iBr ire. - n m. 2&ct .TfWS'" & .-: flurtral. c fe8 le- n VOLUME XXXIV. NUMBER 43. COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 27, 1904. WHOLE NUMBER 1.714. OMttmiJI r r fitttttmttiimtmtttii The Old Reliable. ABSOLUTE SAFETY is the best thine we have to offer. Other g Inducements ore of? i S r secondary import- Z g once. Upon this ba- 5 S sis only, do we solicit g your business. S s er ar ; Columbus s State Bank. : .......w.ea..e.e....aa A Vkly Republkao Newspaper Derotei to tht Of Columbus, THB- County of Platte, Tie Sib of -Nebraska- THH United States, ad (2m Hut cl Miitht Tbm UnH I Measufw wttfc Usai $1.50 par Year, If PaM in Advaoo Sample Copies Sent Tret U any Address. HENRY CASS. UNDEIlTAItEB- ai Metallic elsllMd.f ...The... Columbus Journal, Aaj- afa Columbus JournaJ, efewUaVtt J JUKE! GUMT1TMTM Beat Papers COUNTRY. A TORNADO SOUTH AT LEAST THIRTY PEOPLE ARE KNOWN TO BE KILLED. j ' Al IMCBFASF IM LIST LIKELY ! mm imiiUWU l uwi uri.wi .... ! Entire Northern Portion cf Auoama , wmpc Bjfnp ,n -v." . i i rf r.Mat Dimiiw Re- t suits to Property. TUSCALOOSSA, Ala. A disastrous tornado swept over Moundvflle. Aia a town of 300 inhabitants, fifteen miles south of Tuscaloosa, early Fri day and as a result thirty-seven per sons were killed and more than 100 injured. Every business house, with the exception of a small durg store, was completely destroyed. Snrzeons were rushed to 3lound- ville Irom Greensboro and, Tuscaloosa and all possible was done to alleviate the sufferings of the injured. By the force of the storm persons were blown hundreds of feet from their beds in the' blacknes of the night. Through terror, a father, mother and ..three children fled from their home to seek refuge and in their excitement left a 5-year-old boy in bed. Later he was pulled from beneath some timber and thus far it is impossible to find any other member of the family. Bedding, carpets and wearing apparel are scat tered for a distance of ten miles through what was a forest, but which is now as clear as if cut by the woodman's axe. Freight cars were blown to splin ters, the trucks from them being hurled hundreds of feet from the track. The depot, the hotel, ware house, gins, thirty homes, five store houses, together wtih the stocks, were completely destroyed. Where they stood it is irqpossible to find even the pillars upon which these struc ture rested. Bales of cotton, which were stowed in warehouses, were torn to atoms, the fragments of lint lodging in tres, making it appear as though that sec tion had btn visited by a snowstorm. Heavy iron safes, the doors of which in some instances were torn from their hinges, were carried away by the force of the wind. A young clerk employed by W. P. Phifer, hearing the terrible roaring of the storm, let himself into a well in the center of the store. He had no sooner found this place of safety than the store was completely demolished. He was uninjured. The town of Hull, four miles north of Moundville, suffered from the tor nado. The Bates Lumber company's planing- department was completely wrecked and the negro fireman crush ed. Four residences and one church were demolished. BIRMINGHAM, Ala. Tornadoes played havoc at several places in North Alabama, resulting, as far as known, in the death of over thirty people and injury to many more. The storm center was at and around Moundville, a small town m the i northern portion of Hale county, where heavy loss of life and great d straction of property are reported. rtdmiTiSA at th fror thnt the wir?s were prostrated cetails of the disaster w-o meager. Reports received .at Tuscaloosa indicate that no less than thirty peopte were killed at Mound ville and many more injured. The storm swept all of the northern portion cf Hale county and destroyed many farms. It is feared that fuller J reports will show an increased loss j of life. COTTON REACHES WAR PRICES. Cr. Brown Soring a Little Surprise on th: New Orleans Ring. NEW ORLEANS Dr Brown sur- prised the ring at the Cotton exchange i Friday by telling traders to go to his brokers and give them everything they had for sale for May delivery at the marker price. He said he was w.lling to buy everything offered up to half a million bales. Before he made this offer he bid I5.1Sc for 25.00 bales of May His purchases were heavy. The market remained in a healthy condition in spite of the levels that have been attained. The present ' prices are the highest since war times I ter to President. and ince the future market has been j HAVANA United States Consul established. Ihere appears to be no j Steinhart. having declined to inter weak long interest in the market and , fere with grievances which the Amer- brokers are exacting heavy on all purchases. margins r ! Leaves of Absence for Printers. WASHINGTON. Senator Piatt (N. i ). from the committee on printing. reported favorably the bin regulating , leaves of absence of employes of the government printing omce. ine out gives the employes who receive an- I nual salaries leaves of thirty days j each, exclusive of Sundays, thus put- t ting them on the same footing as employes in other departments of the J government, a leuer wis rean irom , the public printer saying that the ad- j ditioaal cost to the government would be about isO.000 a year. Bank President Convicted. TRENTON. N. J. Albert D. C-1 Twining, former president of the de funct First National bank of Asbury Park, was convicted in the United States district court on Friday on the charge of making false certificates to the comptroller of the currency as to the bank's condition. A number cf other indictments are still hanging over l wining, ine minimum penalty f tor tne canrge ior waicn iwmmg u irtu uwau feuiiLj is uc oua fc v.A-4s WnB n n Aaar r and the prisonmc urn is ten years inl One Fire Fighter I sees Life. NEW YORK Nearly half of the t ire department of Brooklyn and four ftreaonts were summoned to ight a blaze which destroyed the upper floors of the six-story factory of wW E. W. Bliss company in Plymouth street. The company manufactures dies and presses for metal stamping and n stings and other parts ofWaite fccstfi torpedoes for the United States navy. One fireman lost his life by falling from n ladder. The damage is estimated nt $200,000. covered by -snzance. SOLDIERS COERCED BANKERS. Testimony Given -at Manila Regarding i Imaertitisaa. ! MANILA Marager Jours of the Hong Eons Shanghai bank, during ; the public discussion now going en. declared thai, prior to the passage of supplemental currency act. the- haSkB had a lettgr from orai Mer- ritt. noon the strength of which the Q, uexi doKars resumed after twenty years' prohibi- - The importation of this coin was not voluntary upon the part of the banks, be said, but was forced upon them by -the military authorities, prac-, tically at the point of the bayonet. American soldiers entered the banks. demanding local currency for gold. some even going to the length of en forcing their demands at the muzzle of a revolver. There were 23.000 troops landed within three months, to pay whom the quartermaster and paymas- Lter drewjetters .oLcredit-for 500.000. which Jours on his part found himself unable to convert into coin, and con sequently closed the bank. General Greene then issued an order that un less the bankers changed! these drafts into money for the troops he would place Jours under guard and threat ened to lock him up. Tie discussion will be continued. IS DE FACTCO GOVERNMENT Minister Powell Gives Recognition ef Morales. SAN DOMINGO. United States Minister Powell recognized the pro visional government of General Mo rales as the de facto government of Santo Domingo and he has informed the members of the diplomatic and consular corps to this end. The officers of the United States cruiser Columbia paid an official visit to the palace and were received with military honors. Subsequently they were allowed to view the relics of Columbus, which are kept in the ca thedral here, and they then visited the forts and places of interest. There is still no change in the political sit uation. An attack en San Ledro de Macoris is expected and the United States gunboat Newport has proceed ed there to protect American inter ests. SIOUX CITY-ASHLAND LINE. Slender Prospect of Building It This Year. LINCOLN. Neb. The Journal says: It may be said on the authority of a Burlington man well known in Ne braska, and now enjoying a position where he should know when the com pany intends building, that the Sioux City line, projected to ran from Ash land to a connection with the Great Northern in Iowa, may not be built this coming season. The tightness of the money market in the east may prevent tee building of many lines in the west, notwith standing the business of the west j warrams extensions, connecting iiS.e.5 j t nd improvements. Notwithsrandin the present outlook. Sioux City is moving in the matter to induce Jim Hill to build the line at once, and if repGrt5 rom ber business men's com- , i-? -t t j I LUiLLCt: it? UUL IUO IllpliiJ (3Jlw.TL-U sh .- v k - v n v a v auInAl there seems to be some prsspect of success. BLAIR OWED HALF A MILLION. He Carried Life insurance in the Sum of S1.000.M0. ST. LOUIS. Mo. The policies held I by the late James L. Blair, former i general counsel for the world's fair, i who died at Eustis. Fla last Satur- day. are rapidly being paid by the in surance companies. It is stated that the total amount of Mr Blair's indebtedness, including the I were equivalent to a contract, permit money advanced for him by friends ting the company to fix its own rate. and relatives during the last year of , his life, has been officially determin-1 ed 9t S663.00Q. It is further stated ' that every dollar of this amount will ' be paid from the insurance now com- ing in. leaving S3-P 000 for Mrs. Biair and her two sons providing that a pol- icy for 1200.000. which one company j began to contest death, is paid. before Mr. Blair's CONSUL WILL NOT INTERFERE. Americans Will Carry the Piercy Mat- ican resments ot tne isieor fines nave against Mayor Sanchez of Noeva Ce- . - . . s .. j reons in connection with the arrest cf 1 Morgan Piercy, the son of aa Ameri can, a petition to President Roosevelt J is being prepsjed for the signatures of the Americans. This petition will t that the cuct df -Mayor San- opvTessive and intolerable ana wffl pr for the .ppofctHient of an em olner than United "States Mhv jg, squIres to investigate the case. a g of king the government of to remove the mayor, Judge William Judge ST. LOUIS, MO. Judge William Jones, for fifty years resident cf St. Louisas dead. Mischief Makers in K WASHINGTON The only advices received over night at the state de- , partment from the east are from Min-! ister Allen at Seoul. Minister Allen soctarea tress, temng or tne retn reports that Seoul is in a panicky foreement of the American guard at condition and that there is apprehen- i the United States legation at Seoul, sion of a riotous outbreak at any mo- Two oMcers and sixty-f oar -men were ment. The intimation is conveyed in dispatch- that interested foreign j r -miri i at t knrrnm of ;hso : disturbances, the resmlt of which be to aCord an excuse for interven tion and the placing of large forces in Korea. PARIS- M. Peuetam. minister marine, has promoted tneomcers the missing naval collier Vienne ofi of to ! S higher rank, with the object of in- creasing the pensions of their widows in the event of the coDser's loss. LONDON. A dispatch to Beater's Telegram eumpau from Tokio says the Rassisw reply is expected shortly that it is believed that it will some concessions, bet It is doubted if these will he sufiWent. EXPRESS HELD UP TRAIN LOOT THE SUN SET LIMITED. I f IMCpi A V DC1I nimCFt fcfimAl IHOnJII " UHPyCl ORanOTL Trainmen are Overpowered aa. -Ex- Trainmen are Overpowered aa press Car is Forced Ope OMciaJs Assert that Amount Taken by the Rcabers is Small. SAN FRANCISCO. While the Southern Pacific company's Sunset ! Limited was climbing the mountains 5 hdtwAan w T ,,!? flHicTW ttnA Qsa Ar. u..ivu ijw ii .1 I rr wm--v ti.i m -. do Thursday night a Wells-Fnrgo treasure box was mysteriously stolen j out of the car by some person or per sons. Timothy Sullivan, the messeng er, was in another err and when he returned he found the side door o&lke express car open and the safe missing. LThf . robber-gained -entrance totke car through the end door, the lock of which had been forced. Sullivan at once notified the railway officials of the robbery and a search for the miss ing safe resulted in finding it near Tunnel No. 2. It had been broken open and its contents taken, with the exception of a valuable diamond, some checks and other papers. The amount of treasure that was being carried in the safe has not been determined. The express officials suite that it was only a few hundred dollars, but that there were some valuable papers. Estimates from the scene of the robbery place the amount as high as 180.000, bur it is thought that thi3 estimate is greatly exaggerated. The express car carried two safes, one a through safe, which is locked at New Orleans, and the other a local safe. It was the local safe that was taken. One man is under arrest at San Luis Obispo on suspicion, but the evidence against him is only circumstantial. The slow progress of the train would have permitted the robbers entering the ex press car. throwing out the safe and jumping off after it without danger. R. V. Christianson of the Pacific department of Wells-Fargo &. Co. says that there was very little in the box but there is a report that one package sent from Santa Barbara was worth about S1.5u. He said that Timothy Sullivan, the messenger in charge of the car, was an old employe and thoroughly reliable. On the arrival of the train in this city Messenger Sullivan told the story of the robbery to Yardmaster PercivaL He said thct shortly after the train left San Luis Obispo on its way north he left the express car and went into the baggage car, immediately behind it. His helper was in a compartment of one of the cars. The express was tem porarily vacant, and the thieves, possi bly hoboes who had been stealing a ride, cut a hole in the front door and entered- They then forced open the side door, threw out the safe and pre sumably jumped after it. This" was an easy matter, as the train was moving verv slowly on an up grade. jRfUGATlON COMPANY LOSES. County Has Right to Fx Rate for Water. WASHINGTON. D. C The decis- : ion of the circuit court of the United i States for the northern district of Cali ! foraia in the case of the county of ' GrTicTan5 nmtnsr rlip Snir Jrnmnin Mr Kings River Canal and Irrigation com pany was reserved in the supreme court 3Ionday I The case involved the validity of i the laws of California permitting the eounrv authorities to fix the rate to be charged by the irrigation company for water. The company claimed the rate the county fixed was too low and that the laws prior to 1SS3. under which the company was organized. The circuit court accepted this view and decided that the act of 18S5 could not be invoked to impair the contract. RESOLUTIONS -AGAINST SMOOT. Lincoln Ministers Take Action in Case of Utah Senator. LINCOLN. Neb. At the meeting of the Lincoln Ministerial association the ministers passed resolutions and wilt send the following instructions to the Nebraska senators to present to Sen ator Burrows, chairman of the com mittee on privileges and elections: "Resolved. That, as the Ministerial Association of Lincoln, we protest against Senator Smoot retaining his seat in the United States senate, pro vided if it be found by the senate com mittee that the oath of loyalty to the Morman church on the psxt of the apostle amoot suDorninaies ms aueg' iance to the government of the United States and interferes with a loyal sup- port of the institutions of the government-" The resolution was adopted unanimously. Withdrawn to Manchuria. PEKIN. The detachments of Rus sian troops at Ching Wang Tao and Shanhai Kwan have been withdrawn to Manchuria. The Russian troops remaining are a small detachment at Tien Tsin and a legation guard at Pekin. Leaatien Guard Ir WASHINGTON The navy depnrt- ment on sunday received advices con- finnatory to the dispatches-, of the As- sent tnere irom tne tinned states steamer Yicksburg. which is now at Chemuioo. They carried a machine gun with them. There are now one hundred or more men from the steam er Yicksbnrg at Seoul guarding the legation. HI KANSAS CITY, MO. -Fifty union bridge workers employed on the Union Pacific Railroad com 78 bridge across the Kansas river, and the I about a hundred ibers of gywfftiiMT Tmn TCWptavc' nmuvt anmmm- WUt..UBi. uvru. ..- . U- ei in n pitched battle at the j Union Pacific bridge in Kansas City, Kmu Tuesday, daring which thirty J j revolver shots were fired, handreds of. bricks were thrown and several ( men injured, two seriously. It was thought for a time that more- serions . trouble would result. SEASON OF PEACE: ON EARTH smmtar ' " naSja,"M" OBmBm - damlmmmmmbaft3 Bk VXgYf BfcfcM LammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmdmmT a 4 BtsCBlBPaa' .LmWSSSfHSNmmmmmmmmWmr Mm V. 7: LfSrmmmWSBmSjM& Mjp4 BmmWmmmmEmmmmmmEmm .t mmmrBmmmmnr PHBHaHnh Bamfasmmnv mWl((f, JLmtm mmmmmmmmmmaTi& iif Vsnsmmmmf nV Sja JBfa" -ivVvK. 'i w BmmmmmVilrH. asfmmUBmmmmmf amdrmJI mWm jJZsJif 55fi Cl XmiL rff1 Wi T ' . I1m3 mmmmmmmWammtmV rSpw"! 9Mmwm maaaaaaamni amKLSSVSkKBk SSaKI "BsmmmmmEt-XSi. BPmSsmSBmmmm --! "2S5?5w? f - - PURE FOOD BILL MEASURE PASSED IN HOUSE BY RISING VOTE. PROVISIONS OF THE MEASURE Fixes Standards as Regards Purity, Strength and Character Penalties for Adulteration, and Mtsaranded Goods. 1 WASHINGTON. The house passed, the Hepbarn pare food bill Wednesday, on a rising vote, 201 to 6S. its oppon-' ents being unable to secure a roll call. The amendment inserting the wordj "wilful." with reference to persons, who sell adulterated or misbranded goods and which would have com pell-1 ed the government to prove intent to violate the law by the venders, was. stricken out on a yea and nay vote in; the house. Several attempts were! made to amend the bill, but no mater ial changes were made. The bill fixes the standard of foods and drugs as to their purity, strength and character, and defines who shall f be considered adulterations or mis-, branding of foods and drugs. It ako prohibits interstate commerce, impor tation and exportation of such mis- branded-cr adulterated scoae of- the bureau of chemistry to Include the bureau of foods and impose upon it the duty of performing all chemical work for the ether executive depart-1 ments. This bureau wil be charged, with the duty of inspecting food and! drag products which belong to inter-l state or foreign commerce. Ths secre-l tary of commerce is given authority to , employ such chemists, inspectors.; clerks and laborers as may be neces sary for the enforcement of the act One section of ie bill provides pen-l alties for the introduction of adulter- j ated or misbranded foods or drinks1 and another section requires the sec retary of agriculture to prescribe rules and regulations to govern the bureau of chemistry and foods in ex aminations of articles required to be inspected under the iaw. Violations of the law shall le reported by the secretary of agriculture to the proper district attorney of the United States, who is to direct and cause proceedings k without delay. As soon as the bill was reported to the house Mr. Hepburn moved an amendment eliminating the amend ment offered yesterday on motion of Mr. Stephens, dem. CTcx.). which made it necessary to show wilful" in tent on the part of persons prosecuted. Mr. Hepburn said that with the Steph ens amendment In the bill it rould be entirely inefficacious as a law. The Hepburn amendment was agreed to by a vote of 143 to 126. The bill thenf "fras passed by a rising vote of 201 to 68. the yeas and nays being refused Mr. Hull of Iowa, chairman of the committee on military affairs, report ed the army appropriation bill and gave notice that he would call it up Thursday. ' Explerer Hubbard is Dead. QUEBEC. Word was received here ' from Chateau Bay. Labrador, that a courier had arrived there Friday from Northwest river with the information that Leonidas Hubbard, jr.. of the exploring party sent out by the mag azine Outing of New York, had died from starvation in the wilds of Lab rador on October IS. The remains art; on their way to Quebec, so the re port says, by dog trafcv with the other members of the expedition. Some men ought to be thankful that the world doesn't understand them. sf Mathers in May. WASHINGTON; D. C At a meet ing of the executive committee of the National Congress of Mothers arrange ments were made for the annual meet ing of the Mothers congress at Chi cago May 11 to 14, and for Mothers' Congress day nt the World's fair. St. , Louis. May 26. A Mothers' congress meeting is also to be held at Boston February li. t Mrs, C L. Croat was elected as the I representative of Nebraska on the bocrd. Indfeaa. in Terriate Want. CHICAGO A dispatch to the Inter Ocean from Port Arthur. OsL. says: . An Indian, has arri-ed in town and' told a horrible tale of ike suffering among; the members of bis tribe, f north- of Lape Tiepigoa. He told of where one family was so destitute, that they amrdered a young squaw, twenty-five years of age and the rest of thi family ate her. At first hi' tale was not beBeved. ant was corrob- orated by toree white traders vrho ar nm, uiu. BBmmmMBPlllfl' mmmmmmmmmmmlKmmlK ' mWmmmmmmm&g&Z&Xu --" -- "- - -mc r-r 'r anCaa.ajaaBBaangaaaBaaaaaTapai m "mr-'r J liSss From the Chicago Daily Tribune. STILL THE TOPIC. ismathian Matters Are Considered in the Senate. WASHINGTON Tht senate re quired less than i minute Tuesday to dispose of the motion to refer to the committee on postoffices the various resolutions looking to an investigation of the postoSce department. The question had been previously debated for hours at a time, but Tuesday no senator manifested any disposition to discuss it further and it was adopted without negative vote. After the passage of half a dozen bills the senate returned to considera tion of the Panama question. Mr. Quarles spoke for almost two hours in support of the ccurse of the admin istration and was followed by Mr. Patterson, who criticised the presi dent's course in Panama. Mr. Patter son was subjected to many interrup tions and had not concluded when the senate adjourned. Quarle3 contended that up to the time of the recognition of the inde pendence of Panama the United States had done nothing beyond sending it.; warships to the harbor qf Panama and Colon. Ee defended the president against the charge cf undue haste and against the charge that he had been derelict in his duty in failing to open the way under the Spooner act to the construction of the Nicaragua canal when he did not succeed in his nego tiations with Colombia for a canal at Panama. He said on the latter point that there was no intervening time be tween the failure in Bcgcta and the convening of the American congress. Mr. Patterson onpesed the canal treaty. He said that if the treaty should be ratified whatever wrong had been committed had been condoned. If nor ratified our ships in isthmian waters should be withdrawn and the suitus restored. He defended Colom bia as being "not as bad as painted." said that the secession cf Panama from Colombia was as atrocious a crime as would be the rebellion of Wisconsin from the United States. Mr. Patterson charged Mr. Spooner with having abandoned his previous position regarding the right of the United States to interfere in Colom bian affairs in Panama, but Mr Spoon er contended that his position now was he same as at the beginning. He held that if Colombia did not protect the right of transit it was the duty of the United Stares to do so. The controversy between Mr. Pat terson and Mr. Sponer was extended. They stood close together in the main aisle of the senate talking freely to each other, though at all times man iiesting the utmost good wilL The situation was contrary to Mr. Pettus' idea of parliamentary proprieties and he made the point that conversations were not within the rules. The chair rapped for order, and Mr. Spooner, re sponding, said the senator from Ala bama was entirely right. The fault was all his own, he said, and tempo rarily retired. Not ten minutes afterward, how ever, the two senators again were standing together in the aisle. The new discussion was on the point of the extent to which the president was responsible for Asisstant Secretary Darling's order to the commander of the Nashville directing him to prevent the landing of Colombian troops on the isthmus of Panama. Mr. Spooner contended that the president was not necessarily familiar with all the di rections given by the departments. Prof. Page Passes Away. FREEPORT. HI. ProL Robert Stu art rage, superintendent of the pub lic schools ana prominent in educa tional circles in the west, died on Friday from a paralytic stroke. Thompscn Will Return. LINCOLN. Neb. D. E. Thompson. Cnited States minister to Brazil, now on a leave of absence, is expected to arrive in Lincoln about February S. The steamer Tennyson, on which Mr. Thompson sailed from Rio Janeiro Jannary-2 is due to arrive at Brook lyn on Wednesday. January 20. Im mediately after landing Mr. Thomp son will go to Washington to report to the state department. From Wash ington he expects to go to Michigan to visit relatives, and soon after tc come to Lincoln. Will Ask for Cnceasicns. KANSAS CITY. A clash between the Western Retail Implement Deal ers association, meeting in annual convention here, and the syndicate that controls the harvesting machine business was expected when repre sentatives of the association met the accredited agents of the International Harvester company. The executive beard of dealers. -after discussion of the recent merger, decided to demand Iowsr prices for harvesters and longer time for payment. There was a large number of delegates present. NeNEWS IN NEBRASKA LIBERAL CONTRACT FOR BEETS American Sugar Beet Company Makes Genersus Deal With Farmers. GRAND ISLAND. The American Beet Sugar company has just issued its new contracts for the raising of beets during the season of 1904 and a much more favorable contract than has ever ben issued is presented to the farmers. The beet raiser has. in ceeri, the choice of two contracts, one the same as last year and the other a flat rate contract, which, regardless of the sugar content of the beet provided only, as always, that it must be a sound beet pay3 $4.75 to the farmer within handling distance to the factory, with 20 cents additional for such of the beets which toward "theTehiTof the stfabon'fcav-ebeen 8noW"!"rier wrt ar-Tortc TWJnry before delivery. It is the expectation that the beet raisers in this vicinity, within hauling distance ot the factory, will largely take advantage of the fiat rate contract. It is the first time the choice of such favorable contracts as these have been submitted. Some of the farm ers have been favorable to the flat rate price, owing to the fact that they could not without expense- satisfy themselves thoroughly as to the cor rectness of the tests. Others have pre- ferred the sliding scale. $4 per ton fcr 14 per cent beets and 25 cents additional per ton for every additional per cent of sugar content found by chemical analysis made by the fac tory chemists. The flat rate contract U here regarded as the most liberal ever made by a Nebraska .beet sugar company. SHOT WHILE STEALING CORN William Lewis Probably Fatally In jured by Employe of State Farm. LINCOLN. William Lewis was shot and probably fatally Lewis was shot state farm by A. W Stratum or Ben Taylor, employes cf the farm. For some time corn had been miss- Inc fri rVia lurn anrf thp tw mffl i were detailed to sleep in the barn and catch the thief if possible. During the night they were awakened by someone in the bam and saw Lewis, who had already carried out two sacks full of grain and returned for more. They closed with Lewis and knocked him down, but he got upon his feet again and ran. The man fired and Lewis dropped. The ball, a 22-caliber. entered just below the heart. Lewis was brought to the city and Drs. Beachley and Slatatery were summoned. They are of the opinion that Lewis injuries are fatal, though there is a bare chance for his recovery Complete Railroad Schedules. LINCOLN Secretary Bennett of th state board ofequalization has com pleted his schedules for the assess ment of railrcad property and it in eludes evtrything in sight and wi give the state board plenty of facts upon which to base the value of the franchise. 3Ir Bennett expects grear results from the meetings of the county assessors scon to be held. These will b held in the senate cham ber, but the time has not yet been determined. Officers will be elected and an organization will be effected. It will be impressed upon the assessors met they are responsible fcr the work of their deputise and thIaw will be discussed with them In detail. Insurance Solicitor Fined. PLATTSMOUTH J. Forrest .Mars- ton was arraigned before Justice M. Archer and pleaded guilty to the cnarge of having solicited life insor- an a f-r- r Ti !a cfra JTTsiTIir Ttii rnw ' fined him the sum of $30. Not having the money to pay the fine he was tak en back to the county jail. Lewis Dies from Wounds. LINCOLN William Lewis. arTrt r Zfr.tl ir ' u V Tf route, twenty-three miles and forty !T f.Tr 7 niwh.Ie thought , fOQr n Ieg3 hoar; to be stealing corn, died on Tuesdav. . . . . . , . , . i. - - on his bicycle, leaving the ofilce at At the coroners inquest Stratum was 1 , . . , , . .. a ,. , e ,, , . . .Jo clock a. m. and reaching the oflce exonerated from all blame for the ' K 11-45 t - shooting. The dead man leaves two ' sisters living in Omaha. Mrs. Marv J JV W. Woodrough of Omaha Campbell of 2003 North Twentvc- has aaked tne '"P1 fcr ond street and a Miss Lewis. " ! nfuncttoa to prevent the treasurer ' and county -commissioners of Doug- Young Girl Found Dead. SUPERIOR. Eunice, the 11-year-old daughter of Robert Mann, was dis- covered to be dead when called to flr Tn th nrnof mnfuinw Tr tc thought the death was due to a rup- ( e law, holding that it is uneonsti tured blood vessel. tutionaL This a Goad Year for Fruit. YORK, Neb. H. H. Schneibley, f was authorized by the state tmiklar one of the largest and most successful board. The incorporators are A. May fruit growers in York county and a born, J. T. Bell, O. J. Maybora. J. W. close observer of conditions, predicts ' Touts, William Sparka. John Trim, B. that the coming season will be one of l L. Tillinghaxn, W. G. Smith and J. G. the best fruit years. Neeley. At Prague the bank has in- creased Its capital stock from 17.100 A married man says he objects to ', $10,000 and nt Hebron the bank of giving his wife spending money be- Thayer county has Increased its cat. cause she invariably spends it. Denies All Liability. The Union Pacific Railway company filed in the snpreme court a brief disclaiming any liability fcr the death of Michael Smith, a Woodlawn farm- er. who was killed in October. 1899, while driving home from Lincoln. The plaintiff. Mary Smith, who acted as administratrix of the estate of her husband, sued the company on the ground that it was negligent in not fencing Its track as required by statute, and therefore ought to be held liable for the death of her hus band. Lmceln Alleges Dfscriminat'on. A vigorous campaign is at once to be inaugurated by the freight bureau of the Lincoln Commercial club against the alleged discrimination in the matter of freight rate3 in favor of Omaha and against Lincoln. This was decided upon at the annrral meet ing of the bureau held last week at which a resolution was adopted call ing for a rublic meeting for the dis- j small creek in the southern part of cossion of the subject and for the j the county has awakened interest ia raising of the funds necessary to the subject and induced a great deal carry on the fight to stop the alleged of comment on the chances of strik discifxnination. t ing oil in that vicinity. THE STATE IN BRIEF. The Missouri Pacific will ptu in a new depot at Auburn. Isaac Standerwick, one of tne pio neer residents of Boone county, died at his home in Albion last week. Dodge county will spend S3.0O mors for bridges this year than mat. Tfe. cost of bridge work for the year is estimated by the board of supervisors at 118.000. While Jacob Bauer, living two miles south of Blue Spring., was shelling corn his foot was enagat in the gearing, mashing it so that ampu tation was necessary. ( The case of tne state vs. Lou F. ' Woodrufi has seen on trial m the being out two days not agree and Judge them. The Omaha Gas company paid a royalty of $13.40$ into the city treas ury for the privilege cf doing busi ness in 1903. This amount la $1,122 more than last year and the largest in history. Rising City will have another bank ing institution In the near future, the organization of which was made iaet week. It will be known as the ers' State bank of Rialag Ctty, Ne braska, with an authorized capital of $30,000. John Romberg, living eight mliea west of Pender, while driving cattle near his farm fell under his saddle horse and fractured oae of his lea. in three places. Althoaa a serious injury, the leg will not have to be amputated. The state banking board has turned down a proposition of the Hathron Mutual company of Minneapolis to as- ! snme the obligations cf the Dehor Diamond company. This latter con cern was a tontine company and the board held that the first named was too much on the same order. William Ernst, a leading stockman at Tecumseh, has bought the mother of "Challenger, the Chicago prize winrlng steer, cf Lawrence Murphy. west tf town, and the cow is being shipped to Lincoln, where she will be used at the state experimental farm for judging purposes. The farm bought the animal, Guy L. Cooper and W. H. Williams, two well known young men cf Hum boldt, have about completed arrange ments to accompany a party of Old World tourists in charge of a state university professor. They expect to leave in the early summer and visit the principal points of interest on the European continent during their three months absence. City Clerk T. H. Burke of Beatrice has received word of the death of Ma brother. Alvin Burke, which occurred at Los Angeles. CaL. on January II. Mr. Burk was born in Beatrice forty three years ago. For a time he was engaged in the printing business there, but later went to Wyoming where he contracted the disease which caused his death. The Dwight State bank of Dwfghr. is a new institution that was author ized to do business by the state bank ing board. Its capital stock is $29.Mq. Charles A. Erlckson. a wealthr farmer and son of J. W. Ericksoc. ( nTjng seven miles north of Oaklaad. ( committed suicide at his father's home by shooting himself through th. Drajri with a 32-caIibre revolver, The Oscit iiriitorim la nr!v ( completed and will be one of the best buildings of the kind in the state. It Will be opened the first of next month. . Mr. and Mrs. J B. Merwin came ! to Fremont and stopped at a hotel. sext momma- Mr. Merwin was cone. He left a letter to his wife stating that he was going away and woaJd never live with her again, and enclos ed $2.50. Burt, county's rural carriers chal lenge the world to beat S. A. Bryant's las county from collecting taxes on der what is known as the scavenger tax law enacted by the late legisla ture. He also asks that they be re . strained from spending any of the - m -rv i ... . - - - Dlller is said to have a aew hank r Yirh m Tivm1 erivlr t?A AAA If I vMt """ vv w,vr-j. i ital stock from t23,j00 to $39,090. I Coroner Thurston returned to Bar- well from the northeastern part of th. I county, where he was called to hold ( an inquest on the body of George , Smith, a man of fifty years of age. who committed suicide by niacins; his bead over the mnxzie of a gun and compelling bis to pull the trigger. The man's head was blown to pieces. Domestic trou ble is the supposed cause for the deed. T. B. Bates has disposed of his ir. terest in the Plattsmouth Journal t his brother, R. A. Bates, and with his family has removed to Decatur, HL, which is to be their future home The committee appointed by th. city council of Plattsmouth to exam ine the buildings in that city and a; certain if they were presided with the proper facilities for escape in ease of fire, found upon investigation tank j not one three-story building contained tne proper reaairexnents. There is some talk of forming; a I company to prospect for oil ia Gage county. Tae discovery and audita eeadd -". - 1 . -yr1 - 'if- 5tir. -dSteagSBf -.uag r .- ljL ,ts 22Mt2CBwBa2gggi aaaamnMamaWBnannnBBeiBBEIB t.m "f mrjF nr r-"- - - -- - . - m JJJE