The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 23, 1903, Image 1

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is the best thing we S
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have to offer.
ance. Upon this ba-
sis only, do we solicit
your business. Z
John A. Bcrson of San Francisco Ac
cused of Bribing Officers cf the Gov
ernment on His Present Trip to the
National Capital-
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j an Unanimous Opinion.
TAKEN IN CHARGE. j Wednesday, in an opinion written by
Chief Justice Sullivan and concurred
in by Judse3 Eolcomb and Sedgwick,
declared the revenue law enacted by
tie late legislature to be can3tita
tkinaL A second opinion, written by
Commissioner Duffie and concurred in
by Commissioners Letton and Kirk
patrick. was allowed to be Sled
through tbe courtesy cf the court, and
this also upheld the law, Cemmis-
WASHINGTON Jchn A. Benson, a sicuers Duff e and Letton having re
wealthy s& Francisco real estate op-' ceded from their former position that
erator, charged by the Interior depart- the insurance sections were bad- Both
ment with being the head of the alleg- opinions were the unanimous decision
ed land frauds extending over a num-f of the court ad the commissioners,
ber of western states and territories, ' the second having no voice on the
to which Secretary Hitchcock referred ' final ruling in the case. The result is
vigorously and at length in his amnsi that H. E. Palmer and Ralph Breck
report. was arrested here at the Wil-' inridge do not get their writ to com-
R. M. Allen ef Standard Cattle Com
pany and D. W. Gaines, a Rode
County Banker, Among Those Who
Will Be Brought to Trial.
s Columbus
: State Bank J
lard hotel by Secret Service Offiser
John A. Burns Just as he was jrepar
ing to leave the city for New York.
The charge on which the arrest was
made was bribery, it being alleged in
A Veckfy Republic.
Newspaper DeroteJ to the
of X X
County of Platte,
The State ti
United States,
Rest if Hum.
pel the eity tax commissioner 'of Om
ahajto enforce the old revenue law.
While upholding'the law as a whole,
the court refused to pass upon any
section against which a specific ac-
the affidavit of Mr. Burns and in the tion had not been brought and stated.
warrant that Eenscn had paid $500 to ' that it was out cf its province to say
Woodford D. Harlan, formerly chief of what sections were bad unless the
the special service division of the gen- matter came before it in a specific
era! land office and now a clerk in that ' action.
office, on March 15th of this year, for
the purpose of extracting from him in-j INSIST ON AN EARLY TRIAL.
formation regarding the investigation
of his operations at that time being Senator Dietrich and General Cowin
made by the land office I Demand Hearing in Court.
The warrant was issued by United , OMAHA United States Senator
States Commissioner Anson S- Taylor, Charles H. Dietrich of Hastings, with
and as soon as Benson had been ap- his attorney. General John C. Cowin,
n Ud w
prehended by Officer Burns he was
taken before Commissioner Taylor. He
wished to have a preliminary hearing
of his case postponed and the date for
such hearing was fixed for December
20th. He gave bail for Lis appearance
on that date, when the government at
torneys will ask to have him held for
the grand jury
A statement was made by an officer '
of the government that the informa
tion obtained in regard to the alleged
conspiracy implicates a number of per-,
sons at present employed in the Inter-;
ion department at Washington and
Numerous arrests are expected to
follow that of Benson, in short "order
and some employes who may not be
arrested will be dismissed from the
service. It is said that Secretary
Hitchcock and the special attorneys in
the case have considered it absolutely
necessary to the working out of the '
case that no action be taken with re-j
ference to the other alleged offenders j
until the principals in the case had '
been apprehended.
The government attorneys. Mr. Ar
thur B. Pugh, who has been the special
attorney for the Interior department
on the land frauds, and Mr. Oliver Pa- (
gin. assistant attorney ot tne jjepart-,
appeared before W. H. Munger Fri
day afternoon for the purpose of ar
ranging for the early appearance ot
Senator Dietrich for trial in the re
cent indictments found against him by
the federal grand jury in the East
ings postoffice cases. Senator Diet
rich was not required to give any
bond. In the absence of District At
torney Summers at Lincoln Friday
evening Assistant District Attorney
Rush was present at the conference.
Both Senator Dietrich and General
Cowin insisted on the hearing being
fixed for the earliest practical date,
preferably at the beginning of speciai
session of the United States district
court, fixea for December 28. Assist
ant District Attorney Rush was averse
to assuming the responsibility of fix
ing the date in the absence of Sum
mers. The matter was deferred
therefore until Summers arrives.
Senator Hsyburn Introduces Resolu
tion to Annex Republic
WASHINGTON. Senator Heyburn
of Idaho introduced a joint resolution
requesting the president to acquire by
annexation the portion of San Domin-
ment of Justice, who has also been em- j g Domingo and Hayti.
ployed on the case, stated in asking j Mr Simpson tne United States
for a large bail bond for Benson that K pT-erto p, San Tjcaingo,
he had Deen guilty of bribery during has r,h:crf Thp ,. ,,-.,,. .,-.
OMAHA The federal grand Jury
adjourned Thursday afternoon after m
session ocntinuicg from 2:20 to short
ly after 3 o'clock, when it filed into
the court room and announced to
Judge Munger that it had a report
to make. The report was soade
I through Foreman M. L. Arnold cf Be
Seventeen indictments were fond.
The only one made puWie- wis the-
one -gainst John Johnson for selling
liquor to Incians. Johnson is now in
jaiL Of the other sixteen none were
given publicity, pursuant to the pol
icy of secrecy observed by the grand
Jury and district clerk, whom are
the only persons except the district
attorney who have any knowledge of
the personjiel of the indictments. The
reason for secrecy in these matters
is that the indicted parties must have
first been arrested, be in custody or
have given bonds in order thtat there
may be no miscarriage of justice by
the premature announcement cf their
It is, however, stated from other
sources that true bills were found
against former Adjutant General L. W.
Colby of Beatrice for embezzlement
of public funds; an additional indict
ment against Senator C H. Dietrich
for profiting by a federal contract
while a member of congress in the
rental of property belonging to him
to the government; one against R. M.
Allen, president of the Standard Cat
tle company, for illegal fencing of
public lands; one against D. W.
Gaines, president of the Rock County
bank, for perjury and suborning per
jury in the matter of homestead fil
ing; an additional indictment against
Elliott Lowe for conspiracy with J. C.
Mitchell, postmaster at Alma; J. C.
Mitchell and W. Milt Erwin for illegal
sale of postage stamps with a view to
increasing the revenues of the post
office at Alma.
Immediately following the report of
the grand jury it returned to its quar
ters and then adjourned until 7 o'clock
Thursday evening, and at 9 o'clock it
adjourned sine die.
The present session has been an
important and remarkable one. largely-
because of the prominence of some
of the men indicted and investigated.
The list of those indicted prior to
Thursday and given out by the clerk
of the court numbers eighty-three.
At a night session testimony was
taken in regard to the land fraud
UBS1 tn NnhtfR
t WASHINGTON Tk secretary et
war oa Taesday approve the
Tneceatlom of tke lateral atal
Iishiac military divisions aad
what chaacicg the present boundary
lines of departments in the Uaited
There vm be foar dirisisas la the
Uaited States and one ia the Pailip
piaea. Tke Northern dirtsloa will he com
posed of tne present Departawat ot
the Lakes, the Department of Mis
souri and the' Department of Dakota.
The Department of Missouri is enlarg-
ea by adding- thereto the state of Wy
omiag. which has been detached from
the Department of Colorado. The
headquarters of the Northern division
win be at St. Louis.
The Atlantic "division will constitute
the present Department of the East,
except tke state of Louisiana, with
the state of Tennessee added thereto,
and will be composed of the Depart
ment of the East an the Department
of the Gulf. The headquarters of the
Department of the Gulf will be locat
ed at Atlanta, Ga.. and the headquar
ters of the division will be at Gover
nor's Island. New York; headquarters
Department of the East will tempora
rily be Governor's Island.
The Pacific division win be compos
ed of the present Departments of Cal
ifornia and Columbia. The headquar
ters of the division will be San Fran
cisco. The Southwestern division will be
composed of the Departments of Colo
rado and Texas. The Department of
Texas will be enlarged by the addi
tion of the states of Louisiana and Ar
kansas, and Oklahoma and Indian Ter
ritories. The headquarters of this di
vision will be Oklahoma City, Okie.
The Philippine division will remain
as so constituted. The following divi
sion commanders have been decided
upon: Atlantic division. Major Gen
eral Corbin; Northern division. Major
General Bates; Pacific division. Major
General MacArthur; Southwestern di
vision. Major General Sumner; Phil
ippine division. Major General Wade.
The order becomes effective Janu
ary 15.
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Ncws in Brief
J. Pierpont Morgan Stccka haa keen ehrinkin'.
John Bull Yes, Jchrry Morgan, mr stocks aint
all thaf 'a b
Says War With Foreign Country Will
Come Some Time.
WASHINGTON Considerable com
ment was occasioned here by reports
that Secretary Root, at a dinner held
PARTY LINES WERE NOT DRAWN an organization of army and navy offil
cers who have seen active service ia
Mr. the Philippines, had predicted that a
Principal Speech
Spconer for the
s Made
Bill and
Mr. war would soon come between the
visit to asmngton, since j a revolution has broken out at San- J cases 0Zl &e Omaha and Winnebago
tiago and that the movement is ex- reservations. Then the grand jury
tensive and serious. j sent "ord Judge Munger that It
This is supposed to be the result of i re5-cy to submit its final report.
the failure cf the provisional govern- j -udse Mun?er was in waiting an
men ;o s.r--'-? rsson'Ticn at the ' tie iT SIeiI into tne court room,
hand of United States Minister Pew- d i'creman M. L. Arnold stated that
elL which fact prevented that govern- J tie jury had completed its labors and
ment from obtainmg money neces-1 as reaG Ior ciscnarge. The jury
tm Year, If Fid in Atboo
his prese:
last Monday, and in the Interior de
partment itself, notwirhstanding that
he was aware that his connection with
the alleged frantic was iuliy knon by
the Interior depanmt
The statement was made later that
Secretary Hitchcock was so Incensed
at the Sagrancy of this offense that he
told the officers to have 3enson arrest
ed at once, although it had not
I planned to have him arrested a:
Navy Decartmer.t is Nt Giving O
WASHINGTON After a conference j
between Secretary Moody. Rear Ad-1
-- .. :...:.. i..i w i. .
eign loan.
j Nothing is known officially of the
reported plots against the life of
; United States Minister Powell, but
the navy will take all necessary pre-
' cautions to protect the American le-
!T "irinr ?n Cow TYr'-Scrr
eUmpIt Copies Sent Tree U
any Address.
ee m liCi
Bills Introduced in the House.
WASHINGTON A bffi vas lntro-
rural Taylor, ccie: o: tne oureau ot j ducod in the house Fritfay tv Mr.
navigation, and Brigadier General , rreeland (N. Y.) ts trovice'fer'thP r.!-
lotment of lands in severalty to the
Georee Elliott, commander cf the ma
rine corps, it was deeded that if pres- ; Indians in the state of New York and
ent conditions on the isthmus of Pan-. to extend the protection of the laws
ama continue, General Elliott will sail j Cf x.q United States over such In
for Colon on the Dixie from Philadel- ' dians.
phia when that vessel gees south ' Mr. Hearst (N. Y.) introduced a
with the new battalion of marines. ' cn -, establish a parcels post. It pro
which has been orderec assembled at ; -rides for a classification of maU mat
Philadelphia for dispatch to the istn- ter. denning the kind that shall be
mus. The Dixie is now on her way i carried m the different classes,
north for this purpose. 31- Gardner (Mass.) introduced a
General Elliott has been anxious tm to create a committee to reccm
for some days to be given a field com- mend legislation for the development
maud and it is the present intention J o the merchant marine-
submitted no further indictments.
Judge Munger said: "Gentlemen,
the court finds that you have been ef
ficient in your work and you have
the thanks of the court for it. You
are now discharged from further service."
He Had Accidentally Killed a Man
Quelling a Fight.
BRAZIL, Ind. An unsuccessful ef
fort was made to take Town Marshal
Harmon from the jail here last night,
it Is believed, for the purpose of
lynching him. Harmon was trying to
quell a fight at Diamond, a mining
town Wednesday night and accident
ally shot Dennis McCann, a miner,
who later died. Harmon surrendered
to the authorities here. Last night
four Darlington men arrived at the
jail and represented themselves as
officrs to take Harmon to Rockville
'or triaL Harmon recognized them
as friends of McCann, who had
sworn to take his life, and the sheriff
refused to give him up. The men re
turned to Darlington, wrecked the
Bailey Against the Measure What, united Sstates and some roreign pow-
ia Provided for by the Treaty. . er. but the interest displayed in the
jre)ort and the spectfexion it aroused
"va what tha a-iswi?w Vob4 lv m!mI
- ww utc st .isat j i 1A tit11-"
WASHINGTON By the decisive were dissipated Sunday afternoon
vote of 57 to 13 the senate on Wed-' when it became known that the word
nesday passed the bill carrying into "soon was a misquotation,
effect the reciprocity treaty with Cuba. Secretary Root himself said that he
The final vote came at the close of a ', had not predicted Thar a war would
come socn. but in his speech of Sat
urday night merely had stated what
day which was marked by a debate
which, while at times animated, was
not acrimonious. The principal I he has given utterance publicly on sev.
speeches were made by Mr. Spooner,
for the bill, and by Mr. Bailey,
against it. Both senators were sub
iected to freauent interruptions. In
eral occasions, namely, that "when the
time comes as we know it will come
some time, we do not know when and
we do not know whence, but we know
his remarks Mr. Bailey referred to the ' it will come some time when you (re-
recent agreement of the democratic ferring to both the army and navy)
caucus to stand solidly on party ques
tions and warned the republicans that
in the future they could not depend I fulness and comradeship
on straggling democratic votes in ;up-
gardless of whether they were or
were not in accord with democratic
The bill passed carries Into execu
tion the treaty between the United
States and Cuba, which was ratified
last March. The treaty provides for
a reduction of 20 per cent from the
rates cf duty under the DIngley law
on an Cuban articles imported into
are called upon to defend your coun
try, you will do it with mutual help-
This speech of Saturday night. It was
port of republican party measures re-(stated, was merely an expression of
confidence that in the event of war the
army and navy would co-operate and
stand shoulder to shoulder, each In
support of the other. La the cause of
the common country both are charged
to support and defend.
United States Will Make Show
Force at Alexandreita.
home of his son, Shelby Harmon, and j the United States and a varying re-;
drove his family into the street. They I duction of from 20 to 40 per cent WASHINGTON As a result of
have not been arrested- Harmon was from the established Cubin duy on Minister Leishman'3 advices respect-
taken to Rockville and placed in jail
of the officials to grant his request.
j Appointed by President.
i WASHINGTON The president
WASHINGTON The gross postal Monday sent the senate the following
Postal Receipts Increase.
he fifty largest postoffices . nominations
recemts at
in the United States for last month, j
compared with November, 1S02. were
S3.402,5a0, an increase of over 7 per
cent. The highest increase was 25
per cent at Los Anseles. The heav
iest of the six decreases reported was
15 per cent at Jersey City. New York
receipts increased almost S per cent
and Chicago over S per cent.
To Cut Price of Soft CcaL
CLEVELAND, a A meeting of soft
coal operators was in session here to
discuss trade conditions generally.
There is very likely to be a cut in the
selling price cf coal, especial!
grades used by manufacturers.
Receivers of public moneys: Daniel
J. Foley, at Eureka, CaL; Fred Butler,
at Leadville. Colo.
Postmasters: Alaska William R.
Sampson. b.agway.
Idaho George E. Hovey. Burke.
Montana Lawrence Hauck, Phillps-burg.
Russians to Protect Him.
TOKIO Korea's war minister and
M. Pavloff, the Russian minister to
Korea, have entered into an agree
ment by the terms of which, in the
vent of an emergency, Russian officers
in j will be employed to guard the royal
Charged With Giving Preferential
Grain Rate.
WASHINGTON. The interstate
commerce commission Tuesday gave
a hearing in the case of the Union Pa
cific railroad, charged with giving
preferential rates to Feavey & Co.,
who operate elevators at a number of
western pemts, including Kansas City
and Council Bluffs.
John N. Baldwin of Council 31uff3
represented the Union PacLlc, and
contended that there was no dis
crimination in rates and that its al
lowances are not excessive. He said
there was an agreement with the
Peavey company through the Midland
Elevator company at Kansas City,
and the Omaha Elevator company at
Council Bluffs, under which the Un
ion Pacific pays the elevntor comim
ies 1U cents per 1C0 pounds for Land
ling grain which pa5set through those
conal Board of Arbitration
lects that City.
NEW YORK The board of arbitra
tion, consisting of T. W. Klowman of
the John F. Kelley Engineering com
pany. New York, and George H. Kim
bail, the well known western engi
neering expert, met here Monday and
decided to make an award ia favor
of the Fremont Canal and Power com
pany, which concern will build a large
hydranlic plant for the purpose o
generating electric energy for light,
traction anc general power purposes
in and around Omaha. Lincoln. Co
lumbus, .rremont and several other
cities in Nebraska and Council Bluffs,
The Fremont proposition was con
sidered more feasible than the cne
submitted by the Nebraska Central Ir
rigation company, which concern pro
posed to build a big plant at Columbus.
articles into Cuba from the United
States. After the passage of the Cu
ing the Alexandretta affair, the state
department has requested the navy
ban bill the senate asreed to the 1 department to place a warship at th
house resolution providing for a hoi- disposal of Consul Davis, now at Bey
iday recess from December 19 to Jan- J root, upon which he might return to
uary 4. ' Alexandretta at his pleasure- The
When the senate convened 31 r. , navy department accordingly cabled
Spooner spoke on the measure. He . instructions to Admiral Cotton, oa
discussed the varying position of theiboari flagship Brooklyn, at Alex
opponents cf the bill, and especially andria. Egypt, to place a vessel at the
of the introduction cf the Newlands disposal of Mr. Davis. It is believed
Icwa Judgeship Unsettled.
WASHINGTON The Iowa "delega
tion in congress met to consider the
judgeship contest for the northern
Iowa feceral district, but adjourned
until after the holidays without tak
ing any ballot.
m petfmwi m fWsssssi Anyv
Bmmt Paper
American Nurses in Event cf War. Marines Find Gcod Camp.
TOtUO Toe situation here is more . WASHINGTON In a cablegram
favorable than on Thursday. The let-1 from Rear Admiral Coghlan. com
ter of Mrs. Anita Newcomb McGee. j mandmg the naval force in Atlantic
president of the Association of Span-1 Isthmian waters, which reached the
ish-American War Nurses, offering to j navy department Thursday night, the
the government of Japan, through the landing of the battalion of marines
Japanese minister at Washington, the ' from the Prairie at Grogon is report
services of trained nurses in the ; ed. The battalion will go into camp
event of war with Russia, has pro- at that place the medical officers hav
dnced an excellent impression and is ing reported that the health eondi
warmly appreciated as a mark of tions there are fully satisfactory. Gor
traditlonar American friendship for gon is some distance above the sea
Japan, I and comparatively healthy.
Boodling Blossoms In Nome. Panama is Recognized.
SEATTLE. Wash. A telegram from WASHINGTON Acting Secretary
Nome. December 3, says: The govern- Loomis on Thursday received a cable
ment officials announced today that l gram from United States Minister
wireless communication with Nome Merry at San Jose, Ccsta Rica, stating
would be established inside of ten I that the government of Nicaragua had
days. Several partly successful tests j recognized the new republic of Pana
have been made. A financial crisis ma by appointing a consul at Pana
exlsts in Nome and merchants demand I ma City. Considerable interest, it is
cash for all purchases. Boodle charges 5 said, attaches to this announcement,
against the citir council are Being j because of the doabtful state of feel
freely made. The schooner Zenith, j ing toward, the new republic by other
witk crew and passengers is frozen in j countries of South and Central Amer-
for tke winter near Golovin Bay. j ica.
Send Urise-Uribe as Envoy.
CARACAS According to advices
just received here the Colombian
government has decided to send Gen
eral Rafael Uriie-Uribe as special en
voy to the South American republics
Chicago Gets National Convention.
WASHINGTON The republican na
tional convention will be held in Chi-
j cago beginning at noon. June 21. 1304,
the republican national committee
reaching this conclusion. Pittsburg
and St. Louis were rivals of Chicago
for the convention. Each city was
well represented in oratory before the
committee and each also had cash of
fers to make. Pittsburg offered $100.
000. Chicago 173.000 and a haH. and St.
Louis 140,030 and a halL The vote
42 for Chicago, 7 for Pittsburg.
Rsards Congress, January 23
and 29.
CHICAGO. DLL. W. K. Moore,
president of the National Good Roais
association, and Colonel A. S. Mana
cf Florida, met in Chicago Monday
and arranged to hold the mid-winter
good roads meeting of the association
at Ormonde Beach, Florida. January
23 and 23, in connection with the an
tomohUe races at that place. The
two events win be followed by simi
lar meetings in the north.
At the St. Lcuis World's Fair au
tomobile races will be held by the Na
tional Good Roads congress, at which
time an civilized countries win be in
vited by the state department at
Washington to send delegates.
resolution inviting Cuba to become a
part of the United States, deprecating
it and saying that he hoped it would
be postponed indefinitely, because, he
said, sometimes invitations are re
garded as commands.
Mr. Spooner also discussed the ef
fect of the adoption bv Cuba of the
the Brooklyn will be selected. It is
left to the consul to arrange the
terms of his reception. '-"
Although Rear Admiral Cotton was
not instructed specifically to take the
consul back to his post under escort
of a squadron, it win not be in oppo
sition to the navy department's wishes
Piatt amendment as a part of the Cu- - ocil tie flagship Brooklyn and the
ban constitution and said it should
remain there forever for Cuba's own
protection, both as against foreign
foes and against insurrection. He con
tended that the Plart measure in no
wise derogates from Cuba's indepecc- ce saj) accompanied him.
ban Francisco proceed to Alexan
dretta on the expedition. It is felt.
in view of the indignities heaped upca
the consul, the return with two war
ships will be more salutary than it
Buchanan Sails for Panama.
NEW YORK William L Buchanan
of Buffalo, N. Y., the first United States
minister to the repubUc of Panama,
Revising the Land Laws.
WASHINGTON The commission
on public lands, recently appointed by
President Roosevelt to report on the
condition, operation and effect of the
present land laws, and of the use. dis
posal and settlement of the pubUc
lands, held its first meeting Thurs
day. This cody is composed of Com
missioner W. A. Richards of the gen
eral land office; Gifford Pinchot. chief
of the bureau of forestry, and F. H.
Newen. chief hydrographer of tke ge
ological surrey.
ence. He expressed the opinion that
the United States owns the Isle of
Pines. The Cubans also think they
owu it. he said, but we had noc
"opened a bank account with the God
dess of Liberty when we free Cuba."
and could not afford to haggle like a
shopkeeper over matters with that re
public Mr. Spooner said the New
lands resolution was in direct oppo
sition to the Teller resolution. Mr
McKialey had put it an in a sentence
when he said that our intervention
must not be demanded as an indemnity.
Wreck of the Discovery Found.
SEATTLE. Wash. A special dis-(
patch from Juneau
Raurrania Opposes the Formation of
an American Monopoly.
VIENNA Reports from Bucharest
indicare that the Standard Oil com
pany is meeting with much opposition
in its efforts to obtain a fcoting in
Rcumania. At a private meeting of
the supporters of the government. M
Stourdza. president of the council of
ministers, declared that the Americans
had come to Roumanla for the pur
pose cf monopolizing the national pe
troleum industry and that they must
prevent tne country from submitting
to such an economy yoke. It is stated
that the Standard Oil company has
ears ,V I i . ...
-"--- -. w ' m acaaccren ira f-rent-'nr nr rr-m-
wreck of the steamer Discovery has 'biuing any of the existing on concerns
been found. An Indian from Cress of Rcumania. but that believing the
cuu wuu " ' u uruugai. country tas large and valuable oil
esn. The revenue fialds at present undiscovered, the corn
gone to the scene, rranv -xill Mdpamr m nhn t,, .
the news to J
cutter Rush has
taking the Indian as a guide.
its European trade.
Statehood for Each or Not at AIL I
WASHINGTON Governor Otem of'
Whole Sea Is Disappearing.
Tke latest reports sftmals tkat tke
cottoa crop of Ckiaa will ka Tt per
cent of tke average.
Senator Albert J. Sererklce haa
been given tke degree ec doctor ot
laws b Depmaw university.
Tke poetomce at Altkamor. Ark,
karsdariaed aad registered pack
matalataa $, are !-
A dispatck to a Leadcm aewa agency -from
Xoate Carol aaaoaacea .the.
death there of Baroa. Artkar de Rotha
child. Tke town of Abbott, Tex. was al
most wiped oat by Ire. Fifteen koild
iags were destroyed, eataikng a Ioaa
ot 175.000.
Kdward Larkte. wko killed Harvey
Bardoanar at Saliaa, Kaa am October .
last, waa foand guilty of maraar
in the second degree.
The charter of the Honetoe, Beau
mont Northern Railroad company'
nas been approved by the attorney
general of Texas aad recorded la tke
department o. state.
1 Building contractors from nearly ev
ery large city in the country met in
Chicago to form a national associa
tion. The labor unions were tke prin
cipal topic of discussion
After eighteen months of litigatioo
the case of the National Salt company
against tne United States Salt com
pany o. Cleveland. O.. haa been set
tled rin common pleas court.
The Southern Hosiery Manufactur
ers' association at Chattanooga. Tenn
decided to the advance the prices
cents on January 1, wita a contem
plated advance of 10 cents shortly.
A unknown man hurled a stone
through the window of the EL H- Kost
kamp Jewelry company at St. Louis,
seized a tray of diamond rings val
ued at $5,000 and escaped.
Hal S. Ray. general agent of the
Chicago, Rock Island 4k Pacific in Den
ver, has been appointed general east
ern agent of that system, with head
quarrers in New York City.
Rev. E. M. Peteat. president of Fur
man university, Greenville. S. C, has
just returned from the north, where
he secured a gift of 1100,000 for Fur
man university from John D. Rocke
feller. Notice that the will of the late Gor
don McKay of Newport. R. L, who
queathed several millions to Harvard;
university, will be contested, was filed
in the Suffolk county probate court at
While Fred Olds, a farmer, and hia
wife, who reside near North Coveatry
conn., were visiting frieads. their
house caught fire, and four children,
who had been left m bed. were burned
to deata.
Commander Booth Tucker of the
Salvation army has returned to New
York. He went abroad soon after the
death cf hi3 wife to consult with his
father-in-law. General Booth, head of
Hie army.
An explosion in the Euclid mine of
the Pittsburg Coal company at Port
Royal. Pa., resulted In the instant
death cf Milton McMillen and the se
rious burning of W. A. Williams and
Edward Oliver.
The state treasury of Pennsylvania
has a balance, including the sinking
fund, of 115.800.000. It is believed to
be sufficient to carry forward the work
of constructing the state capitol build
ing for a few years.
Baron vpn Sternberg, the German
ambassador, says that the emperor is
profoundly touched by the many sin
cere expressions of sympathy which
have come from America to Berlin re
garding his majesty's illness.
J. O. Rice, formerly manager of the
recentely suspended International
Bank and Trust company of America,
has been arrested and is now in pris
on in Mexico on criminal charges,
which were brought against him in
connection with his conduct of the
bank's affairs.
Telegrams from Chief of Detectives
Desmond and Sheriff Dickmann. now
in the City of Mexico. lead the St.
Lcui3 police authorities to believe that
Charles Kratz, former member of the
city council Indicted on the charge of
bribery, will be returned to St. Loui3
within two weeks.
Investigation by the government offi
cers shows that a reign of terror ex
ists on forks cf the Coeur d'Alene riv
er in Idaho. The settlers have been
driven from their homes and settle
ment discouraged, while millions ot
feet of pine have been stolen from the
government and sold to tie mills.
Governor Heard, in his message to
the special session of the legislature.
which convened at Baton Rouge to dis
cuss the boll weevil situation and to
pass necessary laws to check the
evil, urged the appointment of a com
mission to conduct the war of ex
termination. The American Anti-Saloon league at
Washington re-elected President Lu
ther B. Wil3on of Washington. Reso
lutions were introduced looking to
closer organization and centralization
of control of the anti-saloon move
ment. The Fortress Monroe. Va, Young
Men's Christian association building.
donated to the soldiers of the fort by
w.'n wrs-iA cri .. t -
.-,w jiu, co.oauu ijna. a mem-Azot ts disappearing and remarkable Miss Helen Gould of New York, was
ber o. the republican national commit- f scenes are in course of enactment. formally dedicated in the presence cf
tee from New ,iemco. and Delegate .At Taganrog the waters have rwrf I i-,. Wr-,hi ff rr,?. i-,
sailed Tuesday for Panama to taft ap
his new duties.
Wages Cut fer $5X00.
BOSTON, Mass. A reduction is.
wages averaging-10 per cent aad in
volving 6.000 operatives waa made
Monday in the cottoa mills at af
North. A.lsmy Mas", and Norwich.
Isnatcr Morgan Wants to Knew.
WASHINGTON Senator Morgan in
troduced a resolution- directing the at
torney general to inform the senate
whether he has made or is irfg on
bekalf of the United States a pur
chase of tke property of the new Pan
ama, company, it3 franchises and coif:
cessions, and if so, what authority on
the isthmus is recognized In the trans
actfoa, and whether any agreement
has bees entered into between
France and tke aathcrities on the
Wilson of Ne- Mexico saw the pres- to such an extent during the last five . present. She was given a reception In
Ident Monday. While the people of days that the ted or the sea is visible
Arizona and New Mexico are urging for a distance of rhonsa- nf
their claims to statehood, it was stat- High winds hurled clouds of sand
ed they do net approve of the propo-j shoreward, covering the town. Ves
sition to make a single state of theels are Mng high and dry and the
two territories. Delegate unison said greatest confusion prevails in the har
he would fight that Idea as long as he Dor. work in the factories has had
could stanu.
I to be reduced to a minimum.
a.a m ant A. m
r-ctmen Tcr Receiver oemea. u;.... a . b ,tij ..
NEWARK. N. J. The application , ALTOONA. Pa. National Secretary
of the Mercantile Trust company for William B. Wilson and the district of.
the appointment of a receiver for the ficers of the United Mine Workers at I
umteu aiaies aaipDuiiOing company-a conference held here have decided
1 the new building.
Powell Clayton. United States am
oassador to Mexico, reported to Act
ing Secretary cf State Loomis the
conditions in Mexico as he left them.
rhe ambassador says that the rela
tions between the United States and
Mexico never were more harmonious.
At the navy department it wa3 an
nounced that the marines contingent
an the i3thmus would be reinforced by
300 men now on the Prairie, orders
having been sent to Admiral Barker.
commanding the North Atlantic squad-
was denied by United States Judge t to call a strike cf the miners employed 1 ron, now at Guantanamo. to dispatch
Crime in Parta.
PARIS. The local police have com
pleted gathering of statirtics relating
to crime in Paris. During the year! whether the miners win obey the or
ended December 1, a total of 70.000 1 der. as manr would rather eontlnne aa
by the Somerset Ccal company be
cause of a reduction of 12U per cent
in wages. The company haa sixteen
mines in the bituminous fields of west-
era Pennsylvania. It is not known
occupied their attention.
work at reduced wages.
the Prairie to the isthmus.
William Rule, editor of a newspaper
at KnoxviHe is spoken of as the prob
able candidate of the republicans for
governor of Tennessee.
Half of the orange and lemon crop
:n Messina was destroyed by a heavr
hail storm.
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