sys'sy-J"wT3"' Vj- '" ' - - w ". i - , . ? . - - 1 .- I "1 " I. I li - : I- I- :. f kv S IUtAlaelii.Utt. Columbus g roroal. XVebr. t Crtambu, . - TrtnilTtlin ---' "-1 n-fc r M . i twiiniiiTi j iimnmi &. TKBIWOFU0irTICHl: i .? Biz Bifc. .. 11"- . xhn mhii " ' " " a" '. VSDXMDAT.FSBBUAKYS.UM. it Subscribers of taa low- look at taa data oppo- w tko wisppcc of Jomrmal or oa tko amargtn ot Joaraal. Up to tale data, year la paid or for. Snow to the depth of eight inches fall ia Georgia and Alabama one day last week. In 18CG coal oil sold for SI a gallon and floor from Sfi to f8 a aack in Ne braska City. It ia aaid that 250 conventions, with an attendance varying from 100 to 30,000 will be held in St Louie daring the World'. Fair. W. J. Bbtak has aaid that he will sup port none of the democrats who voted for Palmer and Buckner, and there were 133,424 of them. AaxoLD Comtbhe, son of the presi dent ot Switzerland, committed suicide in Dijon, France, Thursday by shooting. He had been suffering from cerebral derangement resulting from malarial fever. Tax scarlet carnation has been made the state flower of Ohio. This was a favorite flower of the late President McKinley, and is adopted as a token of love and reverence of the people of Ohio for him. A rots in Tyndall, a small town just north of Niobrara, Thursday, destroyed f oar business houses, causing a loss of $25,000. The blaze broke oat in a photo graph gallery at 4 o'clock in the morn ing. The insurance amounts to $74300. The 30th annual convention of the National American Woman Suffrage association will be held in National Bines' Armory hall, Washington, D. C, February 11th to 17th inclusive. Con gressional hearings will be given woman suffrage on the morning of the 16th. The Rosebud reservation containing 416,000 acres of choice farm land, is to be thrown open to homestead settlement this coming summer. This will afford many people an opportunity to secure aa excellent farm that are unable to buy at the present price of land. This land will be opened under the lottery plan, similar to the Oklahoma opening in 1901. Anotheb of Polk county's pioneers. Dr. Holly M. Mills, died Thursday. The doctor was the first physician in Polk county and has lived there continuously since. He had had an attack of paraly sis and it is thought that he might have had a stroke when he fell on his porch Thursday. He never returned to con BcioHsnesB and died within an honr. He was about C9 years old. The State Board of Agriculture has reorganised for the coming year, J. B. Dinssaore, of Sattoa, for many years prestdeat of the aasociaUoa, being de feated in a doss raw by W. It Mel lor, of Loup (Sty. Secretary B..W. Furasj ot BrownviUe, and treasurer F.v Molatyia of Seward, were rsaleotaa1 by acelama tion. W. A. Appereon, Johneea coanty ; Joseph Roberta, Dodge; B. M. Wotoott, Merrick; . Q. Russell, Washington, and Cyrus Horton, Furnas, are newly elected members of the board. It was decided that there are safacient funds available to justify the erection of a large brick adauaistration building and lay several hundred feet of brick walks, the inten tion being to ultimately lay walka on all parte of the grounds and 'perhaps pave the principal atreeta. A capacious stock pavillkm and additions to the grand stand are other improvements contem plated. Secretary Furnas' salary of $2,000 per year was decided to be stria cient to pay all clerk hire excepting extra help employed at fair time, and a motion to appropriate $600 per year for clerk hire was passed with the under standing that the fund ahould be dis bursed only upon order of the board and should not be used to cover ordinary office expenditures. J. L. McBbiex, the present doputy state superintendent of schools, is being strongly pressed by his friends to place his name before the people as a candi date on the republican ticket for super intendent to succeed Supt Fowler. Mr. McBrieo has been Mr. Fowler's deputy for the past four years, and should be well acquainted with the needs of the state ia educational lines. If he can accomplish half as much as Mr. Fowler, be will make a competent officer. Miss Nan-nib Betan, sister of Hon. W. J. Bryan, whose life hung by a thread for two days, breathed her last at 1:30 o'clock Satarday afternoon before the arrival of Mr. Bryan who had been leo tariagin theeast. All that phyaicians could do was done to prolong life at least until the arrival of her brother. She i affected with peritonitis. The dead was 34 years of age and came to Nebraska in 1898 from her home in aaiem, Illinois, for the benefit of her health, and stace that time she has lived with her sister, Mrs. Alien. AQaory. Mohboe, Feb. 2, 04. Ed. Joitbkal: Reading in. your last week's issue an item to the effect that the Columbus Telegram, Platte Center Signal, Humphrey Democrat and the Lindsay Post were let the county print ing and each is to receive one-fourth the legal rate, and the Columbus Biene will also be given an extra one-fourth legal rate for printing the proceedings, I would like to ask this question: Have the supervisors, who are elected to represent all the people, the right to vote money out of the peoples' pocket by paying for the county printing a sum more than the law allowa? We all know that taxes in this county are already high enough without raising them to a higher notch for no other reason that I can see than to throw crumbs, few though they be, to political party favorites. There is no doubt in my mind that Platte county could save money by doing as other counties do allowing all the newspapers of the county a chance to bid on the work to be done, thus secur ing their work for a half or two-thirds legal rate instead of having to pay a full rate plus one-fourth. What is a super visor for anyway if not to protect the peoples' interests? Yours for justice, J.A.S. i ...GOIIMJT OE BUSINESS , : ? . PERSONAL MENTION Iraest DojseU was ia Silver Oieek Monday. a Loadoa rstaiawl W L ADDITIONAL jk i : LOGAL : : The Auditorium orchestra concert Monday evening was fairly well attended and the music was highly appreciated by those present. The program was well arranged to please any audienoe and the director. Prof. Sike, has given much care ful attention to the orchestra which has kept up a high standard in the musical organizations of the city. The orchestra was assisted in their special numbers by Messrs. Adams, drummer, and Hawk, clarinetist, both from Fnllerton. Those assisting in the entertainment with special numbers aside from the orchestra selections were Mesdames Oarlow and Geer, piano duett; Ous Falbaum, vocal solo; violin and piano. Miss Elsie Pohl and Prof. Sike; vocal solo, Mrs. E. H. Chambers; piano solo, Prof. Funk; trom bone solo, John Stovicek. The program throughout was well received by the audienoe. ARE determined to close out our. entire stock and go out of business, and that at once. We expected to sell out in bulk and . avoid the annoyance and delay of retailing it, but we find this is not possible, so without more delay we shall go at it with a determi nation to wind it up in a short time. This will be a great opportunity to supply your needs at real bargain prices. Nothing will be sold above cost, and generally much less than cost Take notice, this is not a Take" sale, with low prices on a few things but a real closing-out sale on everything. Our prices nave al ways been below our competitors, but you will see a greater difference now. Our stock is known to be first-class and up-to-date in every particular. Thousands of dollars worth of new spring goods have arrived, bought before the advance in cotton but there will be no reserve, everything at cost or less will be our motto, while it lasts. Everything can't be marked at once, nor prices quoted here, but our clerks will have ova cost mark and you will get the goods at right prices. :::::::: Sale Began Sat, Jan. 30. Be on hand early and get the choice before being picked over. The Munsing and our celebrated Jackson Muslin Un derwear go at cost in this sale. Better supply yourself; they have no equal : F. H. LAMB & CO., Thursday fro a visitor to Staple- ia Platte Center L. St Edward. Cad Roods harstMoaday. D.N.N. Friday oa Miss Clara Jaeqbson was a visitor to David City 8atardaj. Mra. B. H. Hoary visited friends in David City last week. Miss Clara Beecroft weat to Genoa Thursday oa basiaeaB. Miss MerreU of Central City ia the guest of Miss Anna GogiL Miss Clara Brows of Cedar Rapids visited relatives here last week. Hoary Bipp oZ Platte Center was in towa today oa his way to Kearney. Mm. Was. Beaham leaves Thursday for Salina, Kansas, to visit her mother. CoIvlxxUduls, 3STe"brsislesL Mai and daughter of Salt Lake City, are guests of Mrs.C. J. Garlow. Mrs. George Crawford of Grand bland is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. F. Younkin. Mrs. D. J. Sheebaa of Roagis. Wyo ming, is the guest of Mrs. Ellen Sheehan and family. Mrs. T. D. Bobiason of Humphrey was ia thecity Saturday to attend the funeral ofMra.JeaBp. Mrs. Teiabsr of St Paul. Minnesota. arrived here Saturday on a visit to her brother, O.T.Roen. Mrs. D. F. Davis of Silver Creek came dowa Monday to visit a abort time with Mm. Garlow and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Hudson of Silver Creek are visiting relatives here a few days aad will return home today, Wed aeeday. Miss Tona Brodfaehrer left Saturday for Austin, Mianesota, where she will visit several moaths with her brother Ben and his family. ') 0 Are not throwing out any baits for Saturday, but you will find us selling you Gro ceries and Hardware every day in the week just as cheap as the so called cash stores, and we are willing to grant all worthy customers a limit ed credit. We can not do business without a. profit, neither can they. It costs money to do business, and do not be deceived by alluring baits which are offered on Saturdays :: :: :: :: Cello Mew. Among the new students in the Busi ness college who have entered for work this month are: Otto Henning, Ed. Sheehan, Lottie Becher, George Scott, jr., Carl Schubert and Byrdie Smith all of Columbus, snd John MeGowan, Ris ing City; Philip Smith, Bell wood; Boy Roe and Leslie Ball of Petersburg and Ed. Branigan of Shelby. Chris Grnen tber is also taking night instruction. Considerable interest has been mani fested in the school in the "spelling down" contests which are indulged in each Friday afternoon by the commer cial against the ahorthand department; so far, Miss Rosette Wiseman carries off the honors of the school and Miss Daisy Cash stands next beet. If President Roosevelt is nominated by the republicans and Mr. Bryan con tiaaes ia control of the democratic party it is probable that the Wall street mag. sates will be compelled to look to a third party for an opportunity to capture the executive omce, reasons the Norfolk News. It is believed by politicians ot all parties that Mr. Bryan would no more eoasent to receive dictations from Wsll street thaa would President Roosevelt They will Irst try to down Roosevelt and if they don't succeed they will undoubt edly try to relieve Bryan ot his lead-ersaip. Roosevelt Friday oa execative order restoring to the pub lic domaia what is coauaoaly known aa taoWtwasiua etripnin the north part ot Sheridan county, Nebraska, aad loca ted oa ta boundary line between South Dakoteaad Nebraska. Thk atrip,wbJeh is tea miles long and five miles wide and adjacent to the Pine Bidge agency ia 8oath Dakota, was by execative order est apart aa a "dead Uae"a number ot logo. It was taken from the public i and placed at the disposal of the Dunag the last fifteen Nebraska delegations ia coagrees have eadeavored to have thk strip re- I to the public domain, but without lit Ax dispatch from Friday stated that theaitaatioa taken a new tare wbee Liaoola that William tko aad iaforBMd capital city poli- taat a delegation will be that district pledged to lovem aocet tsdaa haviag Bryaa'a L Ex-Gwr. Boyd, the ealv Nebraska over had, lEtim ists ef the old-fee democrats theyesid: We nke Bryan per- ifght CMy platform a this wBldw hot we eeu stand far mwsi The Fremont Tribune recently pub lished an article written by the secretary of the Commercial club concerning the future development of that town, in which he says, in speaking of the canal project: "The Platte below the Loup and the Loup itself are capable of the development of several auch power plants, and the demonstration of the one at Fremont will lead at no distant date to the construction of another or others, and Fremont will be very central to them all. There will be power enough generated to supply amply Omaha, Lin coln and Columbus, and leave plenty for Fremont. Each such different water power with its reservoirs will be a help to the other, conserving and making more constant the flow of water to all. There will be developed here from Co Iambus to Omaha and from Fremont to Lincoln a Nebraska manufacturing dis trict like that in southeastern Wiscon sin. Oar nearness to Omaha will then, aa a manufacturing center, be no handi cap to as but rather a help, affording additional nearby distributing facilities for our products, as in the case of Bock ford, Racine, and other cities in their relation to Chicago." Mrs. Louise Jessap, wife ot Wilber Jessap, died Wednesday morning at their home in thia city. Six weeks ago a daughter was born to Mm. Jessup, since which time ahe has been very ill, aad death came as a relief to her suffer ing. She leaves besides the infant daughter, one daughter Helen, aged two years. Mm. Jessap, who was the daugh ter ot Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schram, was bora in Columbus, March 14,1882. She was married August 8, 1901, to Wilber Jessup and through her happy disposi tion and bright, life, ahe had made a pleasant home. Mm. Jessup was a young woman who made many warm and lasting friends, which was attested in away ways daring her last sickness aad at the time ot death. Faaeral services were held Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at the home sad 1O.90 in the Germaa Lutheran church. Rev. Miessler omciat iag. The pell bearers, who were former onhoolmates of the deoessed, were Will Ziaaecker.OttoHagel, Henry Ragatx,jr, Adolf Luera, Louis Schraber and Wal ter Galley. Besides her haabaad aad children, Mm. Jsasap leaves of her near relatives her parents and brothers Will sad Fraak, aad sisters Mrs. Jens ot Humphrey aad Mies Jessie Schram. to her departure. aHoa! Boa1! pay net whoa you caa buy a for the same money. Wo have a number ot residence lots ia the north part of the city aad VMSaag to lease a house tor two or years or wo win C.J.SoorSo. Fanaan' Iajtitate. The program of the farmers' institute held in Maennerchor hall here Friday and Saturday of laat week was carried out in full aa printed in last week's Jouknai The average attendance dur ing all the meetings was about one hun dred, and on Saturday afternoon there was standing room only. Thia ahows a remarkable growth of interest in this work since last year, when scarcely twenty attended the meetings. & M. Le welling of Beaver City, Neb., was the first on the program and he spoke on the subject "Economic Pork Production." He stated that no farm product was more profitable than hogs and it more attention to breeding and feeding is taken the profit will be made still greater. With proper care hogs can be marketed in from eight months to a year. The greatest profit ia in the quick est market Illustrations of the original wild hog and the modern highly bred Berkshire hog were compared and con trasted. His advios to hog raisers is to get the very best stock to begin with, then breed these toward the ideal which they have in view. Long and mature stock will raise larger litters than snort hogs. Both sex should be alike in size, as like begets like, and the poor qualities in one parent are sure to leave a trace in the offspring. In buying breeding stock select those with good feet aad legs, the frame should be capable of carrying a large amount of flesh. The back ahould be etraight or elightly arched and the heart and langa ahould have ample room. The shape ot the ribs ahould not be overlooked; they ahould be well sprung, making the back appear flat or even hollow in the middle. This one quality may save a person many dollars in case cholera cornea into the neighbor hood aa they are nearly always in a marketable condition and can be turned into money at aay time. "Priaciples aad Practices ot Feeding" discussed byH.P. Miller, ot Ohio, was interesting and profitable to all who heard him. In the evening of Friday, Mr. Lewell ing spoke on the "Care and Management ot Poultry" and Mr. Miller on "Factors in Soil Fortuity." These talks were enjoyed by a aamber from the city as well aa from the couatry. Alfalfa cul ture which is now interesting the farm era ia this vicinity was the subject of Mr. LeweUiaga talk Saturday morning. F. G. Ferguson, ot Beaver Crossing, set forth someot his ideas in raising and potatoes, learned from his der variety. Mark Linsey, second high est scoring corn was of the Calico varie ty. Louis Nauenburg, first on yellow corn Golden Row variety. J. B. Laehnit of Platte Center second on yellow corn, Yellow Dent variety. Bargamann Bros, third on yellow corn, Golden Row va riety. Wm. J. Newman first on white corn, Salamander variety. Henry Rick ert second on white corn. All the corn which won prizes will be sent to the St. Louis exposition. The officers elected for the coming year are almost the same as last They are: President, John J. Galley; secretary and treasurer, S. P. Drinnin; vice presi dent, Carl Rohde; executive board, are the above officers and Joseph Henggeler, R. Y. Lisco, C. C. Sheldon, Chris Bienz and H. O. Rhodehorst. The officers of the institute wish to express their thanks through The Joux naii to the business men of the city for their assistance in making the meeting a success. Sural Bouto So. 1. Born, Saturday, January 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Nauenburg, a son. All parties concerned doing well. When a rural carrier has a stove in his wagon all he has to do is to carry mail and keep fire. Route No. 1 has a new stove in the wagon. W. T. Ernst and boys were out hunt ing one dsy last week and killed fifty-two rabbits. Will says it was not a good day lor rabbits either, but be remetn bered the letter carrier. AFi "Breeding aad Selection ot Seed Corn" the topic tor discassina by D. P. Ashbum,of Gibboa, Neb. It was ably haadled aad will aadoabtedly cause a aamber ot the mora progressiva farmers ot this vicinity to experimeat in raising fine corn. G H. Baraard, ot Table Bock, gave methods by which to grow hardy fruits ia Nebraska. He ia a maa who has bad wide ozaorieaee ia this line aad bis talk wasvalaabls to those who are raaaing fruit ia thk locality. Ia' ceaaecrioa with the iaotitato a sinners ot as follows: Wm. J. Kowmaa, aagasat scoriag cora, his exhibit being ot the White flslsaus- S. F. D. So. 3. Fred Bergman has returned from his visit in the southern part of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Sissle are the proud parents of a son who arrived one day last week. Peter Schmitt of the Shell Creek Flouring Mills was at Fremont a couple of daya last week. N The number of pieces of mail handled on route No. 3 during the month of Jan uary, 1904, was 1463. Cancellation $77.07. Value of stamps sold $161.00. A change was made on this route Mon dsy morning which will require some patrons to go farther for their mail, but will also give service to many more peo ple and will go closer to the offices of the Natural Hen Incubator Co. W.D.'Bensoo, chairman of the execu tive committee and H. B. Beed, presi dent of the Platte County Rural Letter Carrier's association, attended a county meeting at Oconee Sunday afternoon. Should the salary be increased aa ex pected, it was decided at the meeting that the carriers' wagons would display weather signals the coming year. Owing to the attendance not being as largo as expected it was thought best not to use the Oconee auditorium but the doom of the parlors to the Cottage Hotel were thrown open for the use of the meeting. In the absence of the city mayor Mr. Hall delivered the address of welcome which was responded to by Mr. Benson of route No. 1, Columbus, After discus sions on different topics of interest to the carriers the meeting adjourned to a delegate later date wneu it will elect a to the etate carriers' convention to be held in Lincoln on July 4, 1904. Goilff to If so you want a neat aad artistic plan, aad complete specifications. No one should ever attempt to build a home without getting plans to build it from, lean take your rough eketch or idea of a floor plan and transform it into a beau tiful design. That'a my special busi ness. Write when you want plana of aay kind. Satisfaction guaranteed. Cats. Wcedexax, Areht OfaoeSd door east corner Eleventh sad Olive street re- PktteCoaaty Sty Isoinj a utoa Zwatioa. The following, taken from the Sand point (Idaho) News, is ot much interest to the friends of' Mr. Deffenbach, who was a former Platte county boy. Mm. Deffenbach was formerly Mies Wise and was here a few weeks this winter, called home by the death ot her mother. Mm. Mary Wise: "Byron a Deffenbach ot the firm ot the Northern Mercantile company, and former assistant postmaster at Spokane, has decided to accept an advantageous offer from the postofHoe department and will leave the middle of February for Manila, where he .will become an assist ant to C. M,Cattermole, director of posts for the Philippines. Mr. Deffenbach had been for many yean connected with the postofBce rail way mail servioe before he wss assistant postmaster at Spokane, a position which he resigned in March last to embark in the mercantile business in Sandpoint. Mr. Deffenbach and Mr.Cattermolewere in the railway mail service together and sines Mr. Cattermoto has reached hu high position he has been active in his endeavors to secure Mr. Deffenbach's aaristanoe. Several weeks ago Mr. Deff enbach was communicated with by the department and an offer msde him to go into the Philippine servioe, but this offer was declined, only to be met with another one and with a raise to the salary offered. Finally this week Mr. Deffenbach de cided to comply with the terms granted by the postofBce department and wired his acceptance of the position. His com pensation will include his fare and board from the time he leaves Sandpoint until he arrives at Manila. Mr. Deffenbach expects to leave his family here for a month after his departure, at the expira tion of which time they will follow him to his new post ot duty. Mr. Deffenbach, since heading the company which last spring bought the mercantile business ot Frank Ewiagand changed the name ot the business to the Northern Mercaatile company, has made a big success ot his business aad it is with feelings of regret that ho leaves Sandpoint Said he when diecuesisg his new position and the fact that it takes him from a field of duty and oppor tunity in Sandpoint, 'I believe Sandpoint is a good town to grow apjwith aad I do not like to leave it However, I am not going to give up my connections entire ly, for I shall continue to be one of the firm and shall leave my stock in the com pany undistarbed. If I find that the climate or other conditions in- the Phil ippines are auch that I cannot live ad vantageously there I will return to Sandpoint and take charge of the busi ness again; I feel, however, that the opportunity which presents itself is one which I cannot overlook.' Mr. Deffeabach was assistant postmas ter of Spokane for four yearn aad was immediately succeeded ia his position by Mayor Boyd, who resigned that nost sfter a few weeks' service apon his elec tion 10 toe mayoralty. The appointmeotcomes as a fine testi monial to the high esteem in which Mr. Deffenbach is held by the postofBce department" Irwlimf Alley Sews. Following are the high scores for the week ending January 30th, also prize wiaaers for the month: J. W. Feeble 204, 210, 233; D. C Kav anaagh 21 202, 203, 207, 210,200, 206; P. J. Hart 214; Ed. Kavanaugh 243, 210; A. Drake 205,228, 215,210, 206,207,211; John Elliott 225; E. Smith, Minn., 219; A. L. 8tocks, Genoa, 221, 225; A. John son, Genoa, 202; F. M. Oaborn, Genoa, 203; F. H. Young, Genoa, 233; George Hagel 208,206,21a Ladies' high scores, Mies Ethel Elliott 170, 178; Mrs. G. B Speice 188, 197. One dollar prize winners for the week and month, three successive games of ten pins, 638 by A. L. Stocks, Genoa, D. C Kavanaugh wins' the monthly ten pin prize with 247. . John Elliott wins the five back prize with 69 points, A. Drake wins at the following games: nine pins with 8 points; cocked bat 49; seven up 83; four back 76 and kankakee with 79 points. Mrs. G. B. Speice wins the monthly lady ten pin prize with 197 pine. C S. UN CO. THE AMERK DON'T BELIETE THEM. The "cask" stores tell yon that they sell cheaper for cash than we do on credit. Follow the crowd; yov. will lie coa viaced that we sell as cheap if mot cheaper for credit than they do for "spot cash." Get oar prices aad see for yourself. E. B. Fitxpatriek. The White Froat Dry Goods Store. Card of Taaakz- We extend our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors who so kindly as sisted us in time of our trouble, the death of our father. MaktFraser, Aohb Fkaskb, Geobgk J. Fbasek. THE NECESSARY MAGAZINE IN THE PRESIDENTIAL YEAR. The Review of Reviews is often called a necessity, in recognition of its usefulness in keeping readers "up with the times." In Presidential election years the REVIEW OF REVIEWS is more than ever "the necessary magazine." Everybody wants to be truly and quickly informed about this or that public question that has forged to the front ; to know about the new candi dates and personal factors in politics, to have a com plete picture at hand of the current movement of history. In Or. Shaw's odHotUls. ia its authcatic u4 timtly tarn tribute article, ia its knlUaat chancier sketches, ia ita coadea aatiaaa aad reviews af all taa iaiaartaat article af other aiafiia. aad ia its handred a moat af valaablc paraaita. witty cartooaa. aad interesting views. ta MVttW OF REVIEWS gives tha much dssired newa af ta waeid'a aad our ewa vracrcsa. "Ta World under a Field-glaaa " is the way oee subscriber describes It. Hon in smhjste stf. lime President Theodore Roosevelt. the leathers of Coagisse. ad the great castaiaa of industry, who must keep " as with the times." latelliceat aaea sod woasea att ever Aaserka, have decided it is " ladieeeasahle." 25cs a copy $2.50 a year THE 1EVIEW OF IEV1EWS CO. 13 Aator Place). New York Lfff. Jioe Comb HWHMF - Brown Leghorns J and Barred Phi- mouth Bocl. Eggx in season. A fete Burred Rock Cockerels for sale. Prices reasonable. These birds were first prize winners at the State Poultry Show 1901. 1. X. LaaJfl te Salt. Address Y. A. Zimaieraiaa A Son, Litchfield, Nebraska, B. A M. imaufrra tion ageats. Besident agents for farm and grazing lands. Correspondence solicited. 8p COLUMBUS MARKETS. t3fYurtl toctitrtl a Muck east ttf St. Mary's Hospital. MARTIN SCHIIJ!. Prop'r. tf ColHtubns, AVfcr. Wheat, new 61 Altll ' ejs,f Oats basael 28 dhlyF 0 "af DHavBOa tXJ dsVeaeT lw" o enJ Hogs cwt. 4 250 4 40 Fat steers Vcwt 3 000 4 00 Stock steers-V cwt 2 S0 3 50 Fat cows V cwt 2 256 3 00 PoUtoes-V bassel G0 Batter V IV. 14020 Efgs-Vdcaea. 210 FXXD PRICXS AT MlUi. Braa, balk 65 Shorts, " 75 Chop feed. balk. 753 Chop cora, " 650 Markets corrected every Taeadav af - A. A. MILLIKAN. Auctioneer Farm sales tond acted on modern principles HTSale bills arranged to seller's advantage. Phone or write me for dates snd terms st Columbus, Nebr. m OTTAWA Cylinder Gin Shelter Can do more and better work than any other shelter sold. Onr wagons will not scatter your grain whileon the road to market or overtax yoar horses with needless heavy draught. Biggies aid Carriages OP THK LATEST AND I5EST MAKEH.! of- FARM IMPLEMENTS. Come and look our stock over before buying : : : mm J&Blaelsmith work aad Horse Shoeia? me oh short aotiee. LOUIS SCHREIBER. TIME T.AKCE, iepLsrs PHABIACY.I For-lewtf TaeOehlrich etore beJldiac oaTair- teeatk street. The place has paired aad is aowiaflrst-elai Iaqaire of Becher, Hoeheabetget k 3t Freai the RaaaUkaa. Charles KeUey has fitted up hie store baUdine;, east of Wflliaaw k Back's, aad will open a stock of general aiereaaadiee iaeide of tea daya. Talk about young people being- say! WeU,aosaeof tbe yoang folks oagat to have sesa their elders last Wedneeday when they congregated at the hosae of Mr. aad Mrs. Joan Kseler to celebrate Mr. Kseler 70th birthday. AflaMats aad care of aUUads weretarowa totha foar winds, aad for the time betas; those staid aad priai ezaaipleswsre owes store eaudrsa, pisyuur Draaaa the vonae? folks ocKMuywoeuaasjoiytaiakor. J. P. Fogarty, special ageat for the raral free delivery, was here Wednesday aaa laspewea roaie nasiroai Moaros. This roots rans east from towa, aad at the roads are good, wfll probablv be Tae aapbeaat for carriers aaewranac sisiisslioas sul be held at the eoaatyceat atatfc desigaattd sytMasaansssai aad alasa wiD ba all llllllllllllllllllllllll Has just received stock of a new RsjHt' SMkw rfeia. Fine Wal Paper We invite the pub lic to look the line over before buying. 8oldtaallahadMiiai by aa aaiata or other aHlaa. K feajatered afcanaadat will umiaoaetl all iiimnlfitlfw IiOUIS8CHREIBEB,Jr., iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiii BOOH AND BOARD At reasonable rates at Grand Pacific Hotel, Tenth Street aarE'il aafe-Mi BWBBkit .-.? - .r ' JuaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBSaw aaaaaatfc3 -'l'.. -SaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW aawaay ' fni. Triow i r aBaBBBaBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBSBh . ar ea mgBBJ'ir i , i " --"--aaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKr , , . a Wk aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM . u 'V-j--;- . , . - r ' - COLONIST ONE-WAY RATES . Freai 6enmba.Mfkt. Eftrf lay fia ariaa Pacific larch let U April 3Sth, ISM. $25.00 ?X2?JZ other California points. 125 OO To Everett, Fairhaven, wj.w WhatconJt VanconTe,. mi Victoria via Huntington and Spokane. S2S OO To Portland or Astoria, or " w suu uovu7, IM llantington and Portland or Hantington and Spokane Sf OO To Ashland, Bosebarg, Ea- fflW gene, Albany snd Sslem, in- clading branch lines ia Oregon, via Portland. SQQ KO To Spokane, all interae- diate, main and branch Usee oa O.IL4 N. Ca, ah to Weaatohee aad intenae- diate points. 12000 ToBntte,Anaconda.HeleBa line points, inolading den and Granger. 12000 To deo and S1' Le faw,w City aad main line potato oa U. P. where regular sec ond class rates are higher. Idacola, COLUMBUS. NEB. Chicago, 8t. Joseph. XaaaasCtty, St-Loals aad all polats last aad Batte, alt Lake City, ForUaad, Fraadaca all polata TBjUXS OKTABT. 5-.f???r j?yygt Baaday. 7A1 a. "J vsceiw No.X! A Satarday. TBATJIS Aaaiva. io.zi tiiiiiii.faUyeMeati No. 31 AccoanaortatioB. daily ouusj except :. 1Mb. at MyBIEiy' TIME TABLE U. P. RB. sast aeswa. haix una. 4.AI 12.Chicaao8ceial Atlaarie Ii. 8. VtmmmfZZZti"- les. vsh luunrrr.... Jota'SSa;;; Og- Mb. No. No. No. No. No. No. Su No. ILCal. "---'' ' No. 1 ftiilaaii l.iaiiuirt i j. D.8Tlaaa, fearth door aorta of Vfao OUre COLVIO U8. WIBBIia. Nb.ea. No. 71. Kb. St, No. 78. . 17 a. at. ee a. ai. -12J2 p. at. &S.a. 3J6p. a. .. .. 2aMa. a.. U.t.a. .UM p. aw saJp. at. .eSa.a,. KDepait- T-Mp-.m. ................... 7ji5 j. ai. ............... Idik. Auioa ax spauixs aaAsea. Ho'. 7-1 lMiaeT,V El9' m' Noiwi mSJoTT J2- v-JLr"" ;; ... Mp. at. Itetialaa oa aHaoaalahaa ataaah 'aaw-a aUMem Jk.-3.4 .kamatJmSk