Tf - -wpsy -vJl'-- s-jwal 3 mr -n - ,& --e VOLUME XXXIV.-NUMBER 44. COLUMBl 7S. NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 3, 1904. WHOLE 2STTMBER 1.715. -" Ssgf&05Zyrtin Che (kutaumi Mttrnal. " 4 .. yttttTtnttttttttttfttttg I The Old "at r Reliable... mi z mt mi I ABSOLUTE SAfTTY is the best thirtf we have to offer. Other Inducements are of secondary import ance. Upon this ba--sis-only, do we solicit your business. mi mt mi mi mi m mt mi mi mi mt t6e? Columbus mt mi I State Bank. e-eeaeaaealleaSaae Columbus JournoJ, A Ymkbr Newspaper Dcrctei to the Best latere cf SZ Zm ' ' Columbus, THE County or Platte, Thx State ml -.Nebraska THE United States, aedtbe Htit e! MukM m n Una cf Us $1.50 BMP a CMPf If raid ill AjSTBQOb ftamplt Copies Sent Tree t any Address. HENRY GASS. 1 -.UNDERTAKER- ...The.- Columbus Journal. Any- U n i iff ay Dlis 1 jnm CUB WITH TM Bet Papera COUNTRY. WANTS THE FACTS ALL PANAMA INFORMATION SIBLE TO GET. POS-! TIIIC 10 mfUAT CCHATC ACtfC lllld Jd WflAI OLnAIC AdUd The Democratic Caucus Resolution Discussed The Bacon Resolution Regarding Adjustment of Affairs in Colombia. WASHINGTON Mr. Hoar was in the senate Friday for the first time since the death of his -wife a month ago. The democratic caucus resolution, rilling on the president to imorm the senate whether all the papers in pos session cf the executive bearing upon the Panama, revelation had been sent to the seaatewas immediately taken up, tie especial question under con sideration being the motion of Mr Cul lom to add a clause relieving the presi dent of the necessity of supplying the documents if considered incompatible with the public interest. Mr Cockrell contended that the sen-' ate- had no right to asK for infonaa- j tion concerning a treaty while it was I under negotiation, but it had the right to all possible information after the negotiation was commeted and the rreaty sent to the senate. u. rT nn 4 ,i-., : n ' r "tT , ," the resolution and in opposition to the j amendment. Referring to the treaty! .., .,,.- - - with Panama Mr. ilcLaurin said tnat -th T-nm- -r M-rY .U--- . Z- UiC T-i UlCk UUL1C Ul LiiTT UC4S L a declaration of war against Colombia if Colombia sees proper to assert its authority in the face of the United States." and he argued that this be ing so the senate should have full in formation as to whether the United States had done anything in establish- , , -i t S r. " raaa " ; Panama treaty. The seusre last Trepi woald justify usm taking the respon-j wo!c actIon by gHuImJr sibihty of provoking a possiole war. ; resoh:t:c:: ,Q a hostfle CQ31clirroe. ine vote was tnen tasen on tne uui- Icm amendment insertina- the dis - e- tionary clause, and the motion prevail ed. Zti to 2". a party vate with the exception of llr. McEnery. who voted witn the republicans. The resolution was agreed to without division. Tne resolution had no sooner been disposed of than the Baccn resolution looking to the adjustment of our dif ferences with Colombia by arbitration was consicered. llr. Bacon did not contend that our right to recognize I til n i ! elaT4 Tk.w T - - t . T did hold -hat a question for arbitration eleccions d preSented Senator Bur was presented in is differences that rows bear QQ fais have arisen over the dictation of the j cent Jnst wha- acdQI, trpnr-r nr IhJK i .. ... , : , . . r speaiing oi tne praposiuon to ten- i der the good o Sices of the United States in order to settle the contro- . versy between Colombia and Panama, j ii? jaacon said tnat tins mode ot pro cedure would be inadequate because it would not take into account Colom bia's differences with the United States. In this connection he reiter- '' axed that the Panama revolution was I an accomplished ract and said he was ! further convinced that the canai would be built at Panama. This being true, t he argued that "there is no more im- ! pcrtant duty than to remove whatever J source cr incaon mere may cc. Ccttcn Makes a New Record. NEW YORK. July cotton sold at 16 cents a pound on the New York ex change on Thursday. A few years ago the price ranged between 6 and S cents. The market opened strong at aa advance of seven to twenty-three points on heavy buying of a more or I less general character that was in- duced by the sensational advances in sonian institution building, where ir the Liverpool market. The advance remain until congress anther was not checked until March had J fees 1LS -n-j interment in the reached 15.S4. May 15.S0 and July 16- s-on-ds cf that instittuion. The cas cents. a net advance of twenty-five . -m m r,n T,mh-.hii!rr h , to twenty-six points. Makes Startling Answer. WASHINGTON The answer of j Sanchez Makes a Call. the Countess Estherhazy. against WASHINGTON. General Sanchez, whom a suit is charged with having ' whom the Morales government fra alienated the affections of the plain- appointed Dominican minister to the tiffs husband, was filed by Louise M. i United States, had a long relfr with DeLang Tuesday She declares there Acting Secretary Locmis on Thurs was never a legal marriage between day The minister said that his gov HcDoweU. the plaintiff's maiden name. 1 emment was prepared to execute all aad Marquis DeLang. The answer ', tne demands cf this country regard contains, besides a general denial, the ing rending claims and to stand by 3Jlecarnn thar firnrf'i Tal n-nw no legal claim en the affections Marquis DeLang. of ' I recognized the Morales government. Turkey Concentrating Trccpa. mittee en interstate commerce en Fri- SOFIA. Bulgaria. News has been day referred all bills before it to sub- j received from the frontier that Turkey committees- Senator Quarles' bill giv- is actively engaged in concentrating ing the interstate commerce commis-' troops in the Kasteiidfl and Adriaao sion authority to fix freight schedules pie districts. where it believed existing rates to be ; exhorbitant was discussed at length. I Nf5,Sed ith & It was decided that, inasmuch as the house committee has arranged to give hfarir.23 en this fcfTl. tto arfinn "Brill h rairm bv rh smar rnmnJrwA ? ' hearings by it are expressly requested. Hcg Chctera is Spreading. COLUM3IA. MO. State Veterinar- ian D. F Lnckey made the statement Tuesday that hog cholera is spreading , witi aumg raiiituo isrcasa jiis- i souri and neighboring states. All pre- vurus recorus win prcbaaty bo broken. Kansas City Gets Reduction. KANSAS CITY. The Chicago Great Western has made a drastic cut in the' wheat freight rate from Kansas Cityltieij. officials and the violence which to Minneapolis. The.present discrim- attended recent strikes in Chicago mating rate of 14 cents win be re- Foreman Blair on Tuesdav said th duced to S cents, effective January 35-i jnry intended to probe deep into the The 9-cent rate from Omaha against' fcibc,. affairs. Witnesses Tuesdav the Kansas City rate almost complete-, were questioned abour he actions of ry shuts the Kansas .Cry market out 33 sympathizers in the street raH of the Nebraska wheat business. The-j way trouble, police methods in handl- - "-- t mg tae raus, ana aooaz violence oar- cents from the rate from Kansas CityJ jg- tne strike at the plant of the Kel to Chicago and to the Mississippi , in Swirehhori arf sHr . rrver i a? : - .. ... ... mar... , NEW YORK. David E. Thompson, minister to BraxIL arrivec on the steamer Tennyson from Bio Janeiro. He w2I go to Washington and thenci to- ris home in Lincoln. Neb., fcr a I tr weeks, after which he win ream tc BraxiL Away. FKEEPORT. EL Prof. Robert Stu- art rage, superintendent of the pab Kc schools ana prominent in edaca tinT circles in the west, died oa Friday from a -paralytic, stroke. AWAITING OPPORTUNE TIME. Russia Watching for FaveraMe Me merit to Reply. PARIS It is understood that the KraferenrfK: hArPTi Vnmim Vrnistw lamsdorff and M. Knxino, the Japen- i ese m'nisIer at St. Petersburg have i permitted the latter to advise his gov- emment concern rag the position Rus sia 13 likely to take in the forthcoming answer, but the officials here say this was merely in intermediary step to wards adjusting the remaining differ ences, as the answer is subject to change until officially communicated. It is further said that Russia will not answer until she feels reasonably assured that her answer wUr not have the effect of causing hostilities. The officials here are gratified at an apparently authoritative statement that Japan does not fa'Tid tc fortify the straits of Korea. They say it will remove one of the nr" n, x a aesotia tions showed that Russia was unalter ably opposed to the creation, of any condition in Korea which would lead to closing that outlet from the Sea of Japan. A strong intimation been made that the maritime nations of Europe ana the United States would have taken up the question unless this dec laration had been made. BRYAN TO GO TO KENTUCKY. l House Kills Resaluticn Inviting Rooae- . tda-v: otj "- -n- t -n FRANftjrORj., x.y. w . J. Bryan to- , BT,ir. b, .m. I --.v. .w- www3 the invitation of the house to deliver an adaress here February 3. an the occasion o Goeoel day. Mr. Bryan is m New York and his telegram was senr trom there. The i:ou? practically tiefeae-I a resolution offered by llr. Blacrk. in- ' 'iiiig uit yrtrsiueiiL s clitt jh lue . ,,. .t. . i -. - - - I -'" "--c "Vl - 111 !"" by a viva voce lore. i-itT.a .t. IVIXCU (.11.- resolution to invite President ! Roosevelt to address the legislature. Dietrich in Washington. WASHINGTON Senator Dietrich arrived Thursday morning from Ne braska and at once went to his new apartments in Stoneleigh Court. Later he saw D. EL Thompson and llr. Steph enson at the New Willard hotel. At night Senator Dietrich had a confer- j ence with Senator Burrows, chairman senator uietncn will take is not z.' present given to the public Fight Microbes in Books. BERLIN The Berlin municipal au tuorities have decided to make mif tempt to exterminate the microbes in I the public libraries, Prof. Koch hav ing called attention to the danger of spreading infectious disease through books loaned from libraries. The pro lessor's representative, during the lormer's absence in South Africa. wnere he is studying the rinderpest for the British aovemmenr. has rfrawr? r.r. a plail for attacking the microbes which will be submitted to the library corcmittes. Smithson's Remains Received. WASHINGTON. The casket con taining the remains of the late James Smithscn. founder of the Smithsonian institution, who died vear: a-T in Genoa, Italy, was re- OTed t j United States dispatch Ioat Boi-jhi- and borne to rhp Smith- Kor and and rppropriate services will be v-hscrve-iL I rli agreements tnis eovernment has entered into with previous Dominican administrations. Minister PoweE has -. i i T-i T-.T-. i mni 1 rrTTTTTTTT- ' rao i Vifrn T 7la9a.. fi4e l. ... . .1 w .www. . II 11 n JtUJ4 ed to the committee that the national t headquarters of the democratic social parry be changed from Omaha to Chi- cago. Natienai Guard Association. ST AUGUSTINE. FLA. The elec- cq of officers Qf xhe National Guard associaricn resulted in the re-elec- cbtt Qf General Charles Dick as president. St Paul was selected as the next place of meeting. Investigating Labor Unions. CHICAGO. The graad Jary has be- m as mvwtiaarkm f Ihn"r- m.;m9 I 3D - " ! W- pany. AUSTIN. TEX. Judge Marcy ot t federal court for this district has overruled the application of the Texas railroad ecanmisajon for the setting aside of an injunction recently grant ed cr. applkatam of a anmher of ex press companies and which proaihlts the commisaioa from "'iig into ef fect a schedule at decreased rates for certain r nates of tne state. The alea of tne rnmaaniw was that the ed by tne low. RUSSIA IS FIRM REPLY TO JAPAN IS REFUSED ON MAIN POINTS. AS TO THE IMTECBtTY tf CMHA It Wiii Net Be Guarantee Russia's Draft of Reply to China Has Net Yet Been Officially Presented, but Will Be Scon. LONDON The Daily Graphic claim" to be able to amrm that Rus sia's draft of its reply has not yeLrjnnBt have been ternSc It is nre- oeen officially presented to Japan, but it has been communicated to M- Kunno tne Japanese minister at St . w...r .w .u ....ininii.!. t- contents to Tdkio. whence it will be conveyed to the friendly powers. The reply of Russia, is firm, the Daflj- Graphic says, but it refuses., to permit the reinsertion of the draft of the treaty of the two wards guaran- (. teeing the integrity and independence of China, vrhich Japan insisted on in its last note. The clause proposed by Japan was that Russia and Japan should mutually agree to respect the "integrity and independence of China and Ccrea." Russia has now strick en out twice the words "China and Ccrea," and it is understood that this wCI close the negotiations. It is probable, the Daily Graphic goes en to say, that when this note is received Japan will notify Baron De Rosen that it has no alternative but to taite up arms in defense of its interests, and that M. Kurino will be instructed to demand his passports. In the meanwhile instructions have been sent to the two Japanese cruis ers at Colombo to proceed to Singa pore, where, in Jie event of war be-f ing declared, their crews will be paid off and the vessels laid up. In a dispatch irom Tokio a corre spondent of the Times gives the fi nancial program of the government as follows: First, a domestic loan of 100,000.000 yen (350,000.000): second, the gov 3mment to draft into the treasury the local land taxes, amounting to 25,003, 100 yen- third, an increase of other taxes to yield 15.000,000 yen: fourth, suspension of public works and ad ministrative retrenchments, amount ing to 40,000,000 yen. The total of SO.000,00 yen a year to be obtained by these measures win be devoted to the securing of war loans. A dispatch to Reuters' Telegram company from Tokio says the elder statesmen were received in audience by the emperor and that it is gener ally believed in Tokio that Jauan has requested Russia to hasten her reply. Russian military activity on the Co rean frontier is exciting increasing uneasiness. COLO MADDENS AN ELEPHANT. Almost Kills Keeper and Does Much Damage. ST PAUL. Minn. Maddened by the intense cold, which had frozen its ears and trunk, an eiephant belong ing to an nms? show which had been exhibiting at a local theater. Sun day almost killed its keeper, Conrad Castens. and partially wrecked the Milwaukee freight house. Many of the attendants had narrow escapes from serious injury. Castens then went to the animal's head and attempted to pacify ir. but the beast threw him to the ground and planted his foot upon him, crushing in his ribs and. it is believed, fatally injuring him. The brute, then seized heavy articles of freight in the sheds and began toss ing them about promiscuously, doing considerable damage. After laboring for nine hours attendants quieted the animal. IN HONOR OF SUPREME COURT, j President Gives Dinner to a Large Company. WASHINGTON. President and Mrs. Roosevelt entertained at dinner at the White House Thursday night in honor of the supreme court. Covers were laid for a large company of guests. All the justices of the su preme court were present except Jus tice White, who was detained at home by injuries resulting from a fall' while on his way from the court, and Justice Brown, who has eye trouble. The table was set in the state dining room aad presented an unusually handsome appearance. The president escorted Mrs. Fuller to the table ad the caief justice escorted Mrs- Roose velt. Among the guests were Senator McComas, Senator MitchelL Repre sentative and Mrs. De Annoud and Representative and Mrs. Champ Clari Philippine Trade Statistics. WASHINGTON. The Philippine trade statistics of the rn-mlar bureau cf the war department show that the r imparts ot tiose islands during the eight months ended August, 190; a gregate S20.S67.S12. These figures are exclusive of coin aad government sup plies. The aggregate Of exports and , imports is an increase of almost $, 000,000, over four-fifths of which may be credited to shipments from the archipelago, the hemp and cofpa out- nut being lar I Cut In Passenger Rates. - ST. PAUL. The Soo Line announc ed a reduction in its passenger rates to liie east to an $? fare to Chicago It is understood General Passenger Agent Callaway is in the fight to stay this trme. Tc Avoid Star Route Delays. WASHINGTON. To avoid too loe? ielays. ir payments to contracxars far performing star route man service throughout the country the postoflice ueginment. is arranging to make monthly instead of auarteriy any. by an LONDON. George Locknarr, the ell known elephant trainer and cir zas proprietor, was accidentally crush ?i to death Sunday by an eiephaat while he was attending. the unload ing of the circus arrfmTg at the Hoe xreet railway station at Walthams town. m Fill MELBOURNE. A disastroas karri- aae has Mown over the Fiji reaaltiagim great loss of life aad erty- n bM0bmbV wt LCVIflf bjbhB DMsftQWsTSssi PITTSSTJmG- The seined a who west hr-the Har- a? ta sac temporary iag prepared tor bariai- Every maty so far iiiBiati aa is i braiaed aad. crashed jnm shapeless-) aess.- Toe lact Thar the legs and v are broken aad disjoiar.ed iadM i-cates that the farce of the exolosion .oaed t. maL wew x u straws before a gate, battering them agaiast the jagged walls of the mine agii rnrwir aae a rm est mar r t. until the ends of. leaiiign aad caaat - cers were reached. f mill Bodies of the mai wMSMfc aKBsVg, ssTSsbvXT Vaasff vjVbrbBCsvbb Z Scarcely oae of. the aesaes has any aisawa-OTal of the intervention of clottaar it- All are ssore-ac less- the United States in the Panama re burned, some to a crisn. There win volt but sairf thr i t .Trr.rmVm j. be great difficulty in Ideatirying them on tnis account aad about the only way it can be dome will be by the weigh checks found oa many of them, No relatives are permitted in the temporary morgue, for the slants there are too gruesome. When all the bodies are brought up that are now at the foot of the shatt and when they have been prepared for view the families and friends will be allowed to Me throoga and. assist in com pleting the work of identification. Headless, naked, charred beyond recognition, disemboweled and hor - ribly mangled, is descriptive of the condition o the bodies found by the searchers. There are six mine inspec tors and twenty-two mem at work- the inspectors penetrating into unexplored regions locating bodies, while the main body cf searchers came after wards to extricate and carry ont the blackened bodies. RIGHTS OF THE PRESIDENT. United States' Attitude Tt rd Pan- 2ru Revolution. WASHINGTON. The time of the senate Thursday was devoted to de bate rather than to set speeches on the attitude of the United States to ward the Panama revolution. There was a variation, however, in that the discussion also had reference to the right of the president to withhold in formation called for by the senate. The immediate foundation of the contro versy was the democratic caucus res olution calling on the president to state whether he has yet supplied all the papers in the archives bearing on the Panama affair. The debate was opened by Mr Cul berson and was participated in by Gorman and Bacon, on the democratic side of the chamber, and by Messrs Cullom. Spooner and Lodge on the re publican side. The democrats con tended for the right of the senate to demand information in the possession of the executive department bearing on treaties before the senate, while the republicans spoke in defense of the discretion of the president to withhold information. FINDS WRIGHT SANE. Coroner's Jury Returns Verdict of Sui cide in the Case of the Promoter. LONDON. "Suicide" was the ver dict passed by the coroner's jury in the closing chapter of the tragedy of w mttaKer w ngat- ins aeatn was i caused by suffocation in consequence of poisoning b- cynaide of potassium. ( The jury founa that Wright was per-i fectly sane and that there was not the slightest doubt that his death was due to most deliberate suicide. From the ' evidence at the inquest it was shown that Wright had determined to take his . own life in the event of aa adverse' verdict. and that he went to court with a cynaide tabloid in his posses- sion. while in his hip pocket was a new revolver, fully loaded and even cocked. After the sentence Wright went to the lavatory, while the tipstaff in attendance on him remained out side. There he swallowed the tabloid- returned to- the consulting room.' washed down the poison with whisky and water and died. One of the last) things Wright said was: "This is British justice." INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT. Working to Standardize the silver ' Currency. mj.ia.-' on tne appuirrment que"icr.. WASHINGTON. It is learned here J a reaoi3tia r specific information that Charles Conant, member of th r collceraS nomination of W. D. monetarr commission, who has been j Cni:i1 M a coII,;:or of customs at the in Home conducting negotiations with poix - Charleston, S. C. was passed. the Italian government, respecting the ( A 'otadon. asking for similar in standardizatiott of silver currency in fcrc:atictl concerning the nomination the orient, is actinzr nndw sntaT h,- ( ot Brigadier General Wood and other structions from the tt ,Torir 1 He will visit the principal capitals of Europe. Results so far obtained are enccuragiag- Pep Senea His Bleaaing. ROME Monsqjnor Serafino. the ! new apostolic delegate In Mexico, has been received in farewell aadieace"by the SOW! nr) w ontrwrmJ t... I.J, 1 hnUneaa to (TBna rn ImV.f- tk and the Mexican government his satis- faction with the measure of liberty granted under President Diaz to Cath- oucisHi in Mexico, which resulted in he prosperity of the church there. Ship Line far the PhilJiai SAN FRANCISCO. A steamship line to operate among the islands of the Philippine groap is soon to be es- I tahiished, says the Bulletin. A. com-' any has been formed of Boston cani- 1 tallsts. aad it is to be known as the Boston & DoQo Stesmahip company- Besides the steamship line, the com-icarr paay rs to a shipbuilding yard and to establish a his plant for I reaairmsr Tae company that is back of the. now ope-j rates the Coacord. in Philip- pine waters. Traaa ia WASHTNGTOK. D. C The Phflip- ptae trade statistics af the iacular bo- rean of the ITar aepartmeat show that the im putts af these falexas aaxmg-the eight the ended Aagaet. jses ag gregate SSJSCSIl aad experts S20,-S47.3IS- These Snares are exclnafve is ever the aa 1b riaii af aJaneat UjmMa rTBipaamai, the emfly 'PANAMA SUBJECT A TALK BY SIMMONS OF NORTH CAROLINA. K SOPRfTS THE MEASUIE The First ts Give Veica in Favor of its Bill Other in the Two M Busts sf WASHINGTON- The senate nro- ceedmzs v-prinHaT- ;nin sneeoh nv t sfw,,, nr v.k crou, m roppQr, Qf p, caaal treaty, aad the passage of a number of bills and resolutions. Mr! . wnanai . rt,. .. .....- wmi uic mac ucwuutmuu 1 seaator to favor the measure on the of the senate. He annoumced his was aa accomplished fact, aad was such before the treaty was made, he could not accent the theorv that the- treaty itself was invalid Mr. Simmons said he believed the president and the secretary of state should be relieved of all charges of complicity in rhe Panama revolt. He added that he did not believe the pos session of information concerning an approaching revolution should be ac i cepted as discrediting the president, and addea: 'u iciciciiv.: lu tiie views ui uue; I- -,.,.. . .u - : -t f on rfr' side of the chamber wio J xaay differ with me. I think the stare- ment of the president in thi3 respect should be accepted. Undoubtedly the president knew of the forthcoming re volution in Panama. It was his duty in view of imminent insurrection to have on the ground sufficient fare? to protect the lives and property of Am erican citizens- This he did and if he had done no more than tihis he would have done no mare than his cuty under the law. llr. Simmons announced his belief that the change of recommendation b the Isthmian Canal commission from Nicaraguan to the Panama route had been the result of honest convic tion. He also accepted the Spooner act as a deliberate pronouncement by , congress in favor of Panama, and a direction to the president to construct tne canal by that route, "if possible to acquire title in a reasonable time." He continued: It is vehemently asserted by some of the opponents of this treaty that a vote for its ratification under the cir- cumstnees is, taaamount ro condon ing the action of the administration as to the resolution and the recogni tion. I thought thar as favorably as I considered this treaty, as impor tant to us as is the immediate con struction cf the canal. I don't think I can vote for it. I join my colleagues izi condemning whatever is wrong the T54.a i-4 4 wm ij mi -? 1,'"'UUit f . -" n"- i iy U nave aaue in cringing anaur tne ice- t- public af Panama, but in my vote en the treaty I propose to recognize and act on the fact thar ranama is an independent state, possessed of equal rights and powers to make thL. treaty as we ourselves possess, not only with our consent, but the prac tically unanimous consent of all the civilized nations of the world. Considerable discussion followed of a bill providing means for citizens of Porto Rico and the Philippines to become citizens of the United Srates. The fact was developed that citizens of these ana other countries similarly situated to the United States have no means of becoming naturalized as citizens. Mr. rettus." during tne de bate, suggested that the island cf Porto Rico should be made a territory and Mr. Foraksr said he had not as much obiection to that end as son OJ of his colleagues. . The bill passed, but Mr. Spooner entered a motion to reconsider, which went over. TALK RECESS APPOINTMENTS. Specific information is Asked cf tne President. WASHINGTON. The senate Mon iay I-tard further discussion on the question cf appointments to ofiice mid- dicing congressional recesso". listened to a speech on the isthmian canal cnrion by li Morgui and parsed a number of bills of a snnu- pabir oh3ra'.cter- As a- result of. '-.2 aF officers went over until tomor- row. Among the bills passed was one au thorizing the erection of a monument to the memory of John Paul Janes. Cruzen Wants Millard's Jcb. SAN JUAN, P E Alcnzo Cruzen. formerly collector of customs of Porto Rfrt- arrti hf famJIv aa?Tcrf TTarfTioc fi7 for the United Srares We v e ""l return direct to Nebraska. here. his conversation indicated, he "01 open a campaign with the object of succeeding Joseph K. Millard in 1 the United States senate. American Killed at Nice. NICE. Miss Radthom. an American- aged 33. who hail ben staving at Cannes, was killed in an automo- hile accident Wednesday. Three other persons were injured. The automo- bile party was composed of Mrs. Mel- lor. an American, the owner of the Mr. Allen, also an American: Mrs- Ethalleze aad Miss Radthorn. The machine was being driven at high speed along the road when it collided with a cart The-occupants of the au- tomobile were thrown out aj the ifhiiB was smashed. Nemi'natiaaa ay the PVsataent. WASHDfGTON The presideai sent to the senate tae following aomina ticner Consul General Fleming D. Che shire,. New York, at Mukden, rhfrra rinaimT James W. Davidson, Mm aesota. at Antaaav China; Edwin V. Morgan, New York, at Daisy; rsfwa Will ST. LOUIS. MO. Judge William for Ifty years cf Sr j MINERS ARC LOST. Nearly Two Hunwrea Caught In PITTSBURG. Pa. From all that sin. be gathered at this hour between. ISO and 190 men are lying dead is the headways aad passageways of the Harwick miae of the Allegheny Coal company at Cheswick. the result af a terrific explosion Monday. Cage after cage has gone down into the mine and come up again, bat only one miner of all those that went down to work is. the morning has been brought to rhe surface- The rescued man is Adolph Gunia and he is still In a semi-ccasciGus condition at the temporary hospital at the rude school house ca the hilside above the mine. In addition to the miners who were at work when the explosion occurred it is now "believed by practically all of the men of the rescue party who have come ua the 220-foot, vertical shaft far a warming- and "a'hreaJE-" ing spell that Selwyn M. Taylor, the Pittsburg mining engineer, who was the first to reach ihe bottom after the explosion happened, is also now among the list of dead. Of those in the mine all are possibly dead. The explosion occurred at S:20 o'clock Monday morning and the first warning was the sudden rumble un derground and then a sheet of dame fallowed up the deep 3haft. Eoth mine cages were hurled through the tipple, twenty feet above the larding stage and the three men on it were hurled to the ground. A mule was thrown high above the shaft and fell dead on the ground. The injured men were brought at once to this city, where two cf them have since died. It will probaoly be several days be fore all of the bodies are recovered. The last hopes for the lives of any of the IS4 men entombed la the Hardwick mine of the Allegheny Coal company, two miles from Cheswick. Pa was given up Tuesday when Geo. W. Scheetz, manazer of :be mine ad mitted that he believed that not onu cf them would ) brought up alive. Now the cry is for more men to ccme to tne work of rescue, volun teers are needed to work back througa zhe debris to where rhe miners are im prisoned, and where possibly some may have Tianazed to survive. Already four men are known to be dead, among them Selwin Taylor of this city, who was the first rescue party to reach the bottom of the shaft. His body was brought to the top a' the 3haft Tuesdav morning. Taylor, who wa3 one of the best known mining engineers m Western Pennsylvania lost his life in an effort to save the lives of the entombed men. Ke had planned .?! platted the mine and was called by the Allegheny Coal company as the man best fitted to lead the forlcm hope. He went down in to the mine bravely, and with him wnt four other men. Another of the rescue party. Tom - vccd tried desperately ti save his companions, but he felt the deadiv nausea coming on and was forced to leave them to their fate. Then others took up rhe work, two ai a trme. AH night they went u 2id down in tie temporarily rigztd bucket. The main hoists were blown out by the farce of the explosion, but there were no living ones to save. Adolph Gunis, the enly one of the miners in rhe pit when the explo sion occurred to be brought to the sur face alive, was rescued by Seiwm Taylor. But if there were no lives to save, there were dead to be found, and all night long the volunteers toil ed, aiming headway here and there until they were forced by exhaustion. to quit their labors. DONT HAVE TO RAISE BRIDGES. Decision Affecting Pittsburg and Alls qneny City. WASHINGTON. Secretary Rocr, after many months' consideration, has decided a question involving several million dollars, growing out of the ap r Hcatlou to oblige the eievati-ia of thf six bridges over the Allegheny river, connecting Pittsburg and AHe gnny City. The secretary denied these applica tions. In his decision the secretary points out that, to grant the applica tions, which were opposed by d- 'it its of Pittsburg and Allegheny. xou-J involve the practical rebnT'ling if some of the bridges, an extensive change ct street grades and serious injury ro improved real estate nar -he river, ?nd that the whale would ccst severa' million dcliarb. The hridges. ne ays. fcr only a few day; in the year, at times ! high water o-er obstruction to the vast and important trafiic now earned an. Flake Treachercusly Shst. MANILA. It has just been learned here that Lieutenant Campbell W. Flake of the Twenty-second infantry was killed while trying to enter Mcro Cotta. in 3Iindanao, for the. purpose of examining th locality. Ke was accompanied by rtrvatc Foy of the 3ame regiment. Lieutenant Flake was shot treacherously, the 3Ioros firing on the party whil. Major BuIIard was parleying with them. Mcro Cotta was at oace taken by assault, with no fur ther loss to the expeciticnary forces- r May Wheat Taks3 a Tumble. CHICAGO. A break of 3 cents in the price of May wheat marked rhe selling Monday cf approximately' 1. 300,000 bushels bj Armour. The crowd had sold Juiy short Saturday on fa vorable rains in the southwest, and e cold snap caused a coverinz move ment which carried the July delivery to SZrn cents. 1 cents above Satur day's close. Systematically May rose IH and 14 cents to 92$ cents, which is equal to the best price cf the season- At this price Armour let slip LaOOvO'W bushels- Bank President Convicted. TRENTON. N. J. Albert D. C Twining, farmer president of the de fuact First National bank of Asbury Park, was convicted in the United 3tates district court en. Friday ca tha charge of nrafrfng false certificates to the comptroller of the currency as to the bank's condition- A number of other indictments are still hinrr ovar Twining. The rainimum penalty for the charge for which. Twining has been, found zuHrv is five -rear aad the maximum is ten years im- , Brief Telegrams J. M- Hagaman, the feader of Ooat cordla. Kae is dead at the at mt 74 years. Adjutant General John S. Saunders of the Maryland national gaard is dead at Annapolis. The death of Herman F- A. XoSefl. prominent in Illinois Grand Army cir cles, occurred at. Pektn, I1L Senator Quay introduced a bQl any vidingSfor the admission of Oklahoma and Indian Territory as cae state. The directors of the Erie railroad declared a 2 per cent semi-aaaTsal div idend on the first preferred stock. A dispatch from Peking says that missionaries who have arrived there .reFpr.that- PrtaceTuatt is aertcmelv; CL It is reported that a aeriosm battle has taken place between the govern ment troops and the Insargeots ia Uruguay, the insurgents losing heav ily. Senator Penrose introduced a hill nr hibiting the issuing cr paying of moa cy orders or the reglsteriac of letter on Sunday. The Northern Pacific directors have declared a li per cent auarteriy divi dend, comparing with Itj per ceat reg ular and an extra half per ceat for the preceding quarter. Seymour R. Church, who formerly controlled the pig iron business ia San Francisco,, filed a petition, in insol vency. He places liabilities at $. 000 and assets at J4423G- It is given out at the interior de partment that the resignation ef George L Harvey, superintendent cf the Pawnee Indian school- has been, re ceived and will be accepted Andrew Carnegie has given J15.0W to build a library at Talladega college. Talladega. Ala. Talladega eolleee was founded in 1S7 and is devoted to the education of the aegro- Brigadler General Frederick D. Grant assumed command of the de partment cf the lakes in accordance with the territorial redistricting army act recently passed by congress. An additional J10.000 ha3 been ask ed of the French chamber cf deputies to add to the 5I20.QOO already appro priated for an agricultural and horti cultural exhibit at the St. Louis expo sition. Postmaster General Payne said there was nothing to bar postmasters cr other federal office holders from serving a3 delegates to political con- ventions. whether national, state or county. Major General MacArthur has is sued aa order to the effect that no ex tended leave cf absence wm be grant ed to army officers serving In the Pa cific division cf the army until further Wilkin of the Illinois supreme court has granted a supersedeas in the case of S. B. Michaels, recently convicted of pacing a forged check on Postmaster Hull of Peoria and sen tenced to the penitentiary. The brick layers and masons inter national union at Its convention adopted a resolution praising William R. Hearst, member cf conaress and owner of several new3naper. for his championship of organized labor. According to the testimony of Cap tain 3ronson. superintendent of the naval academy, before the house com mittee on naval affairs, the United States win have naval cr2cer3 ermigh in 1307 to man all naval vessels? The United States has the poorest building road system of any civilised country on earth, aecordinrr to Hars tio S. Earle of Detroit. This condi tion he consider? due to a lack of na- ncnal. state and local co-operaticri At Oklahoma City. Okla the moth er of Thomas Queenan, the wife-murderer, whose excution was set for Feb ruary 12. has received a letter from Governor Ferguson stating that a? would commute the sentence to life imprisonment. The house committee en merchant marine and fisheries by a strict party vote ha3 ordered a favorable rort to be made to the house en the Gard ner bill proTiding for a comrft-i to investigate the whole question of ship subsidy. The president ha? sent to the sen ate the following ncminationsr Con sul general. Fleming D. Ches3ire of New York, at Mukden. China: cocsuL? James W Davidson, Minnesota, at An Tung. China: Edwin V. Morgan. New York; at Dainy, China. A supplemental estimate for an an sropriaticn of S3.44a.G0O for "arma ment of fortifications"' was transmit ed to the house by Secretary Root. The Detroit board of commerce adopted resolutions declaring that "the joint high commission should be reconvened far the purpose of netro t:arrz a new reciproeitv trear' with Canada.' Thirty-five hundred employes of the Hiaois Steel company at South Chi cago retamed to work with the re opening of the open hearth, plate and slab miHa, which have been idle 3ince before Christmas. The men accepted a reduction in wages front 10 to 23 per ceni Cangressman Hiashaw has recom mended Charles Lugeabeel to he post master at Williams, Thayer county. Neb., vice W. A. KeQwits. resigned. Ir is anacunced in a dispatch from Montevideo that the Uruguayan rero- tionist3 have been defeated after a sanguinary battle at THescas. Leaders cf the house aad senate have agreed on. a statehood bin mak ing of Oklahoma, and Indian Territor ies one state, aad of Arizona. M New Mexico another. Congressmaa Burkett recoaaseaded John Markt for postmaster at By da. Richardson county, Neb Senator Smcot has Sled, with the committee on privil?ss aad elections his second reply to tne preaeatatios made by Attorney Tayler. Judge Shelton. C- Spencer, who took aa active part ia the early herder troubles ia Kansas ia the ctrll warr 13 dead at Lawrence Eaa. Representative Little of Arkansas ha3 introduced a bQl authorizing hail in criminal cases on all appeals ia Indian Territory- The fcoase committee on contested electica will not be ready for some tfa to report oa the Croas-MeGnira - ' Oklafaoma- 10. fe , i-Wi;",,'sSfe,iiffaJ "-. i.J&z "V . l prxacsmest.