 35c per can. They have
the orchard flavor. Samples for inspection. On Frulay
and Saturdav
Rawlston's Health Crisps
per pkg
Little Tbiigs lit the
5 gallons Kerosene Oil
Best Granulated. Sugar per lh
Fern Siap per bar .
Monarch Mince Meat per pkg
Baker's Chocolate per pkg ;
Rex Lye per can .
Lewis Lye per can
Best Corn Starch per pkg
Best Gloss Starch per pkg .
Yeast Foam per pkg
Uueeda Biscuit per pkg
Search Light Matches per pkg
Oregon Parlor Matches per 1000
Saner Kraut. Tan Camp's per can
Hominy per can .-. .
1 aaaaaTaV
It has been deawmstrated tnesfxerOBM prove eoaelamvelY
taavt Pnisbury s Best Floor Hakes from 8 to 10 loaves of bread more
to the sack than other flours. That's quite a aarmg, aad it will do it
too. A trial aaet convinces then
Both Telephones 26.
1 1 1 1 1 1 r : 1 1 1
iiavinir 3e ver
Prices Sillier Yet.
. 2c
.. 15c
..: 5c
Big Loaves!
Halt's Yur Pram!
IHat's Ytor Gain!
Where Pillsbarr's Best V K V X Floor
trial users I
r ! fca (ip Saaae faaaWaae' JbBW 9B -.--. -
JMAR adrertimmejrta in. the locml "' ? X-tal11 " " lr yr' T T " w r Mm aaaa Taaaa Tiiass Oak
J eofeanu ore charged at tie rate of'5 jTfi- (TmasatsiT aaaa aaaa sar lii TiImIim ai ITshm i"riliwtn i iinYnlil lf
$ double price. Mimmum' old mtamd. aaaaasa-iaSfclfiijafciaiiliTmCBlBai -j r T T Tinaasali ibiI T T Flir 1
tw t -- - aaaa. CMBIH Jmsv MMMi that ka aaaae aaaae Iaat aaa aaaa alaiaiB am maaat aaaa a n
a ucmu, aaatBK. TTT. .L . T. "jaas aaa aas ap as
& &seJoss aaaat kail Vaa 2. . . .. Z ,7 aa wapB ,
For art afcoCafrapky omU
-Ma. Fwd SrraMrf aa
with tfca grip tba 1
Dr. CkaaVHPlatZT
mama, tad aarfaoe, fOataSee buldisff.
Bay Baird of Cadar Bapids ra in
town Tharsday an his way
liatad to do the
eoonty printing' for Madiaon county
Alvin . Fool, Tioimiat. Pupfla
aeoapcad. Concerta and uritila Tele
phone So. 65. tf
Dra. Maztyn, rana, Gaer k Han
aec rMrm three doors north, of PrJed
hofaatora. tf
WASTED, a stenographer with
knowledge of bookkeeping: Box ,
Aarora. Seb. 2t
Mrs. Samuel Goodale writea from
Washington, D. C, to renew her sub
scription to Tex Jocssai.
Mr. and Mza. W. W. MnagraTe are
happy over the arrival of a Jgh at
their home Tharsday, January 28.
Baaideneas and vacant Iota in all
parts of the city for sale on easy terma.
Becher. Hoekeabergar Chambers.
Jerry Scully of Oklahoma City, a
cousin of F. T. Walker, arrived last week
on a visit to relatives here and at Hum
phrey. Mr. Jesaup of Nebraska City, father
of WHber Jesaup, attended the funeral
of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Jessnp, last
Wm. Sffhils makes boots and shoes
in the best sty lea, and uses only the very
best stock that can be procured in the
market, tf
Ton will suss a whole lot of fan if
you fail to attend the HookJes' mask ball
on Washington's birthday, Monday even
ing, February 22.
Farms are being rented during Feb
ruary for the coming year. Thx Jocb
2ul has blsnk leases in stock which sell
for a reaanniibln price.
-lay the lest. The Tryaer Piaaa
leads them all in construction, finish,
durability and price. Sold on monthly
payments. Auditorium Music Co.
Marcos Hosaly has ftmd suit in'dis-
tnct court to secure judgment against
Martin Lncheinger for money doe on a
note for $1,000 and interest from May,
1902. at 5 per cent.
Bev. B. M. L. Brady of Bellevue,
pastor at large for the Presbyterian
chorea, was here several days last week
(forking op the business matters of the
church of Columbus.
Forrest Butler returned a few days
ago from visiting his sisters Mm. George
Mentzer at Blue Springs and V- Nelson
at Lincoln. The Mentzer family live on
a farm near Bine Springs and are doing
Red Seal hoar is as good a flour and
as pure a floor as was ever ground in a
milL It makes light bread and for fluffy
pies and cakes it cannot be beat. All
grocers sell it and hundreds of people
use no other brand. 5
Prof. Fool goes to Humphrey next
Monday to direct the Humphrey orches
tra daring a dance they give at that time.
Mr. Pool has been asked to direct the
orchestra and play with them whenever
they appear in public
Walter Scott has sold his residence
property where he is now residing on
Eighteenth and Murray street to Mrs. J.
D. Brewer, who will move into the hooae
this week. Mr. Scott has not yet decided
where he will move to.
The Epworth League of the Metho
dist church had a social Friday evening
at the home of Mm. M. K. Turner. Over
fifty young people were present and
paased the eveaiag in the entertainment
of a -trip to the CatakilkJ'
Emaat Daasell and son Francis went
to Omaha Saturday, and while there vis
ited with David Orr who is known to
many of our readers. The latter is on
his way to Old Mexico where he will
work at the plambmg trade.
John Cornils, who for the past few
mouths has bean ffli"g a position as
pharmacist in a drag store at North
Platte, arrived in the city oae day Iaat
week and will visit a short tzaw with the
family of sis ancle, Arnold Oehlrieh.
Born, Friday awraing, to Mrs. Dr.
Young, a son. Mrs. Young has
uving at the home of her
Hart, for several weeks wad it
that the baby aude its first
Dr. Yoang is hare from TJnjn to visit
hie young heir.
Mpmbera and friwmls of the Congre
gational church enjoyed an eveamg
together Friday at the how of C E.
Sheldon. The gaessag of portrait draw
ings of well known ataaaaa of town and
also pictnrss of the prssidemts was the
Albert Covert has ratarasd from his
t to
It will he
X drop; score. DoMtMtoMmirMph aaa af JV C M , Oaky i lfc G. aaiwaaalaasraa, r .
I Today, Tassday, Fakcaaiy 2, M ami aril for t-tfta. A.DwDft ,1'jf rf Wfci isr, Wm. Tfe oaJaa eetweae Tea Cnlmmhm j
a 1 ! r- saw ht ' ""m aaaaaaa, San was a
reaaamhared that Mr Covert
he is atfll awproviar health.
not arrive WiU i ill j natil abswt 3Ja
"" " i i urn ,r
having the faask aaar St Edward.
tam, the tram was acaaaaai and the ear
e aaaXaalVaB,ai Vv
BlaHaaaaaaa a ria m aT
"a aaaWBaV a.U.rBBXaIIlaB-
Mia Taw aarnwaar nasal awer wpw Mparni - ,. aaaaaa aaM.'at
et fail tease
alaua for
Mr. Wnv Hooaarr from want of BeO-
wood, was a visitor at Tax Jocmxaik
They tell as they have the
at the Tharston Annex. Any doabts?
AskHeOy. tf
Dr. McKaan'a Method of
Iniina piatSB
equality with gold.
Joe Mahaawf went ap to St. Edward
Saturday to assist Editor Gordon Cross
of the SL Edward Son.
For rent, two rooaM aartahlw far
or light- honsa. knerimg Mrs. C
Caking, Eleventh street. tf
The Hookies always grre theaaamsy'a
worth at their dances. Get in has for
the big mask ball evening of Feb. 22.
Lands in Boone, Sherman, Buffalo
and Caster coanties tor sale or exchange.
Becher, Hockeaberger i Chambers.
J. H. Gailevwas in Creightoa last
week. Monday he went to Spalding to
look after his stock of merchandise in
that place.
Clerk of the District Coart Grnen
ther has been confined to his home in
Platte Center the past few days on
account of wtchneaa.
S. E. Baker received word that his
brother J. F.Baker of Custer county lost
his left hand last Tharsday in an acci
dent with a corn shelter.
The Hook k Ladder boys give their
30th annual mask ball at Orphean opera
hooae evening of Feb. 22. Ton cant
afford to miss it. As usual, it will be a
If yoa are not a regular customer at
the "Live and Let Live" meat market,
give it a trial and yoa wul be satisfied
that the quality of meat sold there is the
best and the prices lowest.
The young ladies Sodality society of
the Catholic church will give a supper
Thursday, February IL at Maennerchor
halL There will also be an apron sale in
connection with, the sapper.
Joseph Henggeler telephoned to this
office from his farm northeast of town
this Tuesday morning that he had seen
Mr. Ground Hog, who informed him that
the weather from now to the 17th will
be warmer and steadier.
Mrs. M. Calto was operated upon
last Thursday at the hospital and hi now
doing as well as can be expected. This
is the second time within a few months
that the doctors have found it necessary
to perform an operation.
Mort Murphy returned Monday
from Seward where he was called last
week by the death of his sister. Miss
Tressa, who was a frequent visitor to
Commons. Henry Murphy also went to
Seward bat has not yet returned.
This Tuesday evening the village
board of Clarka will consider the request
of Mr. Combs of Omaha and Mr. Everett
of this city asking for a franchise to
allow them to build an Independent
Telephone system in that village.
Mrs. N. D. Wilson was called Sunday
to David City by the serious illness of
her sister. Miss Lacy Smith. Her
brothers, E. W. of Silver Creek, and G. E.
of Boekdale, Wyoming, both passed
through here Monday to the bedside of
their sister.
While Peter Diachner of Duncan
was driving around the corner near
Asches store last Saturday afternoon,
one of his horses was taken with a fit
and died m leas than ten minntes. Mr.
Diachner was compelled to borrow a
horse to get home with.
The next attraction at North opera
house will be that ever green success.
Hemes uHearta of Oak" The -oaly
thing new about this production will be
the scenery, as the story eannot be im
proved upon and no play has ever had a
stronger hold an the American public
James A. Hemes ever popnarl
domestic play. "Hearts of Oak," will be
presented at North opera hooae on Thars
day evening under the direction of Mrs.
James A. Heme, The play is a clean
cut. simple, ragged drama of horn life
appealing to all lovers of refined stage art.
H. B. Muaser wfll leave in March far
Sherman eoonty where he will take
charge of the LSOO-acre ranch of the
Stenger Brothers. Mr. Musser and hm
family have been active members of
church and social gatherings and the
city will lose good citizens m their de
parture. A. C. Ball and Miss Nellie Allbaagh
were married at 4 o'clock Monday after
noon at the home of the groom's pareata,
Judge J. M. Cartai performing the cere
saony. The couple will nrafti here two
weeks and then go to TTmsan City, near
where the groom is employed in build
ing elevators.
A. B. Tiiiimmu, who has for several
weeks been m Osceola drilling two separ
ate home talent fmrnpsnifir. was in town
last Tneaday for a few hours. McTosa-
aon hi well pleased with the
giving two excellent
Lil&e Ernst of Colsabwawill
I HJ-l J niM.itii m - " -- . . - '
Mv Ltllie Ernst of ColHarteawfflaasat
F. T. Walker, aboat two weeks age
misses iT from George Coator ha 310
aaCXV fiaaVaml JaPX laHJTfl IflWnBBBahlaaL BaaKVnaaaaT
aWaa.W AaaWVaam a aaBllf aaSTW SBBBSaiaBS J BBBmjJBBBBf,
Wedneaiay Mr. Walker aaid the farm far
X7 sa sere to Johm Zeaka of Bsataa.
rias m real estate, Platte imaalj n lalil
aaad aosnaal power to give a hens to
the in itj
ef J.H.Ga-torsf that evty. Mr.Irwa
et & W. nTTtoia af ! aTan
- - , mmwm hh. ibk !!, WOU a ;
Iaat aak- taa - - r .
nirn ' " ' w . xm amaec nor
""-T""" MMr.mMK rnmy. dKMt wfll ha: "Jiwi
KCaai(aBanraBUlltaiaaBl 1WHB ariiim
ii . W VB1MM WUV U a H HI l
J bSXSatl Cat-IlT kr aa flkaaam of a OOB.
. ... - - fc
Mr. SaaMaaam' aaar Satedn. a!
ud Mtsdartkawij id from tk
bTMMWM.ll. iMMd
dab wfll be held
with Mrs. F.H. Gear.
the programr Ball aalL
art notes;
Leonardo Da YmcL Mam
Michael Aagefey Mra J.
program wfll be im
with masse,
and an exhibition of
.ving will
be given to show the practical work bemg
doae by the art liesaitaisaL
C A-Newauai has sewed his con
neetkm with the Bagatz k On. groeery
estahiishment and we understand will
give his entire attention to his farm east
of town. Jesse Newman, who has had
charge of his father's farm eaataaplstsa
going to Bschsator, New York, to josh
his uncle, Frank Brindley. Frank
Schram has taken Mr-Newman's place
in the Bagwt- store as bookkeeper.
Mrs. J. C Schafer sad children ar
rived from Celnmhas Tuesday morning,
and the family are aow getting settled in
the Neely hoase near the mOL Mr.
Schafer has charge of the Standard Oil
wagon at this "place. A. Marion the in
fant danghtor of Dr. and Mrs. W. M.
Condon passsd to the Great Beyond
Sunday night at half past 8 o'clock after
a short illness from pneamonia. Hum
phrey Democrat.
H. G.Cross was in town Tharsday
on bis return home to SL Edward from
Lincoln, where he attended theatate press
aawiciiitinn Mr. Cross was on the pro
gram for a paper, rraaiiWing the propo
sition of the patent oatside, a qoeatioa
of vital interest to the country press.
He gave some saggestkms which were
not only new ideas on the subject bat
were practical, and ha paper caused
great interest among the fraternity.
Balph Farlette, the humorist, will
give the next number in the High school
lecture course tha Tuesday evening at
North opera hooae. Mr. Farlette is a
man of high attainments as a lecturer
of whom the Galeaborg, Til., Mail says:
"Ha two appearances at the Chautauqua,
proved him a second Bill Nye bat more,
his wit is profusely mingled with genu
ine good sense, good nature aad an
abundance of happy moral lessons."
Friday evening a dancing party was
given at Orpheus hall by Meariaauw G.
A. Schroeder, L. M. Gietzen and Dan
Peasfee. Aboat one hundred and sixty
invitations were issued and nearly that
many people were present. As the guests
arrived each one was presented with a
carnation. The masicians who composed
the on I isst i it were Prof. Sike, Mas Pohl
and Herbert Clark. The dance opened
with a grand march aad the evening was
paased pleasantly by all those present.
Lee Rollins, captain of Company K,
Nebraska National Guards, last Friday
tendered ha resign firm as1 captain to
Adjt. General Colver. Captain Bollins
has made an excellent drill a astir and
has worked hard for the welfare of the
company. He resign h because he is ex
pecting to leave in the spring for Cham
berlain, Sooth Dakota. Other members
of the company in line of promotion are
Otto Hagel and Hariaad Dn sail August
Wagner a also talked at for the position.
The aarrisge- Iieeaaes issued during
the past weak by Judge Batterman were
to the following parties: Frank Flakos
aad Mary Soknl, both of Duncan; WOli
bald Brenners and Mary Koseh, both of
Humphrey;. John Backner of Humphrey
and. Josephine Cook of St. Bernard;
Carl Gillet aad Aaaa Qaartharaer, both
of Colombaa; Barney Meyer and Lizzie
Arlt, both of Corniest Arnold Gerber
and Anna Gerber, both of Duncan:
Alvie C Ball and Nellie Allbangnboth
of Colombaa.
The Muthodati have decided to dis
continue the assssaaly which has been
held ia Fullsrton for several years past,
not on aeeoaat of lack of mterest or
funds, but beeaase there are not enough
people to attend to the work connected
in keeping ap the assembly. .The Ful-
baaiaasB act have taken the
up aad wfll -TtffTr it to the Ne
Caatral Chaataaqna saasmbiy.
goad thing for the
ww prettier places
town, and there
for holding sack
than at the
Wianlowmoved ha family to
Cram hia farm ia Holt coanty
sad is aaeaayaaTtha Ernest
hi the north part of town.
other aiao retaraed with
the family, and wfll mike tha city her
as pwrchased the hvery
of the dother hotel from
KaaaTBi.BWaSBaXaX iDt WOaalB. I
T .! HT
The large era was
miaaii have et
hat weak.
barn north
ef tha piapaLj Maasay. Tha hoatasss
hjw aad knew fn-m pans seqaatataaee
that he a iiuwpilsat to eaadact aa ap
fcdato nvery and wfll be a help to tha
gte fx TV m . t -HT
Tihairf DJat Berth ipaj hiii Maa
dayr Fearaary SL Tha Juki i IBs
fSaaBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaWlaaaamaW "PTail. laaiT
a.aap.aaVSf aaBKWaaprJaCtlaVa
DX "- ifi Mii ii hh islisll fas
ttahmavhTaat aah 1, SaahaBBaanaa
soil ha
The anbjeet for
That am
Cblambaawill be
ay Harry J
tha Chafaa'aad Fa Howard aad they
will take the .essuave atfe of the qaea-
Tha Calombaa yoaag people
hat huariineaaart baaaaae thev
able to get say oae te de
bate agsiasr tassa. Thev have chal-
tha High school aad
collage atodaato, bat noae seem willing
to risk the debate in a sraumaury drilL
"Hearts of Oak"whieh wfll be tha
attraction at North opera hoase on
Tharsday nwiiig. February 4. uke the
tree from which it is iri, improves
with age and this season's business indi
cate that iu aduiinre increases, la all
this grant aathor's, Mr. James A.Herae'B
latter, day snecM, the pare, simple
heart thrills which has made him stand
paramount as the foremost aathor of hie
time are easily traced to this, his first
and moat lasting- of his saccesses.
Special attention has been given to. the
selection of the ceauaBv and the eaaM
attention to detail which ia seen in "Sag
Harbor" and "Shore Acres,' mt to accu
rate scenic production has been main
tained and "Hearts of Oak has never
been seen to better advantage than it
will be tha
The Vsahti Bebekah lodge duly in
stalled the following caacsrs last Wed
nesday evening for the following six
months: Mrs. MaudDuasell, noble grand;
Ma. Birdie Tschody, vice grand; Mrs.
Caroline Freeman, treasurer; Mrs. FJeo
nora Fairchild, secretary; Mrs. Caroline
Freeman. B. S.N. G.: Mrs. Mary Weber.
L. S. N. G.; Mrs. Alice Gfljba.BTs. T. G.;
Mm. Mary Tuinghlm. L. S. T. G.; Ma.
Susan Lloyd, chaplain; Ma. Louisa
Hudson, warden; Ma. Mabel Jeakinson,
conductor; Mr. Bichard Jenkinsoa, oat
side guardian; Mr. Peter Weber, inside
guardian; Ma. Alice Loar, past noble
grand. All visiting Bebekahs are cor
dially invited. Meetings are held the
second and fourth Wednesday of each
month. They have taken in five new
members the peat few months and still
more contemplate joining.
Casper Feaser died Tharsday morn
ing at the home of his daughters Ytsniw
Mary and Agnes, sged 81 years and 1-t
days. Mr. Feaser had been in feeble
health for a long time bat until Wednes
day evening his condition was not
thought to be serioas. His son George
of 'Humphrey came down to see him
Wednesday, and was here at the rime of
his death. Mr. Feaser was a native of
Germany, having been bom in Bavaria;
he came to this country many years ago,
and for several years was a farmer in
Madison coanty. He leaves three chil
dren, George of Humphrey and Misses
Mary and Agnes of this cityha wife
having passed before him to the spirit
world several years ago. Funeral ser
vices were held Saturday morning at 9
o'clock in the Catholic church and after
ward the remains were hud to rest in the
Catholic cemetery.
Chaxiea Scanlon. a noted temperance
lecturer from Vtnnoapnlf $ apeak in
the Methodist church Wednesday and
Tharsday evenings. The montingn are
held as anion services of several of the
city churches and are free to the public
Prof. Pool has consented to eonduct an
orchestra to accompany the chorus sing
ing for each evening. On Wednesday
evening a ladies' quartette will furnish
special music and on Tharsday evening
Mas Ealalia Biddy will render a vocal
solo and Prof. Pool will give a violin
Beginning next Sunday, a
of eleven lectures will be sivan bv
Prof. Emerson of Fsnean, a former can
didate for governor of that state. These
lectures will be illustrated with stereop
ticoa views. Prof. Emerson is accom
panied by a singer who a hignly praaed.
The Schuyler Quill says that Iaat
week a deal was dosed whereby Byan
Brothers became the owners of the F.
Eropf stock of goods and they have coa
eolidated the groeery store with their
dry goods line and they will retain the
two rooms in the Woods block The en
terprise wfll be under the immia
sapsrvision of Joseph Byan. The dry
goods store will be under the so perviskm
of J. A. H. Hayes and Mfnara Ceeh and
Hayes sad the grocery depart went will
be managed byBadolph Becker with
William Ebhn and Walter Compton to
assist mm. It is the intention of Byan
Bros, to dispose of a lot of goods that
has been duplicated by the consolidation
sad than add to the stock to sack an
extent as to make it the largest general
department store in the dty. They wfll
carry a complete liae of dry goods. Ia
dies' cloaks, fornanmga. hata. caps,
boota, shoes and notjoaa besides staple
and fancy gnu sties sad q
H. J. HalL a fanner living across the
river soath of town, had several dollars'
worth of groceries stolen from ha baggy
Satarday afternoon about 5:30 o'elodt
while refrsing horns from Coiaatbaa.
tha aerth approach of the
bridge, two men came out
the willow shrahbeij, sad while
Mr. Hall was loakzag after ha
frightened at tha
a m-avthatao Whswa
all tha
ia tha damp of
Mr. Hail
a good viewef
I tha top of the
d as saaa sa ha eawJd hitch has
afti as, aad gave chase to tha
a-- t 1 i
Banana east af the road.
." y y I
I Groceries, drodtenp,
a V a J r
SHE qaaiity of goods we handle
T fc atioTd confiaot yoa taas
X of th moawy ws who patronize thia aCora.
-acknowledged leadership
-valaas than we have
t is aow pat ap hi cans. Yoa get tha tern
vegetables, the beat of everything.
no iatake when yea choose from
: Sieheliea brands of canned goods and guarantee
Richelieu Canned Goods are the Best
Richelieu Maple Syrup is the Best
Richelieu Roasted Coffee is the Best
Try ftkkeliem Gmds aaal be CaarUctw..
owing to the demand for the Holidays, but we have eosae goad
to oe sola at real bargains while they last, price a reduced,
be favored with your patronage, we are
Iky bit: I Col
bar. Manv girls
paying posirions
their start from
w -
millinery pages a lesson by an
expert in each number.
Ts. Dressmaking
. Instructions
cutting fitting sewing trim
ming have had remarkable suc
cess the December lesson is on
seam finishing all fashionable
sorts every step of these instruc
tions is illustrated by carefully
made drawings.
Sioulin't vozt EieZxsend J resr's suoscrtp
tionfjr THE Designer to some niceprltJviC
you inoss She zrouLt r,fcni it t JiligktfiU
btt!e Cfirzsimjs gift fl cents z year Lu c&tts
u apy -at our pattern department.
J Gfii.EY. flaaaa.
a a-a
We have made
sweeping reduc
tions on all of
our lines . : :
It's necessary
to reduce stock.
Men's and
Made in the best itvie. finest St. at prices not any higher
than what others sell voa interior zo)Li rbr. We carrv
the lar.restJine of GEN'TS' FCPpHTN'G GOODS at
a very low price. Our shoes ail marie up rbr u especially
by the foremost manuiacturers of the country. A large
stock to select from, for man. woman and child. You will
not run the risk of getting shoddy or shelf-worn, goods if
you buT of us.
He Repairing NeatJi
Mschholz Bros,
411 Eleventh Street
biaek. esrar 13th aad Olirei
teraa far paia
ef teeta.
i Tt$mmium& L 91.
A. 4-
is a to yoax iai
we will. daring 1904,
famished m the pas
If you want a good as
a stock like ours. We
to be
You'll be sur
prised to
see how
easy ii is
to make
a stvlish
as milliners
The Designer's
and ta low
fTe have too many
Hats, Caps, Silk and Wool
Fascinators, Shawls, Cor
sets, Handkerchiefs, Under
wear, Hosiery, Gloves, Rib
hons, and Velvets, etc. etc.
We prefer to sacrifice them now and
zive yoa the benefit rather than wait
as is usual till the end of the season.
Boys' Clothing
and Pratuptli Dmi
1 1 1 1 1 r : r r r : r 1 1 r
Osteopathic Pfcysieiaa,
Columbus, Nebr.
Nehrarta. P!iaa A m.
T! filrr TaTrfwrhlmt.
Ho will caw ail
nuiiiiim m
a-i, JSic45t5
afrmr ' V
1HaJJ--aj-.'.agV,fc. Zm -J '
fjtfci. 4
SSL. '