4 aaa. m1!"1 i-'tBc 3srr-- -jrzr - -r ppjpf - - ?t - sr-tnK SFc3 sss EC- ;'- "7- .-, "- "-taj. --5? ;V"i0f- . 1 - .-- 1. r,-: r- :-: 1 1 1 1 1 -i : :: 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 m i u i m i n i i i mi 1 1 1 1 n i HFLST & AMIS f ft Few Special PiUlrTtat Speak UN. QUALITY GtHIMNTEED. Perth, ilaked Breakfast Food, regular price 15c sale price - 10c AH package Gffee. 10c 2Q Ibz. Granulated Sazzr. fLOO y bars .Lenox rroaa . zoc 8 bars While Sus-ian and Diamond C , 25c Power, naked breakfast food, 12c package 10c Saurkrsut. 31b- can 7c - Unrivalled Bakinz Powder, 25c can.. 20c K. C. Baking Powder, 25c can 20c Calsniet - " 20c Fancy JardiMr aa FtowtT Pet Salt. An excttileni opportunity to supply your wants at greatly re- dsctd prices in thi line, just when yoc need to b.9e jour flowers. Jardinere and Pedestal very handsome worth $6.00 sale price $4.50 Jardinerts handsomely decorated 2.00 . 1.75 very handsome 1.50 1.25 - 1.40 - 1J0 .75 .65 - .45 u .35 Coaaea Etewer Pors always sold at "c, while tkey lat at. 2c - 4c, 3c "6c. 4c - 8c, - oc 10c, - jc - 12c, - lie Many New Bargains Every Day. WATCH FOR THEM. j. 4- A. HDLST & ADAMS, 1 1th Street Both Telephones 26. T1. l-WV-.".1 - : i : 1 1 1 : : t ONE HOUR'S Special Sale ! 528 Pillow 6ases and Sheets to be sold in One Hour. N Saturday, November 28, between the iul hours of 10 and 11 o'clock, we will give our customers the greatest oppor tunity that has ever presented itself to them, to buy these pillow cases and sheets. We buy direct from the manufacturer. For ONE HOUR ONLY we will sell them at these prices: To Begin When the dock Strike Ton. To Close When the Clock Strikes Eleven. Be hre on time and cet in line if you want any of the bargains. Try will not last lone at these prices. Every Saturday we will have oqi -penal barram? in other line. -t PILLOW USES. Grays lCc special pillow case in bleached torn and ironed 7ic Grays 12 41 Marval pillow case in bleached ton: and ironed 9c Grays loc Rover pillow case in bleached torn and ironed 10c Grays 17c Fruit of the Loom in bleached torn and ironed 13c Grays iv ilasarille pflio-s- case in bleached torn and ironed 14c Grays 25e Royal pillow ease in bleached torn and ironed 19c Grays 33e Senra! hemstitched pHIow case in bleached torn and ironed 25c Grays" Toe Star embroidered pil low ease, bleached torn and ironed 55c f Ptokl lOHMd MO ossfifchod SnttfSi Bleached Chester sheets torn and ironed a 50c Goalit-r 35c Bleached Bidwood sheets torn and ironed a 03c qaaiirv 42c Unbleached Bidwood sheets torn and ironed a 50c anahTv 39c Bleached Fruit of the Looc sheets torn and ironed a ae cnalitv 59c Bleached Fepperel sheets torn and ironed a toc quahrv 49c Bleached Boyal sheets torn and ironed 9Jc quality 75c Bleached Mohawk hemstitched sheets torn and ironed. 85c qualitv 69c Bleached Royal hemstitched sheets. $1 Qualirr 85c At these prices we will limit the purchase to 4 pillow cases and 2 sheets to a customer. Week's End Sale. Every Saturday from now on we will have in our grocery or hard ware department a WEETS TTVT) SALE: that s we wfll o2er on each Saturday some exiraordirarr brsrius ov some lend ti this day. but the price will hold good for only day, ao if you misspsitin our store on Saturdays, you will miss these special bargains., nere :s what we w3i offer on Saturday, Xov. 2S: Xew Ladv Washinrtoc Xavy Beans, worth 3e Itx on Saturday .. 3;C Fancy early June Wisconsin Peas, always sold at 2 cans for 25c, onSarnrday . 3 cans 25C Imported Xew Mrlchner Holland Herring, worth fLIO per keg n. on Saturday -. . OC TVe will have a sample of the above articles open so that you can see just what vou are buvimr. GRAYS'. CoIxunbnsfimriiaL z - TXBL J. E. PAUL, DEXTIST. kwohaer blocfe. eoraer 12ti axd OHre street. Coissifacs. br. U Gas tiimm'm V BsSsBBSBS iiini t;..' - . cJieB mmVBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiBmmr W i fcwr" , -JBBB-SSn ; vFRmBv v t ' 'WM TVm (tA IMCK. ir:trmrmi;ntniiiti:i v nR B 1. VII I ih t vm au rmi -viwni fc I V t Cimms, Nekr Moadav, ednesdav and Fridar. 5 4 -AwSo. OSecrksfaSZ X t - i WV iy j jr inamv. Thursday ad Satardav. " G n. Ottac. ftiMb fcwglcagjfay aea, rm 'milllllliiiiiiiimniit I - ,. K M. W " -- Dr.PaaLdsatM. jt' - . V - U Pbr J te pr, to "" irrinl m. CabJoramMr. jj ff Hi 1 1 Mi twv.ikm - -" " iii i.t . . .oBaotMCMBavHBBHMBfcfiBoaafcafc '- auBasax Taflns raasa 'vtocft - klAW -Dr.GiBtzaB, oaatiBW orar lteOacara Tm .!! Tiiiij '! t.MiB. TBaTflMi riT- ' . f l.LSj. f " U.BJE VVUKB. f'aiM IfclMMir lteffltr " Tt-JlJ 1 ai. L - - ' t ubmb. ncBciBu auB bbbbs sBBdar. i " u iBF o- aatvat DaHrieaa awrad iato kk Fred Qi'iibwTiT aaa kcaw eflaascd to w Mj,t ,m n, , ..i taal! P1- He w iprovinff aowwr. I BCWBcaBeMBBdBT. tBeaoaaeemataldayavitkcnpL Sa.MSaaat koBBd. bbb bsbb bbbbObb; "a7 to reawja ia GaGfixxia 1 tkibb; irmmmi mmtm a dbbbbbi od For Iibm aatf dacka aa taa BWaaaaBBBrSakll,BBtBBBBB;iiaa ,wmfcgfeWK to MadavB rridav. tt. tfc ivjmi aam 9-a a.aa r v . . 9 XJBBaSB BBBBi Jfewr, 1AIBBIBBB. BBTV 2JB B. BL. BBBBBB Bl BaD B BL. Bl ' A UMIISB1 SVBOBB WtM BB BBBB St x vaak. - - - - mu cbbbbbb. TW bcbbbb. tnaaa will ram. aa Saw! f?""T a - - - .. - S Moiayrriafor -jfa. Brooaa of BattleXreak, Mkk, Ir o Mmmm mammmttm im mMmj mm- liiiHiiLBn eaan.Mn TT T TTri i 1B" mbbbb iatae aaaaaanrBfa JJwa Geatxna. It m a aiay of ckac Z - - .. j Oitxaom aad ta - o ..-1 at Jl T1 - --- - r Kaw ----1 t.. - X rakia of A. HaickC. "r r,L"J,T" JT T T- " 2 a-a-CT-q mb. Jtr.ijHaawiiaBpa-rsK !- i cay. aaa s Cs-JBa, A.DBBBttJe -- . . --- - . 1.-4 t z I alnlllffllliT aVaaaaa aad bcbbbi froas aaIar a4ya "d takac aa a whol w promiwd I .1 111.1 1,1 I -eda Md opera. Kortk efara boaaa, Baxl aat actiac eoataa-ty we wCl nare UlUlfAUl la aoBBtB? -ukt. " daricar the aaaaoc xtt- m tknmniAl S J 7 -RBLiahof-DiValloa-a.wo C wrfo laece. was paavoc CoinaaBw-cr in Albion J. IL Crass kit a trip to U-MMiri eoaaty. Dc Gaar was eaQad daysa Far art paotofrapar eall 'c4d -A Girl froa- Swedaa" at Jfortk opera aoaae aext Friday ajgkt. The WUteFrwt fe-GMis Store. Fllv the eriri. Dr.C!fc--LH.FlsU,-3a-oiBTlrv-phy- d cvrmoc poatcaVa baacttsx. Eaatoc mtUa ike eaiabntad Bacbant fioase Base Baraan Alvin E. Pool, Tioimkit. Ipila accepted. Concerts and recitals. Tele phone No. 65. tf Dra. Martya, Evana, Gear k Haa-aec,e-ae tkrae doaca aorth of Fried- boTaacora. tf David Thomas of near PostTilte, t county, was transacuo? b-ameas in Co lombus Friday last. County Clerk G. W. Phi pa was eocimed to his bed by sick-aw tke first few days of last week. Ladies of t-Coaregatkirui'e-iarch will serre their annual en peer Deceaober 2d, at Maecnerchor haLL Fred Stevens and faauly will leave for their new borne in Greeley, Colorado, the latter part of this week. R?sses and vacant lots in all parts'of the city for sale on easy lams. Beches, Hockesberjger & Chambers. Dr. itartyn was in Follertoc Wed nesday in cocsultatioc with physicians I toe-e m re-ru tu a scmnew rer case. The town of Leigh has passed an ordinance prohibiting aiisors from loiter ing about the depot and railroad grounds. Miss Petite Martyr went to Omaha last week where she entered the Clark eon hospital to study for a professional nurse. -Wn. Schil- makes boots and shoes in the beat styles, and uses only the very best stock that can be procured in the market, tf In the meantime, follow the crowd to IL D. Rtrpatnck'a, the White Front Dry Goods Store, and see what you can get for your money. For sale, cheap, a sice six-year-old driving mare. Will scare at nothing. Child can drive her. Also, rural mail wagon. B. P. Duffy 3 J. . Nichols, living three and a half miles east of Columbus, offers his well improved farm for sale. Shade and fruit trees. Inquire at the residence. -Stray Leaves from Music and the Drama, will prove a rare treat to the amusement-loving people of Columbus. North opera house Monday, Nov. 30. I have 160 acres of choice farm land which I will exchange for good grade heifers. For further particulars write I- C BordwelL Litchvflle, N. D. 4 -lay the lest. The Tryfcer Piaae leads them all in construction, finish, durability and price. Sold on monthly payments. Auditorium Music Co. Ed Seal Flotzr. Ever tried it If not. give it a trial and you will eall for more. Every grocer haa it. Manufac tured by the FJevator Roller Mills. 4 The residence of T. P. Mylet south west of Platte Center was partially burned Thursday morning early. The fire was caused from a defective fine is the kitchen. Miss Emdy Segelke was usable to teach part of last week on account of sickness. Miss Emily Borer had charge of her room in the First ward during her absence. Sydenham W. Houser, a resident of Genoa most of the time aisce 1966. died at nis notae in tnat ptaee .oveeDer is. Mr. Houser was as honored soldier is theerril war. The water pipes is the Thomas Dack residence froze Tuesday sight. Mr. and Mrs. Dack are both away from home and the house had not been left prepared for cold weather. A high five party was given Thurs day evening by Miss Gregorioa at her hoeie, is honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Patsasi. Mr. asd Mrs. Holh'day were the successful contestants for the lady's and gentleman's prizes. Mr. and Mza, Charks Dack of thai city were in Monroe Friday attending the twentieth wedding acsxveraary of Mr. and Mrs C W. HoTTtngshead About one hundred guests were present to do honor to the occasion Friends here of Mr-aad Mrs. Hansen of Harlan, Iowa, will be pleased to bear tnat tney are tae nappy perente or. a siae poasd bey, tae feat child, who arrived Sanday. Mra. Haaaea is setter kaown hare as Maw Jaaaie Swartaiey. Jessie Schram was grrsn a sar- party Thursday eveaiag at the number of her gid frieada. The tow high fve, Mies the prize of eeacisg. Wasted, a ajarl to ao Apply at Deaotfa-lto al tor tf - . - They tall aa they have the bast at the Ttarstoc Aaaex. Any AskEeUy. tf For Beat, reaidence on Tenth street, opposite Grand Pacific hcfeL Inquire at this office. It Dc MeS-asa nethod of aaakiac alaaunam plitra placea thsca on aa equality with gold. Bert Eastoa has pareaased the feed store on Twelfth street of G re aa await, taaona; poaaeaaion Monday. Eighty acres Platte eoaaty land for exchange for town property. Hockeaberger k Chsmbers. Garland's "Wonder of the Age, guaranteed to hold fire 24 hoars baras alack. Sold only by Fast in Charles Wake of St. Edward who is attending the baeineas college here west home Saturday to visit a few days. Lands in Boone, Sherman, Buffalo and Custer counties for sale or exchange. Becher, Hockeaberger Chambers. Weaver i Newman have been ap pointed sole agents for Sheridan coal for Columbaa. It is sold only by them. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pool and Miss Maad Bums entertain the card club this Wednesday evening at the Burns home. I The young people's social postponed from last Friday, will be held Friday evening of this week is the Baptist church. Joseph Bueher left Saturday for his borne is San Bernardino. California, after a few weeks business and pleasure trip here. "Piano tuning." Mr. Earl C Brink. the reliable piano tuner, will be in Columbus Dec 2d, and remain sev eral days. Wanted, a good girl for general house work. Apply at J. H. Galley's reaidence, corner of Fifteenth asd Mur ray streets. Charles Dietrxehs, who has for sev eral months been a sufferer from dropsy, is very dangeroasly sick at his home on Eleventh street. A breach of promise case has bees filed in the district court by Ada Lutxke against Theodore Steinbeck. Amount asked for is $5,0Ca The subjects of Bev. TJlmer'a ser mons next Sunday is the Baptist church will be, morning, --The Hrst Miracle;" in the evening, "Mr. Hyde.' Carpenters Union No. 1501. Regu lar meetings every Saturday eight. "Vis iting brothers invited. E. J. Scott president; Chas. Wurdeman. financial secretary. sight with horeea for the aaa aaHe saddle stolen while waitiBg here. He bad the saddle strapped to the top of' the ear, froa. where it was taken. The police were aotified bat aa yet the article has sot beesfoBsd. York that the easJereaee af asgisnr. lashaa piaaa far eaaal woald hat Xonday of thai weak. Mr. Befaeaek asked for oae weak aftac raaaa-ag Sew Tia. in is ill tn iiaaan bsi. Wanted, for U.S. amy, able-eedied, Baaaarried bmbv between ages of a aad 35, dtateas of Uadfcei Stotoa, af good Ella Eersenbrock and Ansa Goetz have established dressmaking parlors is roosas above Hulat Adams and are sow prepared to do plain and fancy sewing. tf The McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. asks judgment, in district court, against Martin Loehainger, to the amount of 57.02 with interest at 7 per cent from December 16, 1902. Word comes from Haveloek that Benjamin Davis, who has for some time held a good position is the B. & M. shops there, has bees transferred to Au rora, in, to whieh place he has moved. The subjects for sermons at the Con gregational church next Sunday will be: Morning. "All things are possible to him that beeveth." Evening. -A. nn after God's own heart.' Bev. Munro. pastor. The second-hand store of A. Drake on Thirteenth street was broken into last ( Saturday sight and three revolvers taken from the show case. The burglars gained entrance through the back door by pick ing the lock. Mrs. Mary Wiiliaa-s. who has been reairiing is Council Bluffs the past few months, has purchased a home there in the best part of the city within the past month asd expects to make that city her fa tar? home. District court convened Monday af ternoon after as adjournment ainee Wednesday, with Judge Grimison pre siding. The ease of the State vs. Flynn was brought up and ia still being tried aa we go to press. A special train, carrying Southern asd Union raexfic officii! aad a sa-all party of newspaper saen, passed through Columbus this mornirg over the-TTnioa Paerfie for Ogden, where the Ogdea LsKxn cut-off will be formally opened on Taaraday. Basehmsan k Eersesbroek are raa ning a trmly '-ixve asd let live" batcher aaop, selling meats at from 3 to 5 easts a poasd cheaper than foraser prieea. Ton will be eonviaeed of the excellent quality of the -Mat apon yoar first par- maay others have been. tf E. L. Hall of Omaha m ia the city this week, with hradinirten at the Oother hotel, Bad wffl eoadact aa eater the U.S. army. X3aewheraxat-ua will be fosada by L.F. ,NeaL,Xsw.toaB,19tt. theas-rxlarM. hatayaao dBB faaafly Wea adey froat the iibbiIibbi a of Mrs. Craaaer oa Ninth street, to the hsaae af Dr.Geer ia the aaaaeaat part ef the city. JuWaaiiji, m the wast aatt af towa. Tbe yoaagaoaof Mm Ida Thoaa- aaa, teacher ia the Haad Park aefaaoi, had oae of his legs bream Mas day af last weak while pkyiag with other hoys eat the school greaad yarda. ha ia aanr doiag aa well aa eoaU ha F. A. Beard has aw d laa harhar raaaw ia the TfcarateahetoL aukiaajths eaaage last week. TheTharat harhar Toasa, aad twaw bbb. taaa awhaaB adawi, aa that the aaap it mm m fcat- W. T. AUea has sold his tne yoaag 6!rrfxac torae to G. A. Schroeder. . Mr. Allan raised this horse, aad he was aired here years ago by Myron Brows. Mr. Sdiroaawr parchaaed Mai toaaateh his high-bred driver, aad he bow has one of the nicest driving ia this part of Nebraska. .. Wherever Mias Jaeaaoa hai ed, she haa sang to crowded The Omaha Bee aaya: -She has oae of the most beaatif al voicea ever heard in the city, and her delightfully rendered solos were received with enthssxastic applaase by the large and fashionable audience- At North opera house Mon day eveaiag, Nov. 3d Julias Hunteman, a foraserColum bas boy who went with hia father H. Haateeaas to Cordova. Maryiaad, last winter, is vaetiag his unde Augast Hunteman near Boheet. Julias evi dently has sot gone back oa all Nebras kane. as a marriage license has bees granted him to wed Miss Minnie Eorte, who hves is the Boheet neighborhood. Three tie votes at the recent election were decided one day week in the county clerk's office by fhe casting of lots. Wm. Mason won over John Bode horst for clerk of Columbus township; Conrad Fschs won the justice of peace office at Humphrey over Joe Bender and A. G. Rolf wilt be clerk of WoodviHe township, defeating Harley' Ltvmgstos.' D. L. .Dewls, Jceeph Sah,CW. Jens. T. M.Sefe aad T. M. yac rapte- sesting the tows of Humphrey, will bowl a match game of ten pins at. the Hagel alleys this (Tuesday) evening. The Columbus 0teazs will be composed of some of the best bowlers in the city and an interesting game is expected. Free admission. Drop in asd see how the Co lumbus boys do it Policeman Jaaaes Nelson went to Gothenburg today, Tweed ry, called by telegram from authorities there stating they thought they had the a-an answer ing the description of the fellow who forged the same of Burke to a check, mention of whieh we have elsewhere in this issue. A mas is also being held at Wood River, and Nelson will atop in both towns to rramine the prisoners. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Zimmenaas. living i the east part of town, celebrat ed their golden wedding anniversary last Saturday. Is the morning at 10 o'clock a high mass was held for them in the Catholic church, asd in the evening at their home about fifty relatives and friends enjoyed a feast. The aged couple who are both past their 70th year, were married fifty years ago in Austria. They have a large family, all of whom live in the United States. Mrs- J. C Frazeli is suffering from a badly sprained ankle which she receiv ed on the street crossing just south of her home Thursday evening. She had gone out to meet her daughter-in-law Mrs. Clyde FrazelL. who had just arrived from Omaha, and is some way her ankle tamed with the above result. The Frazeli family has bees uafortaaate lately. Mr. Frazeli not having recoieted from his serious accident oa the railroad leas than two weeks ago. Miss Marion Smith and Miss Martha Turner will eocdaet a drawing class every Wednesday eveaiag is the pubBe library rooms. The first leasee will be given Wednesday, December 2. Any one who is interested is drawing, whether they have had previoaa inatr action or not, are invited to jors this class. A small fee, within the reach of all, will be charged. The lessons will be gives from. 7 to 6:30 o'clock. For farther informa tion eall os Mies Smith or Mist Turner. Thomas Branigan and a ranchman from Montana returned Monday from Htmois where they hid takes two ear loads of western horses for market. The last few days of their stay they gave some practical demonstrations of how western ranchmen handle wild horses. Tom says they were very considerate in taking advice from their eastern friends the first few days, but before they left toey had the sarinfartinrt of showing the people what they could do with the wild horse. - -- - Boys do yoa want a watch? The Laflnht Daily Star desires to give away YRAGATZld V It is gtaefaJly admitted that oar stock of . GROCERIES I the most complete and oar aetaod of doing boaneaB. the most aarisfactory of aay similar establshatest in ' this part- of the state. Ce bay ccrgoods id Quan tities and sell them at prices, that are- ristt- s s s- -a -"B - ClfflR I A Sew of the papOsof Prof. Alvin E. Pool gave a vioha recital Moaday of G.O. Barns. The parenta and a Sew frieada were in vaded to hates to the concert aad all en joyed the excellent program rendered. Prof. Pool expects to give these recitals ( once a mosth hereafter. Those taking part werer Mead GaBey, Arthur WLtooa. Helen McAllister, Walter Boetteher, Ernest Macs. Hatt-.-BrodfBecrer. Mar ion Seeder. Hadwig Aa, WHIIe Hock enberger. Heraa Zmnecker. aad I Uoyct C -arm Toe accDasasta were-f Mrs. Jaeggx, Mia Galley, Mka Slater and Janet McAllister. . , A yoaag aaaa givxag toa assae as Goodman-, rawnrtttsd a asat Bisaeot forgery on the Kiss Naxuaal baak of this dsrhat Friday. He hai bees working three days for J. JL Barks- sonh of town, sad ,ic haskiasr aora sptaaaed oae of hn wrists. After Mr. Burke hai paid in caah what was duehia, Goodman came to town and afwat boob presented a check for $35, payable to heaMelf and signed presumably by Mr. Burke. The forgery was not discovered until about four o'clock. The police were called and the mas was traced by them to Omaha aad it is believed be will be captured "We have received in the last few weeks a fine aseort aaen; of noveh"es in seasonable goods in CHI3f J? GLASSWAKE aid LAMPS. You are oxdiallr inviteu to visit our store whether you ctve as part or all of your business in our lice. Yoa will always be welcome- HENRY RAGATZ a GO .MMtu. RcknstiM M I NEW STORE T3tm STacrr. " 111 Several complaints from farmers living north of Shell creek come to this office, who say they are very much in convenienced in getting to Columbus to do their trading by the bridge over that stream on the Meridian road being out. This is the stractore that gave way with the threshing outfit several weeks ago asd as yet eoching has bees done to repair the damage. Business men of this city receive quite a share of their trad froa. that section aad woald appre-1 cxate any effort on the part of officials daty it "is to see to this Vtr JTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT -T TTT TT-TTTTTTTTTTJ a- a- a a- s a- tLT '-Dear "Zfz v. 1k:lt&he: MSC Maud. "w Doat miss the Deccxn- i si The bridge ought to be replaced before the arrival of cold weather. Dr. BL J. Arnold returned last Wed- sesday from an extended visit to the west. He spent several weeks hunting game in the mountains of Idaho and from there went to Portland and then down to California. In San Francisco he visited his brothers Bert and Arthur asd at Tallejo, California, he visited hie other brother Chad, who is a practicing physician in that city. Mrs. Mate Wads worth Griffin, a former Columbus young lady, asd a member of the first gradu ating class from the Columbus High school, is also a resident of Yalle'o. Dr. Arnold spent most of his vacation in southern California with his parents' in National City. He says both his mother and father and also his grandmother are enjoying excellent health. Miss Laura Gregg, who has made a reputation for herself as an eloquent speaker and as organizer of woman's rights societies over the state and nation. will speak in the Congregational church Saturday evening, December 5. Her subject will be "Equal Property Rights and Child Labor." No adnauoc will be charged, and the public is invited to attend. Miss Gregg is a member of the sat'osal executive committee, and is the local organizer for the state of Nebraska for the woman suffrage association, with headquarters in Omaha. She has be come faa-iiffar to the public largely through the debates with A. L. Bixby is many of the cities of the state, and her ready wit is responding to Mr. Bixby on the public platform, has made her many admirers. a a- a a I The committee from the Woman's club composed cf Meadamea Geer. Mus- and Gietzes started Monday to eas- the business men of the city, to find their sentiment in regard to maintaining a public rest room. The ladies met with encouragement from every one, asd the only difficulty sow seems to be is finding a down stairs room in a suitable loca tion. As The Jorssax. has mentioned at varioas times, the object of establish ing each a place, is to furnish a conven ient room is which women from the country could go to rest while is the city. The coaotry people, as well as the awrehasta. should be anxious to have such a place established asd any encour agement or soggestioas from outsiders would no doubt be gladly received by the ladies. copv OI 6?A The De-, ' V sigxes for snythiiic i: shows the sweetest parry gowns thai you ever saw whh the dc-ams: his: sleeves and" tells a3 about the new embroidered inserts for sea-ns just what you want for your canvas dress and, there's one of those chic caoed , jackets that we were talking about ' yesterday. "Oh, it's a lovely number! so many Christmas stories, tableaux. and recitations, and a fine article with pictures showing how to make table book racks button and rib bon boxes and other pretty things lor gifts and oh ! yes there's a perfectly beautiful design for a house gowri lovely to make over your last year's &u: veiling by I've just subscribed for a year SO cents be sure to get the Christmas number it's lovely! . -Devrtediy yours. Isasfi.'.a." J. . Gli.lEY. ftsest. -a a -a - w m a . a--a. - 1 - - -.St- . tT Z- aaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaesaaesaas-sssasaaaaaaaaaaaaassaaaa III Of In Emm was agirr demonstrated ccn" our opecinz wee"c Hundreds of satisned customers are the ?st evidence of the mrit of our millinery tn which ezcellent stylrs aad low prists are tb- rul ing apnts. Ton cannot aiord to buy a hat before seeicc our display. Hundreds oi the newest destms arnyirur coctinnallr. I am in the millinery market every day. which enablse nie to buy the new styles as fast as they come out at prices at about half what you would pay elsewhere. J.C. FILLMAN'S FALL WE OFFER FOR WINTER SEASON A VEET COKPLETZ LIXE OP Men's and Boys' Clothing wiadaatd free to the boys of Nebraska L000 new I would to Ton don't have to to get oae of these Send aa your aaaxe aad ad- wfll aasil yoa the fall par- for the hays to gat a watch free aad wa woald Ska to hear froa. all of thaaa. t, Daily Star, Nebr. Ta High aehool foot baU boya wast to Fal-artsB at rkaavday aad played B-----B-P CL 4llV------iBBBBBBB-il Wt ------ gaaae with FaBsrtsB have been aaaae for ahawiag as they wffl ha am their own Tbe fancy stock sale of CK-Davies last Tuesday haa inspired several of the prominent faraaers and admirers of fr- stock, to form a breeders assocxarioa and it is probable that before the winter is past, such an crgasizaBoe will be formed. Mr. Davies says that if there t interest taken in the matter, he ikaeaae prominent mas of the Bocae aad give a lecture os the subject. ICLarsonof Clarkawhoia of tbe National Breeders' aaao- eould perhaps be secured for the woBkz be a great aid to those atttcreatedia helpiagtoerga-gie. Saoald aa aaaoaaBoa prove sweeeasfal Mr. Davies says he will erect a sale stable at has farm. Any oae interested ia foradsg aa association will talk with or address C L Davies, M. SBBtxeh, Dr. Evans or Walier astaa, who win give far ther patiealara. Theeary froat Heaoy Hereheahaa, the 3Iade in the best s:ylr, nnst a:, a: prices ao: any higher than what others ?eli voc inferkir cx)ij fr. We earrv the largest line o: GENT- FlRyiriHIG GOODS si a rezj low price. Our ?hoer all made cp for u- essrsriaJiv by the foremoet mancfactcrer? of the cosntrv. A Iar stock to select from for man. woman and child. Yoa wiH not run the ri-k of irertinr hoidy or shelf-worn ! if voa bev of u- Skte Repairing Neatly and Promptly Dene. Mschholz Bros. 411 Eleventh Street. to move his stock of Equors into barilif'fiitg aad there' to eoadact his present .3 , 1 l A resort of the faspset-m of the two placed on file- W. L. Baker presented a be believes will ce greaer in many ways fain of $46-50 for work done on the Ifer- zhz:i zh Chieazo fair. The bcildinss are idias road which was aEowed bj the beir constructed and many foreigners eoaaeiL A bdi of $1&30 was ordered are ao with their exhibits. Last paid JL B. TjittK- for work a: the Sunday week DXCO) twnty-uve cent waterworks tt The city treasurer admission tickets into the greends were was instructed to notify any merchants sold. While in S-. Louis Mr. Eensley who have added any new lines to their 53'ir George and Bert Lawrence. L. A. stock since April 11. 290S. that they pay Ewiag and Georse 3. Eines. The latter sach additioBal occanation tax as re-; sectleman is superratending the eos qaired by ordinaace. " t strcctioc of the bdizs of the water- n 1 fworss system from the river into the v returned last Tuesday F "T- J?- ac was formerly of Cdum- - - ki 1 - : t- t . m fcf- e5 ?-- fn-'"'-'- --"- rr."1! "ao wen. rro w.y. from St. several weeks arranging for the rr.au u- factare of his patent car coupler. haa 1st the eoa tract to parties thera. but will rstara aext wees to' with the company- He in bc-tooie hi? wife who here was a Miss Hunt. aarathBtths He Have- yoa seen the Tnnisos atlas we C ar& ocr-?ocr srtha.-t", aV r .. .rT uum; one and voc will he mEv"!!r! shr -mn c00?1 need it in yocr home. Onrv 13L navs for one of these large books and a vear'a tBTntJoc-aux. I" "-- --v- Jua5k-J fefcJ3U i - iSrlIjSQ i7i-lfTiife '.fifiSi AtJi x. A-A jT -T tfT-i ---- 1 rirHr 1 It r f$ltPt ! 1 rst E ?- s te . -S I r